1965-06-28 Special Meeting~-~ ~ A.B.C. SURETY BOND - ' Mr. William O. tlumphrey, a member of the New Hanover Covnty A.B.C. Board, submitted his Surety.Bond in the amount of $5,000. It was examined and approved by the Board of Commissioners and ordered forwarded to the State A.B.C. Office for th~ir disposition. ' ..,_ Minutes of the_Mee-tin~ .1-un.e~~y-1q.6_[ ___~ou,L~inn~ -~ ~ ~ -- ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unani usly adJourned the meeting and agreed to meet next Monday, June 28th at 4:00 P M ac~c p the Budget and conduct whatever unfinished business might come before th • ' - ~ ~ SPECIAL MEETING -~• W. . Ho`uclf; Execut ve Secretary June 28, 1965 !}:00 P. M. ASSEM~P.Y - l The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in special session on the above date at 1}:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners,Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, Mr. Peter H. Braak and Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr; County Attorney, Mr. L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love„ Jr. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked the Executive Secretary to ep~ep-aR~-as}~e~-Eke-Exeenti~ee-Seeretarp-to pronounce the invocation. SCHOOL BUDGET TRANSFERS - The Chairman read a letter from the New Hanover County School Board request- ing ttie following line item transfers in their'Budget in order to close out the fiscal year: REGUTAR BUDGET TRANSFER FRON I 613 Clerical i 621} Instructional Supplies ~ 632 Fuel 63l~ Janitor Supplies 641 .'.Repairs - Buildings 8 Grounds 6f.~1.{. Salaries - Maintenance Personnel TRANSFER TO 615-2 Board of Education Expense ' 627-3 Commencement Expense 631' Wages of Janitors 643 Repairs & Replacements - Heating,Lighting,Plumbing 652 Insurance SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET TRAN5FER FROM '621-622 Elementary x High School Teachers TRANSFER TO 623 Salaries a Expenses of Prineipals ` 627 Secretaries in 6chools $ ~ $ Amount 123.i7 38.i2 725.26 1,582•30 12,~92.68 2 , 3W.r.. 50 17,006.03 123.17 38.12 5,226.00 10,802.00 816.63 17,006.03 $ ~.,838.28 ~ 981.80 3.856.48 $ 4,838,.28 Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously granted the re- quest with the proviso that line item #631, Wages.of Janitors, amovnting to $5,226.00 be explained. • CURRENT BUDGET PRESENTATION - • The County Auditor, Mr. T.~D. Love, Jr. presented each member of the Board a copy of the annual Budget Estimate for the fiscal year, July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966. He called attention to the increase and stated that it is based on 92~ collections.of . taxes and a tax base valuation of $175,000,000 which makes it necessary that the tax rate b~ $1.68 per hundred if the estimated Budget is adopted. He ointed out that Debt Service amovnted to 47 , or 28%, and that Schools would require 68~~, or L~.i~ and that Welfare wanted 28~, or~173~. He also included a list of the revenues to meet this Budget, He reminded the Board that the Getteral Statuies required the Appropriation Resolution be adopted not later than July 28, 1965 and that Chapter lla.b of the Public Laws of 2927 reqnired the public advertising of the Budget Estimate 20 days prior to•adoption of the Appropriation Resolution. The Board accepted the Budget Estimate and agreed that it wonld require some study before inteliigently considering it. The Executive Secretary was instructed to schedule Budget meetings for 7:00 P. M. July lst, with the Board of Education; the Agriculture 8 Economics,Department heads at 7:00 P. M., Friday, July 2nd; 7:30 P. M.'on July 6th with the_Pubiic Welfare Department and to schedule other depart- ments for a meeting at ~:00 on July 8th, 1965. The regular meeting which is scheduled for l~:00 P. M. Monday, July sth, is to be recessed until the following day at the same riour. APPOINTMENT - PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD The Chairman repo~ted that it is time to appoint a member of the Board to continued ~ - ~~ .