1965-12-06 Regular Meeting~ ~c~ v' _ a M Wilmington, N. C 8:0o a December 6,1966 -~5 r:. ASSEMBLY - ^ The regular seinimonthly meeting of the Tdew Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following Imembers present: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION Peter H In the absence of a Chaplain for the meeting, Dr. Hooper asked Commissioner Braak to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF TH~ NtINUTES - The Board authorized an amendment in the paragrapri headed Opportunities, Incor- Iporated changing the word " appointment" to "volunteered" and in the paragraph headed "JWM and Community Hospital - Disposition", "Mr. Vauohan said that he did not intend to ~approve the selection of the Committee from the sources recommended by Mr. Hall in his motion ~because he is of the opinion that the Committee should be made up of business men who could seek information from the sources named in the sugeested list.'~ After agreeing to the above amendments, Mr. Bowden moved that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. IREORGANIZATION - The £xecutive Secretary called attention to the requirements of GS 153-8 for re- organizing the Board on the first Nonday in December~. Mr. Vaughan nominated Dr. Hooper to succeed himself as Chairman and upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Nr. Bowden, the Board unanimously re-elected Dr. Joseph ld. Hooper Chairman for the ensuing year. Vice Chairman - Dr. Hooper then nominated Nir. Vaughan as Vice Chairman and upon motion of Nr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the nominations were unanimously closed and land Nm. Vaughan was elected Vice Chairman by acclamation. County Attorney - Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that Mr. L. Bradford Tillery be reappointed County Attorney for the ensuing year. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- mously passed. ATTORNEY'S SALARY - Mr. Braak reported that after observing the amount of legal work involved as , County Attorney he thought the salary for that job should be $6,200.00 per year and offer- ;ed a motion that this be approved as of January lst, 1966 and that $500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Attorney Fees for the last 6 months of the fiscal year. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and approved unanimously. 'PENSION AND RETIREMENT PLAN - Mr. Glasgow Hicks, Jr.;representing the U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Compary appeared before the Board and requested an opportunity to make a proposal for the pension and retire- ment plan for New Hanover County employees. He offered to hire, at their expense, an in- Idependent Actuarial Consultant who would design a program and prepare specifications for sub- mission to any interested insuror at no cost to the County. He estimated it would require lapproximately one year to present such a proposal. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion for ~the purpose of discussion that the Coun.ty will entertain a proposal from Mr. Hicks, or any- one else, provided it is presented by the time the Board is ready to make their decision, It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. In the discussion, it was brought out the time might be cut Nto less than a year for prepariny the proposal but that it would push them to complete it by the next Budget setting time for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1966. ~r. Meares Harriss, a local insurance agent, has designed a proposal and specifications for providing the County employees with a retirement plan which can be funded by any company. He reminded the Board that at the time he was made Agent of Record on May 3rd, 1965 Mr. Vaughan observed that all present were men of honor and that if it was necessary to extend the time it could be done at the expiration of the 6 months. He is of the opinion that if the motion above is passed, it will open up the way for many proposals and make it necessary for the County 'to employ and pay an Actuarial Consultant in order to resolve the many plans which would be presented. He estimates that the work which has been done on the project now vouid have c oSL _ between $1500.00 and $2,000.00 if it had been done by an Actuarial Consultant employed •by the County and that by the time the proposal was completed, it would have run up to $5,000. After a brief discussion, ~r. Braak offered a substitute motion that Mr. Harriss be continued ,as Agent of Record for a period of 90 days from today which should give the State Local Gov- ,ernmental Employees Retirement office time to come up with their proposal. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and passed by a majority vote. Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as Ivoting "NO", however, before the subject was dismissed he finally voted"~!es" only because he felt the Board incUrred this obligation through failing to have the State investigation !made concurrently with Mr. Harriss~s and made the vote unanimous. The Chairman instructed 'the Executive Secretary to write the Local Governmental Retirement System and advise them ithat the Board would like to have their report on the project within 90 days. ISCHOOL ROAD PAVING - Dr. W. H. Wagoner, Superintendent of the New Hanover County School System, at the invitation of the Board of Commissioners, reported to the Board that the Board of Education has a problem which they have been attempting to resolve but so far have not heen able to ~accomplish anything. It has to do with pavino of the streets around some of the schools. He reported that during dry seasons the dust is very bad and during the wet seasons, the mud imalces it almost impossible to get through some of them. In~seeking to resolve the problem, ,they secured the following estimatesof the cost from the State High~aay Commission which does ,not include curb and gutters: ~ Alderman scnooi 562.5 Ft. ~i,85o.00 D. C. Virgo School 1,500 " 3,900.00 Ulilliston High School 800 " 2,600.00 , Howe Elementary School 1,200 " 3.900.00 I - Total $12,250.00 continued- I ~ c.' ~~ Minutes of the Meeting December 6, 1965 Continued SCHOOL ROAD PAVING - (continued) Dr. Wagoner stated that this had been presented before the City Council and ' that he is now bringing it before the Commissioners to see if any solution mighti be i worked out. In the discussion, the question of the Powell Bill money was brought up I and Dr. Wagoner explained that it is the understanding of the City officials that this money can only be used for maintenance and can not be used for new construction. The ~ County Attorney was of the opinion that the Statutes would not place a limitation on ~ the Powell Bill money to maintainace only. Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the N City Council be advised of Dr. Wagoner~s report and ask them to give their kind con- ~~ sideration to this urgent problem. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously carried. I RECORD BOOK RENOVAL - The Register of Deeds reported that books "W", "TT", "KKK", "MMM" and "000", are in such a state of deterioration that it is unfeasible to repair them in the regular manner. He has arranged with the Department of Archives and History to laminate the ~ books under the State Restoration Program at no cost to the County. It will be necessar:~ that theyt'.; '.' - be taken to Raleigh for this work and before he is authorized to re- move them from the County, General Statute 132-7 requires ttn t the Board of Commissioners, authori2e such removal. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Soard un- i animously approved the program outlined above. REHABILITATION QUARTERS - II Dr. Rolf H. Fissher, Director of the Mental Health Center, appeared before '1 the Board end explained that the only place presently available to treat alcoholics ' and mentally.disturbed persons is in the County Jail. He does not consider this a proper place for rehabilitating these persor.s, many of whom can very well be treated locally without being sent to Goldsboro. He suggests that the County clean up and renovate the old Juvenile Detention Home facilities which have been vacated by them, for use in treating this type problem. Aft,er a thorough discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the Juvenile Detention Home be cleaned up and prepared for use immediately. It. ' was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. Dr. Fisscher is to explore the I possibility of the use of A.B.C. Funds to cover the cost of the program and to report back to the Board at their second meeting in January details of the proposed operationai procedures so that the Commissioners can see what they are getting into. Mr. Bowden reported that the Mental Health Advisory Board requests that all fiscai matters presentedl to the Board of Comrrissioners come through them. ' ANNUAL REPORT - PUBLIC FUNDS Mr. H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, made his annual presentation of Public Funds in his possessfon and estimated that approximately 30% of the accounts were eligible to be escheated. Total Amount in Public Funds $82,806.80 Individual Savings Accounts Unclaimed Funds in Clerk Superior Court If Vaulx safe $2,061~.34 The Couhty Auditor reported that he had checlced the funds against the ledger and bank deposits and found them correct. Each of the Commissioners signed the report signifying their approval. By common consent, the Board urged the Clerk to take the ~i necessary steps to see that the