1965-09-20 Regular Meeting~~~ Minutes of the Meetina_SevS.emb_e.~7 __19bS ~Q~x..i-nu~d- - ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the Chairman de- clared the meeting ad,journed. i ~~ Continuation of Paragraph on Airoort Addition - Traffic Control Tower He stated~that he had conferred with the low bidder and by,,~changtng,.some;of~the~materials~ he had managed to reduce th¢ bid to $19,975•00 which is.still too high Por the appropria-~ tion. He contemplates making further_revisions in the plans to "brick veneer type" con- ~struction in the hope that the bidder might be able to reduce the price of construction to approximately a$15,000.00 allocation. The County Attorney is of the op'inion that it 15 legal to negotiate with the low bidder so long as there were no substantial maJor changes in the plans and specifications. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion ,that the architect be urged to proceed with negotiations and bring back a definite proposi- I ;tion as soon as possible because he thinks the work should be done. M~ ~~^^-+,c~d by ~Mr. Bowden and unanimousiy passed. ~i~/ ill ~ I r cutive Se~etary Wilmington, N. C. September 20, i965 4:00 P.M. 4SSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held in the Commissioners~ Room at 4:00 P. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners: M. H. Vaughan, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Sraak and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and CounLy Attorney L. Brafiford Tillery. ~ INVOCATION - , , Mr. Vaughan, Vic$ Chafrman, presided over the meeting until the arrival of the Chairman, and requested Reverend Charles McCotabs, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, to g-ive the invocation. . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - . ~ Before approving the minutes of the meeting held on September ~th, copies of which Vhad ~been mailed to each member of the Board, it was agreed by common consent, that in the para- Rgraph headed "LOCAL COOPERATION - DEEPENING CAPE FEAR RIVER CHANNEL", the words "in conjunction with the City of Wilmington" should be inserted in the motion immediately after "Eagles' Island" as an admendment. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. PETIT JURY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the Superior Court Judge has ordered the Juries drawn at the meeting on September 7th for Civil terms beginning October 18th and 2sth be changed to Speciai Criminal terms beginning October 1}th and October llth - - the scrolls drawn for the week of the 18th to be used for the week of the 4th and the scrolls drawn for Lhe week of the 25th to be used for the week of the llth. The County Attorney in- formed the Board that they should have a motion showing approval of this change after which ~ r. Hall offered a motion that the transfer of the Juries from the Civil terms to the Crim- inal terms outlined above be approved. It was seconded by Mr.. Braak and unanimousiy passed. ~ ECREATION DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL - Mr. Vaughan reminded the B~ rd that they had approved the intiitation of the tate Director of the Recreation Commission to come down and review the possibilities for develop3ng the ocean front beaches from Masonboro Inlet at Wrightsville Beach to the Caro- ~~ i ina Beach Inlet at '.CaTO.l_ina.: Beacfi•.:; .;>He introduced Mr. Ralph J. Andrews who has spent the rorning with him inspecting the shorelines and other possible recreational potentials in the County. Mr. Andrews first made it•clear to the Board that he came as a Consultant and not to push or drive, but to do what the people want don¢. He cited the following conclusions for the consideration of the Board: (1) The araais here now but may never be again so it is a one time opportunit~y. If developed, it would likely make the land more valuable and saleable. It might be acquired at a price that wiil never again be as low as it is now. ~(2) Recreation is good for folks' souls and brings families together which is good. `It 'also developes sales for marine eqvipment. (3) The first sLep in considering such a develop- ment wouid be to appoint a Recreational Advisory Board or Commission. He recalled that ~INorth Carolina is the first State in the United States to appoint an Advisory Board for this purpose. - ' Mr. Andrews introduced Mr. G. W. Thomas with the U. S.'Corps of Engineers who is ~the Chief Recreation Consultant, who presented a map outlining proposed recreational develop- ment on Federal land on each side of the Intracoastal Waterway at Snow~s Cut near Carolina each Bridge. If the area is deveioped under the present Federal laws, it would be necessary or the non-Federal participation in the cost be on a 50-50 basis. After some discussion i 'of this subject, the Board, by common