1965-11-01 Regular Meeting~~ ~ a~ ~~ . Minutes of Continved - - -- - -- _ SELF HELP - continued He offered a moLion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to write a letter of commendation for this thoughtful improvement and invite a member of the Ogtlen Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend the Board meeting to receive the personal thanks of the Board of Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously carried. . MEETING TIME - Mr. Braak stated that he found it inconvenient for him to meet at 7:30 A. M. in the morning as it made it necessary for him to get up about 5:00 o~clock in order to get his work done around his farm before he could leave and offered a motion that the regular meeting time for the meetings be set at 8:00 o~clock for the future. It was seconded by Mr. Hall but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Uaughan offered a substitute motion that the meeting time be left at 7:30 A. M, for at least two more meetings. There was no second to his substitute motion and when the ballot was taken on the original motion, there were no dissenting votes and the Chairman declared it carried unanimously and announced that the next meeting would be at 8:00 A. M. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion to ad,journ the meeting. of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, sly voted ecretary Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 1, 1965 8:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was~held oh~:ttie.above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Eommissioners~ Room of the Court House with the follbwing members present: Chairman, Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Laurence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; County Attor- ney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOGATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested Rever.end A. J. Blake, Pastor of St. Luke A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Before approving the minutes, the Board agreed that the statement made by Mr. Vaughan at the last meeting requesting that the paragraph headed "PUBLIC APmLOGY shouid be changed from "It appears that" to "It is my feeling that". They also agreed to delete his sLatement regarding the personal legal liability for parties voting for , this motion. Mr. Bowden remarked that he did not think giving Mr. Vaughan a chance toj apologize is either critical or unpatriotic. In the paragraph headed "MERITORIOUS AWARD'I, after the words "his effort" at the end of first sentence, should be added "in getting the Battleship USS North Carolina brought to Wilmington". The paragraph headed "SELF~ HELP", after the word "improvement" in the last sentence he inserted the words "and in- vite a member of the Ogden Chapter of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to attend the Boardl meeting to receive the personal thanks of the Board of Commissioners." After making these amendments, Mr. Braak moved that the minutes be approved as amended. IL was seconded by Mr. Bot~den. I RIGHT-OF-WAYS - EASEMENTS The Chairman read a letter from the City Attorney requesting easements across t~~o parcels of County owned land for the purpose of extending water and sewer mains into recently annexed areas. The first location is across the southwest corner of Hugh MacRae Park. They need 70~ for a combination drainage and utility right-of-way along the north side of an existing ditch which drains the Lincoln Forest area in order to instali a sewer main. They propose to clean and maintain the existing ditch. The second location is along the south bank of Smith~s Creek along property being centered on the Northwest-Southeast runway extension of the New Hanover County Airport. The width of this easement for a utility right-of-way is 50~. In order to cut the 70~ right-of-way across Hugh MacRae Park property, it will be necessary to remove 55 trees. The City Attorney assured the Board that he would be able to get written permission from the heirs of the donor of the Park who placed a restriction on the cutting of'trees. The question of disposing of the pulpwood, piles and saw timber was discussed and resolvi by the following motion made by Nr. Hali that the request for the 70~ easement made by the City of Wilmington for the purpose of installing a sewer line and maintaining the existing ditch and utility right-of-way be approved, after receiving the written permis- sion from the Hugh MacRae heirs for removing the trees and that the trees and timber be disposed of to the best advantage of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. d In discussing the 50~ easement across the property.on the south bank of Smith Creek, it developed that the easement would cross the runway instrument landing system