1965-06-07 Regular Meeting~~~ - - - --- ...__.. _ - -- -- - - -- _ -- ---_- - - ~ June ".7:,- 1965 Wilmington, N. C. II ASSBMBLY - ~ The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date at !}:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the follcwing members present: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr. ~ ~Commissioners, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Mr. Laurence O. Bowden and Mr. Peter H. Braak, County I Auditor.TiD.love, Jr.' 'Commissioner <l: ~M:.::Hall; Jr. was not }iresen~'. fl,oP.ttie meetiing. 'Mr,.: . , CScero •P:~•Yow,~acted as-Conaty Attorney in the^absence.of-Mr..L:.Bradfbrd;Tiliery,_who_was out of the City. • APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The minutes of member of the Board, were Vaughatt, after changing t to the letter sent to the County Commissioners. the meeting of May 17th, copies of which had been sent to each unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nr. he word "Commissioners" to the word "Aldermen" with reference Mayor of Wrightsville Beach by the Chairman of the Board of I(MICROFILM EQUIPMENT - The Executive Secretary reported that he had advertised for Microfilming Equip- ment to be used in the Register of Deeds Office as directed by the Board. He has received 'two bids, neiLh2r of which was accompanied by a security as required in the advertisement so the Attorney ruled that they must be rejected and readvertised. The Board, by common consent, directed the Executive 5ecretary to readvertise for bids. ~ACCOUNTING MACHINE - TAX OFFICE The Executive Secretary reported that he had r.eadvertised for bids on an accounting machine to do tax billing as authorized by the Board at the last meeting be- cause the bids were rejected by not compiying with the requirements of the specifications. Only one bid was,received as a result of this readvertisement as follows: National-Cash Register Company $4,725.00 One ciass 32-10-10-(38) 26" l0/16 LessTrade In 350.00 $4,375.00 ~ Plus 3% Sales Tax 141.75 ~ $4,516.75 IThe bid was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of ~233.80 and $3.00 in cash. The Attorney ruled that since the bid represented a readvertisement and the bid bond was sufficient, it was legal to accept or reject as they saw fit. Mr. Ralph F. Hodges explained to the Board that this is a new machine and carries a complete warranty. He also advised ~that $106.00 would be refunded on the maintenance agreement which has been paid on the old 'machine. The Attorney advised the Board that they could not contract to purchase this machine out of the next fiscal year~s Budget which they wish to do but that the vendor might accept individual agreement by each member of the Board that they would appropriate the funds and purchase the machine in the i965-66 Budcet year. The Chairman polled each mem- Iber of the Board present and each of them agreed that it is his intent to award the con- tract for the purchase of this machine on'or after July lst, 1965. ICOURT HOUSE PAINTING - The Executive Secretary reported that tie had received two bids for painting the ~Court House as a result of the readvertisement authorized at the last meeting. W. A. Simon Company • $10,000 and the bid bond was adequate. Simon Construction Co. 9,625.00 " ~~ '~ ~~ '~ After some discussion of this subject, Mr. Braak moved that any action on this matter be- tabled until the full Board is present, as in his opinion, the amount invoived should re- ceive the attention of the full Board. It was seconded by ~r. Bowden and unanimously passed. A & E - TRANSFER Mr. D. D. Baggett, Chairman of the Cooperative Extens.ion Service, informed the Board that because of a resignation he had some unspent fvnds in his 5alary Account. He requests permission to use it to insulate the quarters they are now occupying and to pur- chase~a refrigerator and kitchen cabinets built for their Home Economics Agents~ Depart- ments. After discussing the subject briefly, Mr. Bowden moved that the Board approve the transfer of these funds for the uses outlined by Mr. Baggett. It i,~as seconded by Mr.. Braak and passed unanimously. TAX EQUALIZATION AND REVALUATION - ' ~ The Tax Supervisor reported that he had received four bids as a result of send- ~~ing out plans and specifications for the proposed Tax Equaliz~tion and Revaluation Program for New Hanover County. After the Chairman had asked if there were any other persons who wished to submit bids, he declared the time for receiving bids closed and instructed the Executive Secretary to open the bids, each of which was inspected by the Attorney to Idetermine if the bid bonds were legal and adequate. ' Associated Surveys Co. $1l}9,000 , Carroll & Phelps Co. 139,$00 Cole, Layer, Trumble Co. 164,500 ~, ~ Deduct for Industriai Personal ~ Property - 17,500 $147,000 Southern Appraisal $116 000 :.