1965-03-01 Regular Meeting.? Minutes of the Meeting February 15, 1965 Continued SERVICE ESTIMATE - ACCOUIVTING MACHINE ' The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that the accounting machine being used in the Tax Office had given considerable trouble last year and that he had learned that about two years ago between $500.40 and $600.00 was spent on it as a"stop-gap" measure. He presented a service estimate made by the National Cash Register Company who had manufactured the machine amounting to $1,683.72. Mr. Vaughan raised the question as to whether or not this came under the maintenance agreement. It was dis- covered that the machine had been in use since January 1952 and that the maintenance agreement does not apply afterthe machine is 10 years old. After discussing this matter with the manufacturer's agent, it was found that any maintenance on a machine more than 10 years old was not covered at all and that on service to keep the machine ? operating was billed on a time and material basis. It is the recommendation that from a dollar and cents standpoint, as well as from the system's angle, the County would' perhaps be better off to trade the old equipment rather than overhaul it. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: 1- County Agricultural Agent's Extension Report for January, 1965. 2- Home Economics Extension Agent's Report for January, 1965• 3- Wilmington Public Library Report for January, 1965. !}- U. S. Corps of Engineers Notices: a- Notice of Public Hearing on Flood Control and Related Purposes, Friday, February 26th, 1965 in the Superior Courtroom, Kenansville, N. C. • b- Notice relative to an application for a permit to construct a pon- toon bridge across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, 350 feet north , of navigation Marker #121, near Page Creek. ADJOURNNENT - • There being no fvrther business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Braak moved that the meeting be ad,journed. It was seconded by Bowd? and unanimovsly approved. A , `Executive ldilmington, N. C. Narch 1, 1965 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular sdmimonthly meeting on the above date at 4:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman ,)oseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr, and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and Count.y P.ttorney L. Bradford Tillery. • INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked Reverend A. J. Blake, Pastor of St. Luke's A.N.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Befere the minutes were approved, Nr. Vaughan reauested that in the para- graph headed "TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD" be chaneed to read, after the word "thouoht• in the first sentence to "suggested that" in the paraoraph under "COUNTY FARM" to change the words "is of the opinion" to read "Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Board look into I the feasibility of making the Farm into a model operation." Under the paragraph "PA12KS. & RECREATION", add the sentence "The County Attorney was instructed to drata up an in- strument outlining the scope crF the 3....re of the responsibilities of the Conmission." After makino the above changes, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. PARKS & RECREATION Mr. Vauahan then offered a motion, after consulting with the other members of the Board, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a seven man Committee to cooper- ate trith the City Parks and recreation Commission to Develop a County-wide Recreational Progr2m. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimeusiy passed. I BIDS - RECORDERIS COURT VALIDATING MACHINE Complying with the authorization of the Board to advertise for a validating I machine to be used in the Clerk of Recorder's Office, the Executive Secretary inserted specifications as outlined by the independent auditing firm recommending this system, in the Wilmington Mornino Star on February 4th, 1965 with copies sent to the various ? known manufacturers of such equipment. As a result, we received oniy one bid from ' the National Cash Register Company which met aii the specifications in the advertisement''. They propose to furnish their model #41-8-18-8-2 (A) TT at a cost of $2,880.00 plus applicable taxes, The Attorney ruled that the bid was acceptable from a'legal stand- point. Mr. Vaughan observed that the Wilminoton Office of the National Cash RegisCer p had been voted the outstandina one in the country and asked Mr, L. C. Mayrose, who was present, to stand. He assured the Board that the machine recommended xeould meet all ? of the needs outlined in the specificatiens written by the Auditor and stated that fmmediate delivery covld be made but that some time would be necessary to prepare the continued- T__ 1 , ' I ?, ??° Minutes of the Meeting March 1, 1965 ,Continued -- BIDS - RECORnER'S COURT VALIDATING MACHIDIE forms,that.wbuld:be required by the Clerk of Recorder's Court.. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the bid be accepted and that funds amountin.gto $2,966.40 be appropriated out of Unanticipated Intangible Tax Revenue to . Capital Outlay in the Recorder's Court Budget to cover the cost. It was seconded by r.Bowden and unanimously passed. ECORDERIS COURT SYSTEMS . The Superior Court Cierk, Mr. Foster Edwards, through his Deputy, Colonel J. . Fitzpat'rick, made the following presentation: "In order for the Recorder's Court office to place in effect the system changes commended by the Special Audit Report'accepted by the County Commissioners at a special lled meetino on 25 January, 1965, it is necessary that a supply of the recommended forms d the office equipment to support these forms, be procured and placed in operation. Inasmuch as all forms to be used are to be prepared in triplicate(with the ex- tion of the McBee system for the Support Accounts) and various changes in the format reof must be accomplished, the forms now on hand are inadequate for the purpose. Pads of the foilowing forms, all in triplicate except Docket Sheets required: Docket Sheets (quad) Commitments for Trial Commitments under SenLence Cash Bond Receipts Releases In addition, cards for the recommended card Index and Post Binders for the Docket Sheets ,ri 11 be needed. Additionai office equipment necessary to operate the system ircludes: I 2 14" carriage typeiariters Index Card Files • 1 Desk Secretariat, Left pdestal 2 Roll about file cabinets with loc}t tab - The loose leaf Docket Sheets will replace the Docket Book, Judges Book and inutes Book noti in use - the cost of these books is as follows: I Minutes Book: $108.00 3-?per year - total $324.00 li Judgets Book 20.00 12 per year- total $240.00 (estimate) I Docket'Book 43.00 12 per year- total $516.00 Rough estimate of cost of forms on N C R Paper as prepared by Jackson 8 Bell rintino Company is as follows: 500 sets in triplicate Cash Bond Receipts 52 x 3 $ 21.30 1500 sets in triplicate Release Receipts 7x 3.1 47.30 5000 sets Commitments for Trial 8? x 7 ' 205.?}5 5000 sets Commitments under Sentence 82 x 7 205•45 5000 sets Docket Sheets 8? x 12 265.90 (1000 sets as above (485.00) 3000 Cardex Cards 8 x 5 printed 2 sides 35.60 $..781.00 Post Binders for pocket Sheets: $75.00 in (for 12 used 3 per month) 1,000.00 Rough estimate of cost of additional office equipment is 2 S f O 1 1 04.'S ; • 2 Typewriters $ 500.00 1 Desk, Secretiat, Left PedesLal 225.00 2 Roll about file CabineLs with Lock Top 125.00 1 File Cabinet for Cardex files 600.00 - - g1450.00 The McBee system for the Support Accounts, including one year's supply of forms may be procured for approximately $700.00. This system, is hiahl,y recommended by account- ing firms and rJili greatly facilitate the operation of this section of the Recorder's iCourtOffice in addition to providing additional safeguards for this fund. Request a total of $3,000.00 be appropriated in order for the Recorder's Court Office to place the new recommended system in effect by a tentative date of 1 April, 1965." After a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Executive Secretary get ,informal bids on the supplies and equipment necessary to implement and install the recom- 'mendations made above. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Dr. Hooper then:;moved that the Executive Secretary be auLhorized to secure informal bids and purchase the necessary forms and supplies to implement and install the sys'tem recom- mended above and that $2,300 be appropriated from Unanticipated Intangible Tax Revenues to be supplemented by the unused funds in the Budget which ordinarily would be used to purchase the supplies which will be replaced by the system above. It was seconded by N;r. Braak and unanimously carried, • INSTALLATIOAI SUPERVISION - Dr. Hooper observed that the Independent Auditor, W. C. Barfield, C.P.A. has advised him that the cost of supervising the instailation of these systems would not ex- ceed $300.00 and offereda motion that in line with the recommendations of the Indepen- dent Auditor that he be authorized to install and supervise the systems until it satis- ',factorily meets all the requirements of the Local.Government Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. 