1965-07-06 Regular Meeting~ ~•~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING. . July 2, 1965 ~:j0 P. M. ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at 7:30 P. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Vice Chairman M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and J. M. Hali, Jr. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. The Vice Chairman presided over the discussions. IA. d E. DEPARTMENT - • Mr. D. D. Baggett, the County Cooperative Extension Chairman, accompanied by Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall, Negro Home Economics Agent, along with Messrs. J. D. McCarley, Morris T. Emmart and J. T. Lee of the Agricultural Advisory Council reported that they were well pleased with their qvarters provided by the Board and felt that their work was being done in a much more efficient manner than in the past. They,along with the Com-~ ~missioners, reviewed their Budget Estimates, item by item. The only category which was changed was the elimination of Capital Outlay for Air Conditioning during the current f3.sca1 year with a tentative promise that it would be given further consideration next year. Mr. McCarley, speaking for the Covnty Agr;cultural Extension Advisory Council urged the Board to consider adding an Assitant Home Economids Agent, with the §pecial responsibility of helpino Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall. The Board assured the committee that their Budget requests would receive every consideration. ~~~IMENTAL HEALTH CENTER - Mr, Robert N. Kallman, accompanied by his Co-Chairman, Mrs. W. E. Sisson of ~~the Mental Health Advisory Council, and staff inembers, Dr. R. H. Fisscher, Dr. David a 'Knight, and Mr. Fred Thompson, presented the Budget Estimate for the Mental Health Center. Dr. Knight stressed the fact that a very important aspect of the professional is the training of peopie to recognize the symptoms of inental disDurhance so that some early action can be taken before the case becomes a problem. The Center.has developed into an area center with Columbus County coming into the picture and Brunswick and Pender Counties ;figuring on coming in later. In the master plan, there will be 25 area centers in the "State with !} covnties to the center. The present facilities are rapidiy being talted to capacity and they are looking forward to building an Area Center in the new Hospital com- pound. It was suggested that it might be possible to combi~e a Health.Department and Mental Health Center into one building. The Budget Estimates were reViewed, item by item, and the Chairman of the Advisory Council explained the reasons for the suggested salary range scales. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners observed that no action is being taken on salaries at present hut that their recommendations would receive proper consideration when this sub,~ect was covered. !ADJOURNMENT The Chairman declared the Board ad~}ourned to meet again for Budget delibera- 'tions at 7:30 P. M. July 6th and instructed the Executive 5ecretary to arrange a schedule !'of hearings for that time. , /~' ~ i ` _ ' W. G, o , Exec tive Se retary Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1965 ,ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at 4:00 jP. M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Chairman Jos. W. iHoo er, Jr., M. H. Uaughan, Vice Chairman, and Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden,Peter ,H. ~raak, and J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor dT. D. Love. ' INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. A. Seawell, `'Pastor of the Grace Methodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. NAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Executive Secretary requested permission to change the wording in the last Isentence under the paragraph idenLified as "INDEPENDENT AUDIT" to read, "After briefly discussing the matter, upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, a 5 minutes Irecess was unanimously approved," Copies of the minutes of the meetings on June 23rd and June 28th had been sent to each of the Commissioners and as none of them had any cor- 'rections or Smendments to make, the Chairman announced they vere unanimously approved. SUBDIVISION ORDIAIANCE Mr. Vaughan recalled that the Board had avthorized the Chairman to determine a hearing date for the proposed Subdivision Ordinance recommended by the County Planning and Zoning Board that it should be subsequent to August 1, 1965. The Chairman directed the Executive Secretary and the County Attorney to draw up the proper public notice for the Hearing and set the date on August 16, 19b5. iSALARY - ASSISTANT SOLICTOR District Solicitor J. C. Bowman came before the Board and stated that Mr. ~ Allen Cobb, the Assistant Solicitor, was doing an outstanding ~job in the Court'and par- ticularly with reference to the Reciprocal Non-5upport matters which he handled for the Couttty. On many occasions, it is necessary for him to conduct Court hearings along when there is a conflict in Superior Court terms with other counties in this ~udicial district. He stronoly recommended that the Board consider an increment to the salary now being paid continued a~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1965 Continued _ SALARY - ASSISTANT SOLICITOR ~continued) Mr. Cobb up to $6,500. He pointed out in the cases he can handle as private practice such Chairman assured him that every consideration wouid that Mr. Cobb is legally restricted as auto claims and divorces. The A be given to his recommendation. SICK LEAVE POLICY - The Chairman informed the Board that an employee of one of the departments left her ,~ob on N~rch 7th because of illness and that the DeparLment Head felt that he had to replace her with temporary help to get the, job done. He carried her on the pay- V roll until May lsth but because of the limitation on the Salary appropriation, he was forced to cut off her pay on that date. He recommends that the Board establish a sick leave policy. The Executive Secretary exp2ained that the Merit System allowed one day i per month, or l2 days per year with no limit on the accvmulation. Mr. Vaughan suggestedi that the Executive Secretary write Lo the State Association of County Commissioners, the Instit-ute of Government, and twelve counties comparable in population to New Hanover and get their policy with reference to this subSect. The Chairman directed that he do this. MENQ'AL RETARDATION PLANNING COUNCIL - The Chairman reminded the Board that in April, a letter from the State Council on Mental Retardation,was sent to the New Hanover County Advisory Board on Menta~I Health for consideration and a recommendation. He reported a recommendation for the Formation of a Mental Retardation Planning Council composed of representatives of groups~l including tax supporting agencies, private interests and schools and suggested the fol- I lowing names: Miss Annie Lou Davis, Department of Public Health p Miss Elsie Peterson, Department of Public Welfare ~~ Mrs. J. E. Bowden, Association for Retarded Children ' n Mr. Rodney Yates, Special Education Division, Pnblic Schoois Mrs. 'diilliam Dobo, PTA County Council Dr. Rowena Hall, Medical Society Mr. J. B. Stokley, Comm~nity Council ~ u Mrs, W. E. Sisson, Advisory Board on Mental Health Mrs. Nicholas Giovinetti, (Miss Begor), Uocational Rehabilitation After discussing the matter fully, Mr. Braak moved that the Board approve the formation of a Mental Retardat3on Planning Council to be composed of the names recommended above an~i that in the future, the successors of any of the members be automatically ex-officio ~ members.. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. DREDGING - EVERETT~S CREEK A Pub13c Notice was received from the Corps of Engineers announcing a pro- posal to dredge an entrance from the Inter-Coastal Waterway into Everett~s Creek on Myrtle Grove Sound near navigation marker # 1!}6. It is to be 60' wide and 4' deep, with approximately 37,000 cubic yards of material to be deposited on property owned by the applicant, Marion Piner. After a brief consideration, the Board unanimously, by common consent, agreed that they had no ob,jection to this proposal. BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the folloming application for a Beer Permit and referred it to the Sheriff for his con- sideration and investigation: Charles Richard Farrar T/A Farrar~s Restaurant 821 S. 8th St. TRUSTEE APPOINTMEAiT - MUSEUM The Chairman announced that Mrs. Harmon C. Rorison who was appointed to the . Board of Trustees of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum, has decided that she will be unable to serve in this capacity. After a brief consideration of the names recommended, the Chairman then appointed Mrs. E. M. McEachern, to serve in this capacity. The Execu- tive Secretary was instructed to notify her of this appointment. ROAD PAVING A petition was received from a group of citizens living on Secondary Road ~`1518 requesting that it be improved by paving approximately..0l~ miles. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, it was ordered sent to the State Highway Commission f It id ratio TSVILLE BEACH reported that he had discussed the request of the Soard of Aldermen ow County employees to make up their tax scrolls and compute their d to them that they redesign their scroll to permit the use of the addressograph which would reduce the time necessary for making up their tax records. The Mayor has promised to take the matter up with his Board and let us know their decision. or s cons e n. TAX CQMPUTING - WRIGH Dr. Hooper (y~, of Wrightsvil3eKto all ~~! levy. He has suggeste RECORDER~S COURT INVESTIGATION - Mr. Vaughan observed that on occasion he had questioned the District Solicitor about the status of the irregularity which was discovered last spring in the Clerk of Recorder~s Court records. Each time he has been told that the State 6ureau of Investi- gation is still in the process of completing their facts and that as soon as they are assembled, he will take:.whatever action deemed expedient. Mc. Vaughan is of the opinion that the l.onger the investigation drags on, it will be harder to resolve and offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write the State Bureau of Investi- gation and ask them to put sufficient men on the ~job to complete the investigation as_ promptly as possible. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimousiy carried. Z Q>~~~,~ Minukes of the Meetinq July~~65 Continued _ ,_ _ - _ --_ - -- ~~BRIDGE CROSSING - CAPE FEAR RIVER Mr. Vaughan remarked that for some time, he has thought that the new bridge Iproposed for crossing the Cape Fear River should be made a toll bridge in order to ex- pedite its construction. He su.ggested that the problem should be discussed with the Inewly appointed Highway Commissioner, Mr. Ashley M. Murphy. Dr. Hooper reported that he had invited Mr. Murphy.to meet with the Board at any time convenient to him and felt that the time to discuss the matter would be when the visit was made. ~ AIRPORT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ' Mr. Bowden reminded the Board that he had reported a change order for improv- ing the electrical system at the Airport in order to accomodate the new air condition Iinstallation., The change order amounted to $778.11 and recommended that the Board pay the bill which he presented. After discussing the matter, Mr. Hali moved that the bill ~be approved for payment and that $778.11 be transferred out of the Buiiding and Mainten- lance Fund to cover the cost. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. I SUPERIOR COURT REPORTER - • Mr. Dwight McEwen reportecl that he had already had two extra Covrt terms this year and has two more scheduled. The official pay for a week~s court term is $113.00 and he requests that pay for two weeks be included in the Budget beglnning July 1, 1965 making a total of $226.00. He called attention to a new provision of the law which allows indigents to appeal their cases and it is required for him to write up the court orders and thinks that payment for these services should be given consideration. The ~ Chairman thanked him for calling the Board~s attention to these important matters and assured him that they would be given proper consideration. APPOINTMENT - INDEPENDENT AUDITOR The Chairman called the Board~s attention to the fact that they had not as yet appointed an Indepent Auditor for the County and suggested that this question should be resolved. Mr. Hall pointed out that soon a case would come np in court at which Mr. Barfie2d would be requtred to testify as an expert witness and, in his opinion, it would ,jeopartlize his standing as an expert witness if the Board repudiated him as Auditor, ~ therefore, he thinks Mr. Barfield should be reappointed. ~Mr. Vau.ghan observed that some years ago the prevfous auditors had become lax and slow in getting out their audit report on time and that is the reason Mr. Barfield was appointed Independent Auditor and he has become progressively late in submitting his reports. Another consideration should be ~ that a new viewpoint might uncover something which the old auditors overlooked. In his viewpoint, it should not require more than three months to complete the audit. Dr. Hooper ' is of the opinion that a time .limit should be included in the contract. Mr: Hall stated ~I that in the past ihe Board had never seen fit to include a time limit in their contract but sees no particular ob,jection to it. After a thorough discussion, during which th'ere seemed to be no common meeting of the minds, the•Chairman requested Lhe Executive Secre- ' tary to poll the Bo~rd as to their feelings about the matter. Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall all voiced their preference for W. C. Barfieid, C.P.A., Mr. Vaughan preferred C.S. Lowrimore & Company, Dr. Hooper - Cherry, Bekaert d Holland. The Chairman then declared that the contract be awarded to the W. C. Barfield firm. He instructed the Executive I Secretary to notify them to begin work as soon as the contract can be completed. Mr. Bowden suggested that a time limit should be included. • Mr. Vaughan offered a motion•that the Independent Auditor be required to complete his audit with 90 days. There was~no second to this motion. ~ SALARIES - ~ ; A discussion,arose with reference to salaries: •Mr. Vaughan moved that the 'I Executive Secretary be instructed to secure more details on salaries being paid localiy ~ by industrial and commercial firms. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman declared it dead. NACO MEETING - The Chairman recalled that Nir. Braak had requested to know if the Board would ~ agree to pay his expenses to attend the annual Convention of NACO being held in San Diego, ! California. He announced that the Board would not go along with that expense. ---~-- I ELECTIONS - ' ~ Mr. O.