1965-06-23 Regular Meeting\ Wilmington, N. C. June 23,1965 ASSEMBLY - "1'he regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 4:00 P. M. in the Cominissioners~ Room with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. BoUrden, M. H. Vaughan and J. M. Hail, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. N, H. Vaughan, who lasked Reverend Belton Joyner, former pastor of the Cleander and Pine Valley Methodist Churches, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. II APPR01lAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the meeting of June 7th, copies of which had been sent to each 'member of the Board, were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by IDr. Hooper, after Mr. Vaughan requested that the paragraph headed "SAIARIES - RECORDER~S ~COURT" be amended to state that"he had been contacted by telephone about it but had not Igiven his approval" instead o£ '~in fact, did not know anything about it." FUEL BIDS - In answer to our pvblished advertisement for bids to supply the fuel needs for New Hanover County, the following bids were received and opened at the meeting: ICities Service Co. Humble Oil & Refininq Co. Sinciair Refininq Co. 'I cros .1920 15•45 13•$5 .0574 . ' .1346 II Fuel .138 11.65 11.01 oil .033 10.5 Motor o~~ .55¢ •62~ •55~ After the tabulation was compared, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the 1041 bid be accepted and that the contract be awarded to the Cities Service Oil Co. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. 2ETIREMENT - CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported to the Board that Mr. J. S. Wiiliamson, Sr, had decided to retire July 1, 196,r. He presented Mr. 1Jilliamson with a citation that he had served the County for 20 years and worked with every auditor the County has ever had. He praised Mr. Wiiliamson highly for his conscientious, efficient handling of the work in the Auditor~s office. Each of the Commissioners thanked Mr. Williamson for his untiring 9evotion to his dvLy and expressed their appreciation by signino the citation along with their words of commendation. Mr. Williamson was very appreciative of this honor and the com- ~liments paid him by the various officials. . SCHOOL FUNDS TRANSFER - , Dr. William H. Wagoner,.5uperintendent of Atew Hanover Schools, reported that the Board of Education included in their last fiscal year~s Budget an item of $12,540 to be used in minor construction at one of the schools but that further study of the proposal found it unfeasible and, therefore, no further consideration is being given to it. The School Board ~is now in the process of purchasing land for the location of the John T. Hoggard High School `;and they request that permission be granted to use the $12,500 now in their Capital Outlay budget item to apply on the purchase of the property under option which will expedite its purchase. After full consideration, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that th.is request be oranted It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. CURRENT SHCOOL BUDGET CONSIDERATION - Dr. Wagoner stated that the current fiscal School Budget is now beiny prepared in documentary form for presentation to each member of the Board of Commissioners and re- quested that an early date be set for its presentation. The Chairman assured him that this irequest would be granted as promptly as possible. PAINTING - COURT HOUSE Discussion was resumed on the proposed painting of the Court House as readver- Itised because the first bids received were irregular and did not meet the iegal requirements. 'The.low bid on the first bid was $3,675.00 as compared to a low bid of $9,625.~~ on the isecond advertising. After a thorough discussion of this matter, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that all bids be rejected and that the work be readvertised and broken down into the several crafts such as painting, metal work, glazing and carpentry. It was seconded by 'Nr. Vau~han after a full discussion, during which Mr. Bowden agreed to assist in writing the specifications to be put into the advertising. When the ba.llot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested to be recorded as votino "NO", Yiowever, since the other members of the Board all voted "YES", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. • I~CNAMBER OF CONiMERCE ADVERTISING - Colonel H. V. Reid, Executive Vice President of the Greater Wilmington Chamber ~of Commerce, presented the following proposals for conside,r.ation by the Board: I appear before you this afternoon to offer the professional services of The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to you. You gentlemen are charged with the responsibility of the administration of large sums of public funds in many fields. We realize that you utilize most effectively a number of advisory bodies to carry out your responsibilities. The Board of Health, School Board, Welfare Department, Hospital Board and others assist you in the most effective budget planning and dis- persal of funds for projects in the county. You need this in the field of adver- (~continued ) ~~~ ~ I ~~~ ' !'4 Minutes of the Meeting June 23, 1965 Continued CHA(~BER OF COI~RCE ADVERTISING - (continued) tising and publicity. As you know the primary objective of the Greater Wil- mington Chamber of Commerce is to promote this area and to actively pursue all programs that will improve the economic climate of New Hanover County. This year your Chamber has