11 I M -? Minutes of the Meetino _Na.r_c.h 1. L9b5 _ --- ------- - - _ --- ---? DRATNAGE PROBLEM - Mrs. J. F. Smith, a citiZen 4rho lives on the River Road was recognized by trie Chairman and stated that there were several old'ditches in the neighborhood which were filled with sLanding water on which a green scum has developed. Durino the re- I cent warm spell, the mosquitos wer.e breedina there and, in her opinion, it is an un- i sanitary condition. She stated that Nr. W. H. Cranford, the Sanitarian in the Health Department, had inspected the area and declared it the worst drainage problem in the Coud•Ly. The Chairman thanked her for her report and advised that the matter be dis- cussed at the next Board of Health meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 3rd, Mr. Vaughan r¢marked that he thought the Executive Secretary should confer with Mr. Cran- ford and find out why, if it is the worst drainage problem in the County, something has not been done about it long before this time. The=Board approved this suggestion by common consent. THEATER ADVERTISING - ' Mr. C. B. McCandless, accompanied by Mr. O. K. Pr3dgen, Sr., was recognizedll, by the Chairman and stated that he wanted to commend the Board of Commissioners for passing their Resolution aaainst the trend of motion picture theaters to outdo each other with flagrant, lewd and lascivious advertisicig. There is anoLher field which he thinks deserves to be censored and that is in the realm of maga2ines. He reported ii that a committee of citizens, thr.ough the Sheriffts department, attempted to banish some of the so called "Prt" maga2ines but that it was taken before the Supreme Court, iaho ruled against such praCtices, but even at that he uraed this Board to go on record as leaders in a community effort to boycott the sales of such harmful literature. ]ie cited an example of young school children leavina the school bus and immediately runninc to the magazine• racks in the nearby stores and picking out the most lurid looking pictures on the front of the magazines. Mr. Vaughan r¢marked that if, such action can not be stopped by law, the parents should make an effort to protect their children against such unsavory information. Mr. O. H. Pridgen oras then recognized by the Chair man and explained that he was not the Pridgen who holds a public ofFice and does not have a bill to present for payment but that he would like to aiso commend the Commiss- ioners for their good job and urged them to clean up the sex advertisements which are I contaminating our young people and suggested that they take some action on the numerous iiquor advertisements appearing in our local newspaper. The Chairman thanked him for his interest but suggested that he come back at the next meeting for a further discus- sion of that problem and that the Executive Secretary would work out the time for him to appear at the next meeting. Mr. Pridgen thanked him for this privilege. ? COUNTY LAND LEASE - Mr. Albert D. Cox Jr. appeared before the Board and expiained that the ex- pansinn of the runways being made at the Airport made it necessary for him to dispose of some of his productive land. He reported that Mr. Braak, some time ago, had sbarted the ball rolling to oet a food grocessing plant for New Hanover County. Ne has obli- , gated himself to supply the vegetabl.es for the plant and will need approximately 80 I acres of tillable land to produce the commodities. He proposes to either purchase land now owned by the County or is wiliing to lease it on a five year term lease at an I agreed rental of $10.06 per acre per year. He estimates that the County has appr.ox- imately 40 acres of tiilable land at the Airport and County Farm site and approximated,v 40 acres at the Blue Clay Farm which would be sufficient for him to produce the commod- ities for which he has contracted. After a thorough discussion of this problem, Mr. Braak offered a motion that all the tillable land available for the Covnty be leased to Mr. A. D. Cox, Jr. for five years at $10.00 per acre with the stipulation in the aoree- ? ment that should an emergency arise which iqould make it necessary to change the lease, the County and Mr. Cox would negotiate a satisfactory reimbursement for capital improve- ments which he-had made on a pro rata basis. IL was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unani-', mously approved by the Board, ? BIDS - AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING - Complying with instructions at the last meetino of the Board, Mr. Bowden reported that he has studied the various bids received for air conditioning the Airport Terminal Suilding and because of the variance of the-=speciEications'by'the severa,I' b:iddess,, he-recommends that all of the bids be re,jected and that the prolect be read- vertised for bids based on definite engineering design. After due consideration, Mr. Hall moved that-the Chairman be authorized to employ a qualified consulting engineer or architect to draw a design and write specifications for air conditioning the Airport Terminal, and that the project'be readve"rtised for bids. It was seconded by Mr. Vaugha? and unanimously adopted. I TELEPHOIVE SWITCHBOARD Complying with instructions r'esulting from the resolution at the last meeting suggesting an investigation into the possibility of installing a telephone switchboard for the County, Mr. L. O. Bowden introduced Mr. Ernest L. Savnders, Jr., an engineer , of the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company. Mr. Saunders explained that the I study for the proposed system originated with a request from the Public