1964-12-21 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C. December 21, 1964 ASSEMBLY - " The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was'held on the above date at 8:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman Dr. Jos, W. Hooper, Jr., Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, Mr. J. N. Hall, Jr. and Mr. Peter.H. Braak, Commissioners; County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. IIVVOCATION - . In the absence of the minister scheduled as Chaplain for the meeting, Reverend J. E. Howard, Pastor of the First Original Free Will Baptist Church, the Chairman as}ced the Executive Secretary, W. G. Houc'tc,to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ° • ? Before approving the minutes of December 7th, the following corrections were made: In the paragraph headed "SPEED LIMITS", Mr. Braak was recorded as having abstainel9 from voting but asked Lhat he be recorded as voting "No" on the original motion. Under I the paragraph headed "COLONEL GILLETTE DAY", the suggestion was made by Mr. Braak and ? the Chairman appointed P7essrs. Braak and Hall as a Committee to develop plans for its obsPr- vance. After these corrections, Mr. Hall offered a motion that they be approved as amend= ed and the motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. 11 EXTENSION SERVICES - ' ' Nr. D. D. Baaoett, heading the Extension Services in the County, stated that progress is being made toward the repairs to the old County Home'infirnary but that the odor still persists after the treatment arid he feels like some it may be in the wa4A§ and recommends that it be painted. He also reports that the lights are inadequatey vene?Cian blinds will be needed to cover the minimum requirements before moving. He also antici-? pates a small electrical bill in order to install the demonstration equipment for;.the Home Economic Agents, such.as a stove and refrigerator: The Chairman asked him if there 'vere any other expenses anticipated in this move. Mr. Baggett stated that next summer air col4- ditions would be necessary to keep the depar.tment at its highest efficient operation. Af'cer a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the Board approve an expenditure of $580.00 for I paint to be charged to the County Farm Budget - Repairs to ':Building, with the understand' ing that an appropriation would be made to replenish this Budoet Fund in event it ran short before the end of the year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. RENIARKS - GAVEL PRESENTP.TION The Chairman, at this point, observed that since this is the first official meeting of the Board in the remodelled Commissioners' Room, he thought it would be appro- priate to give Mr. Hall an opportunity to make any remarl:s which he cared to about the changes. ,Mr. Hall observed that in has opinion that the conditions for meeting are much improved as the people who have business with the Board are now in a position to see and be seen, as well as heard. He said that he felt the contractor should be complimented for the fine work he had done on this job. The Chairman asked i.f the architects fees were included in the contract. The Executive 5ecretary was instructed to look up the minutes about this at the next rneeting. At this point, the Chairman presented Mr. Hall with a gavel on which was inscribed his name and the terms of office which he held as Chairman of this Board. Mr. Hall thanked the Board for this thoughtfullness. AIRPORT - FIXED NINIMI(M STANDARDS The following Resolution was a.dopted after.it had been reviewed by the County I Attorney. , BE IT RESOLVED that tVew Hanover County adopts the following "Minimu Standards Fg? "Fixed Base Oper?a to s at New Hanover County Airport" on this the ?? day of n( b?.F ? , 19??j L?. WHEREAS, New H over County a subdivision of the State of North Carolina, owns and operates by and through the Board of Commissioners of said county a public air- port known as New Hanover County Airport, the same having been developed throuoh the joint efforts of the said county and the Federal Aviation Agency; and WHEREAS, the Board desires that certain aeronautical services and activities on said Airport be furnished by and engaged in for the benefit of the general flying public and to the benefit of ci-k7i1 aviation by a"General Fixed Base Operator'! (Operator) as the same is herein described and defined; and WHEREAS, the 8oard in recognition of its responsibilities as to exclusive rights imposed by Section 308 of the Federal Airport Act (Act) and in certain obligations contained in certain contracts and agreements between said county and the United States of America relative to the development and operation of the said Airport, desires and determines that all such general aviation aeronautical activi- ties be conducted on this Airport by such Operators in a fair and equitable manner; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Board does hereby resolve that said aeronautical ser- vices and activities at said Airport shall hereafter be furnished by and engaged in by duly qualified operators as determined by the hereinafter set out minimum standards which are by this Resolution formally established and adopted as "Minimum Standards for Fixed Base Operators at New Hanover County Airport", hereinafter