1965-10-18 Regular Meeting~~~ Wilmington, N. C. October 18, 1965 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met today at 7:30 A. M. for their regular semimonthly meeting which was held in the Commissioners~ Rooin at the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. , Hooper, Commissioners, Mes§rs. Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M, Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love,'Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tiller~. INVOCATION - i The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Jesse E.Parks, Pastor of ihe Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. ', MIPIUTES APPROVAL - . Before 9pproving the minutes, attention was called to the paragraph headed "U. S. ALTERNATE" and instead of being"Middle Grove Junction", it should read "Myrtle Grove Junction" and in the paragraph headed "PtiBLIC APOLOGY", immediately after the statement by Mr. Vaughan that he would not apologize, he requested the following state- ment: "It is my feeling that the type of thi.nking that would request me to apologize, if sincere, is the same type of thinking that would ask Patrick Henry, Paul Revere or Nathan Hale to apologize; if not sincere then the motion represents hypocrisy of the worst order". After making these amendments, Mr. Braak moved that they be approved. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. PARKS 8 RECREATION The Chairman asked the Board members if they had any svggestions for appoint-I ment to the 7-man Committee approved by the Board in February to work with the City Parks and Recreation Commission. By common consent, the Board deferred action until the next meeting. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - A discussion of the revised Subdivision Ordinance approved at the meeting of II September 20th and readvertised for a rehearing on October 18, was brought up by Joseph ,~ R. Reaves, representing the Wilmington Board of Realtors, H. M. Loughlin, representing the Southeastern Chapter of the State Society of Surveyors, along with C. W, Blomme, Jr.' and A. H. Harrell, representing the Home Builders and Developers, along with.Mr. Paul , E. Grecory. This group suggested that the Board would improve the strength of their Ordinance if they would employ a competent Engineer and give him authority to rule on the technical aspects of any project where a contention about the interpretation arises. The question also was discussed as to what constiLutes substantial work in prooress and the conclusion was that it should be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, with the right of appeal to the Board of County Commissioners and a clavse requiring the re- , moval of unsuitable materials before construction of roads begins. Mr. Hall is of ~ the opinion that the Board m3ght employ a competent retired engineer on a part-time basts as a Consvltant in order to resolve technical qvestions which might arise. After a discussion of this matter, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Chairman be authorizet9 to select any competent Engineer whenever the need arises for his services. It was seconded by Mr. tlall and unanimously carried. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that a final draft be prepared of the revised Subdivision Ordinance including the suggestions made above for action at the next meeting and request the Chairman of the Planning and i~ Zoning Board, along with any others to be present. There was no second to this motion.' Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the Ordinance, as revised by the Planning and p and 2oning Board on ~eptember 13th, 1965 and approved by the Board of Commissioners for a rehearing on September 20th, be approved today, including the amendments suggested above and that the effective date of the Ordinance be November lst, 1965. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and whent he ballot was taken, Mr. Hail voLed "NO", however,the Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. ' ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT .. Complying with the request of the Board at the last meeting after receiving copies of the annual report by the County Auditor for study, the Chairman opened the meeting for any discussion or snggestions. All members of the Board stated that they had studied the Audit Report but had no particular comments to make on it except Mr. Vaughan.said~he had two questions to ask but wovld do so after the meeting. The Chair- man then declared the report accepted for filing and information. ROAD PETITIOI$ The Executive Secretary presented petitions from property owners liviny on Summer Haven Avenue and Partridge Road requesting that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. He reported that one of the petitions did not meet the criteria set by the State Highway Commission and, therefore, he had sent a regular petition to the peLitioner on Partridge Road with Lhe request that it be completed and returned for further consideration. Dr. Hooper then moved that the petition for Sum- mer Haven Ave, be approved and forwarded to the State Highwa,y Commission for their con- sideration and that the petition for Partridge Road_be delayed until the proper forms were received. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. RETIREMENT PLANS - PENSION Messrs. Chester F. Jones, Ed B. Ward, Tom Jones and A. Raymond Crowe, repre- senting the Wilmington Life Insurance Management Association, appeared befor.ethe Board for the purpose of requesting that they be allowed to bid on the proposed County Employe Retirement Pension Plan. They pointed out that since public tax funds are involved, the question snould be opened for public competitive bidding. They stated that they di~ not find fault with what has been done but feel that all of them are entitled to make I~ a survey and bring in a proposal. They asked the Board not to extend the Lime expressei'. in their letter of May 3rd naming Meares Harriss, Jr. as the Agent of Record but they ma<,.e it clear that they had no fault to find with Mr. Harriss in making this request. They j sugge8ted that a Committee misht be appointed for making a study of the present plans an evalu8te any proposed pians which might be submitted. Mr. Ha21 stated that he is in agreement with the principle of the presentation made above. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the local life agents be notified through the Wilmington Asso- ciation of Life Underwriters and the Wilmington Life Insurance Nfanagement Association of~ any action the Board might take in view of the fact that the agreement with Mr. Harrissl cor~tinued - ~II R ~'~ ~~ ~ ~ TR' .?~ ,~ Minutes of October 18. 1965 Continued ' __ _ - _ ~ _ _ _ NRETIREMENT PLANS - PENSION - continued • ~'" expires on November 3rd, 1965. .It was seconded by Mr. Braak. In the discussion, Dr. Hooper informed the Board that Nr. Harriss has notified him that he will be ready to present his proposal at the second meeting in November and offered a substitute motion that trie letter authorizing Mr. Harriss as Agent of Record be extended for 30 days. There Iwas no second to this substitute motion and the Chairman declared it died for lack of a second. The ballot was Lhen taken on the original motion which carrfed without a dis- senting vote. ~ WILMINGTON HARBOR - DEEPENING CAPE FEAR RIVER The Chairman reported that he had been in tovch with Mr. W. E. Fuller, Director I~of the 5tate Department of Water Resources and the City Council in an effort to work out ~a satisfactory and practical plan for the proposed local cooperation to provide for the ~improvements proposed for the deepening of the Cape Fear River. The City Council has definitely come to the conclusion that they can not legally participate in the pro,ject and that their commitment to share in the $15,000 for~annual maintenance of dikes and re- taining walls was made without legal consideration. Messrs. Tillery and Yow are going to Raleigh to confer with Mr. Fuller to see if the State might find funds to maintain the retaining walls. ~He suggested that the County can commit itself to the $15,000 annual maintenance requfrement and then seek legislative action which would permit the State to take it over or reimburse the County for it. Mr. Hall raised the question about the ~letter of intent necessary before the pians for deepening the Cape Fear River Channel can be advertised for bids and the County's intention and wil2ingness to appropriate the funds. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the Board approve the County~s partici- pation in the local cooperation on the same basis that was done on September 19, 1960 when the original commitment was made to.underwrite the annual maintenance of $15,000. It Iwas seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. 'PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Mr. Uaughan reported that he had discussed the establishment of a personnel I'program for New Hanover County with Mr. Donald Heyman, Assistant Director of the Institute of Government who referred him to severai personnel consultants familiar.with=this type of bwork in North Caroiina. He had invited one of them to be present today and introduced Mr. J. Lyman Melvin, Jr. of Raleigh, North Carolina who explained the method of a formali2ed program for personnei management including (1) a pay plan, (2) a classification plan, (3) policies and procedures, (4) personnel record system. His regular fee for this type of service is $8.50 per permanent employee. The personnel under the State Merit System would be excluded. After some discussion, Mr. Vauohan suggested that a decision on this matter be left until the next meeting and, by common consent, the Board instructed the Execu- t3ve Secretary to place it on the Agenda for further discussion at that time. 'CONSTITUTIONAL AN,'ENDMENT - COURT OF APPEALS ' The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had sent the Resolution endorsing the proposed constituionai amendment for the creation of an intermediate Court of Appeals for North Carolina to the President of the Locai Bar Association and asked him ~to report the results of his presentation to that group. The County Attorney reported 'that the Local Bar Association supported the amendment unanimously after which Mr. Braak loffered a motion that the Board of Commissioners adopt the Resolution presented to them at the meeting on October 4th. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. AUDIT - RECORDER'S COURT The Chairman reported to the Board that he had discussed the.matter of an audit for Recorder~s Court Records beginning where it ended last time trp to the end of the fis- ~cal year but has come to the conclvsion and recommends that a complete audit not be made at this time but that a spot check be made as a test audit. Mr. Hall observed that he 'would go along with this recommendation but called attention to the fact that he thought the auditor who made the previous audit should be considered as if another auditor is employed and it ever becomes necessary for the original auditor to testify in Court a Ichange might give the impression that the Board had repudiated the original auditor to a certain extent. 