1965-10-04 Regular Meetingµ~ ~ :~a ~~~ Wilmington, N. C. October 4, 1965 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLI( - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 P. M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the.following members present: Chairman: Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners, M. H. Vaughan, Uice. Chairman, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak and J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Auditor T. D. iLove, and County Attorne'y~~L•.~Bradford Tillery. ~ , IiINVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested Reverend Joseph K. Bostick, iPastor of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, to give the invocation. IAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ~ ' Before approving the minutes, the Board authorized the following changes: In ~the paragraph "RECREATION DEUELOAMENT POTENTIAL","Mason's Inlet" should be"Masonboro In2et" and "Intracoastal Waterway" should be "Carolina Beach Inlet"; In the paragraph "Subdivision 'Ordinance", the words "dve to the number of changes made" should be inserted in the second sentence after the ~~ords, "after a brief discussion". After agreeing on these changes • listed above, Mr. Hall made a motion that the minutes be approved as amentled. It was seconded y Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. 196C~. TAX SETTLEN~NT - ~ The Tax Collector presented the Board with his settlement of the 196!} taxes as ollows: Total Charges $2,781,292.07 i Totai Collections 2,782,494•91 - • Adjustments $1,171.06 and a copy of the delinquent personal property tax list. He reported that~he had been Isuccessful• in collecting 96.05% of the County Tax Levy and 95•62~ of the City Tax Levy. After answering questions propounded by the Board, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the re- ports be accepted for the record. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. NEW TAX BOOKS The Tax Supervisor presented the Commissiotters with the new tax books which were completed as required by G. S. 105-325 and after having them properly signed and attested by the Clerk to the Board, they were delivered to Sam W. Johnson, the Tax Collector, who signed them as evidence of his acceptance. , SUREIY BOND - ~ The Tax Collector presented the Board with his Surety Bond in the amount of I$37,500.00 which was approved as to form by the County Attorney and accepte.d by common con- 5ent of the Board. The Executive Secretary was instructed to have it properly recorded and delivered to the Clerk of Superior Court for safe keeping. • EW APPOINTMENT - NiENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD The Chairman read a letter from the Co-Chairman of the Mental Health Advisory ouncil suggesting that the Juvenile Judge, J. Hardie Ferguson, be appointed to fill the acancy left by the recent resignation of Mrs. Daniel C. Darrovq. Upon motion of Mr. Vauohan, econded by Mr. Hall, the recommendation was unanimously confirmed and J. Hardie Ferguson was ppointed to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Darrow. ~TRUSTEES - YJRIGHTSBORO FIREMEN'!'S RELIEF FUND ~ The Chairman read a letter from the Secretary of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire bepartment requesting that Mr. E. R. Lane be appointed for a term of two years to the Board of Trustees of the Wrightshoro Vo2vnteer expires this month. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hali, the Board unanimously appointed Mr. Lane as successor to Mr. Cayton on this Board. ' PARHS & RECRFATION - Mr. Bowden reminded the Board that on February 15, 1965 they had approved a recom- nendation of the County Planning and Zoning Board for appointing a ~-man Committee, including • ~~,he County Attorney, to work in con,junction with the City Parks and Recreation Commission. He suggested that if such a Board has been appointed, it wouid be part of their responsibility .:o study the proposal of the Federal government for developing either side of Snow~s Cut 3ridge as a recreational area. After some discussion of this sub~ect, the Chairman requested ~he Board members to submit their recommendations for appointees on this committee to Mr. ~/aughan and instructedthe Executive Secretary to place the matter for discussion on the next t~genda. _. OPPORTUNITIES, INC. The Chairman reported that about 18 months ago Opportunities, Incorporated was organi2ed as a non-profit committee, composed of representatives of civic leaders,minority groups, as ~~ueli aS some indigent persons. At the time the program was originally outlined by the Federal government, the.y indicated that it was a unique opportunity for local in- iterest to devise programs to help ~eople help themselves get out of the poverty rut and off ~of the Welfare rolls. There were three stipulations placed on the original proposal, 1- There should be non-discrimination, 2- proper accounting of funds, 3- a