1965-04-12 Regular MeetingI ~~~ _J~ Minutes of the Meeting April 5, i965 Continued RECESS - Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the Board recess to meet again at 4:( P. M. on Monday, April 12th, 1965 to finish the business before the Board and trans~ any other business that might properly comefore it. It was seconded by Mr. Braak ~ unanimously approved. BOARD OF EQUALI2ATION AND REVIEW April 5, 1965 7:15 P• N. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Chairman then reconvened the Board of Equalization and Review as recessed on March ~lst. Copies of the minutes of that meeting, having been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Vaughan and seconded by Mr. Bowden. TAX COMPLAINT - The Tax Supervisor reminded the Board that they had recessed as a Board of Equalization and Review when they had completed their business on March 31st, 1965 and that no new business had developed since that time. He reported that he and the Property Appraisor had made a personal inspection of the house at 309 Ann St., owned by ,1. Robert Sneeden, and could not find any evidence of vandalism or legal grounds for any reduction in the present assessment. The Board unanimously agreed to make no change. ADJOURNMENT - After the Board determined that their work for the cur ent year was completed, Mr. Hall moved the adjournment of the Board of Equaliza n~view. It was secondec~~ by Mr. Vauyhan and unanimously carried. /~]~ ~ ~ W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor RECESSED ~EETING April 12, 1965 !}:00 P. N. REC,ONVENTION - The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners resumed its delibera- tions in accordance with the recessed meeting on April 5th with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. N. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorr.ey L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, ,ir. The meeting was reconvened by the Vice Chairman, M.H. Vaughan, in the absence of the Chairman, who was detained for a short period. IA~VOCATION - The meeting was called to order by Actiny Chairman Vaughan, who asked the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Compiying with authori2ation of the Board, the Executive Secretary had arranged. to have Mr. Nathan H. Yelton, Executive Secretary of the State Loca.l Governmental Employee>' Retirement System, meet with the Board in order to explain the details necessary for a ~ county to have its employees participate in the State system. Briefly, he advised that the County employees can participate in the State system provided 600 of those not partici~- pating in the County retirement system vote to accept it. The employees would pay 4% of the first $lE80o.00 income and 6% on all over $4800.00. If Social Security should change their mAximum to $5600.00 then the retirenient system would likewise raise their maximum. It would not be necessary for the County to pay its portion in a lump sum in order to give credit for past service to the employees but it would be worked out on a percentage of payroll basis. At present, it would be necessary to have leyislative action in order to enable the County to participate either in the State Local Governmental Employees Retire- ment System or to reopen the County's system. The County Attorney said he understands that the closing time for introducing Local Bills in the present General Assembly is May lst and suggested that if the Board desires to participate in a retirement plan, immed- iate action should be talcen. After questioning Nr. Yelton about the details and satisfy- ino`chemselves that a permissive act of the Legislature would not make it mandatory, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the County Attorney seek legislation designed to include New Hanover County in the provisions of North Carolina General Statutes 128-21 to 38 having to do with the "North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System". It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. AL'TERNATE PLAN DISCUSSION Mr. Meares Harrsiss, Jr., representing the Corporate Benefits planning Com- pany, was recogn32ed by the Chairman and stated that he was here in connection with any service he might render in~. "-r ',• developing an acceptable pian for County employee retirement. Mr. yelton, in his remarks with reference to the Local Governmenta Employees~ Retirement System, said that they would undertake an actuarial analysis of the present County retirement system at a cost of $2.50 per employee. Mr. Harriss stated that he would undertake to make the actuarial analysis at no cost to the County provided it was understood that ',he be appointed Agent of Record and Consultant in behalf of the County. He further added that the New England Life insurance Company had agreed to pro- ~ vide, through its home office facilities, valuable data and computing service provided if any additional computations arise which involve costs, it be entered into on a mutually continued- ~~~~, Recessed Me~tinp Anril 12, 1965 C;ontxnued ALTERNATE PLAN DISCUSSION - (conLinued) , acceptable basis. He presented the Board with a letter outlining in detail ~ his proposal for