1965-02-15 Regular Meeting?35 N- - - - 1 - _ . Wilminoton,N.C. February 15,1965 ?ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A. N. in the Commissioners' Room with the fol- lowing members in attendance: Chairman Joseph M. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Ha12, Jr. and N. H. Vauahan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hooper called the meeting to order and requested Reverend C. J. Ajidrews, Pastor of Fifth Avenue Nethodist Church, to give a prayer for cuidar.ce over the MDrning's session. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes, Mr. Braak requested that the following sentence be added to the Paragraph headed "COMA?IJNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPN:ENT CONiMIS5ION APPOINT MENTS", just before the nominations were closed, "After checking the map it was discov- ered Lhat Mr. McCarley lived outside of the one mile perimeter area of the City limits and,therefore,was ineligible to s'erve." and under the heading of "GENERAL P;OTION" in Part 3, in which Mr. Vaughan was shown as havinq seconded the motion, it should be changed to I"Mr. BraaY.". The minutes were then unanimously approved as amended upon motion of Mr. Br2ak, seconded by Mr. Bowden. ?I SURPLUS COP'170DITY DISTRIBUTIOTI . - , The Chairmar, reported that he had received a letter from the,State Department of Agriculture advising that the distribution of dried egos, dried beans and creamery butter would be discontinued as soon as the present svrplus food supply has been exhausted. They proposed to substitute maroarine which should be refrigerated during warm weather ? and would require storage space of a minimum of 45°F. A brief discussion of this sub- ject developed that some refrioeration equipment is stored at the County Prison Farm that might be used for this purpose. By common consent, the Board ordered this letter turned over to Mr. Braak who is the County Farm Committee in order to investigate the feasibility and make recommendations at the next regular meetiny. DRAINAGE PROBLEN Nessrs. James E. and Alathaniel k!hitted who live on RFD # 1, Box 136, Castle Hayne, Plorth Carolina were recognized by the Chairman and reported that they had a drain- ace problem in their neighborhood and requested some assistance. They reported that there is a hardpan beneath the surface in that area which prevents the free perculation of water and, therefore,septic tanks are overflouling and causing a definite health hazard. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary make a personal investigation of this situation and bring back a recommendation on a priority basis. After a brief discussion and before a second was made, Mr. Vaughan withdrew the motion and h`r. Braak moved that the Executive Secretary be instructed to send the ditch- ing crew from the Prison Farm up to this project and accomplish whatever work was,requir- ed to relie've the unhealthy,/ The Chairman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved: , condition. RQAD PETITION - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a reply from the State Highway Commission with reference to the request of Mr. E: R. Mc}(oy, et al, for a road connectino Secondary Roads #1319 and #1320 from their present terminals to intersect with Secondary P.oads #1327 and #1175. The State Engineers report that their investiaation leads them to believe that it would not be feasible nor in line with FAA regulat.fons to place a road on the Airport property as outlined in the petition. It appears from a visual inspection that the other alternative is to locate the road across private property if a right-of-way is available and they suagest that such a road would be feasible and desir- able, however, there is not enouch money in the New Hanover County Secondary Road construct- ion funds to finance it. Another allocation is expected by July lst and it is possibie with that forthcoming allocation, the road might be built. They will be ylad•to have their enoineer locate a road if the property owners are first contacted and agree to give a rioht-of-way through their property. Mr. McKoy has been notified of this information and the Executive Secretary recommended that he confer with the Division Engineer and work out the location which seems feasible and best and then determine if the right-of- way can be obtained from the property owners. SALVAGED TRUSSES - The Executive Secretary reported that he had necotiated with Mr. Victor Gore, Jr. on the purchase of the trusses which came from the old Health Department Insect and P,odent Control Buildino and he has now offered $200.00 for the trusses and the V-crimp tin roofing provided they are delivered to his place on the Carolina Beach Road. In discussing this svbject, the Board, by common consent, acreed to delay any decision bn this offerR' to purchase as there is a possibility that the County might be in need of these trusses and the tin roofing if certain projects now under discussion materialize. JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - i The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer of $350.00 for a jointly ' owned tax foreclosed parcel of property described as Lot 17, Block A, Bronx Subdivision I located at Entrance and Mar.hattar. Drive. The lot is 33' x 110'. This Proposition was considered by the City Council at their meetina on February 8th and they d•,d not•approve ? li $475.00 as a fair market value for this piece of property. The prospective buyer has agreed to pay $(}75.00 if Lhe Board concurs with the City Council. After locating the property on the map, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Board approve the sale at $475.00. it was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. • a? the valuation of $350.00 but ir.dicat¢d they would approve -A 4136 Minutes of the Meetina F_e.b? 1?.