1965-08-16 Regular Meeting~~:~ Minutes of the Meeting August 2, 1965 -;---~DJOURNMEIVT- - Upon I to ad3ourn their Continued motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded meeting as there was no further by Mr. Braak, the Board voted unanimously~ business to be brou' or them. ~ ~~ I . H , xecutive Secret~ry Wilmington, N. C. August 16, 1q65 HJJLI~ItiLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on the above date at l}:00 ~I P. M. in the Commissioners' Office with the following membersin attendance: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners N. H. Vaughan, Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and 3. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - 7 Reverend George G. Gay, Jr., Pastor of the Gregory Congregational Church and Chaplain for the day, was not present and the Chairman suaoested the Executive Secretary to offer the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on August 2nd, copies of which had been mailed to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved with a minor correction. HEARING - SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Pursuant to public advertisement in t'tie Wilmington Morning Star on July 28th, ry 1965, announcing the Public Hearing on a proposed Subdivision Ordinance for New Hanover County, the Chairman opened the floor for discussion. Members of the South Eastern Chapte~° of the State Society of Surveyors were represented by Mr. Hoiaard M. Loughlin, who stated that he had stumbled upon the information that a Hearing was to be held today on the Ordin~ ance. He realized the legal advertisement compfied with the law but suggested that copies of this proposal be furnished interested groups in the County before taking any action. Mr. Richard A. Shew; a local realtor, stated that they are not opposed to a Subdivision Ordinance, in fact, that they think there should be some controi over land development in ' New Hanover County but that he is not familiar with all of the provisions in this proposal and suggested that action on the matter be deferred'at this time and that copies of the proposal be furnished those interested in the orderly development of the County for study.,l He cited an example in Breezewood Subdivision where Ro'se Avenue Eztenslon can not be accepted by the ~tate Highway Commission as a Secondary Road for maintenance because of i improper drainage. He reported that some time ago, a petition ~~as circulated for cleanin~~ out the canal from low water mark at Bradley Creek up to the Rose Avenue crossino but at V that time his engineer advised that it was not necessary and, 4.herefore, he refused to I agree to the drainage. He is willing to reconsider the matter providing he is furnished with a topographical map but believes that some hand ditching might very well solve the problem. He also exhibited pictures of flooded scenes within the City limits and stated that the water backed up 8" into a house on Knollwood Road during the recent rains becausel of a dam across the stream below. He quoted a statement from a recent book written by Robert C. Weaver in which he stated it is time for the government to take back all the land. After some discussion of this subject, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that action be ' deferred until the next meeting and that the Executive Secretary have one hundred copies of the Ordinance made ior distribution to the various organizations and peopie interested ~ in the orderly land developmenL of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimous,y a~prove,d. ; DRAGLINE DRAINAGE EQUIPMENT - I Complying with instructions at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary had invited Mr. W. H. Cranford to meet with the Board for a discussion to clear up a misunder- standing with reference to the operation of draglines of the Health Department. Some mem- bers of the Board understood that iL was the intent of the Department of Health to con- tinue the operation of the present dragline in fresh water mosquito control drainage and purchase a new dragline and begin salt marsh mosquito control drainage. Others understood~ that they propose to operate only one dragline which wouid be suitable for both types of ~ mosquito control drainage. Mr. Cranford explained that, in his opinion, as well as the ; State Engineer's opinion, the maintenance cost on the old antiquated dragline now being used in fresh water drainage is excessive in addition to the time lost for repairs. After , explaining to the Board that his recommendations were to purchase a new dragline suitable for doing both fresh water and salt marsh drainage and discontinue the operation of the old dragline now being used; Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids after conferring with Mr. Cranford in drawing up specifi-~ cations to meet the needs of both kinds of drainage. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and wh.n the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO", but since all other,members of the Board voted "YES". the Chairman declared the motion carried. ROAD PETITION - A petition was received from a group of citizens living in the neighborhood of Hugh MacRae Park, requesting that an access road into Hugh MacRae Park be restored to I passable condition in order to accomodate the pupils from the Long Leaf Hills,are2 in getting to the Winter Park Elementary School and the Roland Grise Junior High School witho~,~t going over the heavily traveled roads which are used by automobiles and trucks. The dedi- cated right-of-way is about 250' of Ridgeway Arive from its intersection with Long Leaf Hills Drive into the Hvgh MacRae Park roads. The principal of the Winter Park Elementary School, Mr. H. J. PricGee, presented the petition for the property owners and explained how I beneficial it would be to the people living in that area: The Executive Secretary reporte~3 that a petition had been presented to the State Highway Commission in 196o for this exten- sion but at that time it was considered~ligible. The petition ~2519 uaas given the re- quest at that time. After a brief discussion, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the Board endorse the request and ask the State Highway Commission to restore the shorL section of road to its former usefulness and make it passable. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. u t ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting August 16, 1965 Continued ~ NWELFARE LIEN - - - - - Complying with the request of the Hoard at the last meeting, Mr. H. E. Shepard advised that he is willing to pay $500.00 cash and $50.00 per month to liquiiiate a lien held by the Public Welfare Department on property formerly owned by Mrs. Bertha W. Stokley on which they have a lien of approximately $3l~00.00. Dr. Hooper raised the question of the length of.time it•.would take to liquidate this lien at the rate he suggested above and is_of`the opin'ion that it should be done within approximately two years. Mr. Shepard stated that he would do everything pos~ible to pay it ali off as soon as he could but did not want to obligate himself to something he did not see his way clear to do. After a statement by the Connty Attorney that the Board could legally accept the proposition, Mr. Hall offered a motion that it be accepted with the understanding that Mr. Shepard would clear up the balance as soon as possible. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the bal- Ilot was spread, Dr. Hooper voted against the motion but all other members of the Board voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it passed. BEER PERMITS - The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, unanimously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: Winnie Swanson T/A Winnie~s Drive In 1601 Dawson St. Mr. Alphie Leon Rooks T/A A. L.'s Super Narket 2703 South:Front St. RflAD ABANDONMENT - A letter was received from the Division Engineer of the State Highway Commiss- ion requesting permission of the Board of Commissioners to abandon Secondary Road #131}l+ which is wholly surrounded by the Ideal Cement Company property and not used by the public. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that pursuant to G. 5. 136-57 the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County consents to the abandonment of the N. C. Secon- dary Rma-d_. # 13l~1~ from the State Highway System. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. ROAD COMPLAINT - Mr. L. R. Blake appeared before the Board and reported that he had presented a petition for adding Dunbar Road leading to Page~s Creek from the Middle Sound Road to the State Maintained Secondary Road System and that the Board had approved the petition which has been sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. In view of the time it takes for the State to investigate and take action on one of these requests, he asks the Board to make some arrangements for him to get home. About six months ago, the Health Department dredged Page~s Creek in their Fresh Water Mosquito Control Program and lowered the culvert under the road leading to his house. Since that time, the heavy rains have washed out the dirt from either side of the culvert and he is unable to use the road. The only way which he can get to his home is two miles around through an unimproved road which is little more than a path. The Board was very sympathetic.toward Mr. Blake's problem. Mr. Cranford reported that the property owners signing the application for drainage aoreed to replace any culverts, pipes or bridges, but had failed to do so when this culvert washed out. After discussing the problem, Mr. Braak stated that he would make a personal inspection, along with Ms. Cranford, the first thing tomorrow morning and see if some solution might be reached to relieve the trouble. REST HOME ACCESS ROAD - ' The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Mr. Paul J..DuPree, Division ~ Engineer of the State Highway Commission, called him and stated that their department