YJelfare Depart- I mentment in which he recommended one additional outside line and two telephones with a two-link inter-communication arrangement which would require a non-recurring service charge of $80.00 and a monthly increase in the telephone charges of $79.50. He explain,:d that he was first requested to make a study to see if it would be feasible to instail one system for both Lhe County and City government but since part of the service would require emergency 24 hour service and special handling combined with mileage costs and I operatorst salaries it would make the combined system prohibitive. He then proposed a recommendation for a centralized telephone system located in the Gourt House. He presented a breakdown by departments of his proposal for dial equipment installed under a five year contract wi.th a minimum of $2,600 00 reduceable by 1/60 for each month in service. The equipment would require a room 8 x 8?1. The net additional cost per mont;i woald be $113.73. a'A,A3* The non- recurring instailation charge would.be $50.00. The proposed system would require an , operator who could perform other work between the phone calls that would more than pay for the extra cost of the empioyee. The Register of Deeds, E. P. Blanchard, Jr, was recognized and suggested that before a decision is made, a briefing of the depart- ment heads might be profitable to see if the change would be of help in their particulariI department. After considering the pros and cons of this proposal, Mr. Vavghan offered a motion that the proposal be accepted ar.d studied by the Commissioners during the next I two weeks and that Mr. Sdunders be asked to write a one page letter setting aut the costs and benefits. It was seconded by Mr. Nall and unanimously carried. \ 5 444? Minutes of the Meeting March 1, 1965 Continved ICOUNTY AIRPORT - CONTROL T014ER Mr, Bowden reported that in compliance with the action taken by the Board of ICommissioners on July 6, 1964 in which they individually agreed to construct additional office space at the Air Traffic Control Tower at the New Hanover County Airport, presented a sketch of the additional floor space needed and attached a list of the general speci- fications that would-be suitable: It is•estimated that they will need approximately 680 sq, ft. e?hich is esttmated wou2d cost between $6,000 and $7,000 Por which they would pay annual rental of $2,25 per sq. ft. After some consideration of this proposal, it was decided, by common consent, to inc.lude an estimate for this wark in the next annval I Bvdget, The Chairman was authorized to discuss the matter with a competent architect and have ali plans and specifications ready for advertising and lettina as soon after Ju2y 2st as possibte. . 'AIRPORT MUSEUM ? Mr. John A. Westbrook, Manaqer of Blvethenthal Field, reported that the New Hanover Flying Association, proposed building an octagonal museum 3214" in diameter near 'the Terminal, at no cost to the County. After some•:discussion, Mr. Vavghan moved that the plans be approved with the understanding that the Airport Committee inspect the plans and site and make recommendations. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. iAIRPORT PARHING LOT Airport Manager John A. Westbrook presented a proposal for extending the public parY,ing lot on the south side of the Airport Terminal, as well as a small portion at the north end of the Terminai for the use of the employees, He reports that the approximate , size would be 1001 by 108l by 138t x 168t and provide 75 parking spaces, and it would re- , quire very little capita2 outlay becavse fo the fact that the base raaterial has already been put down. The only requirement at present would•be scraping off the top and leveling ?Ia few 10w places in it. By common consent, the Board approved the proposal but would have to defer actlon on the paving until the next Budget time. I COUNTY AIRPORT - COA1TROL TOIJER I Mr. Nall remarked that before leaving the sub,ject of the Airport he 4aould like to see a more definite stand taken with reference to the additionto the Contro2 Tower since it was promised by the Board last year and offered a motion that the Chairman pro- I ceed with plans and specifications for adding to the Control Tower in order to be ready to buiId it as sooa as possib2e after the Bvdget is approved, It was secanded by Mr. Braak, During the discussion, the County Attorney advised the Board that they should not make a contract before an appropriation is made for accomplishing the work.' When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" but as all other members of the Board voted "YES", the Chairman declared it carried. • PUBLIC 4dELFARE - „ Mr. N. P. 8arefoot, a member of the locai ?rlelfare Board, appeared before the II? Board of Commissioners and presented some changes which they wished to make in the Wel- fare Department as follows. . N;rs. Calhoun plans to retire on April lst. She now draws $274,00 per month