funds which are elioible to be escheated are taken care I of immediately. The Executive Secretary was instructed to publish it in accordance with the provisions of the General Statutes. TRANSFER - SUPPLIES The Clerk of Superior Court reported that his Budget ~'unds on Supplies is running out, caused by the increased number of cases which are being handled by the Courtl, making it necessary to secure many more forms than previously. He Yn s$200.00 in his Travel Account which he is willing to transfer. Nr. Hall then moved $200.00 be trans- ~~ ferred from the Clerk of Superior Courts~ Travel Account to Supplies. It was seconded ~ by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. MANEWER PERMIT - NATIONAL GUARD Complying with instructions of the Board at the last meeting, the County Attorney, revising the permit requested by the Army National Guard for training exercise; at the New Hanove~r County Airport. He reports that he has not completed the revision an~ the Board unanimously deferred action on this matter until the next meeting. JOINT MEETING - ~ ' Nm. Vaughan observed that he thou~ht it would be well if the County Commission';rs met with the City Council in order to discuss some of the mutval problems regarding the operation of combining activities and to explore consolidating the Planning and Zoning operations, discuss the question of matching funds to the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum I and the subject expressed by the New fianover Flying Association to the smoke arising from the present operation of the City Trash Dump. By mutual consent, the Board authorized. the Chairman to ~arite the City Council and arrange for a joint conference. AIRPORT - ACCESS ROAD The County Attorney reported that he is workina on the plans for constructing an access road into the New Hanover County Airport. The Civil Engineer is in the proces~ of making the survey to determine the practical land to trade at the Airport to Mr. Hutaf; for his right-of-way. AIR SAFETY The Board received an open letter froro the New Hanover Flying Association. calling attention Lo the dangers to the interest and safety of supplying'aircraft because of the smoke arising from burning trash at the Refuse Disposal Dump. Discussion ofi this item was deferred until the next meeting. ~ ~~~~. , Minut~ of the Meeting December 6; 1965 Continued ~RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Complying with authorization of the Board, the Chairman appointed the follow- ing persons to serve on the County Recreation Advisory Committee at the pleasure of the Board: F. L. Meier, Jr. Chairman George H. Chadwick, Jr. 6Jalter L. Crawford Richard H. Oosterwyk Arnoid Peterson L. Bradford '~illery 610 North 25th St. 2546 Oleander Drive 813 Rankin St. RFD 1, Castle Hayne, N. C. Wrightsv. Beach, N. C. 318 Electric Buiiding The Executi~e Secretary was instructed to confirm the appointment by a letter to each of the Board members. IROAD PETITIONS - ~ Petitions were received from the property owners on Patridge Road and Dianne " Drive, Yvonne Road and Greenville Drive, requesting that they be added to the State h7ain- tained Secondary Road System. P. review of the petitions revealed that the petition for the roads in Greenview Ranches was signed only by the New Hanover Development Company and the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to check with the State Highway Commission to see if that is sufficient for their requirements before approving it. Dr. Hooper then ,moved that the request for Patridge Road be approved and sent to the State Highway Commis- 'sion for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously.carried. FEES - AIRPORT AZHLEA FESTIVAL SH04d Mr. Glenn G. Moore, Air Show Chairman on the Azalea Festival Committee came be- fore the Board and explained that they have a tentative proposal for a nationally known Air Show which would put on a two hour exhibit for the benefit of spectators at the New Hanover County Airport during the Azalea Festival. He reported tt~t this type of show I involved considerable expense and suggested that the Commissioners permit a small fee of 50d per car and ailow the Azalea Festival Committee to sell advanced reserved seat tickets ,for bleacher type seats. After a brief discussion of this proposition, the Board unani- mously deferred any action on the matter but instructed the Executive Secretary to place 'lit on the Agenda for the next meeting. AMENDP~NTS - BUILDING CODE , The Building Inspector referred the 1965 amendments to the State Uniform Resi- I dential Building Code to the Executive Secretary for consideration by the Board, particu- larly Section 26 (5) which permits the use of wood shingles under certain circumstances. The Covnty Attorney was absent at this time attending to a Court irlatter so the Board unani- mously deferred any action until the next meeting. I CHRISTP'IAS HOLIDAYS - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had received calls from Nthe Health Department in regard to the Christmas Holidays so that they might schedule appointments. Since no standard procedure has been adopted for this season, he recom- mended that the Board follo~.