1965-07-26 Special Meeting~~~~~~ ASSEMBLY - SPECIAL MEETING July 26, 1965 . 4:00 P. M. In accordance with the official announcement made by the Chairman on Thursday,l July 15, the regular semimonthly meeting scheduled for July 19th was postponed untfl Monday, July 26th in order to give the Auditor time to re-figure and recapitulate the Budget Estimates which had been changed from his original recommendations. Those present~~ for the meeting were: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners M. H. Vavghan, Peter' H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney.L. Bradford Tillery and Covnty Auditor T. D. Love. Commissioner Laurence 0. Bowden was unable to attend the meeting as he was fulfilling a military assignment with the Army Reserves. INVOCATION - The invocation was given by Reverend Paul Stevens, Pastor of the Middle Soundll Advent Christian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on.July bth and the Budget Discussion Meetings, some of which contained information that should be permanently re- corded, were ratified and approved as written, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously. Copies of all these minutes had been sent to each.member of the Board. ZOtJING REQUEST - The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Kenyth A. Damke, a property owner in Bridgewater Bluffs, protesting the location of a sawmill directly across the A.C.L. Railroad from his home. Mr. Robert E. Calder, president of the Pioneer Development Co., also strongly opposed the establishment of a sawmill in this residential subdivisioni and called the Board~s attention to a change in the General Statutes which gives counties. authority to 2one areas to protect residential sections. Mr. .1, H. Hobbs, president of the United Development Company also protested the location of a sawmill as h3s company made plans to develop the land as a residential area with restrictive covenants and betteh than average homes. Judge J. }I. Ferguson also protested the placing of offensive or commercial activities,such as sawmills,in an area of private residences. He also pointeld out that barging logs and lumber up and down the river in this area would endanger the recreational activities of the many people who use it. They presented a petition signed by the property owners and residents of that area setting out that in their opinion the ' noise, dust, dirt, possible smoke, ashes and burning cinders wouid be a nuisance infring- ing on their rights and result in lowering their property values. County Attorney Tillerl~r suggested that the Board appoint an advisory committee to confer with, and make suggest- ' ions to the County Planning and Zoning Board with reference to an Ordinance covering this sort of problem. The Chairman then appointed Commissioner P. H. Braak, Chairman, ~ with Mr. T. R. Kalnen, Sheriff M. W. Millis and Mr. Kenyth A. Damke as a Committee to study this matter and make recommendations. PE\~ALTY WAIVER Attorney C. D. Hogue, Jr. informed the Board that he represents the Carolina Salt Company, a New York Corporation which established a warehouse in New Hanover County last year, They were not familiar with the tax listing laws of North Caroiina requiring the listing of personal property taxes and, therefore, failed to list their inventories and equipment in January. He requests that the 10% penalty required by law be waived because of the circumstances. The County Attorney referred the Board to G.S. 105-331 (d) which gives them power to compromise taxes at their discretion. Mr. Hall then moved that the penalty be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimovsly approved. BUDGET APPROPRIATION AND TAX LEVY Mr. T. ~j. Love, the County Auditor, reported that the Budget figures agreed on by the Board during the Budget Discussion Sessions, came up with a,tax rate of $1.62 per hundred based on a valuation of $175,000,000. The total amuunts to $12,128,516.83. Mr. Braak then offered the following Resolution~: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the fiscal year beginning July 1,1965 and ending June 30, 1966, the fo22owing appropriations are made to the various funds which we deem sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Hanover County Government. General Fund Agriculture-8 Economic Fund Aid to Blind Fund Aid to Dependent Children Aid to Permanently & Totally Disabled Old Age Assistance Health Fund Mental Health Fund Revaluation Fund Hospitalization Fund Welfare Fund Cape Fear Technical Institute Cape Fear Technical Institute Bldg. Debt Service Fund School Books School Building School Bond Building Schooi Capital Outlay School Driver Education School Lunchroom School Pension School Regular School Supplement School Capital Reserve Memorial Hospital Wilmington Colleoe Budqet 1965-1966 1965 Levv ~ 917,979.21 .1512 23,839.20 .0079 18,937.68 .0100 837,910.00 .0381 484,582.50 .0258 ' i 8 I 6 5 ,096.85 .063 71,l~82.00 .0064 io9,415•00 .oioo ~ 6it~,bo4.oo .0754 ' 339,839.33 .0784 23,898.00 .0087 385,5~0.00 929,7~8.75 .4697 16,000.00 .a063 ~ 7,500.00 , 35,000.00 13a,844.00 .0606 1}0 , 000 . 