1965-02-01 Regular Meeting? ? 129, Special Called Meeting January 25, 1965 Continued A PUBLIC STATEMENT - (continued) , reconciling all your Bank Accounts each month. As stated to you I will render all assistance you want from me. " . Clerk of Superior Court H. Foster Edwards was then recognized by the Chairman and made the following remarks which he has addressed to the County Attorney: " This refers to County Auditor. Mr. T. D. Love's letter of January 22, 1965 concerning our Superi?or Court Sup,port account and an alleged sho.rtage!or $453•63.• Tliis account was set up more than ten years , but only recently has it come under an exhaustive audit, therefore human errors, both on our part and those of the depository, have crept in and have gone undetected. At present, there are nearly 200 support accounts, as many if not more Re- corderts Court Support accQUnts; both Courts have nearly ten different checking accounts, and there are over 250 trust accounts, thus you can realize, in our daily rush to process the different types of funds, errors cannot help but be made. I told Mr. Love that we will watch the balances very carefully, that the account will be reconciled promptly at the end of each month, then should discrepan- cies continue he must,as the law requires, make demand on me for that difference. I have already told him that I will promptly pay the amount demanded. Mr. Love will be the first to admit there has been no evidence of calculated ? mismanagement of these funds. The staff inembers who, over the years, have been ? charged with all responsibilities of the account, are women of .'flaWless character and reputation. Love is 100% satisfied the alleged discrepancies are a result of recent and old human errors on our part and those of the bank. I would like to point out that I, personally, haven't made a disbursement from this support account in many years." I Mr. Edwards then requested the Board'to exercise patience and allow his office time to check out the discrepancies. Mr. Vaughan then observed that he had noticed over the past years that alleged shortages were reported from time to time in the Clerk of Court':' Office and he would like to have the Auditor look into the system and report on the _ methods as well as the progress being made to remedy the situation. Mr. Vaughan then said that he hesitated to bring up one piece of business which has conscientiously ? worried him since the Hearing that was held by the Judge about the actions of the County Auditor. He understands that in the Hearing on two occasions the Clerk of Superior Court admitted that he knew of the i.rregularities iri the Recorder's Court Office but that no action had been taken with reference to it even after the Judge had repremanded ? the County Auditor for not taking certain action. He requested the County Attor,ney to give him a report or opinion as to the culpability of the Clerk of Superior Court, also that the Auditor be requested to see that all departments have propericontrol set up for their,operation. These requests were approved and consented to by common consent of the Board. ADJOURNMENT The Chairman asked if there was any further business to come before the I Board and if not, he would entertain a motion for adjournment. The motion was made ? by Mr. Braak and seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously approved. , t ouck, -- ' e utive Secretary ? February 1, 1965 Wilmington, N. C. ASSEMBLY The regular 'semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, and County Attorney L. BradPord Tillery. INVOCATION - ' The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Execuiive Secretary, W. G. Houck, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE NINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Nall, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the minutes of the regular meeting held on ,lanuary 18, 1965 and the special called meeting held on January 25, 1965, copies ? of which had been mailed to each member of the Board were, after an amendment for the correction of the adjournment, which was seconded by Mr. Uaughan instead of Mr. Braalc, unanimously approved as corrected. BEER PERMIT - ? Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the foilowing application was unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration:l James Blue T/A Cape Fear Social Center 415 North 7th St. , ?; ? 