9fter a thorough~.discussion, the Board agreed to authorize the Chairman to proceed to have the records of the Recorder~s Court spot checked between the date of ~the last audit and the end of the fiscal year 1964-65 keeping in mind the remarks above. MERIT SYSTEM SALARIES - The Chairman reminded the Board that'they had each been sent a copy of the letter from the Merit System Covncil and~fr the Public Welfare Department. He recalled that the Board used two methods of deter~ii raises, one was an increase in cost of living across the Board raise and the other was on he basis of inerit and recommended that for the ~~Weifare Department the Budget be resubmitted on the basis of two steps helow tt~e normal. After a long discussion of this sub,ject, Mr. Hall moved that the salary budgets for all de- partments under the Merit System Council be resubmitted on the basis of two steps below ithe normal except for a few who, because of long satisfactory, meritorious service, be per- ~mitted Ao remain above Lhe established two steps below range. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the Board inform Mr. Caldwe2l, Dir- ~~ector of the Mer1t System Council, that the figures submitted in the budgets wer¢ arrived at after hours of study in an attempt to give equal treatment to all employees who worked for the County on the same basis as those working under the Merit System Council and asked Ihim to "get off our backs until next Budget time," The substitute motion died for lack of a second and when the ballot was taken on the original motion, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be permitted to abstain from voting. The Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. COMMENDATION - II Mr. Braak remarked that in his opinion Mr. Ashley M. Murphy shovld be commended for his recent stand for bridging the Cape Fear River and offered a motion that he be given a vote of confidence.for expediting the pro,ject. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion. Before the bailot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the Board endorse the bridge plans designed by the State Highway Commission for cross- ling the Cape Fear River. There was no second to the substitute motion and the Chairman ,declared it dead. Dr. Hooper then moved that Mr. Ashley M. Murphy be commended for his IlPrev;io.us and-presen't~:un~se:lfi'Sh -e3'f.o.rt.s, towa'rd ,the~ develo;pment; vg;5;on'ihea`s'tern North Carolina and that this Board give him a vote of confidence. IL was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. ~~~rPhY• I ~ ~~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting October 18, 1965 Continued - -- - - ...-._. ..... --- - - - ~ APPOINTMENTS - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS ~~ ¢ The Chairman recalled that the City Manager had requested the appointment of .;;~ three members within the one mi2e perimeter area of the City limits to serve as members of the Board of Adjustments which hears appeals from administrative decisions relative to Zoning and Building construction. He stated that Mr. N. L. Foy has recommended -, Mr. Frederick M. Hintze and Mr. E. R. Wilson to serve two year terms and Mr. David N. ~~ Murrell to serve a three year term on that Board. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion ~ that the recommendations be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously ~ adopted. ~'he Chairman stated that an alternate is necessary but that they could make ~;,~ that appointment later as these three would be sufficient at the present time. V STREET AND SIDEWALK ASSESSMENTS The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had received statements, from the City of Wilmington adVising the County that interest is accruing on the princi-~ ~ pai of the County's share of street and sidewalk assessment on tax foreciosed, ,jointly owned property u~ithin the City limits. After some discussion of this matter, the Board, by common consent, requested the Executive Secretary to see if he could get an appraisal of the fair market value on these lots and report back at the next meetina at which I time they would make a decision. ~ ARMORY UALUATION The Execvtive Secretary reported that the insurance carrier on the ,jointly owned Armory at 802 Market had informed him that the City is carry.ing $30,000 for their one-half 'interest and the County is insuring their half interest for $l}8,000. There is a total floor area in the building of 10,556 sq. ft. which they estimate roughly at ~ $6.00 per sq, ft. cost which would make the building worth $63,336 insurable value. ' They recommend that the County reduce its policy to $30,000 to equal the City~s. After '~ some discussion of this sub,ject, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Board consider combining the purchase of insurance with the City in an effort to save on the premium if possible and that the-Executive Secretary confer with the City Manager to see if they, would be agreeable to such an arrangement. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unani- ' mously approved. I TAX LISTING PROCEDURE - • ~ Mr. Bowden had requested a discussion for changing the tax listing procedure from using listers and having the taxpayer come in and declare his property to the mailing out of abstracts and using the percentage rule on personal property. After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to defer any action on this question until the next meeting and instructed the Executive Secretary to put it on the Agenda at that time. RESIGNATION - COURT REPORTER The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Dwight McEwen, submittdng his resigna- tion as Court ReporLer. He has filled this position for the last 41 years and expresse;i his en~joyable association with the boards through the years. He requested the effective'I date to be not later than November llth or at the pleasure of the Board, lJpon motion of Mr. Uaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board accepted the resignation with regrets arid instructed the County Attorney to draw a suitable resolution expressing their appreciati'>n for his long satisfactory service to the County and the County Attorney to negotiate forl a replacement. BACH TAX INTEREST The Tax Supervisor reported that Mr. F. C. Hilburn came to his office and re- ported that he had purchased property in 1959 which was checked and the deecl drawn by an Attorney who led him to believe that all taxes on theproperty were cleared. He has since sold the property.and the new owner has received a notice from the Tax Collector that 1956 taxes were still unpaid in the amount of $35.20 and that interest had accrued in the amount of $20.83. While he does not think it is equitable for him to pay either the tax or the interest at this late date, he is agreeable to paying the principal but asks that the interest of $20.83 be forgiven. The County Attorney ruled that there is I no legal basis on which this can be done and by common consent of the Board, and on ~, _ recommendation of the Tax Supervisor and the County Attorney, the Board denied the waive• oE the principal or interest. ~ CONTRACTS PERCENTAGE The Chairman called the Board~s attention to a letter which he had received from the County Auditor calling attention to G. S. i53-13o requiring the County Auditorsl' to certify all contracts executed where money is being paid out. He specificaily pointec out that the contract with the Southern Appraisal Company had not been certified by him until the Tax Supervisor presented it after having his attention called to the provision of the law. It has now been properly certified and he requested the Board to record this in the--minutes so that in the future they might observe the legal requirements be- fore making the contracL. ELECTION BOARD REPORT - Complying with instructions of the Board on October 4th, the Executive Secre- tary had invited the Chairman of the Election Board to appear before the Commissioners and make recommendations with reference to the cost of installing a permanent looseleaf ~ registration system and redistricting the voting precincts. Mr. Otto K. Pridgen II sent word that it was impractical for him to appear before the Board today because of a pre- ~ vious pressing commitment. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secre• tary to invite him to appear before the Board at their meeting on November lst. ~ EXTRA HELP - REGISTER OF DEEDS I The County Auditor reported to the Board that the Register of Deeds has requested permission to use $200.00 saved in the Salary Account because en old employee i has been on sick leave and her replacement was paid a lesser salary. The old employee 'I will return to work approximately November lst and the Register of Deeds wants to use th' i temporary employee for approximately 30 days. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offe~ed a motion that the Chairman be authori2ed to discuss the details with the Register of Deeds and make the decision after getting all the facts. It was seconded by Mr. Vaugha and unanimously carried. . ~ SALHRY AD.IUSTMENT - i The County Auditor reported to the Board that the Tax Co2lecior had made some, continued- ` \~ II -,. Minutes of the Meeting October 18, 1965 continued _ ~ISAI~~RY ADJUSTMENT - (continued) - ' personnel changes in his office because of a resignation. He wants to change IIMrs. Straughn~s salary from $1902.00 to $1998.00 effective October lst, 1965. He reports ~that this dn no way will change the Budget total but will promote one of the long time ser- vice empioyees, After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that it be granted. lit was s.econded by Mr. Braak.and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION - COURT HOUSE REPAIRS AND MAINTENAPTCE The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they authorized payment for remodeliing of the;front entrance of the Court House, the new boiler and the painting of the torfer of the Court House out of the Repairs and Mainter~ance Fund set up for the County Court House. The total cost of these improvements amounts to $5,000 and he requested the Board to make an appropriation to cover it. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously allocated $5,000 out of the General Emergency Fund to the Repairs and Maintenance for the Court House. ~ ~~~ __u- WELFARE RESIGNATIONS - Mr. Vaughan recailed recent news releases reported that resignations of employees ~'of the Welfare Department was caused by inadequate salaries. He understands that none of them went to another Welfare Department.. He also reminded the Board that he had previously requested a list of people who had been detected abusing the Welfare Programs and was told that none had been found. He stated that it was his understanding the installation of the Ribbicoff Program would give them time to look into any mis-nse of funds. He would 'Yike to have have the Welfare Director come up before the Board and give a reason on each case of ;the resignations. No further action was taken on this sub,~ect. '.:g.:'_.. WELFARE LIENS - Mr. Bowden reported that the Board had received a letter from the Attorney ex- plaining the proper settlement of Welfare liens and he would report this to the Board at the next meeting. ,RETIRENiENT PIAN - Mr. Bowden recalied that he understood the Board had authorized the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System officials to make a study of the New Hanover I~County Retirement System in order to make a comparison with other proposals but that so Ifar as he knows, it has not been done. The Executive Secretary explained that the reason 'that he had not taken action up to this time was because the Board has authori2ed Mr.. ~Meares Harriss to make the study and he is under contract until November 3rd and also be- cause no money was appropriated to pay for the study which Mr. Yelton reported would be $2.50 per employee. After some discussion of this sub,Ject, Mr. Bowden moved that $750.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to pay for the study of the Retirement Pian by the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System and that the Executive Secre- tary be authorized to notify them immediately of this decision and ask that they proceed as soon as possible. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimovsly approved. SAIARY ADJUSTMENTS The County Auditor reported that the Administrator at Community Hospital had called him and explained that two employees, Doris Berrye and Jimmy L. Bryant, failed to receive a$!}0.00 per year increase in their salary due to an error. He requests approval to make an ad,justment accordingly. The Auditor recommended that the adjustment be made. Dr. Hooper then moved approval. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT - WELFARE Mr. Bowden reported that since there is a likelihood that there will be some misunderstanding abovt the policy of providing a$500.00 supplement to ~lelfare employees in school receiving additional training, he thought the matter should be discussed by the Board. During the discussion of this sub,ject, the County Attorney emphatically ruled that Tax money can not be used for that purpose. N~r. Bowden said he wou2d report this to the Welfare Board. APPROPRIATION - SWINGS MacRAE PARK Mr. Bowden reported that Mr. J. S. Robert is doing a splendid job at Hugh MacRae Park and is now in the process of building a new she2ter. The use of the Park has increased by leaps and bounds and he recommends that additional playground equipment be provided and particuIarly swings for:the children. The question of insurance was dis- cussed at this time and the County Attorney ruled that if injuries were received at the Park „the County could be sued and that they could plead governmental immunity or take out a liability insurance policy. He stated that if the Board would alloc9te $300.00 Ifor swing parts, Mr. Roberts could build the swings out of materials which he covld secure free. Mr. Bowden moved that $300.00 be allocated from the General Emergency Fund to Hugh IMacRae Park for the purchase of the necessary parts to build the swings. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. APPRECIATION LETTER - Mr. Vaughan stated that he thought the County Attorney should be authorized to Iwrite a letter of appreciation to Mr. James C. Fox thanking him for Lhe service he rendered while Director of Opportunities Inc. The Executive Secretary reported. that he had under- stood the Board to .authorize him to write such a letter which has been done. MERITORIOUS AWARD -_ Mr. Vaughan observed.that, in his opinion, Mr. Hugh M. Morton had made an out- standing contribution to New Hanover County and Southeastern North Car.olina over the past Ifew years and recommended that a fitting commendation be prepared to perpetuate this ser- Ivice and his efforts in getting the Battieship USS North Carolina brought to Wilmington. He offered a motion that the Chairman of the Board and the County Attorney act as a Com- Imittee to select a third party to prepare and recommend a fitting commendation be prepared to perpetuate this service and his efforts, it was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ~ ~SELF HELP - Mr. Vaughan reported that it had come to his attention that .the Ogden Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce had as one of their neighborhood pro,jects a clean up along the sides of road around the community. He offered this as an example of how com- munities could improve the looks of their neighborhood by initiating their own pro,jects. continued - u ~~ ~ a~ ~~ . Minutes of Continved - - -- - -- _ SELF HELP - continued He offered a moLion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write a letter of commendation for this thoughtful improvement and invite a member of the Ogtlen Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend the Board meeting to receive the personal thanks of the