~K: Pridgen II, Chairman of the Me~ Hanover Board of Elections, appeared before the Board and explained his poSit;ton with reference to his plans. He is of the opinion that money can be saved by instaliing a looseleaf permanent regisgration'syttem which will permit a realignment of precincts and reduce the number by approximately ten. He estimated the looseleaf system would cost $12,500 and suggested that the Board permit the ren.tai of at least ten voting machines which can be leased for $150.00 per year in order to determine the public acceptance. He is of the opinion that a good time'to do this would be during the State Bond Election in the fall. ~ The first step in'modernizing the election system for New Hanover County, however, is to put in the looseleaf registra- tion system. Mr. Hall explained that the Board feels that it should set fixed fees which should be arrived at by an agreement between the two Boards and; in his own opinion, should be in the neighborhood of not more than $2,500.00 for personal services and $1,000 for clerical help. Mr. Vaughan is of the opinion that even th se figu s might very well be reduced.~` ` • /~~j ~~.[!~G ~~~ w~ nr ~ - ~~`-~ ~- . ~-~,..- '~.'Jur~~o~e we~ ~innina Auqust 9, 1965 - Criminal term ~ Adams, Callie Gordon 306 Northern Blvd. Burton, George W. I~FD 1•,Box 194,Castle Hayne Allen, Mrs. Catherine Anilerson 21}21 .Pri~~e~s,~ Burnett, Oscar 76~rlghLsvin~eac~i~ Amerson, Clyde Jr. Andrews, Mrs. J. W. Andrews, W. H. Ashcraft, Maie D. Austin, Mrs. Claude Avery, Thomas L. Babson, 1Jalt.er R. Baldwin, Ethna C. Barnhill, Mrs. R. L Batson, W. H. 4915 Maple st. 208 Mercer Ave. 2805 Market St. 208 N. 19th St. 209 Brightwood PtiJr i gh~sv.3Beach RFD-3, B 378 Castle Hayne 2722 Washfngton St. B~~ar~ilina Beach,N.C Byrd, J. C. Capps, John W. Jr. Casteen, M. C. Cebral, Louis Cherry, Delmus R. Chiemiego, A.A. Childers, Hugh E. Christian, D. L. Clardy, W. W. Clemmons, Crdrfield 1} C Lake Village 208 Dixie Ave. RFD Box 129 A 4608 Market St. 2726 Jefferson St. 107 Fioral Pkwy. 213 Forest Rd. 106 Northern Blvd. 2709 'Washii~gtion St. 152 Arlington Dr. I r~~;~. Minutes of the Meetinq Jurors - (continued) (60 Jurors drawn) Julv 6. 1965 Continued Ben,jamin, Spencer 1107 S. bth St. Coker, Mamie C. 541 Castle Hayne Rd. q Bergen, T. A. RFD 1 B 21~3 Coley, A.C. , RFD 1, Ca~t1~ Haytte Blake, B.A. Castle riayne 116 N. 42nd St. Cole y' William V. 16 4 . Arlin ~on Dr. 9 Connell , Calvin S. RFD 3, Box !}00 I Blanton, Horace W. RFD 1, Holland Dr. Cooper, S. E. 115 Wintergreen Rd. Block, Franklin C stle Hayne 21~ Borden Ave. Cooper, Walter E. 2616 Wrightsv. Ave. Bloodgood, Blanche B. 2517 Adams Corbett , Randolph 816 S. llth St. Boles, Elizabeth P. O. Box 322 Corbett , W. F. RFD 1 , Bordeaux, Mrs. Nova Ca i1e H y N.C. ~ Cook, C harles Kenneth 116 Glendale Dr. FD 1~~~ Cottie, Elsie Gertrude 906 S. Kerr Ave, Browning, Virginia L. 2715 Parmele Cottle, Lorenzo Bryant 4 R Lake Vil. Bryan, Mrs. Settie C. RFD 1 Box 251 Croom, Harry Thomas RFD 1 Oakley Cir. Bryant, Evelyn P. 50$~ Wood St. , Castle Hayne, N. C. Bordeaux, Harry Orbin RFD 1 Box 249 C t~ x Croom, Pearlie 804 Kerr Av.' Bullard, R. L. as e ayne 2201 Barnett Av. Daniels, Herbert B. 711 5. 2nd St. Davis, William J. Box 227, Castle Hayne Davis, Cruy G. 1302 Greenfield St. Dorman, Mrs. Bruce H. RFD 3,Box 163 Davis, Larry D. 2719 Adams St. Duncan, Hazei C. RFD 3, B 518 ~ Davis, Robert J. 3721 Market St. Dunlap, Charles W. 1516 Ann St. Davis, Ruth R: qlt} Rankin St. Easley, Willa V. ~ Jerry McGee 520 Wrii'ht . It . Jurors for the week beqinttinq Auqust 16, 1965 - Criminal Edens, Carroll S. 2214 Princess P1 Harrison, Claude R. Box 33 Kure Beach Edwards, Edmund R. RFD 2, Box 1a28 Heaton,.Mrs. P.H. Jr. 4707 Wrightsv. Ave. Edwards, Luther J. 5307 Greenleaf Dr. Hewett, Stedman RFD 2, B 3~0 Farrow, Joe Jr. 807 S. 12th St. Hicks, Sam 426 N. 6th St. Flowers, Naomi peed 213 Lake Forest Pkwy. Hilburn, L. J. 4115 Wilshire Blvd. Foreman, John W. 506 S. 18th St. Horne, Lina W. 2!}19 N. Monroe St. Fountain, J. hl. 11~ S. 52nd St. Houston, R. P. 217 N. 5th St. Freeman, Alfonza RFD 2, B 248 Howard, James E. 1412 Church St. Fuiler, John B. 615 N. Kerr Ave. Howell, Walter J. 2519 Burnett Blvd. Galioway, Mrs. Julia 720 Market St. Hundley, Robert M. P. O. Box 3181 Galphin, Robert James 1~801 Wrightsv. Ave. Azalea Station Garland, Billy E. 207 Bonham Ave. Jackson, Cary C. RFD 1, Box 107 Gay, Albert Carl Jr. 4010 Edgewood Rd. " James, Solon ~ W. W. Miller Cray, Thomas,E. Jr. 3623 Stratford Blvd. ~a~~ ht lb n Gay, W. D. 222 Oak Crest Dr ~ames, Thomas Jr. % a We or Gaylor, Leroy . RFD 3, Box 173 Johnson, George R. 110l~ S. 7th St. 521 ~unset Ave. Gisonna, Ludwig Anthony 805 Blue Bird Lane Johnson, Mrs. Henry RFD 2, Box 36 Goldman, Betsy B. 4932 Oleander Dr. King, J. P. 2!