~ Minutes of the Meeting June 28, 1965 Continued _ _ -- _ -, - - - f=- -- _ - ~ - ~- II ~ APPOINTMENT - PUBLIC WELFARE BQARD - continued •~ serve as a member of the Public Welfare Board as Mr. Braak~s term expires I July 1, 1965• After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak moved that Mr. Laurence O. Bowden be appointed to that Board. It was seconded by Hall and when the ba]lot was taken, Mr. Bowden requested that he be allowed to abstain from voting but the Chair.man declaredl I the motion carried by ma,Jority vote. • BFACH FRONTAGE CHANGE - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received notice from the Inter-. national Nickel Company adv;sing that they propose to ad~lla.0~ north of their present fenced test station at Kure Beach and that it will involve some leveling of the beach- frontage with the surplus sand being graded out gradually toward the water. This in- formation is being given so that if any of the Commissioners have any questions regardin intentions, they might ca.11 Mr. V. G. Taylor. By common consent, the Board authoriaed Mr. Bowi3en to make an inspection of this proposal and report back his recammendations with reference to this proposed enlargement.of the Research Siation. APPROPR1AT10NS AND TRANSFERS - County Auditor T. D. Love Jr. reported that it is always necessary to make some transfers within the Budget on nnderspent line items to balance overspent items at the closing of the year and in a few cases, the Board has authorized expenditures which will require an appropriation. He presented the following appropriations and transfers and recommended that they be approved: From Air~ort Rep. Bldg. Salaries $130.00 2 I ~ ~~ ~~ Advertising 1 13. ~i n ~+ Insurance 110.78 d Auditor-Travel R.M.E. 100.00 ~I Unanticipated Taxes 5tationery & Supplies , 150.00 • CSC - Bonds Stationery 8 Supplies 375•~~ q, Commissioners - Unanticip. Taxes Stationery & Supplies 60.00 j " General Emerg. Telephone 100.00 ~` " Taxes R.M.E. 5.~~ , County Aid-Insurance Public Audit 810.00 ~ ~~ Training Schools 125.00 i Court House - Fuel Advertfsing I 12.3$ - Fuel Ice I 20.00 II - Fuel Jan. Supplies 2$~:i~q li I - Fuei Insurance ' Jail - Unanticipated Taxes Elevator 29.Z5 I _ Jan. Supplies 75.00 I _ " " Repairs Bldg. 200.00 II _ ~~• " Staty. & Supplies 25.00 ~ I _ " " R.M.E. 175.00 I MacRae Park - R.M.E. Lights 100.00 N ~ - Graves Removal Cap. Outlay 321.99 i Recorders Court-Blnders d Record ~ Binders Advertising 11.53 ' -Travel Telephone ?5.00 I -Cagital Outlay Stationery & Supplies overage , Reg.of Deeds-Binders & R. B. Advertising 7•!4!E i ~~ " " " Travel 1~0.00 I Sheriff-Auto Reg. Directory Advertising 31.37 Superior Ct-Convey Prisoners Advertising 27• 24 ($500.00 Spec. Atty: ($1,000,00 Unantici pated li Taxes to Jury Fees 1,500.00 Lodging & Meals ~ Telephone 35•00 I Tax Cbl.-Telephone Travel 3.68 Tax List. -'Travel State Auto Reg. 14.8!} Unanticip. Taxes Staty. 8 Sup.. 500.00 Equipment-Cap. Outlay 4,600.00 A. 8 E. Hall Rent Travel 33.00 ~ '~ " Baggett Unan. Rev. Health Capital Outlay 93.55 Aid Blind - Unanticip. Taxes Aid Blind 42.62 , O.A,A. 1961~ Taxes Unanticip. O.A.A. County Pro. 2,300.00 1962 Back Taxes " " " " " 700.00 Welfare-Unanticip. Intang. Taxes B.H.C. 1,500.00 " " " Burial 113.55 '! " " Cancer 100.00 Convey Indigents Dues 8 Subscrip. 56.25 I ~ Unanticip. Tax. Phys. Exam. 300.00 II Unanticip. Tax Rep. 8 Main. Equip. 80.00 q 5urplus Labor from Farm Gas 50.00 I Comm. Capital Outlay 1.34 , ! Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously granted them. . ~~ ~"~ ~ ~$~ Minules o~ the-Meet3ns~-J_unel$..~465-ConL_in.ue.~+ _~- NINTERIM BUDGET RESOLUTION - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden,~the following Interim Budget iR ution was unanimously adopted: ~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS "~ Section 1- That in order to~operate the County and its subdiv3sions from July 1, ~ 1965 to date of adoption of the 1965-66 Budget Resolution, appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the principal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate ~ of expenditure as provided for in the 1961~-65 Fiscal Budget Year. 1 Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption ~of the 1965-66 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution~to,ap~ti s made/~ ip the 1965-66 Budget Appropriations. ~ ~ G~/~ ~,P.r 1~. D ., `-'~- HURE BEACH RECREATION - ~ The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Mr. S. C. Cheek of Kure Beach had called him and asked that he give the Board the following information and see jif they would agree to make a donation of $4,000 or a loan of $1},000. The Town of Kure 'IBeach has leased property of the Dow Chemical Company ad,jacent to the Town limits and proposed to develop a recreation area including camping facilities and trailor park. By common consent, the Board did not take any action on this request. PUBLIC WEtFARE REPORTS Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Public Welfare Department be asked Lo supply the Board with the names