formed a Public Relations Committee that has been actively working on numerous projects that mean a great deal to all of us here in this room and every resident of the county. Such projects as the recent Governor~s Agricul- tura2-Industrial Tour, a get-acqvainted dinner for new businessmen and TV panel discussion are but a few of our projects in the past two months. Many more are planned. ' As part of this group, we have an advertising committee composed of leading citi2ens who either spend considerable sums on advertising or are in the promotional business. l~Je propose that this committee serve as your advertising advisory committee and provide you with professional advice on the most profitable use for every advertising dollar. Further, it is our recommendation, that as in other cases a member of the County Commissioners serve as a member of this committee to provide the closest possible liaison and guidance. This committee, working for you,would make recommendations on your adverticing and publicity program. You gentlemen would accept an.y' portion of the committee's recommenc~a- tion and we can assure you that there would be no hard feelings. It is our feeling that recommendations on paid advertising, £ree publicity and the support of promotional efforts would be helpful to you. This committee is prepared to provide you with specific recommendations on the most effective types of space advectising, the shows that are most effective types of space advertising, the shows that are most productive and the most profitable use of all other media. We trust that you will avail yourselves of the talents of these dedicated Wilmington businessmen.'~ During the discussion of this subject, Pfr. Hall brought out the fact that the County is legally limited to an expenditure of not more than $50,000 for Advertising & Industrial Development and that in the past, t}ie advertising portion of the appropriation had been largely controlled by contemplated industrial needs, Mr. Bowden sugoested that it might be a good policy to have a member of the Board of Commissioners appointed to serve as a liason between the public relations committee of the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Commissioners ap~o'rr~~ed~-ta-scr~re-as-a-i~taslm-betweerr-the-Ffftrrtc-reYattons-cammtttae-o-f-~he' GY~ar~t§ep-o~-Garar~eree-aft~§-~ke-Boar~-of-C-o~mr'rssrQrrers and offered a motion that the propositicn made by the Chamber of Commerce be accepted with the provision that the Chairman of the ~I Board of County Commissioners be empowered to appoint one member to serve in that capacity. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and carried unanimously, Colonel Reid' asked the Board to set a date for the presentation of their fiscal year Budget request. The Chairman assvred him that they would be given an opportunity to explain their Budget needs, ~ CAPE FEAFt TECHNICAL INSTITUTE FUNDS TRANSFER Complying with the direction of the Board at the last meeting regarding a re- quest for the transfer of some small underspent funds in a few of their budgeted items. the C.F.T.I, was contacted by the Executive Secretary who was told that they were asking the Board to grant it permission to use them to complete payment of attorney fees for a legal title search. ~ line item of $500.00 is included in the Budget for attorney fees which lacks $150.00 of being enough to cover the attorney fees for the year and he pointed~ out they need $150.00 for this purpose. After a complete discussion of the problem, Mr. Braak moved that the Board grant permission for the transfer of $150.00 to Attorney Fees from their unspent items in order to complete payment of this obligation. It was seconde by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. EQUALIZATION AND REVALUATION PROGRAM - The Tax Supervisor brought to the attention of the Board that further considerall tion should be given to the bids for the Equali2ation and Revaluation Program and recom- mended that the Board authorize him and the County Assessor, Mr. Raymond Blake, to make a trip and interview the taxing authorities in several of the counties where the low bidder has done the appraisal work and that the Board set dates for the purpose of interv3ewing any of the bidders which they think might prove heneficial in making a firm decision on ~ which one to award the contract. After a thorough discussion of this subject, Mr. Hall ', offered a motion that this recommendation be approved. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and during the discussion, the Board concluded that tt would be well to have the research report made to two members of the Board and the Chairman appointed Nessrs. Hall and Vaughan~ to receive the report and recommend to the Board of CommisSionera-their conciusions. The motion was unanimously carried. i JURY SCROLLS - Complying with the General Statutes and directive of the Board at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary had prepared tax scrolls and presented them to the Board ' for screening. He explained that these scrolls were incomplete in that they did not con- tain names of the citi2ens from the personal property tax scrolls, the telephone directory ' or the city directory. He stated that this would require the use of a secretary to make the list and that it ~rould require an appropriation to cover the cost as no funds were provided in the Budget for this service. After giving due consideration to the scroils, Mr. Hall offered a mot3on that they be