1966-03-07 Regular Meeting~~~ _ Minutes of the Meeti_n.g (Continu¢d) February 24, 1966 BUDGET DISCUSSION - ~ installed for the $15,000 by cutting down on the quality of the supplies, using volunteer help, which he considers undependabie. He pointed out that the law requires illiteracy tests for each voter ~hich will slow down the registration. Mr. Vaughan observed that, in his opinion, it is time to get back to the concept of public service to the community. At this point, consideration was given to the estimated cost of the personal services of the members of the Board of Electtons. Dr. Hooper stated frankly that he thought $750.00 was entirely too much for the members of the Election Board as it represented 50 days of work at $15.00 per day and that $3500.00 was considerabiy out of line in his opinion, for the Chairman. The County Attorney cited the law permitting the Board of Commissioners to pay the Chairman at the rate of more than $15.00 per day if they chose. He suggested $450.00 each for the Election Board members and $1750.00 for the Chairman of the Board of Elections. He questioned ~7r. Pridgen as to ti~hether or not he did not think it could be done for that figure. Mr. Pridgen stated that he could not do it for that amount, whereupon, Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Pridgen, "Do you mean that you would not do it for that amount?'~ Mr. Pridgen stat that it could not be done for that amount. . Precinct Aliqnment - At this point, the Board of Elections exhibited a map showing the reslignment of precincts within the old City limits of Wilmington cutting them down to 14. They explained that they tried to line up the precincts in such a way the maximum voter registration would not be more than 1500 persons. They are having some problems in the newly annexed sectfons of the City in::cutting them down to this size and up to the present time they have not come up with a solution for the County precincts. At this point, Mr. Pridgen remarked that when the system was in- stalled, the resuit wnuld seem like they had been using a very old "Model A" Ford com- pared to a new Cadillac. After discussing the precinct m~ps and problems, the atten- tion of the Board reverted to detailed consideration of each of the estimaLed Budget items to see if they might be reduced. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board of Commiss- ioners consent to the Board of Election proceeding to install the permanent looseleaf voter registration system and settle the question of compensation for the Election Board when the bills are presented for payment. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman declared it dead. Dr.Hooper then moved that the Board appropriate $3,000 from Unanticipated Interest Revenue, which added to the $15,000 in the Budget, amounts to a total of $18,000 with the understanding that the regu2ar Board of Election members would be paid $450.00 or at the rate of $15.00 per diem for actual time spent up to that amount and that the Chairman-s salary be set at $1740 unless there is proof in writing that the number of days spent on the instailation of this system exceeds that amount at the rate of $15.00 per diem, after which he would be paid on that basis. I It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the budgeted item of $15,000 for the purpose of installing the permanent looseleaf voter registration system be inereased to $15,450 and that the tom- pensation for the members of the Election Board be settled when it comes up for payment. This substitnte motion died for lack of a second. The vote was then taken on the original motion and Mr. Vaughan voted against it but since.all the other members of the Board voted in favor of the motion, the Chairman declared it carried and instructed the Executive Secretary to see that a copy was delivered to Mr. Pridgen by hand today. ADJOURNMENT - The purpo~e for this meeting having been accomplished, Mr. Bowden offered a moLion that ft be ad,journed. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. „~ , ,. ~ .~ .~...., . ~ W. G. ouck, Executive S~retary ~ Wilmington, N. C. March 7, 1966 I 8:00 A. M. i ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Comm s,s, ione;`s was held on this date in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House at 8:0~•With the following members in attendance: Chairman, Jos. 