1965-04-20 Regular Meeting~ ;~,6~ :,: E... nrtinuiES-a~ the_Me.e~ina_Anri1 ~~- 1965_f_cosLt_inussi: SEASHORE RECREATIONAL PARK - (continued) The motion was secortded by Mr. Bowden. During the discussion of the Resolu- tion, Mr. Hall remarked that it would remove a large portion of our land values from the tax records and it is his opinion that 3t would be better to have it developed and and have it left on~the tax books. Dr: Hooper then moved that it be tabled until the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy carried. COMNIISSIONERS COOPERATIVE CON~NfITTEE - Mr. Bowden reported that he had been approached by some of the Commissioners of Brunsti~ick and Columbus counties suggesting that,along with New Hanover County Com- missioners, they form into a Committee to meet occasionally and discuss their mutual problems but especially to develop U. S. #74 and access roads to the beaches along the seashore. Mr. Braak reported that a previous attempt had been made to form such a cooperative effort between the Boards of adjacent counties but had met tirith no success. ROAD PETITION A petition was received from a group of citizens on Seacrest Drive, designated; as Secondary Road ~1415 for improvemer.ts to better serve the interests of the people. By common consent, it was ordered sent to the State Highway Commission for their consid-~ eration. REPORTS - 1- Cooperative Extension Report. H 2- Wilmington public Library Report. 3- Report from Senator Sam J. Ervin announcing favorable action on improve- ments on the Cape Fear River above Wilmington. l}- Thank-you letter from Azalea Festival Committee. i~ ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr meeting. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board adjovrned their ve 5ecretary Wilmington, N. C April 20, 1965 The regular semimonthly meeting of the Ne4r Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners was held in the Commissioners~ Room with the foliowing memDers in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J• M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. ASSEMBLY - INVOCATION The meeting was ca U ed to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, who acted as Pr.esiding Officer for the entire meeting. He asked the Chaplain for the '~ day, Reverend H. Crocker, pastor of Ogden Advent Christiatt Church, to give the invoca- tion. APPROVAL OF THE MIMJTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr, Hall, the minutes of the regular meeting on April sth and the Special Meeting on April 12, copies of which had been maile„ to each member of the Board, were approved unanimously as written. MARKET STOCK SHOW AND SALE - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Agriculture Extension ~hairman, announced the ll}th Annual Southeastern North Carolina Market Stock Show and Sale will be held on April 21st, 1965 at the New Hanover Livestock Arena. He extended a cordial invitation to the Commiss- ioners to attend and express their appreciation for the Agricultural program in the County. . BOND SALE - ' The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Mem- orial Hospital requesting authorization for the sale of bonds in the amount of $S,SOO,OOC authorized by the voters for building and equiping the hospital. County Auditor Love reported that the County had borrowed o~ $4,000,000 on bond anticipation notes mhseh which would be due in June and that the Local Governmental Commission had notified him that they were planning to sell bonds on May 18, 1965. The maximum term of the bonds would be twenty-five years. He also stated that the Local Government Commission informec him that it might be to the advantage of the County to include the sale of $5~5,000 bonds approved for the Cape Fear Technical Institute. The present breakdown of the , hospital financing is as follows; $5,500,000 County bonds 4,000,000 From Medical Care Commission 200,000 From Duke Endowment 9,700,000 Total ~ \ ,~ After considering this matter, Mr. Hall offered the motion that the County Attorney and the County Auditor proceed with the necessa.ry steps to institute the sale of $5,500, worth of bonds for the hospital and $5~5,000 worth of bonds for the Cape Fear Technical Institute at the same time. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted. r P ~. ..:- . ~~~, Minutes of the~eet~iq_Ap.r_i_1_2.Q,~S~~_K.__.___ ~CDi1xSriUP~ PUBLIC WELFARE - ` Niiss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, was recognized by the Chair- man and submitted the 1965-66 Public Assistance Estimates required by G. S. 108-65. She stated.that the purpose of these estimates was to give the State Office some idea of what Ithey would be expected to contribute so that they in turn could submit their Budget Esti- mate for Federai funds but that it is not a binding agreement althouoh it must be signed by the Chairman and Clerk to the Board. After briefly discussing the various programs, Mr. Hall moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the 1965-66 Public Assistance Esti- mates submitted by the pubiic Welfare Board. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ' Joint Session - Miss Hall suggested to the Board of Commissioners that the County Board of Welfare would.like to have a Joint Session with the County Board of Com- missioners in the Welfare Department at 7:30 P. M., 1965 in accordance with G. 5. 108-38. BDr. Hooper expressed his opinion that this would be a good idea and received.the approval of each member of the Board, by common consent. Travel Money - Miss Hall reported to the goard that their Travel Fund was practically exhaustea and that there were several meetings scheduled between now and the end of this fiscal year. A three day meeting is scheduled in Raleigh to which members of her staff should go to receive instructions with reference to the proper handling of new programs and that two executive sessions are scheduled which she should attend. She precommended that they appropriate $1750.00 for the remainder of the fiscal year, of r~hich one-half, or $875,00 is reimbursable from State Funds, After a full discussion of this sub,ject, Mr. Hall offered a motion that her request be approved and that $1750.00 be appro- priated from Unanticipated Intangible Tax to Welfare-Travel Account. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. Child Welfare Workers~ Salaries - Miss Hall reported that the increase in Salaries for the Cnila y,~eliare Workers was not included in the last salary check. Dr. Hooper explained that the Board had not rescinded its action but that they had agreed not to pay the increase in salary unless and until it was officially approved by the i~lerit System Council and that the funds were being held in abeyance until after the official !approval is received althouoh it will be retroactive to Aprii lst. Indigent Dentistry - Miss Hall stated that the Welfare Department is now be- ing charged tor an expenditure which she understands was transferred from the Health De- partment to the Welfare Department. Mr. Love informed the Board that the Indigent Den- tistry Fund set up in the Health Department was exhausted and that it was transferred to Ithe Welfare Department because he had no other place to put it. Several of the goard mem- bers said that they were unaware of the transfer and appointed the Executive Secretary to look into the matter and see what happened and report back to the Board at the next meet- ing. ' AUTOMOBILE BIDS - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The Dcecutive Secretary reported that he and the County Attorney had received Iand opened bids at 4;00 p.M. Monday, April 19th as advertised for automobiles to be used lin the Sheriff~s DeparLment. Only two bids were received, one from the ~ape Fear Motor iSales and one from the Alex ~~Jeiss Motor Corp., the County Attorney reported that the Willett~s Motor Company of Bolivia came in after the bids were closed but it was declared 'ineligible. Mr, l~J. A. Raney presented a sealed bid and stated that he did not briieg it over to be opened on Monday, April 19th because he had noted in the paper that the Board had declared it a l~oliday and that they would meet Tuesday to conduct their official bus- iness and, therefore, he thought the bids would be carried over and opened at the meeting today. The Chairman read the totals of the net bids on the Eour units by the Cape Fear Motor Sales as being $5,612.50 and that the net bid on the four units by the Alex tideiss otor Corporation amounted to $1~,99~.41• After some discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that in all fairness to all concerned, all bids be rejected and re-advertised. It was seconded by Mr. Ha1J. and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak and Hall voted "YES", iessrs. Hooper and Vaughan voted "NO". The Acting Chairman ruled the motion did not carry. fter some further discussion, Mr. Bowden, who was a little late to the meeting arrived and 'made aware of what had transpired above. Mr. Braak then moved that the above motion be ~~irescinded and the subject be reopened for discussion. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and inanimously approved. After further discussion, in which Mr. Vaughan expressed his opin- ~lion that it is unfair to those who did bid to re~ject the3r bids. The following paragraph was then quoted from the advertisement appearing in the paper, "The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids or accepL any bid that is considered for the besL interest for New Hanover County." ~~Ir. Braak then moved that all bids be rejected and that re-adver- tisement for bids be authorized. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Hooper and Vaughan voted "NO", while Messrs, graak, Bowden and Hall voted "YES" and the Chairman declared the motion carried and authorized the Executive Secretary to re- lidvertise for bids. SURPLUS AIRCR.4FT - Mr. Glenn G. Noore, Secretary to the New Hanover Flying Corporation, stated that the U. 5. Marine Corps at Cherry Point, N. C., has an FJ 3(FIC) North American "Fury" Surplus Aircraft which they are willing to donate to the proposed Air Museum at Bleuthenthal Field if the County is interested in it. He also informed the Board that it is possible \' that in the near future they will have a F!}B McDonneli phantom which they are willing to /~ contribute to the Air Museum provided the transportation costs, or any other incidental shipping costs, be borne by the donee. After a brief consideration, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the ~ounty make the request for the FJ 3 Provided there would be no cost to the County. It tidas seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. The Executive Secre- tary was directed to proceed with the request to have the aircraft released for transpor- tation to Wilmington. . ~ I~ I ,~~~ Minutes of the Meeting ADril 20, 1965 continued AIRPORT - ACCESS ROAD Sgt. A. H. Clark, in charge of the local Highway patrol Division, advised ~ the Board that his group had recently run into a problem in moving traffic in and out of the Airport because of only one entrance road which must aiso be used for exit. He I suggested that the Commissioners look toward the opening of an additional road so that Lhe movement of traffic, in event of an emergency, couid be expedited more smoothly. ~ Mr, Hall reported that he is familiar with the problem ar.d made a trip out to Bieuthen- thal Field and found that the imgrovements being made by the Air Force has resulted in the construction of a road beoinning at North Carolina Secondary Road #1311 and running South 21°24 minutes'East 1300.03~ to the right of way line of the A.C.L. Railroad (for- merly Wilmington to ~n~el9on Railroad} has a 60~ right of way and wovld admirably fill the needs if permission could be granted to use it as a public road. It contains 1.~6 acres. Mr. ~ohn A, h~estbrook, the Airport Manager, reported the traffic jam during the recent Air Sho~~ was so bad it was necessary to transport passenoers, scheduled on the regular flights, across some of the runways. He suggested that it might be possible i to have Lhe Corps of Engineers turn the road over to the $tate providing they will main-' tain it. After a thorough discussion of this subject, Mr. Uaughan offered a motion that the County ask the Corps of Engineers, the ~irport Authority and the State Highway Commission to consider the dedica,tion and acceptance into the State $econdary Road Syster~ and ask the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to put a crossing where it intersects their tracts. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted, j BUILDING CODES - Mr. H. E. Miller, President of the ~~rilmington ~ontractors Association informe< the Board that they are glad the Commissioners have decided to enforce the State Buildinc~ ~ Code in n,.... ,. -.:.,,. in New Hanover County. They are concerned, however, abovt ' the issuing of permits to unlicensed contractors for more than $20,000. The County ~ Attorney reported that he is aware of turo instances where he approved the issuance of building permiL by the Building Inspector but understood that they were doing their own ~ construction work on their own property. Mr. Miller called attention to the possible cor'- fusion if the County Building Code requirements are modified as compared to the City " Building Code. He stressed the need for building control, particularly as it has to do with the residential building and urged the Board to adopt the Resi`dential Code if ' if they have not already done so. After a thorovgh discussion of the subject, Mr. Braa}I ,' offered a motion that the Building Inspector be instructed to begin enforcing the North Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code 196!} edition, effective at 8;00 A. M. April 21, 1965 as requested by the New Hanover County Planning and Zoning Board. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. TRAINING AREA - ~ Mr. Ralph Bordeaux and Lt. Thomas, of the Wilmington Fire Department; re- ported to the Board that they had made an inspection of the area near the Airport which is a perfect location for the oil-fire training area requested by the Cape ~ear Technica~ Institute. They found concrete foundation slabs, fire hydrants, a nearby well, and paved roads on the property formerly used by the schools but recently reconveyed to the County Airport. Mr. Hall reported that he had inspected the area and felt like it was well suited for this purpose, provided it is approved by the FAA. Mr. ~ohn A. Westbrook, Ntanager of the Airport, reported that he had talked to the ~ffice of the I FAA which had given tentative approval provided the activities were coordinated with the Airport operation. Mr. Bordeaux advised that it would be July lst before they would become effective, after which Dr. Hooper moved that this question be referred to the Airport Committee for investigation and recommendations at the next regulat meeting.