1965-01-04 Regular Meeting415 , - -- Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1964 PROPOSED LEGISLATION - The County Attorney reported that at the last meeting, he had investigated the of County Auditor from being eleciiv.e to an a missioner with a copy of the steps necessary (1) A bill to repeai and render of no force and effect the public-Local Law of 1913, rrhich established the office of County Auditor in New Hanover County. (2) A decision as to whether or not this chanee would be made immediately or at the expiration of the present term of Lhe elected Auditor. • (3) A decision as to whether it is desired to have an elected County Treasurer or to have that position filled by a bank as is done in a number of other counties. Under such an arrangement, the bank would serve as financial agent and would re- ceive as compensation for its service oniy such advantages and benefit as may accrue from the deposit of the county funds in the regular course of banking. RECESS - The Chairman declared the Board recessed until after lunch at one o'clock. RECONVENTION - Promptly at 2:00 o'clock, the Chairman called the meeting back to order and regular business was resumed. COMMISSIONERS MEETING TIME Mr. Vaughan stated that he is still of the opinion that the Board meetings should be held in the afternoon and offered a motion that future meetings beginning with January 4, 1965 be held at 5:15P.M. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden, but before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that the time be set at 4:00 o'c2ock P. M. There was no second to the substitute motion and it was declared dead. Mr. Hall then offered a substitute motion that future Board meetings be held at 8:30 A. M. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Vaughan and Hooper voted against the motion; Messrs. Braak and Hall voted for the motion, Mr. Bowden asked to abstain from voting. The original motion was then discussed at length and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Vaughan voted "Yes" while Messrs. Bowden, Braak, and Hall voted "No" and the Chairman declared the motion defeated and stated that the meeting for January l}th, 1965 would be scheduled for 8:30 A. M. PRESIDING OFFICER - Dr. Hooper stated that he had apressing engagement at this point and turned the Chairrover to the Vice Chairman, A9r. M. H. Vaughan, who presided for the balance of of the meeting. A.B.C. - Nu. V2ughan moved that the Executive Secretary be instructed to accumulate in- formation about A.B.C. Boards to determine if they might be operated more economically and that the County Attorney be instructed to investigate the legA1 ba,sis of the establish- ment of the New }ianover County Board. There was no second to this motion. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for reference: I 1- Home Ecnmomics Extension Office Report 2- 4lilmington Pubiic Library Report for November, 1964 IADJOURNMENT - The Presiding Officer than declared the meeting ad&Fxecutive journed. ? . . Secretary . Continued in compliance with the request of the Board procedure necessary to eliminate the office )pointive position. He presented each Com- as follows: ? Wilmington, N. C. January I}, 1965 ASSEMBLY - The reyular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ,was held on this date at 8:30 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Peter H. Braak; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Jr, INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. B.Hutcherson, Pastor of the Devon Park Methodist Church, to give a prayer for guidance. IAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before the minutes were approved, Mr. Braak suggested that the heading of "AGRICULTURAL AGENCIES" should be changed to "EXTENSION SERVICES". Mr. Vaughan requested in the paragraph headed "INDEPENDENT AUDIT" the additional sentence be added. "TYiis ex- pianation was not a satisfactory one to Mr. Vaughan who can not understand why, if the laudit was 95% complete in May as reported, it can not be delivered before this time. After the Board approved the above corrections, by common consent, Mr. HaIl offered a motion that the minutes, as amended, be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. m J 416 Minutes of the Meeting January 4, 1965 Continued BEER PERMIT - ? ? Upon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the following application for a Beer Permit.was unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investi- gation and consideration: Ashley Norfleet Jackson T/A Causeway Grill Wrightsville Beach Causeway TAX VALUrATION CORRECTION The Executive Secretary reported that John H. Shaw, Sons, had called his attention to the fact that the tax listers had erroneously placed their tax inventory