~ the same schedule as the City in view of the joint operation such as the Tax Listing and Tax Collecting Departments ~,rhich are inconvenienced when a different schedule is followed. The City has approved December 21}th and December 27th as Holidays for the employees as Christmas Day is on Saturday this year. After a brief discussion, Dr. Hooper moved that the County allow a half day holiday on Friday, -ecember 24th allowing the Departmet Heads to use skeleton forces if they deemed it advisable and all day Monday, December 27th. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. PROGRESS REPORT - NEW HANOUER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ~ Mr. Seymour L. Alper, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover ~V Memorial Hospital made a progress report indicating that the hospital is approximately 50% ~. complete which is on schedule, The general contractor has been givern a 21} day extension ~ of time. Some personnel will be needed as much as 6 months in advance of the opening ~, ~ date and some can be employed as late as 60 and 30 days ahead of opening date in order to ~ acquaint themselves with operation of the equipment before the actual need for its use. `i~ Their revenues amount to $9,b1}9,659. They anticipate that~the first 60 days of operation . will require a minimum of $500,000 in operating capital, however, they will receive the laccounts receivable from the two merging hospitals and whatever unexpended appropriations ~ which they have on hand at the time of the merger. They do not anticipate any difficulty with this feature of the o.pening. The Board, by common consent, suggested that a quarterly~ ~ report be made as the work progresses. Mr. Alper was in complete agreement with this sug- gestion and asked the Executive Secretary to notify him when 90 days has elapsed so that ~ Ihe can comply. DRAGLINE The Chairman announced that the Committee appointed to evaluate the bids whic h Iwere received for supplying a dragline had made their report to the Board and after eonsid- Ilering all the specifications, the Board has decided to purchase the Bucyrus-Erie, Model 15B from E. F. Craven Company for a total delivered price of $25,007 which includes the Ithe telescoping boom stop. Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the bid of E. F. Craven Company for a Model 15-B Bucyrus Dragline be accepted at a cash delivered price of $25,00~ and that $20,000 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund and $5,007.00 appropriated from the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund to pay for it. It was seconded by IMr. Hall and unanimously approved. JWENILE COURT - ~iss Lela Moore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department, reported that Ithe Board and their staff are available to complete the establishment of one Juvenile ICourt and one Probation Staff as of January lst, 1966. It is her understanding that the two Probation Officers now working for the City have not completed the Merit System exam- ination making them eligible for employment in the Public Welfare Department. She says that the examina~.ions are being given every other Saturday at Wilmington College. If they !make themselves eligible, she hopes to continue their services if the Courts are merged into one Juvenile Court. After some discussion of this problem, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the plans to establish one Juvenile Court for the City and County, agreed on at the joint meeting, be approved effective January 1, 1966 and that ~iss Hall be authorized to go ahead and set up her department on that basis. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- mously carried. The Executive Secretary was authorized to notify the City Council that continued- u ~I I ~ ~ ~8 Minutes of the Meetinq December 6, 1965 continued JWENILE COURT - -- --- - - - ~'. so far as the County is concerned, there will be only one court after Januaryl, I lst, 1966. ATTORNEY FEES - CHILDREN ADOPTION In a letter dated November 3rd, the Director of Public Welfare called atten- tion to five children in their care ranging in ages from 3 to14 years. It was pointed i out that if they remained under the care of the Public Welfare Department until they ll reached the age of 18, it would co9t the County $38,800 at the present rate of cost. They recommended