1965-05-17 Regular Meeting~~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 3, 1965 ~ontinued g _ _- - -- ---- - ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr voted to adjourn the meeting. Hooper, the goard unanimously ry Wilmington,N.C. May 17,196$ (}:OOp.pi. ASSEMBLY- I The regular semimonthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held on the above date at 9:00 A. M. at the Williston $enior High School with the fol- lowing members present: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W• Hooper, ,]r., Commissiners M. H. Vaughar, Laurence 0. Bowden, peter H. Braak; and ~. M. Hali, ,lr., County Attorney L. Bradford ~ Tillery and County Auditor T• D. Love, ~r. I INVOCATION - Dr. Hooper, the Chairman, called the meeting to order and asked the school~s ~haplain, Robert Thorpe, to pronounce the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MIMUTES - Before 8pproval of the minutes, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, Mr. Vaughan requested that the time of Mr. Bowden~s atrival be struck from the minutes and that in the paragraph listed, "BOND SALES", the words "with esti- mated interest at 4.10% be deleted and that the word "~ommission" be used instead of '~Committee'~ in the paragraph "AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE" and that a copy of the letter which the C~airman had written to the Mayor of Wrightsville Beach be sent to each member of the Board of Alderman. pfter these amendments were made, Mr. $raak moved .that the minutes be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. AIRPORT - FIRE TRUCK A request was received from the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, Incorporated, for the donation of the pump assembly from an old junked Oren Fire Truck owned by the New Hanover County Airport. The Airport Manager has approved the request and had received permis9ion from the Federal Aviation Agency for disposing of it as re- quested. It was conveyedtn New Hanover County under the Surplus property pct of 194~+• After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board approve the donation of the pump assembly to the Wrightsi~oro Volunteer Fire Department. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. AIRPORT - ACCESS ROAD Complying with the action of the Board on April 20Lh, with reference to an additional access road into the New Hanover County Airport Terminal, the Federal Avia- tion Agency reports that their runway criteria approach must have a 15~ clearance above all public highways and, therefore, they could not approve the request for making the 60~ road constructed by the Corps of Engineers parallel to the NW-SE runway being de- veloped as a part of the Air Dispersal Complex because it creates an Airport hazard. They suhmitted a sketch recommending an alternate location which would be considered eligible under the present Airport Zoning Ordinance roughly extending the present road north and connecting with the newly constructed parallel road outside of the runway approach clearance zone. After discussing this problem, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that action be deferred on this matter until the next meeting and that it be referred to the Airport Committee for study, and that the Executive Secretary arrange to have it. put on the Agenda for the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ADVERTISING DISPLAY - AIRPORT The Blockade Runner Motel is seeY.ing permission to display a picture of. their~ build:ng in the lobby of the Airport Terminal guilding. The qirport Manager recom- mends that in event the Commissioners approve such display advertising, a fee should be charged after 90 days and that in his opinion; no soliciting of business in the lobby of the terminal should be allowed as it would tend to hurt contract service carriers originating at the Airport. After a brief discussion: the goard referred this matter to the Airport Committee, by common consent, and deferred any action until the.next meeting. AIRPORT - RENTAL The Chairman read a letter from the Airport Manager requesting permission to charge the Insect and Rodent Control section of the }Iealth Department $70.00 for the use of the building, now being vacated by the Olsen pircraft Corporation, as a warehouse. During the discussion, it developed that if the charge was made to another ~ounty Depart,+ ment, it would necessarily have to be put in the Budget for that purpose. Nr. Vaughan then offered a motion that it be approved and that sufficient funds be placed in the Health peptartment's gudget to cover it next year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unan- imously carried. MUSEUM DONATIONS - The ~xecutive Secretary reported that the pirector of the 'y~ilmington-New Han- over Museum.has an offer of interesting naval artifacts which wil•1 be donated to him by ~~ the navy provided he can arrange to come to Washington and select them and bring them I back. The Museum at Charleston, S. C. has made him an offer of selecting from their ' surplus stock of interesting Civil War relics if he will come down and pick them out and bring them back to ~Iilminoton. He proposes to drive his car and rent a U-Haul-It to bring them back to Wilmington, and estimates that it will cost a total of $130.00 to make~ the two trips. He has sufficient surplus in line items if the goard will allow them to be transferred to the Travel Account. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Pqr. graak, the Board unanimously approved the transfer so long as it did not involve an additional appropriation. ~~~ Minutes..of the Meeting May 1~, 1965 Continued BUILDING INSPECTOR - TELEPHONE ` The Executive Secretary reported to the goard that the Building Inspector was ~having some difficulty in keeping in touch with his.office. The work load is beyinning to press him for time and he suggests that the Board allow him a telephone in his automo- bile whereby he could keep in touch with the situ9tion instantaneously. On two occasions, calls came in from the same general area while he was on his way back.to his office last ~Friday after making inspections and it was necessary to backtrack and thus run up addi- tional mileage and time. The cost of installing a telephone in the car is $50.00 and the monthly rental is $50.00. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that this matter be postponed uniil the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Vauohan and unanimously approved. 'PROFESSIONAL DUES - ,The Chairman reported that he would like for the Board to set a policy with reference'to dues for professional people to the.various professional organizations and cited that Dr. Rolf H. Fisscher of the Mental Health Center had requested approval for !that service. After a discussion in which it developed that all members of the Board are of the opinion that professional dues are a personal matte~r and not a proper charge to the County, Mr. Braak then moved that the County policy be established that each profes- sional empioyee would pay his own dues to professional organizations. it was seconded by !Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that they had been seeking legislation for making the office of ~ounty Auditor'appointive by the Board of Commissioners rather than elective by the people but that apparently this legislation is not being enthusiastically accepted by tfie present session of the t,egislature and if'some strong action is not ta}ien, the same reasons will be used two years from now for not doing it at that time if every effort is not made to secure its passage now. He recalled that the local Chamber of ~ommerce is now in the process of making a drive for memberships and they have an able Legislative Committee. He offered a motion that the Board of ~ounty Commissioners go on record as requesting the Legislative Committee of the Chamber of Commerce to get behind the proposed legislation to have it enacted into law during this session. It was seconded by Mr. Bowderi. Mr. Hall remarked that he had hoped the question would not receive a second because the Legislative Committee of the Chamber of ~ommerce is subject to pressure and that, in his opinion, their function is one of guiding legislation that has to do with industrial procurement and de- velopment rather than a political measure. After a pro and con discussion by members of the goard, the question was put. The Chairman stated that he agreed with both sides of the question and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak and Hall voted "NO", Mr. gowden re- quested to abstain from voting and Mr. Vaughan and the Chairman voted "YES", however, it was a tie vote and the Chairman declared the motion died. TAX ADJUSTMENT The Tax ~upervisor reported a request from paul D. Woodall of Whiteville, N.C. for a refund of two years taxes because of an error in the original measurements of a lot he owns in New Hanover County, The valuation was reduced from $1900.00 to $1630.00 and the assissment reduced $175.00. He requests the return of the taxes which he has paid amounting to $11.71~. The County Attorney ruled that it was legal to return the overpay- ment for two years back. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak; Lhe Board unani- mously approved the request and authorized the refund. TAX ADJUSTMENT - The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. D. J. Black had purchased a lot in Summer IHill in 1959, He has cosistently paid the taxes on the prog~ptly since that time but re- ~!cently received a notice from the Tax Collector amounting to $115.80 which had 'not been IlPaid for the year 1959 and the interest has accrued in the amount of $17.42 on the City portion and $10.~2 on the County portion; for a total of $28.24. He doesr.not feel that he shovld be penalized for .the interest.since he has been ready and willing to pay the taxes but did not know they were unpaid. He requests abatement of the interest. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the waiver of ;the interest because of the clerical error as provided in G.S. 105-330 ~4)• aJAIL FUNDS TRANSFER - The Chairman read a letter from the Jailor approved by the Sheriff asking per- mission to transfer $90.00 fr.om the ~ail-Capital Outlay to the following; ~ail-Laundry $35•00, ,Iail-Trusty.Clothing $35.OO.and ,]ail-Electrical Suppiies $20.00. . UPon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved the transfer as re- quested. , ~BEER PERMIT - The following appl~ications for Beer permits were reviewed by the Board and upon ,motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, unanimously approved and referred to the iSheriff for his consideration and investigation: IlCarl J. Reigh ~ T/A Colonial S~bores, Inc. (Colonial Store ~4260) ' Hanover Shopping Center, City ~ RECESS - At this point, Mr. Braak moved that the meeting be ~ecessed to reconvene again pat 4;00 P. M. in the Commissioners Office at the County Court House. RECONVENTION - The full Board assembled at 4:00 P. M. in the Commissioners Room and the Chairman called the meeting h~ order and requested Reverend E. E. Kirton, Pastor of St. Marks E~isco- pal Church, to give the invocation. AUTOMOBILE BIDS - In accordance with the readvertisement of bids for automobiles to be used in the Sheriff~s Department as authori2ed on April 20th, the following bids were reueived and opened; continued- ~ ~II ~~ ~ Mittutes of the Meeting May 17, 1965 AUTOMOBILE BIDS - (Continued) Continued Cape Fear Motor $ales Bid Bond (3l 2-Door ~ertified check $4,179.69 Raney Chevrolet Co. Certified check L~,249.95 Willetts 8 Son Motor 5ales Certified check 4:435•2~ (1) 4-Door Net $1,332.81 $1,190.72 ~1,468.57 The County Attorney ruled that the bid bond in the form of certified checks were satisfactory. After considering the total of the three bids, it was discovered that sufficient funds had not been appropriated to purchase all four cars. The Sheriff ad- vised the Board that he could use the 1}-door car for another tweive