1965-11-15 Regular Meeting~ ~}.~ November 15, 1965 8:00 A. M. Wilmington, N. C.. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners was held on this date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence 0. Bowden, J, M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chaplain for the meeting, Dr. Hooper asked the Execu- ' tive Secretary, W. G. Houck, to offer a prayer for guidance. • APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes, Mr. Vaughan requested that the following sen- tence be added to the paragraph headed "MEMORIAL HOSPITAL REPORTS", "but he thinks that it is better to have someone else make the reporLs. They requested that the Executive , Secretary ask the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to make the first report at the firs4 meeting in December and quarterly thereafter." After adding the above amendment, Mr. Vaughan moved that the minutes be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall,and unanimous y carried. VALUATION ADJUSTMENT - The Tax Supervisor reported to the Board that he had a complaint from Captain Edward J. Haneman, about the valuation on two boats which he owned. They were original.y listed in Harnett Township for taxes but should.have been listed in Wrightsville Beach. h In making the transfer, the Tax Supervisor~s attention was called to the fact that they were only listed for $500.00 and $1,000.00 each and in accordance with.G. S. .1o5=33o ~7) the Tax Supervisor notified Mr. Haneman in writing that the valuations were being change~ from $500.00 and $1,000.00 as listed, to $5,00.00 and $7,500,00. Captain Haneman was then introduced to 'the Board and explained that the original listings were probably entirely too low but he aiso felt that the valuations placed on the boats by the Tax Supervisor were entirely too high. After a discussion, it was finally agreed that the I valuations would be equitable if placed at $3,000.00 and $5,000.00 making the tax assess~i ment $1500.00 and $2,500.00. The Tax Supervisor called attention to an error in the 1964 tax bill for Captain Haneman in that he had listed three boats at $1,000.00 each but through clerical error it was not picked up and the taxes were not computed on the valuations. This is to be corrected. The Board commended Captain Eddie for the good name and image created by him among the fishing fraternity of the State and the sports n, fishermen. ANNUAL INDEPENDENT AUDIT - I Pursuant to the presentation of the annual independent audit of the County~s records for the fiscal year ending i965, each of the Commissioners had studied the Budget and had no particular questions with reference to it. An invoice from the auditll ing firm amounting to $8,358.7$ was received. After some discussion in which it de- veloped that the cost increased this fiscal year over the previous fiscal years because_' of the increased activity of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital accounts which required ~ additional time by the auditors, the question was r.aised as to whether or not a portion ' of this audit bill is chargeable to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Funds. The Count~ Attorney ruled thatlegally they were not chargeable, however, they might negotiate with the Board of Trustees of the Hospital for such an agreement. Installation Suvervision - Recorder~s Court - An invoice for $!}00.00 was also received from the same auditing firm for the supervision of the installation of an accounting system for the support accounts and a validating machine in the Recorder~s Court Office. After clearing all of the items in question with reference to this contract, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the audit reports be accepted and filed for the record and that the invoices be paid, and that the Chairman of the Board be authorize'd to consult with the County Auditor and the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital to resolve the question as to whether part of this expense is a proper charge I to the Hospital Funds. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION The County Auditor informed the Board that they would not have sufficient " funds appropriated to cover these two invoices. After checking his record, he found it would require $2,278.']5 to pay the bills. Mr. Haii then moved that $2,278.75 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Audit Account in order to pay the bills. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. HUMANE SOCIETY - Pursuant to a request by the Board, the Sheriff appeared to explain his present system of handling the duties of the Dog Warden from his Department. The Chairman reported that he had many complaints from the Humane Society and asked the 'i Sheriff what system is now being used for the Dog.Warden. The Sheriff explained that I the Dog Catcher Truck recently was in the shop for repairs and after the repairs were I made they found that the special body used for the dogs came to pieces and 3:t was necessary to rebuild it, which took nearly 6 weeks to complete. At present, the Dog , Catcher serves 3 days per week as Jailor and 3 days per week as Dog Warden. During the discussion of this problem, the question was raised about the feasibility of com- bining the County and City Dog Wardens~ duties in an effort to solve some of the problems. Mr. Vaughan moved that the County Attorney be authorized to confer with the City Attorne~l in an effort to see if a combination of the services of the Dog Warden in the City and I County might be made. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. I~ u \ ~ ~~,~. Minutes of the Meeting November 15, 196$ Continued _~ JAYCEES COMMENDATION - 2 Complying with an invitation from the Board, Messrs. Richard H. Oosterwyk and W. Scott Singleton of the lniilmington Club and Ooden Club were present and received Icongratulations from the Board for their sponsoring the Tri-County Fair and the Highway Trash Clean Up, respectively, by their organizations. The Wilmington Club representatives stated that their Fair fell a litile short of makine expenses on their midway because of Ithe weather and the Billy Graham Crusade which was in progress at the time kept many people from attending. He reported that the Fair grounds have not been cleaned up but they~:are ~ in the process of tidying them. The Ogden Club representative reported that they had ~~ picked up the debris and trash from the Pender County line to Oaden on both sides of the I road and had hauled three pick-up truck loads of trash, mostly beer cans, including five crates of empty drink bottles. The Board expressed their appreciation for this public I service and assured them of their cooperation. OPPORTUNITIES, INCORPORATED The Chairman reported to the Board that he had met with the present Chairman lof Opportunities, Incorporated, Reverend David L. Alexander, along with 3 m.embers of that Council, soliciting the cooperation of the Board and requesting that a member of the Board be appointed to serve on the Council of Opportunities, Incorporated. Dr. Hooper stated that he could not serve in good conscienre an3, therefore, Mr. J. M. Hali, Jr. volunteered to represent the Board of Commissioners in that activity. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write and advise them of this appointment. FISH FRY - The Chairman read a letter from the State Highway Commission inviting the Board to a service on behalf of the State Highway employees to award pins to those eligible at ~a program to be presented at a Fish Fry Dinner on Friday, November 19th at 4:00 P. M. All ~Ithe Board expressed themseives as attending. AIRPORT ACCESS ROAD The Chairman read a letter from the Airport Manager stating that the Federal Aviation Agency's District Engineer has advised him that his office would approve swapping a portion of Airport property bordering the Hutaff property for the right of way to con- strvct an access road into the Airport property. After a thorough discussion of this problem, Mr. Hall moved that it be referred to the County Attorney with authority to employ la competent civil engineer to draft a suitable map for this project and work out the plans to go ahead with the trade. It was seconded by Nr. Vaughan and unanimously adopted. TAX ABSTRACT - Mr. Bowden reported that he had been in touch with the State Board of Assess- ment with reference to the changes which he had recommended for use in listing taxes for New Hanover County in January, 1966. He reported that the Board of Assessment would.,not irecommend the change and, in fact, advised him that Forsythe and Guilford County are both ,authorized by-an Act of the Lesislature to mail their abstracts and that Mecklenburg Covnty is operating illegally. The Tax Supervisor was asked if he had made any move in this direction and he replied that he had not as the Board had instructed himto wait for the approval of the County Attorney before making any changes. The County Attorney stated that he could not recommend any change inconsistant with or contrary to the General Statutes. Mr. Bowden then moved that the Tax Listing procedure for January, 1966 foliow the same as in the past or until legally approved abstracts are available. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. AIRPORT - PIEDMONT AIRLINES CONTRACT The Chairman read a letter from the Airport N~nager outlining a proposal made by Piedmont Airlines for renewing their contract with a 5 year lease as follows: - • 8z~ per 1,000 pounds for first !},000,~00 povnds 7zd " 1,000 pounds for second 4,000,000 pounds 7d " 1,000 pounds for over 8,000,000 povnds The Airport Committee recommends the following landing fees for the contract: 9d per 1,000 pounds first 6,000,000 pounds 8~g% " 1,000 pounds second 6,00a,000 pounds 8d " 1;000 pounds over 12,000,000 pounds 'fees are equitable when compared with Airports being used by Piedmont Airlines even though ~they claim their landing cost in Ylilmington is hioh. He also pointed out that it will I not be long before the Air Force will expect a contract and in his opinion, they will ex- ! pect approximately the same terms as Piedmont Airlines. He is of the opinion that if his Committee is authorized to negotiate with Piedmont they may be able to effect a better agreement and after a brief discussion offered a motion that the Board authorize his Com- pmittee to commit the Board to a contract with Piedmont after further negotiation. It was Ilseconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. ~IMr. Vaughan, as Chairman of the Airport Committee, reported that his Committee was wi2ling ,to make some consessions on the office space rental but feels like the proposed landing AIRPORT - MANEWER PERMIT The County Attorney reported that the North Carolina Army National Guard has requested a permit to use the Airport land for training exercises. They have presented a standard Maneuver Permit form which they asked be approved by the Board but the County Attorney did not recommend it and presented the Board with one which he has drawn with some limitations such as an 8 hr. period once every quarter beginning December 1, 1965 through November 30, 1966. After reviewing the permit, Messrs. Hall and Bowden, being familiar with military maneuvers suggested that the frequency should be eliminated in the Ipermit because the weather might enter into the picture and also because the control tower would always be able to coordinate the activities, however, normallly they wouid be expected ~to occur every three months. The County Attorney was instructed to redraw the agreement on that basis and present it at the next meeting for adoption. J ~. ~-~ Minutes of the Meeting November 15, 1965 continued ~ JWM & CO li ITY HOSPITALS - BI.