re- ferred to also as Standards; to wit: Section 1- Definitions. A"General Fixed Base Operator" at this Airport shall be only those individuals, corporations or firms that satisfactorily furnish and engage in the full and complete range of aeronautical services and activities which shall include, as a minumum, the following enumerated: (1) Sale of aviation fuel and lubricants. (2) Adequate and efficient ramp service during normal business hours and on call as needed. continued- , t Minutes of the Meetino December 21_, 196Lt Coji_t_Lnued _,___ ? (3) A minimum of two re-fueler trucks, each with 1,000 gallon capacity or more and a minimum of three underground fuel tanks together with the necessary pumping equipment therefor, each to have a cepacity of not less than 5,000 gallons. (4) ?5) (6) based aii (7) (8) (9) Aircraft hangar rental space consisting of a minimum of 8,000 square feet. Tie-down space to readily and safely accomodate a minimum of fifteen (15) aircraft. Aircraft rental, charter and air-taxi service, consisting of three (3) •craft, one (1) of which must be twin-engined. Sale of aircraft and aircraft parts and supplies. Aircraft and engine repair by duly licensed and qualified mechanics. Flight instruction by dixly qualified and certificated Instructors. Additionally, any such "General Fixed Base Operator'i may, at such Operator's ;election or option, furnish or engage in::any one or combination of the below enumerated aeronautical services or activities; to wit; I (a) Agricultural flying service, inclUding crop dusting. (b) Aerial surveying and photography. (c) Aircraft radio and instrument repair. (d) Any other aeronautical service or activity - not otherwise hereinabove listed - for which there may be a demand at this Airport. The minimum capital investment of any Operator shall be Forty Thousand and No/100 V Dollars ($40,000.00). , SECTION 2. NINIMUM STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO ALL QPERATORS. 1. All such operators at the Airport shall be full time, financialiy sound and progressive business enterprises, with adequately manned and equipped facilities, including office facilities, and who observe normal or specifically required business hours. 2. All construction required of or desired by such Operators on this Airport shall be in accordance with desien and construction standards required or established by the Board for the facility or activity involved. All Operators shall be re- ' quired to furnish the Board payment and performance bonds commensurate with any con- struction required under the minimum standards herein fixed or under any contract or lease by and between such Operator and,the Board. Only Operators as herein defined ? may erect any structures on this Airport for the purposes herein set out and prior written approval of plans and specifications shall be obtained from the Board. 3. All such Operators at said Airport shall provide ample sanitar`y lounges and restrooms for their customers and shall make telephone service convenien? ly and read- I ily for the public's use. 4. All such Operators shall conduct their activities and render their services in a safe, responsible and efficient manner and shall be solely responsible for all ? of the acts of their agents and /or employees and shall save and hold the Board harm- less"from any act of the Operator, its agents and employees. 5. The rates or charges fcr any and all services and activities of such Opera- tors shall be determined by the Operators, subject to the approval of the Board, and ' subject, further, to the requirement that all such rates or charges shall be reason- I? able and be equally and fairly applied to all users of the,services. ; 6. All such Operators' contracts and leases shall provide for adequate insur- ; ance and safety requirements commensurate with and applicable to such Operators I and their individual service,s and activities. 7. No Operator shall be permitted to operate at this A;rport without a fully executed lease agreement with the Board containing provisions for strict compliance „ with these Standard.s and containing such other special provisions as may be deter- mined by the Board to be necessary on account of any buildino or other construction which may be required under such lease or any other special circumstances which may ?I be applicable to such particular Operator. 8. All svch Operators shall abide by and comply with all State and County laws and ordinances, the rules and regulations of this Board governing such Airport, and the rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Agency. ? 9• All contracts and leases between such Operators and the Board shall be subor- dinate to the provisions of any existing or future agreement between the said County and the United States, relative to the operation or maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to previous or future expenditure of Federal funds for the development of the Airport propert.ies. ? 10. No such Operator shall sublease or sublet any premises leases by such Opera- ' tor from the Board, or assign any such 'lease, without the prior written approval of the Board, and any such subletting or assignment shall be subject to all of the mini- ? mum standards herein set forth. continued- ' ?.? Minutes of the Minutes December 21, 1964 Continued SECTION 3 - AMENDMENTS. 