}11 Princess St. Gore, J. A. 20(} Arlington Dr. King, ',4J. W. 1009 P+~rket St. Gould, A. Mae RFD 3, Box 431 Klimek, Francis B. 509 park Terrace Graham, Bobbie 115 S. 52nd St. Kotowicz, Mrs. John 709 5. S. 2nd St. Green, Louis 1o16 S. 7th St. Lancaster., Mrs. L. 90. P. O. Box 268 Aall, Mrs. 1712 Orange 5t. Lee, Henry 212 Greenfield St, Hardison, Isaac Wrightsv.Ave. No. 510 Lee, G. W. 3138 Carolina Beach Rd Harmon, Charles T. 1380 Copley Rd. Lee, Leon E. 317 Davie Dr. Lewis, Aubrey E. b08 Castle St. Jv.rors - August 23,1965 - Civil term Lewis, Mrs. R. E. 1!}O1 Chestnut St. Ludlum, Dora Mae Hughes 2905 Lbuisiana Ave. Lueck, Julia P. 312 Rose Ave. Lynch, Edward T. 2227 Mimosa P1. MacCallum, Donald 243 Huntington Rd. Mallette, Herbert 1418 Church St. Marsh, Mrs. Herbert W. 112 S. 15th St. Mattocks, James RFD 1, Box 323 May, Harold 3834 Sylvan Dr. Mayhan, E. R. 1910 Castle St. McCrimman, McIver G. 1105 Ann St. McFarland, Robert 4937 Market St. Rd. McGowan, Maude RFD 2, Box 35 McNeil, J. H. 716 Wright St. Meadows, Mrs. Robert E. 1511 S. 3rd St. Meares, Marion G. 14 K. Nesbitt Cts. Miles, John 108 Corbett St. Miller, Henry P. O. Box 51}08 Milliken, Thomas J. 3605~ Carolina Be~c~h Mitchell, John RFD 2, Box 231 Mixon, J. J. RFD 3, Box 262 Morgan, Douglas Jennings 23 Ivey Circle Moore, Arthur E. Oakley Circle Castle Hayne,N.C. Moore, Stephen W. RF~1 ~Yx ~2l~ N C as e ayne, . . Morse, C. R, 1932 Church St. Morrison., Winifred B. P. O. Box 363 Mott, William Lee 1211 South l}th St. Murray, Alma RFD 1, Box 93 Murray, Elmer Bradford 21} Beauregard Dr. Nelson, L. D. 2718 Monroe St. Newkirk, George 311} McCrae St. North, D. C. Jr. P.O. Box 1178 Overcash, Jason C. Carolina Beach, N.C. Page, Mrs. Alvin J. 4214 Edgewood Road Paul, H. K. 213 N. 23rd St. Paxton, Thomas RFD 1, Box 66 Perritt, Mrs. John O. Jr. 132~ Hawthorne Rd Pershie, James 807 New Bern St. Pierce, Henry RFD 1, Box 184 Castle Hayne Piver, Juanita H. P. O. Box 293 Rice, Evelyn H. 1201} S. 9th St. Price, Wright RFD i Prichard, George Samuel 313 N. 5th St. Reddon, Joe Jr. 208 Wooster St. Reynolds, Marcus T. 2233 Acacia Dr. Rimmer, J. S. Gen. Deliv. Carolina Beach N.C. Rivenbark, J. J. Sr. 305 Willard St. Rowan, A. Haywood 2713 Jackson St. Sanderlin, James V. 4209~ Wrightsv. Ave. Continued - , .~ .,.,.;. ., ` ' .. _. ` -=-- ,~ r°,,'°,,r~ eJ~ ~~ ~~ _ M;~~a e_nF.-#_.b.o._(Waal~an-_~,i~~ _~ =~~~r-r`-~r~~=1~~8~ _ . ° - _I__ _ s-- - - Jurors for the 1Veek beqinninq Auqust 30, 1965 - Civil Sanderson, Charles R. Sasser, F. R. Savage, Earl W. Sealey, Mrs. Elmer J. Shepard, Betty Carolyn Sidbury, David Singleton, Richard S. Sloan, Alex Small, Priscilla S. Smith, James E. Snukals, Fannie Sondey, John T. , Southerland, Charles L. Stein, Esther Stevenson, Johnny A. , Stokley, Jerry idayne Swart, Kirk Taylor, John Tillery, Wade H. Todd, Mrs. Jeannie Truesdale, Lillie Turner, James Leon Van Ulack, SLanley Vereen, Willie E. Vogels, John W. P.o. aox 526 Wrightsv, Beach,N.C. 3921 Carolina Beach Rd. 1902 Carolina Ave. P. o. soX bo5 306 N. 21st St. RFD 1 Box 186 114 St. James Ave. 726 Wood 5t. RFD 3, Box 162 124 Dare st. 641 N. 4th St. Castle Hayne, N.C. 124 Arlington Dr. 6 Keaton Ave. 4028 Cherry Ave. RFD #2 B l}79 2811 Wayne Dr. RFD 1 Box 356 1215 Country Club Blvd. 617 S. Sth St. RFD 1 Box 82 304 McMillan Ave. 1201 S. Herr Ave. 112o s. 8tn St. RFD 2, Box l~1~0 Wallace, Charlie M. ~RFD 1, Box 257 B. Walker, Curtis J. 307 Dawson St. Waller, William C. 308~ S. 2nd St. Walton, Elijah 312 S. 4th St. Watts, Elbert 228 Dixie Ave. Weeks, Jesse M. 2002 Metts Ave. Welker, Clarence E. Box 276 W l d M S Wri ghtsv. geach RFD 62 i lar , . . 