valuation at $12,750,00 on the abstract but that the correct valuation was $1,275.00 and they request a correction of this misplaced decimal. In accordance with GS 105-330 (4), the Board unanimously agreed, by common consent, that the change should be made. SAL1lAGE PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary reported that he had negotiated with W. Victor S. ?i Gore, Jr. with reference to the purchase of the salvaged trusses from the old building fI )r- merly occupied by the Insect and Rodent Control section of the Health Department. Mr. l Gore said that he was not interested in paying more than $75.00 for the trusses but thati he would go by and re-examine them and if he thought they were worth more than the $75.06 he has offered, he would call us. He does not consider them worth more than that to him. After a brief discussion, Nr. Braak moved that the Executive Secretary be authori:ed to advertise the trusses in the classified section of theiWilmington Morning Star for on'; week in an effort to receive a better offer. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unani-I mously approved. ARCHITECTURAL FEES - The Chairman presented an inuoice from Ballard, McKim 8 Sawyer for $870.00 covering architectural services for renovations for the Commissioners Room in the Court House. The Executive Secretary reported that there is $200.00 left in the appropciation made for the renovation cost which leaves $670.00 needed to cover*the invoice. Mr. •? Hall moved that $670.00 be appropriated out of the Excess Beer and Wine Revenue for thel purpose of paying this bill and that the bill be approved for payment. lt was seconded by Mr. Braak. Dr. Hooper then offered a substitute motion that the payment be delayed and that the Executive Secretary be directied to write the Architect and find out the basis and authorization for the c'haroe. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and carried.p I SENCBA - Mr. U. C. LeCrwin, Jr., President of SENCBA, recalled that at the last meeting the Board delayed action on their request for an additional appropriation in order to re? consider the matter. He restated the urgency of their request, as well as recounted th??> many services rendered by the organization to the upbuilding of New Hanover County. Mr,l Vauyhan stated that he considered this a"stop-yap action" at this time because in his ' opinion it should be carefully considered at the next Budget time and placed in perspec-I tive with other organi2ations which are receiving more funds but accomplibhing less with them. Mr. Vaughan then moved that $1500.00 be allocated out of the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and I unanimously carried. EROSION CONTROL - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ' Mayor Lawrence C. Rose of Wrightsville Beach, accompanied by other members of the Town Council, reported that the Corps of Engineers formerly estimated that suf- I ficient materials to rebuild the beaches could be taken from the surrounding area but ? that recent soundings revealed that their estimate would have to be revised and that it would be necessary for them to borrow material and that Bird Island is the nearest available place from which to secure it. They had the property appraised at a valua- tion of $21,355.00 but the owners were unwilling to sell at that price and through ne- gotiation they have been able to get it for $2$,835.00. This is an additional cost to the project and they request the Commissioners to participate in this additional ex- pense in the amount of $4,500.00. He pointed out thris is the second time that Wrights- ville Beach has ever asked the County for assistance and that they have always tried to carry their own problems. The purchase of the additional property was necessary if the Beach Erosion and 5hore Protection Project is to be completed. The State, through I their WaterResources Commission, have agreed to participate in the amount of 80% of the I appraised valuation of $21,355•00 or $16,084.00. This leaves a balance of $1,751.00. He understands that the contract is to be let by the Corps of Engineers for this work onl, January 13th and an award to the successful bidder soon thereafter, therefore, it is very important for the funds to be available before a contract can be awarded. A checkj of the actual figure of $16,084 00 approved by the State as their share is actually $1,000.00 less than the actual 80% of $21,355.00. This is considered a numerical errorl and would probabiy be corrected when discovered. Mayor Rose stated that the percentage5 which had been observed in fiyuring the share of local funds was on the basis of the State 80%, the County 8% and the Toan of ?yrightsville Beach 12%. After a full discuss-; ion of the circumstances, Mr. Hall moved that the County go along with 8%. of the pur- ' chase price which amounts to $2,066.80 and that an appropriation be made from Unantici- ' pated Revenue to cover the additional cost. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballots were cast, Messrs. Bowden and Vaughan voted against the motion. Nessrs. Braak and Hall voted for the motion and the Chairman voted "Yes" and declared the motion carried. I ANPIIVERSARY DINNER A letter was received from the Chairman of the arrangements for the 80th Anniversary Dinner Observance for the Corps of Engineers, co-sponsored by the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County stating that the County's share for this event amounted to $220.00 and requested a check be forwarded to cover it. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the request be approved and that $220.00 be paid out of the Commissioners Entertainment Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. LEGISLATIVE CONSIDERATION - The Executive Secretary reported that in accordance with instructions at the i last meeting the following proposed subjects were suggested for further consideration to' ' determine if they shouid be presented to the General Assembly for any changes during its' j next session. I, ! (continued) \ c* r17 • Minutes of the Meetinq Januarv 4,1965 Continued_ --- r Y LEGISLATIVE CONSIDERATION - (Continued) 1- Provisions requiring counties to pay McCain Sanitorium for their citizens who are I,residents there for ti:eatment. Mr. Braak stated that he understands that the State 'iAssociation of County Commissioners are sponsoring such a Bill this year axd-8kat-ke-xRdep- ?tanda-lhab-bhe-Siat¢-Rsseeiation-of-Eoartty-Eommtss?on¢rs-ar¢-sponsoriag-sach-a-Bit?-thts qeer and that he thinks tkiis Board should support the legislation. Mr. Vaughan then B offered a motion that New Hanover County go on record as supporting the State Association on this Bill and instructed the Executive Secretary to write them to that effect. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. 2- Amend the Ordinance Regulating the Use of Dynamite and Explosives, as well as Fire- arms, to include an alternative of a$$0.00 dollar fine or a 30 day jail sentence. 3- Sponsor Bill providing for responsibility for charge backs on ineligibility of re- cipients of Welfare grants on a pro rata basis. In discussing this item, the County Attor- ney observed that it would be probably very difficult to have this done because of the fact that they would claim the error was made by the County and, therefore, should bear the expense of it. In discuss3ng the matter further, the idea was developed that it would help considerably if the Statute of Limitation for responsibility could be applied. Mr. Vaughan suggested the Board support the State Association of County Commissioners in legis- latiori to provide not more than 3 yearst responsibility. i t}- That New Hanover County should be included in the list of counties giving the Board of County Commissioners authority to fix fees charged by County officers provided by G. S.. 153-9, Subsection 12 A. Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board apprave this legislative measure and that the County Attorney draw proper Bills to accomplish it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. DETENTION HOME - The Director of Public Welfare Department recalled that at the time the Juvenile Detention Home was closed her department had agreed to absorb the juveniles and place them in proper homes. She stated that there were certain stipulations which must be adhered to if State and Federal funds are used. There seems to be some misunderstanding with refer- ence to these rules and recommendations between the City.juvenile authorities, for on occas- ions they have placed juveniles in homes either not meeting the requirements or putting more persons in the home than it has been approved for and this has been done without giving the Welfare Department any notice. The County Attorney stated that legally the City is:.not compelled to operate a Juvenile Court and it would seem that if they deem it wise to operate one, it would be up to them to make provisions for those juveniles who come under their jurisdiction, however, if they do not operate one, the responsbility would revert to the County. After discussing this matter, Nr. Vaughan offered a motion that it be referred to the City-County Joint Study Committee,-alonc with Mr. Braak and Mr. Hall, to reconcile the lack of cooperation by the City and to bring up sugges.tions and recommendatiQns for a solu- tion to the problem. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. Miss Hall announced that a specialist and Consultarit of the Washington D. C. office and a member of the State Board of Public Welfare are scheduled to make a review of the ,juvenile situation locally and make recommendations. She invited any members of the Board who could to meet;with them Tuesday, January $, 1965 at 2:00 P. M. in the Grand Jury Room for a question and answer session. g THE PRESS - • ' Mr. Hall observed that in his opinion the press needed more space from which to work and suggested that a table similiar to the one which we are now using, which he con- ?siders too small, be purchased and that they be placed in the corners of the Conference Room Ifo_r_-the press. After a brief discussion, Nir. Hali moved that the Executive Secretary be linstructed to buy a table as nearly like the one in use, or if he is unable to locate one 'then to purchase two tables alike. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously passed. DISTRICT MEETING - The Chairman read a letter from Lhe Chairman of the Pender County Board of Com- nissioners urging attendance at tlie meeting of the Third District to be held at Burgaw, N. C. aL 10:00 A. M. on January 13, 1965 and requested that he be notified who would attend. It was agreed that there would be six from our office and the Chairman instructed the Execu- tive Secretary to also invite Mr. George Clark Jr. and Mr. L. Bradford Tillery. ELECTION COST - PERMANEVT REGISTRATION Chairman Hooper reported to the Board that the Joint Study Committee set up by the City and County met and after a thorough discussion of the proposition regarding a permanent loose leaf registration system, it was decided that if the City would pay one- third of the cost to set up this system, not to exceed $3,000 that the County would pay the rertiaining cost. He asked the Board to make this an official action. After discussing the matter, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the proposition be accepted. It was seconded by Nr. Braak. During the discussion which followed, Mr. Sowden suggested that it might be made a civic project and that citizens might like to donate their time to help with it. When the ballot was taken on the matter, the Board unanimously approved the motion. IELECTION COST STUDY - Mr. VauShan reported that the copies of the election cost study authorized several weeks ago were in his possession and p?oposed that each of the Commissioners might like to have them for the purpose of study before taking any official action. He stated that he would return them to the office in order that the Executive Secretary might make copies and send to each member of the Board of Commissioners. pAUDIT REPORTS ? Mr. Uaughan moved that Dr. Hooper be instructed to contact Mr. W. C. Barfield, the Auditor, and request the audit report by the next meeting date. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman declared it dead. Dr. Hooper moved that Nr. Barfield be requested to advise the Board by the next meeting why the audit was not completed. It was seconded by Mr. Vauchan but before the ba'llot was taken, Mr..Hall offered a substitute motion that the Chairman be instructed to confer with Mr. Barfield with reference to the 'audits and to report the present status. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and after a brief continued- I r 449, Minutes of the Meeting January !}, 1965 Continued AUDIT REPORTS - (continued) discussion, the Chairman called for a vote on the Braak and Hall voted for the motion while Messrs. Bowden and substitute motion. The Chairman voted "No". declaring the The ballot wasthen taken on the original motion and Messrs. motion, but Messrs. Bowden, Hooper and Vaughan voted for the declared it carried. .II ? substitute motion and Messrs Vaughan voted against the substitute motion defeated. Braak and Hall 'voted against motion and the Chairman GRADY JURY CABINET - I The Chairman observed that in his opinion further consideration should be givei to the recommendation of the December Grand Jury with reference to a suitable cabinet for keeping their confidential records. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to look into this matter and report his findinas and recommendations. INSURANCE OR GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY - Mr. Bowden observed that he thought some further consideration should be given to the policy of whether the County should carry liability insurance or be a self insuror and rely on governmental immunity. He is of the opinion that if a person is damaged because of neglect by the County, they shouTd be compensated. After a brief discussion,' the Chairman instructed the Executive 5ecretary to place this subject on the Agenda for I discussion at the next meeting and give each member time to give it further study. FURNACE ROOM CEILING The Chairman reported that