~ , :=:~Bid Bond did not accompany. Bid , but a letter from the Underwood Insurance Agency assured the Board that they ' had bonded this Company through U. S. F. 8 G. Company but the &ttorney ruled that since the bids are being negotiated and not advertised, the bid could be considered. I~ ~ • ~~~~ Minutes of the Meetin June 7, 1965 Continued TAX EQUALIZATION 8 REVALUATION - (continued) I ~~ Mr. ~ri. D. Sellers, representing the Cole-Layer-Trumble Company told the Board that his company had inciuded the appraisal of industrial personal property. The Board instructed him to advise the Executive Secretary the amount included for the industrial ' personal property. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the bids be received by the Soard for further study. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. COURT PROBLEMS - Honorable Judge Elbert S. Peele, Jr. presiding over the June term of New Hanover Superior Court, accompanied by the President of the Local Bar Association, and the Solicitor, Honorable James C. Bowman appeared before the Board and made the I following report. Judge Peele reported that he had a two-fold problem to which he had no exact solution. First, it is recognized that the court calendars are cluttered up ~ with old cases and the only solution that he can propose is a need for additional terms of Criminal Court to catch up on the court calendar. He says that the over-burdened calendar slows down the operation of the Court and that the Civil Court is very little different as an average of 100 cases is being added per month and that nothing like that~ number is being ~ischarged. He suggested that it might be well to begin to think in ' terms of two Courtrooms. The second big problem has to do with the Jury which he con- siders a serious one. He has noticed that the Jurors in New Hanover County are older than he finds in other places. He also has noted that fer~ young people are serving on the juries in this County. He cited that in the last jury of 50 names, only 24 were actually available for jury duty. He observed that he would not attempt to tell the Board how to correct this situation but he felt sure they were interested in findino a satisfactory solution. The Chairman explained that this Board had discussed the adopt- ion of a Jury Commission but was discouraged by the Resident Judge who was against it. I He reported that officials of the State Association of County Commissioners and the Institute of Government are of the opinion that the new Court Reform change which is iit progress will take care of the problem and that a Bill was prepared for presentation to this Legislature but not presented for the reasons stated above. Mr. Oliver Carter, i President of the Local Bar Association, observed that many factors enter into the work of the court and the case load is growing much faster than it is being handled and sug- gested that if two courts are being held during the same, it does not mean double cost to the County, however, there will be some extra expense, but that the backlog of cases I, is such that he feels that something should be done to expedite the Court calendar. The Chairman then asked Mr. Carter if he would accept the responsibility of making a stucly of the problem and bring some recommendations before the Board. He agreed to this pro- ' posal. Solicitor Bowman reported that he had asked for 4 extra terms during the first six mor.ths of the year and got 3 and had intended to ask for 4 during the last six months in an effort to clear up the calendar. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - At the request of a member of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Seymour L. Alpe , Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, reported that the progress on the construction of the $9,500,000 Hospitai was siowed down becavse of weather conditions back in the winter but that it is approximately 35% complete to date. He stated that their target date was October"5, 1966 for completion with occupancy by ~ January 1, 1967. He thin}cs it will require many night sessions to acquaint the employees with the new hospital set-up and new equiprr~ent. Mr. Vaughan remarked that he had heard many rumors and the cost of the hospitai which would affect the tax rate upward and he thinks it might be well for the hospital officials to come in and report their progress to the Board on a quarterly basis. Mr. Alper assured him that the Board of Trustees. would be olad to keep the Board of Commissioners advised at all timesof their progress. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER - Mr. Robert N. Kallman, Chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Board. presented' the proposed Mental Health Center Budget for the fiscal year 1965-66 which reflected a total increase of approximately $8,000 over last year. He announced that the Center has new become an 6rea Center inaarouch as Columbus County has decided to participate in the program. He pointed out that even though the increase in the total Budoet would show an ~ $8,000 increase, actually the net amount is $1},251.00 for the County as the revenues re- ceived will offset the other portion. He expressed the opinion that this is a sound Budget and the smail increase is in line with anticipated operational costs. He informed the Board of Commissioners that Mrs. Alice B. Sisson has been made Co-Chairman of the Advisory Council. ~ Advisorv Council Appointments - Mr. Kallman stated that the Columbus County Board of Commissioners has requested the appointment o£ two members from that Couniy to serve as members of the Mental Health Center Advisory Council, inasmuch as there are now only 11 members and the Board V/as set up for a total of 15. After 2 brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Columbus County Board of Commissioners be invited to recommend two persons for appointment to the Advisory Council of the Ment~l Health Area Center. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. COUNTY ATTORNEY The Chairman reminded the Board that Mr. L. Bradford Tillery had indicated at the meeting on April 5th his wish to rebsign as County Attorney. It is his opinion that Nr. Tillery has done an outstanding^and at the request of the Chairman, Mr. Tillery has agreed to continue in his position at the same salary until the first Monday in December. The Chairman stated that he had asked Mr. Tillery to keep a time sheet on his activities for the County, beginning July lst so that the Board may have information on which to evaluate the present compensation of the County Attorney and determine if it is adequate. He requested the Board to ratify this arrangement with Mr. Tillery and offered a motion that it be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as abstaining from voting but the other members of the Board voted favorably and the Chairman deciared the motion passed. I \ d ~ ;~ ;,. 4~~ ~ , M~.II1Lt..8S_O.f-t-~4.~.P.Q~.-j~Ra- idF~'. '~i ('.A.+'~F in~~n.i~ . ~ ___ - ._- _ _- - __ _ . 'OFFICE SPAGE- OPPORTUNITIES, INC. Mr. Charles H. Boney appeared before the Board in behalf of some office space for the Director and his Secretary of Opportunities, Incorporated. He suggested that the vacant offices previously occupied by the A.B.C. Enforcement Offices would be satisfactory I and requested the Board to assign it to them for their use. The furniture and equipment will be supplied for the use of the Administrator and the oniy expense to the County would libe a small amount of light bill. After some discussion of this matter, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be directed to check with other departments of the yCounty to see if this space was needed by any of them and to report back to the Board at ~ Ithe next meeting. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. IAIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING - i ~+'~hile Mr. Boney was present, the Chairman inquired about the progress of the ~air conditi•~~9which he designed for installation at the New Hanover County Airport. Mr. !Boney reported that the units have been placed and that workmen are now installing the ~duct work. There was a slight delay in the electrical installation but this has now been corrected and he hopes the system will be in operation by the end of this month. WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM The Executive Secretary reported that Mrs. ,lames M. James had called him and offered her resignation by telephone as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wilmington- New Hanover Museum. This was confirmed in a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mrs. 4Jallace Schorr. In the letter, she stated that her term of office as a member of the Board of Trustees had terminated and suggested that the Board appoint two replacements to fili the vacancies. After a thorough consideration, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Chairman of the Board of .County Commissioners be authori2ed and empow- ered to make the appointments after considering the suggestions brovcht out during the discussion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. The Chairman then appointed Nirs. Harmon C. Rorison and Nr. N. Winfield Sapp, Jr. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify the Board of Trustees and the appointees of these a.ppointments. CAPE FEAR TECHn1ICAL INSTITUTE - The Chairman read a letter from the Cape Fear Technical Institute advising that they had a small amount of unspent budgeted funds which they would like to have permission to use for the payment of lawyer fees in connection with Lhe title search of their site I~for the new building. In the discussion of this, it developed that the Board would like to know who searched the title and what their fee was inasmuch as the property was pur- chased from the Redevelopment Commission and that the title was searched by them. The Executive Secretary was instructed to investigate these questions.,and report at the next ~meeting. iSONDS, DENONINATION AND INTEREST RESOLUTION - The Executive Secretary reported that the County Attorney had given him the following Resolution which is necessary in connection with the Resolution of May 17, ~1965 authorizing the sale of bonds. After reading the Resolution, Commissioner M. H. Vaughan moved that the following resolutions be adopted: WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the ~~' Board of Commissioners that it has sold in the manner prescribed by l;aw the $5,500,600 Public Hospital Bonds, and the $575,000 Industrial Education Center Bonds, of the County of New Hanover, dated June 1, 1965, authorized to be issued by a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on May 17, 1965, and that the con- , tract of sale contemplates that said bonds shall be of the denomination of $5,000 , each, and shall bear interest as hereinafter provided: NOW THEREFORE, I BE IT RESOLVED that said bonds shall consist of one thousand two hundred fifteen bonds of the denomination of $5,000 each, and the bonds of each issue shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of their maturity, and I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bonds shall bear interest as follows: (1) The bonds payable in each of the years 1966 to 1977, inclusive, 6% per annum. (2) The bonds payable in the year 1978, 4.20~ per annum. ~ (3) The bonds payable in each of the years 1979 to 1989, inclusive, 3.25% per annum. (l}) The bonds payable in each of the years 1990 and 1991, 1~lOth of 1% per ~ annum. Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded bhe motion, and the motion was adopted, Messrs. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, and Peter H. Braak voting for tYie Resolution and no one voting against,it. 