their study. The Chairman thankg~d him for his interest and appointed : I~r. Dan H. Penton and Mr. T. D. Love, ~r. to act as study commltLee and make recommenda- tions to the Board. Ne directed the Executive Secretary to place this subject on the ,Agenda for further discussion at the next meeting and to send a copy of the details of Mr. Meares Harriss~ proposal to each member of the Board. ACCOUtJT1NG MACHINE - reported i Mr. Ralph Hodges, representino the National Cash Register Company,~to the Board that the accounting machine used :n the Tax Listing Office is in need o~'.'extensive repairs amounting to $1683..72. He has just learned that his company has two Class 31 accounting ~ machines designated as "rental inachines" which are available at a price of $4,676.00 less the trade-in of the old 1!} year oid Class 31 accounting machine now owned by the County, less the amount of $212.50 paid on the,current year's maintenance agreement. The price !of a new Class ,31 accounting machine is $7,000.00 plus tax. After April 15th; the trade•in value of the old machine drops from $350.00 to $1U0.00. He suggested to the Board that it would be good business for the County to purchase the rental machine. He apologized for the seeminglyrush nature of his proposal but stated that it was due to a policy of the company to reduce their allowances on trade-ins on April lsth and he wanted to oive them the advantage. During the discussion of this proposition, Mr. Hall was of the opinion that the County should authorize the repairs to the machine now owned by the County. Mr, Hodges assured the Board that the rental machine proposed by him would carry a one year's warranty but would last the County without trouble for ten years, or more. After answering the ~ questions propounded by the Commissioners, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board authorize the Tax Supervisor to advertise for an accounting machine for use in his office with the under- standing that it would not be purchased until after the end of the fiscai year and in event , the Board would decide to purchase it, the company would allow the trade-in value of $350.00 on the old machine and a refund of one-half of the maintenance cost amounting to $106.25. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall voted "NO" but as all the other members of the Board voted "YES", the Chairman declared it carried. ALTERA?ATE ACCESS ROAD TO AIRPORT - The Chairman stated thaL Sgt. A. N. Clark had called him and reported that during the Azalea Festival Air Show at the Airport, a problem developed in getting people in and out because there is only one entrance and cars must exit by the same route. He suogested that another outlet should be provided to allow the direction of the traffic to flow both ways, qfter a brief discussion, by common consent, the.Board turned this problem over to the Airport Committee and Dr. Hooper appointed Nr. Vaughan as Chairman of that Committee and asked them to report back at the next Board meeting. I PALM TREES - The Chairman reported that he had been approached by the SENCBA relative to planting palm trees at the highway entrances of our County and around the Airport Terminal at Bleuthentri2l:' Field. He had referred this matter to County Agricultural Extension Service Chairman, D. D. Baggett, who reported that on the basis of past experience, he did not believe it worthwhile to place palms at the entrance to the County for the reason that the Horticultnral Crop Research Station has tried planting various shrubs and each time they were stolen, however, he did not believe th3s would be the case at the Airport and recommended that they be planted out there. }ie has consulted with Airport Manager John A. Westbrook. who agrees that there would be space for approximately eighteen. This mat- ter was referred to the Airport Committee for their recommendation. AIRPORT ADVISORY CONMITTEE Mr. Glenn G. Moore, representing the New Hanover Flying Association, reported that he had observed some conflicts at the Airport and thought that they might be ironed out if they were brought to the attention of the Board. He pointed out that he had no complaint against the present Airport Committee but felt that they are not aware of tr,emen- Idous asset the Airport is for New Hanover County and that it lacked promotion as well as ladequate facilities to attract many over-flying aircraft to stop by nur Airport. There are many needed improvements in the fixed base facilities. Among the most important is an adequate restaurant or lunch room and T-hangars. Nr. Hall observed that the Board now Ihas all the necessary authority to do whatever is sugyested by the interes~.ed citi2ens 3nd he sees no need for another committee or commission as he thinks the present Airport ~ommittee is big enough to handle any problems that come up. Mr. Moore then remarked that ~there was a great need for someone on the Committee 4rho is abreast of the changing conditions in air travel. Mr. Vaughan then offered the following Resolution: "Taking note of the fact that the New Hanover County Airport is the transportation '~yateway to the world" not only for our