salary. , Their Board recommends that the following changes be made which will absorb $52.00 of the $274.00: I Steele From $302.00 to $317.00 Walker " 261.00 " 274.00 Vandergrift 261,00 •" 274.00 Lawson 215.00 " 226.00 They propose to employ one new cierical worker at $215,00 per month. The also recom- mend an increase in the salary of Mr. Bradsher from $386.00 per month to $405.00 per month and put him on 24 hour call basis to handle emergencies. Another request invoives /J? the employment of a Clerical-Homemaker from March lOth throvgh N,arch 31st. They wish to step up the gresent annval salaries of Clerical i-iorkers (3) salaries from $6204.00 to $7176.00 annually. After a discussion of this request, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the requests be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. In the discussion of , this subject, Dr. Hooper stated that he did not think they should make the changes at this time. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Borfden and Hooper voted against the motion; ; Messrs, Hall, Braak, Vaughan voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried. PUBLIC WELFARE MILEAGE SHEETS Mr. Braak reported that at present the accouttting breakdown on mileage`being paid in the 4delfare DePartment is made in two cateaories - In County and Oat County. The lh'elfare Board recommends that it be compiled into one travel account`•which will s?m- p1afy the bookkeeping and reports. County Auditor Love observed that in his opinion 'it is working very satisfactory as it is. After some discussion, Mr. $raak offered a motion that the mileage account be lumped toeether and that the reports be made with a summary of itemi.2ed trips. lf was seconded by Mr. Hall ar.d ur.animously adopted. BUILDING INSPECTOR - The Chairman observed that the Board had authorized the Building Inspector to beain requirina permits on March lst as authorized at the meeting of February lst but that no date had been set for the enforcement of the actual Buildiro Code and in his opin- ion a date must be set to beein the enforcement. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the date be set as May Ist, 1965ywhich wou2d give everybody time to fami2iarize themselves ;with the provisions of the Code. It was seconded by Nr. Braalc but before the vote was ta4en Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the date to begin the enforcement of of the Buildino Code be set as April lst; 1965. It was seconded by Dr. Heoper and unani- mously passed. BUILDING CODE - Article 1, Section 102 - Scope The County Attorney advised the Board that it would be necessary for them to ad.opt a resolution specifying the scope and type of structures and additions thereto they II wished the Building Inspector to enforce and regulate. After some consideration,. Mr. Ha21 offered a motion that dwellings.and out-buildings used therewith; apartment buildings, used exclusively as the residence of not more than two families situated in Neta Hanover ? County be included and subject to the Buildina Code as adopted by SCate for that type of i structures but that temperary buildinas or sheds used exclusively for construction pur- • continiaed- ,444 _ N?jn?it oe??{,?g_jvJoat ir???_19?K ('nnt iniicA - - `-- -----.__. I BUILDIDIG CODE - Article 1, Section 102 - Scope (continued) poses, not exceeding 20t in any direction and not used for living quarters, be excluded. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted, HIGHWAY FLASHER-LIGHT ' The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lyman L. Kinlaw, Sr. callino attention to the dangerous intersection or crossing of Wallace Avenue and Oleander Drive. He reported that within the last six weeks he had helped to take four peopie to. the' Hospital on account of wrecks at this location. This is particularly true on ldest- bound traffic at night rrhich Lurns into Wallace Avenue from Oleander Drive. He recom- mended that a caution light of some kind be installed at this point and suggested that a flasher-light would be ,very helpful. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a' motion that the Board endorse this recommendation and instruct the Executive Secretary to refer it to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. TAX ASATEMENT The Tax Supervisor presented a letter iahich he had received from an attor- ney representing Mrs. Emmett M. Bellamy requesting the abatement of taxes which she had paid on _her portion of some property since 1957, when it was condemned by the United States of America. It is such a complicated affair the Tax Supervisor recom- mended that it be referred to the County Attorney for study and his advice. By com- mon consent, the Board unanimously approued this recommandation, JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY The Executive Secretary reported that he had a prospective buyer for a: ? parcel of jointly owned tax foreclosed property described as Block A, Lot 16 in the Bronx Subdivision. It ts 331 x 110' and appraised at $300.00. This piece of propert is adjacent to Lot 17 which is a corner lot and was approved at the last meeting for $475.00. The Executive Secretary recommended that Lot 16, which is an interior lot, be approved at $425.00. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that this recommendation be approved, subject to the concurring approval by the City Council. It was seconded'.by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. LOVE GROVE The Executive Secretary reported that he had an inquiry from.the Forest Products, Incorporated,for the purchase of Lots Il and 9 in Blocks 10 and 11. The lots are 501 x 100' in Love Grove and appraised at 300.00 each. After some discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion ;that action be delayed on the sale of these lots at the appraised figure for further study. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimovsly car- ried. AZALEA FESTIVAL BAND - The Chairman reported that he had received a call informing him that it had been customary 3n the past for the City and County to furnish a Band at the ,joint City and County Luncheon sponsored by them during the Azalea Festival. The cost of the Band for this service is $200.00 of which the City has agreed to pay $100.00 and he requests the County to pay $100.00. The Chairman suggested that this sort of expense should be included in the Budget in his opinion. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the County share in this expense in the amount of $100.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed by a ma,jority vote. Dr. Hooper did not vote. ? TAX EQUALIZATION PROGRAM The Tax Supervisor advised the Board that he had been in touch with three of the nearby firms who might be interested in biddino on the County's Tax Equaliza- h tion Program scheduled for completion not later than January 1, 1967. One of the firms; promised to send a representative: to discuss the planning and Tax Equalization Program and will give us two or three days notice ahead of his scheduled viSit in order that as many members of the Board as can conveniently do so can participate in the discus- sion. The Tax Supervisor recommends that a decision be made on plans and specifica- tions not later than May lst so that we might advertise for .bids to be opened during the month of June and the contract awarded not later than July 1, 1965'so that the firm receiving the contract iaill have plenty of time to complete it without being forced into a "crash program". SERVICE ESTIMATE - ACCOUNTING M/aCHINE • The Tax Supervisor reported that he had again contacted the manufacturers of the accounting machine used in the Tax Office which is in need of an overhaul ,job; which is estimated to cost $1,683,72. At the last meeting, the Board was under the impression that it was covered under a maintenance aoreement. The service manager ex- plained that after the first ten years of life in any of their machines they do not issue maintenance agreements. He said that even if we spend the estimated amount of repairs for the overhaul job it wouid not restore the machine to more than an annual agreement or warranty for defective parts. He advised that his company wovld be Wi1l- ing to rent a machine for approximately $150.00 per month. Since the County is can- templating the instailation of a data processing center, he recommends that the County give consideration.to the rental rather than repairing the machine. After some dis- cussion, Dr. Hooper'offered a motion that tkiis maintenance agreement be referred to the County Attor.ney for study to definitely determine if our present machine could conceiv- ably be repaired under its stipulations. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. BEER PERMITS - The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed and apon motion of Nr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation and consi deration: Dorothy McFadden Thompson T/A. Highland Park 1802 N. 9th St. Earl D. Hewlett T/A Trail's End Restaurant RFD 3, Box 160 . The Marina Restaurant, Inc. T/A Marina Res taurant Inc. 110 Causeway Dr. (Raiford G. Trask & Charles 0. Kersey) ? I ?? e 445 1 Mlnutes of the Meeting March 1, 1965 Continued ? STUDENT LOCAE-GOVERNN(EN1 - The Executive Secretary reported that a Committee from the schools had con- ferred with ttie City Manager and the Executive Secretary with had conferred with the City Nanager and the Executive Secretary with reference to the observance of Student Local Government Day scheduled for Thursday, May 6th, 1965. The present plans call for alternate visits by the Board of County Commissioners and trie City Council between the New Hanover High Schooi and the Williston High School. This year, the Board of County Commissioners is scheduled to meet with the Williston High School in a regular ? meeting at 9:30 A. M. on May 6th, It is the desire of the school authorities for the Board