1. These Standar4may be supplemented and amended from time to time in such manner and to such extent as the Board may deem proper in fair and equal terms to all such Operators. Done at 'Wilmingbon, North Carolina, the day and year above first written. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COtJNTY /S/ Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman ATT Executive Sec'/retary Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, it was unanimously adopLed, and each Commissioner signed the Resolution. AIRPORT HOUSE - Mr. Bowden reported that he, accompanied by Mr. Braak, and the Executive Secre-?I tary, had made an investigation about celocating the house on the Airport property which was recently occupied by the Airport Nanager. He stated that the house is in average re-I pair but that permission of the Federal Aviation Agency would be necessary before it couid' be moved. There are three possibilities for the Board to consider: 1- Leave the house' where it is and allow it to be used by the Air Force personnel since Mr. Westbrook is no longer interested in it. 2- Move it to another location on County property or, 3- Leave the house "as is, where is". Mr. Bowden moved that the house be left where it is for use of the Air Force at no expense to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ! ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan suggested they advertise the house for sale and let the purchaser move it at his own expense. Mr. Bowden then withdrew his motion which was accepted by Nr. Braak and offered the following motion that the house be advertised for , sale as is, where is, subjecf to the,approval of the F. A. A., if the price offered is not considered adequate, then to turn it over to the Air Force personnel for their use at ' no expense to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ballot was cast, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the same Committee be authorized to investi- gate the poss:bility of its use by the Air Force personnel at no expense to the County but that the Committee be 'given full discretion as to 4ahat is done. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried, therefore no vote was necessary on the original.motion. ' Mr, Vaughan then raised the question of landing fees for Army planes which was explained by Mr. Westbrook, who was present and is Manager of the Airport. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - Complying with the request made at the la.st meeting, Mr. W. C. Barfield re- ported on the status of the audits which are now under contract. The three which are under diiscussion are for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1963 and June 30, 1964 and the special audit of the Recorder's Court records. He observed that on October 5, 1964, he had reported on the status of the audits and did not feel it advisable to release them until the effects of the Recorder's Court audit are determined and completed. He said that he could change the format and deliver them :mediately but he did not deem it prudent unless they included the results of later findings which will be reflected in the special Recorder's Court audit. At present, the completed parts of the audit for the Recorderts Eourt are being put together and the typing done but additional analyzing of the findings are being made and while he is unable to give an exact time for its completion, he hopes to submit it not later than the first of the year. The accumulated cost on the special audit amounts to $24,3$0.00 of which $19,500.00 has been paid. It is his hope that not more than an additional $1500.00 will be necessary to cover all costs. He explained that he was faced with an unusual situation at this time and much of the delay has been caused by inissing.records which had to be traced down. Mr. Vaughan asked several quest- ions of the Auditor at this point which were explained in detail and his attention called to the minutes of the meeting on October 5th at which time the same explanation was made. This explanation was not a satisfactory one to Mr. Vaughan who can not understand why, .;f'the audit_was 95% compl'ete in August as reported, it can not be delivered before this time. APINUAL PUBLIC FUNDS REPORT The County Attorney reported that the law does not require that an audit be made of the Public Funds in possession of the Clerk of Superior Court, except by the Coun Auditor, who has inspected the pass books and deposit boxes and found them in order.'