1964-12-07 Regular Meeting4,01, N, ? II 3 Wilmington, N. C. December 7,1964 9 SWEARING-IN CEREMONY - Promptly at 10:15 A. M. in the Superior Courtroom the foliowing recently elect- ? ed Commissioners, Dr. J. W. Hooper, Jr., Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden and Mr. Maurice H. Vaughan were administered their Oath of Office by the Honorable Walter J. Bundy who was serving ias Superior Court Judge during this term. • ;ASSEMBLY - ! After the swearing-in ceremony, the new Commissioners, Dr. J. W. Hooper and Messrs. Laurence L. 0. Bowden and M. H. Vaughan, along with J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. repaired to theG6m.mi5si"one'sF Room where the meeting was called to order by the Chairman J. M. Ha11, , Jr. at 10:4$ A. M. IIINVOCATION - In the absence of the Chaplain scheduled for the meeting, Reverend Randolph L. u Gregory, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, the Chairman called on the Executive Secre- tary for the invocation. REORGANIZATION - p The Chairman welcolmed the new members of the Board and observed that it is al- ways the purpose of the first meeting to reorgani2e and that nominations for Chairman are now in order. Chairman - Mr. Braak placed the name of Mr. Vaughan in nomination for Chairman. MP.--HflriQY18R-2R-Ei9fFlSR8$28R-?9P-E?i@?f'P78R. Mr. Bowden nominated Dr. Hooper for Chairman. Mr. Vavghan moved-the nominations be closed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. When the ballat was taken, Messrs. Braak and Hall voted for Mr. Vaughan and Messrs. Bowden, Hooper and Vaughan voted for Dr. Hooper. The Chairman declared Dr. Hooper the new presidino officer and presented him with the gavel. M,r. Hall then offered a motion that Dr. Hooper be unanimously elected Chairman. It was seconded by Mr. Sraak and carried. Vice Chairman - Mr. Hall then nominated Mr. Vaughan as Vice Chairman and as there were no further nominaCions, he was unanimously declared Vice Chairman. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the meetina held on November 16; 1964, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Br2ak, seconded by Mr. Hall, unanimously approved as written. AGRICULTURAL AGEtiCIES' OFFICES Mr. Sam J. Coley, Manager of the Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation Office, informed the Board that he had inspected the old County Hospital space which has been made available for all the Agricultural Agencies in the County and found that the present space assigned is not sufficient for their needs. He stated that his State Office had authorized them to move into the offices provided in the basement of the Post Office Building along with the Soil Conservation Service unless the Board was willing to renovate some additional space for their office in the old hospital quarters. Mr. D. D. Baggett, Chairman of the Extension Services, reported that upon inspection of the old quarLers, it was found that the wood floor is saturated with urine, which has a very obnoxious odor. He has found a chemical which will destroy this odor and he recommends that it be used on the floor before installing the tile. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the space for offices still be made available for their use to the best advan- tage and that they move in without any repairs until they had time to further investigate the proposed quarters and then make the decision as to what would be done. It was second- ed by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. Mr. Co1ey stated that they would, therefore, move into the basement of the Post Office Building. Mr. Baggett said he would continue preparations to move his agency into the quarters provided by the County. PUBLIC STATEMENT I Mr. Berry A. Williams appeared before the Board and stated that as a citizen land taxpayer in New Hanover County he wanted to congratulate the Board and hoped they would carry on the programs begun by the former Boards. He stated there were three main projects Iwhich he would like to suggest be given full consideration: 1- That a permanent voter regis- tration system be established with an office in the Court House available to all citizens; 2- That they take some steps to speed up the voting procedures, especially in the heavy vot- ,ing precincts; 3- He observed that it would soon be time for Budget consideration and since the State would take over full responsibility for Wilmington College during the next year, he suggested the tax rate may be reduced at least in the amount of 10i which is now ooing to Wilmington College, maybe even more. PUBLIC STATEMENT - Mr. Hall was oranted permission to make the followino remarks which he request- ed be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting: 11 I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the outgoing members of this Board of Commissioners for the cooperation, the unselfishness, the hundreds of hours of time and thought they have given me, as Chairman of this Board, in our efforts to manage New Hanover County's governmental, affairs for the past four years. They have accorded me an invaluable experience. When I was privileged to repre- sent them, I made many friends, acquaintances and valuable