00 I 75,000.00 82,863.53 .0386 ~ 916,320.78 .3100 ', 569,000.00 20p0 . - 50,000.00 0286 , 4,700.000.00 $ 12,128,516.tt3 $1.62 I ~ eJ t~ t~~ -,- / S~ecial Meetino Ju1~26. 1965 Cont~~ued =__ -- BUDGET APPROPRIATION AND TAX LEVY - continued c .. . BE IT FURTHER-RESOLVED that a tax levy of $1.62 per .hundred be levied.against all taxable property in the County as of January 1, 1965ito support the activities of the County government-~s the'.ftsca•i.year'.1'965=66. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in amounYs appropriated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, The motion was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously approved. AIRPORT AIR CONDITIONER - County Auditor Love reported to the Board that he had received zn additional ~~invoice in connection with the air conditioning system at the Airport but that he had closed out the books for the past fiscal year. By common consent, the Board approved ',charging the invoice to the present fiscal year~s Capital Outlay Budget and ad~ust later if it was necessary. ICHANGE OF CONWIAND - The Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce informed the Board of „Commissioners that there is to be a change .of command ceremony at the Coast Guard Cutter IMendota~s Dock at 11:00 A. M. July 29th to which they are cordSally invited. The present ~Commander is being transferred to another assignment and a new Executive Officer is be- ing installed. There is to be a Dutch Luncheon at Fisher~s Restaurant at 12:00 Lo which all members of the Board are invited. ~ROADS - Petitions were received from.property owners and residents living on the follow- ing roads requesting that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System - I~Alandale Drive, Lochwood Drive, Lynbrook Drive and Glenlea Drive in Alandale Subdivision, Dunbar Road leading to Pages Creek from the Middle Sound Loop Road; Fork Drive off Oakley Road at CasLle Hayne, N. C.; Irwin Drive in Crestwood Subdivision, and White Road, which is Secondary Road #1328, for improvement by paving or hard surfacing: After a review of the petitions, Mr. Vaughan moved that they be approved for consideration by the SQ,aie Hi~h- ;way Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. GROUND WATER RESOURCES SURVEY - . Mr. George L. Bain, a local geologist making,the investigation of the ground Iwater resources in New Hanover County, gave a progress report covering his activities year 'to date. Mr. Bain pointed out the value of the data which he is coliecting on ali the wells 'which they are drilling, as well as other wells which they are using to collect information, 'to prospective industrial firms who might want to locate in this area. A periodic review ~will be given the Board as the work progresses and finally a Bulletin will be prepared cover- iing the results of the entire pro~ject. BEER PERMIT - The following application for a Beer.Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Dr. Hooper, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his in- vestigation and consideration: • Harry Morris Spiliotis T/A Atlanta Grill 8 Grocery q01 N. !}th St. JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY ~ The Executive Secretary reported that he had an offer to buy a~jointly owned tax foreclosed lot in Block 354, Pts. 2 and 3, fronting on North 8th St. It is 60' x 150~. The proposition was presented to the City Covncil at their meeting on July 15th and approved for sale provided the Commissioners concur. It has been appraised by the County Property Assessors for $1300.00. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the sale of this property at the appraised valuation. 'RECORDAK PURCHASE The Executive Secretary reminded the Board thak at their meeLing on June 28th, Ithey had opened bids for microfilming equipment to be used in the Register of Deeds Office and had indicated their intention to award the contract to the Recordak Corporation which ~ras the low bidder meeting the specifications as advertised. The County Attorney had ad- Ivised at that time they could not award the contract until sufficient funds were appro- ,priated. Since the current fiscal year~s Budget includes funds for this purpose and the pppropriation Resolution has been passed, Mr. Vaughan moved that the contract be awarded Lo ~Ithe Recordak Corporation in the amount of the low bid, $3490.00. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. IAIRPORT COMMISSION - '- Mr. Vaughan reminded the Chairman that the Board had empowered him to appoint a I7-man AirporL ~dvisory Commission. The Chairman assured the Board that he would make these lappointments at the next regular semimonthly meeting and requested the Executive Secretary to put it on the Agenda. PERSONNEL REGULATIONS - Mr. Vaughan suogested that in his opinion the County should adopt a system regu- lating the classification add pay plan for County employees including vacations, sick leave and holidays. The Executive Secretary reported that he had written to more than 12 counties ~~omparable in population to New Hanover County for their personnel regulation systems and had also written to the Institute of Government and to the State Office of County Commiss- ioners. Mr. J. A. McMahon, the General Counsel for the State Association, advised the best rules and regulations that he is aware of was prepared by Donald Hayman, Assistant Director of the Institute of Government. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write Mr. NlcMahon and ask for any additional information which he might have in addition to that contained in his recent Bulletin #1'7. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. II , 16F~ Special Meeting July 26, 196 _ Continued S.B.I. REPORT Mr. Vaughan called attention Lo the recent letter received froin the State Bureau of Investigation with reference to the completion of their investigation of the alleged irregularities in the Recorder~s Court. He is of the opinion that some legal action should be taken to clear this matter up once and for all. He referred to a lette~~ written by the Covnty Attorney on January 25th setting out that in his opinion the Board of County Commissioners is under no duty to initiate any proceedings regarding this matter and that any action taken in the matter lies within the power of the Judicial officers of the Court. No action was taken on this matter in view of a copy of the let- ter from the State Bureau of lnvestigation having been sent to Solicitor James C. Bowmanll but the Executive Secretary was instructed to place this matter on the Agenda for dis- cussion at the next regular meeting. FREE MATERIALS - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Mr. Vaughan requested that some consideration be given to the recent report II that the Insect and Rodent Control of the Health Department is giving away free rat poison materials. Dr. Hooper, as Chairman of the Board of Health, stated that he would I take this matter up with the Board of Health at their next meeting and report back to the Board. I WELFARE DEPARTMENT ABUSES - Mr. Vaughan reported that he had requested the Executive Secretary to check with the Director of Public Welfare to see if a report could be availahle at this meet- ing of those welfare recipients detected abusing the Welfare regulations. The Executive Secretary reported that he had been in touch with the Welfare Department but was informed~ that the Director was out of the office and no one else seemed to be able to supply the information. Mr. Vaughan requested that the matter be followed up to see if we could get a report by the next meet3ng date. COURT HOUSE ENTRANCE RENODELLING - , The Executive Secretary presented the following bids for the revamping of the 3rd Street entrance to the Court House: Atlantic Glass Co. One pair 5~ aluminum doors single acting. One pair 5~ aluminum doors double acting. All framing, sa.sh, and trim as shown on drawing. 1/4~ polish plate glass in front and vestibute. 1/4" polish wire in ceiling in vestibule. Porcelain panels as shown in vestibule. ~ $2,000.00 Standard Paint & Hardware Co. 2 Pair Kawneer Aluminum doors and frames, 1 pair single acting and 1 pair double acting. Doors complete with push and pull bars, pivots, maximvm security locks, flush bolts, thresholds, streamline closers for exterior doors and con- cealed closers for interior doors. Tubular aluminum framing for vestibule enclosure. Polished plate glass for doors and sidelights. Ftilished Wire glass for ceiling of vestibule. Mirawall porcelain enamel,panels to cover brick walls at sides of vestibule Furnished and installed for $1,694.00 After ascertainino from the County Attorney that informal bids could legally be<.accepted in the above amounts, Mr. Hail offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak, that the contract be awarded to the low bidder and that the work proceed. W~hen the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as abstainin~ from voting but as the other members of the Board voted affirmatively, the Chair- man declared the motion carried. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Report from Home Economics Office on Extension Activities for June, 1965• 2- Consolidated Tax Department Report for June, 1965• 3- Consolidated Tax Department Report. 4- Wilmington Public Library Report for June, 1965. 5- Interstate Road Proposals. i~ ~~ ADJOURNMENT - The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned as there was no further business to be brought before the Board. , :