429 Minutes of the M17eetinq Februarv 1._ 1965 Coat-inue:d -- I A PUBLIC STATENiENT - CSC ? I Mr. H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, made the'following statement , in answer to the request of the Board at their special meeting held on .lanuary 25, 1965 as follows: I "In accordance with your request at your special meeting January 25, 1965, that I ? make a report February 1, 1965 as to our efforts to find alleged shortages in the above entitled account in the amount of $453•63, I am happy to report that $33•50 of the questioned amount has been found and procedure is now under way to have this sum properly credited to the Support account. ' The facts, briefly: on or about Decembes. L8, 1962, we made a deposit in the Sup- port account of $433•50• The Wachovia Bank and Trust Company rouie?d:•fi,riat $433•50 to the credit of Recorderls Court Generai Account, an error which the bank admits. ' Once this error was discovered our staff started checking all canceled checks and monthly bank statements on the Support account from December 18, 1962 through and including August, 1964 to determine if the bank or Recorder's Court Clerk had cor- ? rected this error. There was no evidence of this sum ever having heen paid over I to the support account, or to me, for deposit in •the support account. , At the same time, we checked ciut-7 all caricel3:edi checY.s and bamk statements, durin-g a s36ilar'peri.od'on'Reco"rde?.'s Court General Fund account. This account showed a de- posit or.$433.50 on December 18, 1962, and we checked the Generai Account from the I? date in question throuyh and inciuding August, 1964 and nothing was found -- a dis- I bursement or cancelled check -- to show this sum was reimbursed to the Superior Court Support account. • I As far as I know the money is still in the Recorder's Court General Account. ? We will continue our review of the Support account and hope that the difference between $453•63 and $33•50 -- a matter of $20.13 -- will be found. I cannot praise our Superior Court ladies too highly for their dedication in running out this bank error. They worked several nights,after hours, first organizing the exhibits of this account, -- receipt books, deposit slips, bank statements, canceled checks, check stubs -- and then checking deposit slips against bank statements, canceled checks against bank balances, and so forth. I respectfully request that this letter and that of Mr. Hardin, the cashier of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, become a part of the minutes of this meeting." IIHe exhibited the following statement fr,om the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company: "On December 18, 1962, we credited a deposit in the amount of $433•50 to the Recorder Court, General Fund, which should have properly been credited to the Clerk of Superior Court Support Account. I sincerely regret the bank made this error on your account and if it has not already been properly transferred by you to the Clerk of Superior Court, Sup- port Account, please advise us so that we may correct this error." • IMr. Bo4rden then questioned Mr. Edwards if the bank balances had been reconciled monthly, would !this error in the deposit have been discovered at the time it was made. Mr. Edwards agreed that in all probability it would have been and the correction made at that time. At this time, the Auditor presented the following statement: "In the course of the above capt,ioned audit, we made an analysis of deposits and checks in the Recorder's Court General Account at the bank. Our analysis of deposits indicates a deposit entered December 18, 1962 on the December 1962 bank statement in the amount of $433.50 for which no duplicate deposit slip was located and which we had noted for the attention of the State Bureau of Investigation. This item of $433•50 is reflected on Schedule 3 of the report in the "Deposit Column," and is included in the December 1962 deposit totalling $9,474•39. We have reviewed our reconciled working papers that support Schedule 3 and have not found where this deposit (unidentified at the time of our audit) in the ! amount of $433.50 has been disbursed in that identical amount from the bank account , through August 31, 1964. Mr, Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, New Hanover County, North Carolina, has informed us by memorandum dated January 29, 1965, "Our staff has dis- covered that a deposit in the amount of $433.50 on December 28, 1962 in our Superior I Court Support Account-Y !?,never credited to this Support Account. ? "Inquiry at the bank has revealed that the deposit in the amount of $433.50 was credited to the Clerk Recorder's Court General Account." Identification of the aforementioned deposit will result in the following