consent, instructed the Executive Secretary to place 'this subject on the Agenda for,further discussion at the next meeting. NDVERTISING CO~ITTEE - CHAMBER OF CONMERCE I Mr. Van Reid, Executive Director of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, reminded Iithe Board that they had authorized their Advertising Committee to study the potential needs ~ of advertising for New Hanover County and bring in a recommendation for wisely spending ~'unds appropriated for the purpose of promoting•various activities of the County. He fn- Itroduced Mr. Fred Willetts, Jr. as Chairman of the Advertising Committee, along with Mr. ~ J. L. Ailegood and Allan B. Jones. They explained that they had approached the matter from the standpoint of (1) news media, (2) printed materials, (3) promotional programs and (!}) publicity including folders and brochures. He stressed the point that his Committee ~ras asked to direct the County's advertising and, therefore, it is not a Chamber of Commerce ~Sponsored program although they are happy to assist in it. He presented the following recom- inendations: continued - ,J ~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting September 20, 1965 Continu ADVERTISING COMMITTEE - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ~continued~ Recommended Expenditure Azalea Festival Decorating Court House North Carolina Water Resources SENCLand Development Assoc. Wiimington Athletic Assoc. Highway 17 Improvement Assoc. Special Pro~ects $ 2,500.00 100.00 8,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 100.00 7,000.00 ~19,300.00 Newspaper Display Ads Highway Signboards Travel Shows Radio/TV Spbbs 10,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 $19,000.00 New Hanover County Brochure 5,000.00 New Hanover County Fact Booklett 1,500.00 New Hanover County Convention Guide 2,000.00 New Hanover County I~p 1,200.00 Port Facilities Folder 2,000.00 $11,700.00 Mr. Hall then moved that $20,000 be allocated out of the Advertising and Industrial De- velopment Fund for the immediate use of the Chamber of Commerce for this f•iscal year, over and above .the $19,300.00 included in the•7 top items above, and that they make a progress report to the Board within q0 days. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and before the Da11oL was taken, Mr. Uaughan offered a substitute motion that the Board allocate $13,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for their immediate Advertising Program which is doublF the amount that was given last year. There was no second to the substitute motion and the Chairman declared it dead. During the discussion of the original motion, spokesmen for the Chamber of Commerce reminded the Board that it is not their program but the County~s program, which they are attempting to help with. When the ballot was taken on the original motion, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as abstaining but the Chairman deciared the motion carried by a ma3ority vote. The Chairman thanked the Ad- vertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for their diligent efforts in behalf of the County. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - • The Chairman reminded the Board that they had each received a copy of the revised Subdivision Ordinance proposed by the Planning and 2oning Board. After a brief dis- •' cussion due to a number of changes made, the Board unanimously agreed that the.matter should be readvertised for a Hearing at the second-meeting in October, which will be on the 18th. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confer with the Covnty Attorney I for the proper date on which to advertise for the Rehearing to come within the provisions', of the General Statutes.. I AIRPORT - TRAFFIC CONTROL BUILDING Mr. Leslie N. Boney, Jr. the architect designing the proposed addition to the Air- port Traffic Control Building, reported that he had renegotiated with the low bidder on i the project as authorized by the Board at the last meeting in an effort to reduce the cost. He has been able to bring the cost down to $17,127.00 by making some changes in the structural plans and materials. He is of the opinion that this figure is about as low as can be achieved and stated that he had also reduced the architectural fees down to $1285.00 making a total. cost on the present terms, $18,412.00. After some discussion of this sub~ect, Mr. Bowden moved that the Board authori2e them to proceed with constructi,on as soon as possible and that the Chairman be authorized to execute a contract and that $3,~12.00 be appropriated out of the Emergency Fund to meet the contract, with the under- standing that every effort would be made to increase the rent to cover the cost of this new addition. It was seconded by Ms. Hall and unanimously passed. GAS EXPLORATION LEASES - Mr. Guy Willetts, a stockholder in the North Carolina Oil and Crds Company, Incorporated, reported to the Board that they had more than 1600 stockholders in their company formed to explore for oil and gas in the Southeastern counties of the State. ~ They find thaL lar~e land owners suchuas the International Paper Company, Riegel Paper Company and Lhe Carolina Pulp Division of Weyerhauser, are relvctant to lease their lands' for exploration purposes. They appeal to the Board of Commissioners for an effort in their behalf to negotiate a reasonable lease for the purpose of exploring for gas and oil.! After some discussi.on of this matter, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Board recommend to these companies that they go a2ong with the leases and cooperate with the local 1600 shareholders for the purpose of exploration for commercial qvantities of gas and oil. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Bowden and Vaughan ~ requested that they be recorded as abstaining, however, the Chairman ruled the motion , carried by a ma~jority vote. , COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the County Auditor, who is a member of that Board, had informed him that the staff of the Community Hospital recommended the appointment of Dr. James F. Gihson as a member of the Board of Directors. Dr. Hooper moved that the recommendation be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. , . ~ ~i $50,000.00 6 4~ y 4. _ ?~fnuSes of the~leQt_in~ Sa~Ssm~_er 24_._i b =-~~'a=t~i~ae~' --- -_ ~_ --, NROAD PETITION - II A petition was received from the property owners in Willow Woods Subdivision, uliving on Buxton Road, Linden Lane, Rollin Road, Strada St., and Willow Woods Drive, re- questtng that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Hall moved that the State Highway Commission be requestefl to review the roads described above and , take them over for maintenance if they meet established standards and critera. It was ~seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. 'APPOINTMENT - BOARD OF ADJUSTNfENT By common consent of the Board, the appointment of two members, out of the peri- meter area of one mile of the City limits, to serve on the Board of Adjustments which hears Nappeals from administrative decisions relative to 2oning and Buil.ding construction, was carried over until the next regular meetiing. DEDICATION - D. C. VIRGO SCHOOL Mr. James L. Johnson, of the D. C. Virgo School, announced that it would~be dedicated at 4:00 Sunday, October 2!}th, 196$ and requests the Board to appoint a member Ito accept the Building for the County. After the Chairman reported to the Board that he ~~was scheduled to be out of town on that date, Mr. Vaughan offered a moLion that the Chair- man be authorized to appoint a member of the Board to serve in behlaf of the Board and County at that ceremony. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. SURPLUS COMMODTTY WAREHOUSE HEAT - Mr. Harry F. Thomas, Surplus Commodity Warehouse Supervisor, r.eported that the gas heating unit used in the office is not vented and that~Lhe Fire Prevention Officer lof the Wilmington Fire Department has condemned it for further use. The Executive Secre- tary had secured three informal bids ranging from a low of $82.40 to a high of $289.50. ~The low bid was made with the provision that the County must purchase their gas from the ,company making the proposal. The wide range of bids indicated that all the equipment bid on was not comparable and, therefore, they instructed the Executive Secretary to secure some additional information with reference to the-minimum needs that would meet the problem. REGISTER OF DEEDS - REVISED FEES ' The Register of Deeds reported to the Board that in the past, the cost of ser- Ivices in his office had been based on a per '~word" basis, and that in the revised schedule which he recommends, the concept is based on a per "page" basis which wili provide advance iknowledge of what the cost of each instrument will be. The recommendations below have been pro,jected on previous years volume which he feels will relieve the taxpayer the burden iof subsidizing the deficit. 1- For deeds, deeds of trust, separation agreements, leases, contracts (excepting sales contracts) right of way agreements, and any other instruments which are to be re- corded in the permanent records for which no other provisions are made herein, and whether written, printed, or typewritten, the fee shall be $2.50 for the first two pages, which pages shall not exceed 14 inches in length or exceed 8~ inches in width plus $1.00 for each additional page or fraction thereafter. The minimum fee for any instrument is $2.50. This fee shall include the indexing of six names, grantor and/ or grantee, but a fee of lOd sha12 be charged for indexing of each name or corporation or concern over six in any one instrument. A. ~hattel mortgages, conditional sale contracts $2.00 for the f.irst and second pages, ' plus $1.00 for each additional page or fraction thereafter, with a minimum of '$2.00. ,• These instruments shall not exceed 11} inches in length nor exceed 8~ inches in width. 