contacts which allowed me to understand more fully the complexities o£ the office of County Commissioner. To the eternal credit of these gentlemen, I want to recognize their courage and integrity in bringing to light and demanding investigation into certain mishandling of County funds, even in the face of a general election and in an office for which they have no legal responsibility. continued - -A Minutes of the Meeting December 7, 1964 (Continued) --YUBllti?'1A 1'EMEN I =- -( Continued j To the outgoing members of this commission, I want to state that while we have had many differences of opinion as to the course of action we should take, there has never been any question in my mind at any time as to the honesty or sincerity of ' their thinking. To the three incomino gentlemen, I extend a sincere welcome. It is my hope that we may put aside political pariy differences, when conducting New Hanover Countyls business, and work together as sincere citizens fo.r the best interest of ALL the people of this great county. I assure you that will continue to be my goal." The Chairman thanked Mr. Hail for cooperating in supplying the information which was requested by the incoming Board in order for them to be briefed on the activities be- fore actually taking.office. He remarked that some rumors were abroad that they did not receive full cooperation in this request. Mr. Hall stated that the only delay was because it was impractical to receive and get the information together by the originally stipulated date. ANNUAL PUBLIC FUNDS REPORT Mr. H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, presented his annual report on public funds in his possession as follows: I Individual Savings Account $177,596.00 'I Unclaimed Support Money, Recorder's Court 17.00 Unclaimed Civil Witness Fees 8.00 $177,621.00 The Chairman requested that the Board be furnished with copies of this report which J Mr. Edwards promised to supply for them. Mr. Edwards stated that the copy preserited herewith is not the one to be placed in the advertising section of the newspaper but that he will supply one for that purpose. He also stated that the law requires the I Commissioners to sign the report. Mr. Edwards stated that the pass books and deposit i boxes had been inspected by the County Auditor and approved by him. He invited the Board to visit his office at any Lime in order to become acquainted with the work that II is carried on there. PERFORMANCE BONDS - The County Attorney presented the Performance Bonds for the various County officials but recommended that the Board allow him to review them before recommending their approval by the Board. Upon mo'tion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved this request with the understanding that he would present them at the next meeting. ASSISTANT DISTRICT SOLICITOR A letter was received from District Solicitor James C. Bowman recommending the reappointment of W. Allen Cobb as Assistant Solicitor for the next year. After proper consideration, Mr. Hall offered a motion that Mr. W. Allen Cobb be reappointed Assistant District Solicitor. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be allowed to abstain from voting but as the other Commissioners voted for the motion, the Chairman declared ib carried. CHRISTMAS BUREAU The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that it has been customary in the past for the County to assist the Christmas Bureau by the use of J. S. Roberts, who is Supervisor of the Park, using the County truck'and prison labor. The Christmas Bureau this year requests of Mr. Roberts from the lOth of December until the 23rd or as long as his services are needed. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Bc3ard unanimously approved this request. PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTIONS - The Executive Secretary reported that it has been customary in the past for the City Electrical Department to make the safety inspections for the schools as re- quired by G.S. 115-150.2. A letter was received from the City of Wilmington advising that after their annexation, the work lo.ad on their inspection department will be so heavy they can not continue to make the inspections inside the City. They request that the County assume full responsibility for this service as required by law. The County Attorney ruled that the law requires the County to make such inspections. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the County Electrical Inspector be directed to take over inspection of all schools in the County. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- mously approved. The Executive Secretary reported that the E2ec.trical Inspector has been receiving $6.50 per school, per inspection. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS - The Executive Secretary reported that no policy has been established for observance of the Christmas Holidays and some of the employees would like to know a few days ahead of time so that they could make arrangements for it. He recommended that the Board allow the Department heads to operate with a skeleton force Wednesday afternoon December 23rd and close the Court House from Thursday until Monday. After NkJ some consideration of this matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Christmas Holiday season beginning with Thursday non, December 24th. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and in the discussion of this motion Mr. Bowden thinks that the employees should be given a fuil day Thursday and that the Court House should be closed from Thursday to Monday. He offered anmotion that this be done. It was seconded by Mr. Hall but when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Hall and Bowden voted for the substitute motion while the other members of the Board voted against it and the Chairman declared it failed of passage. The ballot was then taken on the original motion and there were no dissenting votes and the Chairman declared it carried. N E6d YEAR IS DAY - The question of New Year's Day was then discussed, after which Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the County Court House be closed from the close of the business day, December jlst until Monday January 4th and that Saturday be left to the discretion continued. , I 40 Minutes of Lhe _Meeiina. -DQ.c.e1nber 7_L9bJ! CDri. +nnod - NEW YEAR'S DAY _ - -- ° -- ?-- -- - M of the Department Head. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. HILTON BRIDGE MODIFICATIOTd - The Chairman read a notice of a Public Hearing on modifications for the Hilton Railroad Bridoe crossing the Northeast Cape Fear River above Wilmington and stated that it is now in progress in Hemenway Hall. Mr. Hall reported that he was familiar with.the problems now existing and the prospective needs for a wider bridge navigation opening and the economic effects on the present vessel traffic through the bridge. In his opinion, it has a deleterious effect upon the development of industrial sites. above Wilmington on the River. He asked the Board to authorize him to speak for the Board in behalf of the modification and be excused to attend the Hearing. Sy common consent, the Board gave Mr. Hall authority to speak for it on behalf of the County at the Hearina and excused him jtemporarily to make the presentation. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, reported that he had contacted the Local Govern- ment Commission with reference to the sale of the authori2ed Hospital Bonds and the feasi- bility of selling additional bond anticipation notes to take care of construction costs. Arrangements have been made to sell additional bond anticipation notes for $2,000,000 on February 9, 1965 to mature June 23, 1965 which is the same time our other $2,000,000 note payment is due. He recommends a bond sale be arranged for N;ay 18th for delivery on June ?11st, 1965 out of which the maturing $4,000,000 bond anticipation notes would be paid. The interest rates are uncertain at this tine but it is proper to instruct the County Attorney to proceed if the Board deems it advisable. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the County Attor- Iney be authorized to proceed with arranging for the sale of $2,000,000 bond anticipation notes in February and the sale of bonds in May or June out of which the maturing notes would be paid. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ASRPORT - FIXE? MININNM STANDARDS - A Resolution was presented for adoption of minimum standards for fixed base opera- tors at the New Hanover County Airport. After a brief discussion, it was decided that this was not an urgent item although Mr. Braak suggested that it should be done by the first of ?he year. Mr. Vaughan moved that a decision be postponed at this time. It was seconded by iBowden and unanimously postponed until a later date. BUILDING IMPROVENENT RECOMMNDATIONS - The Chairman'read a letter from the St. Paul Insurance Company making certain recommendations for their safety engineering in connection with the general liability policy and the Workmen's Compensation policy and a letter from the Wilmington Fire Prevention Bureau Director recommendino certain basic safety measures. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that Mr. Bowden be appointed to investioate the recommenda- tions a.s heis familiar with this sort of thinking and bring back his suggestions for com- plying with them. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. DISTRICT MEETING - The Chairman,announced that a meeting of the State Association of County Commiss- ioners is scheduled for District 3 for January 13, 1965 at 10:00 A. M. in the Pender County Court House at Burgaw, North Carolina. He urged all to make arrangements to attend this meetina. 'INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT SCHOOL - The Chairman announced that the 1965 school for County Commissioners will be held in Chapel Hill by the Institute of Government from 11:00 A. M. on Wednesday morning February 3rd until noon on Friday, February 5th. The school is designed primarily to acquaint new Comrnissioners with the organization and.functions of County government. Ex- 'perienced Commissioriers will also find ttie school a valuable review and a means of keep- ing up with current developments. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to maY.e reservations for the new members. ADVERTISING CONTRACTS - The Executive Secretary reported that this matter had been carried over from the last meetino. He stated that he and City Manager E. C. Brandon had reviewed the provisionsQ of the open retail rate for display advertising and the contract rate as compared with a new schedule of buik space rates which is being offered this year. Based on the total number of column inches used last year our retail contract rate would cost us $1.68 per column inch and under the bulk space rates, it would have been $1.63 per column inch. It is noted, however, that under the bulk space rate, we pay at the rate of $1.72 per column inch on a monthly basis and at the end of the annual contract period the discount is figured on the total volume and at the end of the year the net cost is adjusted so that it ill bring it down to the lesser rate. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to use the bulk space rates and authorized the Chairman to sign Ithe contract on behalf of the County. IRPORT HOUSE - Complying with instructions issued at the last Board meeting in which a decision as postponed for making an adjustment in the salary of the airport manager in lieu of ent which was considered a part of his salary, the Executive Secretary scheduled this item or a discussion and determination. After considering the matter, Mr. Vauohan moved that an investigation be made to determine if it would be feasible to move the houseto other ounty property, or the feasibility of disposing of it. Mr. Bowden seconded the motion and the Executive Secretary was instructed to report back at tiieznext meeting his recommenda- iions after an investiyation. iTAX VALUATION ADJUSTMENT - Trie Tax Supervisor reported that he had instructed the County Property Appraisors to investigate the inventories of Shoaf's Wrecking Yard for the purpose of evaluating in- ventvries for 1964. After making a personal inspection and comparing the listings with sproperties, he is of the opinion that the listing of $1,353.25•for tax purposes would be in line instead of $13,780.00 which k*as shown on the abstract. After a brief discnssion, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that a correction be made in the listing as appealed by the Shoaf Wrecking Yard frem $13,780.00 to $1,353.25. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. , .I ?? 441 () 4 Minutes of the hleeting was seconded by Mr. Bowden and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vauyhan voted "No" with th,t observation that in his opinion the money could be spent to a better advantage by ad- vertising in the Chartotte Observor. As the other Cottimissioners voted "Yes", the Chair-? man declared the motion carried by a majority vote and authorized the Executive Secre- tary to prepare the advertising matter. I December 7, 1964 Continued SPECIAL ADUERTISING - The Chairman read a letter from the Citizens' Times Publishing Company announcing that they would issue an Inxaugural Paper to be disLributed on January 8, 1965 all across the State of North Ca rolina and offering each County in the State an opportunity to advertise the outstanding assets of the County. The cost for one- half page ad amounts to $400.00. Af,ter discussing the matter pro and con, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the County not participate in this program. There was no second to the motion and the Chairman declared it dead. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the County participate in the program in the amount of $400.00 for one-half paoe. It SALARY ADilUSTNENT - The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. J. G. NcDaniel, the Assistant Property Assessor, was told by the Civil Service Commission at the time he was interviewed that the Board of Commissioners had authorized his salary increment of $25.00 after the end of his probationary period, which was November 15, 1964. It will require an appro- priation of $187,50 to con;ply with this agreement. Aft.er a discussion of the matter, Mr. Vauchan moved that the adjustment be made and that $187.50 appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Salary Account in the Tax Listing Office. It was second ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. INSURANCE - PORTABLE DICTAPHONE An invoice was received from the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, Incorporated,in the amount of $25.60 for a"floater policy" on portable dictaphones in the Board of Health. No one seemed to know any of the details with reference to it so the Board, by common consent, directed the Executive Secretary to determine the de- tails surrounding the invoice. EQUIPMENT - RECORDER'S COURT The Chairman read a letter from the Clerk of Superior Covrt expressing his ,U_.-need for a new electric typewriter with a 15" carriage for use in the adminis- trative office of the Clerk of Recorder's Court.. He estimated the cost at $460.00 and stated that there is insufficient funds in the current Budget to cover the cost. He requested approvzl for the purchase and appropriation for the cost. After considera- tion, Mr. Bowden moved that the electriC'"which is now charged to the Tax Listing De- partment but not suitable for use in that type work be transferred to the administira- tive office of the Recorderts Court Office. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously carried. -;typ-ewYr i.ter AGRICULTURAL AGENCIES QUARTERS - The Executive Secretary reported that the infirmary section of the old County Home Building which has been made available for offices by the Agricultural Agencies in the County has had the old partitions removed and the floors sanded by our own labor forces and that they are now ready to have the tile set on them. He had samples of tile with the cost of each but recommended that vinyl asbestos resilient type tile be used. The total cost of material amounts to $1,184.10. After a brief discussion. of the matter, Mr. Braak moved that approval be given to the purchase of a grade of tile which amounted to $E328.10, and that it be set by prisoners, supervised by James S. Roberts and that an appropriation be made from the Juvenile Detention Home fvnds to cover the cost. It was seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously approved. The Chairman reminded the Board that some provisions wovld have to be made for some operating ex- penses such as heating and lighting. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Mr. E. M. Butler, Acting Administrator for Community Hospital, reported that the Board of Directors authorized him to ask the Board of Commissioners to approve two items which they consider needful; 1- They have a laboratory technician by the name, of Earl Bryant, who is doing an excellent job but is making only $180.00 per month. . For fear another labor2tory will hire him, the Board recommends that his salary be in- creased to $250.00 per month. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that his salary be increased up to $220.00 per month if Dr. Singletary is satisfied with his capabilities. It was seconded by Vir. Vaughan and unanimously passed. He aiso reported that Lonnie Thompson, who has been receiving training in the Dietary Department through Mr. Chiemiego, Councilor for the State Vocational Re- habilitation Officea and the Hospital, has been receiving $20.00 per month for his training. He does a very fine job under supervision and as he is needed as a relief helper in the kitchen, they want to employ him on the basis of $1368.00 annually, but they will receive an additional $20.00 per month from the Vocational Rehabilitation Office. The County Attorney ruled that he would be subject to examination by the Civil Service Commission if employed on a fulltime basis. Mr. Hall then moved that Lonnie Thompson be employed on a temporary basis as a kitchen helper at a salary of $1368.00 per year until his fulltime service is authorized by the Civil Service Board. It was seconded by Nr. Vaughan and passed. GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY The Chairman reminded the Board that they had received a copy of the poli- cies recom.mended by the Good Neighbor Council for approval of the County which was tabled at the last meeting. Mr. Hall observed that the policies so nearly coincided with the previous ones approved by the Board that he thinks that they are O. K. and that they have helped to avoid many troubles which have been experienced in other communities. After a brief discussinn, Nir. Vaughan offered a motion that they be heartily approved with the prcviso that the rioht of free.association as defined in the Constitvtion be inserted in these policies. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- mousiy approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the Chairman. ? 6.- Minutes of the Meeting December 7, 1964 Continued PROPOSED LEGISLATION - I Mr. Vaughan observed that he had been informed that the former•Board of Com- missioners had come to the conclusion and agreed that the office of County Auditor should be removed from an elective classification and pl=aced under the supervision of the Board of'County Commissioners. He offered the following motion: That whereas practically ail Counties of ovr State have found it to be desirable and effective to eliminate the ? ' position of County Auditor and substitute, therefor, the position of County Accountant ' appointed by and responslble to the County Commissioners and it appears that such action would benefit New Hanover County, this body herewith directs the County Attorney to pre- d sent to it the actions necessary to secure the required legislation to effect this change and that such be presented to the Commissioners for their action upon the occasion of their meeting on December 21, 1964- It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously pass- ed. The County Auditor remarked that the office was established by an Act of the Legis- lature in 1913 and had been ope'rating very satisfactory over a long period of time and that in his opinion it should be kept as an independent office. COMA7I SS IODIERS OFF I CE ' Mr. Vavghan observed that he had inspected the proposed changes in the Commiss- ioners Office and agreed with them except for the "throne room" or elevated platform, which to him, seem to indicate that the Board might leave the impression that they felt above the general public and offered a motion that any work on the