~ It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. Dr. Hooper announced that he would appoint the 7-man Atirport Advisory Commission by the next meeting, in accordance with the Resolution passed aL the last meeting held on April 12;196~. AIRPORT RUNWAY IMPROVENfENT Mr. J. A. Gdestbrook, Manager of Bluethenthai Fieid, reported that $10,000 had been included in the Budget for improvements on the runways whfich are badly needed. He requested the Commissioners to give him approval for starting the work. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the matter be referred to the Airport Committee for handling and securing informal bids for the project. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ~` CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPOINTMENT The Executive Secretary reminded the goard that no replacement had been named for ld. G. RoberLson, Sr., who resigned as a member for the Civii Service ~ommise- ion. Dr. Hooper then moved that each individual member of the goard consider this appointment and bring in the names of the men whom they recommend at the next regular meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Hraak and unanimously approved. RETIRENfENT P1AN Mr. Meares Harriss, representing the Corporate Benefits planning Company, restated his proposition to make an actuarial study of the New Hariover County Retirement S~stem to determine if it is sound and,if not, to make the necessary changes to make it sound and to recommend a plan that would give all employees, not now covered, benefit. provided he is named Agent of Record. Mr. Vaughan observed that in his opinion "the I Commissioners are in a precarious position if they name him Agent of Record because-it I~ would tie up any action by the Board for a long time.'~ Mr. Harriss suggested that he woild recommend to the Commissioners that they approve the State making a study of the present retirement as pcoposed by Mr. yelton in his recommendations at Lhe last meeting but that he thought he should be allowed to make a study and recommendations for comparison pur- poses. After thoroughly discussing the pros and cons of this subject, ~r. HOOper moved that the $tate be authorized to make a study of the present retirement plan. It was seconde4 by Mr. Vaughan and unanimouely carried. Dr. Hooper then moved that Mr. Harriss be mede an Agent of ReCOrd ~fl~ ~U~liOPized to make a study of the present retirement plan and recommendations with reference to giving employees coverage who are not now receivinc benefits provided the Board of Commissioners reserve the right to terminate the agree- ment at their pleasure. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. Before the ballot was taken, I Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that any action on the matter be deferred until Mr. Harriss came up with a definite proposition at the next regular meeting. The sub- stitution motion was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. ` II M . . ~, 46~ Minutes of the Meeting April 20, 1965 Continued _- ~iRETIREMENT PLAN IMPR.EMENTATION - Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that the initiate the necessary legislation for the County to was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. 'AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION County Attorney be directed to participate in such a plan. It I The County Attorney reported that he had been in conference with Attorney Rarl N!cGee, representing the present concession for ground transportation at the Airport and that ~ey had met with 90% agreement on a contract which is now in the hands of Mr. McGee who is conferring with his client. The only question the Commissioners need to settle at this time is the presentation of the base amount agreed upon. Mr. L. W. Latham was present and re- 'iterated his stand that he would abide by an~ agreement which the competing company is will- ing to accept. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the County Attorney be authori2ed and directed to complete the contract agreement providinc for 10% over and above the base ./ monthly renLal on all operating revenue. The motion died for lack of a second and Dr. Hooper moved that the draft of the contract agreemant presented by the attorney be approved and that it inciude a provision for the payment of 10% over the base for all operating ~revenue. It was seconded by Mr, gowden and unanimously adopted. ICONFERENCE - The Cha~i~rman read a letter from the Community Service Committee of the Carolinas' ICouncil of Housing and Redevelopment Officials announcing a regional conference scheduled Ifor Greenviile, North Carolina on May 3rd and !