accepted and made available for scrvtiny by eech I of the Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. TAX COMPUTING - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had been called by Mayor N Lawrence C. Rose, of Wrightsville Beach, requesting that members of the tax listing person-I nel be ailowed to make out the tax books and compute the taxes for them as has been done ~ in the past. He had informed Nlayor Rose that the Board last year set a policy making it mandatory that any compensation for such work should be paid directly to the County and the County would then pay the employees doing the work if it was done after regular office continued - \_ \ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting June 23, 1965 Continued regular hours. The Tax Supervisor pointed out G. S. 105-326 permits the Board of County Commissioners to pay a sum which may be,in their discretion, proper compensation for the Iwork of computing taxes, making up the tax books and copies thereof for the State Board of TAX COMPUTING - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ~ ~ hours. The extension of the City limits of the City of Wilmington and the inclusion of Harbor Island into the town of Wrightsville Beach has placed an unusuai bur- den on the Tax Listing Department and the personnel will not be able to do the work during Assessment but limits the compensation to not more than lOr~ for each name appearing.on the Itax books. In his opinion, it will cost the County more than lOr~ a name to make up the tax books and compute the taxes. After some consideration, aft¢r-som2-cons2deration, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the Tax Supervisor be authorized to offer Wrightsville ~Beach the services of the Tax Listing Department,for the purpose of making up their tax books and computing their taxes at cost, plus 15%, with the understanding that if they were not entirely satisfied they could re-negotiate next year by either party. It was ~seconded by Mr. Hali and unanimously carried. ,,, ~BEER PERMITS - The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the Boar.d and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff ,for his consideration and investigation: IlGladys D. Brooks T/A Mack+s Grill Lake Park Blvd., U. S. 421 , Carolina Beach, N. C. Eva Lee Brown T/A Bay Tern 3528 Oleander Drive ~~SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - ~ The Board resumed discussion of the proposed Subdivision Ordinance revised May 20, 1965 by the County Planning 8 Zoning Board. The County Attorney ruled that be- fore its adoption that it would be necessary to hold a Public Hearing before it could be certified. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Chairman be authorized to set the Hearing date and that such date not be prior to August~l, 1965. It was,seconded by Mr. Hali ~and unanimously carried. 'INDEPENDENT AUDIT - ' The Chairman announced that it is time for the appointment of an Independent Auditor for auditing the County~s records. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the County ~continue the services of Wm. C. Barfield, C.P.A., as he is familiar with the books and records of the County and, therefore, able to do a more efficient job. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before consideration of this motion, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the firm of C. S. Lowrimore and Company be engaged to make the independent iaudit. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. The Board unanimously agreed at that time to a Ifive minute recess, upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper. Reconvention - After thoroughly exploring the various ideas of the Board mem- bers, the ballot was taken on the substitute motion and Messrs. Vaughan and Bowden voted for the substitute motion and Messrs. Braak and Hail voted against it. The Chairman de- clared the motion failed. The question was then called on the original motion and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak and Hall voted for the motion and Messrs. Bowd.en and Vaughan voted against the motion. The Chairman declared the motion failed. ROAD PETITION - ~ A request was received signed by the property owners on Bragg Drive, Chalmers Drive, Greenhowe Drive and Pine Valley Drive, all in Section A~ 8 of the•Subdivision known as Pine Valley Estates, requesting that they be added to the State maintained Secon- dary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unani- mously approved the petition and instructed the Executive Secretary to forward it to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. MICROFILMIATG - REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE ~ Complying with the readvertisement for bids to supply microfilming equipment for use in the RegisLer of Deeds Office, the following bids were received. Hall 8 McChesney. Inc. Recordak MRD - 2 Camera Duplex Modification Unit ' Duplex Subject Holder with glass , Bates Numbering Machine (10 wheel wide frame, is book, .book number, page and page number) This includes installation and operator training and is F.O.B., Wilmington. ~3;570.00 IRecordak Corooration I, Recordak Model Mf2D - 2 Camera ~3,z25.oo 165.00 .70.00 110.00 Dupiex Modification Kit (New) Simplex and Duplex Filming Capabilities Duplex Sub,ject Holder Wide Frame Numbering Machine 40.00 $3,490.00 This unit is not a basic part,of the microfilm equipment. Recordak Corporation wiil sup- ply Bates or other type to New Hanover County at