1965-09-07 Regular Meeting.~. ., ~~~ Auqust 16 ~~ Minutes__cont_inued_- _ _ I ROAD PROBLEM - (continued) Secondary Road System was approved and sent to the'State Highway i on March 20th, 1961. Messrs. Cashwell and Keily confirmed the fact that the way Commission has been maintaining the road periodically. He advised them ! a petition for the paving improvemettt for the consideration by the Board of TAX ABSTRACTS Commission State High-N to present Commissioner~,. Mr. Bowden reminded the Board that they had authorized the Tax Supervisor to , make a trip in order to interview Tax 5upervisors in Counties such as Mecklenburg, I Forsythe, Guilford and Wake, with reference to their opinions and procedures for mailino' abstracts to the taxpayers, but that circumstances had prevented the Tax Supervisor from, making this trip and he suggested that the subject be delayed but brought up again with', the next meeting. The Tax Supervisor advised the Board that he is planning to attend ' the 57th Annual Convention of the State Association of County Commissioners and Tax Super~l- visors and would make it a point to discuss this subject with all of those with whom he came in contact. , ADJOURNMENT - ~ ~There it adjourned. being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declarad ~ , W. G~ck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C ASSEMBLY - September 7, 1965 The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners was held at 1}:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Office with the following members in attendance: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners: M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and J, M.: Hall, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. . INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. J. Daigle, Pastor of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, to give the invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the meeting held on August 16th, 1965, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - ~~ Mr. H. M. Loughlin, representing the local surveyors, reported that his group had studSed the proposed Subdivision Ordinance and found the questions which they raised were too numar,ous to take up at a meeting such as this and suggested that the Board defer any action on the proposed Ordinance and arrange a meeting with the.County Planning and Zoning Board where they can go into a detailed study of the various quest- ionable items. Messrs. J. R. Reaves and R. A. Shew spoke as members of the Realty Board, who think that the restrictions should be tightened up in some areas of the pro- ' visions but both agreed that it should be thoroughly studied before being adopted ~ ." as it should not be rushed into hurriedly. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that actior on this proposed Subdivision Ordinance be postponed until the next regular semimonthly meeting scheduled for Sept. 20, 1965 and that §.L be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Board for them to rewrite and strengthen those items particularly dealing with drainage, roads, and right-of-ways. It~.was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously car- ried. The Executive Secretary reported that the Planning and Zoning Board had a schedul~'ed meeting in the Commissioners' Room for ~:30 P. M., Thursday, September 9th at which all of the groups are invited to attend. EXCAVATOR SPECIFICATIONS - The Executive Secretary reported that he and Mr. Bowden had re,vi,ew,ed the ' specifications used by the City in the purchase of their dragline equipment but were not ready to make recommendations for detailed specifications to be advertised for bids on a dragline suitable for the combination work of fresh water mosquito control drainage and salt marsh drainage. Mr. Bowden suggested that the Board defer any further actfon ~ on this question until he could arrange a conference with Mr. W. H. Cranford, Sanitary Engineer of the Health Department. By common consent, the Board agreed that Messrs. Bowden, Cranford and Houck should confer, with the idea of presenting a detailed set of specifications which would meet the needs described by the Sanitary Engineer. AIRPORT ADDITION - TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER Mr. Leslie N. Boney, the architect employed by the Board to design a suitable addition to the traffic control building at the Airport to meet the needs recommended by Lhe FAA, reported that in answer to pub,lic advertisement in the Wilmington Morning Star, he had received the following bids which were considerably higher than he had anticipated~ and exceed the appropriation which the Board had made for .this purpose: General Contractors •. Bid Bond . Base Bid ~ Luther T. Rogers, Inc. . 