has a request from the donors of the Cornelia Nixon Davis Rest Home to construct an entrance to the property and that if Lhe Board of Commissioners would endorse it, he would try to get funds over and above the regular allocation for New Hanover County in order to build it. Dr. Hooper moved that the Board endorse the request. It ~aas seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. ~ COM~~JNITY PLANNING 8 ZONING APPOINTMENTS - c The Chairman read a letter from the City Manager reminding the Board that on ~;', February lst they had appointed Mr. John R. Oxenfeld and Dr. H. M. Pickard to replace and ~:I serve the unexpired terms of Messrs. Hugh MacRae II and Richard A. Shew as members of the '~' Community Pianning and Zoning Board because of the extension of the City limits. The ~regular terms have expired and upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the ~,~Board unanimously reappointed Mr. Oxenfeld and Dr. Pickard to serve full terms. WATER SAFETY - The Chairman reported to the Board that he had met with a Committee from Caro- , lina Beach, composed of the Town Manager, Jack H. Webb and 1Ailliam J. McDonald, for a ! discussion of some way to prevent drownings and accidents which have occurred at our beaches i this summer. He suggested that a Committee be appointed to Research Beach and Water Safety in New Hanover County and recommended the appointment of the following men to serve on that Committee: Lt. Col. Willia C. Brookbank Dr. John B. Cod~ngton C`Oddljl~y'~dl~ Mr. R. B. Kepley Mr. Leland B. Lupton Mr. William J. McDonad Mr. F. LeMountte Meier, Jr. Mr. J. T. Moran Mr. Jack H. Webb Hure. Beach, N. C. f}08 North llth St:, City Lake Park Blvd. Carolina Beach, N. C. 2012 Eastwood Road, City Carolina Beach, N. C. 610 North 25th St., City Kure Beach, N. C. Lumberton Ave., Carolina Beach, N. C. I After a thoroughly discussing the matter, Mr. Hall moved that the recommendation and the ~ Committee appointments be approved by the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously carried. The Chairman then appointed Mr. William J. McDonald as Chairman of that ~, Committee and instructed the Executive Secretary to notify each of thern oE their appoint- , ments to serve at the pleasure of the Board. <~ .' ~;; - ~~.~. ~ .Minute's:of the Meeting August 16,. 1965 Continued `__ -- _~__~- ALLO~ATION - _ - _ - -- - _ ~- - _ , _ The Chairman then explained to the Board that during the•discussion of this ~ problem, it is felt that ]eaflets on Rules for Water Safety should be printed and placedl in motels and filling stations and public glaces where tourists frequent as most of the water accidents occur with visitors who are not familiar with the treacherous currents or safety rules usua2ly observed by those who are acquainted with the area. He asked th? Board to approve an allocation of $100.00 out of the Advertising and Industrial Fund to pay for the printing and distribution of these "throw away leaflets". Upon motion of ~ Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously approved by the Board, $100.Q0 was allocated out of the Advertising and Industrial Fund for this purpose. MODIFIED PAY PLAN - The Chairman reported that he had a copy of a letter from the State Board of Health acknowledging receipt of the 1965-66 annual Budget for the Consolidated Board of Health. I The letter stated that the Budget could not be processed at this time because the salarie~s indicated reflected levels below the official pay•~plan in effect Ju1y 196$. The letter sugaested that if the County authorities desired to request a downward ad,justment, a formal modification request should be made accompanied by a justification for the request~ based on fiscal policy and financial ability. After a brief discussion of the sub,ject, i by common consent, the Board agreed that Dr. Hooper, Mr. Hall and the County Auditor T. P. Love, who is now compiling a salary comparison list of the community, shouid come up with a recommendation for complying with this request. FOOD DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Mr. Harry F. Thomas, the new Supervisor of the Surp lus Food Program, would like to have a member of the Board of Commissioners appointQlas lia3son officer between the Board of Commissioners and the Surplus Commodity Distribution Warehouse. After briefly discussing the problem, the Chairman named Mr. Peter H. Braak to this office. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS? The Executive Secretary reported that he had calls from Col. T. A. Price, Mr. L. D. Mintz, about his wife, Magnolia, and George D. Cooper about their salary in- creases. They understood that each County employee was Lo receive $150.00 per year ~ increment but that they had not received it and would like to have some reconsideration •~ by the Board which would permit the Auditor to pay the addition. After thoroughly dis- c~ssing the matter, the Board decided that it would make no ch2nges in the salary setup for this year. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board in line with their instructions, he made reservations for four members of the Board to attend Lhe annual Convention of the State Association of County Commissioners to be held in A'sheville, August 22nd - 25th None of the'Board members who had planned to go were able to attend and instructed the Executive Secretary to cancel their reservations. Mr. Braak said he would represent the i Commissioners and Mr. Love would reptesent the Auditors, and Mr. W. G. Houck, representin~~ the Tax Supervisors at the Convention. ~ II A.S. & B. P. ASSOCiATION - The Executive Secretary reported that the annual meeting of the American Shorei and Beach Preservation Association is scheduled for September 8, 9, and 10, at Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Hall stated that he had attended some of these meetings in the past and felt that since New Hanover County is interested in Beach Erosion and Preservation, someone should attend and offered a motion that any member of the Board who can attend be authorized to go. Mr. Braak stated that he had some other business in that area aboutl the middle of the month of September and might very well be able to combine his trip. The motion was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. COURT HOUSE PAINTING - ,L,~ j~O1~R~~R Mr. L.n{Poirer, who was the lo~d bidder at the time the bids r~ere opened on the original invitation for painting the exterior woodwork of the Court House, such as window frames and overhangs and repair gutters and downspouts, as well as replace rotten wood found in any of the wood structure on the outside, informed the Board that he would accep the job at $3,450.00. The County Attorney ruled that informal bids were acceptable on this type work provided they are less than $3500.00. After discussing the problem, Mr. Vaughan moved that the contra.ct be awarded to Mr. L. N. Pofrier in the amount of ~3450.00 for the painting of the e.xterior wood portion of the Court House and that $1500.00 be appropriated for covering the cost of repairs to rotten window siils and frames which wil have to be replaced and that the painter is to notify the Building Custodian, Mr. Cruthrie'. and the Executive Secretary when he discovers faulty woodwork and the three of them will decide whether to repair or replace. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carriedl EQUALIZATION AND REVALUATION - The Tax .5upervisor had recommended that the contract for the octennial Revalua-, tion Program be awarded to the low bidder, the Southern Appraisal Company of Greensboro, in the amount of $116,000. The Board had appointed a Committee to interview an officer of the Company making the proposal in an effort to clear up any questions which had been raised after making an inquiry in counties where he had done the revaluation work. Both Mr. Hall and Mr. Vaughan were presenL at.the interview and exgressed their favorable , opinion and recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder and that the Chair man be authorized to enter into a contract with the Southern Appraisal Company for this work. Mr. Vaughan moved that this recommendation be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. • ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPEC'POR - The Secretary to the Civil Service Commission reported that as a result of I the public advertisement for an Assistant Buildino Inspector, the Civil Service Commissio~~ met and recommend the following three names for consideration by the Board fot appointment~i' 1. George william Burton 2. Brice Richard Sinks 3. Wilbur N. West After each member of the Board had George William Burton be appointed by Dr. Hooper and unanimois ly appr Box 19l}, Castle Hayne, N. C. 4106 Peachtree st. 2020 Perry Ave. reviewed the applications, Mr. Braak moved that Mr. as Assistant Building Inspector. It was seconded ~ved. ~ ~ ~.,~~ Minutes of the Meeting August 16, 1965 Continued 'PUBLIC WELFARE REPORTS - Complying with a request from the Board, the Public Welfare Department reported that they had no official clients detected abusing the Welfare laws between January lst land the present. GRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read the Grand Jury Report for the August Criminal Term in which they recommend an additional light to be placed outside the Grand Jury Room, an air condi- tioner for the Grand Jury Room and $10.00 per day pay for the Jurors. Mr. Braak moved that the light be put in as recommended. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. It was decided that the air conditioner would be considered at the next Budget time. The County Attorney stated that New Hanover County is subject to a Local Law which prohibits payment of more than $5.00 per day for Jurors. INTERNATIONAL NICHEL PROJECT - Complying with instructions of the Board to inspect a proposed extension for the operation of the Test Station of the International Nickel Company at Wilmington Beach, Mr.. Bowden reported that he had investigated the project in company with Mr. V. G. Taylor. After a review of the proposal, he recommends that the Board approve the addition of approx- imately 150' north of the present fenced in area and allow them to maintain the beach on the same basis it is being leveled out for the present pro,ject. He offered a motion that lit be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Vavghan and unanimously carried. REMODELLING COURT HOUSE ENTRANCE - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he was not clear on their intent for the remodelling of the entrance and vestibule at the Third Street entrance of the Court House. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved that the Board accept the low bid of $1694•00 made by the Standard Paint and Hardware Company and authorized the Executive Secretary to proceed to have the work accomplished. 3t was seconded by Mr. Hali and unanimously approved. IRESIGNATION The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Daniel C. Darrota offering her resignation as a member of the IVew Hanover County Mental Health Center Advisory Council, effective !October 1, 1965, to accept a position in the Children~s Rehabilitation Unit of the Univer- Isity of Kansas Medical Center, By common consent, the Board accepted the resionation Iwith regrets and instructed the Executive Secretary to extend the Board's appreciation and thanks for her contribution Lo New Hanover County. , IJOB CLASSIFICATION - The Chairman distributed a letter to each-~member of the Board from the Register of Deeds making a recommendation that the Commissioners approve salary allocations for ,Job classifications in the RegisLer of Deeds Office. After thoroughly discussing the matter, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that action be deferred until the Board has made a decision on what direction the County will take on this problem. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Hall offered a substitute motion that action be deferred on the recommendation until the Register of Deeds presents a,job description along with the classification. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimousiy carried. HUNiANE SOCIE'I'Y - The County Attorney reported that he had written the Mecklenburg County for in- formation about how they handle the unclaimed injured animals as reported by the President ,of the New Hanover Humane Society at the last meeting. The law i`s very vague with refer- ence to that sort of thing and does not give the Commissioners authority to delegate any responsibility along that line. He also finds that the Mecklenburg County, likewise, is also indefinite and vague in the handlino of the ma_tter which is approximately the same ~as we are doing here. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The Executive Secretary reported that the Clerk of Superior Court has advised him that one of his Clerk-Typists, assigned to Recorder~s Court, had resigned and requested the Civil Service Commission hold a meeting to select a repiacement. He suggested a salary of $3,000 to begin. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded hy Dr. Hooper, the Board vnani- mously authorized the.replacement as outlined above. ~VACATION - A.B.C. CLERK It was reported to the Board that the A:B.C. Clerks received only one week vaca- tion. It was the consensus of the Board that they should receive two weeks vacation as County employees do. The Board of Commissioners might write to the Chairman of the A.B.C. Board and sugoest that it is their feeling that their employees should receive equal vaca- 'Ition time. The Executive Secretary was authorized to write Dr. J.A. Oldham and advise him of their thinking. IRECORDER~S COURT - The County Attorney read a letter which he had received from Resident Judge ;Rudolph I. Mintz in repl~ to the question posed by the Board at the last meeting with reference 'to the status of the Clerk of Superior Court in view of testimony at the Hearinc. The Resi- Ndent Judge did not think it was proper for him to make any statement with reference to the matter~irhich is not, at present, before the Court. Nr. Vaughan then moved that the County ~~Attorney be avthorized to write a similiar letter to the District Solicitor. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and when the vote was cast, Mr. Hall requested that he be recorded as abstain- 'Iing, but since the other members voted for the mbtion, the Chairman declared it passed. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - , - Mr. Vauohan raised the question of an independent audit for Recorder~s Court ~records from the date of t.he last audit to the present time. He sugoested that Mr, Love submit to the Board a list of funds that are not being audited by an outside firm, The IBoard, by common consent, ayreed to this procedure. 'ROAD PROBLEM - The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. J.C. Cashweil and Nr. David Earl Kelly Icame to his office and requested some action be taken in an effort to have Park Ave. paved Ibetween 52nd and 53rd St. as it is almost impassable at times. He also reported that he Ihad advised them that a petition for adding that portion of Park Avenue to the State Maintained ~ .