the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Ylilmington Fire Department had discussed with him the matter of a non-combustible ceiling in the old furnace room. He reported that along with the Executive Secretary, they had made an examination and recommended that it be done. Mr. Vaughan offered a moLion that this recommendation be approvad and that asbestos cealing be installed in the old boiler room. It was seconded by Nr. Bowden and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary reported his investigation had indicated an estimated cost of not more than $150.00. COMNNNITY PLANNING 8 DEVELOPF'ENT COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - I The Chairman reminded the Board that a request had been made by the City for ' the appointment of two persons residing within one mile outside the City limit area to represent the County on the Community Planning and Zoning Commission to replace Nessrs. Hugh MacRae Ii and Richard A. ghew, who now reside within the new City limits. After val?ious suggestions by members of the Board, it was decided by a motion made by Mr. Hall, that I any action be deferred on fillins the unexpired terms of these members until the next mee:- ing. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary ' was instructied to place this item on the Agenda for consideration. I? NORTH CAROLINA SEASHORE COWiI5SI0N - The Chairman reported that he had received a letter advising that a meeting of the North Carolina Seashore Commission was scheduled for Kinston, North Carolina and suggested that someone from the Board should attend. Mr. Uaughan stated that he was very much interested In shoreline developments and would like to attend to repre- sent the County. This was approved unanimously by the Board. COMMITTEE NIEETING County Attorney Tillery reported to the Board that our Resident Superior Court Judge Rudolph I. Nint2 requested him to arranoe a meeting during the weekend with a representative from the Board of County Commissioners. The Chairman appointed Mr. Laurence O. Bowden to meet with the County Attorney and Judge as requested. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - REGISTER OF DEEDS County Auditor Love reported that he had a request from the Register of Deeds for transferring $200.00 out of the Binders and Record Books Fund to Capital Outlay which would permit him to install an inter-communication system which is very much needed to save the time of his employees who answer the telephone when the call is for one of the attorneys working with the records. Mr. Vaughan sugaested that it might work with the Telephone Company and have them put in a page system. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the transfer he approved since it is within the present budget and will not require an additional appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. CONSOLIDATED OFFICE - Dr. Hooper presented a petition signed by approximately 100 qualified crafts- men who stated that they were interested ia better building and sanitary requirements and respectfully recommend that the Board consider: 1- Divorcing the office of the Plumbing Inspector from the local Health Department.', 2- They suggest an office be established as a headquarters for the Electrical, I Plumbing and Building Inspectors. 3- That the present rioid Plumbing Code adopted In 1951 be continued to be enfbrceflll 4- That the present City-County Plumbing Inspector be allowed an assistant of-his own selection and that his salary be adjusted commensurate with the duties per- _ formed and that he be responsible to the Board of County Commissioners. After a brief discussion of this matter, the County Attorney suggested that it would be well to check to see if any oF these requirements were covered by a legislative action and sugyested that the Board delay action on the matter until the next meeting which woull give him time to search the records. This was unanimously approved by common consent. 'i COLLEGE PARK SC1i00L Nr. Braak called attention to a draina5e problem in the area of the new College Park School which needed immediate attention. The Executive Secretary reported that this ditch was cleaned out on December 22nd, 1964. The heavy rains, however, dur- ing the latter part of December has washed in more silt and sand. By common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to reissue a work order on this ditch and have it cleaned out. (Subsequent investigation of this problem reveals that the terrain is so leve2 in this area and that part of this ditch was cut throuyh a pond or swamp area continued - L, . 41 `__.. _ Minutas a#' the-_Meetina-.lanua.rv-A.