5% • $26,q00.00 w. A. simon, Inc. . 5j . $24,675.00 Miller Building Corp. • 5% ' $22,691.00 #~ (The ending of this paragraph was inadvertently omitted. Please see Page 521), continued- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ,~ Minut~ss of the Meetino Se~S_ember 7~~9~K c.oniinvac~ yPROPOSED CURLER ORDINANCE - At the request of Mr. Vaughan for a discussion of the Board on the matter of jan ordinance to prohibit women from wearing hair curlers on the sLreet and that it be re- Iferred to the Planning and Zoning Board for handling, a group of interested women appeared before the Board in protest. As soon as Lhe Chairman had opened the matter for discus- 'sion, Mr. Vaughan remarked that the suggestion was made in a spirit of levity and offered a motion that the item be struck from the Agenda immediately. It was seconded by Mr. IHall and when the b~llot was taken, Mr. Bowden voted ~~NO", but as all other members of the 'Board voted "YES", the Chairman declared the motion carried. Some of the women then de- manded an apology, whereupon, Mr. Vaughan complimented the ladies who were'interested enough to come to~the Commissioners~ meeting and stated that he hoped they would do so more often. No further action was taken on the matter. DRAINAGE AND ROAD CONIPLAINT - Messrs. Henry M. Davis and R. Warren Gray, residents of Breezewood, which is located on an extension of Rose Avenue, compiained to the Commissioners of the delorabl¢ condition af the road or street in front of their homes. They reported that at the time the developer constructed the street, it did meet the specifications of the State High- way Commission~s Secondary Road System but that they were unable to have it accepted by the State for maintenance. Since that Lime, it has deteriorated .because of a 2ack of drainage as Lhe water under the roadbed fro2e in the wintertime and caused the asphalt ito crack and it has now become almost impassable. The Chairman explained that the records indicated that the Board of Commissioners approved the petition adding that section of IRose Avenue to the State•Nlaintained Secondary Road System on June 19, 196I} and that the State Highway Commission, after investigation, replied that there were four reasons it did not meet their standards for Subdivision streets: • 1- The street must be adequately drained. ' 2- The street must be graded to a width of at least 28~ exclusive of wide ditches. 3- The street must have a compacU, all weather base of at least 4" of top soil, gravel, crushed rock, or equivalent. 4- Paved streets must have adequate base and surface consistant with accepted de- sign standards for Secondary Roads. It further revealed that a second petition was approved and sent to the State Highway CCmmission on August 2nd, 1965 by the Board of Commissioners and that after investigation, th¢-Stat¢-I~ig~..4, -a:,::....'rssran, the State Highway Commission again referred to the inadequate criteria necessary to meet the minimum standards for Secondary Roads. Mr. Shew assured the Board that he is now willing to give a r~,ght of way which will allow a dragline to dig a canal from the tidewater on Bradley Creek which will relieve the drainage problem. After a thorough discussion of the probiem, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Chairman appoint a member of the Board to confer with the appropriate State Highway Commission officials in an effort to have them reconsider their position on this road petition. It ~was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. The Chairman s~ated that he would con- fer with the State Highway officials. TAX PENALTY ASATEMENT Mrs. Margaret R. Trussell, representing the N. C. Sorosis Club, reported that because of a misunderstanding between the newly elected offic~rs, their taxes failed to get listed during the legal Tax Listing period in January . They requested the Board to approve forgiving the penalty. The County Attorney advised th8t under G. S. 105-331 (d), the Board has authority to settle or ad,just taxes. The Tax Supervisor recommended that since it is an eleemosynary institution, .he reoommends that the Board cancel the penalty. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that under the circumstances and upon the recommendation lof the County Auditor and Tax Supervisor, the.penalty be waived. It was seconded by Mr. IVaughan and unanimously carried. REPORT - RETIREMENT PLAN The Chairman made the following report and recommendation in connection with the present County Retirement Plan: This is to acquaint you with the situaLion as regards the New Hanover County Retirement Plan at the present time. This plan was set up in 1943 ~~thout proper actuarial studies, and as near as I can ascertain, in a rather hurried fashion. The County Commissioners in 1957 realized that this plan was not financially sound, and took partial steps to remedy this by closing the plan at that time to no fur- ther enrollment. They did not, however, look ahead and see that within the not too distant future from 1957, the plan wouid have no capital funds. At the present time, there is approximately $180,000 in the corpus of this fund. This system is paying out to those who have retired $l~,875.00 per month. The income per month is $2,200.00. This fund is loosing $30,000.00 per year. At the present rate, there will be no money in the fund in roughly six years. There js no reason to expect the yield on investments to grow, in view of the strict limita- Lions on the type of investments that can be made., It is my recommendation to you that this fund be pegged at the present amount, and in order to do so this will necessitate an appropriation of $30;000.00 per year. I urge your favorable consideration of this action either today or at the next County Commissioners meeting in the event you wish to look into this iriatter further. County Auditor Love reported the following balances: ~ It is also my recommendation that in the next Legislature, legislation be in- ~ troduced to place less restriction on the ~•nvestment of the:monies in this fund so i that a higher yield can be obtained.": 6/30/ 8 $2!~5,000.00 6/30~9 2b1,00o.00 6/30/60 262,000.00 1961 259,000.00 1962 205,000.00 ~After briefly discussing the problem, Mr. Hall offered a motion that due to the uncertain- ties of emergency needs, the Board table the matter at the present time until the next continued- ~ .~4.i ~ ~ C ~ Minutes of the Meeting September 7, 1965 Continued REPORT - RETIREMENT PLAN (continued) p meeting, as in his opinion it would not ,jeopardi2e the fund to wait untii the next Budget time to make the appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that action on the matter be postponed until after a report has been received of the study now in process which I will be due in November. There was no second . to the subStLtute motion and when the ballot was taken on the original motion, it was unanimously carried. ASSISTANT EXTENSIOM AGENT - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Agricultural Extension Chairman, requeSted permission to combine the positions formerly held by Mr. Whitehurst and Mrs. Fortune. This is neces- sitated since the 1965-66 Budget included appro riations for only one position. The person fiiling this position will do primarily ~-H Club Work. Ne stated that the I~-H Club Program in the County is suffering from lack of a qualified person to do Lhis work.~ He also stated that the $2,325 appropriated by the county for their part in this program would be sufficient to employ such a person. After a thorough discussion of the sub- ,ject, Mr. Braak offered a motion to combine the Assistant Agricultural Extension Agent and the Assistant Home Economics Agent's positions into an Assistant Extension Agent position, using the salary appropriation now in the Budget. It was seconded by Mr. i Bowden and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as ab- ; staining. The Chairman, however, declared the motion passed by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Baggett is to report back to the Board after six months as to how this Assistant is work- ing out. SALARY ADJUSTMENT - Mr. Baggett,explained while in the salary range of the secretaries Mrs. Edens Mfss Southerland Mrs. Brown he was present that there was.a wide difference although they are in same ,job classification: • Countv State Total ~272t~.oo $i3oi.oo $4025.00 2790.00 92!}.00 371!