Board of Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously carried. . MEETING TIME - Mr. Braak stated that he found it inconvenient for him to meet at 7:30 A. M. in the morning as it made it necessary for him to get up about 5:00 o~clock in order to get his work done around his farm before he could leave and offered a motion that the regular meeting time for the meetings be set at 8:00 o~clock for the future. It was seconded by Mr. Hall but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Uaughan offered a substitute motion that the meeting time be left at 7:30 A. M, for at least two more meetings. There was no second to his substitute motion and when the ballot was taken on the original motion, there were no dissenting votes and the Chairman declared it carried unanimously and announced that the next meeting would be at 8:00 A. M. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion to ad,journ the meeting. of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, sly voted ecretary Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 1, 1965 8:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was~held oh~:ttie.above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Eommissioners~ Room of the Court House with the follbwing members present: Chairman, Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOGATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested Rever.end A. J. Blake, Pastor of St. Luke A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Before approving the minutes, the Board agreed that the statement made by Mr. Vaughan at the last meeting requesting that the paragraph headed "PUBLIC APmLOGY shouid be changed from "It appears that" to "It is my feeling that". They also agreed to delete his sLatement regarding the personal legal liability for parties voting for , this motion. Mr. Bowden remarked that he did not think giving Mr. Vaughan a chance toj apologize is either critical or unpatriotic. In the paragraph headed "MERITORIOUS AWARD'I, after the words "his effort" at the end of first sentence, should be added "in getting the Battleship USS North Carolina brought to Wilmington". The paragraph headed "SELF~ HELP", after the word "improvement" in the last sentence he inserted the words "and in- vite a member of the Ogden Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend the Boardl meeting to receive the personal thanks of the Board of Commissioners." After making these amendments, Mr. Braak moved that the minutes be approved as amended. IL was seconded by Mr. Bot~den. I RIGHT-OF-WAYS - EASEMENTS The Chairman read a letter from the City Attorney requesting easements across t~~o parcels of County owned land for the purpose of extending water and sewer mains into recently annexed areas. The first location is across the southwest corner of Hugh MacRae Park. They need 70~ for a combination drainage and utility right-of-way along the north side of an existing ditch which drains the Lincoln Forest area in order to instali a sewer main. They propose to clean and maintain the existing ditch. The second location is along the south bank of Smith~s Creek along property being centered on the Northwest-Southeast runway extension of the New Hanover County Airport. The width of this easement for a utility right-of-way is 50~. In order to cut the 70~ right-of-way across Hugh MacRae Park property, it will be necessary to remove 55 trees. The City Attorney assured the Board that he would be able to get written permission from the heirs of the donor of the Park who placed a restriction on the cutting of'trees. The question of disposing of the pulpwood, piles and saw timber was discussed and resolvi by the following motion made by Nr. Hali that the request for the 70~ easement made by the City of Wilmington for the purpose of installing a sewer line and maintaining the existing ditch and utility right-of-way be approved, after receiving the written permis- sion from the Hugh MacRae heirs for removing the trees and that the trees and timber be disposed of to the best advantage of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. d In discussing the 50~ easement across the property.on the south bank of Smith Creek, it developed that the easement would cross the runway instrument landing system lighting extension of the Airport. The County Attorney pointed out the necessity for extreme care because of the high tension wires, conferring with the Engineers con- structing the Air Defense Command Dispersal Complex and with the Federal Aviation Agency. After a thorough discussion of this proposal, Mr. Braak moved that Lhe City of Wilmington be granted an easement for a 50' right-of-way across any part of County property in order' to provide utilities to the newly annexed area, subject to the precautions and recommen- dations discussed above. It was seconded by Nr. Bowden and unanimously carried, INTEREST - STREET AND SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT During the discussion about the easements above, Mr. Braak reported to the City Attorney, Mr. Cicero P. Yow, that the City of Wilmingtoa had billed the County for interest on some str2et and sidewalk assessments on ,jointly owned tax foreclosed property. Mr. Yow said he did not know anything about interest accumulating against such assess- ments but perhaps the interest haxl accumulated against the principal before the foreclostllre continued- the Meeting October 18, 1965 r- ~ ~