1965-04-05 Regular Meeting~~~ _ _ - -- II _ _ - _ - - - - -- -- April 5, 1965 4:00 P. M. WilmingtonN.C. , IASSEMBLY - ' The regular semimonthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County was held on the above date at 4:00 P. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members in attendance: Cha3rman Jos. lJ. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L: Brad- Iford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATIOIV - Chairman Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Rev. R. C. Joyner, Pastor ~of the Np~rtle Grove Advent Christian Church, to give the,invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the Special: Called been mailed to each member of the Board, were Bowden, unanimously approved as written. Meeting for March 22nd, copies of which had upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. EXTENSION SERVICE - Mr. D. D. Baygett, Chairman of the Local Agricultural Extension service, intro- 'Iduced Mr. Grover C. Dobbins, District Agricultural Agent, who thanked the Commissioners for allowing him to appear before them to explain a policy which is their approach to the modern problems facing those interested in the agricultural development work. He recalled 'the resignation of Mr. Larry 4lhitehurst as Assistant Agricultural Agent and stated that be- fore the employment of a replacement he thought the Board should be made acquainted with the new practice in the employment of personnel. In the past, it has been the policy to hire graduate agricultural people but now they have adopted the educational approach and instead of stressing the greater yield of crops, they use the concept of rural development and the raising of the total economy of the County and, therefore, they lean toward the tlpractice of changing the thinking of the rural people through the use of a sociologist. In New Hanover County, he is of the opinion that the efforts should be directed toward the horticultural market and the intensive and concentrated development along those lines. The Economic Opportunity Act points toward the increasing of the total economy in the County, and therefore, should.be used to the best advantage in stressing the intensive operations however possible. The Chairman thanked Mr. Dobbins for his presentation and asked if he lihad any recommendations and if so, to inform Lhe Board by letter which he agreed to do. WILMINGTON COLLEGE - Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Fred B. Graham, Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee of Wilmington College appeared before the IBoard and requested that they be allowed to draw any money now due them in a reserve laccount which they understand amounts to about $6,000.00 and to set up a schedule for pay- Iment of future funds which would accrue as a result of the coliection of back taxes. After qa thorough discussion, Mr. Hali moved that all monies on handdue Wilminqton College from ~the proceeds of the 10~ levy be paid over to the College and that any additional funds 'collected in the future be paid to them on a quarterly basis. It was seconded by Messrs. IBowden and Vaughan and unanimously passed. TRAINING AREA The Chairman asked the Airport Committee for a report on the request for a suitable area on which to establish an oil-fire control training program by the Cape Fear Technical Institute for the Volunteer Fire Departments. They reported that they had con- sidered the old trash dump area as a possible suitable place but have since discovered that the new Air Force unit being developed at the Airport will require the use of the oil tanks in that area and that oil fires might create a heavy smoke which would be hazard- ous to aircraft. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the Executive Secretary contact the Cape Fear Technical Institute and the Airport Manager and see if a suitable location might be fovnd on the County property on the Blue Clay Road or any other suitable site on Cbunty property and report back to the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. DRAINAGE PROBLEM The Chairman recogni2ed Messrs. Harry Berman and George Saffo who explained that they have a drainage problem in the area being developed as Landsdown gubdivision. They reported that a drainage canal which was apparently duo in the old W.P.A. days for the purpose of carrying the water to Whiskey Creek from the vicinity of N.C. #132 was recently clean~d out by the dragline operation of the Health Department for the purpoee of minimizing mosquito breeding. They failed to dig the ditch deep enough to empty the ~~trapped water in ponds and, therefore, leaving a bad breeding situation. They think that the ditch needs to be 3 to 6 ft. deeper in order to rid the area of this stagnant water and drain the ponds. After discussing the matter, it was decided,by common consent, that their request should be presented to the Consolidated Board of Health at their next meeting and the Executive Secretary was instructed to ask the Clerk to the Board of Health to notify Messrs. Berman and Saffo of the date and time of their next meeting so that they mighL present their request. , AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION Mr. Louis W. Latham, was recogni2ed by the Chairman and requested a report on his previous petition for furnishing ground transportation at the Airport on the same basis as 'others. The County Attorney reported that in a discussion of this subject with the present operator, he was agreeable to negotiatinc a ne~a contract in the public in- terest that would permit others to operate at the Airport on the same basis. Mr. Bowden 'moved that the County Attorney be authori2ed to get together with other interested par- ities and work out a reasonable agreement for ground transportation at the Airport in the best interest of all citizens to be fashioned after the discussion here today and submit it to the Board for approval at their next regular meeting. It ~das seconded by Mr. Hall dand unanimously approved. TRUSTEE APOINTMENT - Cape Fear Technical Institute The Chairman announced that he had received a letter from the Chairman of the ,Board of Trustees for the Cape Fear Technical Institute calling attention to the expira- tion of the term for which Dr. Hubert A. Eaton was appointed on June 30, 1965 and request- ed that the Board take some action with reference to the reappointment of Dr. Eaton or a replacement. Mr. Bowden moved that since Dr. Eaton had made a good contribution to ~the membership of this Board that he be reappointed to succeed himself for a full term. IIt was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was in- nstructed to notify Dr. Eaton of this reappoinment. • W ~~~~ Minutes of the Meetinq April_5, 1965_ (Continuedl PUBLIC WELFARE TELEPHONE - Mr. ~~~~~n reported that since the last conversation with reference to addi- I tional communica/ cilities in the Public Welfare Department, Miss Hall had recommended to him that she felt like they could work out a satisfactory system if one additional line is provided with an unlisted number which ~ould be ~us.e d:. by the Medical Supervisor~ and furnished to hospitals and public institutions only from whom they must secure per- tinent information for the prompt completion of their heavy load of forms necessary to expedite the handling of their claims. Dr. Hooper suggested that he favored leaving this matter open until next Budget time. Mr. Bowden offered a motion that approval be given to one additional line to be used for this purpose at an approximate additional cost of $8.50 per month, plus installation charge of $4.00. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and approved by a majority vote. Dr. Hooper voted "NO", but since all other Commissione~;s voted favorably, the Chairman declared it adopted. COURT HOUSE TELEPHONE - Mr. Uauyhan remarked that he is not satisfied with the report made by the p Telephone Company with reference to a central system for the Court House and that he woulc like to go into the matter.a little further and see if a satisfactory system could not i be developed as other Counties which he had contacted were using a centrai telephone sys- tem. No action was taken on this suggestion at this time. Mr. Bowden reported that he had discussed the matter~further with Mr. Saunders who said that he could not determine the exact amount of saving but he could assure them of a more efficient operation and believes it wouid be a time saver. It appears that a 24 hour service would be necessary on account of the Sheriff~s Department. Dr. Hooper is of the opinion that this matter should be postponed until next Budget time when it could be reconsidered. AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING - The Chairman stated that by virtue of authority of the Board to select an architect to prepare plans and specifications for air conditioning the New Hanover County Airport at Bluthenthal Field, he had employed the firm of Leslie N. Boney. He intro- duced Charles L. Boney, representing the firm, who presented a rouah draft of the proposall which shoo-~s that they recommend the instailation of three basic air conditicning units on top of the present building located approximately over the present offices occupied by Piedmont Airlines. He is recommending two 7z ton units and one 5 ton unit with all ducts and diffusers to be enclosed in a new suspended ceiling. After Mr. Boney answered all the questions relative to the proposal, Nr. Braak offered a motion that the aeneral desiqn be approved and Mr. Boney authori2ed to proceed with the presentation for the ' advertising for bids to be opened on April 27th. It was secor.ded by Mr. Hall and unani- ~~i mously approved. , BARRICADING CEMETERY ROAD The Executive Secretary reported that the State has completed construction I of the road to the new location of Oak Grove Cemetery in the Flemington section of Cape Fear Township and that people have already beeun using it for illegal purposes and dump- ~ ing yarbage and trash. He recommended that the Board consider putting a chain across the road to prevent public use of it. The County Attorney suggested that it might mioht be well for him to revier~ the provisions of the deed conveying the property to the County, as well as the dedication of the right-of-way for the road to see if the County can legall'y blocic it from the public. The Board agreed to this, by common consent. I ROADS NAM~ED - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a call from the Post Office which has agreed to establish mail deliuery service to the County }lome but the entrance road now designated on the State map as the "County Farm Road" did not seem to be an appropriate address, and therefore, he requested some consideration being given to a name that would lend itself to maii delivery address. After consulting with officials at the Timme Corporation, the State Highway Commission, the County Farm personnel and the Agricultural Extension Services, which will be using it more than anyone else, it was agreed that the road oricinating at,#ihe State Highway offices to the County Farm, with possible extension to North 23rd Street, be named "Timme Road". The road running northward from the intersection from Timme Road at the County Farm to the intersection of North 23rd Street with the A.C.L. Railroad be named "Division Drive" and that the I private road leading from the above named Timme Road to the plant of the Timme Corporation by their water plant, be named "Roschen Road", After some discussion of the problem, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the recommendations be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and passed by a majority vote. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO'~, :~ U. S. 11~ by ~ JURY COMMISSION - - The County Attorney reported to the Board that he had investigated the 1959 Statutes Chapter 7- il, creating a Jury Commission for the purpose of keeping Jury lists up to date and Jurors available for the Courts. The present law provides for an appoint- ment by the Resident Superior Court Judge, who likewise is empowered to fix the salary. After some discussion, the Board requested the Attorney to prepare legislation and for- ward it to our State Representatives and Senators asking them to present a Bill in the present Legislature enabling New Hanover County Commissioners to establish a Jury Com- , mission, as well as set the compensation w;th the approval of the Judge. The motion to approve the above legislation was made by ~r. Vaughan and seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously adopted. AUDITOR - LEGISLATION I The County Attorney stated that he had explored the Statutes with reference to ~ the election of an Auditor for New Hanover County as set forth in the Session Laws of 1913. He suggested that if any action was desired by the Board on this matter, it should be presented as soon as possibie. Mr. Vaughan, after a thorough discussion of the matter,~ offered a motion that the Board authorize the County Attorney to ask the General Assembly to amend the Session Laws of 1913 and make the office of Auditor an appointed one rather than an elective one, beginning with the expiration of the present elective term. It ~ was seconded by Mr. Braak for the purpose of discussion and unanimously passed. i \N . . .~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meetina Aori1~1 1965 Continued AUDITOR - COMPENSATION Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Session Laws of 1913 providing the legislation settiny the salary of the Auditor be amended to enable the Board of County Commissioners to fix the salary of the Auditor, and offered a motion that the law be amended to enable the Board of County Commissioners to fix the salary of the Auditor. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper, who stated that it did not necessarily mean tY~at the present Auditor was not doing his job but that the Board would be able to control the office. It Iwas unanimously adopted and the Attorney directed to notify the proper legislators for in- troducing it. ~FIRE ARMS ORDINANCE - The County Attorney reported that in the reoular Session LaHt set forth in Chapter ~902 of the 1959 session, the penalty of any offender for a violation of the Fire Arms Ordin- ance was set out as beiny not more than a$50.00 fine. He suggests that it be amended to Iread "not exceeding $50.00 or 30 days". COUNTY FEES - The County Attorney reported that if the Board wished to have a provision in G. S. 153-9 (12A) empowering them to adjust the fees downward or upward as wished in cer- tain of the County offices, it would be necessary to have that legislation presented for the General Assembly. By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized him to ask our Representative and Senators to introduce the necessary legislation to accomplish that ser- Ivice. MAILING ABSTRACTS - The County Attorney reported that some members of the Board had~asked him to look into the matter of mailing abstracts to the citizens of the County in order to expedite tax listing. He suggested that they allow him to seek the advice of the Attorney General, however it is his opinion that the Attorney General would likely not rule against a dir- ect provision of the Statutes. Mr. Bowden reported that in the counties.where they mailed the abstracts, the taxpayers were required to sion them before a tax lister. After a brief ,discussion, Nr. Vaughan suggested that action be delayed on this matter at this time. NBONDS AND COUPONS - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, delivered the following bonds and coupons which have been paid durino the fiscal year: . . School Building Bonds Series "A" Dated 1958 50 @ ~ 30.00 ~81 a 16.25 i ii5 @ i5.oo 25 @ 13.75 25 @ 1.25 , ~ I 5chool Building Bonds Series "B" Dated 1959 ; 5 @ i6.25 Community College Bonds p Dated 1958 50 ~ 30.00 ~ 195 @ 16.25 I 100 @ 15.00 z5 @ 13.75 I! 25 @ 1.25 796 Coupons TOTAL A~C 430 A/C 73 A/C 1~71 $1,500.00 2,94i.25 1,725.00 343•75 3i.25 . $6,541.