months without ex- cessive upkeep. Mr. Alex Weiss was present and the Chairman asked if he did not wish to submit bids. He replied the bids he had were in his pocket but decided not to submit them. After full consideration of the circumstances, Dr. Hooper moved that we purchase the three 2-door cars for the Sheriff~s Department and award the contract to the low bidder, which is Cape Fear Motor Sales. It was seconded by Mr, Bowden and unanimously passed. COURT HCIUSE PAINTING - Complying with an advertisement for painting the outside openings and sashes at the Court House, two bids were received as follows; W. M. Benson $3,67~.00 Wilmington Decorating 6,566.00 Company ~ In the discussion of these bids, it developed that the advertisement did not contain a request for security in submitting the bid but did set out that a performance bond would be required. The County Attorney ruled that it would be necessary to have a bid bond, cash or certified check payable to the County amounting to 5% of the bid in order to make it legaily valid. Mr, Bowden then moved that all bids be rejected and the Execu- tive Secretary be authorized to readvertise for this work at the discretion of the Chair man and include in the advertisement the requirement of the necessary security accom- panying the bids amounting to at least 5% of the bid. It was seconded by Mr, Hall and unanimously passed. TAX BILLING NiACHINE - In response to an advertisement for bids on an accounting machine for tax billing work for the Tax Department, the National Cash Register ~ompany submitted the I following bid for a machine which meets the specifications called for in the advertise- ment, for a net delivered price of $L~,455•78. Thas was the only bid received, although a competitive manufacturer submitted a letter explaining that his machine would do the job but that he could not meet the specifications as advertised. On examination of the bid, it was discovered that the check accompanying the bid as security was not certified as required in the advertisement. The County pttorney ruled the bid, therefore, was not a valid one and suggested that it be readvertised. Mr. Hall then moved that the bids submitted be rejected and the Executive Secretary be directed to readvertise and that the present bid be impounded. lt was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carriel. SENIOR H1GH SCHOOL SITE - I Mr. Emsley A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education, +~ and Dr. W. H• Wagoner, Superintendent of the New Hanover County School System, were recog', nized by the Chairman and Mr. i,aney explained that for some time, the Board of Education I has been seeking a site for the ~ohn T. Hoggard High School. The goard has considered all the feasible factors such as accessibility, population density and growth, and suit- I able acreage, and have chosen a site containing 30 acres just south of Silver Lake on South ~ollege Road and.round the curve on Shipyard goulevard. They are unable to name a definite price at the present time because a portion of the property will have to be fl acquired by condemnation proceedings and, of course, the Court will then set the valua- tion on the property. They hope, however, the Board will see fit to approve their action as the Ne~.r Hanover }ligh School is now overcrowded and the Board of Education has spent many hours studying the various,available locations. After a thorough discussion of the problem, Mr. Vaughan offered a moLion that the action of the Board of Education ~ be approved and that they be authorized to proceed to negotiate the purchase of the 30 acre site described above. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously adopted. C. A. P. CARNIVAL - TAX WAIVER The Chairman read a letter from the Commander of the Cape ~omposite Squadros~ of the Ci~vil Air patrol announcing that they are sponsoring an Annual Carnival Fund Raising Project and request the goard to waive the usual Schedule "B" taxes on the variovi, rides. pfter determining that the project was a non-profit commercial venture, it was decided that the goard would assist in the fund raising project by waiving the Schedule '~B" tax and Mr. Hall offered a motion that it be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. MICROFILM - REGISTER OF DEEDS Register of Deeds, E• Pavl Blanchard explained to the Board that he has been using a microfilm process on a temporary basis for the past few weeks and found that it ~. eliminates typing, proof reading and the.possibility. of errors. He introduced Mr. E. L. Gruehn, representing Hall & McChesney, Incorporated, a firm in Greensboro, North Carolina that represents the Recordak ~orporation. He explained that their company sells and services the Recordak machine and they process the work in their Greensboro office. }~_ " ' i i.i".,.t~'ha-rL~ - i,~.~--.i-.,}.9~ i e-il~~ __ ' _ _ si.., n~:~a~ek~" _ixi~@'. '..,j L}a,m,.~..n.- . ~~~.~~If ~ ~.~"' _ ' .~ , s ~ : ~ _" ....~~T • - ~_„~ ~• ~ - ~~R He reports that so far they have been successful in maintaining'a four-day schedule which means that if the record is made here and is mailed to them the same day, they are able to develop it and have it back in the hands of the continued- • Minutes of the Meeting May 17, 1965 Continued c~ : ~ ` ~ MICROFILM - REGISTER OF DEEDS (continued) Register of Deeds within four days. He has made a study of the present system and finds that this method will save the County an estimated $7,600.00 annually. Mr. glan- chard then reported that the work continues to increase and the work-load,• .; necessitates the employment of two more people next year. Additional space will also be needed in the vault. By using the above system, he can replace records which now requires 18 books to hold records that will be equaily as good in 12 books, thus conserving space. After a thorough discussion of this subject, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board look with favor upon 'Ithe proposition expiained above for the purchase of a microfilming machine and that the Register of Deeds furnish the Executive Secretary with specifications and he be authorized ~to advertise for bids. It was seconded by Mr. }Iail and unanimously approved. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - ARCHITECT FEES The ~hairman read a letter from the Cape Fear. Technical Institute explaining that the architectural firm drawing the plans for the new building to house the Institute have been working for several months and expect to let the contract in June. It has been neces- sary for them to assign a number of their empioyees to these plans in order t~o meet the deadline, It is putting a strain on their payroll obligations. The schedule called for ~Ipayments of $19,000 in February, $21,800 in April and $2,700 in ~une. It is impossible ecause of Federal regulations to use any of the Federal matching funds on this project un- til the bids have been let, therefore; they are asking that the County advance the C•F.T•I• funds with which to pay an installment on the architects fees. The. ~hairman explained that no funds are available in the County Treasurer_for this sort of thing and, therefore, they would be unable to compiy with this request. By common consent, they all agreed with the ~,explanation of the Chairman. i~DIRECTORS - PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD The ~hairman read a letter addressed to the goard from the Business g'profess- lional Men's Club requesting that the Board give immediate and favorable consideration to the appointment of a negro to the Board of public Welfare of New Hanover County. The Chair- an explained that there are 3 members on the Board, one appointed by the goard of County Commissioners, one appointed by the $tate and these two select a third member. In view f the heavy financial responsibility carried by the goard of ~ommissioners and considering hat the public Welfare Department expends more funds than any other, it is felt that the oard of Commissioners, of necessity, must have one member on the Board in order to always have up to date information at their disposal. gy common eonsent, the Board of ~ommiss- jioners approved the explanation by the Chairman and authorized him to answer the request accordingly. STATE FLTND VOLUNTEERS - Mr. ,7ames C. Fox, Crlairman of the local Advisory ~ommittee for implementing the ~development of activities under the Economic Opportunity Act informed the,Board that the ;North Carolina Fund would supply 10 volunteers to aid in the development of a Recreational rogram for the County. They will be supervised by a married couple for their conduct hile here. They Will provide their own cooking facilities and provisions but will need ~ousing accomodations. }ie has inspected the eid ~ounty Home quarters which are now vacant and proposes to use the County Home provided the goard of Commissioners will permit its use for that purpose. After a thorough discussion of the matter, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the goard appro~e the request and cooperate with the Economic Opportunity Act program I,as outlined by Mr. Fox and allow them to use the County Home. The motion was seconded by ~Mr. graak. During this d;scuss3on, Mr. Vaughan voiced his opposition to this proposition; however, when the ballot was taken, all members of the goard voted in favor of the motion except Mr. Vaughan and the Chairman ruled it carried. IOPPORTUNITIES, INC. - ~ „ Mr. ~ames C. Fox informed the Board that Opportunities, Incorporated, needed 'a sponsor. He stated that this matter had~been previously explained by Mr. goney and Ihimself to the goard and proposed the following Resolution; RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County sponsor Opportunities, Incorporated, a non-profit corporation, as the community action agency for New Hanover County, to develop and administer a ~ommunity Action program under the gconomic Opportunity Act of 19b4• Mr. Hall moved the adoption of the above Resolution which was seconded by Mr, graak. Be- fore the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a sub5titute motion that each member of the goard be furnished with all available information outlining the program before they endorse this project. Mr. Fox explained that this is the first time that the County has ever been given an opportunity to develop and use:dts.own initiative in a community pro- ijecL but that it'must have a sponsorship before its pro~jects can be submitted to the Federal ;government. The plans and programs can be repudiated at any time the goard desires i.f they come to the conclusion that the effort is not worth the price. There was no second to the motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. idhen the ballot was taken on the original motion, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO", but since all other members of the goard voted "YES", the Chairman declared it adopted. IROCK HILL COMMUn~ITY - The Executive Secretary reported to the goard that Dr. Mitchell ~enkins had called him and requested the donation of the old trusses, formerly used at the Insect and Rodent Control guilding, which are now stored at the County Home Building for the purpose of com.pleting a ~ommunity Building in the Rock H~11 community. Mr. graak was familiar ~rith the project and stated that they needed approximately (}0 of the trusses and recom- menfled that they be donated for this purpose. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. kooper, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to notify the Rock Hill ;Community Club that they could have the trusses as a donation. ~ I ~. ~ .