}.00 1100.00 16b1.0o 2~61.00 He recommended that an ad,justment be made in Mrs. Brown's salary from the County up to $1500.00 in order to bring them more nearly in line: After a brief discussion, Mr. ~ Hall moved that Mrs. Brown~s salary from New Hanover County be increased from $1100.00 ~ ~to $1500.00, retroactive to July 1, 1965. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimouslyl passed. INTERIM SALARY ADJUSTMENT The Chairman reported that personnel in the Health Department were being I raised during the fiscal year out of unexpended funds without any knowiedge of the Board ~ of Commissioners. He is of the opinion that the Board of Commissioners should be notifiei before any Department Head makes any change in salaries after the fiscal year's Budget ~ is approved and offered a motion that the Board authorize a letter to ~all Department Heads that no salary changes should be made in-between fiscal years without approval of I the Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan. In the discussion, Mr. Hall expresse~d the opinion that if, during the year, an employee upgraded his classification, he should receive a salary on the step comensurate with that grade, however, he is oppoaed to per- mitting Department Heads to change salaries indiscriminately during the year,even though~ they may have unexpended funds available. When the ballot was taken, the motion was unanimously passed and the Executive Secretary instructed to write a letter to each de- partment calling their attention to this policy. , PARKS AND RECRFATION - ' The ExecuLive ~Secretary reported that pursuant to instructions of the Board, he had arranged for Mr. Ralph J. And.rews, Director of the N. C. Recreation Commis3lon, to meet with the Board on Monday, September 20th in order to survey the possibility of acquiring shore and beach property for recreational purposes between Wrightsville Beach i and Carolina Beach along the Atlantic Ocean. Mr. Vaughan said he would be glad to meet I with him at 11:00 in the morning to review the situation and theri meet with the Board th2lt afternoon at !}:00. LOGAL COOPERATIO]V - DEEPENING CAPE FEAR RIUER CHANNEL The Chairman read a letter from the State Department of Water Resources ' announcing Lhat_the Corps of Army Engineers is making plans to advertise for bids for deepening Wilmington Harbor and Channel, in anticipation of receipt of funds. It is necessary that the Board reaffirm its intention to cooperate in this pro,ject by pro- viding easements, right-of-ways and spoii areas by the State and the cosL of providing necessary diking on gagles I§~larid not to exceed $15,000 annually, by the County in con- ,junction with the City. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that I the Board reaffirm its intention to participate in the eost of maintenace of the~iiking ~ on Eagles~ Island, in con~}unction with the City, not to exceed $15,000 annually. It ' was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. The Chairman had requested the Executive 5ecretary to check with the City Manager of Wilmington to see if the City.,~as they had q~~redged ,joint assistance with the Board of County Commissioners on September 19, 1960. The Executive Secretary reported that City Manager Brandon explained to him •that the minutes of the City indicated the Board had participated in that meeting but. the present Board does not have a single member on it who was present at Lhat time and II that it wilt not meet until Monday, September 13th at which time he would discuss the matter further. He stated that City Attorney Cicero P. Yow was present at that time and', probably will be abie to explain the matter to the Board. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confirm this action to the State Department of Water Resources with a copy to the Corps of Engineers. ~` ~ HURRICANE PROTECTION - BEACH RESTORATION I The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from the State Department° of Water Resources asking the Board of Commissioners to furnish a Resolution stating that they would provide the requirements of local cooperation in sharing the cost of Hurricane Protect3on and Beach Restoration for Hanby, Hure, and 'Wilmington Beaches for I a total length of 13,400' at an estimated cost broken down as follows: i Continued - ~; ~'~~ ~ , Minutes of the Meeting September 7,.19b5 ~, ~HURRICANEPROTECTION - BEACH RESTORATION State County xure Beach (5,450 ft.) Unincorporaied Areas (7,950) Federal Cost Continued Continued $454,400 45, ~~ 28,465 39,695 ~56u,ooo 932,000 $1,500,000 After thoroughly considering the matter, Mr. Hall offered themselves to participate in the Non-Federal cost of this of $1}$,1~L~0. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and when the requested that he be recorded as abstaining from voting a job. The Chairman, riowever, deciared the motion carried the Executive Secretary Lo notify the State Departmerit of a motion that the County commit pro,ject in the estimated amount ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan s he was not sure how to do the by a majority vote and instructed Water Resources. JAIL FEE - The Chairman read a letter from the Sheriff recommending that the Board approve a cost of $2.00 per day Jail fee, plus 60r1 turn key fee, effective October 1, 1965. He presented evidence from a number of ad,jacent counties to support his recommendation. After a thorough consideration, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the recommendation be approved and thai the Jail Fee be increased to $2.00 per day, plus 602 turn key fee, effective October 1, 1965. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. • U.S. 17 IMPROVENiENT - The Chairman read a letter from the U. S. 17 Improvement and Development Asso- ciation announcing plans for a meeting on September 16th at 1:00 P. M. in the Palace Motel in New Bern for considering final approval to Master Plan ~`52br improvements along U. S. #17. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the present three lanes north of hrilmington be widened to four lanes with a route to tie into the Cape Fear River Bridge that is now under design and that it be four laned from the south end of the proposed bridge to the Brunswick River Bridge. It was seconded by Mr. Hatl but before the bailoi was taken, Mr. Uaughan offered a substitute motion that New Hanover Connty re- quests the four-laning of U. 5. #17 from the northeast County line to the Brunswick County line in order to clarify the position of the Board. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and the Board unanimously approved this substitute motion. TAX WA~IVER REQUEST - The Chairman read a letter from the Wilder Real Estate Agency st~ating that Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Brancli, leaving their house and lot located at 211 South bth Street to the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church Home for Children. He stated I that the rentals derived from the property were used to pay indebtedness left by the ~ Branches and the property had increasingly deteriorated and run down~to the point that the maximum offer recei'ved'by the Children~s Home for it is $1,000. Under the circum- ' stances, they do not think tYie ~hildren~s Home should be charged with taxes on the pro- property. The Tax Supervisor reported that no notice had ever been given the Tax Office i that the property was~conyeyed to the Children~s Home in 1952 and that he had conferred ~ with the County Attorney on this matter and after searching Lhe General ~Statutes, it was decided that since the property had been rented,~it is sub~ect to taxation and that be- I cause the rental income was used to pay the obligations left by the donors, did not con- stitute a basis for wai'ving the taxes and therefore he did not recommend it. The County Attorney affirmed the recommendation and upon motion motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Dr. ii Hooper, the Board unanimously denied the request for waiver. . BEER PERMIT - ' ' Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr~. Bowden, the fo2lowing app2ication for a Beer Permit was unanimous2y approved ai-d referred to the Sheriff for his considera- tion and investigation:~ ' . Wrightsville Marina, Inc. Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach,N.C. COUNTY ~,ARM - WQODLAND MANAGEMENT The Executive 5ecretary presented to the Board a report made by the Watershed Forester of the Department of Conservation and Development after making an inspection of the woodlands on the Covnty Farm on the Blue Clay Road at the request of the Board of Com- missioners. This report and recommendation was turned over to.Mr. Braak for study and recommendation to the Board for action at the next meeting. , ADDITIONAL COURTROOM The Chairman reported .to the Board that it has been brought to his attention that the County needs an add,itional Superior Courtroom. The Resident Judge has suggested that if the balcony of the