'ITAX ADJUSTMENT - ' - The Tax Supervisor reported that Valeria E. Council, T~A the Antique Shop had ~ listed her taxes also as Valeria E. Council-Antiques. The valuation amounted to $1,090.00 land the tax amovnts to $15.81. He recommends that we waive one of the listings to avoid a double taxation. This is authori2ed in G. S. io5-330 ~4)• Upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved this correction. ~ ~i I The Tax Supervisor stated that Transportation Vehicles, Incorporated ~~~ith the 'iprinciple offSce in this State at Charlotte, N. C. la~ad listed a 1963 Chevrolet in New Hanover County which had also been listed in Mecklenburg County and the tax paid in Meck- i lenburg County. He had the proper documents substantiating this claim. The Tax Super- ~~visor stated that his investigation of the matter showed evidence that the car was in possession of a salesman who lived in New Hanover County at the time and, in his opinion, New Hanover County is entitled to tax. The Acting Attorney ruled that since the principle place of business of the company is in Charlotte, they are correct in paying their tax ~ on this car to Mecklenburg County. The amount of the tax charged by New Hanover amounted I to $6~.36. After the ruling by the Attorney, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that we can- I 'cel the claim for taxes in New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- ~ ~mously passed. ! I~ II I h1inutes of the Meeting June 7, 1965 (Continued) _-__ --_ -- - _ ~I TAX SUPERVISOR POWERS - The Tax Supervisor informed the Board that under G.s. io5-330 (7), the law provides that the Board of County Commissioners may give the Tax Supervisor general ~ authority to make changes under this section with the exception of Section 6. In a brb8dr. ~ sense, this covers correction as a result'of clerical errors. Upon motion of Dr. Hooperfl I seconded by Ivr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved this authority. II Y AIRPORT ROAD At the last meeting, the Board had suggested that the recommendations of the Federal Aviation Agency for the relocation of an entrance and exit road at the Airport ' be referred to the Airport Committee for sLt~dy and recommendations. Mr.~Bowden reported ~ for the Committee and stated that it was agreeable to the relocation as suggested and offered a motion that it be referred to the State Highway Engineers who assisted their Committee in surveying their proposed new sit.e and that their recommendations be acceptedl~ It was.seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously approved. AIRPORT - ADVERTISEMENTS The Chairman recalled at the meeting on May 17th the Airport Manager had raisec the question in regard to some display advertising in the terminal building for the Blocke~de Runner Hotel. It was referred to the Airport Committee for a recommendation. After a brief discussion, A1r. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board give the AirporL Manager ggg authority to put in the ad and a telephone if required on a trial basis. It was seconde~ by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. AUDITOR-iEGISLATION ~ Mr. Vaughan recalled that the Board had approved the presentation of a Bill to permit the appointment of the Auditor by the Board of County Commissioners rather than elected by the peopie as at present and authorize theChairman to keep up with the I movement of the Legislature and have it presented at the appropriate time. The Chair- man informed the Board that he had kept in tovch with the legisiative processes and would I notify the Representative from New Hanover County to present the Bill ~ahen he thought it best. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that Representative Clark be instructed to present the Bill on Wednesday, ,lune 9, 1965. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman declared it dead. , BUDGET DISCUSSION OF ENiPLOYEE'S SALARIES Mr. Vaughan explained that County Auditor Love was in his office and expressed! a desire for a policy with reference to salary increases for County employees which would help him in making his recommendations in the Budget. Mr. Braak explained that in the past, discussion of employeest salaries had been left until the final consideration in the Budget because it allowed the Board to have a broad idea of what the total Budget I wouid be and what effect it would have on the tax rate. Mr. Vaughan then agreed that he would go along with the procedure used in the past on this subject. RETIREh~ENT FiJNDS Mr. Vaughan stated that he had called the ExecUtive Secretary and asked him to put the subject oi a policy on the Agenda with reference to retirement plans for Count employees. By common consent, no definite action was taken on this matter at this meetin~,. SALARIES - RECORDERS~ COURT Mr. Vaughan observed that the statements have been made that the Board of u County Commissioners approved the