1965-03-16 Regular MeetingP' .?5.:0 ,.. ? Minutes of the Meetinp March ls, 1965 Continued COUNTY FARM - Mr. Braak reported that the advertising of the livestock for sale did not result in much success and that he had instructed the Supervisor at the Farm to slaughter, the livestock as it is needed for meat. He is concerned about the increased cost for groceries for prisoners in event the farming oper.ation is completely discontinued. Mr. Hall is of the opinion that they should oet out of the Farm business and use the prisoner in saLisfying the ditching complaints. JOINT STUDY CONiNITTEE - Mr. Vaughan reported that a meeting was held of the Joint City-County Study Committee some time ago but thatthe principal persons involved were not present because of a breakdown in communications. He recommended that the Executive Secretary see if he could persuade the Chairman of the Joint Study Committee to call another meeting and invite Juvenile Judge J. Hardie Ferguson, the Welfare Director, Miss Lela Noore Hall, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and that the permanent Chairman be consulted about the time for calling the meeting. Dr. Nooper will not return before Friday, March 19th. COUNTY LAND LEASE - Mr. Braak reported that Mr. Albert D. Cox, Jr. who wanted to lease some farm- ing land from the County has decided that it would cost too much to put the Blue Clay Farm land in tiliable condition and that the tillable land which he needed on Airport property would have to be approved by the F.A. A. if a term lease was given. He recom- mends that the Board enter into a verbal lease agreement with Mr. Cox through our County Attorney and that he confirm such conditions by letter as outlined in the meeting of March lst. '• CAPE FEAR TRAINING INSTITUTE - TRAINING SPACE The Chairman read a letter from the Cape Fear Technical Institute stating that they would like to initiate a community service proaram in cooperating with the Volunteer Fire Departments of New Hanover County. They request the use of an area of approximately 310 sq. ft. and have located a suitable area near the intersection of George Trask and Gardner Drives. After some discussion, the Board, by unanimous common consent,.authorized this letter referred to the Airport Committee and the Executive Secretary to have copies made for each member of the Committee and send it to them. QUARTERLY AUDIT REPORT - { The County Auditor reported to the Board that he would like to make a report of the financial report of the County to the Board at the next meeting. The Executive Secretary was instructed to put this on the agenda at that time. WELFARE LIEN County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported that the Public Welfare Depart- G ment has a lien in the amount of $4,394•00 on the property of Matilda Ann Klein accumu- ' lated by grants made over a period of October 1956 to December 1964- The fair market value of the property is $6,000.00 as appraised by the County Assessor. He has a pros- pective buyer offering to pay off the lien in full provided he is ailowed to pay it in installments of not less than $50.00 per month and is willing to execute a note bearing 6% interest to the County on the unpaid balance and also waive the provisions of the Statute of Limitation, After some discussion, it was decided,by common consent, to defer action on this proposition until a later date. Mr. Vaughan suggested that a proviso should also be included in any agreement for proper maintenance of the house. , REPORTS - RECESS - The-following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: 1- Community Hospital Report for February, 1965 2- Wilmington Public Library Report for February 1965. 3- Home Economics Extension Report for February 1965. 4- Mental Health Center Statement of Policy 5- Cooperative Extension Report of the County Agricultural Agent. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, to recess the meeting until 4:00 P. M. tomorrow, March 16th County Appraisors for property desired by the Olsoi Aircraf RECESSED SESSION \ Commissioners Room March 16, 1965 4:00 P. M. Wilmington, N. C. RECONVENTION ry Complying with the recessed meeting of March 15, 1965, discussion was re- sumed by the Board at 4:00 P. M. on Narch lbth. PRESENT: Acting Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and j, M. Nall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr. was out of the city and unable to be present for the meeting. WELFARE LIEN - The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman who reported that he had been contacted by Mr. Hooper Johnson with reference to a lien in the amount of $4,394•00 held by the Public Welfare Department against the property owned by Matilda Ann Klein; who received assistance grants from 1956 through 1964. Mr. Johnson was recognized by the Chairman and stated that he is the administrator of the estate and has a clieat who is willing to pay off the entire amount of the Welfare lien but can not do so in a lump sum. He is willing to waive the Statute of Limitation if the Board will approve the payment of the lien at the rate of not lessthan $50.00 per month. His client also has other assets which he hopes to dispose of and promises to retire the remainder left on the lien if and when he sells his oLher assets. After a discussion.,of the proposition, Mr. Hall moved that Lhe Board approve the payment of the lien at not less than $50.00 continued - the Board unanimously agreed to receive the report of the I 451 RECESSED SESSION - continued March 1(?, 1965 'WELFARE LIEN - (continued) ? per month provided the Statute of Limitation is waived and with the understand- ing that the remaining unpaid balance on the lien