platform be stopped immediately and that the Chairman appoint a Committee to confer with the architect with ? the idea of eliminating that feature. Messrs. Braak and Hall both expressed their approval of the office plans as drawn and stated that in their opinion the public would much prefer to see with whom they were talking and they believe it makes for better understanding when they are able to see the person who is addressing them. There was no second to the ? motionand the Chairman ruled it dead. ' INDEPENDENT AUDIT The question of the independent audit was brought up and Mr. Hall stated that in his opinion anything less than a completed detailed audit of the County affairs would be looked upon by the public as a"vJhitewash" action and that although it would seem like the cost was excessive, in his opinion it should be completed. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion thatthe Independent Certified Public Accountant be asked to appear before the Board on December 21st and outline the status of the audits contracted by the County Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Braak with the caution that he should make a report of his progress but not required to disclose any facts that might jeopardi2e the information which would be helpful to the Solicitor if he was ever required to take any Court action. Before the baliot was taken on this motion, Mr. Hall offered a substi- tute motion that the Chairman, after conferring with the Certified Public Accountant at his discretion bring the matter before the Board. Mr. Braak seconded the substitute motion for the pUrpose of discussion, after which the ballot was called and Mr. Hall voted for the substitute motion, hoti?ever, the other members of the Board voted against it and the Chair- man dec.lared it failed. Then when the ballot was taken on the original motion, Mr. Hall voted against it, but as all other members ofthe Board voted for it, the Chairman declared it passed by a majority vote. . SPEED LIMITS A letter was reviewed from Mr. Hugh MacRae II representing the residents of South Live Oak Parkway, stating that speeding was excessive in that heavily populated area and requested that measures be taken to stop the dangerous pract'ice. They recom- mended that the street be patrolled more adequately and the speed limit reduced to 25 miles per hour. After discussing the matter and concluding that it was not the subject for the Commissioners but the State Highway as the street is one its Secondary Road Systemts J thoroughfares, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the matLer be referred to the State High- way Commission with the recommendation and endorsement of the Board and that this request be refer;ed io the Sheriff for any action he might want to take. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak and Bowden voted against the motion, ? and Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. The Chairman then deciared it defeated. Mr. Braak then moved that the request be forwarded to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. Thisimotion was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously passed. COUNTY FARM POLICY Mr. Braak reported that the former Board had voted to close the Farm operation and dispose of the livestock and the other Farm equipment. At the present*time, the prices of livestock are.so low he suggests that we wait until February to dispose of it but it will require an appropriation to supplement the County Farm Budget in the amount of approximately $3500.00. There is sufficient corn on hand to feed the hogs for that period. County Auditor Love stated that some of the items in the County Farm Budget were already overdrawn and that $4500.00 shouid be allocated as follows: Feed, $1,000.00; Insurance $214.09; Janitor Supplies $1,000.00; Lights 8 Power $1400.00; Repairs M. & Oper. $735•91; Telephone $156.00. He recommends that $3,000.00 be transferred from the Juvenile Home to the County Farm and $1500.00 from the General Emergency Fund. After discussing the matter and considering all the angles, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $4500.00 be appropriated to the County Farm for the purposes stated from the Juvenile Home and $1500.00 from the General Emergency Fund to cover the appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and the Board uzanimously approved it. ELECTION COSTS - . Mr. Vaughan reported that he was very much interested in the election costs of the County and offered a motion that the County Auditor tabulate and report to the Board the detailed cost of•all primary and general elections'beginning with January lst, 1956, and including all of 1964, and that a copy of the report be mailed each Commissioner I by December 12th if practical and present it at the next meeting on December,21st. It jwas seconded by Mr. BotJden and unanimously carr:ed. ELECTION BOARD CHAI}2MAN - Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Election Board Chairman be requested to appear before the Board on December 21, 1964 with such recommendations as he may have concerning modification of election procedures and preparation for future elections. By common consent, the Board unanimously approved this motion without opposition. . ? Minutes of the Meetino__I) P-c-emher 7- l q l?