salary increases of the Judge and Solicitor of Recorder~6s Court and that he would like to have it on record that they did not approve this legisla- tion. He had been contacted by telephone but had not given his approval: BUDGET ITEMS AFFECTING TAX RATE Mr. Vaughan made a request that the Auditor supply the Commissioners with a list of al.l the factors which would affect the tax rate in this year~s Budget. The County Auditor reported that he is of the opinion that Mr. Vaughan would like to have the major items that would affect our Tax Rate because each item in the Budget would have some effect on it. ~r. Love reported that Debt Service is the big item and amounts to $!}30,000. School Building Sites, Capital Outlay and Salary Increases ~,~ill affect it. Nr. Vaughan observed that the Debt Service alone will amount to a 25d increase. Mr.. Love explained that Wilmington College o£ lOd would not be included in this year~s Budget which would reduce the above figure by that amount leaving a net of 15d. Mr. Vaughan thanked the Auditor for his report. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR The Chairman informed the Board that it is time to select a C.P.A. for making an independent audit of the county's records and announced that the meeti~~ng is now open for recommendations. Mr. Vaughan i~mme:d~3:ate`ly ,pl~¢,ed'$'h',e na,me; of ,Cha:r~les' ~'; _L•owrimore ~in nomination of appointment. He questioned the Attorney as to whether or not we should advertise for bids. The Attorney stated that professional C.P.A. firms would not enter into a bidding buL would name an hourly rate for their basis of making the audit and that~ all of the C.P.A. firms used the same hourly rates for their professional services. Dr. Hooper moved that the question be tabled until the next meeting and the Board, by common consent, unanimously agreed. APPROPRIATION - WELFARE A letter was received from the Chairman of the County Public Welfare Board explaining that the funds provided for foster homes need $1600.00 to finish the fiscal year and requested the floard to make an appropriation to cover the deficit. The County Auditor informed the Board that the only source from which to make this appropriation is Excess Intangible Taxes. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request be approved and that $1600.D0 be appropriated to the Foster Homes Fund from Unanticipated Intangible Taxes. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and passed unanimously. APPROPRIATION - DEBT SERVICE The County Auditor informed the Board that the $2,0OO,OGO Bond Anticipation Notes for the New Hanover Memorial Hospital wiil be due June 23, 1965. He stated that the interest will amount to $17,883•33 and asked the Board to appropriate the funds from Unanticipated Intangible Tax Receipts. Mr. Bowden then offered a motion that $1'7,883•33 be appropriated from Unant'icipated Intangible Tax to Debt Service for this purpose. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and carried unanimously. \ 5 ~~~ utes of the P~leetinq June 7, 1965 Continued HOLIDAY - ~ - The Executive Secretary informed the Board ~ is on Sunday and recommended that the Board grant the day, July 5th following. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, 'unanimously approved this recommendation. that Independence Day this year County employees a holiday on Mon- seconded by Nr. Bowden, the Board '~BOARD MEETING - The Acting Attorney called the Board's attention to the fact the General Statutes 153-8 requires the Board to meet on the first Monday of each month unless that day falls on a legal holiday but July 5th is no,t a legal holiday even though the Board ' has declared it so for County empioyees and that the Board is legaliy required to meet lon that date. . BEER PERMITS - • Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved the followino applications for Beer Permits and referred them to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration. Mrs. Beatrice S. Clemmons T/A Esso Clemmons & Sons RFD 3, Box l}46 Mrs. Reba E. Johnson T/A Johnson~s Azalea Grill 5741 Oleander Dr. OVERTII~7E WORH - The Tax Supervisor informed the Board that the extension of the City limits iof Wilmington in December 1964 and the recent inclusion of Harbor Island into Wrightsville IIIeach has placed an unusual burden on the Tax Listing Department because of the many steps on each change of property to have it transferred into its proper township. In Ithe past, Wrightsville Beach h'as requested the County employees to make their tax abstracts by copying the information from the County abstracts after office hours and paid them for this service. They are requesting that the County permit the employees in the Tax List- ing Department to again perform this service for them but that the Board of Commissioners in 196!