sound pro- gram. The County Commissioners agreed to sponsor the program for the first year on the basis of 10% in money, or in kind, while the Federal government wou2d participate in the amovnt of 90%. Since that time, the ground rules have been changed several times. On recent visit by a member of the `Ylelfare Program, it was brought out that one-third of the embership on the Committee should be community leaders, one-third from minority groups ~and one-third indigent persons. They also pointed out that any~time any complaint of any ~complaint of any discrimination or from any minority group originated, it would have to be thoroughly investigated and reported to Washington. He stated that he could not see his ay clear to continue the endorsement by the Commissioners on the program, however, he ~tated that he felt that the programs were worthwhile but the ~hairman and the Treasurer, ~oth, have submitted their resignations at they have lieen disillusioned about the course ~the program has taken. Dr. Hooper recommended that the Board of Commissioners withdraw (continued) ~~ ~ ~~~ ;:.. '_ . Minutes of the Meetina October 4, 1965 Continued OPPORTl1NITIES, INC. - (continued) i from participatidn in this program and suggests that if the Board desires to con- tinue to keep it moving, it could be done under respons'3ble community leadership. He i suggested that Mr. Guy Willetts, Community Services Consultant, be requested to make I a~tudy of the problems in the County and make recommendations after which the Board might establish its own program. After a thorough discussion of the sub~ject, the Chairman offered a motion that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners withdraw its spansorship of Opportunities, Inc. and that the Community Services Consultant, Guy Willetts, be requested to make a study of County problems and bring some recommenda- tions before the Board to consider in establishing its own program under local leader- ~j ship. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. RESIGNATION The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John Van B. Metts, Jr. resigning as a member of the Board of Directors of Opportunities, as well as Treasurer and recommended that Mrs. Hannah Block as a replacement for the vacancy. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, the Board accepted the resignation and recommendation of Mr. Metts, upon a second by Mr. Hali with the proviso that Mr. Metts be thanked for the service he has rendered and that the Board regrets that he felt that he must resign. The motion passed unanimovs2y. ROAD BOND ISSUE - The Chairman reported to the Board that although it had previously endorsed i the $300,000,000 State Road Bond Issue, at the same time he thought it might be well Lo put it into a Resolution and offered the following: ! I~' WHEREAS, the General Assembly has authorized a$300,000,000 State Road Bond subject to the approval of the voters on November 2, 1965 and , WHEREAS, coAStruction of new and improved primary, urban, and secondary roads and highways is vital to the economy of the State, and j WAEREAS, the people of New Hanover County will benefit from projects financed ~ by this Road ~ond Issue, and WHEREAS, the proposed Road Bond Issue wili be financed without any increase in taxes, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the $300,000,000 State Road Bond Issue is hereby endorsed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the voters of New Hanover County are hereby urged to work, support and vote for the State Road Bonds at the General Election on November 2, 1965 I Adopted this l}th day of October, 1965. ~ Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Resolution be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. CONSTITUTIONAL ANENDMENT - ~ The Chairman presented a Resolution endorsing and urging support for a pro- I posed Constitutional Amendment for the Creation of an Intermediate Court of Appeals ~ in North Carolina as follows: . WHEREAS, full and timely consideration of appeals is essential to the orderly administration of ,justice and to the preservation and protection of the rights of the people, and WHEREAS, the case-load of the North Carolina Supreme Court is now double the , average case-load of other comparable state courts and will increase even more in serving a growing population,and ; WHEREAS, the 1965 General Assembly, in order ~to maintain for ail North Carolin citi2ens full and timely redress throuyh the Courts, has submitted to the voters on November 2nd, 1965, a proposed constitutional amendment to permit the General Assemb.y to create an intermediate Court of Appeals, and I WHEREAS, such action will better serve the interests of the citizens of North '~, Carolina, NOW, THEREFORE, i SE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the I ~ proposed Constitutional Amendment to permit creation of an intermediate Court of Appeals is hereby