lighting extension of the Airport. The County Attorney pointed out the necessity for extreme care because of the high tension wires, conferring with the Engineers con- structing the Air Defense Command Dispersal Complex and with the Federal Aviation Agency. After a thorough discussion of this proposal, Mr. Braak moved that Lhe City of Wilmington be granted an easement for a 50' right-of-way across any part of County property in order' to provide utilities to the newly annexed area, subject to the precautions and recommen- dations discussed above. It was seconded by Nr. Bowden and unanimously carried, INTEREST - STREET AND SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT During the discussion about the easements above, Mr. Braak reported to the City Attorney, Mr. Cicero P. Yow, that the City of Wilmingtoa had billed the County for interest on some str2et and sidewalk assessments on ,jointly owned tax foreclosed property. Mr. Yow said he did not know anything about interest accumulating against such assess- ments but perhaps the interest haxl accumulated against the principal before the foreclostllre continued- the Meeting October 18, 1965 r- ~ ~ 1 ~ e e~ a Minutes of the Meeting November 1, 1965 cotttinued - _ _ ` YINTEREST - S~1xEET P.ND SIDEI~dALK ASSESSMENT (continued) ~ was made. He promised to work with the County in resol ving the matter on la satisfactory basis. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was in- ~structed to refer these bi lls to the County Attorney for working out a solution on the problem. ~DRAGLINE BIDS TABULATION - Complying wiLh advertisemant in the Wilmington Morning ~St ar for bids to fur- Inish a 5/8yd. dragline for 'salt marsh mosquito control drainage work , the following bids were received and opened a t 4:00 P. M. October 18, in the presence o f the Executive Secre- ~tary, the County Attorney and representatives of'the bidders. The following is a tabu- lation of the bids receive d: Cost of Unit E. F. Craven Company Bid BondS% 1'tem 5/8 Cu. Yd $24,907.00 Sales tax Greensboro, N. C. Cal. Days 21-35 Dragiine included, Optional - • j Bucyrus-Erie Model 15B ~ add $100.00 Telescoping boom stop H. B. Owsley & Son, Inc. Bid Bond 5% Charlotte, N. C. Calendar days 45 Southerland Equipment Co. Bid Bond 5% Charlotte, N. C. Cal. Days 28-42 Unit Model 617 Item 5/8 Cu. Yd Dragline Model 197 BC Type I American Machine $21+,975•00 Including sales tax. To supply 3-53 General Motors Diesel in lieu of 3-71 deduct $556.00 $19,670.00 59o.io $Z0,260.10 1,425.00 325•00 - 3% NC Tax Add-optional Sea1lecl track RofIerss- Double hood $22,010.00 in rear Inter State Equipment Co. C.er.tified check Item 5/8 Cu. Yd. $22,658,00 No local, Statesville, N.C. $1,300.00 Dragline state or federal Cal. Days 70 P.& H. Modei 210 Add $800.OOtax for caterpilia ~_ Model D, 311 H , Diesel engine in ~ieu of GM 3-53 After being reviewed by the Board, the Chairman appointed Messrs. Bowden and Braak as a ~ Committee to study the bids and confer with Mr. Cranford, Director of 5anitation for the Health Department, and bring in a recommendation for further consideration by the Board. I INDEPENDENT AUDIT - Pursuant to a contract awarded Mr. W. C. Barfield, Certified Public Accountant, the Independent Audit~'or New Hanover County Fiscal year ending June 30, 1965 was presented ,to the Board with the following remarks and explanations: '~ Our examination was made in accordance with applicable procedures prescribed by the North Caro2ina Local Government Commission in its Standard Audit Program and such additional procedures as we considered::necessary. Our engaoement covered only the office of the County Auditor and did not include any other County offices or de- partments. • From,the examination we have made, it would appear that all collectib~ monies belottging to and accruing to New Hanover County during the period under review for which the 6ounty Auditor is responsibie have been deposited in approvi2t~ depositories, although provisions of Artic1e.10, Section 153-135 of the General Statutes of North Carolina requiring daily deposits of cash have not been followed by the offices and departments. It also appears that withdrawa2s from the various depositories have been made on proper.authority for appropriated ob,jects of expenditure. Our examination disc~osed a number of errors in classificatdon posting within ~ funds of both revenues and disbursements; however, these errors apparently have no material effect on the fund totals at June 30, 1965, or the statements taken as a I whole. It has been observed that unauthorized advances to employees are still~being made. . In our opinion, subject to the explanations and comments above, the Exhibits and ~ Schedules which follow, togeLher with explanatory comments, fairly present the finan- ' cial