would be paid off as soon as his other ? assets are sold. Covnty Attorney L. Bradford Tillery is to confer with Louis J. Poisson, attorney for the estate, to arrange the details of the terms. THis motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed, . , '/uOLSON AIRCRAFT CORPORATION -' The Chairman then called on the Tax Supervisor for a report on the appraisal C of the approximately ten acres which the Olson Aircraft Corporation has under considera- tion in which to locate their plant. The Tax Supervisor reported that he and the County Property Appraisors Messrs. R. E. Blake, Jr. and John G. McDaniel, had made a survey and inspection of the land and after considering the location, previous sales of similar land, ?coupled with the wide road frontage on North 23rd Street, which is their considered opin- lion that a fair market value is $1500.00 per acre. Mr. R. W. Williams, Jr., of the firm lof John T. Talbert, Jr. and Associates, Consulting Engineers, who represent the Olson Air- craft Corporation, considered the price a little high but stated that he would take a re- port back to his ciient for their consideration and decision. He again assured the Com- 'missioners that they intended to construct permanent type buildings on the property immed- iately, one of which would be 1201 x 120' or144,000 sq. ft. He asked the Board if there would be any objection to their employing an independent outside appraisor. The Board ad- vised him that he was free to consult others. He then wanted to know, as an alternative, if the Board would consider the idea of a smaller road frontage and reduce the price per acre. The Tax Supervisor Advised him that a lesser road Frontdge woulfl definitely reduce the per acre valuation but it would be necessary for him to give us a sketch of the pro- ,posed site before we could determine the fair market value. After considerable discussion, 'Mr. Braak moved that 10 acres, more or less, of the County property under.consideration be leased to the Olson Aircraft Corporation at $100.00 per year for five years with an option to purchase at $1500.00 per acre within the five years and the lease rental paid up to that time to be appli.ed toward the purchase price, with the understanding that the Olson Aircraft Corporation"would*construct permanent type buildings on the property within I90 days from the date the lease or sale is executed. Mr. Hall seconded the motion for the purpose of discussion. After all of the members had satisfied themsleves with reference to any questions they had, the ballot was taken on the motion. Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as not votiing but since the other members of the Board voted "Yes", the Acting Chatrman declared the motion carried by a fnajority vote. Mr. Williams was assured that if his client was not willing to go along with this proposition, they wanted him to feel free to bring back an alternative proposal for further consideration. It was agreed that the lease agreement can be cancelled at the option of the Board of Commissioners. := begin to CHAIRN?AN PRO TEM - Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that the permanent Chairman, Dr. Hooper would not be back until the end of the week and that he, himself, was leaving town and in order for the Board to operate, he suggested that a Chairman Pro Tem be elected. Upon proper motion lby Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. was unanimously elected to serve in that capacity until the return of the permanent Chairman. ADJOURNMENT - By common consent, the business of the meeting having been completed, the Board adjourned their meeting. W. G. Houck Executive Secretary RECONVENTION OF BQARD OF EQUp.LM-ATION AND REVIEW March 22,1965 4:00 P. M. ASSEMBI:Y ' The,-Board tif Equalization.and.R2vi.ew• "reconue.ned' in;accor.dance' w1.th,'Gheir _r.ecess- ed ineetisng. of_:NJa.i;ch_ 15, 1-965, WiTh.,tfle',fo1loW:ing FCesentt: ,, Chairman, pg. joseph' W.Hooper,Jr. Commissioners Peter H. Braak H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and J. M. Hall, Jr.., County IAttorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner Vaughan was j out of town and unable to attend the meeting. RECE55 - r TYie Chairinan"exp'lained to `Che ,Board"that ,the:attorneys -for t•he Ols'on Aircr.aft =Corpo'rat'ion- and-..the'Courity? 5'aer's r'eady to• c.ons3.der:,the? Leas:e_ ag.r.eeme:nt..;d,rawn •in accordance w`i'th the -act-ion- of Che -Board=.of= Coinmis-s.toners at` thei.r "re.cassed meeti_ng held on March. 16, 1965. He declared the Board of Equalization and Review recessed and the Board of County Commissioners opened. Written notice of this meeting was sent to each member of the Board on March 18, 1965 to comply with G. S. 153-8• SPECIAL MEETING - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Hail, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on R7arch 15 and the extended sesslon held on March 16, copies of which have been mailed to each of the members of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. OLSON AIRCRAFT CORPORATION - I The County Attorney Attorney expiained to the Board that after an actual survey of the land needed by the Olson Aircraft Corporation for building their plant, it turned out to be only 7.9 acres instead of ten as originally contemplated. He has agreed with the Olson attorney that the rental should be decreased accordingly wftich amounts to $6.58 per month per acre. He is of the opinion that the Board should se't a poiicy with refer- ence to taxes and recommends that the Olson Aircraft Corporation actually pay the taxes on any buildings erected on the property, Plus any personal property which may be owned by them. . continued - ? I?