2, Box Williams, Dixie 605 Swann St. Williams, James RFD 1, Box 127 Ydilliams, Mrs. Mary Murray 2516 Adams St. Williams, I~ry Sutton 810 S. sth St. Williamson, John R. 515 N. ilth St. Wood, Alton Ellis 2210 Princess P1 Dr. Wood, W. L. Jr. RFD 1 Box 310 B Woodle, Emily 2935 C Adams St. Woods, Mrs. Neil M. 507 E. Shipyard Blvd. Woods, Mrs. Ben RFD 2, Box 356 A. Woolard, Winifred 132 West Shipyard Blvd. Wroton, W. W. 2510 Harrison St. Waters, L. H. Jr. 2305 Princess St. Rd. Wright, S. D, P.O. Box 102 ro ch C a Yovngblood, Richard Q Box F, p. 1266 Yopp, Esther Naomi P. O. Box 357 Zurcher, Leman 2219 Dexter St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. alaughan, the Board unani a~djourn the meeting. ^ I /A/ ! J cutive BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 6, 1965 7:3o P. M. ly voted to retar~ RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the ad,journment at 6:30 P. M., the entire Board reassembled at 7:30 P. M. and met with the Public Welfare Board and Director. Mr. F. P. Fensel, Chair- man of the Board acted as spokesman of their Board, ass3sted by Miss Lela Moore Hall and Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot. WELFARE DISCUSSION - ~ Mr. Fensel explained that tY~e Welfare Budget Estimates do not include $2.00 per day anticipated Hospital reimbursable costs. The total overall increase for Welfare programs amounts to 13,8~1.00 hospital days at 25d per day which wouid be about $3500.00. A general discussion of the indivual Sndget items was covered and any questions were answered. A discussion arose with reference to mailing Welfare grants direct to the re- cipients. Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Bcaard empower and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to confer with Miss Hall about the program of sending the checks direct to recipients. Miss Hall suggested that the State Association of County Commis- sioners should get behind it and see that the $2.00 reimbursable cost be sent to the County to reduce the County cost. The question of payment for the use of automobiles by the Case Workers was dis- cussed. After thoroughly exploring the situation, Dr.. Hooper offered a motion that auto allowances for Case Workers be set at 7¢' per mile and that a total of $3,500.00 be appro- priated for that purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. When the ballot was taken, Messrs. Bowden, Hooper, and Vaughan voted for the motion and Messrs. Hall and Braak voted against the motion. The Chairman declared the motion carried by a ma~ority vote. The item of postage brought a motion from Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak 'I that $3,500.00 be inciuded for postage and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Hooper,and i Vaughan voted against the motion and Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried. I Salaries - Mr. Fensel informed the Board that in working up their salaries I on professional workers, they had put them on Lhe minimnm classification step^of the standard pay plan and that all clericai workers were submitted according to the minimum , pay plan before it was changed. BUDGET DISCUSSIONS CONTINUED July 7, 1965 7:00 P.M. ' COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Mr. Edward B. 9nlard, Chairman of the Finance Committee, and E. M. Butler, Admin- istrator of Cominunity Hospital, prefaced the presentation of their Budget Estimates with the remarks that nothing is included for Equipment in the Capital Outlay Fund, realizing that Community Hospital is gradually phasing out of the picture but want it understood that if an emergency arises such as a ma~jor breakdown, they want permission to come back for funds to cover it. He stressed the fact that the Board of Directors have always continued- II I