1965-05-03 Regular Meeting~~ ~. Wilmington, N. C. May 3, 1965 ASSEMBLY - I The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the above date in the Commissioners~Room with the following members in attendance; Chair- man Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter I H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, ~r., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, ~r. i INVOCATION - Chairman Hooper called the meeting to order and requested Reverend C. J. l+ Andrews, Pastor of the Fifth qvenue Methodist Church, to offer a prayer for guidance. ~~, APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - I Upon motion of Mr. graak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on April 20th, copies of which ~ad been sent to each member of ' Board were unanimously approved after a correction in the paragr2ph under COOpERATIVE EXT~NSI~N Wf~AK stating that "Mr. Baggett explained" shouid be "Mr.Braak". At this point, Mr. Bowden arrived at the meeting. COMPLAINT - Mr. Alex ~afeiss, representing the Weiss Motor Corporation, which had submitted bids on automobiles for the Sheriff~s Department, complained that the bids were opened as advertised on qpril 19th at 1}:00 p. M. but that the Board had seen fit to reject all ~ bids and asked for a readvertisement. He stated that it placed him in an unfavorable light as other dealers knew what he had bid and it would be almost impossible for him to , make a reappraisal of the trade-ins. He suggested that the County sell the cars presently ', in use in the Sheriff's bepartment and readvertise for bids without trade-ins. HQ also , asked the Board to reconsider his bid and agree to accept the same bid if it was resub- ' mitted, and award the contract to him, since he was the low bidder on the original letting. He acknowledged the right of the P'r~HE-e€-Efie Board to accept or reject any bid for the best interest of New Hanover County but he still feels that it is unfair to him. The Chairman thanked him and stated Lhat the Board had taken its action but they would be glad to have him submit another bid as readvertised. RETIREMENT PLAN - Complying with the request of the Board at the last meeting Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. presented a prepared revised letter outlining his proposal ~+ --"-'~~~ -~~.;,~, for studying the present County employees~ retirement plan and making recommendations for improvement or submitting another plan provided he is appointed as Agent of Record and Consultant in behalf of the County. He particulariy questioned the advisability of leav- ing the time limit at 6 months, Although he considers that the job could be completed in Ilthat tism.e;.he 'is of:the`apinion that a much better ,job could be done If it was extended to ~uly 28th. 1966. Mr. Vaughan explained the opinion that he would like to see the 6 nonths arrangement remain in force, but if it became necessary, to agree to extend the time 3t its expiration. The various questions put by members of the Board were answered after °hich Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the Board approve the agreement as submitted by Mr. ~arriss for the Corporate Benefits planning Company and that the Cha.irman be authorized to f=ign it on behalf of the Board. It Was seconded by Mr. graak and unanimously adopted. B~Ng SALES The ~ounty Auditor T. D. Love, ,Ir. reported that he had conferred with the Local Government Commission with reference to the sale of bonds for New Hanover County. They recommend that the $5,500,000 Hospital Bonds and the $575,000 Cape Fear Technical Institute Bonds be sold as a package and he has arranged for Lheir sa2e on May 25th, 1965 and delivery to the purchaser on ~une 21, 1965• The presenL bond indebtedness amounts $439:075•OQ Y'he total.principal and estimated interest will he $93z,933•75• BOND AND COUPON PAYING AGENT - Mr. Fred B. Graham, Senior Vice President of the Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., advised the Board that certain legal provisions with reference to tihe destructions of paid coupons and bonds for Mcrth Carolina counties and municipalities had been made by the ~1961 General Assembly. It permits a ~ounty to contract with a bank to act as paying agent to destroy such paid bonds and coupons. The cost of this service is as follows: Bonds of $1,000 denomination -paying and accounting .5$~ per bond. For cremating and destruction, add .05d making a total of 6od. Bonds of $5,000 denominations - paying and accounting $1.00 per bond. For cremating and destruction, add .10~ making a total of $1.10. For Coupons of $1,000 Bonds - paying and accounting .03 3/4~ each. For cremating and destruction, add .01~ making a total of .0l~. 