County, but for many nearby counties and that it is desirable to provide standards of facilities and operation which reflect crediC upon New Hanover when viewed by its thousands of visitors, this Commission does hereby direct its Chairman to appoint, after consultation with its members, an Airport Committee of not more than seven in- terested citi2ens to advise the Board from time to time with regard to the adequacy of services:and facilities." It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. CLERK OF RECORDER'S COURT OFFICE LOCATION - The Chairman reported to the Board that he had conferred ~aith Nr. W. C. Bar- I,field, C.P.A. who made the recommendations with reference to locating the validating '~machine and Clerk of Recorder's Court records nearer the courtroom so that all of the 'activity would be on one floor. In order to receive all the available angles to this Iproblem, the Chairman appointed Commissioners Hall and Vaughan on a committee to meet with 'Nr. Barfield and discuss the matter in full at 8:30 A. M. Tuesday, April 20th. (He re- quested Mrs. Foster to call the members of this committee to remind them of their meeting that morning.) \ I I ~~`~ = Rec_e_s.s.e.d~~e.ti n ~ 9prit ~ ~ _~9f~ co.n#.-;_n,~,~ _ ---- ----- y I STATE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - ~, The Chairman informed the Boardthat the State Psychological Association for the Eastern Section, comprised mainly of psychologists working in mental hea.lth hospitals'i will meet in the Auditorium of the Student Services Buiiding at Wilmington College on ' Thursday, April 15th. There wiil be a luncheon at the Blockade Runner at which time i they vould like to have a member of the Board of Commissioners come by for a few minutes to welcome the group to the County. He emphasized that the meeting is not officially connected with the Mentai Health Center of New Hanover County but thinks the support of ' the Board would stress the progressive aspect of the County. He is unable to attend this' meeting because of a con~'lict and asked N,r. Bo~lden to fill in for him. Mr. gowden pro- mised to take care of this matter. ; Ak~ARDING INFORMAL BIDS - ' The Chairman reported that he had received a complaint from one of the bidders on equipment for the Recorder~s Court Clerk~s Office that the purchase had not been made on the basis of the low bid. He has discussed this with Mr. T. D. Love, the purchasing Agent, who reported that the reason the low bid was not accepted was because of the people using the equipment felt that they could render a more effic:ent service on the other make machine. The County Attorney observed Lhat the Board is not bound to accept the low bid but should have a pretty good reason for not accepting it since they are ~ responsible for settiny the policy. After a thorough discussion of this subject, Mr. Hall moved that on non-expendable equipment where the informal bids amount to $200.U0 or ;~.~m or'e "' and the low bid is not accepted, then it is to be brought before Lhe Board for a determination. It was seconded by-Mr. Braak and unanimously approved: SEER PERMITS - ~ Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the following applications were unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his'invesfigation and considera t~on. J. E• McWatty, G. F. Palmer and Jesse Beyers Harry Morris Spifiotis Mrs. Velma l~Jiliiams Mrs. Nellie Nae Worley BONDS AND COUPONS T/A Bradley Creek "66" Marina Inc T/A P.tlanta Grill & Grocery T/A White Front Cafe T/A Worley's Grocery 633~ Oleander Dr. 901 North 4th St. Carolina Beach,N.C. RFD 1, Castle Hayne The Executive Secretary reported that he is st~ill in possession of the paid II bonds and coupons left with him at the last meeting for safe keeping. He suggested that they be destroyed. The County Attorney advised that the law required the Chairman, the Auditor, the County Attorney and the Clerk to the Board to be present to witness the~ir burning. The Chairman then recessed the meeting and Dr. Hooper, Mr. Tillery, Mr. Love and Mr. Houck tool: the bor.ds and coupor.s to the_furnace room and witnessed their destruct-, ion. ~ TAX REFUND - The Tax Supervisor reported that Nr. ~,~lm. G. Broadfoot, ~r. had listed a 1963 Dodge Station Wagon valued at $2;205.00 in liis own personal listings and duplicated it in the name of Building Management, Incorporated, which is owned by tiim. He has paid County tax in the amount of $31.97 and City Tax in the amount of $L}2.12 on both listings ' and requests approval for a refund on these dupiications as required by G. S. io5-330 ~4) I By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized the correction of this error. MEN'I`AI. HEAL.TH ADVISORY BOAI~D - The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Robert N. Hallman, Chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Council, who reported that the terms of appointment for five members of the Advisory Council expired during the month of April and recommended that Mrs. Dan C. Darrow, Reverend E. E. Kirton, Mrs. J. E. Bowden, and Mrs. Henry Von Oesen be reappointed to full four year terms and suggested that the following names be considered for appoint- ment of two members to fill the full quota on the Advisory Board; Rev. Jerome C. Jones, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church Mr. S. J. Howie, Jr., Principal; Williston Junior High School Mrs. B. D. Schwart2, long interest in Family Service Society, and Mental Health Association, etc. Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr., interest in Public Health, Mental Health, etc. Dr. Ralph ~oore. interest in Mental Health; Rev. F. Belton Joiner, Jr., Pastor, Oleander N;ethodist Church Upon motion of ~r. Hall, seconded by Mr Braak, the Board unanimously reappointed the four members recommended by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee and upon motion of Nr. Vaugham, seconded by Mr. Bowden, agreed to delay the appointment of the other two until the next meetino. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Kallman of this action. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. continued his report on the general financial condition of the County, reiterating his former statement that the General Fund amounts to $230,000 as compared to $331,000 a year ago. It is his opinion that it will decrease : further during the next 60 days but he pointed out that that the overall financial conditiol of the County is good. He presented the following appropriations and transfers necessary to bring the accounting funds in line with the expenditures, as some of the items were underestimated and some were overestimated; , Transfers to From County Farm & Prison- qdver. $38,81 " " " -Feed b00.00 " " " -Fue 1 1!}00.00 " " " -Food 1d00.00 " " " -Nedicine 400.U0 " " " -Repairs B1dg.1500.00 " " " -Rep. & Maintenance Equip. 8po.oo County Farm - Fertilizer 8 Feed ~~ „ „ _ $285 43 Rent Equip. 225.00 Unanticipated Earned Interest $5,228.~8 r.. : :~ i \ r~ i ~ r' ~y ~ 4,+' @J" Minutes of April 12, 1965 APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - (continued) Transfers from Court House- Bldg. Repairs Register of Deeds- Binders & Record Books ISheriff- Auto Expense Airport? Ins. Liability Auditor- Travei Unanticipated Earned Interest 'iCl. Sup. Ct.-Travel _€apital Outlay Commissioners-Travel N Coroner-Autopsy to $200 " Ct, House-Repairs & M. Equip $200.00 573•O5 " Reg. of Deeds-Bonds " " " -Stationery 8, Sup. ° Sheriff- qdvertising -She~iff- Auto Ins. " Airport- Advertising ~ Airport- Stationery & Sup.' ° Auditor- Advertising ~ Sales Tax Penalty n ioo.oo ~~ 200.00 '~ tt Extra Help- Salaries m Superior Court- Lodging & Meals 130.96 " Tax Listing-Advertising 100.00 " C1.Sup. Ct- Staty. 8 Sup. Commissioners-Staty. & Sup. " -Misc. Expense Coroner- Jury Fees Sup. Ct.- Advertising Sup. Ct.-Wit. Fees " " -court costs " " -Telephone 3~.$0 53 •55 9.30 .10 13.21 ' 25.00 9.61 5.06 500.00 300.00 200.00 10.30 400.00 7.46 100.00 8.50 15.00 Tax. Listing-Rep. g~. Equip 50.00 " " -Telephone 50.00 Earned Interest 601.96 " Tax Discount Agric. 8 Economics -Fair Exhibit 40.00 " County Home Fund " County Home Fund ~~ Agric. S Econ.-Telephone(Hall) Aid to the Blind 601.96 40.00 2500.00 Aid,to p.8 T Dis. (County Appro.~~~.00 Mental Health-Sa1.e,Drugs &_.Fees.. " Mental.Health-Drugs 2p00.00 ~~ ~} -Mis~. • 400.00 " " -Rent 250.00 " " -Staty. 8 Sup. - 100.00 ~ " " -Telephone 100.00 After explaining the reasons for the various transfers, Mr. Bowden moved'that they be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. Mr. Vaughan stated that for the record, 80% of the expenditures were contracted for by the previous Board. ~ DEPUTY CLERK - CSC The Chairman read a letter from H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, announcing the resignation of Deputy Clerk, John ,l..Fitzpatrick as Clerk of Recorder~s Court, effective upon date of a repiacement. The reason given was uncertain health and the advice of his doctors. He requested permission for the employment of a replacement land the authorization for the Civil Service Commission to interview and recommend someone 'to fill the position. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the resignation was accepted with regret and W. G. Hauck, Secretary of the Civii Service Board, authorized to advertise for applicants for the position at a beginning salary of ~',l~500.00 per year. He reminded the Board that an appointment should be made to that Board to replace Mr. W.G. Robertson, Sr, who resigned some time ago. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secre- tary to put this appointment on the Agenda for the next meeting. ~SEASHORE RECREATIONAL PARK - Mr. Vaughan made the following observations and Resolution and moved its adopt- ion; • BE.IT RESOLVED, that this Commission,taking note that seashore available on the ocean- front of our County for recreational purposes iS fast disappearing and that demand for ocean front seashore recreational area is increasing at an acceierated pace and that no reservation of public recreational beach area has been made on the southern Atlantic shores of. this state as contrasted to ma~jor developments on the northern Atlantic shores and that the northern recreational park beaches are not readily accessible to people of southeastern North Carolina and that this Commission envisions Lhe Cape Fear area to become a major metropolitan area in the generations immediately ahead, does hereby petition the Honorable Dan K. Moore, Governor of North Carolina to take with all possible speed, such action as necessary to insure the establishment of a State ~' Seashore Recreational Park in Sovtheastern North Carolina and that the site for this ~ park be the area in New Hanover County bounded by Nfasonboro Inlet and Shinn~s Creek on the North, by the Atlantic Ocean on the East; by Carolina Beach Inlet on the South ~ and hy the Inland Waterway on the West. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that copies of Lhis Resolution be made available to the Chair- men of the North Carolina Seashore Commission, the North Carolina 1rJater Resources Board and the Conservation and Development Commission and to the Director of North Carolina State Parks. (continued) ~ ~ ~ I ~ ;~,6~ :,: E... nrtinuiES-a~ the_Me.e~ina_Anri1 ~~- 1965_f_cosLt_inussi: SEASHORE RECREATIONAL PARK - (continued) The motion was secortded by Mr. Bowden. During the discussion of the Resolu- tion, Mr. Hall remarked that it would remove a large portion of our land values from the tax records and it is his opinion that 3t would be better to have it developed and and have it left on~the tax books. Dr: Hooper then moved that it be tabled until the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy carried. COMNIISSIONERS COOPERATIVE CON~NfITTEE - Mr. Bowden reported that he had been approached by some of the Commissioners of Brunsti~ick and Columbus counties suggesting that,along with New Hanover County Com- missioners, they form into a Committee to meet occasionally and discuss their mutual problems but especially to develop U. S. #74 and access roads to the beaches along the seashore. Mr. Braak reported that a previous attempt had been made to form such a cooperative effort between the Boards of adjacent counties but had met tirith no success. ROAD PETITION A petition was received from a group of citizens on Seacrest Drive, designated; as Secondary Road ~1415 for improvemer.ts to better serve the interests of the people. By common consent, it was ordered sent to the State Highway Commission for their consid-~ eration. REPORTS - 1- Cooperative Extension Report. H 2- Wilmington public Library Report. 3- Report from Senator Sam J. Ervin announcing favorable action on improve- ments on the Cape Fear River above Wilmington. l}- Thank-you letter from Azalea Festival Committee. i~ ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr meeting. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board adjovrned their ve 5ecretary Wilmington, N. C April 20, 1965 The regular semimonthly meeting of the Ne4r Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners was held in the Commissioners~ Room with the foliowing memDers in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J• M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. ASSEMBLY - INVOCATION The meeting was ca U ed to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, who acted as Pr.esiding Officer for the entire meeting. He asked the Chaplain for the '~ day, Reverend H. Crocker, pastor of Ogden Advent Christiatt Church, to give the invoca- tion. APPROVAL OF THE MIMJTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr, Hall, the minutes of the regular meeting on April sth and the Special Meeting on April 12, copies of which had been maile„ to each member of the Board, were approved unanimously as written. MARKET STOCK SHOW AND SALE - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Agriculture Extension ~hairman, announced the ll}th Annual Southeastern North Carolina Market Stock Show and Sale will be held on April 21st, 1965 at the New Hanover Livestock Arena. He extended a cordial invitation to the Commiss- ioners to attend and express their appreciation for the Agricultural program in the County. . BOND SALE - ' The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Mem- orial Hospital requesting authorization for the sale of bonds in the amount of $S,SOO,OOC authorized by the voters for building and equiping the hospital. County Auditor Love reported that the County had borrowed o~ $4,000,000 on bond anticipation notes mhseh which would be due in June and that the Local Governmental Commission had notified him that they were planning to sell bonds on May 18, 1965. The maximum term of the bonds would be twenty-five years. He also stated that the Local Government Commission informec him that it might be to the advantage of the County to include the sale of $5~5,000 bonds approved for the Cape Fear Technical Institute. The present breakdown of the , hospital financing is as follows; $5,500,000 County bonds 4,000,000 From Medical Care Commission 200,000 From Duke Endowment 9,700,000 Total ~ \ ,~ After considering this matter, Mr. Hall offered the motion that the County Attorney and the County Auditor proceed with the necessa.ry steps to institute the sale of $5,500, worth of bonds for the hospital and $5~5,000 worth of bonds for the Cape Fear Technical Institute at the same time. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. r P