~5 81.25 i,5oo.00 3,168.75 1,500.00 ~!+3 :.75 :31.?5 $ 6,543•75 13,166.25 4712 Coupons totaling ............. $ 7,293•75 4758 Coupons totaling .............. 1,271.25 11i1i.0 Coupbns totaling .............. 8,091.25 $ 16,656.25 School Building Bonds Series "B" Dated 8~1/59 Principal Amount $1,000.00 # 101-150 $ $0,000.00 County School Bonds 195~ Series "A" 28 @ $r6.25 455.00 ~ 5oi at $i7.5o ~,767.50 II 283 at gi6.25 4,598.75 ~I so at ~2i.z5 i,o62.50 i $; .61~;;883.75 continued - I ~~6~ . ,~-.. April 5, 1965 BONDS'AND COUPONS - (continued) Minutes of the Meeting School Building Bonds Series "B" Dated AuSust 1, 1959 570 @ $ i7.5o $9,975.00 293 @ 16.25 4,761.25 50 @ 2i.25 i,ob2.5o ~ School Building Bonds Series "A" Dated 1958 26 @ i6.25 422.50 Community College Bonds Dated 1958 5 @ i6.25 8i.25 944 ~ouPONS ~ib,3oz.5o II The County Attorney advised the Board that it is necessary for the Chairman j of the Board, the Clerk to the Board, the County Auditor and himself to be present at their destruction. It was impractical to burn them at this time and the Chairman placed I them in the hands of the Clerk for safe keeping untii time for destroying them. i COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT County Auditor T. D. Love made a brief report on the County finances stating that the tax levy had not produced as high a percentage of revenues year to date as previcusly but that he had invested County hospital funds and earned $75,000.00 on Certificates of Deposit. He reported thathis estimate of Intangible Tax amounted to $31Q,000 bu~ that..we had actually received $360,000.~ The Welfare Program carried as APTD and Aid to, Qhe Gount~ Farm will need approximately $6,800 to carry them through the fiscal year. At this point~, the Board decided to adjourn but Mr. Love reminded them that some of these items which he~, intended to report about were overdrawn and until the Board made appropriations to re- plenish them he was in technical violation of the law and requested that this notice be I recorded in the minutes. The Chairman advised him that they are aware of this situation and that one more week would not jeopardize him any further. ~ the Blind were both short and vould require additional appropriations. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as ~urors in the Superior Court for the weeks beginning May 3rd, May lOth, 1965- Civil terms; May 17th, Criminal term, May 21}th and May 31st - Civil terms. d Jurors for the week beginning May 3rd, 1965 - Civil term Abbott, ,lohn B. 1+301 Greenfield Adams, Robert K. 706 Essex Drive Allen, Freddie T. 1005 N. 7th St. Allen, Henry William L}06 N. ~th St. Ancrum, Ezekiel 411 N. 7th St. Andrews, Melvin E. 11 E. Lake Vil. Atkins, Sadie 917 Grace St. Atkinson, David E. 228 North 21st St. Barefoot, R.F. Sr. 1709 Castle St. Barber, Charlie M. 3017 Louisianna St. Barefoot, Abram RFD 1 Box 230 Castle Hayne, N.C. Batten, Wayne 2913 F. Adams St. Beale, Ernest F. 2400 Metts Ave. Beatty, Georgianna 113 S. lOth St. Bell, Z.K. P. O. Box 126 Benson, James R. Jr., 23 J.E.B. Stewart Dr Benton, ~rs. Ida Lee 505 5. 2nd St. Berman, Robert T. _ 1011 Hawthorne Rd. Blake, B. C. 106 Forest Lane Bonnett, Levy Paul Jr. 214 Jamica Dr. Bradshaw, Leonard 1019 S. 5th ~t. Bridges, l~~alter ~r. RFD 3, Box 271 Brinson, Jack Jr. 210 Rose Ave. Britt, E. A. 1!}20 Greenfield St. Brock, Lena Mae Capps 3112 Nlarket Continued Brown, Allen RFD 1, Box 156 Brown, F.lorence H. 609 Anderson St. Brown, Victor Alton RFD ~, Box 398 i Bryan, Paul Woodrow RFD 2, Box 180 Bryant, Alfred ,lr. RFD 2, Box 233 Bumoarner, Thomas Leroy 1916 Church St. Burnett, Foster F. Jr. 1!