that the Board allow them $400.00 to retain an attorney for ciearing these children for adoption as soon as homes are available. ~ IdELFARE - EDUCATIONAL FORUM Miss Hall expressed a desire for a joint meeting of the Public Welfare Board and the Board of County Commissioners in an informal meeting for the purpose of acquaint ing them with new programs and any old information that would be mutually helpful. She I suggested December 13, 1965 at 5:00 P. M. in her office as a possible date. After a brief discussion, by unanimous consent, agreed Lo meet with them at that time. FLAGS The Chairman opened the meetino for discussion about the display of the flag 3.he~United States of America. It was the thinking of some of the Board that the State Flay should also be flown immediately beneath the nation~s flag and instructed the Executive Secretary to secure flaes suitable for this purpose and if there are no valid reasons for not doing so, fly the State flag from the same halyard but below the nationa f lag. f ~ TRUCK - HUGH NlacRAE PARK The Executive Secretary reported that the truck used by the Parks Supervisor has approximately 150,000 miles on it and is in such a deteriorated condition, it is , unfeasible to repair it. He recommended that the Board appropriate $400.00 as a I, capitai outlay item to replace the truck with one which we might purchase from the State' Highway Commission. They had two for sale which were in excellent condition which could have been purchased for approximately $350.00 but they were sold before we could get this appropriation. After some discussion, the Board was reluctant to appropriate~, funds until a suitable truck is located. Mr. Braak reported that a local dealer had an excellent buy,in his opinion, and suggested that the Executive Secretary be authorized to investigate the matter and if he is convinced that it is a suitable truck to poll the Board and yet their reaction after giving them the facts. ( A 1965 model Chevrolet truck with 28,000 miles was located at the Raney Chevrolet Company which could be purcha:ed for a net of $1297.00. All members of the Board were called and given the facts after , which each of them signified his approval for tl~ purchase.) TAX LISTERS - The Tax Supervisor presented the following names to the Board of Commissioner>> as Tax Listers during January 1966 as required by G. S. 105-287 for approval of the Board and to act as crop report listers as required by G. S. 106-25: C. G. Berry 127 Forest Hills Dr,ive ~ Mrs. Saliie Best RFD 1, Box 214 S. W. Brinson 2713 South College Road H. G. Coughenhour 172b Orange St. O. C. Crawford 127 North 25th St. G. D. Farmer 511 Coloniai Drive G. C. Gilbert 2020 Pender Ave. A. B. Grimsley 2515 Jefferson St. Mrs. V. B. Gurganus RFD 2, Box 11~2 ! A. H. Harriss, Jr. 2712 Arden Road N. W. Humphrey W. lti'est Atlanta St., Wrightsv. Beach ~rs. Eunice Leeuwenb ury 3!}07 Wilshire Bovlevard D. D. Melton 2523 Jeffesson St. Mrs. Ann S. Mincy RFD 2, Box lI}9 Mrs. Robert C. Moore Castle FIayne, N. C. Mrs. J. H. Myatt P. 0. Box 196, Carolina Beach E. J. Toomer 19a1 Princess St. I W. P. Toon, Jr. 520 Princess St. ~ Mrs. N. L. 4Jallace 507 N. 23rd St. ~ J. A. West i319 Princess St. Mrs. Louise Wilkins RFD 1, Box 160, Castle Hayne, N. C. II The Board authorized the Tax Supervisor to take charge.of the Census Report Books for checking and mailing to the State Office af ter the Farm Census Survey is completed. ' Upon motion of Mr. Hall, sec onded by Mr. Va ughan, the Board unanimously approved the I above appointments. U. 5. 1~ IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION r The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from the Secretary of U. S. 17 Improvement and Development Association, stating that they are seeking an appointment with the Gouernor in order to present Master Plan # 5 and requesting that I a representative of the Board of Commissioners be appointed to represent New Han w er ~ County at this meeting, the date of which will be announced later. He has appointed ~~ Nr. Laurence O. Bowden and asked the Board to ratify the appointment which was done i unanimously upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall. PERMANENT LOOSELEAF REGISTRATION - Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that the Chairman of the Board of Elections had recently reported that they wouid be willing to begin the installation of a permanen{ looseleaf registration system for the County immediately after January lst and revise J the voting precincts if the Commissioners made available $15,000 for their use and offered a motion that $15,000 be allocated from the Unappropriated Surplus in the Genera, Fund to the Board of Elections for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. i ! \ ~ ~.