condition of New Hanover County, North Carolina, at June 30, 1965, as reflected j in the accounts and records maintained in the office of the County Auditor." After presenting each member of the Board with a copy of the audit, Mr. Barfieid asked f~or any questions. Mr. Vaughan questioned him with reference to his spot-checking various d~epartments to see that they were operating according to good business practices, pariicu- larly did he call attention to the contract with the taxi operators at the Airport whieh !had in the past been reluctant to have their records examined. Mr. Barfield explained that the effective date of the contract was June 15, 1q65 and that the short time until June 30th wou ~¢ t be long enough to make any judgement. Mr. Vaughan then asked about ~,the Recordert~~ar1~ Mr. Barfield reported that the validating machine and system set up for handling of R corder~s Court business was operating very satisfactorily and also highly Ipraised the new record keeping system set up for the support money handled through that office. After all the questions were satisfactorily answered, Mr. Bowden,moved that the audit accepted and studied until the next meeting at which time the Exec~t~ve Secretary was to put it on the Agenda for final approval. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimous2y ~passed. I ~2ECREATIONAI: ADVISORY BOARD - The Chairman presented each member of the Board with the names of people who who had been suggested to him as being interested in the development of County Parks and ~ continued- I' F~ ~ 3,~' w'~ Minutes of the Meeting November 1., 1965 continued ~ RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD - continued and Recreation. They have not been contacted as to serve on an Advisory Committee and he requested the Board members prepared at the next meeting 3o approve the appointments. whether or not they wovld to study the list and be PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT - The Executive Secretary reported that he had written the various firms recommend:;d by Mr. Don Heyman of the Institute of Government for making a study of the various position.; held by County employees and recommended a record keeping system. He presented the pr.oposi- tion made by the Public Administration Service of Atlanta proposing that they would make such a study at a cost not to exceed $3250. Mr. Vaughan recalled that Mr. J. Lyman Melvinl Jr. who appeared before the Board at the last meeting made a good impression on him and so far as he is concerned, the proposed cost of $8.50 per employee was reasonable. He offeredV a motion that the contract be awarded to J. Lyman Melvin, Jr. and Associates of Raleigh, N. C. to prepare a Personnel Program for New Hanover County and that sufficient funds to pay for this service be appropriated out of the General Emergency Fund. 'It was seconded b~ Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify him ~ of this and request that he proceed as soon as possible. ~ ti HISTORICAL COMMISSION CHAIRMAN - ` Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman of the New Hanover County Historical Commissio~~, d~ informed the Board thaL he expected to leave shortly for a stay abroad and requested an I ~ appointment as Acting Chairman during his absence. He expects Lo resume his duties upon ~ ~ his return. After some discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Museum Director, ~ Colonel Thomas A. Price, Jr. be appointed as a member of the New Hanover County Historical Commission and Acting Chairman until the return of Mr. MacMillan. It was seconded by Mr. ~Bowden but before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that action ~on this request be deferred until the first meeting in December in order to make a study of ~ the Committee and see if it needs to be revised and new members appointed to it. There was no second to the substitute motion. "'hen the ballot was taken on the original motion, I there were no dissenting votes and the Chairman deciar~d it unanimously carried. ELECTION BOARD REPORT Pursuant to instructions by the Board, the Executive Secretary had invited Mr. Otto K. Pridgen II, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections, to report on the prog.ress he has made in revising and reducing the number of voting precincts as well as the plans for instaliing the permanent looseleaf registraLion system. A letter was re- , ceived expressing regret for not being able Lo accept the invitation because of the pressur8 of preparations for the upcoming election on November 2nd. He pointed out that it would be practically impossible to do anything further on the project until after January 1, 1966'll He expressed their delight at the interest the Commissioners are taking in the permanent registration system and suggested that if an appropriation of $15,000 is made by the Com- ' missioners, they will immediately proceed to.insCall the looseleaf system in Lime for the 1966 primaries to be held in May. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that $15,OU0 be appropriated out of the General Emergency Fund to the Board of Elections for the purposer of insta211ng the permanent looseleaf registration system and a revision of the voting pre-!, cincts: There was no second to his motion. The Chairman declared it dead. Dr. Hooper Ib moved that any action on this question be deferred until the next meeting. It was secondec/~Ir. Br;aak and unanimously carried. j TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS Mr. George L. Bain, geologist in charge of Water Resources Investigations in the County, reported that the latest available maps were prepared in 1942, primarily for National Defense purposes and are out of date and fall far short of ineeting the National Map accuracy standards. The remapping of the Rocky Point Quad is already on the priority list for revision and in his opinion, the Wilmington Quad can be added to this priority list if the Board of Commissioners and other interested agencies couid make a request to the Topographic Division of the U. S. Geologdcal Survey. The request should be for 7~ minutes, scale 1:2!},000 with contour interval of no more than 5 feet. After expressing their appreciation to Mr. Bain for this information, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authori2ed to write the Topographic Division of the U. S. Geological Survey,Department of the Interior, and to our Congressman and request that the Wilmington Quad he added to the priority list for remapping in line with present accuracy standards. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ROAD PETITION - A petition was received from the property owners living on Lansdowr~ Road, Dover Road and Brookshire Lane requesting that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. After a brief consideration, Mr. Uaughan moved that it be forwarded to th e State Highway Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. COUNTY MAPPING The Chairman reminded the Board of the suggestion made by the Wilmington Board of Realtors in September that the Board consider a mapping program for the County in con- ~ nection with the current revalvation program. At that time, he suggested that the County consider replacing the present Federal documentary fee affixed to deeds of conveyance re- corded and he had asked the Register of Deeds to provide him with the amount of revenue stamps which had passed through his office in 1964. After some discussion, the matter was referred to Nr. Bowden for further study and recommendation. j MEMORIAL HOSPITAL REPORTS Mr. Vavghan suggested that he thought the Board should consider requesting pro- , gress reports from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial I Hospital in order to keep up to date with their Building Program and moved that the first one be made at the second meeting in Novembe.r and quarterly thereafter until its completion,- Dr. Hooper stated that he could keep the Board up to date on the progress as he is an ex- I officio member and attends all of their meeting but he thihks that it is better to have someone else make the reports. They reqne5ted that the Executive Secretary ask the Chair-~2 man of the Board of Trustees to make the first meeting in December and quarterly thereafter. \ ~~°~ Minutes of the Meeting continued November 1, 1965 RESOLUTTON - Pursuant to instructions given by the Board at the last meeting upon the~acceptance of the resignation of Mr. Dwight McEwen as Court Reporter, the County Attorney had drawn the following Resolution which the Board ordered made a part of these minutes. •"WHEREAS, Dwight McEwen has for more than I}0 years dedicated his time and talents to the furtherance .of the administration of justice in the Superior Court of New Hanover. County, and WHEREAS, after his long and honorable service, he has elected to relinquish his post in order to devote his time to his many activities, and WHERERS, New Hanover County, through its Board of Commissioners, is deeply in- debted to Mr. McEwen for his untiring and faithful service, and I~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; 1. That New Hanover County extends to Dwight McEwen its best wishes itt all that he may undertake in the years that lie ahead. 2. That his resignation as Court Reporter of the Superior Court of New Hanover County is accepted only with deep regret that he found it best to make this decision. 3. That a copy of this Resolution be delivered to Mr. McEwen and that a copy be inserted in the official minutes of this meeting. Done at 4Jilmington, North Carolina, this lst day of November, 1965. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY /S/ Jos. W. Ho~-per Chairman ATTEST: , /S/ W. G. Houck I Executive Secretary Mr. McEwen was present and the Chairman handed him the original copy of the Resolution along with suitable remarks expressing appreciation for his long service and good wishes ~~for his future. COURT REPORTER - Pursuant to authority placed in the Chairman of the Board and the County Attor- ney for securing a replacement for Mr. Mc~ren, the Chairman reported that they had employed Mrs. Mary L. Weaver and the County Attorney presented the contracts for the signature of ~the Chairman and.Nrs:~Weaver.: CI TIZEN ~ 5 COMhiENL1ATION - N~r, O. N. Goff, a citizen of Cape Fear Township, appeared before the Board and expressed his satisfaction for the good work the pre5~it Board is do~ing. He was particu- la4;ly pleased with the actions taken by Mr. Vaughan upon the visit•of the officials repre- senting H..lo[~. ~ !V~[ l TAX ABSTRACTS - Mr. Bowden presented each member 8f ff-e Board with revised proposals for the Tax ~ 'abstracts for the year 1966. They are particularly designed for mailing to each citizen of the County and designed to give each taxpayer a preference of using a percentage of his reai property for personal property values except automobiles, trucks, trailors, boats and otors and other personal property but exempting household personal•property, This matter as thoroughly discussed diuring which the County Attorney pointed out that it would not comply with G. S. 105-306 and that any change of the tax abstract must be apporved,by the ~State Board of Assessment as required by G. S. 105-313. After further discussion, in :, ~which it was pointed out that Guilford, Mecklenburg and Wake Counties mail out their abstracts although they have been advised that it is•not a legal procedure, Dr. Hooper moved that the Tax Supervisor proceed with ordering the supply of abstracts for tax listing beginning Jan- uary 1, 1966 after their form has been cleared by•the Covnty Attorney and that all of the items presently listed on the new form under the heading "Miscellaneous Property',' be deleted Iwith the exception of airplanes, boats, outboard motors and motor vehic2es. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be permitted to abstain from voting. All the other members voted favorably for the motion and the Chairman declared it passed. Mr. Hall then moved that Tax Listing be the same as last year except that any tax payer may obtain a copy of the abstract and mail it in during the listing period. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimovsly carried. , WILMINGTON HARBOR RESOLUTION - The Chairman reported that the State Department of Water Resources is holding Iup advertising for bids on the Wilmington Harbor and Cape Fear River Pro~ject because the LCounty had not furnished them a Resolution including the "hold harmless" phrase in the F~esolution pledging the cooperation in the annual upkeep of the retaining walls and dikes ~in the spoil disposal area on Eaglest Island. The County Attorney presented the following liaddition to the already pledged cooperation in providing for the maintenance: Supplementing the previous correspondence in connection with the spoil disposal ~ diking and other activities incident to the Cape Fear River pro,Ject,,this is to ad- vise that the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of November 1, 1965, adopted the foilowing Resolution: Resolved that New Hanover County will, to the extent that it is authorized by law to do so, hold and save the United States free from damages that may r,esult from ' construction and subsequent maintenance of the pro~ect designated as Wilmington Harbor and River. ~fter consideririg the amendment, Mr. Braak moved that it be approved and adopted. it was 5econded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. , ~~ G~ ~}~~`~ Nlinut.es oS ths~lestino_ _. _ November 1, i_965 Continued A.B.C. BOARD REVISION - - - - = u Mr. Vaughan reported that he had received a letter from the Meckienburg I County Personnel N~nager about the revision of the system of handling the A.B.C. Board here. He suggested that a copy of the revision be sent to New Hanover County for a stud~l~ and after it is received, send a copy to each member of the Board and put it on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting. The Schedules include their old salary range and new revised salaries compared with the Merit System Council ranges approved July 1, 1965• MANEWER PERMIT - County Attorney Tillery reported to the Board that the Army National Guard wants to use the Airport Training Exercises and requests the Board of Commissioners to approve a maneuver permit to use the New Hanover County Airport for that training exercis~. He presented a maneuver permit