endorsed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all the voters of New Hanover County are hereby I urged to work, support, and vote for the Amendment at the General Election on Novem- ber 2, 1965 ~ After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that it be referred to , the Local Bar Association for their recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and the Executive Secretary was instructed to send it to the President of the Local Bar j Association. I OPERATION TURNPIKE - Mr. Richard H. Oosterwyk, representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board and presented a plan to initiate and secure a defi-nite com- I mitment from the State Highway Commission for a four lane Highway of Inter-State standarcis cbnnecting Southeastern North Carolina with the central Piedmont areas. They are desig~: nating this ambitious undertaking as Operation Turnpike and are enlisting the support II of the various leaders to make this road a reality. He asks the Board to pledge their endorsement and asked them to make any comment or suggestions that would help them achieve their goal. By common consent, the Board unanimously pledged their support to this activity. I ~n II fl~ ~~ Minutes of the Meetin~_ Octobe~, 19~ Continued IMENTAL HEALTH CENTER - ' The Co-chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Board presented the preliminary plans for initiating State participation in the construction of a Community Mental Health Center on the space allotted to them in the area of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital ~site. They reported that construction funds have not been commited for 1965-66 and urged ,that, if possible, they might finalize Lhe plans and make formal application if they con- template beginning construction in the near future. This is the preliminary step and will . be used as a guideline for the future. Mr. Bowden then offered a motion that the Board accept the recommendations of the Mental Health Advisory Council as a concept for future development. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. IWOODLAND MANAGEMENT - During a discussion of the proposai made by the Watershed Forester, Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that after studying the recommendations he feels like the Board should accept his advice in handling the timber but feels they should retain the land at present. iBy common consent, the Board agreed to leave the Blue Clay Farm land and timber as is for the present time but bring it up from time to time for review and further discussion. The Executive Secretary was instructed to thank the Watershed Forester for his fine ,job. SURPLUS COI~70DITY HEATER The Executive Secretary reported that pursuant to instructions given him at the last meeting he had consulted the Safety Engineer of the Fire Department and was ad- vised that efther of the heaters bid were satisfactory but that since that tfine he had received a low bid from the City Builders Company amounting to $79.99 without a thermo- ~stat, the main difference in the two low bids being 1}0,000 BTU input as compared to a 30,000 BN input. After a brief .discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Execu- tive Secretary be authorized to purchase the low bid heater and that funds in the amount of $79.99 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to pay for it. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. ' BUSINESS LATE LISTING PENALTY - • Complying with instructions of the Board at the last meeting the Tax 5upervisor ~provided each member ofthe Board of Commissioners with a list of the business firms wh4ch Iwere penalized as provided by GS 105-307. In the discussion which followed, it was brouoht out that this provision of the law had been handled by the Tax Listing Department in a iax manner. Some of the firms, claiming that their auditors were not able to complete Itheir year-end accounting in time to list during the regular period provided by law but 'failed to make any request for an extension of time. After a thorough discussion, it was ithe consensus of the Board that they are willing to waive the penalties of those firms which listed late on account of their incomplete audit report. Some of the firms claimed 'that their late listing was due to past practices of the Tax Listing Office in allowing them to list late without' the '~enalty_as:provlded.--by.~iaw: Mr.'Vaugham t~hen moved::tha.t~•Lhe T~x Supervisof be.~empower~e.d`to:.discuss.~eachrcompla3ntaabout`Lhe:late lisLing'°penadty and ~take'whatever act:ton se~ems advisable provided the Board be notified of any exceptions 'which he makes and that each complainant is willing to sign a statement declaring that his late listing was due either to the incomplete audit report or past practice which ailowed late listing withovt the penalty and further Lhat the firm be notified 'that in the future they must comply with the law. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. COURT HOUSE BOILER The Executive Secretary reported that the Service Manager of Springer Coal and Oil Company has declared that the small hot water boiler in the Court House is beyond economical repair and recommends that it not be put back in service. He also had the boiler ittspected by the local boiler inspector for the Lumber en~s Mutual Casualty Insurance Company who also stated that the boiler was not suitable for uture service and recommended that it be replaced with a new boller. There is only one b iler of this type locally in stock and the Executive Secretary recommended that it be purchased. The County Attorney is of the opinion that this is an emergency and shovld be handied promptly. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Executive Secretary secure informai bids for the purchase and installation of a new boiler and that the Chairman be authorized to go ahead with the in- stallation using funds appropriated for Building Maintenance and Repairs. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. U.5.17 ALTERNATE The Chairman reported that the Mayor of Southport, N. C. had called him aslting that the New Hanover Covnty Board of Commissioners express their approval for designating U. S. Highway 17 from the intersection of N. C. 132 southward to Myrtle Grove Junction and U. S. 421 from NyrLle Grove Junction to Fort Fisher across the Ferry to Southport and to Supply as "U.S. 17 Alternate" and request the State Highway Commission to designate it as such and moved t}iat it be endorsed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy passed. I MEETING ATTENDANCE - ' The Chairman reported that since the Board had accepted the invitation to attend the Annual Meeting of the Wilmington Contractors~ Association, the Chamber of Com- merce had initiated the sponsorship of a drive for passage of the $300,000,000 Road Bond !Issue. Mr. J. M. Hunt, Chairman of the State Highway Commission, will speak at the Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Blockade Runner and Mr. Ashley M. Murphy will speak at the Wilminoton Contractors~ Association Meeting. He suggested that the Board should split up and attend both meetings, After some discussion, it was decided that Messrs. Hooper and Braak would attend the Chamber of Commerce Meeting and Messrs. Hall and Bowden would attend the Wilmington Contractors~ Meeting. lATE LISTING PENALTIES The Executive Secretary presented two requests for waiving tax penalty caused by late listing. Mr. Alex A. Arab of 1!} Morganton Road, Fayetteville, N. C. owns property at Wrightsville Beach and states that for the past 22 years he has been mailing the abstract for tax listing and during ali that time, without any trouble. For some unknown reason, his abstract for the past year could not be located in the Tax List- ing Office although he claims to have mailed it as in the pasL. He requested that the penalty amounting to $12.77 be waived. He presented a request from the Weaver Realty Company, who was authorized by the estate of Owen H. Kenan to list taxes for 1965 but that in some unknown manner he failed to list a pdece of property located on Harbor Island and, therefore, asked that Lhe listing penalty of $21.57 be waived inasmuch as it was not (continued) ~ ~~~ Ninutes of the Meeting October 4, 1965 LATE LISTING PENALTIES - continued caused by neglect but by oversight. By common consent of the Board, they unanimously approved both of these requests. COUNTY MAPPING - ' The Chairman read a letter from the Wilmington Board of Realtors outlinino the benefits to individual property owners as well as business people thaL could be derived from a complete mapping of the County. They requested the Board to give favor-~' able consideration for completing a mapping program in connection with the present Equalll ization and Appraisal Program. They suggested that the funds could be derived from a tax or charge on the transfer of properties similiar to the present requirements of the ~ Federal government which will be repealed July 1, 1966. $y common consent, the Board instrvcted the Executive Secretary to refer this request to Mr. E. Paul Blanchard, the Register of Deeds, and ask him to tabulate the Federal stamps which were placed on pro- perty conveyances recorded in his office during the past 12 months. ELECTION BOARD REPORT - ' Mr. O, K. Pridoen II, Chairman of the Board of Elections, advised that it wouid be impossible for him to appear before the Board to make a report on his recom- mendations as requested because he is an Attorney on a case being tried in Superior II Court today. Mr. Vaughan then moved that Mr. Pridgen be requested to appear before the Board at the next regular meetino. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously passec. ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT - I, County Auditor T. D. Love presented his annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 and stated that the cash position of the County reflected the best '' condition it has experienced in recent years. Mr. Vaughan asked if the departments ~ were staying cbse to the present year~s Budget. The Auditor stated that they were•all keeping within their Budget percentage-wise in good shape so far this year. Upon moLior~ of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the report was accepted and each member of the Board given a copy, with the understanding Lhat they would study it and discuss any item~ not clear to them at the next meeting. PETTY CASH THEFT - County Auditor Love reported that the Cape Fear Technical Institute had a break-in last weekend and $100.00 in petty cash was stol~en. TEMPORARY RIGHT OF WAY The Executive Secretary reported he had a request from the Right of Way Department of the Carolina Power & Liaht Company seeking approval for a temporary right- of-way line across one corner of 0ak Grove Cemetery. It is to supply power for con- struction of the-new apartment house to be•buiit on Columbia Circle in Pine Courts Sub- division. Upon motion of Mr. Vaugttan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unnaniimously approved this request. TOWER CLOCR SERVICE - The Executive Secretary presented a lstter from the Tower Clock Service Com- pany offering to service our Tower Clock on a contract basis for one year at $75.00 per annum. By common consent, the Board agreed to pass up opportunity at this time. COUNTY COWS Mr. Braak reported that there are still several cows at the County Farm in fair saleahle condition but there is not sufficient feed available to keep them in good condition so he recommends that they be sold. After some discussion, Dr. Hooper moved that Mr. Braak exercise his authority as their representative to the County Farm as he sees fit. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. DEEPENING CAPE FEAR RIVER ABOVE WILMINGTON The Chairman stated that at a joint meeting on September 19, 1960, the Board ' of County Commissioners and the City Council agreed to share in meeting-the requirements of local cooperation including the cost of maintenance of dikes on Eagles~ Island for deepening the Wilminaton Harbor and channel above Wilmington. After some discvssion, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to the City Council and ask ther~ to reaffirm their intent to participate in this project. , ~ TRI-COUIVTY FAIR I Mr. R. H. Ossterwyk informed the Board that the Jay-cees were sponsoring a Tri-County Fair to be held the week of October 18 through October 23rd which will be a much larger event than their initial effort was last year. He extended a cordial in- vitation to the Board to attend the fair and participate in its activities. BEER ~. RERMI T - ~1V7J~"`+~J ~ ~ ~Q ~"'~^'"" The following application as eviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Dr. Hooper, unani ously approved and referred to the Sheriff for his consideration and investigation: Mrs. Nhaggie Goff Maroaret~s Grocery ~10 N. L}th St. City ~ ' n HUi~fAniE SOC I ETY A letter dated September 29th, 1965 from the President of the New Hanover County Humane Society was reviewed by the Board. Attention was called to the fact that the Dog Warden had been unable to function for the last 30 days on the account of a breakdown in his truck. It suggested that consideration be given to placing the Dog Warden acLivities under the jurisdictiott of the Health Department . The Chairman in- quired of the County Attorney if he had any further suggestions to make regarding the handling of this problem. The County Rttorney replied that he did not. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter informing them that they had explored ail avenues on this problem hut did not have any further suggestions to offer. (Since the above was dictated, the Sheriff reports that a temporary body has been put on the Dog Warden's truck and can be used on a temporary basis.) ~~~, Min~t~ s_o~thQ~le_e3.~n_c ~~GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL A report was ~ of the Y7i lmi•rigton area tion for a mutual trust ~Board and its work. Ocxober l~~~65 Continued received covering the activities of the Good Neighbor Council outlining the work it is doing and attached letters of commenda- and confidence on the part of the citizens of ovr County in the ~VOTE OF CONFIDENCE - Mr. Vaughan reported that a local citi2en, Mr. Bill Kingoff, came to his office and was very concerned because of the news releases about the representatives of the Federal government from ~lashington coming down to settle local complaints. He is of the opinion that the Good Neighbor Council was organized for that purpose and should settle all local complaints, at least the locai complaints shovld be considered by the Board and resolved locally before being sent to Washington. He would like to see the Board of iCommissioners endorse the Good Neighbor Council as the local facility for resolving local differences on the loca2 leve2 before they are considered by outsiders. Mr. Bowden observed that he is in agreement that differences should be considered first at the loca2 level but also is of the opinion that if outsiders do come in; whether invited or ttot, they should be treated courteoursly. He offered a motion that the Good Neighbor Council be given a vote of confidence and assurance that they will receive the support of this Board in handling local problems. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper, who remarked that he did ~not think the Good Neighbor Council should be bypassed. The Board unanimously adopted the above motion. PERSONNEL REGULATIONS - ' Mr. Vaughan reported, as Chairman of the committee set up by the Board, for studying information oathered by the Executive Secretary from various counties, with reference to the classification and pay pians for County employees. He offered a motion that Nr. Dona2d Heyman, Assistant Director of the Instit~te of Government, be invited to come down and discuss personnel systems and that the same committee be kept in force to review the files and pursue whatever program is outiined by Mr. Heyman. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ~ APOLOGY - Mr. Bowden referred Lo the meeting held with representatives of the Federal i government recently which was presided over by the Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan and in which he was alledged to have been rude and inhospitable causing unpleasantness by asking personal questions such as "if they were equipped with tape recorders and the ~ amount of their personal salaries". He offered a motion that Mr. Vaugta n be requested to write a letter of apology to the individuals involved in the controversy: Mr. Hali observed that he thought some remarks are in order and seconded the motion.- When the iballot was taken, Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan voted "No", but the other 3 members of the Board, Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared~it carried by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Vaughan stated that under no circumstances would he apologize. Mr. Vaughan fvrther stated, "It is my feeling that the type of thinking that would re- quest me to apologize, if sincere, is the same type of thinking that would ask Patr.ick Henry, Paul Revere or Nathan Hale to apologize; 'if not sin:c~ere 7then the motion repre- I sents hypocrisy of the worst order". .M"r. Bowden.then_offered'a.mot3on tha't~s:ihc.e_Mr: Uaugh3'n•~re:fused .to write at letLe.r~~of ~polo.gy, a cop,y..of. this. portion;_ofc•the:minutes be sent to the individuals involved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall. Before the ballot was cast, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that Mr. Bowden be required to write a letter to the lady of the visiting group apologizing for the remark which he made about her eyes. There was no second to the substitute motion. After the original motion was thoroughly discussed, Mr. Vaughan offered another substitute motion that the record show that Mr. Bowden took the group to the Airport in an effort to ease the tension buiit up at the meeting and that his rebuttal over the T. V. Station be sent to the De- partment of the Heaith, Education and Ylelfare as well as the individuals involved. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimovsly passed. MEETING TINTE - The time for holding the regular semimonthly meetings was brought .to the floor for discvssion and after expioring the various ideas of the individual members of the Board, Mr. Braak moved that beginning with the first meeting in October and in the future the meetings be held at 8:00 A. M. It was seconded by Mr. Hall. During the discussion, Mr. Bowden observed that he had made the original sugoestion for holdino afternoon and evening meetings thinking that the public would participate more thorovghly, however, this has not proved true and since the original idea was to be on a trial basis, he is willing to go along with morning sessions. Before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that the next meeting on October 18th be held at•7:30 A. M. and then decide for future meetings. It was seconded by Mr. Vavghan and vnanimously carried. I JURORS - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Snperior Court for the weeks beginning November lst and November Sth - Criminai terms; and November ~ 15th, 22th and 29th, 1965 - Civil terms. I Jurors for the week beginning November 1, 1965 - Criminal .. Bishop, Laura Il Bowen, Charlie Chestnut, Robert I Clay, Charles R: ' Davis, James W. Floyd, Ramona J. E. , , Freeman, Roscoe Guyton, William Hand, Ivie T. Harriss, Esther E. Hatcher, Elmer Hawes, Gus ' Hinson, Sallie x. Hobbs, J. R. Hobbs, Jesse Li: lt}25 S. Kerr Ave. 8 s. i7th St. 1401 Dawson St. 5211 Market St. 702 Princess St. 405 Dawson St. RFD'2, s z56 RFD 2, Box 361 2313 cnestnut st. 1803 Princess St. 128 Dare St. 719 s. bth St. 2301 Dexter St. . 