present Superior Courtroom, which is rarely used, be renovated and enclosed, it would serve very nicely for Civil terms of Superior Court. After a thorough discussion of this problem, Mr. Vaughan suggested,that the Chairman be authorized to employ an architect to explore the space in the Court House and make suggestions for this additional Courtroom, after conferring with the County Attorney and Executive Secre- tary. This suggestion was'unanimously agreed on by common consent of the Board. ~' CONH~fODITY DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM - . Mr. Braak reported that the Commodity Distribution Program has requested an estimate of the number of persons to receive U..S. D. A. donated food for the coming yeas be furnished. In completing this request, the question arose as to whether or not the County would provide freezer storage of zero Fahrenheit butter, which will repiace mar- garine in the Distribution Program next year. Mr. Braak reported that he had.received an estimate from a local refrigeration sales and service outiet stating that the present !,cooler used for margarine could not feasibly or practically be constructed to operate I,satisfactorily at sub-zer,o temperatures. He estimated that space for 6,000 lbs. of but- ter would require approximately 364 cubic feet of interior space. After considering this problem, the Boarcl, by common consent, authorized Mr.~Braak to secure informal bids bn the cost of installing a freezer, sufficiently large, to take care of 6,000 lbs. of butter at zero Fahrenheit temperature. ~.~~¢ ,; ,~ ~ ~~ Minutes of the Meeti ember '], 1965 Continued CONMIODITY DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM -(continued) - 6 c II Distribution Policy - Mr. Braak reported that he had made a personal investigation of the problems at Lhe Warehouse after dismissal of one of the helpers and finds that it raili be necessary to distribute food on a four week schedule, rather than a three week schedule as has been done in the past. He is convinced that one helper can do the job if the work load is reduced to four weeks instead of three. This will re- quire an additional $25.00 per month additional salary. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that $250.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Extra Help in the .I 5urplus Commodity Distribution Program. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and nnanimously I approved. TAX SUPERVISOR - The ffxecutive Secretary reported that G. S, ios - 283 provided for the appoint ment of a Tax Supervisor on the first Monday of each July on odd numbered years and that, sub,ject to the provisions of G. S. 105 - 284, the present appointee has been secving. He recommends that they reappoint the present Tax Supervisor or appoint a new one. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously reappointed W. Gc Houck as Tax Supervisor for a two year term as provided under G. S. io5 - 283. TAX COLLECTOR The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that sub,ject to P. L. 1933, Chapt. 191, it was time to reappoint the Tax Collector, or appoint a new one. Upbn motion of Mr. Hail, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board unanimously reappointed 5am"W.J as Tax Co_ilector- for a two year term as provided under G. S. 105 - 283• REPORTS - The foltowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Wilmington Public Library Report for the year 196!} - 1965 2- Home Economics Agent~s Statistical Report for July, 1965. 3- C.P.A. Audit of the Consolidated Board of Health for the fiscal year, ending .lune 30, 1965. ' n PETIT JURY - I The foilowing good and lawful persons to serve as Jurors in the Su erior~ ourt I ~for the weeks beginning October 18th and 25th, 1965• (See Miriutes of ~~~J/, ~ l% Jurors for the week beqinning October 4, 1965 Crfminal / u Atkinson, Joseph H. Bell, Pearl S. Bishop, Jack L. Bullard, Corlie Campbell, Anne Carmichael, Thad W. Cooper, Augusta M. Edwards, James C. Gaines, Thomas B. Hardee, Daniel B. Hinson, Harvey R. Jon¢s, W. D. Mattocks, M. F. Millis, Jesse Morris, Wm. G. Jr. Patten, Mathew Pettet, Owen L. Jr. Potter, Mrs. George Robinson, Robert Saa~yer, W. T. Sr. Sellars, John W. Jr. Shivar, E. H. Stephens, Macie E. Taylor, J. W. Jr. Visnick, Michael 509 Central Bivd. RFD 1, B 192 A 312 Walnut St. 1502 Moore Piasa 507 5. lBtn st. 2717 Monroe St. 815 North 6th St. 247 Spruce Drive B-123 Castle Haynes 3012 Monroe St. 501}5 Wrights~. Ave. 102 Colonial Dr. 2510 Jefferson St. RFD 1, B 129 A 207 Forest Road 714 North 6th St. 21}10~ Shirley Rd. 11015 Oleander Dr. 805 Meares 5t. 250~. Wrightsv. Ave. 1821 Queen St. 1316 Chestnut St. 218 Forest Road 1}O10 Cherry Ave. RFD 2, Box 402 Bass, Sam 4114 Market St. Bigford, Minnie !