~ ~~~ I ~~~ =' Minutes of the Nieeting May 17, 1965 ~ontinued - AIRPORT MOVJER - Y A letter was received from the Airport Nanager outlining their need for a mo4re#~ to cut around runr~ay and Caxiway lights, as well as genera2 use in keeping a neat appear-= ance around the buildings. He had seen yazoo 6000 with a 60'~ cutting width which was purchased for use at Hugh (yacRae park and recommends that the same type mower be purchase~ for use at the Airport. He suggested that funds for the purchase of this mower be trans•• ferred from Field Repairs to Capital Outlay which will require no additional appropria- tion. The County Attorney ruled that the informal bids received for the purchase of the, mower at the Park could not be used in this instance and suggested that the qirport N,an- j ager secure informal bids. Mr. Bowden then moved that the Airport Manager secure in- formal bids on, the mower and turn them over to the purchasing Agent and that sufficient funds be transferred from Field Repairs to Capital Outiay to pay for it. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the ballot was taken, Nr. Vaughan voted "NO", however, as all other ~ members of the goard voted "YES°, the Chairman declared it approved. I AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION - The County Attorney reported that Mr. ~ulius E. Wenberg, representing the Hert2 Rent-A-Car has agreed to sign the suggested lease which was approved by the goard and suggested that the Board authorize the Chairman sign an identical lease with Louis W. Latham for the Avis Rent-A-Car Corporation. Mr. Uaughan then moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign such a lease on behalf of the ~ounty. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. MENTAL RETARDATION PLANNING COUNCIL - The Chairnan read a letter from a gpecialist ~ounselor expressing her interest in, and oFfering her support of, the formation of a Mental Retardation planning Council. After a brief discussion, the Chairman directed the Exec~tive Secretary to send Lhis correspondence to the Mental Health Advisory Council for whatever action they deemed necessary. BOND PAYING AGENT - q letter was received from the North Carolina National Bank thanking the Board for the privilege of serving as co-paying agent on the Hospital and ~ape Fear Technical Institute gond issues. I{e advised that the New york paying agents for these Bonds would be the Chemical Bank New york Trust Company and quoted the following fees for handling • the bonds and coupons. In the event the Bonds are issued in $1,000 denominations, our fees wouid be: 3¢ per coupon paid 60¢ per bond paid $25.00 per 1,000 coupons sorted, 2isted and cremated $25.00 per-1,000 bonds sorted, listed and cremated with a minimum fee of $20.00 per cremation of bonds and/or coupons at any cremation period either sinyly or combined. However, if the gonds should be issued in $5;000 denominations, the following fees would prevail: 9~l per coupon paid 1.25 per bond paid $40.OU per 1,000 coupons sorted, listed and cremated $50.00 per 1,Q00 bonds sorted, listed and cremated with a minimum fee of $20.00 per cremation of bonds and/or coupons at any cremation peri.od either singly or combined. They requested information specifying the periods at which they are to cremate the bonds and coupons paid by them. RIVERS 8 HARBORS CONGRESS - The Chairman announced that the 52nd Annual Convention of the National Rivers " 8}Iarbors Congress is scheduled to be heid at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D. C. on ~une Sth through the llth. He urged a strong delegation during the presentation of the North ~arolina water projects which are to be presented on ~une 9th. He also stresse~d the importance of attending the Breakfast at Ci;15 A. N. on ~une 9th at which many of the ~I long range decisions are formulated. The Secretary will give a review of the North Caro- lina, projects and nominees will be elected for Vice president of the National Rivers 8' vHarbors Congress_Sor North Carolina; the Resolutions ~ommittee and a South qtlantic Regional Director. The Executive $ecretary was instructed to make reservations for those who would be able to make the trip. ' I TAX EQUALIZATION PROGRAM The Tax Supervisor reported that the goard had given authority at the last meeting for the advertising of bids for accomplishing the octennial property revaluation program. Since that time, he and the Atterney have discussed the matter with members of the Institute of Government who recommend that the contracts be negotiated rather than ' advertised which w:ll preclude some questionable firm underbidding and'confusing the pro- gram. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by nr. Hooper, the Board unanimously approve the request to negotiate rather than advertise for bids as recommended by the Tax Super- visor. BODID SALE - The tne ~5,500,000 au'thorized by and suggested County pttorney reported that arrangements had been made for the sale of Hospital Bonds and the $575,000 C•F.T. Institute Bonds, all of which were the citi2ens of New }Ianover County. }{e read the following gond Orders the Board adopt them. Commissioner Laurence 0. Bowden moved that the follor~ing resolution be adopted: WHEP.EAS, the bond orders hereinafter described have taken effect and the Board of Commissioners desires to make further .provision for the issuance of the bonds to continued - ~ ~~ 4~~ Min.ut_e_s o.f'~.hs~ee~iv~a-May_1-7~,~q~5_.._ c'~nt~nua~ BOND SALE - (continued) ~ be issued pursuant to the bond orders described in $ection (1) and $ection (2) of this resolution: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County") shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amovnt of $5,500,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $5,500,000 Pubiic Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover", adopted by the goard of Commissioners of the County on August 21, 1961. Said bonds shall be designated "public Hospital Bonds". Acting pursuant to $ection i53-8o of the County Finance Act the goard of ~ommissioners has ascertained and hereby deter- mines that each of the new buildings to be financed by the issuance of the bonds will be of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as defined in Section 153-80, and that the life of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from ~une 1, 1962. (2) The County shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of ~575,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds of the County of New Hanover ", adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on April 20, 196I~. Said bonds shall be designated "Industrial Education Center Bonds". Acting pursuant to Section i53-8o of the County Finance Act the Board of Commiss- ioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the new buildings.described in said bond order to be financed by the issuance of the borids will be of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as defined in said Section 153- 80, and that the life of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June 1, 1961}. (3) Said Public Hospital gonds shall be of the denomination of $1,000 each or $5,000 each, as shall be determined by the Board of Commissioners, shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of their maturity, and shall be payable in annual install- ments on ~une 1 in each year as foilows, vi2.: $170,000 in each of the years 1966 to 1981, inclusive, $210,000 in the year 1982, $290,000 in each of the years i983 to 1989, inclusive, and $270,000 in each of the years 1990 and 1991. ((}) Said Industrial Education $1,000 each or $5,000 each as shali shall be numbered from 1 upwards in able in annual installments on ~une each of the years 1966 to 1989, inc in the year 1991. Center Bonds shall be of the denomination of be determined by the $oard of ~ommissioners, the order of their maturity, and shall be pay- 1 in each year as follows,viz.; $20,000".in lusive, $50,000 in the year 1990 and $t}5,000 (5) All of the bonds shall be dated ~une 1, 1965, and shall bear interest from their date at a rate which shall be hereafter determined and which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable semi-annvally on June 1 and December 1. (6) All of the bonds shall be coupon bonds, registrable as to principal only, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the goard of ~ommissioners of the County. The corporate seal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Each of the interest coupons to be attached to the bonds shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said ~lerk. Both principal office of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, in the Borough-~of Manhattan, City and State of New York, or, at the option of the holder, at North ~arolina National Bank, iri Wilmington, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. (7) Each of the bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest pay- ment thereon and the provisions for the registration of the bonds and for the approval of the bonds by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the follo~ring form; (FORM OF BOND) No. N~. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BOND $ The COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (hereinafter referred to as "County"), a county of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it be registered, to the registered holder, the sum of THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ On June 1, 19 , and to pay dnterest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1 in each year, upon presenta- tion and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable at the principal office of the Chemical Bank New York Trust ~ompany, in the Borouqh of Manhattan, continued- I ~~~ 4 4~~ = M.,_~a~~s~o~~ne~~ r~~r~2.~96K c~~.~tn,,o~ _ BOND SALE - (continued) ~ City and state o£ New York, or, at the option o£ the holder, at the Nortih Carolina National Bank, Wilmington, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This bond may be registered as to principal only by the holder in his name on the bond registei of the County kept in the o£fice of the Bond Registrar of the County, and such registration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said bond register by the registered holder in person or by attorney, upon presentation of this bond to ~ the Bond Registrar with a written instrument o£ transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered holder. If this bond be so registered, the principal thereafter shall be payable only to the person in whose name it is registered, unless this bond shall be dis- ' charged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by delivery. I (Paragraph to appear only in Public Hospital Bunds) Y This bond is issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on August 21, 1961, in accordance Hith said Act, and is issued by the County to erect and equip public hospital facilities and to acquire a site therefor, The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the Countp voting at a special election duly called a;~d held in the County on November 7, 1961. (Paragraph to appear only in Industrial Education Center Honds) ~ This bond is issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina and a bood order ' duly adopted by the Board o£ Commissiuners of the County on April 20, 196l~, to finance the erection '~ and equipment of an Industrial Education Center and the acquisition of the necessary land therefor. ' The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the County voting at a special election duly called and held in the County on May 30, 196l~. ', It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Con- stitution or Statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be perPormed or happen precedent to or in the issuance,of this bond, exist, have been performed and have happened, and that the amount o£ this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County is within every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or Statutes. The £sith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has caused this bond to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Bosrd of Cormnissioners of the County, and the corporate seal•of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coapons to bear the £acsimile