- ~„ ~ • ~ E;}~ ~ NinuLe.s-aS-the~e.e~.-'~-ZC-- - -. _ _- = -__ _ _ _ -.-D~_~e.mb.e3'~,~9b~_.- - -- - -Cnn_t_i~,,n.d --- - _- - - -- _ - _ - i _ ~ - u REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future information. I 1- Public No tice from Corps of Engi neers rellative to their application for a permit to construct navigation aids to mark their approach channeis to two Ferry Terminals in the Cape Fear River, one at Federal Point, Fort Fisher an d one at Price's Creelc. • •• 2- Public No tice from Corps of Engi neers notifying the Board of .their appli- ., cation fo r,a.,p.ermit .t:o dredge a slip adjoining the Atlantic Intra-coastal I Waterway 0.8 mile northeast of N avigation Marker, No. 122 in Middle Sovnd. near Page Creek. . I 3- Thank-y.ou letter from Governor M oore for the Board's support,on the Road Bond Issu e. • A L}- Thank-you letter from the Chambe I r of Commerce for cooperation in the "Ail America C ity" Program. ~ 5- Thank-you letter from the Americ an Community Schools of Athens, Inc. ex- ~ ~ pressing their appreciation for the cooperation of the Wilmington School System in the "School to School Program" represented by Dr. Wagoner and Leslie Bo ney. ' I 6- Report of a visit by.Colonel Geo rge W. Gillette to 4lashington in the in- terest of `,l~+ilmington Port 8 Wate rway Commission. ~PETIT JURY - The followin g good and lawful perso ns were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks begi nning January 10, 1966 - Criminal; January 17th:and January 2l}th, 1966- Civil terms, and January 31st, 1966 - Civil term. ~ Jurors for the week beGi nning January 10, 1966 - Criminal Bennett, Clifford 409 Newkirk Ave. Mohr, Fred A. 5106 Wrightsv.Av. Blake, A. B. P.O. Box 102$ Moore, E1liott.P. 1116 Rankin^ Bowen, E. F. RFD 3, Box 433 Moore, Robert Floyd ;718 George Trask Dr. Cofer, John Clayton 121.~ Stokley Dr. 0'Dell, L. Howard N. Cas~tle Wood Drive Coley, James L. . ` RFD 3, B 525 AD Parker, A. O. 3906 Carolina &each Colvin, James D. Jr. 210 Wood Dale Dr. Peders, Mrs.'Viola L. 1805 Perry Avexd I Davis, Willis S. 4701 Cedar St. Phillips, Carl D. 1711 Nun St. DeBurnier, James d 6839 Wriahtsv. Av. Pigford, I. B. 2503 Circle St. ~ Deese, Charles B. 119 5. Giles Pigford, J. D. Leonard Dr. l}O Wrightsv. Sound N.C price, Roger t~l. 317 Robert E. Lee Dr. Doscher, Gesine H. 1708Princess St. Raines; D. G. 616 N. Herr Ave. Hall, S. J. (}16 Bladen St. Register, F. E. 316 Rutledge Dr. IHallenback, Mrs. John D. ' J.E.B. Stuart Dr. Robertson, Wm. G. Jr. $12 Forest Hills Hill, C. Elbert 310 Wrights. Causeway Rouse, Estelle T. 13 Live Oak Ave. ~ Hubbard, H. G. I P. O. Box 581 Sanderlin, Felton K. 4707 Cedar Ave. Hubert, May S. ~ 816 N. 6th St. Savage, Earl W. 1902 Carolina Ave. Huene, Jane Jones 223 Forest Hills Sheffield, Carol Yd. 113 S. Front St. Hughes, T.B. Sr. 1810 Church St. Smith, John T. 135 Rutledge Dr. .Jordan, Albert t. 2903 Louisiana St. Sneeden, J. Robert 202 T:. Channel Dr. Jot~nson, Henry R. RFD 3, B 39 l Steenhuis, Bernice Hi1 da~Box 17 Kure ea h ~ ~ King, Effie Harris 705 5. }th St. ~ ' Martin; Charles D. Jr. Box 401 Thomas, Leona V. ` 709 Queen St. Mason, R. W. 306 N. 43rd St. Thompson, Vicotr RFD 3, Box 546 i Melton, Dennis G. RFD 2, B 160 Tyson, Arthur J. !}701 Long Leaf Hills Dr Mizelle, Roy RFD 1, Box 203 Wailace, E. N. . 3905 McClelland D Mintz, James B. 106 Green ~orest Wagoner, IJrs. William H. P.O. Box 390 r• Wallace, Paul S. 315 S. fith St. ' West, Love E. 902 Kerr Ave. Whiters, Sylvia B. 110•N. llth St. L~Jestbrook Wm. C. ' 106 Bryan Ave. l•dilliams, James 1218 5. 6th St. ' l~Jilliams, Louis 308 N. 9th St. l~~illetts, Eleanor J. P.O. Box 600 Wilson, 1~7. J. RFD 1, B 317 Jurors for the week beqinninq January 17, 1966 - Civil Bradley, Clayton 91b 5. bth St. Mintz, W. R. RFD 3, Box !}93 Brinkiey, John G. RFD 3, Box 137 Monk, Walter 705 Sycamore St. ~Burchette, Lewis C. 127 Pine Cone Rd. Montgomery, Katherine 706 Ann St. Connor, Dennis M. 721 George Trask Dr. Moore, Nrs. Carl H. 111 Wintergreen Rd. Craiy, G. B. RFD 3, Box 153 O~Sullivan, Dennis P. O. Box 643 Croom, Gene McDonald RFD 2, B i38 ~ Patterson, Carl K. 109 Giles Ave. , Edtiaards, T. E. ~l}7 Timber Lane Phillips, Robert E. Box !}9 Hure Beach iEvans, Hoyt S. 5207 Carolina Bea~t~ Pinner, Ike 1{enneth Jr. 2512 Market St. Evans, Robert RFD 1, Box 157 Poisson, Viola 4lilson 315 S. Front St. Gore, ~r;. J. 22 N. 26th St. Reeves, E. C. RFD 2, Box 82 - Hall, W. M. 1605 Castle St. Robeson, C. A. 1923 1'erry Ave. Heafner, Arvel E. 1309 Lincoln Rd. Rogers, Elijah Paul 7 S. 4th St. Hedrick, E. L, z807 Washington St. Ross, Ella 721 S. Sth St. ~` Hilburn, M. H. 612 S. 3rd St. Scott, Walter E. 1321 Williamson De. IHodges, R. W. 3121 Wrightsv. Ave. Sellers, Wilma L. 1716 Ann St. / Hodgkin, Robert G. Sr. 291~6 Park Ave. Shipman, Leslie E. 2110 Cedar St. ' Howard, Herbert 121 S. 13th St. Smith, Abrallam RFD 3, Box 29 . Huband,Allen B. l}035 Halifax Rd. Smith, James C. 510 Church St. 