to schedule a regular meeting for this period wfiich would last one hour. On the ? same day, between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock, the counterparts wovld visit with the , actual officials they represented for an on the scene experience. The arrangements above were confirmed by the City N?anager as satisfactory to the City Council but it is necessary for the Board of Commissioners to set up their own policy. After some dis- cussion, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that Commissioner Vaughan, County Attorney Tillery and the Executive Secretary be asked to confer with the School authorities to see if it II might be possible to work out an agreement whereby the meeting can be scheduled on a regular meeting date, either the first or th•frd Mondays. The motion was seconded by Nr. I Uaughan and unanimously carried. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMISSIOIV - Mr. Vauyhan observed that he had noticed the growing Airport and is convinced that it will become more and more important and,therefore, sugoested that a five man citizens' advisory commission be appointed to make recommendations with reference to its orderly development and offered a motion that such a commission be appointed. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. When the ballot was taken,?Messrs. Hooper and Vaughan voted for the motion while Messrs. Braak.and Hali voted against the motion. A decision was there- , fore deferred until all five members of the Board could be present. R,EPORTS. - The following reports were reviewed and ordered for future information: 1- Grand Jury Report for February 1965 2- U. S. Corps of Engineers Warning to Shad Fishermen to remove nets as soon as boaCs approach. 3- U. S. Corps of Engineers Public Notice in'fieaard to an application for a permit to dredge two entrance channels and turning basins, one at Federal Point, Fort Fisher and one at PricesT Creek, which are to be used in connection with ferry terminals. 4- FAA Memorandum regarding proposed relocation of ILS Localizer Transmitter in the area of the New Hanover County Airport. 5- Thank-you letter from Colonel George W. Gillette. • 6- Letter from Dr. W. A. Phillips commending the Board for their stand taken in regard to the lewd presentation of movie ads in New Hanover County. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning March 29, 1965- Special Term of Criminal Court; April 5th- Criminal term- ; April 12th and April 19th, 1965 - Civil terms: JUrors Por the week beainning March 29, 1965 - Criminal, Special term Andrews, Leon F. 4637 Long Leaf Hills Dr. Andrews, Nolie 510 Bladen St. Autry, John Henry RFD 1 Baker, Felton E. 3021 Adams St. Barnhill, Alma C. RFD 1 B 71 Castle Hayne Barbour, Hazel Box 245, Castle Hayne Bass, D. G. • 5009 Pine St. Bass, Georoe P. 315 Castle St. Bass, Henry M. 815 Hill St. Batson, Joan Carolyn 205 N. 22nd St. Bellamy, Wilbur 611 Wooster St. Biddle, Robert J. P. O. Box 81 Biggs, Frances E. RFD 1, Box 174 B Bilbro, Annie C. 4401 Narket St. Bishop, o. H. 203 Floral Pkwy Bissette, Z.C. 207 N. Wallace Ave. Black, Hathlyn Harr ison 215 Oakleaf Dr. Black, William 419 Oak St. Blackman, Grady C. 15 L ive Oak Ave. Blackwelder, C. M. 241 Spruce Dr. Blauks, Jake RFD 3, B 155 C. Bobbitt, Joseph A. 513 Princess St. Brittain, A. S. Box !}O, Wrightsv. Beach Brittain, W. F. 114 Ridgeway Dr. Brown, R. E. RFD 3, Box 307 K. Brown, Roy D. Brunson, Titus Bray, Earl R. • Burke, Mrs. Maude C. Butler, W. J. Canady, Helen Mintz Capps, Mrs. W. C. Cardwell, Cieave A. Carmichael, Lotte Carney, James W. Carney, Rosie J. Carpenter, C. J. Carpender, E. R. Carpenter, Joseph Cavenaugh, Filbert E. Chadwick, Johnson Clewis, Isabelle M. Cook, R. D. Cox, Mae Crawiey, Mary E. Crur:pler, Thelma Danner, Eugene Dodge, Harold C. Sr. Dombroskf, A.T. Drish, John M. Jurors for the week beginninq April 5th - Criminal term DuBose, Marion Dunn, Roxie S. Dwyer, Mrs. Ada Eakins, R. B. Edwards, F. D. Evans, John M. Evans, Raymond Everitt, Helen Wuff Fales, Charles F. Fales, Sadie S. 142 Parkwood Dr. B ?1}0 Carolina Beach 43ot3j Wrightsv. Ave. 12(} Ridgeway Dr. 15th & Market Sts. 306 Robert E. Lee Dr. l}07 Clay St. 104 Prospect Ave. P. o. sox 98 W i g?htsv. Beach N.C. 13?} W. Shipyard htvd. Gathright, Thor.nton E Geyer, Mary L. Geyer, Leon S. Gideon, Junious T. Godwin, E. P. Godriin, H. C. Gregg, Willis 0. Green, Alex Green, James E. Green, Marvin,C. Greer, F. H. 222 Woodland Dr. 1013 Miller St. 302 MacMillan Ave. 1606 Ann St. 710 Church St. 60t} Dock St. 14 Kenwood Ave. 306 s s1Va. 613 5. 6th St. 31 Kenwood Ave. 113 Wright25t. P. }o?. rBox 59 N 151y°Princess'st: c. 901 Walnut St. 2407 Poplar St. 1110 Browns Alley 2021 Barnett • City 39 Terrace Walk 620 S. 7th St. 8 Ivey Circle RFD 2, Box 338 P. o. sox 439 }? c pC?roloza?B?astle'Hayne 239 Whites Ave. 1022RFIi 53,7t BhoXS524t . . 1012 5. 