signature of said C1erk, and this bond to be dated June 1, 1965. c~a' r~ar~to or Cocmnissioners : i / oF Board o£ Commissioners (F6rm o£ Cou.pon) No. $ June On the first day of December, 19_,, the COIINTY OF NE~d HANOVER, a Cflunty of the State of North Carolina, will pay to bearer DOLLAfLS ( $ ) at the principal office of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Companp, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of Nera York, or, at the option o£ the holder, at the North Carolina National Bank, Wilmington, North Carolina, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which is, then legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, being.,the semiannual interest then due on its Bond, dated June 1~ 1965, No . Clerk of Board of Cormniasioners (Fk~dorsement on Bonds) The within bond has been registered as to principal only, as follows: Date of . Name of Hegistered . Signature of Bond Registration . Owner . ReRistrar The issue hereof has been approved under the provisions of the Local Goverttment Act. W, E, EASTERLING Secretary of the Local Government Commission By llesignated Assistant t. . ~ .,.~ ~ ~ '~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 17, 1965 Continued nuivy otu,m ~(c nuea~}- - - - (8) The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a suitable bond register for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering said bonds and to carry out the provisions set forth in the bonds for the conversion of the bonds into registered bonds and for the transfer thereof. (9) The Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said $5,500,000 Public Hospital Bonds and said $$7$,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds, in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina, and to state in the notice oF sale oF said bonds given pursuant to Section 17 of said Act, that bidders may name one rate or interest for part of the bonds and another raGe or rates for the balance of the bonds. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named in the proposal to purchase the bonds which shall be accepted by said Local Government Coimnission in accordance with said Act, and shall be of the denonination of $1,000 unless request is made, pursuanttn the provisions of the notice of sale, for bonds in the denomination of $5,000. (10) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized ahd directed to cause the bonds to be prepared and, sahen they shall have been duly sold by said Local Government Coimnission, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina for delivery to the purchaser or purchasers to whom they may be sold by said Commission. ~~n Cotmnissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion adn tion were Messrs. Jos. H. Hooper, Jr., M. A, Vaughan, Jr. and no one voting against it. the motion saas adopte~. Those voting for the resolu- Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, , ~STATE-AUDIT.. ~ County Auditor reported that the State had made an audit o£ the Yfelfare Department Records and ~ found that the Nee Hanover County records are among the best that he has seen. %'•~ PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons Were drasan to serve in Superior Court for the weeks be- ginning June 7th, 1965; Criminal term; June 1l~th, 1965 Civil term; June 21st, 1965, Civil term. Jurors for the Neek be~innin~ June 7th, 1965 - Criminal term Ackern~n, Leroy A. Andrews, J. C. Atkins, R. L. Baltzegar, Margaret L. Band, Henry Beall~ Albert ~. Bennett, C13Sford F. Bennett, Harry K. Blake, E. D. Blanchard, Connie P. Blanchard, Patrici.a Ann Hloodworth, Atha Trask Boone~ Charles Bowden, Elwood Brooks, Prince Jr. Buck, Robert B. Buck, W. F. Bunn, Paul E. CarraHay, Lonzie Chadwick, Warren J. 205 Brightwood Rd. 3615 Winston Blvd. 3801a Wrightsville Av, 1515 (~estnat RF~D 1 B ~~Q ~ P.' 0. ~Box 5rle Ha e 409 Newkirk Ave. 225 Wood Dale -r. 2808 Market St. lol S. Henry St. 101 S. Henry St. 4505 Greenfield St. 2206 Plaza Dr. P.O. Box 36~ 91Lt~C~astle Stach 5006 Oleander Dr, 501~ Oleander Dr. 4i9 s. 16tn st. 622z S. 7th St. BO~r~.~tsv, Beach 2006 Pender Av. 618 Dawson St, 2315.Shirley Rd. 3616 Wilshire Blvd. Clay, Lloyd A. Cleirunons, Joseph A. Cooper, Lennox Corbett, W. H. Covil, Ellis M. Sr, Cox, - W, F. Crumpler, L, W, Davis, French I. Davis, Lucille N, Davis, R. T, Di~con, R. V. Doxey, Sanford Drew, R. D. Dukes, Albert Dutton, Lois G. Earnhardt, W, H. Edens, John E, Evans, A. Harris Evans, Robert D. Evenson, Mrs. Hecky W. Everett,, George Eberett, J. R. Faison, Mabel Moore Fields, George H. Finch, James E. 3619 W~lshire Blvd. 7 East Tenn Ave. P.o. Boz 593 P. 0. Box 1139 RFD 1, Box 319 735 Windsor Dr. 121 whi man Ave. stle Hayne 316 N, th st. 923 Red Cross St. 2833 A. Jefferson St. RFD 1, Box 418 1806 Ann St. RFD 1, Box 321 RFD 2, Box 45 A Bo~10 eCarolinaNBeach 32 West Drive 231 Oakcrest Dr, 5001 Wrightsv. Ave. 516 S. 3rd St. 712 Nun St. 611 S, 7th st. l~09 Staann St. 212 S. 13th St, 1~411 Cascade Rd. , Chesser, Homer E. Sr, Clark, Henry Clark~ Hoyt W, Clay, Lloyd A. Jurors for the week be~inning June ll~th, 1965 - Fipps, Joseph Sylvan 67 Pi~ecrest Pkwy. Forester, Richard A. 1~860 College Dr. Franks, Richard B. lt03 S. Kerr Ave. ~^ink, ~erett . ~, 0, Box 333 Fowler, R. C. 903 N,. Rerr Ave. Fowler, W. A. 211 Mercer Ave. Foy, David RFD 1, Bor. 341 Freeman~ Slxsan 915 Schuttes Alle,y Graham, Nollie 808 Walnut St. Graham, Claretta Sparrow 621 N, lOth St. Green, J. V. 22Q6 Klein Rd. Gore, W. F. 2020 Klein Rd, Hall, J. E. Jr. 2020 5. College Rd. Hamilton, William E, 812 Prinoess St, Hebbe, James M. 212 Oak Leaf IJr. Hill, C. Elbert RFD 3, Harbor Island Hodges, William G. Hod es Grill C~rolina Holden, John H: Jr. 121~g Forest Hills Dr. Howard, W. J. Bo 6 Beach v p uc Johnson, Stanley R, ~ 253 S r e Jones, Clarence B11 S. 8th St. King, W. F. L803 Wrightsv. Ave. Koehncke, Manfred F!