3/1}~L. ' For Coupons of $5,000 Bonds - paying and accounting 10~ each. For cremating and destruction add .02}~¢~ making a total of .12~~. During the discussion of,this matter, the County Auditor reported that his office had been doing this wnrk but in his opinion, it is more costly to the taxpayers of the County than the charges recommended above for the service, and thinks the cost shown above is in line with the general payment for such service. Mr. Graham told the Commissioners that this is not a profit item but a service rendered for customers. It is the modern way for hand- ling the liquidation of bonds and coupons. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Chairman De authorized to select a paying agent after determining the amounts outstanding with each of the banks bidding for this service and see that each bank shares in the County's bonded indebtedness business as nearly as possible. . Mr. Bowden seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. ,~~ N I - ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 3, 1965 Continued CREMATION SERVICES Mr. M. C. Brown, a Vice President of the North Carolina National gank, re- ported that the cremation service was the only local cost as the other services were made by the .~.. New york banks and, therefore, the only advantage is the short time ' which they have the money on deposit between the local payment for the bonds and the ' time they are redeemed and paid. After a brief discussion of this matter in which the ~ County Attorney advised the Board that if it is done locally, the destruction must be attended by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, the County Attorney, the County quditor and the Clerk to the goard. Mr. Vaughan observed that this would cost more than the small fee charged by the bank for this service. Mr. Hall then moved that the Board ~ adopt the cremation service proposed by the bank. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously adopted. ~ CIVIL SERVICE CONIMISSION APPOINTMENT - The Executive Secretary reported that the Civil Service Commission of New Hanover County had only two members because of the resignation of Mr. W. G. Robertson, Sr. The Chairman ohserved that he had asked the Board to be prepared to make recom- mendations for a replacement at this meeting. After a brief discussion, Mr, vaughan moved that Mr. Gerritt Swart of Castle Hayne be appointed to serve as a member of the County Civil Service Commission. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Bowden requested that he be recorded as abstaining. There was no object- ion from any of the members of the goard and the Chairman declared it carried and directec the Executive Secretary to notify Mr. Swart of this appointment. AIRPORT RUNWAY CHANGE - The Chairman advised the Board that he, in conference with ~ohn A. Westbroek and Mr. Hans Sperber, a representative of the Federal Aviation Agency, had discussed the matter of repairing the cracks and dips in the East-West runway on the west end. It developed that the runway is not generally used and they recommend phasing out from 21}00' to ~,590! wriich can be used as a taxiway without extensive repairs and then main- taining the remainder of the !}500~ to 1}600~of runway to a width of 100' instead of 150'. After considering the fact that it would not restrict the use of our airport to phase out this portion of the runway and meet the requirements of emergency landings to have only 100' in width kept in good condition, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the goard approve the recommendation above and that the Airport Manager be authori2ed to repair the remainder of the runway at a cost estimated to be is~~ per square yard after securing bids to do the work. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. OIL-FIRE TRAINING CENTER - i Mr. Hall reported~that he had inspected tihe site needed by the Cape Fear ' Technical Institute for establishing an oil-fire training center and recommends that it I be approved provided their activities are coordinated with the pirport. He has checked with the Federal Aviation Agency officials through Mr. Westbrook and finds that they have no objection provided their control tower is kept on notice of their activity. It was seconded by Mr. graak. In the discussion, Mr. Vaughan voiced the opinion that he does not think this is an Airport activity, however, when the ballot was taken, the favorable vote was unanimous. AIRPORT ADVI50RY CONIl~fISSION - The Board was reminded that at the last meeting an Airport Advisory Committee was discussed consisting of seven members as announced at the last meeting. Mr. Hall observed that the Chamber of ~ommerce has such a committee composed of good businessmen whom he considers "dry behind the ears and interested in the good