net changes in the subject audit-report: EXHIBIT B CASH RECEIVED • Schedule 2 ?i Amounts collected in excess of Judgments - per list (This comes from Schedule 2, Sheet 8, last column ="Collections Over") $147.35 will be increased to $580.85, continued - ' • ?i Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1965 (Continued) A PUBLIC STATEMENT - CSC (continued) The Cash Short in the period from September 1, 1961 through August 31, 1964, will ? be increased from $6,875.10 to $7,308.60. EXHIBIT A ?I Totai shortages - July 1, 1961 through August 31, 1964 will be increased from $7,618.40 to $8,051.90". ' • ..,. . The County Attorney then observed that it would be necessary for.him to amend his letter I' demanding recovery of the total shortage from the bonding company which would be increasei by an amount of $433.50. The Board, by common consent, authorized him to proceed on thi? basis. ' EXTENSION SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Chairman of the County ExLension Service, accompanied by the professional staff inembers, made their annual report covering the activities for the ? past year. He stated that New Hanover County is largely urban but the activ3ties of his department in areas other than strictly farming, demanded muEh attention especially w3th reference to the nurseries. He introduced Miss Verna Belle Lowery, one of the , Home Economics Agents, who stated that they had concentrated for the past year on manage- ment of the family dollar. He then introduced Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall, the other Home I Economics Agent, who stated that their overall objective was to help people increase their knowledge which gives them a better attitude toward life in general. The two 4-H ' Club Agents made a brief report about their activities. Mr. Braak o.bserved that in his ?I opinion another 4-H Club Agent could be used in the County to a good advantage to work with the negro young people. Mr. Baggett thanked the Board for allowing them to pre- sent their report and announced that they would move to their new offices and that the only lack at the present time was lights which they are having installed although there would not be sufficient funds to put lights in their meeting room. II A ROAD PETITION - Mr. E. R. McKoy, accompanied by citizens living on Secondary Roads No. 1319 and 1320 near the Airport, presented a petition asking that a new road be constructed along the edge of the New Hanover County Airport from the terminal of Secondary Road No. 1319 to the intersection of Secondary Road No. 1175 and No. 1327. The reason for this request is because in the extension of a new.rumaay at the Airport one of their access roads between their homes and Wilmington has been closed. After discussing thi5 problem, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that this petition be referred to the Division Engineer of tle 5 State Highway Commission with the endorsement of the Board of Commissioners for considera- tion. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously approved. EROSION PROBLEM - I Mr. E. R. McKoy reported to the Board that the new construction at the Airport was turning additional water into a ditch which is adjacent to his property. He said that originally the ditch was 81 wide but now it has eroded because of the large volume of water being run into it and that his tront yard is being eroded away gradually. He requested that some action be taken on the problem. Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Executive Secretary be authori2ed to look into the problem and bring back recommendations to the Board. Mr. Bowden was of the opinion that this shQUld be handled by the Airportll Committee. E"ASEMENT - The Car,olina Power and Light Company requested permission to construct, main- tain, and operate permanent facilities within a 30' wide strip across County property alongside of South 17th Street for the purpose of transmitting electricity. They pre- sented a formal easement instrument outlining the details of this request which was approved upon motion of Mr. Hall, subject to the approval of Mr. Bowden who will contact the Carolina Power and Light Company enyineers relative to proper clearance of height for the wires. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved and siqned by the Chairman. TAX CORRECTIONS The Tax Supervisor presented the following claims for adjustments because of clerical errors in the Tax Listing Office. This recommendation is beino made under General Statutes '105-330 (4). Mrs. Jane H. Futrelle, 3610 Stratford Blvd.,refund of $7.62; Mrs. Annie Mae Grotgen, 5429 Oleander Drive, refund of $21.17; Johnr.ie Haynes, 709 South 6th St., refund $3.00 Poll Tax; Gerald E. Miller, 1155 Country club Road, refund $35,76; Marjorie Batson Mullinix, Albany, Geo.rgia refund $8.LF1; Mr. S. M. Wilson, RFD 3, Box 121 A, refund of $3:19; Mr. Charles P. ldrenn, 1216 Fair- way Drive, refund $32.80. After the explanations were made for each of these requests, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that they be approved. It was seconded by Mr: Hall and unanimously carried. C I TA.T.'I'ON AEJARD The Chairman announced Lhat Miss Ada Louise McCulloch, who has served the County faithfully for more than 36 years, was retiring as of today. He arranged for the news media to be present with photographers and members.of the staff of the Register of Deeds office with Miss McCulloch and presented her with the following Resolution: WHEREAS, Ada McCulloch has recently retired from the office of Register of Deeds, after serving in that post since the death of the late Robert L. Black; and WHEREAS, prior to her tenure as Register of Deeds, she served first as clerk- typist and for many years as Assistant Register of Deeds under three Registers, which period of devoted seroice dates back to July of 1928, almost 37 years ago;, and continued- ? ?3t ?..„ B Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1965 Continued - CITATION AWARD - ? ? WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County is desirous of recog- nizing the dedication and loyalty of this citizen who has given so much of herseif ta the service of the peopie of this County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Commissinners of New Hanover County publicly express the clevotion, respect and admiration which they hold for Ada McCulloch, feelings which are shared by all who have been associated with her. 2. That the Commissioners extend to her their best wishes for many years of ' happiness in the endeavors which she may undertake hereafter, in the sure knowledge that she wiil continue to see and find ways of serving her fellow citizens. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to Ada McCulloch and that a copy ' be spread,u.pon the minutes of this meeting. p Done'a.t,],Jilmington, North Carolina, this 31 day of January, 1965. I * ,„ „ ,.?.... . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY „ ?,,, ,.. . , /S/ Jos. W. Hooper . ... ... . .. ? /S/ J.•M. Hall, Jr. ? /S/ M. H. Vaughan /S/ Laurence 0. Bowden I , /5/ P. H: Braak ATTEST: W. G. Houck • ........... . ..... .... . ........ .... . ... ... . . , Executive Secretary I Niss McCulloch thanked the Board'for tfieir Choughtfulness and expressed her appreciation I for the many fine experiences she had while working with the County. . . . _ ..,. .... ... ......... ..... . , SEVERANCE PAY - I? The Chairman then advised•Miss-McGulloch•that,the-Board would like to give her two weeks vacation with pay and offered a motion that this be done. It was seconded by ali four of the remaining members.of the.Board.and unanimously approved. ................ ................ ? COMMJNITY PLAiNNING AND DEVELOPMENT.COMMISSION-APPOINTMENTS - The Chairman reminded the Board that they had agreed to-submit nominations for the appointment of replacements for Hugh MacRae II and Richard A. Shew to serve as represen- P tatives for the perimeter area within one mile of the City limits, Mr. Vauohan nominated Mr. John R. Oxenfeld; Mr. Bowden nominated Mr.J. D. McCarley, Dr. Hooper nominated Dr. H. M. Pickard. After checking the map it was discovered that Mr. McCarley lived out- side of the one mile perimeter area of the City limits and therefore was ineligible to ? serve. Mr. Braak moved the nominations be closed. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- I mously carried. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that Mr. John R. Oxenfeld and Dr.H. M. Pickard be appointed to succeed Mr. Hugh MacRae II and Richard A. Shew on the Board of Community Planning and Development. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the appointees by letter, with a copy to , the Chairman, Mr. J. Fred Rippy, Jr. and Douglas R. Hudson, the City Planner. GENERAL MOTION - Mr. Bowden requested permission to offer the following 3 part motion: "Part I- The Chairman appoint an Agenda Committee to work with Executive Secretary and arrange items that are to appear on the agenda in order of convenience to the Departments concerned and to the best interest of "streamlining" the meetings. Part II - The meeting time be changed to 4:00 P. M. Mondays on a"TRiAL" basis. Meetincs to have a definite closing time, not later than 7:00 P. M. Susiness from the agenda not conducted in this lenoth of time to be conducted at a continua- , tion of the prescribed meeting. Time of continued meeting'to be seleted by majority. ; Part III - Radio, T. U. stations be allowed to broadcast Nonday meetings at no ex- pense to County or inconvenience to the Board of Commissioners. ? ?St.was seconded by Mr.Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substi- tute motion that all three parts be treated as a separate item. It was seconded by Dr. lHooper and unanimously approved. , Part I. Nm. Bowden explained that he had in mind a Committee t,o arrange the Agenda so Ithat the items which they considered to be of a more public ir.terest be considered first Iwhile the news media were present and broadcasting and that the routine matters could be taken.up later. Mr. Bowden then offered a motion that this section be approved. It was ? ?seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously carried. The Chairman then appointed Messrs. Bowden and Hall as a Committee to arrange the Agenda. ; i IPART II - Mr. Hall stated that on several previous occasions, he had voiced his opposi- I Ition to a change in the time for the meetings and had given his reasons therefor, but 'since it is apparent that a majority of the Board favored the change on a trial basis, he offered a motion that the first meeting be held at the new time in March. The approval was lunanimous. , ? II? Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1965 Continued -Gt1vtKAl-1'LO'1'I0N - (cont inued ) Part III - Mr. Bowden stated that he had been approached by one radio voicing a desire to broadcast the meetings and he felt that maybe some of the others might also be interested. He then offered a motion that all radio and T.V. stations be allowed to broadcast the meetings provided it did not interfere in carrying out the business before the Board and there is no cost to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. The Executive Secretary was to notify them by letter. FEES - BUiLDING PERMITS The Building Inspector presented a schedule of fees proposed for the County similiar to those used by the City except that when repairs costing bet4aeen $10.00 and $50.00 are made, no permit will be required. Ail alterations costing from $50.00 to $100.00 will require a permit but there will be no fee charged for it. The following is an itemized list of his recommendations: F}om $100.01 to $ ?00.00 ................. $ 2 00 300.01 {t 500.00 . 4 00 ? 500.0'1 n .... 800.00 ............. . 6 00 n ?00.01 .... 11000.00 . 8 00 " 1,o0o.oi 3,ooo.oi 3,000.00 ................. 6 000 00 . 12.00 " 6,000.01 " , . ................. 10 000.00 ........... , 15.00 20 00 " io , ooo. o i ...... i5 ooo.o0 ................. . 00 25 ooo i i5 .o , 25,000.00 ................. . 35 00 " 25,000.01 50,000.00 ................. . 50 00 50,000.01 and up, $1.50 per thousand . TO BE USED AS MINIMUM CHARGES ONLY - ' For one and two family resi dential buildinQs the following applicabie cost shall be mul tiplied times the gross square footage in the building, measuring from outside walls, or garage, basement, etc., to arrive at the mini mum construction cost. This cost will not include the electrical, plumbing or heating work. Concrete Block Construction ........................ $6.00 per square foot Wood Frame Construction ............................. 7.00 per square foot Brick Veneer Construction ........................... 8.00 per square foot 8" Solid Masonry Construction ....................... 10.00 per square foot Porches, Garages, Carports .......................... 4.00 per square foot Basement .............................. .............. 5.00 per square foot Open Terrace or Patio ............................... 1.50 per square foot Bathrooms over 1 Half Bath ( no tub or shower) .................. $100.00 each Full Bath .... . .. .. ........................ 200.00 each Fire Places greater than 1 ...................... 300.00 each Prior to being issued a permit, a contractor must have all licenses as required by the County Revenue Ordinance. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the fees recommended by the Buildinc Inspector be approved effective March 1, 1965 and thereafter. It was secon by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Mr. Hall observed that from time to time, it had been called to hi5 attention that the Board was dragoing its feet in implementing the program of the Planning and ! Zor.ing Board buL that as he understands the matter, it is up to them to bring in recom- I mendations for the Board to consider and act upon. He cited that as soon as the planni'.Zg and 2oning Board made the recommendation to beain the office of the Building Inspector, the Board took immediate steps to do so and that in presenting the Mobile Home Ordinance for adoption by the Board it was found that the Consolidated Board of Health already had such an Ordinance and that it would require an Act of the Legislature to chan5e the responsibility from the Board of Health to the Board od Commissioners. He suggested that the Executive Secretary write to the Chairman of the Planning and 2oning Board and explain to him that this Board feels that it is up to them to make recommendations and present them to the Board of County Commissioners for rejection or modification. By common consent`, the Board concurred in this suggestion. STUDEiNT GOVERNMENT DAY - A letter was received from officials of Atew Hanover High School and Williston Senior High School proposing the followino alternatives for conducting Student Local Government Day as follows: , ? 1. The Board of County Commissioners and the City Council conduct meetings at the schools as part of Government Day observance. The two Boards would alternate betrr:en the two schools from year to year, ruling out the problem of dual meetings in a ? given year. Government students would be scheduled so that they might be allowed to observe these sessions. 2. The elected student officials from each school would visit their counter-parts I in the City and County government after schooi on a given date. This meeting would involve.city and county officials and their counter-parts from each school. It is proposed that these sessions last approximately 112 hour. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that these recommendations be approved provided they I meet the concurring approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. i ^ LIBRARY - SUNMER SCHEDULE Nr, Louis J. Poisson Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Wilmington ? Public Library, was recognized Ly the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and , ? r. i ? .x d a r. Ninutes of the Neeting February 1, 1965 Continued ?L'I.BRARY -..SUMMER_SCHEDULE - (continued) stated that the Board of Education has agreed to open the School libraries at Gregory School located at 410 S. lOth Street and the Alderman School on Canterbury Road Ifor the summer provided they allow their own Librarians to supervise them. He reported ,that it had been necessary in the past for them to employ extra people at the Hlilmington 'Public Library during the two summer months of July and August to carry on the increased load and they feel that by using the two schooi libraries they rrould not be required to employ additional personnel to take care of the extra service required at the main library. They feel that this is an experimental program for this year only and recommend that the Board approve it. This will require permission from the Board of Commissioners to author- ize the $1200.00 appropriated for the payment of extra help usually employed at the main library over to the Board of Education for the payment to their librarians who will be supervising. After questioning Mr. Poisson, Mr. Hall moved that the Board approve the use of the appropriated funds for this purpose provided that it is done on an experimental basis and does not commit the Board to next year and provided that the amount disbursed does not exceed the amount of money appropriated in this year's Budget. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. NEWSPAPER ADVERT.ISING .-., . . ." ? - Dr. Hooper reported that he had a lette0from the News and Observor announcing that they were working on a historic addition which would reveal the face and heart of North Carolina's incredible century 1865 - 1965. It is to be known as the 100th Anniver- sary Edition. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that this matter be referred to the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce for consideration as they are now authorized to spend the County's Advertising Funds. it was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Chairman presented a letter to the board from the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board recommending that the Board of Commissioners appoint a County Parks and Recreational Advisory Board for the purpose of evaluating the possibilities of develop- ing recreational facilities in neiyhborhood parks and suhdivisions and formulate a County- I`wide program at the County level through the assistance of the Federal and State govern- ?ment. After a brief discussion, it was decided,by common consent, to defer any definite action on this recommendation until the next meetiny and the Executive Secretary was in- Istructed to pass the information on to Mr. Vaughan for his study. MASONBORO JETTY - The Chairman reported that he had received a request from`the U. S. Corps of Engineers proposing a jetty at Nasonboro Inlet in an attempt[io stabilize it. He has lasked County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery to investigate the possibility of acquiring p*operty or easements on'which to build the jetty. N?r.- Tillery reported that he had not Icompleted his investigation but found that one of the lots necessary is owned by the Town of Wrightsville Beach and he hopes they will donate it and, to the best of his belief, lother property necessary for this project is probably under water but will requir'e fur- Ilther investigation. He understands that part of the property needed might be in some dispute so far as the ownership is concerned. He wili pursue this further and ascertain Ithe complete facts. J W En1 I LE DETENT I ON HOME The Chairman reported that he had received some recommendations from the Public Welfare Department about Juvenile Detention Homes and suggested that it might be a proper subject for study by the Joint Study Committee for resolving the areas of misunderstanding and recommendations for handling them. Mr. Braak reported that this subject was dis- cussed by the Public 4lelfare Board and it is his understandina that the Department of Public Welfare is responsibile for juveniles in the County and that they have under consad- eration a plan for 2 homes which would be paid $100.00 per month, plus $2.00 per day, for each Juvenile resident and would be kept open on a 24 hour a day basis with supervision at all times. After discussing the pros and cons of this question, Mr. Hall offered a motion that it be referred to the Joint Study Committee for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported that he had received $2,000,000 from the 'sale of the last bond anticipation notes and had already put $600,000 to work in the hopes of ear;"ting enough interest to carry it. BOND MOIVEY - CONFERENCE TABLE - Mr. Braak exhibited a sketch of a table in the shape of a crescent which he thought would better serve the purpose of the Board and recommended that some thought be given to havino one constructed by a cabinet maker"who is serving a sentence at the County Prison Farm. The Executive Secretary reported that the term of the prisoner would expire next week but the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to investioate the possible cost of the material necessary to build it. ' PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Super- ior Court for the weeks beginning March 1, 1965 - Criminal term; March 8, 1965 and March 15th, 1965 - Civil terms; Jurors for the week beoinnina March 1, 1965 - Criminal Adam, Thomas A. Aguilar, Georce J. lAllison, Otho Lee IAlman, Robert L. Applewhite, George B. Autry, Elmer E. ?Banck; Margaret G. Beard, Leslie I. Beia, Thelma Catherine IBell, Daisy Mae lBellavance William 59 ldoodlaum Ave. N. Lake Village 09 Wooster St. 54 Beauregard Dr. Box 658, Ca?oga?fla 3017 Monroe St. 2020 Metts Ave. 132 Colonial Cir. C. I, Oleander &p£s. 720 S. Sth St. P. O. Box 223 Castle riayr.e Clay, Willizm Henry Connell, Thomas C. Corbett, Lizzie A. Courie, Elias F. Jr. Covil, Louis B. Darden, W. H. Dart, Edgar A. Davis, Jasper G. Davis, R. J. Davis, 4Jillie V. Discar; James A. RFD 1,B 18!} 107 Borden Ave. 808 N. 5th st. B. 70,Carolina RFD 1, BOKa% RFD 1, Box 264 2513 Willow St. RFD 1, $ox 27 A 3721 Market St. Rd. 1112 Rankin St. 2536 Burnett Blvd. -A 43.4 Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1965 PETIT JURY - (continued) Bollinger, Bessie Mallard !