1966-01-03 Regular Meeting~~ ~~ -~- Wilminoton, N. C. January 3,1966 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:OC A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the follorring members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners I~Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M,. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T.L. Love, Jr. IINVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested Reverend E. E. Kirton, IPastor of St. Mark~s Episcopal Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes of the last meeting, Mr. Bowden requested that an additional amendment be added under the headino of "Rehabilitation Quarters". "Mr. Bowden reported that the Mental Health Advisory Board requests that all fiscal matters presented to the Board of Commissioners come through them." Nr. Braak then moved that the minutes as amended above be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimousiy carried. SHERIFF~S CAR - The Chairman presented a letter from Sheriff Millis requestiao permission to pur- chase a new car for his Detective Division as the old one has more than 70,000 miles on it and is beginning to give trouble. He stated that it would not require an additional appro- priation as funds k~ere provided in his Budget for the fiscal year. N;r. Bowden moved that approval be given for the purchase of the car and that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. iDEPUTY SHERIFF - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Sheriff had requested him, as Secretary of the Civil 5ervice Commission, to advertise and hold an examination for a new Deputy as the last one he employed has resigned. After discussing the starting salary, it was decided, upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nlr. Hall, to authori2e the advert3sing ~for a Deputy at a starting salary of $t}169.00 annually. iAUDIT INVOICE - ' A bill was presented from C. S. Lowrimore and Company in the amount of $1530.06 to cover the cost of the Special Audit of the Clerk of RecorderTS Court Office for the months of May and June, 1965. The County Attorney advised that before payment could be made of this invoice, it must be approved by the Local Government Commission. Mr. Love in- formed the Board that he could not pay this bill until and unless it is approved by the Local Government Commission. After some consideration, Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the Board approve payment of the bill out of the Superior Court Contingency Fund as isoon as it has been approved by the Local Government CommisSion. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. The Executive Secretary was instructed to send it to the Local Government Commission for their consideration. C.F.T.I. - FUNDS TRANSFER The Chairman read a letter from the Cape Fear Technical Institute advising that the Board of Trustees is requesiny permission totransfer $800.00 from a line item in their Budget to a miscellaneous account for payment for work-students. The $800.00 is a re- imbursable item and .will be intact at the end of the fiscal year. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the request. The Executive Secretary was authorized to write them a letter signifying their approval. ILATE LISTING PENALTIES - ~ Mr. R. L. Roberts came before the Board and stated that he and his brother had appeared before the Board of County Commissioners on February 17th and .lune 29th, 1961} seek- ing a refund of $86.57 which was a penalty charged against the estate of his father, R. M. IRoberts, who died in 1962. The County Attorney advised the Board that under G. S. 105- I331 (d), the Board is authorized to make ad,justments of this nature. Mr. Braak then offer- ed a motion that the $86.57 penalty be rebated, which was charged against R. N. Roberts. It was seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously approved. COURTROOM PLANS - Nr. John R. Oxenfeld, the Arthitect studyino the needs for new courtrooms, pre- ~sented a preliminary drawing of the existing space areas which are available in the Court ,House Building for possible rooms suitable to be used as Courtrooms. He is not yet sure of the needs but has an appointment with Resident Judge, Ftudolph I Mintz, this week. The Board thanked him for