~. ., ~~~ Auqust 16 ~~ Minutes__cont_inued_- _ _ I ROAD PROBLEM - (continued) Secondary Road System was approved and sent to the'State Highway i on March 20th, 1961. Messrs. Cashwell and Keily confirmed the fact that the way Commission has been maintaining the road periodically. He advised them ! a petition for the paving improvemettt for the consideration by the Board of TAX ABSTRACTS Commission State High-N to present Commissioner~,. Mr. Bowden reminded the Board that they had authorized the Tax Supervisor to , make a trip in order to interview Tax 5upervisors in Counties such as Mecklenburg, I Forsythe, Guilford and Wake, with reference to their opinions and procedures for mailino' abstracts to the taxpayers, but that circumstances had prevented the Tax Supervisor from, making this trip and he suggested that the subject be delayed but brought up again with', the next meeting. The Tax Supervisor advised the Board that he is planning to attend ' the 57th Annual Convention of the State Association of County Commissioners and Tax Super~l- visors and would make it a point to discuss this subject with all of those with whom he came in contact. , ADJOURNMENT - ~ ~There it adjourned. being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declarad ~ , W. G~ck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C ASSEMBLY - September 7, 1965 The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners was held at 1}:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Office with the following members in attendance: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners: M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and J, M.: Hall, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. J. Daigle, Pastor of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, to give the invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the meeting held on August 16th, 1965, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - ~~ Mr. H. M. Loughlin, representing the local surveyors, reported that his group had studSed the proposed Subdivision Ordinance and found the questions which they raised were too numar,ous to take up at a meeting such as this and suggested that the Board defer any action on the proposed Ordinance and arrange a meeting with the.County Planning and Zoning Board where they can go into a detailed study of the various quest- ionable items. Messrs. J. R. Reaves and R. A. Shew spoke as members of the Realty Board, who think that the restrictions should be tightened up in some areas of the pro- ' visions but both agreed that it should be thoroughly studied before being adopted ~ ." as it should not be rushed into hurriedly. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that actior on this proposed Subdivision Ordinance be postponed until the next regular semimonthly meeting scheduled for Sept. 20, 1965 and that §.L be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Board for them to rewrite and strengthen those items particularly dealing with drainage, roads, and right-of-ways. It~.was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously car- ried. The Executive Secretary reported that the Planning and Zoning Board had a schedul~'ed meeting in the Commissioners' Room for ~:30 P. M., Thursday, September 9th at which all of the groups are invited to attend. EXCAVATOR SPECIFICATIONS - The Executive Secretary reported that he and Mr. Bowden had re,vi,ew,ed the ' specifications used by the City in the purchase of their dragline equipment but were not ready to make recommendations for detailed specifications to be advertised for bids on a dragline suitable for the combination work of fresh water mosquito control drainage and salt marsh drainage. Mr. Bowden suggested that the Board defer any further actfon ~ on this question until he could arrange a conference with Mr. W. H. Cranford, Sanitary Engineer of the Health Department. By common consent, the Board agreed that Messrs. Bowden, Cranford and Houck should confer, with the idea of presenting a detailed set of specifications which would meet the needs described by the Sanitary Engineer. AIRPORT ADDITION - TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER Mr. Leslie N. Boney, the architect employed by the Board to design a suitable addition to the traffic control building at the Airport to meet the needs recommended by Lhe FAA, reported that in answer to pub,lic advertisement in the Wilmington Morning Star, he had received the following bids which were considerably higher than he had anticipated~ and exceed the appropriation which the Board had made for .this purpose: General Contractors •. Bid Bond . Base Bid ~ Luther T. Rogers, Inc. . 5% • $26,q00.00 w. A. simon, Inc. . 5j . $24,675.00 Miller Building Corp. • 5% ' $22,691.00 #~ (The ending of this paragraph was inadvertently omitted. Please see Page 521), continued- ~