}th on the concerted Community Action Pro- grams. He extended an invitation to all of the Board members to attend and send in Ghe registration forms for accomodations as early as possible. .,, ~ COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK - THe Chairman read a letter from Mr. Grover C. Dobbins, District Agricultural Agent, outlining that the primary concern in the cooperative Extension program is to de- velop educational programs based on the needs and desires of the people. He stated that I,they are now in the process of redesigning their 4-H Club activi'ties in order to make them 'more interesting to the boys and girls in the urban areas, as well as the rural districts. He suggested that ~in addition to the interest of the young people: he thought the person filling the vacanCy created by the resignation of Mr. Whitehurst should show some interest and knowledge of horticultural crops and plant production. He pledged their cooperation in filling the vacancy with the kittd of individual that can make the greatest conLribution = to the people and the ~ounty. Mr. Braak explained that at present the State is paying a large portion of the salary of the Assistant pgricultural Agent and that if the Board declined to consicler the replacement and at a later date decided that they had a need for an Assistant Agricultural Agent, the new agreement would be based on a 50-5o basi.s of Cost. After a thorough discussion, Dr. Hooperthen moved that the ,job not be filled at this time ~ but be reconsidered at Budget time and that it be tabled for the present. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. '~PAVING ASSESSMENT - A letter was received from the City Manager, advising that a jointly owned tax foreclosed piece of property located in Block 551 and part of Lot ,yl; which is 31' x 66~ fronting on Marstellar $treet between lbth and 17th Sts., has a petition for paving which ,will cost the County approximately $130.20. The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company is an adjacent property owner and requests the City.to pave in front of this mutually owned lot. The City has a 60% equity in the property and the County a 40% equity ,in the property. The total cost of the paving assessment for the 31~ is $325•50 which " Imeans that $130.20 would be appiicable against the County~s portion of the lot. He re- quests an expression from the Board with reference to their desires on this matter. After a brief discussion, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the County's portion of the paving assessment, amounting to $130.20, be allowed to remain on the books as an assessment lien ~and collected at the time of the sale of the property. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. COURT HOUSE PAINTING The Executive Secretary reported that an inspection of the woodwork on the out- Iside of the Court House indicated that it is badly in need of a paint job and that in his lopinion, an estimate to complete the work wovld run in the neighborhood of $!},000 which is already appropriated inthe Budget for Repairs to Building. He requested approval of ~~the Board to advertise for bids to accomplish this work. qfter fully considering the mat- 'ter, Mr. Borrden moved that the Board approve the recommendation provided the specifications for the paint job is approved by the guildiny Inspector. It was seconded by Mr. Braak land unanimously approved. IRECORDERS COURT OFFICE LOCATION - Mr. Vaughan, who was appointed Chairman of the Committee to me~t with the Inde- pendent Auditor, W. C. Barfield, to make recommendations with reference to the location Ilof the Clerk of Recorder's Court Office and the installation of a dumb-waiter system for handling the business, suggests that the Recorders Court Office be left at its present location and that a dumb-waiter be installed as recommended by the Deputy Clerk. After a thorough discussion, Dr. Hooper moved that the Executive Secretary be authorized to have the dumb-waiter installed provided the cost would not exceed $300.00. It was seconded Iby Mr. Bowderi and unanimously carried. AIR CONDITION - REGISTER OF DEEDS II Mr. E. Paul Blanchard, Regisier of Deeds, reminded the Board that he had previously ~requested an air conditioner, through the Executive Secretary, to replace one which has been ijudged beyond economical repair by the maintenance department. The Chairman supgested that it be put on the Agenda for a discussion at the next regular meeting. lAWN MOWER - MAcRAE PARK Mr. Bowden reported park, who is badly in need of a beyond economical repair. The suggested that informal bids be for consideration. that he had been in touch with the Supervisor at Hugh MacRae heavy duty mower which is to replace the old one that is cost will run in the neighborhood_~of $1,000. The County obtained and presented