4301 Market St. 25 Cape Fear Blvd. Leon, Agnes Borkenhagen 219.5. 17th St. Leonard, Clyde .lr. 3705 Winston Blvd. Lewis, Eben W. 623$ Eastwood Lane Jacksonville,Fla. Levine, Shirley A. 605 N. 25th St. Long, Samuel E. 3511 Chapel Ave. Lyde, Abram 1121 5. 6th St. Maipass, E. T. 610 Cast2e St. McCandless, C. B. 3907 Carolina Beach McCarley, E. C. 2304 Princess St. McCree, Fred 1216 S. 9th St. McCumber, James B. 115 Colonial Dr. McFayden, Ruth 5. 326 Calhoun Dr. Mclllwain, Docie Hig gins 2130 Klein Rd. McKoy, Ada C. 709 Dawson St. continued- I ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting October 4, 1965 Continued - ---- -----°-- Jurors - for week of November 1, 1956 (continued) Holloway, Wallace 103 N. 13th St. Melvin, Berta F, ill Gordon Rd. Holmes, Jasper 1.~06 N. 6th St. fNelvin, Junius Da vid Jr. 506 S. 17th St. Johnson, R. W. 91~} S. !}th St.. Merritt, DeWitt 203 Red Cross St. Jones, Irvin 80t1 S. 13th St. Merritt, Mrs. Dor ian J. RFD 1 B 266 E Joyner, J. M. P. 211 S. 41st St. Mitchell , William Castle Hayne N.C. S. 70o Block ~irace xannon, .Tohn 110 Pine Val ey ~ Mobley, A. V. 714 S. 2nd St. ~ Kniaht, Alien 101 ~ Dickinson Nichols, Y7iliiam O. !}106 Franklin Ave. Lee, Louise A. 2115 rl Princess Simmons, G. C. 11 N. 2nd St. • Lee, Robert F. 71l} D S. 7th St. Tyson, Lucille 1013 Da~ason St. I, Lennon, Woodrow 2226 Brandon young,' erbert L. la~~ 13uRi gev f h H aay D~ o ~s Jr } d Jurors for the week be9inning November $, 196s - Criminal Bryant, James Wallace 228 Brightwood Rd. Bradley, Edward 916z N. 5th St. Bradshaw, J. P. 307 S. 17th St. Burns, Mrs. John L. RFD 3, B 237 Campbell, Mattie B. P.O. Box 330 Clemensen, Irving E. 6305 Wrightsv. Ave. Collins, Norvin H. RFD 3, B 525 Long Leaf Acres Cottle, Edna Jane 2121 Gibson Ave. Danford, Jere L. 210 McMillan Ave. Dix, James Edw. 6006 Park Ave. Farrow, Pearlie Caro lina Beach Freeman Robert B. Jr. RFD 2,Box 25!} Futrell, William,F RFD 2,B 179 A Godwin, Walter Box 1806 Hammond, John H. 102 S. Audubon Blvd. Harriss, W. T. Jr. 615 5, lith St. Harts, R. A. 909 S. Front St. Harwood, G. G. Sr. . ~ RFD 2, s 343 i3eglar, J. W. Box S1,Hure Beach Henry, 5amuel Lu}ie P.O. B i343 Holmes, James E. 205 5. llth St. Nolmes, J. H. 9 N. 7th St. Holmes, R. B. 1025 S. Front St. Horvath, Bill 19 Cape Fear Blvd. Hoarard, W. J. Box 437:~'~riQhtsv,8each Hufham, Harry F. RFD 2, B 183 Jones, George 1219 S. bth St. Jones, Mrs. Grifton l}001 Cedar Ave. Jordan,.Daisy 312 S. 7th St. Joye, Jeni~ings 416 S. 19th St. i Hing, Clayton L. 105 Broolcv~ood Ave. Knape, Wesley W. 2809 Willow 5t, Landers, 3oe 5031 Carolina Beach Ra . Leitch, Mrs. Robert w. i33 Colonial Cir. Lewis, George J. ~ RFD 2, Box 31a.7 Long, 5. G. 3805 Wrigtitsv. Ave. Loughlin, J. A. 2017} Pender Ave. Love, Franklin D. 2221 Mimosa Place Lucas, Herschei N. 208 Floral Parkway ~ Lynch, L. R. I 308 N. 2nd St. McDonald, Clinton 11 S. 8th St. McFadden, Jerry 1203~ N. 8th St. Mc1{oy, Oscar 421 Campell St. Melvin, Acie Lee RFD 1, Box 11.~2 M,erritt, H. P. 203 Castle St. Murray, Roy T. 122 Colonial Cir. N Rowan,'C. D. 2216 Metts Ave. Smith, D. L. I 1210 Yaupon Dr. Smith, Johnnie B. 319 Clover Rd. l~Jilliams, Catherine 71!} Dawson St. Jurors for the week beginnina November 15, 1965 - Civil Branch, L. K. 1106 Cypress St. Bruce, Frank King Jr. 3 Crane St. ~~Be~chsv. Carroll, Mrs. J. T. 617 S 4th St. Cherry, J. L. Box 9 Jacksonville Ave. Daughtry, J. G. 202 Sunnyvale Dr. Davis, Carl N. 410 McDonald Dr. Edge, J. R. RFD 2, B 211-D Fokakis, George T. 1923 Pender Gantt, Mary L. RFD 2, Box 207 Hall, J. E. RFD 2, Box 215 AA Harrison, McHinley 401} Anderson St. Harriss, Sophia 1202 N. 7th St. Hart, Zelene Whitmore 818 S. 6th St. Harts, Roy W. 2722 Harrison St. Hewett, John ?d. 139 Hinron Ave. Ho2den, Ben 1201 Grace St. Houck, Nirs. Wm. G. 4704 Long Leaf Hills Jarrell, Charles B. 3605 Ashley Circle Johnson, Mrs. Hattie B. 1519 Chestnut Knox, Carl G. 1206 Azalea Dr. Langley, Hal A. 2510 Washington St. Lewis, O. T. RFD 2, B 320 Longley, Henry E. Jr. 1210 Azalea Dr. LucaS, Elolse Page 515 E. Shipyard Ludlum, John L. 305 N. C. Ave. Luptori, Thomas R. 2911 Chestnut St. 'i MacMillan, Henry Jay 118 5. 1,~th St. I h9anly, Wanda L. p.0. Box 112 Marshall, H. B. 1104 Grace St. II Marshburn, Earl F. Box 76 l~~rightsv. Beach Mavrogianis, T. J. 701 Northern Blvd, McClain, Rosa 917 N. 5th St. Miller, J. D. L~.02 Larchmont Dr. ~iller, Sallie Jo 115 Bot'den Ave. McGeachy, Henry N. 303 Sunset Ave. ~cIntosh, D. M. 315 N. 15th St. I~ Miller, Homer W. 119 S. 4th 5t. Miller, Walter L. 43~o Peachtree St. Mintz, L. J. P. 0. Box 281 Mitchell, AAron T. Sr. 19lI2 S. College Rd. Moore, Augvstus 8. Jr. P. 0. Box 96 ~ Moore, Mrs. F. K. 121 S. 5th St. Moore, Levie E. 818z N. 8th St. Morris, Johnnie Sr. 1~17 N. 8th St., I Morton, Adron Franklin 3003 Monroe St. Nelson, L. D. 2718 Monroe St. Smith, Henry G. Jr. 2717 Garrison St. Winstead, Margaret H, 514 Dock St. Ulorley, Theodore 619 S. 6th 'St. Worthington, Homer K. RFD 1, B s4 n Jurors for the week beqinninq November 22, i965,- civti Brown, Judie J. RFD 1, Box 265 Carney, C. G. 7 East Queen St. Coward, C. W. 202 Central Blvd. Dexter, John RFD 1, Box 291, City Fordham, John C. RFD 2, Box 361 Guy, Ralph H. ~r. RFD 2, Box 361 E Hall, John H. Jr. P. O. Box 1677 Haisey, Horace 810 5. lbth St. Harrison, Wilhelmina Rich 20 N. 26th St. Harriss, Charles Johnson 726 Essex Dr. Harriss, Frank G. 1803 Princess St. Hemby, Norman I3. RFD ~, 8 t}74 Henderson, A. L.. RFD 3, B 359 Hepter, Mamie George 905 Redcross St. Nicks, William Edgar 612 5. 