}06 Orange St. ' Caison, Samuel O. 1306 5. l}th St. Campbell, James Paul 311 5. sth St. Cameron, RobeCt F. Box 75 Canady, W. J. F. Box 723 Carter, Virginia F. 3710 Stratford Blvd. Cauthen, paul Kirkley 2832 ~efferson St. Cavenaugh, Devew E. 201~. Oakle af Dr. Christie R. R. Sr. . P. 0. Box 135 Wrightsville Beach ~ Charles, Francis 314 Davis St. ' I Ghurch , R. L. Sr. 1207 Chestnut St. ~ Cla'rk, Daniel A. RFD 1, Box 259 A I Clemmons, Jesse 3~06 Carolina Beach Drl Coleman, Santa Charles 57L}1 wisteria Lane I Congleton, George F. 709 Hemlock Ave. Conner, J. W, RFD 3, Box 1~}8 B . Cox, ,I. F. 1714 Carolina Ave. Cumming, Doreen A. 623 Thomas Ave. Jurors for the week beginning May lOth, 1965 - Civil term David, L. A. 712 S. 12th St. Davis, ,l. Carmer 221'7 Plaza Dr. ' Davis, Lewis lti~. RFD 2, Box 16 ~ Daughtry, Mrs. Thlema T. Box 162 Wri~~}~~5~. DeBurnier, ~ames RFD 3, Box (}11} Dillon, C. E. 2121} Klein Rd. Dobbins, Milton M.Sr. 2111 Metts Ave. Dusenberry, George E. RFD 1, Box 195 Drye, Claude Alexander P•~Qaro~ina Beach ~ Dyson, Albert E. 2212 Barnett Ave. ! Edwards, Elsie Johnson P.O. Box 396 , Eldridge, O. E. 3210 Carolina Bea~Y~ Evans, Benj. H. 381l~. Irlrightsv. Av. ' j Evans, ~ohn L. 711 S. 13th St. Fennell, Mam:ie James RFD 3, B 21} Finberg, ~ack Joseph 410 N. 45th St. Fisher, ~ames Arthur 1}10 Jennings Fountain, Elmo G. 4716 Long Leaf HDrls Foy, Betty Lee 113 S. llth St. French, Geralyd S. l}801 Park qve. I \ ,~ W. G. Futch P. O. ~ox 142 i h C aro na 13eac Gaylor, W. J. RFD 3, Box 173 Gerganous, Calvin T. 18 Nesbitt Cts. Gorham, Alonzo 903 Schloss St. Gottlieb; David Donald 2518 ,Tackson St. Grimsley, Charles 2908 Monroe St. Guyton, Gaston Worth 62 Lake Forest Pkwy. Hackney, Russell Gray 241b Priness P1. Dr. Hales, Clarence E. 5703 lJrightsv. Ave. Hall, John 5r. 6 S. 9th St. Hall, Lee k~orth Edwin RFD 2, Box 2l}1 C Hamilton, Eleanor N.5 265 Castle Hayne Rd. Harlow, Robert Ray P. O. Box 229 Carolina Beach, N.C. Harris, Isam A. RFD 2, Box 229 Harts, Ernest L. RCDst~ BHa ne~ Hatcher, Effie M. Hayes, Eugene e y N. C. 303 N. plst 5~.. 91}5 5. ~ith St. Henry, Lacy M. 2']09 Jackson St. Herndon, 1~lilliam P. 2263 Camelia Dr, Herring, Glenn A. RFD 2, Box 32 A Continued - ~~ ~. Minutes of the Meeting April 5. 19b5 Continued_ _ NJURORS - (Continued) May lOth- Civil ~Frink, William 1211 5. 6th St. Furr, Max F. 1!}Ot} Grace St. ;Futch, Clyde DeVaughan RFD 1, Box 353 Futch, Walter RFD 1, Box 213 , Castle Hayne, term N.C. Hewett, Jack ld. 54b6 Andover Rd. Hickman; Raleigh B. Jr. 412 5. 19th St. Hill, David Charles 501 S. 14th St. Hill, Mitchel Elliott 301 Toulou Dr. Hinton, Josephine 1919 Market St. ~urors for the week beginnin,y May 17, 1965 ~Hill, Wm. B. Jr. 2720 Monroe St. Hobbs, J. F. ?_25 Pkwy. Blvd. Holland, R. H. 2222 Acacia Dr. uHolmes, A7argareL C. 101!} S. 6th St, Horne, Robert Ciayton RF D 2, a 388 Howard, Richard 1210 Dock St. ~Howe, Lee Fun 3806 Wrights. Ave. !Howe, Merle G. 307 Sunset Ave. 'Hudson, Louie 1306 Corbett St. Hughes, W. T. 1121 Country Club Rd. Hylton, Robert L. 4938 Wrightsv. Ave. Hyman, R. S. 205 Pinecrest Pkwy. James, Ernest 1305 Nun St. Jeffreys, J. I. 51~ 5. 18th St. Johnson, Chesley L. 12 S . Lake Village ,lohnson, Maurice !}2 T errace Walk Joyner, L. E. 221 N. 27th St. Keith, Johnsie 61C S. 13th St. t(emp, Clinton H. 119 E. Renovah Cir. Kerr, C. E. 219 N. 18th St. Lamb, James 71I} 5. 13th St. Latham,. Catherine T. 530 Colonial Dr. Leary, Roy Nixon RFD 1, B 192 A. ILeonard, Rutherford 110 Worth Dr. ;Lewis, Berry Earler 6 ln~e st Dr., Lake Vil. - Criminal term Lewis, Ivory C.. Lewis, R. H. Little, Mary Helen Lomax, G. L. Nalpass, Dixie Marino, Bruno J. Maxweil, Edward MacRae, H. A. McAdams, J. A. McCartney, John McDonald, Arthur D. McDuffie, Bradford McNeal, Isadora McQuillan, Dorothy F. Melton, Arnold Roland Miller, Henry Eugene Nintz, James Mitchell, Nora Leigh Mohr, Edward P. Nionroe, William Moore, Clarence L. Moore, Elaine 4,~ilkins Noore, George Noore, Lawrence Moore,.Louise Bolles Jurors for the week beginning May 2l~, 1965 - Civil term 'Moore, Macon E. 15 E. Tennessee Ave. ~iMorgan, Annie M. RFD 1, Box 96 IMoore, Mrs. E. C. Jr . 