-L9b_5 qCOLLEGE PARK SCHOOL - (continued) and before any permanent solution can be achieved a major ditchin4 problem will be necessary to lower the grades in order to'get enough fall to properly drain this area: It is recommended that the matter be considered by the,Health Department under their Mosquito Control Program to see if it wou]d meet their minimum requirement.) ' IDITCHING POLICY - At this point, a discussion arose as'to the policy that should be established ?,by this Board for regulation of the ditching.crew of the County Prison Department. The Executive Secretary reported that in the past, it had been the policy to clean out the main lead ditches and leave the lateral feeder ditches to the property owners and in no • case, go into a subdivision or development. After a brief discussion of the problem, Mr, Bowden offered a motion that where three or more property owners are benefited that work orders be issued for ditching work even if it is in a subdivision, provided it is declared ia health hazard by the Board of Health. There was rio second to this motion and no further I,discussion. DRAGLINE - ' Mr. Bowden raised the question as to whether or not the dragline had the County's name stenciled on it and if not, could it be done. The Executive Secretary reported that it was not on it, so far as he knew there was no objection to having it on it and that it ??--,-;qohas been the policy in the past to have.this kind of work done by prison labor when we have an experienced sign painter. By common consent, the Board authorized that it be done and the next time a sign painter is sentenced to.the Prison Department. HUGH MacRAE PARK - WELL 1 > < , 9 Mr. Bowden reported that the Optimist Club, sponsoring the Little L'eague Recrea- tional Proyram, is askiny that the well be drilled in time to have sufficient water to wet down the playing fields this summer and fall. They have funds on hand to cover approx- imately one-half of the cost. He also reported that some complaint had been made with ireference to the tennis courts particularly around the edges and the back stops. The Executive Secretary reported tihat he had not received any questions except about nets which have bean stolen and torn down each time the County attempted to keep them up. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vavghan offered a motion that Mr. Bowden be authorized to confer with Ithe Optimist Club and other interested persons and bring in a firm recommendation on this problem. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. ICABLE TELEVISION TAX - Nr. Vaughan exhibited a clipping from the Crastonia Gaxette announcing that the l'City Council of that community had set the stage for awarding a community antenna television franchise. The only other company bidding for the franchise had offered the Cit.y 3% of the gross receipts as compared to the other firms' offer of a graduated scale up to 5%. He suogested the Executive Secretary look into the matter of maybe receiving a percentaoe from ourlocal Cable Television Company. !URBAN PLANNING GRANT The Chairman read a letter from the Division of Community Planning of the State Department of Conservation and Development announcing that an application has been made for Federal funds to provide assistance in New Hanover County for completing Base,Mapping, Land Use and Potential Study. He estimated that it would require approximately three months for this request to be reviewed and approved by the Federal Agency. , • IINAUGURAL ADVERTI5ING - The Executive Secretary reported that after reviewing the tear sheet sent us by the Asheville Citi2ens Times on the proposed ad for New Hanover County in the Inaugural Issue.With Dr. Hooper;he had conferred with the Secretary in charge of the issue who assured him that the changes recommended would be accomplished in time for the Inaugural date. PETIT JURY - The foilowing good and lawful citizens were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning February 8th - Civil term; 'February 15th - Civil term; and February 22nd - Criminal term. Jury for the week beginning February 8, 1965 - Civil ndrews, L. F. 4634 Long Leaf Hills Dr. ndreanopoulas, S. A. 206 S. 5th St. Balkcum, E. O. 2107 Brandon Rd. Barnhill, Harry Thomas 118 Bermuda,Dr. Baucom, George U. Jr. P. 0. Box 927 Bleason, C. C. 105 Myrtle Ave. Bowen, E. F. RFD 1, Box 191 AB Breece, Dewey R. 4302 Wrightsv. Ave. IBrinson, S. W. 5007 Wrightsville Ave. iBroek, Evelyn Rogers RFD 3, Box 171 IBrown, 4Jillie J. 1106 S. 6th St. Bryant, W. D. 40 Nercer Ave. Buck, Carmen B. 704 Greenfield St. Bugg, H. J. % 'Wilmington Hotel Burke, Charles P. 3906 Winston Blvd. Butler, Rosemary 157 Colonial Circle Callender, Earl W. 205 S. 5th St. ilCameron, Robert F. Box 990 capps, Douglas E. 4202 Park Ave. Childress, Rober t W. P. O. Box 571, C. B. Clardy, Herbert F. Sr. 4426 Long Leaf Hills Colvin, Larry S. 113 Holbrooke