2- For crop liens the minimum fee is $2.00, which may include two pages plus $1.00 for each page or fraction thereafter~. . 3- Marriage licenses: ~ I A. Issuing a license -$5.00 I B. Issuing delayed certificate - preparation of certificate $2.00, plus $1.00 for ~~ each affidavit required in connection therewith. ( These fees do not include certified copy of marriage certificate. ) C. Proceeding for correction of names in application for marriage license, the license ; or the officer's return -$1.00'for.each affidavit. (This does not include certi- ~ fied copy of corrected record.) !}- Certified copy of~birth, death, or marriage record $1.00 each. - A. This fee shall not apply when birth record is required for enlistment in the Armed Forces. (G.S. 130-'~5) 5- Delayed Birth registration:~ i A. Filing application, which includes preparation and execution of short form certifi- cate -$1.00, plus 50~ for each proof or abstract of evidence. (This does not include certified copy of birth record. • , 6- Amendment of birth or death records: Preparation of amendment and a mendment and I effecting such correction -$1.OOCeach. (See letter June 29, 1965- State Board charges $1.00) After a review of the suggested fees by the County Attorney, Dr. Hooper moved that the fees recommended by the Register of Deeds above be approved as submitted, effective !- October 1, 1965. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. ' ~ ~ ~~~° Minutes of the Meeting September 20, 1965 Continued APPROPRIATION - LIABILIfY INSURANCE The County Auditor explained that the cost of liability insvrance was estimate~ to be $5,500 during the Budget making period but that the actual premivms was based on experience for the year and amounted to $6,619.36. After a review of the matter, Mr. Hall offered a motion that $1,119.36 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Insurance Fund for the purpose of paying the premiums. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously passed. I H.E.W. CONFERENCE - The Chairman reminded the Soard that representatives from the Federal Depart- ment of Health, Education and Welfare, would like to meet with the Board at 2:00 P. M. ~ on September 23rd, 1965 for the purpose of reviewing the contents of Title Vi of the Civii Rights Act of 1964. He regretted that he had a previous commitment and could not be present but said he would attend one of the conferences to be held with the Hospital Boards but hoped that other members of the Board could be present to meet the representa- tives. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that this matter be referred to the Governor of our Sovereign North Carolina because he does not think the State officials ~ should be bypassed or harrassed by enforcement officials. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ~ HUMANE SOCIETY - The Chairman read a letter which he had received from the President of the New Hanover County Humane Society, Inc. in which she outlined a report of some of the cases which had been handled during the past month. She recailed that the State Humane Federation, Incorporated interpreted the General Statutes as being very specific with reference to the duties of the Dog Warden and so far as they interpret them, they apply to a part-time Warden and not only to a full-time Warden. She recommended that because of the State Rabies Control Program and to protect the safety of the public, the County should have a full-time Dog Warden. After a brief discussion, the County Attorney sug- gested that the Board defer any action on this matter and give him a litt2e more time to study the provisions of the General Statutes. The Chairman directed.the Executive Secretary to answer the letter and assure them that the Board lends their moral support 100% and that the matter would be discussed further at a later meeting. TELEPHONE SERVICES - COMMUNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT The Chairman read a letter from Mr. James C. Fox, Director of Opportunities, Inc. calling attention to the Community Services Consultant Office, recently set up here by the State in an effort to coordinate more efficiently the cooperative application of ~ our public and private services. He understands thaL the office is under the State Board of Public Welfare and.recommended thaL the Board furnish telephone service for the office at an estimated annual cost of $200.00. During the discussion, the Board recognized the need for telephone service in the office