}15 Grace St. I Bloom, Leon L. 50$ Jennings Drive Butler, Billy Dezone 7 F Lake Vil2age Cannon, Christine C. 2509 Adams St. Combs, Daniel Raymond 320 Wright St. Davis, C. H. Jr. Box 333 Carolina Beach~ Fisher, M. Ludwick B 175 Carolina Beac!h Hanson, A. H. Sr. 168 Arlington Dr. Hicks, Charles J. B 122,City Jones, 'Wesley C. 161 Pinecrest Pkwy. Locklear, John L. Jr. 616 Dock St. McKeithan, A. E. 5012 Pine Street Mills, Wilson H. 1}205 Lake Ave. d 6'Quinn, Hal Wayne 317 Queen St. Peck, Wm. M. 2216 Oleander Dr. Pope, Harvey S. 16 i. Lake Vil. Robinson, Mrs. Ennis T. Wrightsv. Beach Sasser, Donald W. 27 Woodlawn Ave. Selby, Annie M. 2316 Belvedere Dr. Sharpe, Earl 0. 6 East Community Dr . Speaker, Glenn M. 219 Oakleaf Dr. Stubbs, ~f. G. 801 Spofford Circle . Tienery, W. H. Jr. 817 Hill St. Watkins, Joseph M. 170!} North 4th St. JuroR"s ~'oa: €he week beqinninq October 11, 1965 - Criminal Anderson, Mrs. R. P. Beacham, Edward F. Bowden, Jesse B. Bridger, Frank D. Carroll, Wm. P. Cook, George A. Fennell, James L. Jr. Hansley, Patsy E. Howard, Charles Lofton, Corneitus Meadows, Marguerite E. i~ielvin, Horace J. Newkirk, Robert C. Piver, Robert M. Jr. Price, William L. Jr. Ross, Leon J. Schorr, Wallace Shain, So2. Shaw, W. L. Smith, Percy H. Thigpen, John G. Walton, Thomas M. Wells, Ranford G. Williams, Willie L. Wilson, Carl H. 1603 Orange St. Baker, Lester N. 127 Green Forest Rd'I, 215 Rose Ave. Bellamy, Richard D. 1204 South 2nd St. 236 Rose Ave. Branch, Grace C. 222 Spruce Dr. 609 Jennings Dr. Cagle, M. C. RFD 1 Box 81 RFD 2, Box 105 Cast~e Hayne,N.C. !}306 Wrightsv. Av. Cassidy, T. C. 101 Hinton Ave. 2t} W rightsv. Ave. Everett, Carolyn E. 201z Brookwood Ave. 1~26 Oak St. Greer, Catherine C. Castle Haynes,N.C. 1}18 S. 16th St. Harward, Graham G. Jr. Box 659, C~rol~na RFD 3, Box 232 Jackson, Watson 719 Red CrosseSt. 316 RuLledge Dr. Lyerly, Mrs. Biilie R. 5311 S. 9th St. ~~ 501 S. Front St. McCree, Fred 1216 South 9th St. I RFD 3 B~ Myers, C. C. I 118 Bryan Ave. , 206 Kenwood Ave. Peiffer, Mrs. Adela ide 307 S. 5th St. 1112 5. Kerr Ave. Poole, Cecil R. 2303'Market St. ~ RFD 2, Box 2!}8 B.~ Ramsey, Charles M. $O10 Carolina Beac~ d 2908 Wayne Dr. Sanders, 3dalter H. 108 North 6th St. 11}03 Grace St. Sellers, Thetis P. 109 North 9th St. 518 Red Cross St. Shaw, Ulysses, q16 Walnut St. 311 North 43rd St. Shoaff, G. C. 1702 Orange St. 13 L ive Oak Ave. Stevenson, Mrs. Eli z. 132 Colonial Dr. $002 Pine St. Thompson, Ernest Avondale Ave. RFD 1, B 1}12 A Watson, T. M. Sr. 17 Lame Ave. 711 Red Cross St. Williams, Delia 51 North lOth St. ~ 407 South Front St. Wilkinson, Lioyd 243 Davie Dr. Young, Eldon S. 205 Green Meadow Drl. t • .i ~~~ Minutes of the Meetina_SevS.emb_e.~7 __19bS ~Q~x..i-nu~d- - ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the Chairman de- clared the meeting ad,journed. i ~~ Continuation of Paragraph on Airoort Addition - Traffic Control Tower He stated~that he had conferred with the low bidder and by,,~changtng,.some;of~the~materials~ he had managed to reduce th¢ bid to $19,975•00 which is.still too high Por the appropria-~ tion. He contemplates making further_revisions in the plans to "brick veneer type" con- ~struction in the hope that the bidder might be able to reduce the price of construction to approximately a$15,000.00 allocation. The County Attorney is of the op'inion that it 15 legal to negotiate with the low bidder so long as there were no substantial maJor changes in the plans and specifications. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion ,that the architect be urged to proceed with negotiations and bring back a definite proposi- I ;tion as soon as possible because he thinks the work should be done. M~ ~~^^-+,c~d by ~Mr. Bowden and unanimousiy passed. ~i~/ ill ~ I r cutive Se~etary Wilmington, N. C. September 20, i965 4:00 P.M. 4SSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held in the Commissioners~ Room at 4:00 P. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners: M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Sraak and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and CounLy Attorney L. Brafiford Tillery. ~ INVOCATION - , , Mr. Vaughan, Vic$ Chafrman, presided over the meeting until the arrival of the Chairman, and requested Reverend Charles McCotabs, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, to g-ive the invocation. . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - . ~ Before approving the minutes of the meeting held on September ~th, copies of which Vhad ~been mailed to each member of the Board, it was agreed by common consent, that in the para- Rgraph headed "LOCAL COOPERATION - DEEPENING CAPE FEAR RIVER CHANNEL", the words "in conjunction with the City of Wilmington" should be inserted in the motion immediately after "Eagles' Island" as an admendment. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. PETIT JURY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the Superior Court Judge has ordered the Juries drawn at the meeting on September 7th for Civil terms beginning October 18th and 2sth be changed to Speciai Criminal terms beginning October 1}th and October llth - - the scrolls drawn for the week of the 18th to be used for the week of the 4th and the scrolls drawn for Lhe week of the 25th to be used for the week of the llth. The County Attorney in- formed the Board that they should have a motion showing approval of this change after which ~ r. Hall offered a motion that the transfer of the Juries from the Civil terms to the Crim- inal terms outlined above be approved. It was seconded by Mr.. Braak and unanimousiy passed. ~ ECREATION DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL - Mr. Vaughan reminded the B~ rd that they had approved the intiitation of the tate Director of the Recreation Commission to come down and review the possibilities for develop3ng the ocean front beaches from Masonboro Inlet at Wrightsville Beach to the Caro- ~~ i ina Beach Inlet at '.CaTO.l_ina.: Beacfi•.:; .;>He introduced Mr. Ralph J. Andrews who has spent the rorning with him inspecting the shorelines and other possible recreational potentials in the County. Mr. Andrews first made it•clear to the Board that he came as a Consultant and not to push or drive, but to do what the people want don¢. He cited the following conclusions for the consideration of the Board: (1) The araais here now but may never be again so it is a one time opportunit~y. If developed, it would likely make the land more valuable and saleable. It might be acquired at a price that wiil never again be as low as it is now. ~(2) Recreation is good for folks' souls and brings families together which is good. `It 'also developes sales for marine eqvipment. (3) The first sLep in considering such a develop- ment wouid be to appoint a Recreational Advisory Board or Commission. He recalled that ~INorth Carolina is the first State in the United States to appoint an Advisory Board for this purpose. - ' Mr. Andrews introduced Mr. G. W. Thomas with the U. S.'Corps of Engineers who is ~the Chief Recreation Consultant, who presented a map outlining proposed recreational develop- ment on Federal land on each side of the Intracoastal Waterway at Snow~s Cut near Carolina each Bridge. If the area is deveioped under the present Federal laws, it would be necessary or the non-Federal participation in the cost be on a 50-50 basis. After some discussion i 'of this subject, the Board, by common consent, instructed the Executive Secretary to place 'this subject on the Agenda for,further discussion at the next meeting. NDVERTISING CO~ITTEE - CHAMBER OF CONMERCE I Mr. Van Reid, Executive Director of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, reminded Iithe Board that they had authorized their Advertising Committee to study the potential needs ~ of advertising for New Hanover County and bring in a recommendation for wisely spending ~'unds appropriated for the purpose of promoting•various activities of the County. He fn- Itroduced Mr. Fred Willetts, Jr. as Chairman of the Advertising Committee, along with Mr. ~ J. L. Ailegood and Allan B. Jones. They explained that they had approached the matter from the standpoint of (1) news media, (2) printed materials, (3) promotional programs and (!}) publicity including folders and brochures. He stressed the point that his Committee ~ras asked to direct the County's advertising and, therefore, it is not a Chamber of Commerce ~Sponsored program although they are happy to assist in it. He presented the following recom- inendations: continued - ,J