which he had drawn, which the Soard instructed be copie.d and sent each member for their study until the next meeting, at which time it wi12 be I considered attd a decision made. ~ EXPLANATIONS - WELFARE RESIGNATIONS Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that at a previous meeting he had raised the question reported by the news media that Public Welfare employees were leaving the De- partment because of our low salary scale as compared to other Counties. He has been led to believe that the resignations were not caused by the salary scales but because of circumstance and other considerations. He requests that the Public Welfare Director appear before the B6ard at the first meeting in December and explain the present situa- tion with reference to resignations. TRI-COUNTY FAIR Mr. Vaughan reported that he had heard many compliments with reference to the Tri-County Fair sponsored by the locai Jaycees and suggested that the president and other members be invited to appear before the Board of Commissioners to receive Lheir express3oi. of commendation for a fine civic pro~ect. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify them of this invitation. COORDINATING COMMITTEE - Mr. Vaughan stated that from time to time questions arose between the City and County governing bodies which needed to be resolved. He had particular reference to the question of reconciling the valuation of the ,jointly owned Armory on which the City is I now carrying insurance amounting to $30,000 valuation and the County is carrying insurancu amounting to $48,000 although it is equally owned. A recent inspection by the Insurarice Adjusters indicates that the total value of the building is $63,336. He is under the opinion that a Coordinatino Committee should be appointed for handiing questions of mutuaii interest of both governing bodies. The Chairman informed them that there is at present I a City-County ;joint Committee composed of representatives appointed by each of the govern~ ing boards and suggested that this question might be submitted to this ~joint board. I COMMUNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT Mr. Guy Willetts, the local Community Services Consultant~ reported that Lhe ~ City Council had agreed to sponsor Opportunities, Incorporated'which was dropped by the Board of County Commissioners. He wished to know if the Board of Commissioners means to withdraw its 10% in kind such as County Home facilities. He stated that he is more concerned about the value the commissioners placed on his office and work and if.they consider it worthwhile. He also wished to know if the County wanted a program and if so' what kind. Dr. Hooper asked him if his quesLions were motivated by the fact that the ~ Board hesitated to pay the telephone bill in his office. He assured them that that par- ticular fact had nothing to do with his questions. ' HUMANE SOCIETY Mr. Vaughan stated that he had been receiving calls about the Humane Society and the Dog Catcher and as he remembered this problem had been referred to the County Attorney for solution. He asked the County Attorney if he had any further suggestions. The County Attorney said that he had advised the Board about the legal angles on this subject and had no further suggestions as to the solution but feels that it is a policy matter for the Board to decide. After some further discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Sheriff be requested to report to the Board on the present system being used in the administration of the duties of the Dog Warden. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously passed. The Executive Secretary was instructed to invite the Sheriff to come before the Board and make a report. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superio Court for the weeks beginning December 6, 1965 and December 13, 1965 - Criminal terms. Jurors for the week December 6, 1965 - Criminal Campbell, York Croom, Ernest Edward Edwards, George l~J. Faison, N~adeline Farrow, William H. Ferris, William Earl Goar, Barry Gene Grace, Russell A. Hamm, Richard A. Hobbs, W. J. Howard, Louis J. Hughes, James P. Hull, Crarland W. Hunt, E. V. Josey, Edwin B. Kemp, T. W. Milis, Wilson H. Newkirk, W. M. Newton, J. E. Jr. R~Fi~Mt~$X ~dt~nd 3 1$ Carolina Bg ch 5039 Wrightsv, f~~~. 200 Norwood Ave. RFD 3, Box 196 321 Pemberton Dr. 309 Johnston Dr. 3!}2 Pine Valley Dr. 223 Dixie Ave. Box 143 A. RFLI 1 3107 Market St. P. o. Box 209 4117 Greenway Ave. 511 Wrightsv. Ave. 347 N, l~th St. Box 21, Kure Beach -a205 Lake Ave. ~15 S. lsth St. 2512 Burnett Blvd. Peebles, Roosevelt Penton, D. H. Pigott, Roma M. Potter, Geneva L. Rehder, G. Stanley Reid, Henry U. Shelton, Lee A. Shepard, Carl J. Shew, George T. Shew, Richard A. Strawn, O. D. Teeter, G. F. Thornton, Dalma Todd, Lewis S. Toon; Glenn J. Tripp, Harriett , Waddell, Ed Wallace, Henry C. Welch, W. Q. 719 Orange St. % Springer Coal Co. 2712 Van Buren St. 