but felt that they should have been informed~ of this expense at the time they agreed to furnish the office space. Because of this misunderstanding, no funds were included in the Budget to defray these telephone expenses: Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously instructed the Executive Secretary to write Mr. Lewis G. Cristian, Division of Community Services, State Board of Public Welfare, and inform him that because they were not aware of this contin- ', gency of County expense, no provision was made in t he Budget and at the time, the Board was led to believe that their only responsibility would be to provide the office space. ~ WELFARE REPORT - Mr. L. O. Bowden, a member of the Public Welfare Board, representing the Commissioners, reported that there three items which he would like for the Board to give some thought to: 1- Recent inspections of mailings by the Public Welfare Department whi~ch have been sent at less than first class postage on them which wiil require an additionall appropriation for postage. 2- The telephone expense is now running $175.00 per month i and that only $200.00 per month was budgeted which leaves only a$25.00 margin to cover II :long distance calis. It is the opinion of the 47elfare Board that the Program would be more efficiantly conducted if more long distance calls were made to get facts which would~ allow reducing our cutting off recipients who might otherwise continue to receive grants. 3- He called attention to G. 5, lOS- 30.1 which outlines the procedure for settling I Weifare liens and stated that in the past, some of our liens have been settied incorrectl~ and Lhat the SLate and Federal funds involved in the lien wouid be deducted as a total even if the County agreed to accept time payment installments. 1}- The question has aris~n sometime in the past about the Board~s policy with reference to the operation of fans and air cond,itioners being used night and day. After a brief discussion, the Board unan~- mously agreed to allow the operation of air conditioners on Whatever basis provided the I most comfort and efficient working cottditions. By common consent, the Board agreed to receive this information for the record and that when the present appropriations for these funds are exhausted, they would take proper action at that time, i PERSONNEL REGULATIONS Mr. Vaughan reported that he had talked with Donald Hayman, Assistant Director! of the Institute of Government, with reference to establishing a classification and pay ~, scale range for County employees as well as rules for regulating vacations, sick leave anc; holidays ott a uniform system for regulating County personnel. He has studied the informa~ tion collected from other sources by the Executive Secretaryand suggests that a study committee be appointed to review the information and bring back a system for recommenda- tion to the Board. By co~runon consent, the Board authori2ed the Chairman to appoint sucli a Committee. The Chairman appointed Mr. Vaughan as Chairman and Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden and Peter H.Braak to serve with him. i TRUSTEES - FIREN~N~S RELIEF FUND The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Winston D. Thompson, a member of the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department had approached him and asked that the Commissioners appoint two persons to serve as Trustees of their Firemen~s Relief Fund. He suggested the names of Timothy R. Karp, L. A. McCullen, Larry Smith and Winston D. Thompson as persons eligible for the appointment. By unanimous common consent, the Board appointed Timothy R. Karp and L. A. McCulien to serve in that capacity. \ ~~ .r ~ '~~g~ I Mr. Vaughan stated that recently he had heard remarks about the people of !New Hanover County being divided in their efforts to secure better things for the citizens ~of the County, especially as it has reference to the type of bridge across the Cape Fear 'River and the plans for roads. He stated that he resented the implication that ~he people of this County were split up and he does not think that they are any more divided ~~than the citizens of any other County. Minutes of the Meet ina ___ September 2_0_._19_65-C.o.ni~nue,± -_..- - - - ._....