the regular retail market price of the unit of their choice. We have obtained a quotation af approximately $80.00 for the type of numbering machine required in the Register of Deeds Office. Prices quoted above inciude delivery, installation, complete instruction on the use of the equipment. Equipment is sold with a one year complete warranty on all parts and labor. At the end of the free service warranty period a Service ContraCt is available for the Model-2 at cost of $90. continued- ~- (New) $3,225.00 ~ 225.00 ~ ~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting June 23, 1965 Continued MICROFILMING - REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE -(continued) Upon examination, the County Attorney ruled that the bid bond of Hall and McChesney, Incorporated did not meet the specifications, therefore, it could not be con- sidered. The net cost of the Microfilming Machine on each bid was the same. After due consideration of all the factors involved, the Attorney ruled that a contract can not be ~ awarded to either one of these bidders unless and until funds are available and appro- priated. The Chairman then polled each member of the Board, individually, and each express~,,d his present•favorable attitude to award the contract to the Recordak Corporation the first of the coming fiscal year. • ADMIMISTRATIVE SPACE - OPPORTUNITIES, INC. The Executive Secretary reported that he had complied with the directive of the Board'at the last meeting to investigate a need f'or the small office space recently vacated by the A.B.C. Enforcement Officers and did not find any County agency which expressed a need for this space at the present time and, therefore, it is available for the administra- tive office of Opportunities, Incorporated,if the Board approves. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that this space be assigned to Opportunities, Incorporated, with the understanding that it would be vacated upon two weeks notfce if the County needed the space.' It was seconded by Mr. Hall. After some discussion, the ballot was taken and Mr. Vaughan voted against the motion but since the other members of the Board voted for the motion, the Chairman declared it prevailed by ma,jority vote. ~ LIABILITY - AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Mr. Homer N. Davis, representing the Nationwide Insurance, reported that the present policy covering the County~s automobile liability insurance does not include all of the motor vehicles owned by the Covnty. At present, the 5heriff's Department cars are self insured under the governmental immunity provisions of the law. He stated that fleet insurance is experience rated and, therefore, it is impossihle to quote an exact amount of the premium as it varies with experience. The County Attorney observed that the Board is legally right in claiming governmental immunity but he feels the County has a normal obligation'to the public for any damages which might be suffered becavse of an accident. The Chairman reminded Mr. Davis that the Board had approved the renewal of the old policy and that they would consider including all of the County~s motor vehicles in the insurance funds to be put in the next fiscal year~s budget. STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - The Executive Secretary called the Board~s attention to the State Convention of County Commissioners scheduled for August 22 - 25, with headquarters at Jack Tar Grove Park Inn in Asheville and NACO~s 30th Annual Conference scheduled,for July 11 - 1l} in San Diego, California. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to make reservations for two persons to attend the State.Convention but none to the National Convention. tain observations and recommendations which have been referred-to the parties concerned in their maintenance. A follow up will be maintained to see that the corrections are made. BOILER INSPECTIONS - The Executive Secretary reported that the Insurance Carrier had made their periodic inspections of the boilers, water heaters, and air compressors. They made cer- INTERSTATE HIGHWAY - ~ Mr. L. C. LeGwin, Jr. reported to the Board that he, with a few other interested individuals, were in the process of initiating att effort to have an Interstate Highway constructed between Wilmington and the Greensboro-Highpoint-Winston Salem area to roughly c~mnect with 1-l~0. He pointed out that the Federal Aid Highway Fund would pay 90% of the cost. H~: stressed the urgent need for adequate transportation connections to the Piedmont and the We~t from Qur Port. He observed that New Hanover County is probably the only one in the State w'ith a population of over ~0,000 that doesn~t have a dual highway leading into it and that Wil- mington is probably the only city of more than 50,Q00 without a dual lane highway leading into it. He stated that 10,000 miles of Interstate Highways are proposed for 1965 and he 1{I anxious to have all the endorsements possibie to see if at least one Interstate Highway can be allocated into New Hanover County by way of Fayetteville and Sanford. Mr. Hall pointed out that the previous Board had endorsed a road program from Wilmington to Asheville by way of Charlotte over Lhe present U..S. 7!