} set a policy that any funds paid for the performance of tax listing services should be paid to the County direct and not to any employees. Because of the additional !burden placed on the Tax Listing Department as outiined above, it will be impossible to perform the services requested during regular office hovrs unless additinnal personnel is employed on a temporary basis to get over the hump. The Attorney stated that this sort of arrangement ~aas included in the Session Laws of 1959, Chapter 61~8 and referred the Tax Supervisor to them for euidance. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Tax Supervisor write the I Board of Aldermen of Wriohtsville Beach and see if they would be interested in a joint venture of this nature with the County. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. (After checking the Session Laws referred to above, it is found that they re- ~ferred to tax collection rather than tax listing and that the Acting Attorney had misunder- stood the request of the Tax Supervisor for setting a policy with reference to County employees performing tax listing services for other taxing units.) SPECIAL TERN CRIMINAL COURT - The Chairman informed the Board Justice announcing a two week special term Court beginning June 28th, 1965• that he had received notice from the Chief of Superior Court for the trial of Criminal COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING - Nr. I. J. Tinga, Chairman of the New Hanover Planning and Zoning Commission reported to the Board that they had prepared a Subdivision Ordinance which they proposed for adoption by the Board of Commissioners. Each member of the Board was furnished with a copy for study. The Chairman directed the Executive Secretary to place this subject on the Agenda for consideration at the next meeting as it is necessary for an ordinance to be adverLised and a Pubiic Hearing held before its adoption. Budget - He presented the proposed Budget for the next fiscal year and recommended that a Planner be hired by the County to work in the City Office and under the supervision of the City Planner. He also recommended that the Planning and 2oning Board be separated from any connection with the Building Inspection Department. After briefly discussing this matter, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Budget be received for information. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and passed unanimously. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - The Executive Secretary reported that the Motor Vehicies owned by the County and used in the County work have been insured in the past through the Nationwide Insurance Company. The policy terminates today and they have sent in an invoice for renewal of the policy. The agent who has represented Nationwide in the past has now organized his own aoency and now represents the Empire Mutual Insurance Company and would like to con- tinve to write the County's automobile insurance. The premiums are the same. The County Auditor reported that the Sheriff's cars are not included in the coverage. The Acting Attorney recommended that they be put into the new policy. Dr. Hooper moved that the coveraae be continued with the Nationwide Insurance Company. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously passed. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the Criminal terms beginning June 28th and .luly 5th, 1965• Jurors for the week beqinninq June 28, 1965 Ammons, Lois Baughy. W. C. Benton, Thearl Benton, 41m. F. Blue, James Brisson, Lucy Kinlaw Brown, David D. Bullard, M. Eugene Burnish, Harry E. Burns, Wallace Carter, Wayne V. 6 Summit Walk 1810 Grace St. RFD 2, B 205 G. RFD 3, Box 188 615 Taylor St. B 318 Wri~each' 3021} Jefferson St. sox 503 705 Market St. 217 5. 