before the goard at the next meeting / I ~~~,~: MINUTES OF THE MEETING April 20, 1965 Continued TAX EQUALIZAT30N PROGRAM - ! The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that he had worked out tentative ' recommendations for the Tax Equalization Program requ3red by GS 105-278. He had sent copies of the general plans ancl specifications to each member of the Board and requested~ consideration for setting the ~ounty policy with reference to personal property, machine„y', fixtures and equipment of industrial and commercial, as well as professional and individ- ual property owners, gy unanimous approval, the Board suggested that he write each member of the goard his recommendations and put it on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting. ~ TAX LISTING PERSONNEL - ~I The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that the Tax Listing Department has ~ exhausted the funds allocated for necessary extra help in the listing of taxes and that I, ~ the automobile registration cards have not yet been checked against the 1965 listings. He estimated that it would require 60-90 days to complete this check and recommended thab ` the Commissioners approve transferring one of the clerks helping with this work over to the County planning & Zonino goard Budget and allow her to answer the telephone for the Building Inspector when he is out and continue to help check the automobile registra~' tions but draw her salary from the planning and Zoning goard Fund. He recommended that the other clerk be retained and that $600.00 be appropriated out of Unanticipate~l Funds ~ to cover her salary for the remainder of this year. After considering these recommendai~I~I tions, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that they be approved. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper~, and unanimously carried. ~ A.B.C. REQUEST Dr. Hooper reported that he had a request from the Chairman of the A.B.C. Board, Dr. J. A. Oldham; Jr.: requesting an expression from the Board.with reference to a suggestion that tl~e last month~s salary of the previous Chairman, Fred D. Poisson, be paid to his widow. By common consent, the Board deferred action on this question until their next regular meeting. BOND APPROVAL - The Eicecutive Secretary presented a public Officials' Surety Bond for E. S. Capps, ,7r. in the amount of $5,000 as a member of the ~few Hanover County Alcoholic geverage Control Board, and in the amount of $1,000 for Max Klutz, a Justice of the Peace. After an examination by the County Attorney, he approved them as to form and then Dr. Hooper moved the approval of the Board, which was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. The Executive Secretary was directed to have them probated and recorded.in the regular manner. SEASHORE PARK DEVELOPMENT - The Acting Chairman called attention to the deferrment at the last meeting of a discussion of the Seashore park Development question which he proposed. After a brief discussion, Dr. Hooper moved that it be deferred until the next regular meet- ing and the.Executive Secretary be directed to put it on the Agenda for a resuming of their discussion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. APPOINTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD The Chairman recalled that at the last meeting, the Board had deferred any action on the appointment of two members to the Mental Health pdvisory Board to reglace the two who had res¢guned. The delay was caused by some of the members requesting time to study the recommendations made by_the AdVisory Board.of:'the Mental Health Associa- f.3on. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that action again be deferred until the first meeting in May. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan voted for the motion while Mr. Bowden and Mr. Braak voted against the motion. The Chairman then declared it failed. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that Reverend Jerome C. Jones and Mrs. B. D- ~chwartz be named as full term members of the Nental Health Advisory Board. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO", however, the other members of the Board voted "YES" and the Chairman declared the motion carried. REPORT The $xecutive Secretary informed the Board that in action of the previous goard, they had ordered the Electrical Inspector to make reports in triplicate, how- ever, since we now have a guilding Inspector issuing building permits, the second copy of the Electrical Inspector~s report is not needed and recommends abandoning it. Since the Board had ordered the inspections in triplicate, it was felt that the Board should make the decision about stopping it. By common consent, the Board agreed with the recommendation of the Executive Secretary. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Braak; the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. , d /