~ Oleander Gt. Lancaster, James D. 21~08 Princess P1 Dr. Leonard, Elijah Jr, 100 Worth Dr. Lewis, A. A, Lewis, Mrs. F~ genia Lovett, W. C. Lovelace, Mae Lowery, Charlie Marshall, Faye Marshburn, Mabel M. Marshburn, M, N. Martin, Lizzie Martin, William J. Mathews, L, H. Mathews, Robert H. Miller, Joseph Richard Morgan, James M. Moore, Mrs. F. K. Moore, James Eldon ~NL~sselwhite, H, S, McIntyre, Mollie Alfreda McLaurin, Evelina McRae, Kenneth McRae, Walter Owens, Angle B. ;~I e~bitt George J. c che~n~ H. A, Newber, Dorothy 209 N. 14th St. Gen. Delivery 406 s, t,th st. 508 S. 5th st. 613 Church St. 1107 Grace St. 307 S. 16th St. 2913 Monroe St. 1211 Loves Alley ~02 Northern Blvd. 427 Castle Hayne Rd. 1!~ Sutmnit Walk RFD 1 Oak~ e Rd. 20~~t11Sth~~: N. C. in s. 5th st. 313 Toulon Dr. RFD 3, B 152 RFD 1, Box 347 1305 Ann St. 1105 Rankin St. RFD 2, Box 24S 1013 s, 12th st, RFD02MaBoXt2~5 5813 0leander Dr. +~~ BOND LIQUIDATION - ~ ~ ' County Auditor T. D. Lone~ Jr. reported that the County had $122,751.25 in bonds maturing durfng the month of May and 9$192,925.00 maturing in the month of June and that he had already made arrange- ments for their payment. ~I ~~~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting Mav 17th,~~ Continued _„ ____ _ _ - PET~ ~ ''~ - ~ Ir - ~~i~iuue~ N -- - - -- - - - , Jurors for the xeek be~innin~ June 21, 1965 - Civil I Newber, J. F, 5813 Oleander Dr. Smith, Gene F. Box 62 Kure Beach,N.C, NeNkirk, E. L. 1217 Castle St. Smith, Reuben H. 4125 Peachtree Ave. ~ Ne~akirk, James T. 803 S. 15th St. Sprunt~ Laurence G. P.O. Box 3b25 I Newton, G. T. Jr. !tlt10 Wrightsv. Ave. Scavella, Betty Foy 615 Queen St. Nichols, Lester E. l~06 N. Kerr Ave. Smith, Mrs. Kiney Ca rter 1003 S. 4th St. Nichols, R. A, 226 Spruce Dr. Ta~tum, Doris Blanton 2530 Jefferson St. Nison, Cornelius Jr, RFD 1 B 150 Thomas, Allen 612 S. bth St, ~earson, William 918 Schutts Alley Thomas, Johnnie 919 S. 6th St. Peterson, David R. 219 Bonham Ave. ' Thomas, Olivia U0T Brunswick St. I ~ierce, Betty Ganey 1216 S, jrd St. Thompson, Walter L. 60L McCrae St. ~'ittman, Herbert L. RFD 2, B 11A Thompson, Wilerdean F. 1lt06 Princess St. Pittma~, James Shelton 1t012 Wrightsv. Ave. Van Nes~ Hugo RFD 2, Box 330 Pittman, Leon A. Jr. 513 Sunset Ave. Vernon, Willie 1007 Wright St. Powers, Daniel 1003 Fanning St, Walton, Mrs, 0. L. R,F.D, 3 Box 336 Ragin, Mathew ~11 Dawson St. Ward, Cecil D. 717 Colwell Ave. , Reddron, Alleh 1t22 Bsy St. Ward, E. W, 1l~16~ Castle St. Rether£ord, Doyle 0. P. 0. Box 975 Warren, David 20 N. 7th St. Rhodes, George W. Mrs. 212 S, 2nd St. Watts, James R RFD 1, Box 275 Ro William H. Y' R Bo 2 ~ ~tl ~ N C ~ Wells Doroth W. ~ ~ 2Lt3 Pinecrest Pkza Y. Russ~ 'Ehelma a e ay . , , 101 Greenvil~e Ane, Wells Jose h U. , P 1101~ ress Dr. ~'P Sanderson, A. T. 163 Colonial Cir. Wells, William C. l~706 Long Leaf Hills Dr. Schnell, R, J. 2534 Harrison St. Willetts, Fred Jr. P, 0, Sox 600 Shepard, Carrie 112 S, lOth St. Williams, J, A. 613 Surry St. Skinner, Melton 711 Hanover St. Wilson, Bessie T, 707 N. Kerr Ave. Wolfe, Lloyd H. 2210 S. Front St. REPOftfS - The following report was reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Wilmingtoa Public Library RECESS The Chairman informed the Board that the time had come for them to fill their appointment made with the National Cash Register Office to hear a proposal for data processing the County records. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr, Vaughan, the Board unanimously recessed to reconvene at the office of the National Cash Register Company. RECONVErtTION At 7:00 ~. M., the full Board reconvened its meeting in the offices o£ the National Cash Register Company which briefed the Board and showed charts, slides and film:strips on their data processing system as it applies to County government. After the demonstration, the,y were hosts to the Board at a buf£et dinner for which the Board expressed their grateful appreciation. HOSPITALITY HOUSE Mr. Hall reminded the Board that during the Azalea Festival, the County was host to the General Aasembly of North Carolina and that through the Chsmber of Corrmierce, had participated in ah Open Hospitality House, the cost of which was to be ahared equally between the County, the City, and the Chamber of Corr¢nerce and that the County~s share of the expense amounted to $306,50. After a brief discussion Mr. Hall moved that the Hoard authorize payment of $306.50 out of their Entertainment Account to reimburs~~hamber of Commerc~l: for this event. It was seconded by Mr, Vaughan and unanimously pasaed, COL. GRYGIFT. TRANSFEft - ~ The Executive Secretary reported that Colonel George W, Gillette is planning a"going away" party V for Colonel J. S. Grygiel of the Corps of Engineers, who is being transferred ~o another assignment. He plans to Aave the Countq and City governing officials along with Colonel Grygiel~s associates for a get-together at the Cape Fear Club at 5:30 P. M. Fridaq, Maq 2fith. He estimates the cost will not be more than $200.00 and asks the County to share srith the City in this expense. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Dr. Hooper,, the Board approved thia request by a majority vote. Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as having abstained from voting. NEW HANOOER MFa1DRIAL HOSPITAL INTEREST The Chaisman informed the Board that the money on hand for use of the New Hanover Memorial Hoapitall as a result of the Bond Anticipation Notes, has been invested at I~~ but that the County ia paying 2.2~ for the' money, and therefore he is of the opinion and recommends that the Hospital Fhnd be ent3tled to the profit in- ' stead of the entire l~~ interest, i.e. the difference between the !~~ at which it is invested and the 2.2~ which i is being paid. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that the matter be rePerred to the Countq Attorney and.the Hospital Board of Trustees £or a recommendation. It was seconded by Mr, Hall. After a br3ef discussion, ~ the ballot mas taken and passed by a ma,jority note, Mr, Vaughan voting "NOn. ADJOURNMINT - Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously ad~ourned their meeting. \