.The Statutes do require the report to be signed by the Chairman but which all of them signed except Mr. Vauyhan who asked to refrain from signiny until he could see a sioned audit statement. The Executive Secretary was then instructed to have it published as required by law. COUNTY AUDITOR'S ANNUAL REPORT - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. presented each meinber of the Board with a copy of his ar.nual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. It was accepted and ordered filed for information. " NENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL h7r. R. N. 1{allman of the Mental Health Advisory Cour.cil; accompanied by other members of that Board reported that the Mental Health Center was growing at a rapid rate and that it was doing a magnificant job in helping the residents of New Hanove: County. It has primarily three functions, 1- To train the "caretaker oroups" such as ministers, school teachers, social workers and others interested in the welfare of people; 2- The continued 6? Ninutes of the Meetinq December 21._1964- METJTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL - (continued) Center operates a Clinic where the people are treated and while much of this sort of thing is experimental, statistics show that many of the patients are being kept out of institutions because of their availability for treatment here and; 3- Those who have received treatment are being given "after care therapy". He also called attention to the appointment of one member to the Board of Mental Health Advisory Council to replace Nr. Mayhan. The Chairman then appointed Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden. Mr. Hallman then stated Dr. Knight, a Ciinical Psychologist with 15 years experience in the practice of his profession, was overlooked at the last Budget.meeting when salary increments were given. There is, at present, an excess of $9,200.100 in the salary item of their Budget and while Dr. Knight was not directly promised an increase in salary, it was implied that he would receive a minimum of the normal step recommended by the Merit System Council for his classification. They recommend that he be increased from $9,168.00 per annum to $10,104.00. He stated that the Council considered his work warrants such an increase as he is responsible for consultations and educational work of the Center and is able and hard working. After dis- cussino the matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion that Dr. Knight's salary be increased to $10,104.00 per annum effective January 1, 1965 and that the funds be transferred out of the Salary Account in the Mental Health Budget. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- mously approved. Mr. Kailman then remarked that whi'le the Mental Health Centers as such are still very much in the research stage, this one here is developing into an area center with one county already participating and.others considering it for the future. He in- vited all members of the Board to visit the Center at their convenience. PSENCBA - s Mr. L. G. LeGwin, Jr., President of Southeastern North Carolina Beach Associa- tion, reported that the p;ograms which they have sponsored this year 4ras money well spent in bringing people to this section of the,State. He suggested that the Board allocate more A. B. C. money to tourist promotion. The Chairinan asked .the County Auditor if any funds were available for this purpose. He stated that approximately $4,000.00 in the Advertising and Industrial Account has not yet '"been allocated". Mr. LeGwin stated that $3,000.00 would be a great help to them in promoting this County. Mr. Vaughan then moved that $1500.00 be allocated out of the Advertising and Industrial Fund to carry on the operation of SENCBA for the balance of this year. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. In the discussion, Mr. Hall stated that he heartily approved of the work being done by SENCBA and would approve this motion with the proviso that the Advertising and Industrial Fund would not need to be supplemented by the Emergency Fund and offered a substiLute motion that the question be tabled until the first meeting in January. Dr. Hooper seconded the motion and when the votes were taken, declared it carried. . ELECTION COSTS - The Executive Secretary reported that he had written the twenty largest counties, population wise,*and sent the questionnaire as directed by the Board at their last meeting, after determining through the State Association Office that their study of this question is still incomplete. At this time, the Chairman recogni2ed Mr. Otto K. Pridgen II, who is Chairman of the Covnty Election Board. He reported that all of the preci,ncts whose lines would be distrubed by the annexation into.the City would make it necessary to ha ve a new registration in all of them. He estimates the cost of this to be between $500.00 to $1,000.00 extra if the present books are used and the system in operation at this time is coritinued. He has repeatedly_recommended a looseleaf system but because of a shortage of money, the County has never felt favorable about installing it due to the cost. At pre- sent, he understands that the City would be willing to share in this cost to the extent of 40%. The County Attorney recommended that since the County would eventually have to likewise provide an election system to the City, thet they accept this proposition. Mr. Pridgen stated that in his opinion, some of the precincts with a small number of residents couid be combined and he believes that if the entire City voting system is revised and put on a permanent looseleaf basis, it can be done at a cost of between $7,500.00 and $10,000.00 however, he recommends that this matter should be discussed with the City Coun- cil before any decision is made. After a discussion of the matter, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Chairman of the Board o£ Elections be instructed to advise the City that it is the desire of this Board of Commissioners at this time to go to the permanent looseleaf registration system and negotiate with the City-County Joint Study Committee and work with Mr. Pridgen to bring back recommendations. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and , unanimously passed. TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT - ? The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memor- ial Hospital requesting the appointment of Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr, as a regular member of the Board of Trustees. He pointed out that he had served in an ex officio capacity ,and is conversant with the problems attendant on the building of the hospital and they feel that his experience and interest will be invaluable. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, second- ed by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously appointed Mr. Metts to serve during the construct- ion of the hospital, plus three years. , ICOMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - The Chairman presented i:eachimember; ; of ;the _Board wi th a..,_°1 i st o£tAh.e„ County- -;,. appod:ntm2ftts which.:h6r•had"n.made .artd±;rafter'a':-discussi,-on,:tthe _Loliowingcappoi?ntments I werel:un'nl.mousTy;decided:upon:, ? ..:: ._,', c. ,i . ? ^ 11. i r. < , • , .. . . . ,, .. I _..- - -. ._ ..._- ?-.. _ ..,._..? . . ..: _-;tir_ .. . . , . . i' ,_. ... , ?. ?I, . . ? ... . _. . .. . "???._. ... . ?. , ,...r .. ?i . ? .. . . , . . ' . ' .... ? `?_.. ???. . G.,: J.. Standinq Committees IAdvertising Committee (1) Mr. Vaughan Merchants Association Chamber of Commerce SENCBA (Also to serve as a Director , on SENCBA) continued - I r ?? 4 Minutes._ of the Meetipa_=De_cembor?1_•==L9L? Continued COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - (Continued) Airport Committee (j) Azalea Festival aw*? ;Committee (1) City-County Joint Budget Study Committee i Community Hospital (1) Farm & Prison Department (2) Highway Committee (1) New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees - Ex officio Member I Board of Health (1) (Chairman) New Hanover Mental Health Advisory Council Ex officio member (1) Mr. Hall, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Vaughan Mr. Bowden (2) Mr, Vaughan and Mr. Hall ' and Chatrman, Dr. Hooper and the County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery Dr. Hooper and County Auditor Love Mr. Braak, Mr. Botiaden Mr. Vaughan I Dr. Hooper, Mr. Metts Dr. Hooper Mr. Bowden ! Rural Volunteer Fire Inspection Committee A1so serves as representativQ on Firemen's Relief Fund SENCBA - To serv9?,as Directors (2) Wilmington Port 8 Waterway Commission (2) TAX PENALTY \ a Mr. Bowden Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Hall Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Hall The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. H. C. Biake, who is Administrator for the estate of E. D. Blake, deceased, requested the abatement of penalties assessed against, the estate as he had failed to list it during the tax listing,period. Mr. Blake is 91 years old and listed all of the property known to him to be owned by E. D. Blake but overlooked one parcel in Wilmington Township. The County penalty is $6.09 and the City penalty is $8.02. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the penalties be abated. There was no second to the motion which was ruled dead by the Chairman. By common consent, the Board instructed that a letter of regre't be sent to Mr. H. C. Blake over the signature of the Chairman.• ^ ASSESSMENT COMPIAINT The Tax Supervisor presented a letter written by Mr. Homer V. Lantzy rtquest- ing that the assessment of $3,300.00 on his mobile home be reduced to $1200.00 tirhich is the same as the 1963 assessment. The Tax SupeniNSO; after consulting the Official Nobile ? home Market Report, recommended that the vaiuation be reduced to $1810.00 which is the ? average valuation for similiar trailers shown in the Official Market Report. Mr. Hall offered a motion that they approve the reduction as suggested by the Tax Supervisor. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unan;mously approved. SALVAGE PROPERTY SALE - i The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer to purchase the salvaged trusses from the.old buildino formerly occupied by the Insect and Rodent Control section of the Health Department by Mr. Victor S. Gore, Jr, who has offered $75.00 for them. After discussing this matter, the Board concluded that the offer was too low and author- ized the Executive Secretary to negotiate-with Mr. Gore for a better price. I CHAPEL HEAT The Executive Secretary reported that the County Prison Farm Superintendent advises that since the County Home is not occupied and heated, as in the past, the Chapel Room, which is also in the County Home has no heat for their Sunday morning services. It is estimated that.to heat the entire County Home building in order to heat the Chapel would be entirely too expensive and recommended that a small gas'heater, priced at $49.95 be purchased to provide comfortable quarters for the Sunday morning services. After a brief, discussinn of this matter, the Board, upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, unanimously voted to authorize the County Prison Farm Committee to handle this matter at their discretion. Messrs. Bowden and Braak are the members of this Committee. BEER PERMIT The followfng