-r^n+ TAX COLLECTOR - PERSONAL DELINQUENT5 ^I Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the City-County Tax Collector furnish the Commissioners with a list of all delinquent personal property taxes due for the past two years at his convenience but if possible, prior to the next meeting of the Board. AIRPORT CONCESSIONS - Mr. Vaughan moved that the County Attorney be asked to write a one page ? memorandum outlining how fiying service and other concessions are operated at the ? County Airport and present it to the Commissioners. By common consent, the Board agreed Lo defer action on this matter until the County Attorney had time to investi- gate it, I I I ELECTION COSTS STUDY - I Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be directed to can- vass the 20 largest counties, population wise, in the State to determine the cost of I elections in their county and,if possible,have it by the December 21st meeting according?, ?i to the following questionnaire: I 1- 1961? total election costs. 2- 1964 total personal remuneration of Elecilion BoSrd Chairman. 3- 1964 total remuneration paid Election Board members other than Chairman. 4- 1964 Cotal expenses paid Election Board Chairman including office rent and clerical,and comments. (a) Was pubiic office providear 5- 1964 General Election total vote. 6- 1964 General Election total number of all candidates. 7- Is loose-leaf registration used? 8- Was a 1964 primary run-off held? 9- Were there other elections than primaries and general? How many? 10- Are voting machines usedl and if so, are they generally considered ' superior Co hand counting and are they relatively foolproof and can people ? easily understand their usel Mr. Braak stated that he understands the State Association of County Commissioners Officel is making such a study and the Executive Secretary is directed to get in touch with them to determine if the study was complete and if not, then to send out the questionnaires. COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Hall observed that the matter of appointing a County Attorney had been overlooked up to this poinL and stated that the services of Mr. L. B. Tillery had been very satisfactory and moved that he be retained as County Attorney. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion tha Mr. Tillery be appointed County Attorney on a pro tem basis and serve a few weeks until a permanent decision could be made. There was no second to the substitute motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. The ballot was then taken on the original motion and it ' passed unanimously. • MEETING TIME - Mr. Vaughan moved that beg3nning on January 4th, 1965, the County Commissioner meeting be held at 5:00 P. M. in orderthat it would be more convenient for the citizens of the County to attend the meetings without conflicting with the more common business hours. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall moved that the motion be tabled until further consideration is given to it. The Chairman ruled that a motion to table took precedence over any other motion and when the ballots i were cast, Mr. Vaughan voted against the motion but the Chairman ruled it carried by a !I I majority vote. Dr. Hooper then moved that the time of the next meeting be made for I 8:30 A. M. It was seconded by'Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. COUNTY RETIREMENT - Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board of Directors of the County Retirement System 1 ? present a report of its status to the Commissioners on December 21, 1964, if possible. PROPOSED LEGISLATION - • Nfr. Braak suggested that the Executive Secretary bring up the suggestions ? which had been made from t•ime to time during the past year about legislation which would have to be brought up at the next Legislature, if the Baard decided to do so. ? COLONEL GILLETTE DAY - I Mr. Vaughan observed that he was present at the previous meeting when a sug- gestion was made by Mr. Braak that some recognition be given to Colonei George W. Gillette ? for the contributions which he has made toward the development of Wilmington Port. He ' suggested that it would probably be best to confer with the City Council and make such ! observance a mutual occasion. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Braak and Hall as a Com- ? ? mittee to develop plans for its observance. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning January llth, 1965 - Driminal term, .lanuary 18th,? Civil term and January 25th - Civil term. 