Ave. Coltharp, John C ameron 204 Forest Rd. Corbett, Finn 1315 N. Sth St. . ?Corbett, Johnnie 1206 Dock St. I . Corcoran, Joseph P. 4918 Oleander Dr. Costin, Lewis W. 223 Bagley Ave. Coston, Thomas J. 2910 Monroe St., City Coston, A. W. 1516 Castle St. Croom, William E. 106 S. 7th St. Crump, William E. 107 Greenforest Drive Davis, Mary R. 2426 Jefferson St. DeKay, Robert H. 2259 Mimosa Place Deil, Stephen Frederick 6 06 Caldwell Ave. Deil, S. P. 604 Caldwell Ave. Deitz, Charles S. 2525 Harrison St. Delamar, Seldon D. 1719 Ann St. Dennis, L. P. 2802 Princess P1. Dr. ?owling, Albert F. 3101 Market St. Duncan, R. V. 4903 Wrightsv. Ave. Dunnell, Thomas L. RFDY 1, Box 251 Durant, Jemison W. 1215 Lincoln Rd. Edwards, Henry W. 701 N. 23rd St. Everett, Aaron RFD 3, Box 428 Everhart, Opal Collins P. O. Box 108 Carolina .Beach Epps, James O. 5715 Wisteria Lane Fales, H. E. 1707 Carolina Ave. Fisher, D. W. RFD #3, Box 533 Fisher Vivian Franks F' A i ?20:Ann St. S06 ar ox, C es W. Chestnut St. ; I?? r 420 Minutes of the Meeting January 4, 1965 Continued Jury for the week bepinninq February 15, 1965 - Civil Fowler, Bobby Lee 1001 N. Kerr Ave. Frink, Milton D. 2416 Chestnut St. Futrelle, A. S. 1113 Chestnut St. Futrell, James M. 1810 Perry Ave. Granger, S. 711 Queen St. Gray, Thomas William 5006 Wrightsv. Ave. Gause, Rufus C. 819 Dock St. Gardner, William S. 170 Colonial Cir, Gunsalus, Howard G. 5129 Oleander Dr. Gupton, Marguerite Koon tz 2704 Chestnut St. Hagood, W. E. 820 Chestnut St. Harper, Walter RFD 1, Box 340 Harvin, Albert 915 S. 4th St. Heath, Felix Thomas 4306 Peachtree Ave. Hobbs, Ronald G. 111 Colonial Circle Holden, Millard M. Jr. P. O. 941 Hollingsworth, L. D. 2009 S. College Rd. Holt, J. M. 3615 Wilshire Blvd. Horrell, LeRoy RFD 1, Box 77 D Castle Hayne, N. Howard, Louis J. 3107 Market St. Howell, Briley W. (}901 Pine St. Howell, R. Earl 4920 Pine St. James, Louis 1213 Orange St. Johnson, H. C. P. O. Box 238 King, Henry ' rightsv. Beach 51 S. 6th 5t. 302 Wrightsv. Ave. 3828 Carolina Bea 3026 Jefferson St. RFD 2, Box 286 11 Cape Fear Slvd. 518 s. 8tn st. 804 s.??? st. Jr. P.O. x C.B. Box 77 Carolina 2701 ChestnutBeg?. 303 Southern Blvd. 1506 Robert Erive 116 S. lith St. 1120 N. 9th St. RFD ?Ast?e ?1ayne, P. W Baht543 B Jury for the week beqinninp Februarv 22. 1965 - Criminal Newman, George M. Packer, James E. Price, Cletus Ray, David Jr. Reed, Charles F. Reid, Charles Rhodes, R. D. Riskey, Eugene Franklin Roberts, Wm. D. Russ, M. B. Schupp, James C. Scruggs, Charles E. S3ino:n., Jesse Singleton, Willie Smith, P. J. Smith, Seth C. Smith, Thornwell Smith, W. L. Smith, William N. Smithson, G. J. Sneed, C. W. Sneeden, S. E. Jr King, James Alexander 210 S. 17th St. Kinlaw, Acie Jr. l}108 Wrightsv. Av. Lee, Donald J. 126 Parkwood Dr. Lee, Herron 2510 Wriohts. Ave. Linoges, Roger N. 313 N. Wallace Ave. Loftin,. Dan 3404 Princess St. Rd Lynch, George G. 418 Forest Hills Dr. Markinton, Levanne 1519 Castle St. Martin, Virg. Clements 2849 B Adams St. Mason, J. F. Box 157, Castle Hayne, N.C, McGowen, Edward Dixon 1+501 Oleander Dr. McIntire, David Henry 45 Mercer Piace McWatty, James E. 2247 Mimosa Place Metts, James I: 15 Bernard Dr. Midgett, Robert P. 1q Lake Village ? Millard, Luther R. Oleander Dr. §53' Miller, Alma H. RFD 2, Box !}80 Mills, H. B. Sr. P. O. Bflx 187!} C Mills, John Wesley RFe °g s£l be a , N. C ay e Mohr, Edward P. 4015 Evergreen Dr. Moore, Mack % Moore-Fonvielle Realt Moran, John A. 122 Stradleigh Rd.Co. Murray, George B. P. O. Box 1395 Odell, L. Howard RFD 2, Box 14 B Oldham, James Alien Jr. 230 N. 27th St. Todd, Albert Fletche ch Rd.Tilley, George F. Tomz, Wm. F. Tucker, Glenn N. Ward, Daniel P. Watkins, M. W. Watts, James M. Watts, Joseph Stedma White, Flowe Craig h Whitfield, Allen B. Whitten, James A. e Wiley, William Verno ldillcox, J. L. Willetts, John Edwar Williams, Annie N. N.C.'Williams, Leon C. Williams, Richard ri sv. each,N C F. 210 Ann"St. City 312 N. Wallace P. o. Box 1623 111 N. sth St. Box 564, Carolina Beach • RFD 1, Box 3 Williams, Ted Lee Williamson, Mr. Eliz Wiison, Dudley Wilson, Frank Wilson, Howard F. Winn, Richard Woodville, George H. r 2320 Princess Place Dr! 239 N. 26th St. 2215 Camellia Dr. Carikuba beach, N C. 1003 s. 5tn st. 317 s. 16tn St. , 405 S. 2nd St. , n 216 Church St. Box 818 5313 Green Leaf Dr. RFD 1, Box 152 B. n Gen. Deliv. Kure Beachll 3636 Wrightsv. Ave. I d 715 S. 3rd St., 219 N. 15th St. 312 Midland Dr. Paris RFD 1 B 65 Castle Hayne N.C. 3838 Edgewood ?td. a B. 602 Market St. RFD 1, Box 84 1116 James Alley 4721 Long Leaf Hills 3?3 N. lbth St. . REPORTS - The following report was reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Extension Services Report. 2- School Board Audit. AD30URNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. .,: , '-- ?