} Central Blvd. Bonser, Harry A. Jr. 118 Parkwood Dr. Bostic, Marie P. O. Box 1536 City Britt, ,Iesse w. 203 s. 41st St. ' Brown, Warren W. 3002 Jefferson St. Bryant, Louis C. 5317 Wrightsv. Ave. Bulla, Lawrence Thomas 109 E. N. C. Ave. Burns, Louis RFD 1, Box 281 Carter, Ldillie Ray 401 N. 21st St. Casteen, James W. 102 Cape Fear Blvd. Cherry, J. L. Box 9, Jacksonville Ave. Cherry, Joseph H. 118 Ridgeway Dr. Chewning, Harold Lee 310 Toulon Dr. ? Clark, K. C. 2213 Chestnut St. Continued Dorsey, William K. B 83, Wrightsv. Beach Duls, F. J. 4930 Oleander Dr. Duncan, C. F. 218 '4-Ji l lard St. Eakins, Theron C. 107 Northern Blvd. Egan, Jo hn J. 5618 Athens Lane Farley, M,arie V. 716 S. 2nd St, u Farro4r, J. W. 1620 Orange St. Fernande s, Elbert. H. 507 Devon Ct. Fisher, Herbert T. 2808 Princess P1 Dr. Formy Du val, Thurston 361 8 Winston Blvd. Foy, F. M. Jr. 4109 Peachtree St. Fox, Jul ian R. Sr. 237 Spruce Dr. Fourler, W. F. 4919 ? Oleander Dr. Georae, Magaie M. 210 S. 16th St. Jurors for the week beginning March 8th, 1965 - CiviP Godwin, Harvey M. RFD 3, Box 519 A Lowrimore, C. S. Graham, Priscilla Constance, 1217 King St.Malpass, G. C. Graham, T. E. 910 N. 3rd St. Manning, Edward W. Green, Harry B. 110 S. Lu i a 5t Wr?o?its. neach Marshall, D. A. Groves, Lawrence W. 1418 Churci St. shburn Mar , Mack M. Cruthman, John A. 717z Essex Dr. Martin, Louise T. Hankins, Edward 606 S. 14th St. Martin, 'rdilliam R. Hardee, William Harvey P.O. $ox 83 C. B. Maslowski, Edmond F. Harris, Albert Edwin 9Woodlawn Ave. Mavrolas, John Hewlett, Barrie W. 311 Greenfield St. McDow, Roosevelt Hewett, Lonnie N. 8 ldest Dr. NcKenzie, N. A. Hines, William E. RED 3, Box 398 Melvin, Hezzie Hollis, Leroy 4113_.Lake Ave. Merrick, Winslow Howeil, R. Earl 4920 Pine St. Merritt, Dewitt Hunt, C. J. Jr. 511 Queen St. Mathews, L. P. Jernioan, Robert W. Sr. 231 Vance St. Mintz, Ernest Jones, L. G. P. 0. Box 212 Moore, E. V. Sr. Wri ghtsv. Beach,N.C. Moore, Robert A. Jr. Junipher, Bernice 1210 Meares St, Murphy, Francis Edw. Kaminskas, Evelyn R. RFD 3, Box 369 Nelson, Walter D. Jr. Lsncley, Leamond T. RFD 1, Box 280 Newkirk, H. F. Jr. Lewis, French 140 Stonewail J?ckson r Newton, John Linwood LeaJis, Harold W. . 226 Rhodes Ave. Nichols, H. G. Loizides, Michael L. 2809 Lyndon Ave. Nixon, Robert Earl Lono, S. J. 1 S. Lake Village Norman; Georce Loverinq, Helen 712 Market St. Jurors for the week beginning March 15, 1965 - Civil Norris, Carson P. 702 S. 2nd St. Overman, Thomas M. 2835 A Jefferson St. Parker, Li-llie C. 1407 S. 7th St. Pollock, Robert S. Jr. 308 N. Kerr Ave. Powell, George W. 120 N. 13th St. Powlas, A. B. 6010 Oleander Dr. Retchin, Daniel Dav id 119 Wayne Dr. Richardson, l,lilton B. 17 N. 31st St. Riggs, Forest L. RFD 1, Box 188 B Roberts, William P. 812 Orange St. Robinson, Samuel De wey 2408 Poplar Roderick, Mrs. Auou sta L. 1120 S. 3rd St. Russell, Willie Elb ert 14 N. 30th St. Sellers, John R. 2101 Barnett Ave. Shepard, Wm. E. 317 N. l}th St. Sidbury, Goldie 3618 Princess P1. Skipper, M. F. 216 Castie St. Solomon, Lois W. 1302 S. 5th St. Smith, Cliff H. Jr. P.O. Box 105 C. B. Smith, Katie J. 1409 47ooster St. Spence, V. Ruth 3906 Market St. Spooner, Earl L. 1514 S. 3rd St. Stevens, Johnnie 616 Bladen St. Stolter, H. C. RFD 1, City Stone, Mrs. R. R. J r. 419 S. 19th St. REPORTS - 1124 S. Live Oak Pkwy. 1906 Nun St. 1908 Church St. I 1215 S. 7th St. 3028 Adams St. 2712 Harrison St. 2203 Camellia Dr. 2717 Van Buren St. 206 N. 22nd St. 611 MacRae St. 1711 Chestnut St. 713 N. llth St. ' 520 Walnut St. ? 203 Red Cross St. 203 Red Cross St. 2321 Moss st. RFD 1, Box 129 605 Jennings Dr. 317 N. 4th St. 108 Southerr. Blvd. 1507 S. I}th St. I 5211 Wrightsv. Ave. ' 108 Lee Ave. I RFD 1, Box 354 805 s. 15tn st. Storey, J. H. 1110 Dawson St. Taylor, Glenn S. P. O. Box 51+3 , Telfair, James 1220 S. 5th St. Tharp, W. S. 114 Bordeaux Ave. Thompson, David Jr. 317 Castle Hayne Road ' Thompson, E. Walford 25 N. 25th St. Truett, Raymond L. 105 Whitman Dr. astle Hayne, N.C Turner, Louise Hocutt 1 Jackson Dr. Tyler, J. F. RFD 1 Box 2l?8 Castle Hayne N. C. Von Glahn, Katherine RFD 1, Box 196 Waddell, Hattie 508 N. 7th St. Wall, Wiliiam V. RFD 3, Box 528 C. ' Wallace, C. C. Jr. 1707 Dawson Ulatkins, J. D. 5303 Market St. 1^lilliams, David H. Route 1 Box 129 DA Williams, Ellen S. 714 Forest Hills Dr. Wi1louGhby, C. S. 1934 Hudson Dr. I UJilson, J. E. 612 S. 16th St. ? Wilson, Leon C. 707 N. Kerr Ave. ? Wilson, Nartha William son 3706 bJrightsv. Ave, 4Jittrsck, William P. O. $ox 387 Wri ghtsv. Beach,N.C. Woodbury, L. E. Jr. l}21 Forest Hills Dr. ! Woodward, U. G. 3606 Carolina Beach Rdi Wriqht, B. D. L}09 N. 1.}sth St. Yeakos, Haralambos, 1001 N. t?th St. The #'ollowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for further reference: 1- Letter from M. S. Jones, Jr., Supt., A.C.L. Railroad Company 2- Report on the Mental Health Center for December, 1964 3- Report from the Otis Elevator Co. Service Department, 4- Annual Extension Service Report for 1964 5- A.B.C. Board Audit Report for six months ending December 31, 1964 ADJOURNMENT - , Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, e Bjard unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. , , Executl"ivle Secretary \