~POSITION ~ -- - - s ~ --f Mr. Hall reported there is being much speculation among the public with reference to what disposition will be made of the properties of James Walker Memorial - and Community Hospital which will be closed when~the New Hanover Memorial Hospital is opened. He suggested the appointment of a Gommittee to make a study of the propertiesJ as sorr~e of the buildings will be condemned but others are in usable condition and make recommendations to the Board. He offered a motion that the Chairman be emp~wered to appoint a representative group committee as promptly as possible and suggested that they come frcm the following oroups: (a) Board of Commissioners, (b) Public L~Jelfare, (c) JWM Hospital Trustees, (d) Corr~munity Hospital Board of Directors, (e) Business & Professional Men~s Club, (f) New Hanover Memorial Board of Trustees, (g) Community Council, (h) Family Service, (i) Chamber of Commerce and any others which he deems advisable. It was seconded by Nr. Vaughan and unanimously carried althoush ~r. Vaughan said that he did not intend to approve the selection of the Committee from the sources recommended by Mr. Hali in his motion because he is of the opinion that the Committee should be made up of business men who could seek information from the sources named in the suygested list.° CONiMUNITY SERUICES CONSULTANT Dr. Hooper reported that Mr. Guy in~illetts, the CommunLty needs to know if the County intends to continue its contribution of the Econom3cs Opportunity Act services. He stated that it uras his when ~hey~al~lowed: 'the:,use of 'the~.Cotin:t'y- Home' Bu.il'a"SII9: 1"$'StCS:uininer~, w3'uld~be:made.'on~a continuing'basi,s,.:='.Act~i:on on :th.is'quesLiou_wi:ll further-irifo_rma:tiom :i5~.re:ceived: .. :~ ,--.. ••. ~ Services Consvltant 10% in kind toward understanding that no- f.ur.the'rb reqne s.t" be fiazl'e a's ~soan'., as _ . s ~.r-~ = . . . ~, ,~ . _. ~ ~ NEW HANOVER MENORIAL HOSPITAL AUDITOR~S REPORT - i The County Auditor reported that total expenditures for the New Hanover Memorial Hospital amounted to $3,861,389.07 and the revenues from the sale of bonds and the Medical Care Commission amounted to $6,652,000. In handling these funds, the County has earned interest of $80,345.29 and in addition, he has received $32,586.45 in sales tax refund. These funds total $112,931.7!} which have been placed in Certificates of Deposit drawing interest on earned interest to the benefit of the taxpayers. He recommended that the above funds be spent only upon the approval of the Commissioners. The question then arose as to whether or not the Commissioners could divert these funds into the General Fund of the County. The County Attorney was of the opinion that they I could not. The Chairman then requested the County Auditor to work up a statement show- I ing the net earned interest after deducting expenses which the County had paid during the handling of the Hospital Funds. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Auditor notify the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Nemorial Hospital that the funds ~~ derived as earned interest not be committed until it was approved by the Board of Com-, I missioners. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and adopted unanimously. ' NATIONAL SECURITY SEMINAR The Chairman read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce announcino that New Hanover County is being considered as a possible site for a two week National Securitr Seminar during the Academic year 1966-67. They suggest that if the Board of Commissione`s are in favor of this Seminar they write a letter expressing their interest and approval. ' Upon motion of Nr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously authorized the r Chairman to write a letter expressing approval of this Board. I PERIMETER REGULATIONS A discussion arose with reference to the announcement by the press that the I City of t~'ilmington is now in position to take over the enforcement of zonino regulations I within the one mile area outside the City limits as authorized by G. S. 160-181.2. This ' means that all the building and electrical permits within this area now issued by the County will be taken over by the City. The County Attorney cited the legal authority for this action. In their letter announcing that the effective date would be November i 15, 1965, they requested that the Building and Electrical Inspector~s issue no more permits within the one mile area but that they complete the inspections of all constructihn in that area for which they have issued permits. Mr. Vauohan questioned the authority ~ of reporting that this had been worked out with the Board of Commi.ssioners. He is of the opinion that the way it was handled lacked of diplomacy as he was not aware of their right to take over this function of government and is of the opinio t t i will greatly cut down the revenues of the County. Dr. Hooper remarked that it Hr~~~~r~~ctory manner by a letter to the Building Inspector. By common consent, th Board authorized a letter written to I~yor Allsbrook, with a copy to the City Manaoer Brandon protesting this method of handling it. (After the meeting, the original letter written to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners dated November 5, 1965 was found, however, it had ~ been delivered by hand.) I COMMUNITY PLANtQING The Chairman read a letter from the State Department of Conservation and De- velopment announcing the approval of the