his progress report and asked him to let the Soard know what he plans after his interview with the Judge. The County ALtorney offered h.is services if he could ~be of any help in determining the needs of the Court. REAPPORTIONMENT RESOLUTION - The Chairman read a Resolution from the Board of Commissioners of Robeson County, asking the General Assembly, in its reapportionment of Congressional Districts to retain Ithe existing composition and boundaries of the 7th Congressional District. They have asked Ithe the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to endorse it. The Chairman reported = Representative Alton A. Lennon had been consulted with reference to his desires in the mat- , _. ter. He is well pieased with the present district boundaries and if the Board sees fit ' to endorse such a resolution he wouid suggest that copies be sent to the Governor, Dan K. Noore, Lieut. Governor Robert W. Scott, Speaker of the House, H. P. Taylor, Local Repre- _ 'sentative, Georoe T. Ciark, Jr. and J. Melville Broughton, Chairman of the State Democratic IlCommittee. After considering the matter thoroughly, Dr. Hooper moved that the $oard endor,se the Resolution asking the Legislature to retain the existing boundaries of the 7th Congres- sional District in their Reapportionment recommendations. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan ~and unanimously carried. * ~~ I i~~ \ ~ / Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1966 Continued SURPLUS COMMODITY - The Executive Secretary reported that the Supervisor of the Surplus Food ' Warehouse. advised him that orders for food were placed 6 months in advance and if the Board intends to shift the operation to the Food Stamp Program, rather than the pre- sent direct distribution, the orders might well be cancelled. He also reminded the Board that the contract for the Warehouse owned by the A.C.L. Railroad has a notifica- tion clause in it. After proper consideration of this matter, the Board decided to re- consider the Food Stamp Program and keep the Food Distribution Program operating until the final decision is reached. The County Auditor T. D. Love reported that he had con- tacted an Auditor in Nash County which has had experience in both type programs and is convinced that the Food Stamp Program costs the County taxpayers more than the direct ~ distribution system. Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public 4lelfare, reported that before the Food Stamp Program could be implemented, it would have to be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture. The Board asked her to prepare the estimated cost of the proF posed Food Stamp Program. I DEFINED SERVICES - I Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, explained to the Board I~ that the Welfare Board is definitely in favor of Defined Services because two nnits which are now in operation have held down the number of persons receiving aid which is • the first time any reduction has been made in the number of A.P.T.D. recipients. By having small case loads of 60 or less, the Federal government will:participate in 75% of the cost of administration. In order to establish Defined Services which the Board of Welfare recommends,they would possibly need a Supervisor and two additional Clerical I workers. After some discussion, the Board'asked Miss Hall to prepare a recommenda- ' tion of the comparable cost to the County between the present system of handling these ' cases and the one proposed under the Defined Services.Program. ECC= UNIVERSITY STATUS The Chairman read a letter from the Pitt County Board that consideration be given to endorsing a Resolution supporting Carolina College into a fvll fledoed State supported University. tion, the Board, by unanimous common consent, agreed to take the tion and authorized the Executive Secretary to notify the Chairm Board of Commissioners to that effect. ~ of Commissioners asking the conversion of East After some considera- matter under considera- 3n of the Pitt County MENTRL HEALTH CENTER - I The Mental Health Advisory Board, at the December 20th meeting, advised the Board that Pender County has contributed $3,000.00 to the Mental Health Center and will I participate in the services used by them. The question of whether or not to use this money to procure additional professional help or to develop a training program was re- considered by the Board today. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to write the Mentai Health Advisory Council and ask them to rra ke a presentatio of their proposals and recommendations at the meeting on January 17, 1966: ASSIST~INT DISTRICT SOLICI"IUR - I The Chairman read a letter from District Solicitor James C. Bowman recommendiig the reappointment of Mr. W. Allan Cobb as Assistant District Solicitor with an increase I in salary to $7,500. After a thorough consideration, Mr. Bowden moved the approval of I the reappointment of Mr. Cobb as Assistant Solicitor, with the understanding that the increase in salary would be reconsidered at the next Budget setting time. It was second3d by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. JOINT CITY- COUNTY t~ETING The Chairman reported to the Board that most of the items which were dis- j cussed at the joint meeting of the Board of Commissioners and the City Council were re- i, ferred to the County Attorney for research and recommendation. He asked the Board to authori2e him to call another joint meeting when it seemed practical. By common consenlf, the Board agreed to this arrangement. I TRASH DUMP - Mr. Bowden recalled that one of the items discussed at the joint meeting had to do with the burning of trash at the Refuse Disposal Dump which was interfering with aircraft safety and moved that the Executive Secretary be authorized to advertise for a suitable location on the south side of the County to be used as a trash dump and land fill operation. He suggested that it should be in the neighborhood of 25 acres with a minimum lease of 5 years. He recommended that the ad be run for two issues. It was i seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously carried. AUDITOR - APPOINTIVE OR ELECTIVE Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that Representative George T. Clark, Jr. be asked to endorse a resolution, if practical, at the special session of the Legislature, to become effective the first Monday in December, 1966 changing the law to permit the appointment of the County Auditor by the Board of County Commissioners rather than elected by the people as at present. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. PETIT JURY - The follotaing oood and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in 5uperior Court for the weeks beginning February 7th, 14th, Civil terms; February 21st and 28th, Criminal terms. continued - ~. ~ ~' ~~:~ ~' Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1966 Continued _ __ _ ~ PETIT JURY - continued -- -- - -- ' beainning i Jurors for the week/3~x~Xxx~c February 7, 1966 - Civil term Beery, W. B. Jr. City Hill, Louis 718 Red Cross St. Bergeman, O. L. RFD 2,Box 11} Ingram, Elizabeth 1}709 Wrightsv. Ave. Bledson, C. C. 105 Myrtle Ave. Inman, Lloyd 5333 Ridge~,~ood Hgts. Dr. Bryan, Maggie 3734 ~~oa~ina Beach Innis, Robert .larvi s 37,12 Market Christ, Eli2abeth P.O. Box 221 James, Mrs. Sallie M. 124 Renovay Cir. i Wrightsv. Beach Jones, Margaret B. RFD 3, Box 111} !Corbett, Waddell A. Box 1139, City Klander, W. B. Sr. L~.l~.02 Oleander Dr. Edwards, Mrs.Vera A. 2003 Pender Ave.. Lanier, D. J. 2214 Chestnut St. Edwards, Walton Macey 2216 Gibson Lee,,James 411 Brunsmick St. Elkins, James M. 912 5. sth St. Lee, Janie D. 112 Lake Shore Dr. Ellis, Mrs. Mary E. 201 Wrichts. Ave. Lee, Leon E. 317 Davie Dr. Farlow, P. C. I 5017 Oleander Dr. Letendre, J. P. 118 Dogwood Dr. Fennell, Fitzhugh, ,Ir. 4830 College Dr., Lewis, Georoe Washington 513 Harnett St. 'Fioyd, ~rs. I. D. 1510 S. 4th St. NcCurdy, R. B. 12 Pinecrest Terrace Garner, Lacy W. RFD 2, B 215 A Meier, A. S. 25Z1} Jefferson St. George, Ernest R. 246 Bright4~ood Rd. Midgett, Melvin 29$5 Park Ave. Hall, Olive E. 2018 Pender Ave. Newell, Lester L. P. 0. Box 24 Harvey, Burdall 1010 Hall St. Wrightsv. Beach Harts, Viola RFD 1, B 121} Polvogt, Thomas B. P.O. Box 6CF5 Castle Hayne, N.C Powell;. George 715 Ann St. Hattat,ray, Ralph L. I 232 Forest Rd. Saffo, A. A. 249 N. Front St. ,Hauser, John George 12 Lagoon P1. Seaton, G. C. 202 Adlaide Dr. Head, Mrs. Frances L. J RFD 3, Box 294 Smith, Charlie 1022 S. 13th St. Herring, Elbert P. 2121 Klein Rd. Troy, Samuel A. .)r. 1~010 Westover Rd. ~Hicks, Je. E. Box 736 Higgins, R. E. 4731 Lon ~ af Tucker, Glenn M. Carolina Beach, N. C. ~ g i s Wallace, Charlie 1917 Lingo Ave. Walker, ldilliam 1011 Queen St. Wallace, R6bert Lee 317 College St. l White, Edwin B. Jr. 123 Colonial Cir. i White, Clarissa F. 204 Wrightsv. Ave. YJilliams, Ann 207 West Tennessee Ave. ' Williams, I. P. Box 382 Carolina Beach 4Joodcock, Lacy Carroll 320 Pine Hills Dr. lnfoodruff, David A. 186 Lake Forest Pkwy. j 4loods, J. T. 2214 Dexter St. ~ Woods, S.ue Trvstee 1312 S. 7th St. ~daro~s for the week - February 1!