of Welfare recipients who have been detected abusing the Welfare regulations beginning with January 1, 1965. Dr. Hooper seconded the motion and when the ballot was taken, there were no votes against it and he declared it carried: COMPUTING TAXES - WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH The Chairman reported to the Board that Mayor Lawrence C. Rose of Wrightsville Beach had called him with•reference to the action of the Board at the last meeting in allowing the Tax Listing Department to make up and compute the £ax records for Wrightsville Beach on a cost, plus 15% basis. The Tax Supervisor was instructed to estimate, as nearly as possible, the cost of this operation and give the information td Mayor Rose. to ad,journ. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr: BUDGET I1;IISCUSSION MEETING t ASSEMBLY - Board unanimously voted ~%V~.l~/' ~ , Executive Secretary July 2, 1965 7:0~ P.M. The New Hanover County Board of Commisaioners met on the above date at 7:00 P. M, in the Commissioners~ ~weE-eR-6k~e-a~eve-~aEe-a~-~s69-R.-D9.-~R-t.ii6-GGiA(A~CC~CAOFCl Room with the foliowing members in attendance: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commiss- ioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor, T. D. Love and the Board of Education, represented by their Chairman Mr. E. A. Laney and their Superintendent, Dr. W. H. Wagoner, along with the heads of departments of their staff. PREAINBL'E - Mr. Laney stated that before going into the detailed items, he thought it might be well to make a few general observations. To begin with, the pupil load for the New Hanover County Schdol System is growing at an average rate of 300 students per year which means that it is necessary to provide 10 new classrooms and 10 new additional teachers per year. Teachers in the syst'em have increased from 619 in 1960 to 720 tYiis year and Ithey expect an increase Lo 750 next year. The general standards for the entire system ~are high and accredited as being a high quality educational system. He st'ated that repre- Isentatives of industrial firms thinking about moving into New Hanover County always con- sult the school authorities. Dr. Wagoner then introduced the members of his staff and . reviewed the entire Budget in detail, item by item, answering'any questions the Board mem- ~bers asked relative to any of the Budget items they did not quite understand. Dr. Wagoner explained that the total insur'ed valuation of the"ir property amounted to $12,1~93,800 and ~that they considere'd 2% of the capitai investment as a resaonable amount to set up for Re- Ipairs to Buildings and Grounds. This compares with a'general business cu'stam of setting iaside from 5 to 10% of their capital investment for maintenance. i Capital Outlav- Supplement - After resolving the various Budget items in question, Dr. Wagoner stressed the fact that there were two very important items which Ineeded to be resolved immediately because of their urgency. The first one is 6 mobile iclassrooms,in the amount of $38,500 that are needed to take care of the overflow where jthe pupil load flvctuates and it is not feasible to build new classrooms at the particular location because the load is temporary in many instances. The second item is in the Ilamount of $42,31.~J.},00 which is needed in the purchase of land under option for the John T. ~Hoggard High School. The manufacturers of the mobile classrooms rrill be unable to complete 'them in time for the cur.rent school year unless the order is placed immediately and the ;land purchase needs to be closed because of the fact that some of the property owners have lalready indicated that they would increase the price after the expiration of the option date. After a thorough discussion of these problems, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Board approve the purchase of the School site selected for the Johri T. Hoggard High 9chool and the Capital Outlay item for $!}2,3LFl~.00 requested for this purpose. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimovsly carried. Dr. Hooper then moved that the Board approve the purchase of !{ mobile classrooms. It was seconded by Mr. Uaughan but before the ballot continued- ~ '' ~ ~~ Minutes of the Meeting July 1, 1965 - Continued Capital Outlay-Su~nlement - Continued was taken, Mr. Hall offered a substitute motion that the Board approve 6 mobile classrooms and this substitute motion was seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion. After thorough consideratfon, the ballot was taken and Mr. Vavghan voted against the motion, however the Chairman declared it carried by a ma,jority vote as all the other members of the Board voted for it. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr to adjourn their meeting. Hail, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously voted Secretary SUPERIOR COURT SPECIAL CRIMIPIAL TERM Jurors for the weeWneqinninq Julv 5th, 1965 - Criminal term Askew, Laurin B. 2231 Camellia Dr. Beck, Elba 2105 Barnett St. Beatty, Arthur % Foster Hill Realty Co. Begor, Leslie G. ~ 129 Co2onial Circle Bernasconi, Louis J .RFD3, Box 181 Bowden, Dovie P. RFD 3, Box 359 Bradley, Annie Newk irk RFD 3,B 423 Britt, Harris Lindy 109 Bordeaux Ave. Brown, Donald Drew 211 Orange St. Bruice, Emmet 2 110~ Southern Bullard, Jesse 2112 Cedar St. Burton, Clayton D. Sr. 2209 Klein Rd. Caddell, Colon C. 121 Glendale Dr. Cannon, George H. 2013 Pender Ave. Carraway, James E. 5l~30 Andover Rd. Carter, W. J. 109 Jacks Ave. Cherry, R. H. 1511 Castie St. Clark, ,Toseph A. 50l~.0 Pine St. Clinton, James 920 Dickinson St. Collins, Norvin H. RFD 2 B 525 Corbett, Hayes 617 5. 1!}th St. Corbett, H. R. P. 0. Box 1139 Croom, Jesse A. P. 0. Aox 1~1~ Caro ina ach Dinkins, William 905 S, lOth St. Doss, Calvin Lee 218 N. 27th 5t. Hunter, Doris E. 4912 Oleander Hutaff, Tabitha C. P.O. Box 1407 Inman, Homer D. 125 Laurel Dr. Jackson, Miss Doroth y 202 Heaton Jackson, Herman Stac y 20!} Borden Ave. Jackson, William 5. RFD 3, B 299 Johnson, Melvin Doug las 1704 Orange St. Joyner, Julius C. 1939 Hudson Dr. Kelly, John D. 3717 Wrightsv.Ave. Koonce, M. Walton RFD 1, B 175 Lewis, George F. t~.LF05 Peachtree St. Lunceford, Ervin RFD 1, Box 87 Castle Hayne Martin, Joe B. 11 Woodlawn Ave. Mason, ,]ack M. 107 N. 3rd St. McCandless, C. B. 39o7 Carolina Bea~~. McDaniel, Charles Fr anklin 39~eac~rQ~ina H McGee, William Henry 312 5. 6th St. Meadows, Robert Andr ew lll} Hawthorne Dr. Meier, Eliz. K. 2581~. Jefferson St. Millis, Harlee 4912 Wrightsv. Ave. Moore, Donald W. 23l} Page Age. Nesbitt, David 431 Evans St. Padgett, Ernest' Box 632,Carolina Beach Pearsall, Horace 227 Forest Hills Dr. Pope, H. R. 169 Brentwood Dr. Duncan, Lee R. £arle, Sam S. Eason, Nellie M. Efird, Columbus Lee Ensminger, Arthur M. Ever~tt, Lila Mr. Fick, Ferdinand D. Flood, Robert E. Flowers, Oscar B.Jr. Fogleman, Paul D. Foy, Ida May Fry, T. J. Fussell, .)ohn H. Sr. Godbold, William T. Hall, J. E. Hall, Louie Hansley, Jessie M. Hewitt, M. Odessa Hinr~ant, O.B. Horne, Clayton Howard, William Lee Howell, Marvin R. Howze, J. J. Jr. Huggins, Lena E. Huggins, W. H. Postma, Gilbert Potter, Geneva L. Price, James A. Jr. Reeves, Quilan T. Robinson, Flossie H. Rooks, Billy P. Sanders, Maie Shrier, Bertha G. Simmons, Essie Smith, James E. Smith, Joseph L. Stallings, Churchwell Swain, E. A. Taylor, Julian K. Jr. Tucker, James P. Jr. Vic~:or, Edward Vowell, Minnie J. Walton, .1. Frank 4Jar 1 ick, F. L. Wester, M. E. White, Flowe Craig Williams E. F. Willis, Louise R. Witherell, Leon F. Wood, Oilie L. 116 Nun St. P. o. 9ox 1552 50 Pinecrest Pkwy. 252 Cape Fear Blvd. 219 Rose Ave. iz4 s. iith st. 1} Lagoon Dr. P. o. soX i254 127 Victoria Dr. 5l}02 Ridgewood Hts. 208 N~rstellar St. Gen, Deliv.Kure Bea 2721 Columbia Rd. 4102 Lake Ave. RFD 2, Box 21$ AA 720 Bladen St. RFD 2, Box 15 B 2111 Washington 5t. 9 J. J. Parker 21!} 5. 9th St. RFD 2, Box 388 217 Forest Rd. 708 Essex Dr. 701~ Queen St. 412 Market 5t. 512 Colonial Dr. 110 Keaton Ave. RFD 2, Box 100 1217 Azalea Dr. 107 Penn St. RFD 2, Box 226 RFD 1 Box 'j~ G Cast~e Hayne, N.C. 1820 Market St. 106 N. 5th St. 1002 5. 7th St. RFD i Box 98=,j P. o. BoX 4i4 H. RFD 2, B 222 I 11}03 Orange St. P.O.Box 675' 201} Adelaide Dr. i~05 Sunset Ave. RFD 1, Box 321 RFD 3, Box 153 100 S. 42st St. 2116 Kiein Rd, P.o. Box 818 308 Castle St. 2112 Market St. 4025 Edgewood Rd. 1618 Robert E. Lee Dr \II ' ~ ~ ~•~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING. . July 2, 1965 ~:j0 P. M. ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at 7:30 P. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Vice Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and J. M. Hali, Jr. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. The Vice Chairman presided over the discussions. IA. d E. DEPARTMENT - • Mr. D. D. Baggett, the County Cooperative Extension Chairman, accompanied by Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall, Negro Home Economics Agent, along with Messrs. J. D. McCarley, Morris T. Emmart and J. T. Lee of the Agricultural Advisory Council reported that they were well pleased with their qvarters provided by the Board and felt that their work was being done in a much more efficient manner than in the past. They,along with the Com-~ ~missioners, reviewed their Budget Estimates, item by item. The only category which was changed was the elimination of Capital Outlay for Air Conditioning during the current f3.sca1 year with a tentative promise that it would be given further consideration next year. Mr. McCarley, speaking for the Covnty Agr;cultural Extension Advisory Council urged the Board to consider adding an Assitant Home Economids Agent, with the §pecial responsibility of helpino Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall. The Board assured the committee that their Budget requests would receive every consideration. ~~~IMENTAL HEALTH CENTER - Mr, Robert N. Kallman, accompanied by his Co-Chairman, Mrs. W. E. Sisson of ~~the Mental Health Advisory Council, and staff inembers, Dr. R. H. Fisscher, Dr. David a 'Knight, and Mr. Fred Thompson, presented the Budget Estimate for the Mental Health Center. Dr. Knight stressed the fact that a very important aspect of the professional is the training of peopie to recognize the symptoms of inental disDurhance so that some early action can be taken before the case becomes a problem. The Center.has developed into an area center with Columbus County coming into the picture and Brunswick and Pender Counties ;figuring on coming in later. In the master plan, there will be 25 area centers in the "State with !} covnties to the center. The present facilities are rapidiy being talted to capacity and they are looking forward to building an Area Center in the new Hospital com- pound. It was suggested that it might be possible to combi~e a Health.Department and Mental Health Center into one building. The Budget Estimates were reViewed, item by item, and the Chairman of the Advisory Council explained the reasons for the suggested salary range scales. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners observed that no action is being taken on salaries at present hut that their recommendations would receive proper consideration when this sub,~ect was covered. !ADJOURNMENT The Chairman declared the Board ad~}ourned to meet again for Budget delibera- 'tions at 7:30 P. M. July 6th and instructed the Executive 5ecretary to arrange a schedule !'of hearings for that time. , /~' ~ i ` _ ' W. G, o , Exec tive Se retary Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1965 ,ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at 4:00 jP. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Chairman Jos. W. iHoo er, Jr., M. H. Uaughan, Vice Chairman, and Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden,Peter ,H. ~raak, and J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor dT. D. Love. ' INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. A. Seawell, `'Pastor of the Grace Methodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. NAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Executive Secretary requested permission to change the wording in the last Isentence under the paragraph idenLified as "INDEPENDENT AUDIT" to read, "After briefly discussing the matter, upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, a 5 minutes Irecess was unanimously approved," Copies of the minutes of the meetings on June 23rd and June 28th had been sent to each of the Commissioners and as none of them had any cor- 'rections or Smendments to make, the Chairman announced they vere unanimously approved. SUBDIVISION ORDIAIANCE Mr. Vaughan recalled that the Board had avthorized the Chairman to determine a hearing date for the proposed Subdivision Ordinance recommended by the County Planning and Zoning Board that it should be subsequent to August 1, 1965. The Chairman directed the Executive Secretary and the County Attorney to draw up the proper public notice for the Hearing and set the date on August 16, 19b5. iSALARY - ASSISTANT SOLICTOR District Solicitor J. C. Bowman came before the Board and stated that Mr. ~ Allen Cobb, the Assistant Solicitor, was doing an outstanding ~job in the Court'and par- ticularly with reference to the Reciprocal Non-5upport matters which he handled for the Couttty. On many occasions, it is necessary for him to conduct Court hearings along when there is a conflict in Superior Court terms with other counties in this ~udicial district. He stronoly recommended that the Board consider an increment to the salary now being paid continued