Federal Grant for base mapping, land use survey and mapping, and land use and potential study, as requested by the County in November of 1961} at which time the Urban Planning Assistance Agency would provide $10,800 and the County making $7,000 available for the program. He aiso announced the establishment of a Regional Office for the Commerce and Industry Division of the Conservation and Develop-j ment Department in Lumberton. After assuring themsleves that funds are av~ilable in the Budoet for this project, Mr.'Vaughan moved that the Resolution avthorizing the contract i aoreement be sent to the Chairman of the County Planning and Zoning Board for their con- sideration and recommendation. WELFARE DEPARTMENT - LIEN The Chairman read a letter from the Public Welfare Department askino that the , Board of Commissioners foreclose a lien in the amount of $5,343•00 Osid Age A~sistance ~ Grant, on property near Porter~s Neck Plantation in the name of Ruth Brown Fonvielle. She died in 1961 and the family agreed to pay off the lien at the rate of $50.00 per mont but so far have paid nothing and the Welfare Board has approved the foreclosure. Upon ~ motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously authorized the County Attorney to foreclose the property. continued ~ ~ ~ ~I ~~~ 1 Continued WELFARE DEPARTMENT - LIEN (continued) s ~ They also reported property in the name of Mary Williams on which they have a lien, which is located at 203 Meares Street and that the people in the neighborhood have cleaned it off and want permission to put playground equipment on the property without it becoming a partcf the lien. Upon motion of Mr, Hall, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously granted this request. ~ JWENILE COURT - The Public Welfare Department also presented a reqvest for establishing a Juvenile Court for New Hanover County, effective January 1, 1966 and equipped with a Probation staff. They also asked permission to retain $400.00 Attorney Fees for the purpose of clear- ling children for adoption. it was the unanimous decision of the Board to defer action on this matter until a full Board is present. Messrs. Bowden and Braak had left the meeting to attend the presentation for making Wilmington an "All America•~City". This subject is to be placed on the Agenda at the next meeting. Ninutes of the Meeting IVovember 15, 1965 ICAPE FEAR HORSEMAN'S ASSOCIATION ~r. Vaughan reported that he had recently driven through Hugh MacRae Park and Ilnoticed that the Cape Fear Horseman's Association had made many improvements at their rink in the Park. He suggested that a letter should be written to Mrs. Dorothy J. Hathaway, President, commending them for their efforts in making the Park more presentable to the public. COUNTY FARM Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Board consider selling the County Farm property and using the money for matching Federal funds and purchasing land suitable for recreational parks. Mr. Hall is of the opinion that the County property should be held for industrial development and not sold at this time. JUNH YARDS - Mr. Vaughan reported that he had observed many junk yards along the roads entering New Hanover County and that they presented an unsightly appearance. He had particular reference across the Northeast Cape Fear River which is expanding and suggested that a letter be written to the Community Prlanning and Development $oard, with a copy to the County Planning and Zoning Board, which now has jurisdiction becavse it is within one mile of the City limits and sugoest that they zone the areas to improve the entrance to New Hanover County and Wilmington. VETERANS~ DAY PROGRAM - The Chairman reported that he had attended the Veterans~ Day Program on the ~USS Battleship North Carolina and was impressed with the quality of the spea}ters and the entire program and suggested that a letter of commendation be sent to Admira2 Robert E. Ellis, USN (Ret) for the fine prooram. IHUGH MORTON DAY The Chairman stated that the Commlttee in charge of arranging for honoring and recoanizing Hugh N. Morton for his outstandino efforts in promoting the USS North Carolina effort and successfully developing it, has asked the Chamber o f Commerce to ~coordinate a program and dinner. He has reserved the dining room at the Blockade Runner ~Ifor the night of December 7th for this occasion. UponYmotion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Nir. Vaughan, the Board unanimously endorsed these plans, ;HOME ECONOMICS COUNCIL - ~ The Chairman reported that he had attended a recent meeting of the Home Demon- stration Cluhs at which two members received commendation for perfect attendance and faithful service and he thought they were doing a fine job in the County and suggested that at least those two members be written letters. The Executive Secretary was in- structed to secure the names of the recipients of the honors from Miss Verna Belle Lowery land write suitable letters of commendation. SSESSING OFFICERS - The Tax Supervlsor reported that the Annual Meet3ng of the State Association f Assessing Officers is being held at the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill on ovember 17th, 18th and 19th and that the Commissioners and the County Attorney are specially welcome. .None of the Board members were abie to attend. The Tax Super- isor reported that he and the Covnty Tax Assessor had made reservations to go. TS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- 2- 3- DJOURNNiENT - The Grand Jury Report for October, 1965 October Report of the Wilmington Public Library. Audit Report of the Consolidated Tax Office for Tax Settlement for year 1964. Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. w retary ~~~