} and he felt that the issue should not be cottfused by ' endorsing two different pro~ects. He svggested that all effort should be concentrated towa,~d the completion of one which seems to be more feasible to obtain. After a thorough discus-~ sion of this sub,ject, the Board,,by common consent, agreed that they would support the U. S 74 route to Asheville as the number one State pro~ject and they would support the proposed Interstate Highway by way of Fayetteville and Sanford as the number one Federal pro,ject so that the efforts of one would not offset the other. Dr. Hooper then moved that the Board endorse the proposal of this concept, which he does not think will conflict, and that the endorsement of the Board be conveyed to the various governmental officiais by letter. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. CAPE FEAR RIVER BRIDGE Mr. Vavghan observed that it is his understanding that the high level bridge for crossing the Cape Fear River is estimated to cost $18,000,000 and that the State High- way Commission had ailocated $10,000,000 for the construction of this facility. He svg- gests that the $10,000,000 be spent towards the high level bridge and make it a toll bridge to amortize the other $8,000,000. AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONING - I Mr. Bowden reported that he had inspected the progress of the work at the Airpor. and had run into a snag as the present electric service was inadequate for the present load~l and the additional estimated cost would be approximately $600. He also recommended that ducts be instailed in the old National Air Lines Office for future use. In order to keep,~ unspent funds in the Airport Budget to cover this additional expense. No obJection was voiced to this proposal. # the job going, he suggested that the Board approve using th~i present _~ \~ ~-~ ~ A.B.C. SURETY BOND - ' Mr. William O. tlumphrey, a member of the New Hanover Covnty A.B.C. Board, submitted his Surety.Bond in the amount of $5,000. It was examined and approved by the Board of Commissioners and ordered forwarded to the State A.B.C. Office for th~ir disposition. ' ..,_ Minutes of the_Mee-tin~ .1-un.e~~y-1q.6_[ ___~ou,L~inn~ -~ ~ ~ -- ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unani usly adJourned the meeting and agreed to meet next Monday, June 28th at 4:00 P M ac~c p the Budget and conduct whatever unfinished business might come before th • ' - ~ ~ SPECIAL MEETING -~• W. . Ho`uclf; Execut ve Secretary June 28, 1965 !}:00 P. M. ASSEM~P.Y - l The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on the above date at 1}:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners,Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, Mr. Peter H. Braak and Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr; County Attorney, Mr. L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love„ Jr. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary to ep~ep-aR~-as}~e~-Eke-Exeenti~ee-Seeretarp-to pronounce the invocation. SCHOOL BUDGET TRANSFERS - The Chairman read a letter from the New Hanover County School Board request- ing ttie following line item transfers in their'Budget in order to close out the fiscal year: REGUTAR BUDGET TRANSFER FRON I 613 Clerical i 621} Instructional Supplies ~ 632 Fuel 63l~ Janitor Supplies 641 .'.Repairs - Buildings 8 Grounds 6f.~1.{. Salaries - Maintenance Personnel TRANSFER TO 615-2 Board of Education Expense ' 627-3 Commencement Expense 631' Wages of Janitors 643 Repairs & Replacements - Heating,Lighting,Plumbing 652 Insurance SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET TRAN5FER FROM '621-622 Elementary x High School Teachers TRANSFER TO 623 Salaries a Expenses of Prineipals ` 627 Secretaries in 6chools $ ~ $ Amount 123.i7 38.i2 725.26 1,582•30 12,~92.68 2 , 3W.r.. 50 17,006.03 123.17 38.12 5,226.00 10,802.00 816.63 17,006.03 $ ~.,838.28 ~ 981.80 3.856.48 $ 4,838,.28 Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously granted the re- quest with the proviso that line item #631, Wages.of Janitors, amovnting to $5,226.00 be explained. • CURRENT BUDGET PRESENTATION - • The County Auditor, Mr. T.~D. Love, Jr. presented each member of the Board a copy of the annual Budget Estimate for the fiscal year, July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966. He called attention to the increase and stated that it is based on 92~ collections.of . taxes and a tax base valuation of $175,000,000 which makes it necessary that the tax rate b~ $1.68 per hundred if the estimated Budget is adopted. He ointed out that Debt Service amovnted to 47 , or 28%, and that Schools would require 68~~, or L~.i~ and that Welfare wanted 28~, or~173~. He also included a list of the revenues to meet this Budget, He reminded the Board that the Getteral Statuies required the Appropriation Resolution be adopted not later than July 28, 1965 and that Chapter lla.b of the Public Laws of 2927 reqnired the public advertising of the Budget Estimate 20 days prior to•adoption of the Appropriation Resolution. The Board accepted the Budget Estimate and agreed that it wonld require some study before inteliigently considering it. The Executive Secretary was instructed to schedule Budget meetings for 7:00 P. M. July lst, with the Board of Education; the Agriculture 8 Economics,Department heads at 7:00 P. M., Friday, July 2nd; 7:30 P. M.'on July 6th with the_Pubiic Welfare Department and to schedule other depart- ments for a meeting at ~:00 on July 8th, 1965. The regular meeting which is scheduled for l~:00 P. M. Monday, July sth, is to be recessed until the following day at the same riour. APPOINTMENT - PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD The Chairman repo~ted that it is time to appoint a member of the Board to continued ~