'i continued- . N 407 , Minutes of the Meeting December-7,1964- Continued ? °- _ _ --?? _ - - - - Jurors for the week beginning January 11, 1965 _- -- - Criminal I Atkinson C. H. RFD i, Box 217 Bullard, Elmer C. 2523 Burnett Blvd. , Avison, Mrs. Evel yn Porter 133 Greenville Ave. Bullard, Raughty N. 18 G. Nesbitt Cts. Rd 708 C C h Barnhill, Ronald J. 609 Central Blvd. . . . am, C. C. Jr. Cheat Front St Et A1 22Z S l S Bass, Coraine Joh nson 1012 S. sth St. . . omon Checkner, o Batton, Henry P. RFD 1, Box 231 Cook, Robert L. 116 Laurel Drive E. C. RFD Bell 3, Bax 118 Corbett, H. R. Box 1139, City , James A. Bennett 209 Gores Row Cottle, Rodolph Delma 404 S. 52nd St. , ? Bonner, Carrie D. % Moore Fonvielle Courie, E. F. Sr. P. O. Box 189 Bordeaux, Clyde M. 119 Avondale Ave. Car 1in Beach, N.C. Covil, L. V. 1519 Cas?le ?t. Bowen, W. F. Jr. 220 S. lsth St. Cross, James E. 118 S. 53rd St. Britt, Addie E. 1205 Chestnut St. S. A. P. O. Box 1356, City Cross Brown, Ed 818 Z Gre"en St. , Cushing, James E. Jr. RFD 3, Box 539 Brown, James A. 420 S. 6th St. Davis, J. K. 2201 Chestnut St. i 34 CarolinaaApt. Brown, Mabel B. Mrs. Davis, Viola Boyles Brown, Thurber 221 S. llth St. Condrea, Anthony L. 306 Pine Hiils Dr. Btown, William A. 24 S. Lake Vil. Dowdy, Claude L. Gen. Deliv. Garolina Beach Browning, D. D. 5108 Market St. V C C Browning Edmund R. 5044 Barefoot as Farmer, James I. RFD 1, Box 124, Ha 418 yne Farrer W P P O B Browning, Mrs. Mi nnie F. 5108 Market St.Rd. , . . ox . . Catherine Bryan RFD 1 Box 2 1 ? Fennell, Jerome 814 5. bth St., , 6astle ayne, N. C. Finberg, L. B. 707 Essex Dr. Bryan, James G. 210 Page Ave. Foushee, L. M. Box 608 A Carolina Beach Bryan, Josie T. 4943 Market St. Fowler, R. C. 903 N. Kerr Ave. Bryan, K. A. 4101 Wrightsv. Ave. Foy, Lemuel RFD 1, Box 347 Rrumble, Major L. 1N. 31st St. Francis, Bobby Forrest 609'Rosemont Ave. Bullard, Clay lti2 Pinecrest Pkwy. Dixon, James D. RFD 1, Box 460 Jurors for the week beginning January 18, 1965 '- Civil Fussell;; J. H. Sr. Columbia Dr._ Gilbert, Volney N. Jr. 4809 Carolina Beach Gillette, Margaret B. 1236 S. Live Oak Kky,, Gobble, EVerett K. 11 Merrimac Dr. Godwin, Julian W. P. O. Box 1806 Grady, Sallie RFD 3, Box 443 Hales, Lloyd E. 245 Oak Crest Dr. Hamilton, Freddie L.. 403 N. Kerr Ave. ,Hanby, John Howard 16 Grace St. !Hsrdison, Bernice RFD 1, Box 399 Harrell, Aaron 1324 Love St.% Hatie Pittman Harrell, A. H. RFD 1, Box 104 C Harper, Lillie Belle 4906 Wrightsv. Av,. Harper, Thomas O. 4933 pine St. Heglar, J. W. Box 51 Kure Beach, N. C. Henry, Eliza 1204 5. 9th St. ,Hodges, Mrs. Ralph W. 3121 Wrightsv. Ave. Holloway, James L. RFD 3, Box 538 Horrell, Carey E. 4801 Cedar Ave. Kelly, Margery Gibson 5329 Ridgewood Heights Land, W. H. 2307 Princess St. IILea, Bobby Ray 3821 Princess St. Loflin, Jack D. RFD 2, Box 223 B. McAtee, Robert H. 3814 Halifax Rd. ; McEachern, Emma 2752 Hydrangea P1. McIntosh, J. H. P. cO.o?ona3 6 ch N.C McNeal, John H. RFD ?L, Box ?1 McRae, Wlllie 903-S. 13th St. Metts, Edwin A. Jr. 1307 S. Live Oak Pkwy. Millis, J. E. 229 Dixie Ave. Newcomb, Charles B. 1915 Perry Ave. Neil, John 917 Ann St. Newton, F. F. RFD 2, Box 144 Newton, John A. Sr. 314 Pemberton Dr. Parsons, Jean W. RFD 3, Box 153 w. Peterson, G. H. 102 Lake ShoreDrive Rea, William V. 2824 Washington St. Reid, John C. 218 S. 7th St. Rivenbark, Burnice 16 Sheridan Rogers, Archie 712 S. 2nd St. Rose, Clarence L. Box 185 Carolina Beach,N.C. Russ, Thomas E. RFD 2, Box 153 Saleeby, William Mitchell 306 N. 15th St. Simmons, Leondis M. 5402 Autumn Dr. Simon, Charlotte G. 2415 Princess St. Singletary, Lizzie Hawes 1116 N. 7th St. Singleton, Hillard 1113 S. 7th St. Smith, Florence G.. 210 Ann St. Smith, Richard M. 1625 East P1a2a Dr. Snyder, Mildred Marmon 2521 Monroe.St. Jurors for the week beqinninq January 25, 1965 Sondey, John T. Jr. RFD 1, B 54 Sprunt, Mrs.'Julia W. P. O. Box 960 I Sullivan, Edith T. 310 S. !}th St. ' Sweeney, J. H. Jr. 1920 Nun St. Symmes, ,lohn C. 2252 Iviimosa Place. Talman, George 919 S. 2nd St. Tharp, Minnie B. 1915 Church St. Thomas, Rodderick 1210 Wright St. ? Thompson, Della B. H. RFD 3, Box 454 Todd, Mittie J. 407 S. 3rd St. Tyson, Grady 110 N. Sth St. ? IIptergrove, B. H. 1215 S. 2nd St. Vaughan, M. H. RFD 2, Box 50 A Varga, John 639 Castle Hayne Rd. Verzaal, Adrain R. 107 Glendale Dr. Vinson, Louis H. 7 Live Oak Ave. Walker, Andrew Joseph RFD 1 Box 100 Walker, Rev. Kelly RFD 3, Box 550 Wallace, Paui S. 315 S. 6th St. Ward, Lindsey E. RFD ?asBle ?I?yne, N.C Walton, Willie RFD 2, Box 4ti1 Ward, Doris Y. 144 Arlington Dr. Wardenfelt, Barry S. 651 Castle Hayne ?Waters, Vincent S. ? Charles O'Conno.r 216 S. sth St. Watson, F. Corey P. O. Box 742 Carolina Beach, - Civil Watson, Jame's J. 5048 Wrightsv. Ave. Watters, Gdright V. RFD 1, Box 213 Watts, Bennie G. 603 North 23rd St. Webb, Sadie D. RFD 3, Box 433 Wells, R. J..101 Long Leaf Dr. Williams, J. L. RFD 2, Box.149 A Wenburg, Julius E._. P..O. Box 1526 Wierse, Henry P. 2721 Washington St. Williams, Horace Earl RFD 1, Box 295 Castle Hayne N. C. Williams, John.M. RFD 1- Box 183 Castle Hayne, N. C. Williams, ,loseph Abner' Sr. 3j4 Pine Valley Dr. Williams, Miss Valeria E. P. O. Box 565 Winn, C. Elliott 3944 Market St. Wolfe, Thomas H. Jr. 2529 Washington St. Wyckoff, Robert C. 501 Jennings Dr. Woodville G. H. 313 N. 16th St. Watkins, Lecolon Horace 105 Laurel Dr. Watts, Alton J. 113 Laurel Dr. Watts, Charles R. 506 Sunset Ave. Wells, Donoven 146 Brentwood Dr. Wessell, Miss Mabel H.. 116 S. 16th St. Williams, Daniel 701 Castle St. Wilson, William RFD 3, Box 195 Woodcock, Bernice B. 408 N. 21st St. Zibelin, William Rudolph 17 Kemaood Ave. Rd N. C. ADJOURNNiENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr, B ?adjourned their meeting. , W en.?h¢`Boa/f ,fl unanimoi,lsly , Executive Secreta 'A