},1966-Civil I~Blanton, Jack A. RFD 1, Box 188 A Lewis, Liston H. 305 N. 43 rd St. Cottie, Eura 226 S. 58 th5t. McClinton, James 911~ S. 4th St. Dunn, W. E. P. 0. Box 33b NcCorkle, John L. 21!} Heaton Ave. Edwards, T. E. P. O. Box 3125 McGee, H. J. 130 Green Forest Dr. Edwards, W. Eugene P. O. Box 183 A7oore, H. B. 211 Northern Blvd. 'Evans, Odell A. Box 165 Carolina Beach Mosley, Hubert Adolph 308 N. 9th St. Farrow, J. M. RFD 2, Box 13~ Petit, C. H. RFD 1, Box 129 A. Farriar, Daniel W. 516 Queen St. Phelps, Richard Field Jr. ,P. 0. Box 657 Farris, George C. ~ 560 E. Shipyard Blvd. Phillips, Steve P. !}05 Strata St. Faulkner, George 5139 Market St. Rd. Pigford, Billy Henderson 30 Lennon Dr. Fonville, Ruth W. RFD 1, B 296 Porter, Ralph L. 514 Bedford Forest Dr. Fullwood, Irene L. 601 S. llth St. Rives, Katherine K. RFD 2, Box 205 iGilbert, Volney M. Jr. !}809 Carolina Beach Rd. Rubin, Oscar 109 S. Frtont St. Graham, Mary E. RFD 3, Box 402 Smith, .lack W. 1016 C. C. Rd. Green, W. H. RFD 1, Box 288 Staivey, Forest DeLano RFD 2, Box 223 E. Hall, John C, Jr. 831 Ulindsor Dr. Stancil, J. T. 702 S. 18th SL. Hardisog, C. A. 122 Mercer Ave. Steele, J. B. RFD 2, Box 346 Harriss, Hattie ~08 S. Front St. Trevathan, Robert R. 3509 Ashley Cir. Harris, R. M. RFD 2, Box 402 Troy, Sam 806 Russell Alley Harris, James Alphonso RFD 2, Box 229 Turner, J. H. 310 Long St. Dr. Herring, Mary 809 Wooster St. Walker, Melville C. 607 Howard St. IHiggins, Mamie RFD 2, Box 235 Walton, Rollie M. 4908 Wrightsv. Ave. iHorne, Robert C. RFD 3, Box 198 Wardenfelt, Liilie P~1. 651 Castle Hayne Rd. ',Insco, William 322 Pine Hill Dr. Webb, C. E. 2717 Jackson St. Johnson, John &. 5536 Oleander Dr. White, C. E. Jr. 1112 Magnolia P1. Kelly, Annie L. 211 S. 17th St. Williams, Jesse Jr. 1206 S. 7th St. ~{illette, Fred H. Jr. 5737 W, Roseland Dr. Williams, Jesse W. RFD 2, Box 181 ]{ing, Clarence L. 108 N. 42nd St. Wilson, Mary L. 350!} Princess St. Rd. I King, John 2306 Market St. ~ Woods, Mildred 1. 308 Mercer Ave. Lanier, John Ellis 1920 Uloolcot Ave. Woodville, George H. 313 tv. lbth St. Levine, .lulius P. 0. Box Z35 Wynne, James E. 219 N. 17th St. Jurors for the week beqinninq Februarv 21. 1966 - Criminal IBatts, Jesse E. 415 Brunswick St. Hargrove, Louis 1218 5. 2nd St. IBledson, Claude C. Jr. RFD 3, B 206 B Harrington, Bascom B. Sox 307 Carolina Beach ~ yBolton, Jas. B. P. O. Box 161 Harris, W. E. RFD 2, Box 383 I Wrightsv. Beach, N. C. Harvin, D. 706 S. lbth St. Cashwell, J. C. ~ 5208 Wrightsv. Ave. Harvin, Julius 129 1(ing St. iClark, Loweli (}21 Lullwater Dr. Hines, Mary A. 3512~ S. Front St. Clay, Wm. Henry ~C RFD 3, Box 420 Hinson, Richard A. 3532 Carolina Beach Rd. orbett, Randolph 1502 Orange St. Holden, Clarence B. Sr. 313 Queen St. Curry, Ernest M, 51~58 Overbrook Rd. Hollembeak, Karl L. 123 Morningside Dr. Dudley, John H. Jr. 5200 Wrightsv. Ave. Inman, Roger M. 122 Green Forest Dr. ,Duncan, R. V. 4903 Wrightsv. Ave. ,Iackson, James T. 505 Harnett St. Everett, Mary Frances RFD 3, B 80 Jenr~ess, G. F. Jr. 907 N, Kerr Ave. IlFarrow, B. F ll Willi 224 Rose Ave. W h Jordan, Claude 4803 Maple Ave. enne , am rig tsv. Sound Heifer, Robert W. l}22 Larchmont Dr. ,Green, Octavia 611} N. lOth St. Larkins, Herbert 1001 N. Sth St. 'Hales, Archie G. Jr. 327 Hooker Road Lawrence, Alex 313 S. 13th St. i~ I ~r {,~~,p/'~7 E.