application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Nr. Braak, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration: Constance E. Batounis T/A Mikets Grill 8 Grocery 320 Red Cross St. i WITNESS FEES - The Chairman read an order issued by Presiding Judge Udm. J. Bundy in the Superior Court directing the County to pay the followino Witness Fees in the case of the State against Dr. H. A. Eaton: i 1- Dr. Milton Helpern 55 East End Ave., New York,23, N. Y. $964.84 2- Dr. J. Robert Teabeaut II Medical College of Ga „ Augusta,Ga. 880.40 3- Dr. George D. Lumb Wilmington, N. C. 600.00 To t a 1 $ 2445.24 . contanued - ? ? La?y 413' Minutes of the Meetin_c? December 21, 1964 Eontinued. ? WITNESS FEES - (Continved) , _ Af•tier consaitino'the CountyRuditor`'foc`?Fecommendation'as-to where this, appropriat'ion should be made from, Nr. Hall offered a motion that $2445.24 be appropriat- ed from Excess Beer and Wine Revenue to Special Witness Fees. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. TAX LISTING PERSONNEL The Tax Supervisor recommended that approval be given for the employment of a full-time bookkeeping machine and addressograph operator. By common consent, the Board requested some recommendation for how they might appropriat,e the $1500.00 necess- ary for this salary by the next meeting date. . I COMMIJNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - The Chairman read a letter from the City Manager suggesting the appointment ? of two persons who reside outside, but within one mile of the City limits, to fill the terms of Messrs. Hugh MacRae II and Richard A. Shew, who will::be included inside the City limits on December 27th at midnight when the annexation becomes effective. After i a brief discussion, the Board unanimously decided to request each member to suggest 3 names by the next meeting date from which the Chairman might select 2 members for appoint- ment to the Community Plannirig and Development Commission of the City of Wilmington. n WELFARE LIEN - The County Attorney had requested the Board to consider the release of a Wel- I fare lien on the property of Matilda Klein by virtue of grants made to her. The County Attorney stated that some developments had occurred since this request was made and he d now recommends that they defer action until a later time. ' '. ELECTION COSTS - ' ' ' Mr. Vaughan stated that at the last meeting he had requested some information with reference to election costs in other counties of the State and had discussed the matter with the Executive Secretary, tdho reported that he had written to the 20 largest I counties in the State sending them the questionnaire 'suggested by Mr. Vaughan but so far I had only received 3 answers up to this time. Mr. Braak stated that a Mrs. Nrargaret Schecter handled the permanent registration in Greensboro and suggested that she might ! be helpful in giving information with reference to this subject. He suggested that she I be invited to cometo Wilmington at County expense to meet with the Board. Mr. Vaughan ' offered a motion that she be invited to the District Commissioners Neeting to be held in Burgaw on January 13th. There was Ao second to this motion so it was declared dead. Mr. Vaughan remarked that he understood that it would be at the expense of the State Association of County Commissioners. Mr. Braak explained that unless she was invited by the State Association they would not pay for her expenses. ? TELEPHONE CALLS - Mr. Vaughan stated that he had recently an occasion to discuss the rratter of makino lono distance calls with the Executive Secretary who informed him that in the past he had always been authorized by the Chairman of the Board to make long distance calls if a matter could be handled by mail just as effic:ently. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the. Executive Secretary be authorized to use his own judge- ment and discretion in making lono distance calls. It was secanded by Mr. Hall and I unanimously passed. GRAIVD JURY REPORT The Chairman read the Grand Jury Report for the month of December Criminal term made to His Honor, Mlilliam J. Bundy, Judge Presiding. There were Y.4J0 recommenda- tions as follows: 1- To maintain a stronger security of records entrvsted to the Grand Jury by placing some form of loclted cabinet in the Grand Jury Room, 2- Bannisters at the steps leading from the first floor to the second at the western entrance need re- pairs and, 3- Some correction of the causes for various leaks in the Superior Court Room of the Grand Jury box. The Chairman suggested that these matters be 2ooked into. PUBLIC FUNDS Mr. Vaughan reported that he had refrained from sioning the report of the Clerk of Superior Court covering the Public Funds in his possession until it had beeri verified and suggested that the Chairman appoint a Committee to loolt into them. The County Attorney stated that Nr. Love was a proper person Lo verify the funds. Mr. Hall then moved that Mr. Vaughan be appointed as a Committee of one to check out the funds. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. The Chairman suggested that they delay action on this matter at the present time. SHERIFFIS DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION - Sheriff Millis reported to the Board that he had experienced some difficulty with the plumbing in the jail section of the County and it is estimated to cost $225.00 to repair it. After discussing the matter fully, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that $225.00 be appropriated out of the General Emergency Fund into Repairs to Bvilding- Emergency for the Jail. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously approved. RESOLUTION - BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES The County Attorney reported that the Board had Resolution authorizing the sale of bond anticipation notes until the proceeds of the sale of bonds authori2ed by the for $5.,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds could be sold. After missioner Peter H. Braak moved the following Resolution be authori2ed him to draw a in the amount of $2,000,000 ::itizens of New Hanover County hearing the Resolution, Com- adopted: ? WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the bonds authorized by said bond order have not been issued and $2,000,000 Bond Anticipation Notes have been issued in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds, and the Board of Commissioners desires to borrow additional money for the purpose for which the, bonds are authorized by said bond order as hereiriafter provided: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as ` follows; continued- ?A 41.4 Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1964 Continued xc,Z)vLUiluiu - tSUivU fiivilL Z-O -PTOT= (C;ontinued?_ ? (1) The sum of $2,000,000 shall be borrowed in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authori2•ed to be issued by the bond order entitled "Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover," adopted by the Board of Commissioners on August 21, 1961, for the purpose for which said bonds are authorized to be issued and nego- tiable notes each designated "Public Hospital Bond Anticipation Notes" shall be issuei for said sum so borrowed. (2) Said notes shall be i 1965, and shall bear interest centum (fJ) per annum. Such Each of said notes shall be s ioners of said County and the notes. dated January 28, 1965, and shall be payable June 23, from their date at a rate which shall not exceed six ' interest •shall be payable at the maturity of said notesl igned by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commiss-I seal of said County shall be affixed to each of said ? (3) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to determine the denomination or denominations of the notes and the place of payment of the notes is hereby delegated to the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commiss- ioners of said County who are hereby authori2ed and directed to cause said notes to be prepared and to execute said notes when they shall have been sold by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina. Said Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to se21 said notes in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. seconded the motion and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motion were: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. N. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan. No one voted against it. j OFFICIAL PERFORMANCE BONDS - The County Attorney presented Performance Bonds for the various elected officials in the County government and stated that he had examined them and found all of them in order with the,exception of a bond for Justice of the Peace, S. F. Collins, which is being looked into at the present time. He recommended that they be approved. Mr. Hall moved the approval of the bonds.and that they be recorded in the minutes. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. , Name Office Expiration Date . Amount H. Fos ter Edwards Cierk of Superior CourL . lst Mond. $25,000.00 Dec. 1966 Marion W. Millis Sheriff Dec. 2, 1966 2,500.00 " " " Dec. 3, 1966 1,000.00 T. D. Love Treasurer, Board of Ed. lst Mond. 25,000.00 Dec. 1966 T. D. Love County Auditor lst Mond. 50,000.00 • Dec. 1966 Starr McMillan Coroner Dec. 5, 1966 2,000.00 Sam W. Johnson Tax Collector Oct. 1, 1965 375500.00 W. G. Houck Executive Secretary Dec. 3, 1966 1,000.00 E. P. Blanchard Register of Deeds Dec:;2, 1968 10,000.00 J. M. Shingleton Constable Dec. 5, 1966 1,000.00 Regina ld Turner Justice of the Peace Ntar.28,1965 1,000.00 S. B. Yopp " " " Dec.'S, 1966 1,000.00 V. G. Sneeden " " " Dec. 5, 1965 1,000.00 Serena Collins " " " Dec. 32 1966 1,000.00 N. H. Modinos lst. Mond.in 1,000.00 . Dec. 19h6 James B. Moore Constable Dec. 5, 1966 1,000.00 B. B. Christmas " Dec. 5, 1966 1,000.00 W. G. Baldwin " Dec. 5, 1966 1,000.00 L. F. Duke " Dec. 5, 1966 1;000.00 S. F. Coilins Justice of the Peace AIR CONDITION POLICY - ' Nr. Braak observed that the former Board had issued instructions to the Custodian of the building that fans and air conditioners.should be cut off each night. He requests that approval be given to allowing the fans or air conditioners to run at night except oven long weekends or on Holidays. He stated particularly in the lJelfare Department the heat in the winter time is so stiffling in the mornings Lhat it is almost impossible for the staff to start working until the exhaust Tan has been run to biow out the stale hot air. By unanimous common consent, the Board agreed that the (.ustodians should use their best common