8th St. 5740 Park Ave. P. o. box 1806 822 S. 6th St. 4502 Greenfield st. 203 s. lotn st. City 202 S. 42nd St. 3702 winston Blvd. continued- -A 446 Minutes of the Meeting March 1, 1965 Continued Jurors - April 5th, 196$ Criminal term - Continued Farrar, Jack B. P. 0. Box 418 Farrow, Robert S. Sr. Box 394 RFD 3 Fender, Linnie Jr . 5826 Oleand¢r Dr. Fields, Samuel E. 1009 S. 7th St. Floyd, Franklin M. 3802 Wrightsv. Ave. Fonvielle, C. E. 156 W. Renovah Formy Duval, Ida Pauline 402 N.15th Formy:Ikval, N?rs. Thelrca 402 N. 15th Fox, Charles W. 4211 Park Ave. Foxworth Charlie B. 106 Pine Cone Rd. Fowler, Ray 51 Lennon Dr. Freeman, Howard Edward RFD 2, Box 256 Futch, Billie Jr. 30 Ivey Cir. Gaddy, L. D. Jr. 4939 Pine St. Galloway, L. R. RFD 1, Box 130 Castle Hayne, N.C Gregory, Leonard J. Gurganus, C. D. Gurgannus, Elbert P. Guy, K. R. Guyton, Woodrow W. Habenight, Ernest Hall, John H. Hall, Maurice Hamme, Richard S. Harper, Carrie M. Harreil, Milton B. Harrell, William E. Harrelson; Coke li. 3r. Harrelson, G. E. Jurors for the week be4inning APril 12, 1965 - Civil term Harrington, Lena Alford RFD 3, Box 283 Harriss, M. L. 111 N. 15th St. Harris, W. J. 1+704 Cedar Ave. Hart, Alexander 2214 Brandon Rd. Haydu, George J. Jr. RFD 2, Box 272 Henderson, Fred 1310 Dawson St. Hicks, Carrie Mae 506 Dawson St. Hicks, John Russell RFD 3, Box 198 Hobbs, Roy F. RFD 1, Box 10 B Hodges, Robert A. RFD 3, Box 133 Holden, J. W. 703 S. 8th St. Horne, David Lee 906 Grace St. Howard, Linwood F. 2406-1- Princess St. Howell, Euzena F. 4401 Pine St. Heune, Jane Singleta ry 223 Forest Nills Jackson, James 711 S. 7th St. Johnson, 0. C. Box 201 Caro ina Beach Keliy, Joseph Box bl}2 Carol?ea h xennedy, Bessie c 908 N. 8th St. Kingoff, William N. 2317 Shirley Rd. Knox, James A. P. 0. Box 623 t V b arol'na g ach,N.C ?th St S 91? er Leary, Ro . } . . Lee, Curt.is W. 36 Woodlawn Ave. Leonard, Mary N. RFD 1 Box 38 Lock, Ben Long,Eva C. Mann, James H. Mapson, Joseph Mason, J. M. Masters, E. A. McConnell, Mrs. G. C. McGirt, Archie Mclntyre, Beatrice R. McMillan, Miss Lottie Meyland, J. W. Jr. Mishoe, James Thomas Moore Rrleathia Moore, Carl H. Morton, Hugh Murray, Grady B. Nyers, 4Jilliam D. Nyers, E. Burton Newkirk, Thomas E. Polite Abram H. Powell, Perry D. Jr. Richardson, Albert Risley, Robert H. Ritchie, Margaret E. Rivenbark, Joe David Jurors for the week beginninq April 14, 1965 - Civil term Rives, Katherine K. RFD 2, Box 205 Rogers, Richard S. %W.S.&T Aowell, Edsol Homer 3908 Wrightsv. Ave. Rubin, Abe % Southland Mfo. Co. Saunders, Henry H. P. O. Box 120 Carolina Beach,N.C. Saunders, L. 0. 712 Wright St. Senechal, Robert J. P. O. Box 331 Wrightsv, Beach,N.C. Shaw, George J. 207•5. 12th St. Smith, Francis W. 204 J.E.B. Stuart Dr. Spooner, Mrs. E. L. 1918 Pender Ave. Stanley, Carl H. 2858 Jefferson St. Seal, Cecil W. % Roses 5 8 10 Store Seigler, M. G. RFD 2, Box 68 Sisson, Penelope Bo rden P.O. Box 1106 Spencer, Mrs. Augus ta B. 514 Princess St. Stanley, Joseph E. 52 Mercer Ave. Steele, Joan S. % H. Bluethenthal Stewart, Robert L. % Moore Fonvielle Strickland, Hubert T. 3816 Princess Strong, Ludlow, RFD 2, Box 118 Sumner, T.M. RFD 1, Box 20, City Sutton; G. A. 119 Glendale Dr. Sykes, S. P. 1017 S. 4th St. Taylor, Oren J. 13 S. Lake Vil. Taylor, W. A. RFD 3, Box 456 Taylor, Walker Jr. Thornton, Wm. H. Todd, Horace L. Triplett, Robert L. Turner, Wi 11 iam '?fi. Underwood, Eddie Von Oesen, John A. Ward, Lillian G. Walker, Richard . Ward, Andrew L. Warren, James V. Wells, Elizabeth K. West, Dorothy White, Nms. Bernice B. White, Clarissa F. White, Flowe Craig VJilkinson, Robert L. Williamson, J. C. Wiliis, Mollie J. Winner, M. T. Wood, Walter E. 1`urner, J. H. Warren, William B. Yopp, Mrs. W. R. Zel'lers, C. F. RFD 2, Box 220 111 Green Forest Dr. 4925 Wrightsv. Ave. 4945 Wrightsv. Ave. 1108 Nawthorne Rd. 4101 Peachtree St. P. O. Box 1677 P-WOrIgHgsv39Beach 306 s. 7tn st. i 610 N. 7th St. 21 Green Meadows Dr. $418 Andover Rd. 243 Oakcrest Dr. 909 S. Kerr Ave. I I516 S. 9th St. ; 4605 Wrightsv. Ave. % J. C. Wessell , 8o8Pg.09tR°gtll d Mason Electr3c Co. RFD 3, Box 128 A RFD 2, Box 33 RFD 2, Box 417 616 Wright St. , 1311 Simon St. 2525 Harrison St. 122 Jessimine St. RFD 1 Box 122 111 Winterc?reen Rd. P. o. Box t?39 1300 Lake Village RFD 2 Box 313 a 1812 Nun St. 202 Sunset Ave. 1210 S. 2nd St. i P. o. aox 1124 p?a?tleoHayne, N. C. ? 511 Dawson St. , Box 134, Carolina Beacfi 1622 s. 15tr, st. w P. o. aox 442 II Wrightsv. Beach, N.C. 114? Live Oak Pkwy. 5116 Narket St. i (}14 Decator Dr. 2308 Chestnut St. 114 s. 7th st. 211 N. 22nd St. 1901 Lingo Ave. 1041 S. 8th St. 507 s. 5tn st. 4117 Peachtree Ave. 2834 Lake Shore Dr. 306 N. llth St. I 1712 Carolina Ave. _ 204 Wrightsv. Ave. Box 818 228 J.E::B. Staart Dr. 2727 Harrison St. % tideaver Realty Co. Box 231 Carolina BeacY 118 Green Forest Rd. 310 Long St. 4117 Peachtree Ave. ?I P. o. Eox 357 I 165 Lake Forest Pkwy.There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Hall moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak aunanimously approved. ? 1ve Secretar ADJOURNNiENT L V,