2nd St. Higgins, ~d. 1~. 115 Pine Grove Dr. Highsmith, Lennon 111 S. 12th St. Hollins, Mary E. RFD 2, Box 1~J~0 Holmes, Wynona George 39 12 Park Ave. Krysiewski, Leon M. RFD 2, B 168 A I Knox, Alfrod YJ. 101} S. llth St. LeGwin, Aella 1~Fae 115 S. 9rd St. , Leonard, Thelma L. Kure Beach,N.C. l Lowrimore, C. S. 1121} 5. Live Oak Pkwy. Lowe, Jessie E. 1006 5. 8th St. Lucas, Mary Etta D. 717 S. llth St. Ludlum, H. B. 321 Pine Grove Dr. „ Lunceford, Mildred I. 811 Hill St. Maipass, Dixie W. 310 N: 5th St. ~i Marshburn, E. T. 1912 Carolina Ave. Martin, Aavid G. 148 Hill St. Mason, Robert E. C 33 Box'341 Matthes, Mrs. Edna C. 128 Forest Hills McCants, Loris 720 S. lOth St. McKoy, D. W. 712 Orange St. Midk3ff, James W. 1308 Oxford Dr. Miller, .)ames D. 1208 S. 8th St. Mintz, Mary L. 605 S. 16th St. r.. . ~- ij ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ , Minutes of the Meeting ~Jurors - Holston, Hoit, Wa ~Jackson, Johnson, Johnson, IJohnson, Nov. 22, 1965 George G. rren H. H. G. A. D. , C. B. N . M. "_ . 12 Woodlawn Ave. 1932 Church St. 3924 Wrightsv. Av. 2221 Hawthorne Av. 206 Borden Ave. 2715 Burnett Blvd. Allen, Oscar 1302 CorbeLt St. Horne, H. L. 21i2 S. Front St. Bassoe, Erling P. O. Box 331 Hufham, Whis RFD 2, Box 182 Wrightsv. Beach Jeffords, T. M. Jr. 2725 Adams St. Saldridge, Carl P. O. Box 1711 Johnson, T. E. 817 S. lith St. Burnett, R. J. % Ira Hines R~aX22~ ~ohnson, T. G. 130 Wayne Dr. Carney, C. G. Jr. I}03 N. C. Ave. Jones, Harlee H. 4304 Oleander Dr. Carpenter, Mary Smith 901 YJalnut St, Keith, Mrs. William F. 3901 Park Ave. Conner, James W. 318 Longstreet I{nowles, W. E. 805 Pine Valley Dr. Davis, C. H. Jr. Box 333 Carg~~~~ Knox, E132abeth RFD 2, Box 323 IDixon Daisy I. 5918 Park Ave. Leonard, Sudie E. 311 S. Front St. , Dixon, Otho ~ 4809 I~rket St. Lennon, Lila L. 3711} Stratford Blvd. I Eaton, K. E. 501 N. 23rd St. LEWIS, B. C. Sr. 2121 Brandon Rd. I Evans, James L. 902 N. 5th St. Lewis, Edgar M. Lin G or R 707 S. 5th 5t. O Box 1433 P Evans, Harreitt City ge er, e . M d W i Ed . . 1908 Ch h St ~,Fountain, G. G. l~~29 Long 1,eaf Hills ann ng, war . ~nnin Mrs Harold L urc . 2107 Princess P1 Freeman James Grover Jr. ft D 2 B 352 . . 9, Greer, D. Macon Box 243 Marshall, Ernest 916 Starkeys Alley Griffin, Paul RFD 2, B 200 McCall, Mrs. Margaret A 2302 Belvedere Hahn, Robert A. RFD 2, Box 181 A Mitchell, James Allen 1005 Queen St, Hall, Mary N. 1015 Princess St. Neal, Jake 1016 Chestnut St. Hansley, J. E. RFD 2, Box 221 Sasser, Murphy 308 Martin St. Haywood, James RFD 2, Box 370 Trask, Reeford G. Jr. RFD 1 Henry, Wesley, Jr. 15 Barnard Dr. Williams, Fannie White 613 MacRae St. Holland, ~YF. M. t}101 Market St. Winner, Mrs. Lucille Kure Beach, N.C. Howard, Mrs. Julius F. 39 Lake Forest Pkwy. Woody, Thos. K. Jr. ~08 Princess St. Hicks, Rosa ']O6 BrunsNick St. ~ October 4, 1965 - Civil (continued) RFD 3, Box 134 RFD 3 B 208 2708 Princess P1 Box 117 Kure Beach 2009 Creasy Ave. B•534 Wallace, N.C. I~loor:e, Manly C. Morse, C. R. Smith, J. Newton Vereen, J. J. l~looten, James N. Yarboro, Jack L. ~Jurors for the ~aeek:beginninq November 29, 1965 - Civil REPORTS - , u The follotiring reports were received and filed for future reference: 1- U.5.0. Club Report for September 1965. 2- Thank-you letter from the American Legion for Circus At Airport. ADJOURNI"fENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. voLed to ad,journ the meeting. , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER Vaughan, the Board unanimously ry IN THE SIJPERIOR COURT The Court finds in its discretion that seventeen ,Jurors are inadequate with which to ;operate effectively the Court, and orders that fifteen additional names be drawn for Jury duty, to be summoned for 9:30 A. M., Tuesday, October 12th, 1965 `This the llth day of October, 1965 . /5/ Rudolph Mintz ' Judge Presiding ~Byers, Jessie A. 33o Long St. Dr. Dukes, John H. 5208 Market.St. Foy, Vury K. RFD 1, Box l}13 B. Futch, Edna G. 910 N. 3rd St. Hall, Donald Wayne 215 Evans St. Hamme, Richard S. ' 306 S. 7th St. HewleLt, Annie Mae ~ RFD 3, B 11~.1~ adrick, Leon RFD 3, B 525 Peterson, T: E. 2933 Oleander Dr. ~'ierce, O. J. RFD i, B 223 ~itts, John J. Jr. RFD 3, Box 236 33venbark, Norwood 2723 Monroe St. 5amuels, Pearl Vann 418 N. McCrae St. 5eitter, Mrs. Alice T. 503 Northern Blvd. itrawn, George W.' Wayn e Dr.,Beaumont I ~