'i RFD 3; Box~ 11}5. . . ' . 823 Country Club Rd. RFD 3, Box 58 I 810 Rankin St. 101 Francis Marion Dr~l 3911 Oleander Dr. U 213 Princess St. 132 Wayne Dr. Box 91}, Kure Beach,N.(.. 912 N. 3rd St. i 61l} Rosemont Ave. 45 Woodlawn Ave. ! RFD 2, Box 317 B 1316 Church St. A 2711} Princess P1 Dr. ' 511 N. 5th St. ~ ~~ ~. - ~. Minutes of November 1, 1965 _ Continued ~Jvrors for December 6, 1965 - continued iOrrell, Edward A. . !}205 Wrightsv. Av. 'Outlaw, Ernest Lee RFD 3, B 166 Page, R inaldo B. 1336 S. Live Oak Pkwy. ~~Parker, Herbert L. . 125 Dogwood Dr. Parker, Harry L. 229 Oakcrest Dr. Pearson , W. Det. 117 Bryan Ave. Wheeler, George Walker, George H. White, D. P. Wilson, Virginia A. Wilson, Wm. J. YoPP, A. H. 5oi s. 7tn st. 2!}11 Elm St. 17 Lame Ave. 4719 Long Leaf Hills RFD 1 Box 317 209 Princess St. Jurors for the week beqinnino December 13, 1965 - Criminal Farrow, George D. RFD 3, B 123 Farrow, H. E. RFD 3, B 35 ~IFerguson, Kenneth E. RFD 2 B 397 pGore, Victor 5. Jr. 2520 GJ. Lake ShB~e IlGrainger, Homer P. 273 Harrison St. Gray, J. J. Sr. RFD 1, Box 381 G Henry, Ramson 111 5. lOth St. !Hewlett, B. F. 122 Greenville Ave. ~IHobbs, J. R. 4301 Market St. ,Hughes, Mrs. N. W. . Coun try Club Rd. IHughes, Thomas B. Jr. 506 5. 19th 5t. Jones, P. A. 3803 Carolina ~&ach Keeter, Thomas L. Box 84,Kure BeacR King, F. B. 1220 S. 4th St. ILanier, James F. 381i Peachtree St. Maultsby, Lora Wright 11}6 Forest Pkwy. McDermott, John J. 16 R obert E. Lee Dr Padrick, R. M. Jr. 2951 Park Ave. Page, J. W. 713 Essex Dr. Page, W. R. 1719 Orange St. Page, T. O. 222q Oleander Dr. Parmele, B. J. 1519 Market St. Pachal, P. P. RFD 2, s 138 Pellon, George 1d. 516 S. bth St. IPiner, Bess MacD 1917 Pender Ave. Robinson, Delilah 1309 Church St. Russell, R. R. C pCa~ol~na B~~ch N Sanders, A~ie , . . 1820 Market St. Shepard, Carrie 112 S. lOth St. Shepard, R. G. 1906 Perry Ave. Shepard, Roy E. 1210 Dawson St. Sherman, Janie R. 111 S. 5th St. Stathis, George N. Kure Beach, N. C. Tatum, F. A. 3601 Market St. Thompson, Charles E. 708 Castle St. Thornton, Mrs. Frances 111}5 Live Oak Pkwy. Toomer, Annie 1901 Princess St. Towles, Herbert R. 108 Morningside Dr. Voss, L. E. 55 Woodlawn Ave. Wallace, H. C. 2707 Dawson St. Walker, R. H. 30 Palmetta Rd. Westbrook, Eugene N. 22 A Kenwood Ave. White, Carl L. 24 Beauregard Dr. White, Joseph L. 213 Pine Ualley Whitfield, Allen B. 53i3 Green Leaf Dr. Wilkins, Gebrge H. 250 Hooper Rd. Wilkinson, Robert L. 228 JEB Stuart Dr. Wilson, B. B. RFD 1, Box 317 Overton, J. J. 511 Carolina Beach Rd. Zygmunt, Stan•ley H. 1202 Yaupon Dr. 'REPORTS - w The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: I~ (a) A.B.C. Quarterly Report (b) Audit Report of the County Schooi System ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously voted ito adjourn the meeting. ,,.: ecary STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) COUNTY OF NEW I-IANOVER ) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL SESSION, NOVEMBER, 1965 ORDER ' Upon the convening of court, it appearing to the undersigned, Judge Presiding, that ~there remains upon the regular panel for the trial of criminal action a total of eighteen ',,jurors,_and that there are numerous cases to be tried; that, out of experience, the Court finds that it is a maLter of impossibility to successfully conduct the Criminal Ses- sion of the Superior Covrt with such a limited number of jurors; Whereupon, it is considered, ordered and ad,judged, that the County Clerk of New Hanover County bring into open court the box containing the scrolls, bearing the names of eligible ,jurors, and that there be drawn from said box the names of twenty-five (25 persons, who shall be summoned to appear, to be examined touching their cobmpetency and fitness to serve as ,jurors at this session of the Superior Court of New Hanover County. This the 8th day of November, 1965. /S/ CYiester. R. Morris Judge Presiding Baldwin, Ethna C. IlBalk, Jack Brown, Harry H. Conway, P. Harold Cook, Charles Kenneth Edwards, James C. English, John E. Everett, Aaron Foy, David dHowell, Wm. S. Kelly, O. G. Peterson, Leola W. Pigford, R. T. Castle Hayne N.C 313 Johnson Dr. 1212 Loves Alley 119 Parkway Dr. City 2!}7 Spruce Dr. P. O. Box 1222 126 Roger Ave, RFD 1, Box 31}1 RFD 3, B 211 112 Dare St. % J.E.L. Wade iss Colonial Dr. Piscor, J. R. Jr. Pollock, Clenie Edward Rhodes, B. F. Shaw, Addie Straughan, Louis Vucie, Anthony J. Wands, George P. Wells, Delmer Whitfield, Gilbert Whitley, Annie Murray Williams, John Jr. Box 1011 1318 Church St. 2020 Creasy Ave. 706 Dock St. 2902 Chestnut St. 151}7 Parmele Dr. % Shore Acres Co. Wrightsv, Beach 5 Bedford Fores~r RFD 3,B 413 1917 Woolcott Ave. 1310 Church St. ~