126 Brookwood Ave. IMorris, Robert Charl es RFD 1 Box 115 ~Mounce, Charels W. 4814 Wrightsv:-.Ave. Murphy, Charles L~.16 Clay St. IlNurphy~ H. R. RFD 2, Box 18 Murray, Moses T. 4805 Market St. N!urray, Taylor S. 27 Brookwood Ave. Newkirk, B. E. 6 Hudson Dr. Nichols, Lorenzo 716 S. 8th St. A~icks, R obert Lee 221 N. 11th St. Nixon, A gnes Stringf ield 11$ S. llth St. Olmstead , C. A.P. P. O. Box 691 Padgett, Betty Cotto n 310 Colleye St. Page, W. R. 1719 Orange St. Parker, Elizabeth O. 312 S. 3rd St. Parker, Rendell G. 1502 5. 3rd St. jParnell, Ralph D. RFD 3, B 245 A. Payton, l~filliam 1123 5. 7th St. Pender, Evander Paul 111} Mercer Ave. ~Piaford, Biliy Hende rson 30 Lennon Dr. ~Porter, George C. S1F26 Niarket St. Porter, Mrs. Myrtie E. 21Q6 Oak St. Potter, Jack T. 1404 Sherwood Dr. Jurors for the week beginninq May 31, Powell, Elizabeth Powell, W. P. Prevatte, Charles L. Pridgen, C. C. Jr. Register, Lester E. Robinson, Irene Rohinson, L. Dail Roderick, Marion Lee Rogers, Gaither Russell, Robert Ashl Sanders, Walter Scott, Edward L. Scbtt,,Nettie McGee Shannon, Rosa Belle Shaw, James H. Sikes, W. H. Shepherd, Rufus H. J Silva, Mabel McD. Simon, A. Small, Edwin L. Smith, N:rs. Jack L1. Smith; L. R. Smith, J. S. Spivey, Robert M. Splawn, Amo~ R. 119 Henry St. 310 Chestnut St. 61G Campbell St. 17 Morningside Dr. 310 N. sth St. 501F Pine Valley Dr. 1113 Campbell St. 612 Central Blvd. 1919 Nun St. RFn 1, Box 306 G. 1108 5. 6th St. 51l~. Wright St. 111 Kendall Ave. RFD 2, B 25$ RFD 3; B 377 Jr. 12 A. k'est N. C. A RFD 2, B S11 Bowden Box 19~ Carolina each N.C. 4015 Evergreen ~r. 38 Pinecrest Pkwy. Woodlawn.Ave. RFD 1,B 155 A Cas~aye 1503 N. 9th SL. 805 N. 7th St. A 3 Oleander Ct. Ap 412 Nun St. 210 S. 17th St. 15 Lenoon Dr. 4805 Maple Ave. 129 Mercer p.ve. RFD 2, Box 254 2520 Van Buren St. 1616 S. College Rd. 802 Market St. ey 109 Church St. 1215 N. 9th St. 913 Orange St. 403 N. 7tn st. 919 Ann St. 1204 Castle St. RFD 3, Box 203 r. RFD 3, Box 129 1614 Orange St. 206 N. 13th St. RFD 2, Box 35~j' , 1~~~Ihn. Small 1 16 Country Club B1 P. 0. Sox 1}19 Carolina Seach,N.C. 2317 Washington 5t. 4850 Carolina Beach 3930 Winston Bivd. 1965 - Civil Pkwy. Trulove, Liston H.' 101 Lake Forest Pkwy. Turner, George W. 222 Oakleaf Dr. Vernon, Jane Odessia Robbi 1005 Wright St. Waddell, Miriam Holliday 1509 Market St. ~Waddell, Robert 1107 Castle St. ~ldade, Frank B. RFD ?, Box 262 jWalker, Joseph L. RFD 2, Box 195 • jwalton, Charlotte G. Box 1148 ;Ward, Robert L. RFD 2, Box 222 AA Sonsky, Murray 24i5 Jackson St. Southerland, Joseph B. 61 Lake Forest Spencer, C. Wayne 514 Prince ss St. Spicer, Matilda N. 1008 S. 7t h St. Spiliman, John Jr. P. O . Box 9~7 Stanley, Lloyd D. RFD 3, Box 291~ Talley, Alice R. RFD 2, Box 33 Taylor, Julian K. Jr.18o6 Grace St. Teachery, G. J. RFD 2, Box 11}8 Teachey, Edward R. 807 5. 5th St. Thomas, Leona V. 507 S. 6th St. Thompson, Robert C. RFD 2, Box 131 !Thornton, J. R. 3520 Worth Dr. Toomer, Carrie McI. 125 S. 5th St. Torrence, James W. 713 Church St. Washington, Robert 705 Brooks Ailey Weedon, Mrs. Madeline S. 1501} 5. 3rd St. ve. ne:,N.C ts. vd. Rd Weeks, Nrartha 806 N. 1}th St. Welker, Carl W. 4916 Park Ave. l~lest, Parker 122 Ridgeway Dr. West, Percy C. 207 Brookwood Ave. Wheeler, W. R. 122 Longleaf Dr. White, Andrew 71!} 5olomon Ave. 1~Jilkens, W. F. 723 S. 3rd St. Willetts, Larry Andrew 21 A. Nesbitt Ct. Williams, Duvall M. P. O. Box 1056 Williams, James Franklin 602 la~rightsv. A~e. Williams, John 1212 Dawson St. Williams, John C. 1}006 Park Ave. Williams, ,lohn B. 110 Meares St. Williams,John Jr. 1310 Church St. Williams, Leo 16 L. Nesbitt Cts. Williamson, J. B. 303 N. Boulev. Wilson, Albert 707 Grace St. ldilsori, E. G. 160 Arlington Dr. 4Jolfe, Ralph A. 20 t~Joodlawn Ave. Woods, Helen F. 5~7 E. Shipyard Blvd. Woody, John D. Jr. RFD 3, Box ll}3 Wriyht, LeRoY, 1218 S. 8th St. Wright, Clif3ord 1009 N. 7th St. I ~I I