of our community". He suggested that the ~hairman take this into consideration in making the appointments. Mr. James C. Pennington observed that in the past a similar committee was appointed which did not prove satisfactory. After a brief discussion of the matter, the ~hairman announced that he would delay the appointments until a later date. LOCAL STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY - The Executive $ecretary reported that in trying to make suitable arrangements for the observance of Student Local Government Day as outlined in the previous meeting, he had run into a difficulty which would have to be decided by the goard. The School authorities advise that their day ends at 3:45 P• M. and it would not be suitable to have the Commissioners~ meeting at 4:00 o'clock. Mr. Vaughan stated that he had dis- cussed the matter with professor Booker T. Washington at the idilliston High School and arranged for the meeting at the school at 9:00 A. M., May 17th. He suggested4that the Executive Secretary confirm this arrangement and if it is not satisfactory to notify the Board members. The ~xecutive Secretary recommended that the goard meet for not more than one hour at the Williston High School on that date and recess to reconvene in the Commissioners~ Room at the Court House at !};00 P. M. to finish their Agenda as the County Attorney reported bids are advertised to be opened at that time and plac¢ on that date. After thoroughly discussing the matter, Mr. Vaughan moved the adoption of the above arrangements, which was seconded by Mr. gowden and unanimously passed. AIR CONDITION - AIRPORT Mr. Wm. J. Boney, representing Leslie N. Boney, Inc., Architects, reported that the bids for air conditioning the Airport were opened as advertised. Only two bids were received as follows: Temperature Control Co. Base Bid --- $9,975•00 Alt. ~1 - Deduct pir Conditioner , of piedmont Office 2,300.00 sia aona 5% Sneeden, Inc. Base Bid --- 10,994•00 A1L. ~ 1- Deduct qir Condit. 2,096.00 of piedmont Office Bid gond 5q \ ~~~. Minutes of the Meeting May 3; 1965 Continued °AIR CONDITION - ASRPORT (continued) He recommends that the work be awarded to the Temperature Control Company iat a base figure of $9,975•00 which he considers a^ excellent bid as.it is less than $500.00 per ton. It does not include the offices previously occupied by the National pir Lines but does include a new ceiling in the present offices of the Picdmont pir Lines and concealing the duct work and conduits which are adequate to take care of fut- ure air conditioning units that might be installed at a later date in the Natiorial Air Lines old offices. The Auditor was consulted with reference to the amount of funds on ihand to pay for the work provided a contract was awarded. He reported $6,000 outstand- ing in the Capital Outlay qccount. In order to pay the architect fees and complete the job, it will take $10,975•Q0. Mr. Hall then moved that $l},975•00 be transferred from • Repairs to Field Fund to Airport Building - Capital Outlay. It was seconded by Mr. graak and unanimously approved. Contract Award - Mr. graak then offered a motion that the contract be award- ed to Temperature Control Company in the amount of $9,975•00. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. After assuring themselves by questions to the architects that the electrical conduits and duct work were adequate to air condition the National Air Line .offices, a ballot was taken and the motion was unanimously adopted. PARK LAWN MOWER - Mr. Bowden reported that the oid lawn mower which had been used at Hugh MacRae Park was wohn out beyond economical repair and that he had authori2ed the park Supervisor to secure bids on a replacement. He recommended that we need a 60" cut which will re- quire a 12 h.p. unit. Only two dealers submitted bids on this type equipment as follows: Hundley Equipment Company quoted a delivered price of $1268.96 Community Hardward 8 Supply Company submitted a price of $1117.55 'He recommended that he purchase from Lhe law bidder. The Executive Secretary reported ~that it would require a transfer of $375.00 from a line item already budgeted in the pre- ~sent Budget under Repairs and Maintenance and recommends that it be used to supplement 'the Capital Outlay to purchase the equipment. Mr. gowden offered a motion that the con- tract be awarded to the low bidder and that g3~5.00 be transferred from Repairs and Main- ~tenance to Capital Outlay to pay for the equipment. It was seconded~by Mr. Braak and un- animously passed. ROAD PETITION - A petition was received from the property owners on Brookfield Drive asking that it be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road $ystem. After determining the location, Mr. Hall moved that it be approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimous2y carried. INVOICE - ~ An invoice was received from the Chamber of Commerce which handled the details of Col. George Gillette Day in the amount of $321.75 which is the County's share of the ,cost of this joint City-County event in honor of Col. George W. Gillette,-.who has contri- 'buted so much to the development of the waterways in New Hanover ~ounty. Upon motion of 'Mr. }iall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved payment of this bill out of Commissioners~ gntertainment Fund. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - The Chairman read a letter from the Cape Fear Technical Institute requested ~permission to transfer the following line items from unused funds to pay a bill for a sur- Ivey and boriqg samples at the site of the new building amounting to $1,066.10. I ~~ From to Amount Audit ' " Survey $200.00 Motor Vehicle Repair " Survey 300.00 Insurance- Bldg, g " '~ 406.00 contents Insurance - Work g Compen. " " 80.00 Motor Vehicle Ins. " " 120.00 Total $1,106.00 Upon motion of Mr. gowden: seconded by Mr. Hall, the request was unanimously granted. TAX PENALTY ABATEMENT A letter was received from the Redevelopment Commission requesting the waiving of the tax penalty in the amount of $4l}•38• They purchased the property, which is part of Lot #1 in B1 177 in the name of Cape Fear Welding Company in ,]uly, 1962. At that time, they requested a statement for the repayment of all taxes. For some reason, the person who figured the prepayment failed to pick up the penalties, or they would have been paid at the same time if they had been inc2uded in the prepayment amount. The Executive Secre- tary recalled that he had explained to each member of the Board by telephone the urgency of this request because the officials of the Coast Guard were here to execute:the deeds of ~transfer and their attorney would not approve the conveyance until the matter was resolved. Each of the Commissioners had expressed their approval and, therefore, he asked that it be ratified at this meeting "nunc pro tunc'~. Upon motion of Mr. Vavghan, seconded.by Mr. ;Hall, the Board unanimously approved the abatement. ~I I ~,~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 3, 1965 Continued BEER PERMITS - y Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the goard unanimously approved the following applications for geer permits and referred them to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration. Mrs. Daisy Sides Davis T/A Davis Grill Hwy. 117, Castle Hayne N.C. William David Gorman - T~A B 8 G Drive-Inn Castle Hayne, N. C. Charles S• Knighton, ~r. T/A Pug~s Pub., Carolina geach, N. C. STATE CONVENTION The ~hairman read a letter from the Register of Deeds, announcing an in- vitation to the State Association of Register of Deeds to hold their annual Convention in New Hanover ~ounty on ~une 12th -15th, 1966. He suggested that the Board endorse the invitation and write to their present officers acknowledging the invitation and express- ing their pleasure. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. gowden, the Board unanimously endorsed the invitation and instructed the Executive Secretary to write and express their welcome. ~ AIR CONDITIONING - REGISTER OF DEEDS Mr. E. paul glanchard, Register of Deeds, reminded the goard that on February lsth, he had requested approval for the purchase of a new window air conditioner for the records vault to replace an old one which is damaged beyond economical repair. After thoroughly discussing this problem, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the request be approved and that the Register of Deeds be authorized to secure 3 or more infor,man bids ' for a 2 ton window unit air conditioner and that it be paid for out of Repairs and Main-I tenance to Building Funds. The Executive Secretary reported the funds would be commitec as soon as the bids for the paint job were received. They agreed that if the Repairs and Maintenance Account was depleted, they would take care of it at that time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and vnanimously approved. . DEDICATION The Chairman advised the Board that the new wing to the Catherine I(ennedy Home would be dedicated on the afternoon of May sth and each member is invited and urged to be present. Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the invitation be accepted and that all members possible attend. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. SHELTERED WORKSHOP The Chairman read a letter from Dr. Bruce A. Dorman, M. D., Chairman of the County Committee for a Sheltered Wordshop sponsored by and with the help of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Economics Opportunity Act. The request permission to use or rent approximately 3,000 sq. ft. of space at the old County Home for this purpose. They propose to refurbish and remodel the area of the old kitchen and dining wing at no ex- pense to the ~ounty. By common consent, the Board approved this request and instructed the Executive Secretary to notify Dr. Dorman to that effect. DATA PROCESSING'DEMONSTRATION The Executive Secretary reported that the National Cash Register Company; through their representative, Mr. Hodges, invited them to a presentation of charts and slides of their data processing equipment at 6:30 p. M. on N~y 17th at their office. They propose to furnish a buffet dinner after the presentation. After briefly discussinc the subject, Mr. Hall moved that the invitation be accepted. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as abstaining from voting but the other members of the goard voted '~,y~s'~ and the ~hairman declared the invitation accepted and directed the Executive Secretary to notify the National Cash Register Company. During the discussion of the above subject; Mr. }{all I suggested that the Chairman confer with the Mayor of Wilmington to see if they would be interested in jointly purchasing the data processing equipment in event the ~onnty de- cided that it would be an economical and feasible step to take. TAX EQUALIZATION PROGRAM - Complying with instructions of the goard at the last meeting, the Tax Super- visor had prepared general specifications for the ocLennial revaluation of property for ad valorem taxes and sent each member of the Board a copy, as well as writing a one page letter with recommendations. ge recommended that we not have personal property equipment and machinery, office furniture and fixtures included in the revaluation pro ~ gram uniess it was put in as an alternate to see how much additional cost the apprais- ing company would require. He also recommended that all land, in connection with tax exempt property, as well as dwellings be included and that record cards be made on them. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the goard unanimously authorized the Tax Supervisor and the County Attorney to proceed to write up contract and speeifi- cations for the revaluation program omitting the personal property. By common consent,•I the Board suggested that the proposed contract and plans be re~iewed by the County Auditor T. -. Love, ~r. LEGISLATION Mr. Vaughan observed that one important matter of legislation should received ' some additional attention. }Ie explained that it appears that the legislation recommendeli for making the Auditor's position an appointive one instead of an elective one might not receive favorable consideration in the General Assembly. He suggested that the Chairman be authorized to send the following letter to each member of the Legislature in an effort . to persuade them to favorable action allowing the ~hairman discretion as to when and how it is presented. This letter is signed by all present County ~ommissioners of New Hanover G'ounty and ail members of the previous board not on the present board. It is our desire to ask you to give favorable consideration to a gill now before your Legislature which would make the office of Auditor (County Accountant) in New Hanover County appointive rather than elected. $uch has been unanimously requested by the present board and was unanimously desired by the past board. continued - ~ <. , ~i . ~ -- --- '~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 3rd 1 6S _Continued ___ _ - ~LEGISLATION - (continuedj - Accountants of nearly all large population counties in North Carolina are I appointed - included are Wake, Durham, Guilford, Forsythe, Buncombe and Mecklenburg. s We consider it of paramount importance to its financial integrity that the Accountant of New Hanover be carefully selected from qualified persons rather than I by chance of election. Our government is a$10,000,000 business whose proper conduct must not be left to chance. We believe the final responsibility for the conduct of this business must rest upon the County Comm'issioners. Your favorable consideration will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, Former members; Chairman 'it was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Hooper and Vaughan voted for the motion, Messrs. Bowden and Hall abstained from voting. INDIGENT DENTISTRY FUND - Complying with the directive of the goard at the last'meeting, the Executive Secretary reported that the reason the cost of indigent dentistry bills were being paid ~out of the General Assistance through the Welfare Department is that the Welfare D~part- 'ment certifies the person receiving this service and Lhe money allocated in the flealth De- ~~partment gudget is exhausted. It is fe2t that this activity should ba budgeted through Ithe yJelfare Department. USE - SUPERIOR COURTROOM The Executive Secretary reported that he had been requested by a local attor- Iney, Mr. Andrew A. Canoutas, to use the Superior Courtroom for the purpose of organizing a demolition automobile racing association. Mr. graak moved that the request be approved. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper provided it is not a commercial venture where tickets will be sold. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted against the motion but all the ~other members of the Board voted for the motion and it carried. ~HIGHWAYS - The Chairman read a letter from the ~acksonville Chamber of ~ommerce calling attenLion to the hardship being imposed on North ~arolina by the Federal Highway Act of 1956 and on eastern North Carolina by the State Highway ~ommission's ~~15 Year plan" for highway construction. They assert that for each dollar of Federal Aid Highway money re- ceived in Morth Carolina thc State paid $1.95 in highway use taxes for the calendar year ~11963. They recommend that the Federal Road qct of 1956 be amended so that Coastal North f ICarolina might received at least enough funds to build adequate highways. They urged the Board of Commissioners to endorse the letter and adopt resolutions to be sent to the var- lious agencies of the State and Federal governments concerned with highway construction. ~Jpon.-.motion of Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously endorsed the letter and seconded by Dr. y Hooper. Upon motion of Dr. Iiooper, seconded by Mr. Braak, they unanimously adopted both ~resolutions and the Executive $ecretary was 3nstructed to notify the various agencies con- ~EW HANOVEA COUNTY MAPS - A proposal was received from the ~hampion Map Corporation to supply the County with maps for distribution at 10~ each in lots of !},000 or more. The Executive $ecretary ~~eported.that he frequently has calls for such maps but does not recommend as many as ,000. After some discussion of this subject, the goard, by common consent, instructed ~the Executive Secretary to confer with the City Manager to see if they would be interested in a joint purchase since the map includes a detail of the City of P~dilmington. He,is to report back at the next meeting., ~~ PROPERTY DEED - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that several weeks ago, the Chairman had written a letter to the Mayor of Wrightsville Beach with reference to use of funds allocated Lo them in the construction of the dunes and berm. He offered a motion that this letter 'should be incorporated in the records of this Board. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and ~lunanimously adopted. '~This letter will confirm our telephone conversation of recent date in which ' "• I advised that the Town of Wrightsville Beach d5;.au.thorized and empowered to expend ~ the appropriated, but heretofore unexpended, funds contributed by the County toward the construction of the berm project at Wrightsviile Beach. This is to further confirm that such expenditures are authorized for the con- ; struction of an extension of the berm across Moore's Inlet. In this connection, I i wish to point out that the ~ortunissioners are all strongly of the opinion that the owners of Shell Island should be requfired to execute a deed either to Wrightsville Beach, the State of North Carolina or the County of New Hanovet for a substantial portion of the lands behind the berm and between the northern town limits of irlrights= ville Beach and the southern end of the anchor dune on Shell Island. The benefits to these property owners is such that we feel that this deed should be obtained. This action was recommended by the writer sometime ago to Mr. Robert Taylor of the goard of Alderman of Wrightsville B@ach." The Executive Secretary was directed to send a copy of this letter to each member of the NWrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen. I' ~~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 3, 1965 ~ontinued g _ _- - -- ---- - ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr voted to adjourn the meeting. Hooper, the goard unanimously ry Wilmington,N.C. May 17,196$ (}:OOp.pi. ASSEMBLY- I The regular semimonthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. at the Williston $enior High School with the fol- lowing members present: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W• Hooper, ,]r., Commissiners M. H. Vaughar, Laurence 0. Bowden, peter H. Braak; and ~. M. Hali, ,lr., County Attorney L. Bradford ~ Tillery and County Auditor T• D. Love, ~r. I INVOCATION - Dr. Hooper, the Chairman, called the meeting to order and asked the school~s ~haplain, Robert