'Y.uff, Ernest Y. 1~14 Rutledge Dr. Talley, Alice R. H. RFD 3, Box 216 IJohnson, Robert Ray 2722 Washington Taylor, Franklin S. 2109 Barnett Ave. Jordan, Eleanor 212 5. 3rd St. Thomas, Mary NcB. 109 Magnolia St. Lancaster, Allen A. Jr. 2308 Dexter St. Tilden, Gordan K. RFD 1; Box 308 B. ~ King, H. H. 110 N. 42nd St. Todd, Donald R. RFD 3, Box 138 I Keith, Eddie J. Jr. 512 ~cRae St. Truesdale, Chalmers x. 2502 UJrightsville Mintz, Franklin Woodrow 15 Rooers Ave. Vann, Tibbett b29 N. P4cCrae ~~e' I I ~.~~r ~ Minutes of the Meeting December 6, 1965" Continued ° - PETIT JURY - - - - - - - - - - ° ~ The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning January 24th, 1965 - Civil j Brown, Isaac L. Butler, E. H. Butler, Woodrow Cook, Mrs. E. Tilden Cooke, Albert Croom, Alan D. Farrow, Carl L. Fisher, Vivian Franks Fryer, Harry E. Howard, Joseph Paul Hall, Henry S. Hall, Melvin C. Hall, Rosanna Lee Hansley, V. A. Hayes, Sam Hodgin, Magdalene H. Hogan, James C. Holmes, E1ias M. Sr. Johnson, Otho C. Justice, J. N. King, Mrs. Martha T. Lee, Josephine Mitchell, Alex J. Mitchell, Alfred Mitcheil, Anne bJ. 1l}13 Church St. 3944 Carolina Beach Rd. 1}17 Robert E. Lee Dr. 706 s. 18th St. 225 N. Wallace Ave. 3831 Wilshire Blvd. RFD 2, Box 69 720 Ann St. 2612 Wrightsv. Ave. 2202 Cedar St. 150 Colonial Cir. 129 Stonewall Jack~~n 131l~ Cape Fear Ave. RFD 3, Box 164 A t~i3 s. i3tn st. 27!}2 Harr£son St. Zo4 s. 4igt st. 2013 Creecy Ave. 1707 Church St. 1810 Castle St. 3i3 tv. 5th St. 2023 Creasy Ave. 505 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 2, B 235 23 Colonial Dr. McGowan, Maude RFD ~3, Box 37 i McLain, Bobby M. RFD 3, Box 87 McNeil, Coleman James 610 Orange St. ' Moore, Hattie, RFD 3, City I Orrell, E. H. 4808 Park Ave. Noffsinger, H. G. J r. 1152 C.C. Rd. Parker, Archie F. 408 5. 18th St. Penney, John Henry Jr. 2105 Princess St. Pierce, Wade H. t~1.~1q Mocking Bird Lani ~ Piner, T. D. RFD 2, Box 134 Powell, Herche2l R. 3916 Caro2ina Beach .d. Rich, J. T. Sr. i 2205 Gibson Ave. ~ Robinson, Samuel De wey 2l~OS Poplar St. Roderick, J. E. 3902 Winston Blvd. I Shepard, Harry E. RFD 3, Box 558 Shepard, Thomas Wi1 11am 306 Bruns~ick St. Starnes, Luther P. P• ~u e~~ a~fi N C Strickland, Rupert r e . . 21 Sunnyvale ~r. Taylor, Harry 806 S. 7th St. Thomas, Maggie 606 MacRae St. Thompson, Neilie C. ~ 1603 Ann St. Tolar, F. L. 11~1F Colonial Dr. Topel, H. A. 2120 Market St. Towles, Mrs. Isabel G. 518 S. Front St. Turner, George W. 222 Oakleaf Dr. Jurors for the week beainninq JanuarV 31st, 1965 - Civil Allen, Robert Aman, Douglas F. Blanton, Walter Monroe Carroll, Sam P. Cheatham, C. C. Checkner, Helen Chester, Bobby R. Chestnut, Norma M. Clark, Geor.ge T. Coleman, Jerry Douglas Cox, W. F. Eldridge, 0. E. Elfe, G. F. Evans, Ylilliam T. Farrar, Mrs. Neilie G. Fisher, D. W. Fox, James C. Fowler, James G. George, D. M. Sr. Glenn, NcClain H. Hancock, Lillie P. Hankins, Glenora Hartford, Gha~:ies E. Herring, Mary J. Hicks, Lonnie . Hinson, Sam H. James, W. C. Jordan, Clint Justice, Wm. J. Kalnen, Elizabeth Lathrop, Bessie Ruth Lennon, Ernest C. Loweli, E. J. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion voted to adjourn. ecretary ~i ~ RFD 2, Box Lowery, BeLtie D. 91~. 5. 7th St. ~ RFD i~ Qe ne Lo~rery, Charlie 613 Church St. Jr 2 ~ sL F18y ,N.C. 29 Oak Leaf Dr Miars, W. T. Jr. P. O. Box 32.91 ~ . 2939 . Park Ave. Morris, Joseph A. 710 S. 14th St. 708 C C Rd Morris, Mary Etta RFD 1, Box 11!} A. I 22g . . . S. Front St. Moore, Frank 14 N. 30th St. 4313 ~ Lake Ave. Oliver, R. D. 42i4 Park Ave. ' 2921 Louisianna 5t. pettet, J. 0. 5036 Carolina geach R P. 0 . Box 119 Ramseur W. C. ' 573 Castle Ha ne Rd. Y 235 Forest Rd. Robinson, Bessie We lis 305 N. 9th St. 10 F orest Hills Dr. Rourk, J. C. 3629 Wrightsv. Ave. j 3210 Carolina Beach Rd. Schwart2, Joseph M, 713 N. 4th St. j 212 N. 13th St. Smith, Robert W. 4011 Evergreen Dr. i RFD 1, Box 150 Stafford, T. J. 3232 Chaimers Dr. P.O. Box 418 Sternber.ger,~ Juliii"s •-2947 Hydrangea P1. I RFD 3, Box 53s Swindell, Lottie Be nder RFD 2, B 236 121} Edge Hill Rd. Thompson, Crarland, Jr. RFD 3, Box 1~.30 RFD 3, Box 134 ~ Volk, Edna C. 1115 Hawthorne Rd. RFD 2, Box 205 H. Vowe12, Minnie J. 207 Morningside Dr. RFD 2, Box 356 Walker, Phyllis H. 1340 Live Oak Ave. 105 N. 15th St. Wescott, C. C. 2405 riest Minister Wa~~ 710 Nun St. White, D. H. P. O. Box 205 ' 2221 Acacia Dr. White, Emma Jane RFD 1, Box 122 A. I 2109 Pine 'St. Williams, Richard B . Box 512 Wrightsv. Be'dch RFD 1, Box 136 ~ lrlilliams, Daniel 701 Castle St. N 207 Pinecrest Pkwy. Wi113ams,Russell C. 28 Beauregard Dr. ~~ P. O . Box 65(230 