- --- --- - --- _- - s- - -~ m - --_ _ ~ NEl^! HANOVER COUNTY COOPERAT ON TAX PENALTY WAIVER - ' ' „,,,,~ The Chairman read a letter from the President of the Standard Paint and Glass ~' ZJ FUTURE PENALTY POLICY - ~ • After a thorough discussinn of the problem presented by business firms which Ilrequire year end audits before listing their taxes, it is the unanimous opinion of the Board that if a written request is made to substantiate their need for a delay in listing taxes beyond the legal listing period, they are willing to waive the penalty. The Tax Supervisor reported that there would be some others making the same request this particular ~year and the Board asked him to furnish them a list of those ffirms which were penalized for late listing. IWOODLAND MANAGEMENT - ' Mr. Braak reported that he had made a study of the recommendations of the water- shed forester for management of the woodlands on the County Farm located on the Blue Clay Road and has come to the conclusion that the County should sell the property. By common consent, the Board,asked the Executive Secretary to furnish each member with a co y of the recommendations for their study and to put it on the Agenda for the next meeting ~or dis- position. He recommends that the value of the timber be estimated and sold beFore disposing ~of the land. ~ • ~WILMINGTON CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION - • The Chairman read a letter from the Wilmington Contractor~s Association inviting the Board to attend their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 5th, 1q65 at the Marina. Restaurant with a Social Hour at 6:l}5 P. M. followed by a dinner. Each member of the Board expressed their intention of attending the meeting and the Executive Secretary was instructed Ito accept Lhe invitation for the entire Board. ~AUDIT - ' 141r, Braak observed that the question of auditino the various departments of the County had come up from time to time and he asked the County Auditor if he had made an audit of the records in the Recorder's Court since the resignation of the Clerk of Recorder~s Court Fitzpatrick and the employment of the present Recorder's Court Clerk Gnau. The County uditor reported that no audit had been made and at present the deposits zre being made on a daily basis and proved by the validating machine and record-keeping system installed by the Independent Auditor during the latter part of the 'last fiscal year. After some discus- sion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authorized to confer with an Independent ~Auditor of his choice and find out what it would cost to make a complete audit of the Recor- ~der~s Court records from the end of the last audit period to the end of the last fiscal ~year, June 30, 1965._ It was seconded by Mr. Braak. The County Attorney cautioned the IChairman not to make a contract unless the monies to pay him were already appropriated. ;When the ballot was taken, all members were unanimous :in approving this motion. IELECTION REPORT - Nr. Vaughan reminded the Board that from time to time the question of a revision of the election procedures had been discussed and he thinks it would be a good time to re- consider the matter and offered a motion that the Chairman of the Election Board be invited Ito attend the next regular semimonthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners with his ten- tative plans for (1) revision of the precinct lines, (2) the estimated cost of installing the permanent looseleaf system, (3) comparable cost of the operation of a permanent cost "of the operation of a permanent election office as compared to the present system of operat- ing the election machinery. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. The IExecutive Secretary was instructed to notify the Chairman of the Election Board. IOCTOBER MEETING TIME - ' The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Tax Collector had in- formed him that the 1961~-65 Tax Books would be closed on Friday, October lst and prepared for making the annual report to the Board of Commissioners at their meeting ihe first Monday in October as required by GS 105-325• Unless he can receive the nex Tax Books records early Monday morning, October 4th, his office will not have any work to do for that day and he would like for the Board of Commissioners to consider meeting in the morn- 'ing of October L}th instead of the afternoon as is regularly scheduled. After considering this matter, Dr. Hooper offered a motion that the Board meet at 8:00 A. M., October !}th `~for its regular semimonthly meeting in order to accept the old Tax Books from the Tax Col- 2ector and the new Tax Books from the Tax Supervisor and turn them over to the Tax Collector. ;It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. Cou , Incorporated, calling attention to a tax penalty of $$6.34 to the County and $69.2 to the City for failure to list taxes during the legal listing period. He out- ~~lined that in the past he had been allowed to list his taxes after his year-end avdit was Ifinished even::though it was beyond the legal listing time. Mr. Hall reported,that it has been the custom of the Board of Commissioners to permit late listing of,business firms without pena2ty, provided they wrote a letter and requested the late listing because their audit was not completed by the end of January. The County Attorney.observed that the Tax Supervisor had calied him about the penalt3es for late listing and he had advised that the law does not give the Supervisor authority to waive the penalties. The Tax Supervisor recommended to the Board that under the circumstances that the penalties be ~waived for this year in this instance. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that both the penalties for the.County and City, amounting to $56.31} and $69.20 respectively, be waived as recommended by the Tax Supervisor. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved I~with the proviso that the firm be written to the effect that written permission for late listing must be gr2nted if it is necessary. ~ : )~~ Minutes of the Meeting September 20, 1965 Continued PETIT JURY - " The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Svperior Court for the weeks beginning October 18th and October 25th, 1965- Civil terms: Jurors for the week beq~tnninq October 18, 1965 - Civil term Alfrod, Norman Batounis, Emanuei J. Benton, James Edward Bivins, Joseph T. Boykin, Isaac Bradshaw, Wiliiam R. Burney, J. N. Chadwick, W. A. Cleamons, J. W. Cook, Essie G. Davis, George W. Devane, Eva M. Dougherty, William W. Dowless, Lee Warren Fox, Leon M. Garner, Walter Gordon, Thomas Q. Green, Octavia Groot, Peter Hartdee, Paul F. Hicks, Kenneth D. Hilton, John D. Holland, Sally C. Howell, Floyd H. Jackson, Odessa M. 903 Meares St. 3~0 N. Blvd. RFD 3 B 531 605 Chestnut St. 713 5. 7th St. 1520 Dock St. 219 Oakcrest Dr. 102 N. C. Ave. i119 s. 8th St. 222 N. 22nd St. 308 S. 15tn st. 71!} Red Cross St. 506 Devon Ct. 253 Brightwood Rd. 1312 Oxford Dr. RFD 1, B 367 B. 313 Church St. 8~8 Swann St. RFD 1 Box 25t} Cas{1 Hayne,N.C. 112 S. ~lst St. 5019 Barefoot Dr. PCa~olina Beach 229 Wood Dale 2118 Market St. 1003 N. sth St. Jarrell, Pedwin ~20 Rutledge Dr. Ingraham, Purl Carol'ina:Beacfi, N. C. Kuprion, Norbert H. 230 Wallace Ave. Lanier, H. R. 1}O10 Wrightsville Ave. ,May, Harold 15 N. 23rd St. May, Mattie 0. 2229 Plaza Dr. Marshburn, Mrs. Lila B. 216 Walnut St. Mercer, Iris Cherry Jacksonville Ave. Mosley, Hubert Adolph 308 rr. 9th St. Neely, Sallie W. 412 S. 3rd St. Norment, James D. 317 Newk~irk Ave. Overby, Donald L. 305 N. !}th St. Powell, James C. 1503 Moore Plaza Purdie, Marvin 718 5. 13th St. Riggo, Doris Jane 5426 Andover Road Roberts, William A. Montgomery Ave. Scoggins,'Eloise Lane 606 S. 4th St. Shew, Richard A. 213 Princess St. Stevens, J. A. P. O. Box 24 Stoudenmire, Dallas E ugene t}05 N. 41st St. Titus, Grant 822 Grace 5t. Vaught, Florence 703 N. sth SL. Waller, Ma,jor 1118 Park Place White, Lena Mae 516 Brunswick St. Wood, Samuel H. 313 N. l~th St. Jurors for the week beqinninq October 25th- Civil term ~ Aman, Carey Wallace P. O. Box 203 Jackson, J. W. P. 0. Box 699 ' Andrews, Isaiah 1218 S. 9th St. James, Frindley Carro li 60 Lee Dr. Barnhill, Thurman H. 2108 Klein Rd. Johnson, Addie S. 2$12 Wrightsv. Ave. Batson, Ronald L. 306 N. C. Ave. Lee, Edward N. 205 N. 22nd St. Berry, C. G. - 12~ Forest Hills Dr. Mallard, Anne 2932 D. Adams St. Blake, Eustice G. RFD 1, B 211 Massey, Charlotte M, l}08 5. 2nd St. Bowden, Mrs. Hattie B. 211 N. (}th St. McRae, Fred # 12 30th St. Brown, Arnold Lee RFD 1 B 327 McIntosh, Martha P. O. Box 356 ~ Caulder, Cari L. RFD 1, B. 227 A. F A ~ohr C mlina Beach N. C. 51~~ W ht I C stle Hayne, N.C ~ , . . rig sv. Ave. Charles, Pinkney 5111~ Bladen St. Nixon, George RFD 1, Box 335 Davis, Essie Lee 20~ N. 13th St. Norris, R. Sudie RFD 1, Box 165 Dudley, John H. Jr. 5200 Wrightsv. Ave. Padgett, William E. 5301 Ridgewood Hts. Dr. Divine, Augusta Eliz'. 1}16 S. Front St. Platt, Frank W. 9 Bedford Forest Dr. Formy-Duval, Frances E lizabeth 2928 CaBbrid ge plowden, Marie 2018 Perry Ave. Foy, Vury K. RFD 1, B 413 B. r Rubin, Oscar 109 S. Front St. Gainous, Junius L. 1 B. Lake Vil. Russ, A. 4.~17 S. 17th St. Glover, Plummie A. 2~ Pinecrest Pktiry. Smith, Charles Coleman 3801 Carolina Beach Rd. Godley, Marjorie M. P. O. Box 256 Sternberger, Henry ~ 707 Market St. Gore, David B. Wrightsv. Beach 2$!~!~ Burnett Blvd Stevens, Roger M. 426 Rosemont Ave. Green, Rochester . lOth St. Between Thrash, Freeman yr}iitfield Kermit 317 S. Kerr Ave. 811 Anderson St Hall, Lillian B. Wright 8 Meares 12 U Lake Village , Willard, Jess L. , 703 E. Forest Hills•~r. Hemby~ Lena C. ° j~030 Cherry Ave. Wiliiams, James B. 1099 S. lOth St. Holden, G. P. t011} 5. !}th St. Wilson, George Parley RFD 1, B 2~6 ~ Holmes, James S. 1109 Fanning St. Wood, Wm. H. 106 Chadwick Ave. REPORTS - the The following reports were reviewed by~Board and ordered filed for future refer ence : 1- U.S.O. Report for August, 1965. 2- Wilmington Public Li'sbrary Report, August 1q65. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. unanimous vote. ~ etary ~~ ~ .:, t ~ \ II Bowden, the meeting was adjourned by