Thorpe, to pronounce the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MIMUTES - Before 8pproval of the minutes, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, Mr. Vaughan requested that the time of Mr. Bowden~s atrival be struck from the minutes and that in the paragraph listed, "BOND SALES", the words "with esti- mated interest at 4.10% be deleted and that the word "~ommission" be used instead of '~Committee'~ in the paragraph "AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE" and that a copy of the letter which the C~airman had written to the Mayor of Wrightsville Beach be sent to each member of the Board of Alderman. pfter these amendments were made, Mr. $raak moved .that the minutes be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. AIRPORT - FIRE TRUCK A request was received from the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated, for the donation of the pump assembly from an old junked Oren Fire Truck owned by the New Hanover County Airport. The Airport Manager has approved the request and had received permis9ion from the Federal Aviation Agency for disposing of it as re- quested. It was conveyedtn New Hanover County under the Surplus property pct of 194~+• After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board approve the donation of the pump assembly to the Wrightsi~oro Volunteer Fire Department. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. AIRPORT - ACCESS ROAD Complying with the action of the Board on April 20Lh, with reference to an additional access road into the New Hanover County Airport Terminal, the Federal Avia- tion Agency reports that their runway criteria approach must have a 15~ clearance above all public highways and, therefore, they could not approve the request for making the 60~ road constructed by the Corps of Engineers parallel to the NW-SE runway being de- veloped as a part of the Air Dispersal Complex because it creates an Airport hazard. They suhmitted a sketch recommending an alternate location which would be considered eligible under the present Airport Zoning Ordinance roughly extending the present road north and connecting with the newly constructed parallel road outside of the runway approach clearance zone. After discussing this problem, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that action be deferred on this matter until the next meeting and that it be referred to the Airport Committee for study, and that the Executive Secretary arrange to have it. put on the Agenda for the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ADVERTISING DISPLAY - AIRPORT The Blockade Runner Motel is seeY.ing permission to display a picture of. their~ build:ng in the lobby of the Airport Terminal guilding. The qirport Manager recom- mends that in event the Commissioners approve such display advertising, a fee should be charged after 90 days and that in his opinion; no soliciting of business in the lobby of the terminal should be allowed as it would tend to hurt contract service carriers originating at the Airport. After a brief discussion: the goard referred this matter to the Airport Committee, by common consent, and deferred any action until the.next meeting. AIRPORT - RENTAL The Chairman read a letter from the Airport Manager requesting permission to charge the Insect and Rodent Control section of the }Iealth Department $70.00 for the use of the building, now being vacated by the Olsen pircraft Corporation, as a warehouse. During the discussion, it developed that if the charge was made to another ~ounty Depart,+ ment, it would necessarily have to be put in the Budget for that purpose. Nr. Vaughan then offered a motion that it be approved and that sufficient funds be placed in the Health peptartment's gudget to cover it next year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unan- imously carried. MUSEUM DONATIONS - The ~xecutive Secretary reported that the pirector of the 'y~ilmington-New Han- over Museum.has an offer of interesting naval artifacts which wil•1 be donated to him by ~~ the navy provided he can arrange to come to Washington and select them and bring them I back. The Museum at Charleston, S. C. has made him an offer of selecting from their ' surplus stock of interesting Civil War relics if he will come down and pick them out and bring them back to ~Iilminoton. He proposes to drive his car and rent a U-Haul-It to bring them back to Wilmington, and estimates that it will cost a total of $130.00 to make~ the two trips. He has sufficient surplus in line items if the goard will allow them to be transferred to the Travel Account. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Pqr. graak, the Board unanimously approved the transfer so long as it did not involve an additional appropriation.