-19E?K^nl??ue:c' - --- - --- - - --? - --- --y SN AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION - II Attorney Cyrus D. Hogue, Jr., accompanied by Vir. Louis W. Latham, was recog- I ? nized by the Chairman and stated that he represented the Wilmington Truck Leasing Com- I ' pany with reference to allowing the Avis Rent-A-Car Service at Bleuthenthal Field in _ addition to the present Hertz U-Drive-It system. He pointed out that the present con= I tract which was executed originally in 1959'and extended to August 31, 1966 was an ex- i clusive one and contrary to the provisions of the deed of record. He stated that approximately 80% of the arrivals at the Airport held credit cards. If Avis Rent-A-Car Service is permitted, the County will participate in the revenues from all trips orig- I inatfng at the Airport on the same basis as the present lesseec.. This wi1l equal the present revenue and therefore double the total revenue received by the Airport. The present contract ti•ras extended beyond the term of office of any member of the Board at II the time it was made and is a restrictive monopoly. He pointed out that New Hanover , County Airport is the only one in the State extending exclusive rights. The Airport Manacer,John A. Westbrook,was present and suggested the Board set a minimum base rate of $200.00 monthly. Nr. Vaughan offered a motion for the nurpose of discussion that the Execvtive Secretary be appointed to approach the present lessee and express to him that it is the desire of the present Board of Commissioners to re-negotiate the present con- tract and see if he would be willing to execute a new contract based on the information , I outlined above and if he would appear before the Board. It iaas seconded by Mr, Bowden. Mr. Louis W. Latham then observed that on foreign cars, i. e., cars from another termina.?, that only 30% of the revenue is retained and that the contract should be based on 10% of the gross revenue. Mr. Hall explained that the reason for the original exclusive contract was because at first it was not a paying proposition and the lessee needed some ? assurance that he would re¢eive revenues over a period of time before making a large il investment which was necessary to initiate the service. Mr. Hall then offered a sub- , stitute motion that the Chairman appoint a Committee, including the County Attorney, to discuss this contract with the lessee and come up with a recommendation as to whether he wovid voluntarily abrogate the terms of the present agreement and,if so, on what bas'is I the new provisions couid be made. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO'}, however, the other members of the Board voted "YES" and i the Chairman declared it carried. Mr. Bowden was appointed by the Chairman to negotiat ? along wiih the County Attorney. ' ' AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING - In answer to an advertisement run in the Wilmington Morning Star on February 3rd, 1965 for proposais were received as follows: Packaged Units, 5 % Bid Sketches 8 Descriptions gonds B.T.U. Total Bid Cannon R efrig. Service No 58,000 $3742•00 Goodyear Plumbing Co. Yes 60,000 5.380.00 Hanover Iron Works, Inc. Yes 59,000 4681.00 Newber's Refrigeration Check 59,000 7844.25 Temperature Control Co. Yes 3998.00 After briefly reviewing each of the proposals, Mr. Hall moved that the cnntracts be turned over to P7r. Bowden for study and recommendation after conferring with the Airport Manager John A. Westbrook. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. TAX VALUATION - Mrs. Dorothy Lipsius, representing Bobby Burns, Incorporated, of Greensboro, North Carolina, appeared before the Board to discuss the valuation placed on her auto- ? mobile for 1964 taxes. The valuation was $2,935•00 which was the uniform valuation ?- placed on that make and model for the year 196LL for all taxpayers. She stated that the tax rate in New Hanover County was $1.45 per hundred as compared to Guilford Countyts. rate of .751 per hundred and the Wilmington City tax of $1.91 per hundred compared to I Greensboro City rate of $1.21 a hundred. She pcesented a letter from Bobby Burns, Incorporated, franchise distributors for Tupperware, stating that the valuation is pro- bably about right but that the tax rates are higher than other counties in the State in which they operate cars. Mr. Love explained that in Guilford County they had district rates;which must be added to the .751 per hundred, after which srie would find that New Hanover County tax rate is less than the Guilford County rate. The Tax Supervisor was instructed to recheck the valuation to see that there was no error and advise Mrs. Lipsius accordingly. CHEMICAL COMPLEX CONFERENCE - The Chairman read a letter from the Industrial Extension Service of North Carolina State announcing Chemical Complex Conference to be held on Monday, March lst, 1965 at East Carolina College in Greenville, North Carolina. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to turn the information over to Mr. M. H. Vaughan who has ex- I pressed a desire to attend. JOINT MEETING - The Chairman announced that Dr. W. H. Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools, woul? like to have a joint meeting of the Board of Education and the County Commissioners at 8:00 P. M. Febrnary 18th in Hemenway Hali for the purpose of considering the purchase of property for the proposed School. After a brief discussion, the Board requested the Executive Secretary be authorized to confer with Dr. Wagoner to see if it could be arranged to have the meeting at 5:00 P. M. instead of 8:00 P. M. and then notify the ? Board. ? ? . .u 437 Ni-nutes of^the -MeetinC_.. F_ebs_uar_v_1_5.?9265-Cnntinn?? REGISTRATION SYSTEM - Mr. O. K. Pridgen II, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections was recognized by the Chairman and reported that the efforts to put in the loose-leaf voter registration had struck a legal snag. After conferring with the'Attorney General's Office, they advised against installing the system inasmuch as it is not a County-wide 'lelection. He stated that the work which had been done toward the installation of the Iloose-leaf registration system was not entirely lost as the information received during the investigation would be usable next year and would not fiave to be done over again. ELECTION COSTS - • Mr. Pridgen presented the Board a bill for his services in connection with ? proposed registration since last November amounting to $950.00 which is to be divided jinto $100.00 for each of the other members of the Election Board and $750.00 for his per- isonal services including office rent, car mileage and time devoted to this matter. Nr. I,Hall moved that the bills be paid and that an appropriation of $389.55 be paid fr,om Un- anticipated Intangible Taxes in order to supplement the Election Fund, It was seconded by Mr: Bowden. Before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that an itemized bill be submitted to justify the expenses. There was no second to this substitute motion and it was ruled dead by the Chairman. The original motion was then voted on and Dr. Hooper voted "NO",but since all the other members of the Board voted for the motion he Ideclared it carried and ordered the bills paid. DIRECTORS - COMMUNITY H06PITAL The Chairman reported that he had received letters of resignation from Messrs. W. D. Campbell and L•. M. Newsome as members of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital. He read his letter of acceptance effective February l}th, 196$ and asked the Board for nominations to fill the vacancies caused by these two resignatfons. The names of James E. Whitted and Owen Hall were proposed by the Chairman who also said that a man by the name of Thomas Murray had applied to him for the appointment to one of the vacancies. After briefly reviewing the classifications of the proposed replacements, Mr. Hall moved that the recommendation of the Chairman be approved and James E. Whitted,and Owen Hall be appoint- ed as members of the Community Hospital Board of Directors. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the appointees, with a copy to Administrator Butler. i9P.NK STATEMENT .- COMMUNITY HOSPITAL The Chairman presented the following comparable statements showing the comparison ibetween the first seven months of the fiscai year with the first seven months of the prior year: First 7 months, Fisc. Year 1963-1964 1964-1965 Bank depos.its $147,597.14 $173,565.33 January (1964) 19,594•47 January 25,098.40 , (1965 IlCollections ,lanuary (1964) 18,936•90 1965 26,869.19 - IMr. Love concluded that Mr. E. M. Butler was a good Administrator in his opinion. NEW HANOVER NtEMORIAL HOSPITAL TRUSTEES - The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Mr. L. M. Newsome suggesting that another negro be appointed to the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. He read the folloi•ring repiy to Mr. Newsom's letter and asked that it be put into the minutes of the meeting: " Thank you for your letter of February 3rd relative to the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Thank you for your interest in this matter. At the present time, no enlargement of the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital.is cont"emplat.ed-? .rWheft:this_Board;.iis-enlarged, preference will be given to those men who are leaders in the community and are best qualffied to strengthen this Board." After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board ratify the action taken by the Chairman "nunc pro tunc". It was seconded by both Messrs. Braak and Boviden and unanimously approved. EMPLOYEE RETIREP'ENT SYSTEM - Mr. Hall remarked that in his opinion the Board should consider.some system lof retirement for County employees,in addition to Social Security,as most of the indust- Irial institutions were providing such a system. He suggested that information be se- cured about the State system or that the County system be reopened to allow employees ?starting to work for the County on and after March 1957,when it was clesed,could be in- ?cluded. Mr. Vaughan thinlcs the'Board should be well informed f,rom an actuarial stand- point and that any assistance set up should be uniform. Mr. Hall suggested that.the Executive Secretary be authorized to arrange.for a representative of the State system Vto come down and explain it to the Board. Dr. Hooper said that he had been approached by both the Health and LJelfare Departments and in his opinion the County should have such a system. County Auditor Love stated that he had written each member of the Board a letter explaining the present status of the present County system arid suggested that it be reopened which would require legislative action during ttie present Generai '!P.ssembly if it is to become effective.in the next two years. Mr. Hall then offered a W ion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write to the State Local Govern- tal Employees Retirement System and ask Mr. Plathan H. Yelton, their Executive Secre- tary, if they wouid come down and explain the State Retirement 5ystem to the Board and, if so, to set a convenient date. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. TAX PENALTY The Chairm,an presented a letter from Mrs. Charles,Richter of 214 North 12th j5treet stating that in 1964 she was out of town during the month of January and could ot list her taxes. She wrote her sister and asked her to list them for her. Her sis- er listed the taxes for Mrs. Richter's property but did not know there was another I continud- ' ??? 438 Ninutes of the .P7eeting February 15, 1965 Continued TAX PENALTY - abstrac't" arid,? :there'f•ore-. the"pers:on lis;tdng":thein .overl'ooked the second abstract ? and Mrs. Richter was charged a non-listing penalty of $26.63. She requested that the penalty be abated. The Tax Supervisor recommended the abatement since she had made an honest effort to list her taxes properly and thought she had done so. Upon motion of 11 Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously agreed to forgive the penalty as provided by GS-105 ='330 (d). THEA'tRE ADVERTISING - Mr. Vaughan presented the following Resolution and stated that in his opinion this Board should go on record opposing such lewd and lascivious advertisements: WHEREAS, many citizens of New Hanover County view with dismay the apparent trend of many County motion picture theatres toward trying to ovtdo each other with flagrant, lewd and lascivious advertisements in their various advertising media, be it resolved that this Board encourages our citizens as individuals and groups to make known to the operators and owners of these establishments their disapproval of such practice wherever it occurs; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board considers such practice to be unwise and undesirabie in our community and that such reflects discredit upon the fine standards.of our people in the eyes of visitors, transients and newcomers; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that this Board directs that copies of this Resolution ' • be submitted to all civic clubs and parent-teacher orgar.izations in the community ? with the request that its content be made known to the membership of these orgariiza-? tions; flE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be communicated by registered mail, return receipt requested, to not only managers but all owners of all county theatres:i N1r. Braak offered a motion to adopt the Resolution. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved by the Board. Mr. Vaughan suggested that a,copy of this Resolution!i be sent to the Sheriff and akk him to inquire what means are being used by the theatres i to distinguish between adults and minors. DATA PROCESSING - The Executive Secretary reported that in compliance with instructions aiven him at a previous meeting he had been successful in setting up a meeting with a repre- ' sentative of the I.B.M. Corporation to present films, slides and charts on their data processing system at a meeting scheduled for March 15, 1965. After.a brief discussion, the Board unar.imously aoreed for the Executive Secretary to arrange this meetino for 6:30I P. M. on March 15, 1965 and instructed him to invite the City Council, the Board of Education :?Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital. I and Board of I Mr. Vaughan offered the followina Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that this Board take note of the fact that upon commencement of operation of New Hanover Nemorial Hospital, the combined employment of the County I and City of Wilmington will probably well exceed 2,000 persons and that in such operations modern American business enterprises quite often find sionificant economy i and convenience in establishment of data processing centers, does hereby communicate to the Council of the City of b7ilmington its desire to collaborate with the City in ' investigation of the potential benefits to be derived from estabiishino of such a ? center for joint operation; FURTHER BE IT RE50LVED that for purposes of discussion,the Board suggests to the Covncil that each body appoint one member to a committee of two which body will serve only.for the purpose of selection of a committee of three employees of the City and County deemed best qualified to carry out the proposed study; FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the proposed study committee be directed to so conduct itself that if recommended the proposed center would be in operation well ahe2d of.need dictated by opening of New Hanover Memorial Hespit.al. ' Mr. Bcraak. offered a motion that the Resolution be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. ARCHITECTS' FEES The Executive Secretary presented the Board with the answer to his letter as instructed by the Board on January 4th with reference to the basis on which the fee was made and if it wa5 supposed to be included in the contract price. The architect explained that the A.I.A. regular fees were 10% of the contract price on all renovations and that it was not included in the contract as the contract specificaliy stated the items included because of the small scope of the project. Nir. Bowden then offered a motion that the architect's fee in the amount of $870.00 be paid and that an appropria- tion of $870.00 be made from Unanticipated Intangible Tax to cover it. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. COPY MACHINE - Mr. Vaughan then offered the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that this Board directs the Executive Secretary to study the use of machines for reproducing printed and written documents by all agencies within the Court House for the purpose of determining whether joint facilities offer attraction from the standpoints of economy of direct cost and employee time and also superior reproductions. The Executive Secretary was instructed to check out the various machines used for this purpose. / ?? ?? 439 Minutes of t_he Meetin_cL_ Februarv 15:-1965 Continued I ?- 4- IITELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD - Mr. Vaughan offered the following Resolution after sugge§ting that Lhe County might render a more efficient service if they had an up to date telephone system: BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Secretary be directed to ask the Southern Bell Telephone Company to make a complete study of the possible desirability of a , central telephone switchboard system for all departments including schools, hos- pitals and miscellaneous units. ' ? BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board desires that this Resolution be made I knovm to the Wilmington City Council, the Board having in mind that this area could possibly be one of desirable consolidation of service. ? • Nr. Uauohan offered the motion that the Resolution be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The Chairman appointed M,r. Bowden as a committee to investigate the possibilities of this service. SCHOOL REPORTS - Mr. Vaughan offered the following ResoluLion which was seconded by Mr. Bowden , and unanimously adopted: ' BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Education be requested by I the Executive Secretary to render separate reports to this Board on the following ' subjects: B ' A. The program of the Board with respect to significant physical training of the individuai student not a member of conference athletic teams. ? B. The comparative cost of three recently completed elementary schools per pupil designed capacity with equivalent schools recentiy completed by other counties adjoining IJew Hanover or having area within seventy-five miles of New Hanover. I C. The Policy of the Board with respect to allowing ail qualified county ? architectural, enoineering and other professional firms participate in construction programs of the Board. D. The matter of providing or not providing uniforms to school band members. E. The schools program to promote highest stands of honesty among all students ? in their everyday work. F. Do the Board of Education members and its central staff personally survey p all non-technical textbooks with the purpose of determining that they contain no teachings hidden or iunhiddenwhich are foreign to the philosophy of the great majority of people of our communityl ? COUNTY FARM - Mr. Braak informed the Boardthat the budgeted funds for carrying on the acti- U vities at the County Farm are practically depleted and he would like to have an express- ion from the Board and any suggestion of future plans they might have in mind. He sug- gested that the raising of vegetables and meat continue and sell off some of the real I property. He observed that if they are to continue operating the farmino portion, it will be,necessary to purchase considerable new machinery and it is his recommendation if they decide on that course,of;.action to employ a competent person to operate the farm machinery as the type help in the Prison Department is not suitable for that sort of activity. Now is the time to make the decision because springtime is the proper time for preparing the land for the crops. Mr. Hall expressed his opinion to stop the farm operation and use the prison labor for ditching. Mr. Vauohan suggested that the Board look into the feasibility of making the Farm into a model farm operation, but Mr. Braak pointed out that'that the cost to get back into a farming operation is prohibitive in his opinion. After some discussion, Mr. Ha.ll offered a motion 'that we get out of the farm operation except for vegetable patches and that the land be leased out on an annual basis and that the livestock be sold. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimou"sly approved. The Executive Secretary reported that he had been approached by Mr. A. D. Cox, Jr. to purchase some of the County land which adjoins his present farm. Parts of his farm was taken over by the Federal government in the construction of the Air De- fense Command Dispersal Complex. PARKS AND RECREATION The Chairman reported thaL he had received a letter from the County Planning and Zoning Board recommending that a County Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission be appointed to work with the now existing City Parks and Recreation Commission to formu- late a County-wide Program of recreational needs. After discussing the idea, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the recommendation of the County Planning and Zoning Board be approved and that a 7 man Board be appointed, iricluding the Coianty Attorney, to work in conjunction with the City Parks and Recreation Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried.- The Caunty Attorney was instructed to draw up an instrument outlining the scope of the responsibilities of the Commission. , AIR C,ONDITIONER - The Executive Secretary reported that he had a request from the.Register of Deeds for a new air conditioner in his office to replace one which the maintenance people advised is not economically repairable. The Board, by common consent, agreed to consider it at the next Budget time. 11 I .? Minutes of the Meeting February 15, 1965 Continued SERVICE ESTIMATE - ACCOUIVTING MACHINE ' The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that the accounting machine being used in the Tax Office had given considerable trouble last year and that he had learned that about two years ago between $500.40 and $600.00 was spent on it as a"stop-gap" measure. He presented a service estimate made by the National Cash Register Company who had manufactured the machine amounting to $1,683.72. Mr. Vaughan raised the question as to whether or not this came under the maintenance agreement. It was dis- covered that the machine had been in use since January 1952 and that the maintenance agreement does not apply afterthe machine is 10 years old. After discussing this matter with the manufacturer's agent, it was found that any maintenance on a machine more than 10 years old was not covered at all and that on service to keep the machine ? operating was billed on a time and material basis. It is the recommendation that from a dollar and cents standpoint, as well as from the system's angle, the County would' perhaps be better off to trade the old equipment rather than overhaul it. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: 1- County Agricultural Agent's Extension Report for January, 1965. 2- Home Economics Extension Agent's Report for January, 1965• 3- Wilmington Public Library Report for January, 1965. !}- U. S. Corps of Engineers Notices: a- Notice of Public Hearing on Flood Control and Related Purposes, Friday, February 26th, 1965 in the Superior Courtroom, Kenansville, N. C. • b- Notice relative to an application for a permit to construct a pon- toon bridge across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, 350 feet north , of navigation Marker #121, near Page Creek. ADJOURNNENT - • There being no fvrther business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Braak moved that the meeting be ad,journed. It was seconded by Bowd? and unanimovsly approved. A , `Executive ldilmington, N. C. Narch 1, 1965 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular sdmimonthly meeting on the above date at 4:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman ,)oseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr, and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and Count.y P.ttorney L. Bradford Tillery. • INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked Reverend A. J. Blake, Pastor of St. Luke's A.N.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Befere the minutes were approved, Nr. Vaughan reauested that in the para- graph headed "TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD" be chaneed to read, after the word "thouoht• in the first sentence to "suggested that" in the paraoraph under "COUNTY FARM" to change the words "is of the opinion" to read "Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Board look into I the feasibility of making the Farm into a model operation." Under the paragraph "PA12KS. & RECREATION", add the sentence "The County Attorney was instructed to drata up an in- strument outlining the scope crF the 3....re of the responsibilities of the Conmission." After makino the above changes, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. PARKS & RECREATION Mr. Vauahan then offered a motion, after consulting with the other members of the Board, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a seven man Committee to cooper- ate trith the City Parks and recreation Commission to Develop a County-wide Recreational Progr2m. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimeusiy passed. I BIDS - RECORDERIS COURT VALIDATING MACHINE Complying with the authorization of the Board to advertise for a validating I machine to be used in the Clerk of Recorder's Office, the Executive Secretary inserted specifications as outlined by the independent auditing firm recommending this system, in the Wilmington Mornino Star on February 4th, 1965 with copies sent to the various ? known manufacturers of such equipment. As a result, we received oniy one bid from ' the National Cash Register Company which met aii the specifications in the advertisement''. They propose to furnish their model #41-8-18-8-2 (A) TT at a cost of $2,880.00 plus applicable taxes, The Attorney ruled that the bid was acceptable from a'legal stand- point. Mr. Vaughan observed that the Wilminoton Office of the National Cash RegisCer p had been voted the outstandina one in the country and asked Mr, L. C. Mayrose, who was present, to stand. He assured the Board that the machine recommended xeould meet all ? of the needs outlined in the specificatiens written by the Auditor and stated that fmmediate delivery covld be made but that some time would be necessary to prepare the continued- T__ 1 , ' I