13th St. 4818 Carolina Beach Rd. GoI~~r, Sallie Nae Coley, J. L. Corbett, Raymond E. Cox, Elmer Lee Daniels, Vernon W. Dolan, Wm. C. Enferme, Carmen Evans, Rosie J. Everett, Aubrey A. Fokakis, George Futchs, Richard H. Graham, Paul Wilson 816 5. 9th St. 4009 Oleander Dr. 1022 5. 8th St. 114 Laurel Dr. 4i33 Halifax Rd. 230 Oak Leaf Dr. P.O. Box 265 Carolina Beach 11}07 Glenn St. 40L} Marstellar St. Futchs, Richard H. 27 Decatur Dr. 5 Lee Dr. I ,~~~ -,~ Mi.rau.tes-o.Lthe~iept~^a June 7. 196K Jurors for Criminal term - June 28, 1965 Guthrie, Leola May Hall, H. A. Harvey, Ruth J. Herring, James A. Horrell, James C. Hulbert, Hayward Johnson, William F. Jordan, Perry Letchworth, John R. Lioyd, Milby W. Lowrimore, Charles S. Lowry, h1arion E. Mailard, K. 5. Miilard, David K. McEachern, W. H. III Murray, R. C. Jr. Murray, Thomas W. Sr. Continued G n. Deliv. ~arolina Beach,N.C 215 Evans St. P~ C o~i a7~each,N.C Box ~~7, ~Carolina Beach 13L~. Uictoria Dr. 110 Brentwood Dr, RFD 2, B 211 RFD 1, Box 187 Castie Hayne, N.C. 513 N. 5th St. 1901 Market St. P.O. Box 661 231 Huntington Rd. 216 5. 2nd St. 178 Pinecrest Pkwy. P.o. Box 656 RFD 1 , Box 221~ RFD 1, Box 327 Kennedy, Daniel Levi RFD 1, s 293 B King, Kenneth D. 1803 Ann St. ~~ King, Louis 1074 S, lOth St. Pollock, R.S. 308 N. Kerr Ave. Richardson; James T. 58 Worth Dr. Sanders, Osey D. 22 G Nesbit Cts. Simpson, Henry ~ 514 Harnett St.~ Smith, H.L. RFD 1 B 19b Castle Hayne Sovtherland, }lelen F.512 Ann St. Sowers, John Allen 2907~ Olean~er Sponcler, Y.H. 218 Brookwood~Av' Staivey, Forest De lan~F~r~ B ~~3 Streeter, Flash J. RFD 1 B 129 A l Thomas,Georoe G. 246 Forest Hil~s , Thompson, Cecil V. 226 Harper Ave.rl Tutor, Ambrose G. 3909 Wrightsv. A~~. Weaks, W.T. 7o2 Central Blvd ~ Wenberg, Earl S. 2907 '~drightsv.Av l Wilson, Sernice E. 1316 Dock St. I Jurors for tiaeek beqinning July 5, 1965 - Criminal term Akel, Julia Ann Alexius, Harold D. Baliard, James Stuillery Bowden, R. H. Burton, J. B. Capps, Doualas E. Carraway, Thos. B. Carter, Mary A. Causey, William E. Chavis, Buddie Clemensen, Bonnie N. Clemmons, William J. Clough, H. V. Cook, James C. Sr. Cooper, .Iames C. Dickson, L. K. Edens, L. C, Efird, Columbus Lee Farrow, Clyde Lee Ray Fussell, Benj. Y. Graybeal, J. K. Gurganus, T. C. Haggins, Sam Pope Harriss, hieares Hatcher, Homer Henderson, James G. Henry, Robert Lee Hill, O. C. Jr. Hinson, 4Ji ley F. Hixon, Dharles UJ. Hubis, Frances H, Huggins, Miss Lucille Hussey, Vernetta B. P.O. Box 1073 Leigh, Leo D. 116 Graham St. J ~ Atlantic~Tobacco Co. Leonard, Charles T. 2008 Market St. A 10 B. Taylor Homes Lewis, Samuel W. 1202 Fordham Rd. 25 Kenwood Ave. Lewis, Eben W. 1917 Pender Ave. 111 RFD 1 B 223 Moore, YJiilie Z. 120 Ariington Dra 4202 Park Ave. Murrell, Emma A. 1~007~ Wrightsv. v. 5017 Pine St. Palmeter, Jaines ~rl. 302 N. 1}lst St. G~nera~~ De~iv. aro ina each N C Ponos, Mrs. Tasia 31l} N. 3rd St. , . , 314 Castle St. pope, Lel~a J. l~306 Greenfield t. 12 Victor Garden Rayle, Robert H. 20 Montgomery Av,,. RFD 3, Box 441 Reaves, Leroy 221 S. Front bt. 1311 Wooster St. Robeson, C. A. 1923 Perr Ave. o RFD 2, Box 165 Savage, Ha2e1 J. RFD #1, B x 90 2019 Klein Rd, Shands, Elverton A. Castle Hayne,N.c~ Jr.201} S. Audubonl 815 N. bth St. Shepard, Willie M. 509 5. 4th St. I 1309 Princess St. Sheridan, R. L. 1015 S. 6th St 2807 Market St. Shipman, Alvie C. . 205 N. 12th St 252 Cape Fear Blvd. Sinclair, Mrs. Myrtl . e R. i RFD 2, Box 82 155 'vJ. Renovah C~r. 383o Halifax Rd. 5mith, Walter C. 1401 5. 3rd St. 311 Parkway Blvd. St. John, Carol Hembree Jr. RFD 2, Box 142 s Rd. ROD 2or 14 Y Lake Vil. Talley, John Howard B 33 ~ 407 C.P. 8 L. B]dg. Tottress, Richard E. P. O. Box 911 I 315 S. 13th St. Wessell, Conrad B. S r. 222 N. 4th 5t. 2223 Klein Rd. Williams, Earl E. 117 Meares St. 8 S. Walk, Hilcrest ~~ilson, Mrs. Mary RFD 2, Box 215 I 2315 Washington St. ' 2311} Dexter St. i 212 N. 25th St. RFD 1, Box 199 B 1105 N. 3rd St. 3710 Princess St. 1 PETIT JURY - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for f.uture reference: (1) Wilminoton Public Library, Nay 1965. (2) Grand Jury Report for May, 1965 (3) Home Economics Extension Report for May, i965 ADJOURDIMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braalt, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the voted to ad journ. _ ^ d unanimously k, Executive 5ecretary 4 \ ,