sense in this regard. PRISON FARM COOK Mr. Braak statedthat he would like to have authoriLy to discharge the cook at the County Prison Farm and replace her with Mrs. Mintz as Supervisor of the kitchen, with the understanding Lhat she would also help the Welfare Department in delivering female persons to and from the various institutions as required by law. Dr. Hooper moved that this request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. SURPLUS COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION Mr. Braak reported to the Board that because of the lack of refrigeration at the Surplus Commodity Warehouse, the County was missing the distribution of butter and, at times, frozen fowls which would provide a better diet for some of those people who are less able to provide it for themselves. He.suggested that the County provide cold stor- age facilities in order to handle the distribution of these perishable items. After a brief discussion, the Board authorized Mr. Braak to investioate the matter and bring back his recommendations along with the cost figures. I \ 11 415 , - -- Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1964 PROPOSED LEGISLATION - The County Attorney reported that at the last meeting, he had investigated the of County Auditor from being eleciiv.e to an a missioner with a copy of the steps necessary (1) A bill to repeai and render of no force and effect the public-Local Law of 1913, rrhich established the office of County Auditor in New Hanover County. (2) A decision as to whether or not this chanee would be made immediately or at the expiration of the present term of Lhe elected Auditor. • (3) A decision as to whether it is desired to have an elected County Treasurer or to have that position filled by a bank as is done in a number of other counties. Under such an arrangement, the bank would serve as financial agent and would re- ceive as compensation for its service oniy such advantages and benefit as may accrue from the deposit of the county funds in the regular course of banking. RECESS - The Chairman declared the Board recessed until after lunch at one o'clock. RECONVENTION - Promptly at 2:00 o'clock, the Chairman called the meeting back to order and regular business was resumed. COMMISSIONERS MEETING TIME Mr. Vaughan stated that he is still of the opinion that the Board meetings should be held in the afternoon and offered a motion that future meetings beginning with January 4, 1965 be held at 5:15P.M. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden, but before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that the time be set at 4:00 o'c2ock P. M. There was no second to the substitute motion and it was declared dead. Mr. Hall then offered a substitute motion that future Board meetings be held at 8:30 A. M. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Vaughan and Hooper voted against the motion; Messrs. Braak and Hall voted for the motion, Mr. Bowden asked to abstain from voting. The original motion was then discussed at length and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Vaughan voted "Yes" while Messrs. Bowden, Braak, and Hall voted "No" and the Chairman declared the motion defeated and stated that the meeting for January l}th, 1965 would be scheduled for 8:30 A. M. PRESIDING OFFICER - Dr. Hooper stated that he had apressing engagement at this point and turned the Chairrover to the Vice Chairman, A9r. M. H. Vaughan, who presided for the balance of of the meeting. A.B.C. - Nu. V2ughan moved that the Executive Secretary be instructed to accumulate in- formation about A.B.C. Boards to determine if they might be operated more economically and that the County Attorney be instructed to investigate the legA1 ba,sis of the establish- ment of the New }ianover County Board. There was no second to this motion. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for reference: I 1- Home Ecnmomics Extension Office Report 2- 4lilmington Pubiic Library Report for November, 1964 IADJOURNMENT - The Presiding Officer than declared the meeting ad&Fxecutive journed. ? . . Secretary . Continued in compliance with the request of the Board procedure necessary to eliminate the office )pointive position. He presented each Com- as follows: ? Wilmington, N. C. January I}, 1965 ASSEMBLY - The reyular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ,was held on this date at 8:30 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Peter H. Braak; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Jr, INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. B.Hutcherson, Pastor of the Devon Park Methodist Church, to give a prayer for guidance. IAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before the minutes were approved, Mr. Braak suggested that the heading of "AGRICULTURAL AGENCIES" should be changed to "EXTENSION SERVICES". Mr. Vaughan requested in the paragraph headed "INDEPENDENT AUDIT" the additional sentence be added. "TYiis ex- pianation was not a satisfactory one to Mr. Vaughan who can not understand why, if the laudit was 95% complete in May as reported, it can not be delivered before this time. After the Board approved the above corrections, by common consent, Mr. HaIl offered a motion that the minutes, as amended, be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. m J