Princess)Williams, Ray V. 209 Robert E. Lee Dr. 54~+5 Overbrook Dr. Wilson, Johnny 5119 Market ST. 2902 Monroe St. Wilson, Wiliiam J. 16 N. 29th St. , 2710 Willow St. Wittmer, David O. RFD 3, Box 13LF D. , 2736 Columbia Ave. Yeager, Charles E. 2L~.l~ Oak Crest Dr. ' 520 Orange St. Yopp, Mrs. W. R. 109 Keaton Ave. 2423 Shirley Road of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board unanimously \ a ~ , ~- ~ _- - STATE OF NORTH GAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) In the Superior Covrt December Criminal Term, 19b5 Upon the organization of the Court and the calling of the Jurors who had been subpoenaed for the term, twenty-four answ¢red. Five were excused for disability reasons, and the Court being of the opinion that at least twenty-eight ,~urors will be needed for the disposition of the work at this term, Therefore it is ordered that twenty additional names be called for ,jury duty, commencing 2:30 P. M. today. • It is ordered that the Jury Box be brought into Covrt and the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, together with the Clerk of the Superior Court and Sheriff, proceed by drawing the foilowing names: u~~a,p,~nh .T Mint~ JUDGE PRESIDING ~ Buie, Dan bo5 w. 16Lh St. i Jacks onville 6, Fla. Crandall, George I. RFD 2, Bor. 516 River Road Green, Wi113am Th omas 42~ Mosely St. Innis, Marcus K. 5407 Wrightsv. Ave. i Johnston, Stephen Cole 312 Parkway Dr. ' Kentrolis, H. N. 257 Peiffer Ave. Maides, James B. ~ 431 McCrae St. Mason, Fannie C. 319 Greenfield St. McHee, W. D. 226 Bonham Ave. ~ McNeill, Y!. James 710 Dock St. Nixon, Cornelius Jr. Potenzino, A. D. Pluta, Joseph A. Rogers, J. M. Shipman, Bertha M. Strickiand, Rupert West, R. F. Wiggins, M. R. Willetts, David Gray Wood, Charlotte ~ ~ ~. ~ r•~ r~ ~~ e~ e_ RFD 1, Box 150 Jacksonville Ave. l}19 Pine Hill Dr. 4715 Oleander Dr. 21 Hudson Dr. 21 Sunnyvale Dr. 4210 Wrightsv. Ave. 327 Pine Grove Dr. 5023 Barefoot Dr. llll~ Dawson St. Wilmington, N. C. December 20, 1966 8:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County.Board of Commissioners ~ was held on this date at B:OO A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners I Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INUdCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend David L. Alexander, Pastor of the First Christian Church, .to give the invocation. ~ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ~ Before approval of the minutes, Mr. Vaughan requested that the following addi- tion be made to the paragraph headed "PENSION AND RETIREMEI~T P1AN", after the word "dis- missed", "he finaily voted yes only because he felt the Board incurred this oAligation through failing to have the State investigation made concurrently with Mr. Harriss~s"'and made the vote unanimous. In the paragraph headed "SCHOOL ROAD PAVING", insert after "Schooi System" the words "at the invitation of the Board of Commissioners" and under the paragraph headed "REHABILI.TATION QUARTERS" add '~Dr. Fisscher is to expiore the,possibility of the use of A°.B.C. Funds to cover the cosL of the program and to report back to the Board at their second meeting in January details of the proposed ;operational procedures so that ~the Commissioners can see what they are getting in.to. Mr. Bowden reported that the Mental Health Advisory Board requests that all fiscal matters presented to the Board of Commissioners come through them."; and under the Paragraph headed "ANNUAL REPORT - PUBLIC FUNDS", after the word "approval", insert the following sentence, "By common consent, the Board urged the jClerk to take the necessary steps to see that the funds which are eligible to be escheated are taken care of immediately." After these amendments, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. ,AIRPORT SMOKE CONPIAINT - The complaint made by the New Hanover Flying Association about Lhe danger of ~,smoke arising from the City Trash Dump was referred to the Joint Study Committee to take 'up at their meeting scheduled for 8:00 A. M. December 30, 1965 in the City Council Chambers. BUILDING CODE AN~ENDMENT - The County Attorney reported that the Building Inspector had discussed the 1965 iAmendments to the State Uniform Residential Building Code and ca2led attention to Section ~I26 (5) "permitting the use of wood shingles for roofing under certain conditions." He has studied ~ the provisions of the amended Code and recommends that it be adopted by the Board with the exCeption of the above section. After some discussion of this matter, Mr. Hali moved that the 1965 amendments to the State Uniform Residential Code be adopted for New Hanover County except section 26 (5) with reference to wood shingles to be used as ,roofing. It was seconded by'Nir. Braak and unanimously carried. I