~ V' SI Minutes of the Meeting January ~, 1966 Continued - -- - --- - Jurors - Februarv 21, -- 1966 - Continued ~ - - _ _ I Lawther, Jr. 505 liarnett St. Oppenheimer, F. W. 2942 Park Ave. Lee, Henry 212 Greenfield St. Payne, Annie Graham 1}17 N. 6th St. Lee, Herron, 2510 Wrightsv. Ave. Peterson, M. J. RFD 1, Box 230 Lee, James 2122 S. 13th St. Castle Hayne, N. C. Lee, John 1017 S. 12th St. Piver, Luther C. RFD 1, Box 30 Lee, 'William L. 2116 Princess P1. Rd ,Pope, Charlie Lee 2305 Adams St. Levine, Goldie P.O. Box 235 Reoister, Lester E. 129 Mercer Ave. I Long, J. U. 4012 Wilshire Blvd. Rivenbark, Robert Horace RFD 3, Box 13t}-A Love, Gladys A. 2221 Mimosa Piace Rogers, F. J. 710 Red Cross St. Lovering, Helen 712 Market St. Rice, R. Macon 105 Cardinal Dr. I McBroom, Charlie A. 1502 Ann St. Smith, C. F. 4916 Wrightsv. Ave. NcCleese, Louise 316 MacRae St. Smith, Roger H. 1908 Nun St. McEachern, W. H. Jr. 201 Live Oak Pkwy. Stafford, Roseetta 811 S. 15 St. ~ Mohr, J. H. 112 Wayne Dr. Tartt, Percy, Jr. 136 Hinton Ave. I Moore, James W. 213 Rose Ave. Tartt, T. A. RFD 1, Box 265 Morgan, Roy V. 61l} Greenfield Tate, Katherine R. P. 0. Box 511 Moskowitz, Herbert 1326 Hawthorne Rd. West, Wilbur 104 S. 21st St. Murray, Annie 719 Bladen St. Williams, Ernestine Nixon 505 S. 7th St. Niforos, Louise R. 3717 Wrightsv, Av. 1'~illiams, Paul L. 306 Johnston Dr. , Yopp, Esther Naomi P.O. Box 357 REPORTS - The following reports were reviewe d by the Board and order ed filed for future ~ reference: 1- Notice From t I he State Association of County Commissioners of a District Meeting I scheduled for February 2, 1966 in the Clinton City Hall to study recommendation j of the Tax Commissinn. "I 2- Public Notice of application for p ermit to construct a pip eline across Bank~s Channel by the Town of Wrightsv. B each. 3- Notice from the Justice Departmen t of a one week speciai Civil term of Superio~ Court beginning January 31, 1966. l !~.- Report from Dr. Hargrove relative to the Community Mental Health Center. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. ,. ~ ~ ~Wv Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. January 17, 19~6 8:00 A.M. ~ .{ I i ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the was held in the Commissioners' Room of the County A. M. with the foilowing members insatt2ndance: missioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence 0. Bowden, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Au~ New Hanover County Board of Commission~rs Court House on the above date at 8:00 '~ Chairman Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Com- J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vauohan; i iitor T. D. Love, Jr. i INVOCATION - i In the absence of a Chaplain, the Chairman asked the Executive Secretary, W. G. Houck, to give the invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL - I Before approving the minutes, the Executive Secretary explained that the Count~' Auditor has requested him to include a statement which he made at the time the invoice , for the Special Audit was being discussed. The Board aareed to the following amendment to be inserted in the Paragraph entitled "AUDI'T INVOICE", "Mr. Love informed the Board that he could not pay this bill until and uniess it is approved by the Local Government Commission". Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the minutes be approved as written , including the above amendment. It was seconded by Mr. ~raak and unanimously cart ied. II AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE - Z.!- ~ Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Agriculture Extension Chairman, reported that the annval narrative report had been mailed to each member of the Board but that he thought ~ it might be well to let the Board know that liis department is endeavoring to carry out I ~ an agricultural program in the County in which the people are int¢rested and that the trend seemed to be toward intensifying the program of greenhouses and other pro,jects in which they have many calis. He did not want the Board to get the idea that this ` County is no longer an agricultural County for last year, products grown here amovnted ~ to more than $5,000,000 in value. He has not been able to obtain an employee for the i Community L}-H Club work but had one in mind and will continue to seek the right man ~ for this type work. The overall picture is that the programs are oriented for and acro:s the Board highly intensified system of farming. Light - He reported'that they needed one of these night lights for the yerd at the Agriculture Building as many times they have meetings at night and the ladies compiain continued _ \