'bV. Hooper, Commissioners Peter H. I Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan: County Attorney L. Bradfotd Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION The Chairman calied the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. D. Barkley, Pastor of the Assembly of God Church to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. , APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - II The minutes of the 5pecial Called Meeting held on Febrvary 24th, copies of whieh had been sent to each of the members of the Board of Commissioners, were upon moLio~, of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak approved as written. The minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on February 21, 1966, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, approved witt,ti the proviso that Mr. Vaughan could make an insertion in the paragraph headed "ELEMENTARY I AND SECONIlAF2Y EDUCATION ACT" if it is presented to the Board for approval before being ~ put into the perman¢nt records. (See minutes of February 21,1966) ~ 5~~ Min~t~es-o.f ~he~:e#~c,~M~r.c~~=,=196-b~ont~n:us~l- - - - NSEMIANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - ~ „ The County Auditor presented the Board with an itemized statement comparing the appropriatior~s with the expenditures for the first 6 months of the fiscal year 1965-66. Iin each instance where the percentage of expenditures greatly exceeded 50~ of the appro- priation, explanations were given. The G¢neral Fund expenditures amovnted to 469 of the ~appropriation. The Auditor assured the Board that the financial condition of the County continues good. In reviewing the itemized funds for other appropriations, he called attention to some of the trends in the bVelfare Department which s¢emed to indicate that before the year+s end additional monies would be requir2d, however, when all of the appro- priations and expenditures are considered, the percentage is 41~. He pointed out that -- some of the School funds are not paid out of the Supplementary Budget until near the end of the fiscal year. Again, he reiterated that the County's financial condition continued to be favorable. The Chalrman asked the County Auditor if the County is using any pre- paid tax money to pay current bills. 'The Auditor answered "NO" and he did not expect to luse any.° ICAPE FEAR TECHNIGAL INSTITUTE - ~ Messrs. Fred Galehouse and M. J. Mcteod advised the Board that due to Federal regulations regarding matching funds, the State Board of Education is unable to allot sufficient funds to include the pier in the Building Pro~ect. An additionai sum in the Iamount of $5,5~7.03 is needed in order to accept base bids for building the pier. They presented an iLemized statement of available funds which shows that the acceptance of the bid is contingent upon the additional $5,577.03• They are confident that the County wilt ~not be called on to pay this money but in any event, it would not be in th1S fiscal year. They pointed out that the Auditor had invested their bond money and earned $6,500 in interest Iwhich is enough to add to the total and permit them to proceed in building their pier but it is necessary for the State Board of Education to have a statement assuring them that the ifunds are available before they can let the Cbntract. Mr. Vaughan then moved that $6500.00 !be appropriated from Unanticipated Interest earned on invested funds of the C.F.T..I., and that'these~'funds.vrill'De.a4ai2able upon pr¢sentation of an itemized sta:tement of,thei.r,rieeds; if the money needed is not available in the Contingency Fund, the County wiil make funds I available subJect to an explanation of what happened to the Contingency Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. IPUBLIC WELFARE - - Mr. F. P. Fensel, Chairman of the Local Public Weifare Soard, ~et'with the Com- missioners today and explained that they needed to lower some of the light fixtures and jinstall some electrical outlets under the desks on the floor as well as on2 outlet for an air conditioner or portable electric heater. He presented an estimated cost of $148.00. IUpon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved this re- quest. • ' ' Mr. Fensel then presented a copy of an itemized statement for funds which they I Iciaim was approved by the Beard of Commissioners for setting up a Joint Juvenile Court ~ beginning June 1, 1966. In tnis itemi2ed statement aras included a breakdown of the estimated cost for operating the Juvenile Court and contained an item of Salary for the Chief Proba- tion Officer, who wouid be responsible for its operation. He pointed out that it was fn- cluded in the total regular Welfare Budget and so far as they have been advised, it was not deleted and, therefore, his Board assumed that it was approvdd.. The Chairman of the Board ~of of Commissioners pointed out that the statutory provisions of the law provided for the Welfare Director to be Chief Prob~tion Officer. Mr. Vaughan pointed out that the Welfare I Director~s salary was increased from $9,63!}.00 to $10,2l~l~.00 on July lst, 1965 and on January lst, 1966, it was increased to $11,256.00. County Auditor Love observed that at ~ IBudget time $4,000 was included for this purpose, however, no allocation of the funds were Imade at the time. Mr. Bowden moved thaL an additional salary for the Chief Probationer ~ 'Offieer, in the amount of $873.00 effective January 1, 1966 be appropriated. It was seconded by Mr. Hall. In the discussion of this motion, Messrs. Bowden and Hall stated that they vaguely remembered a discussion item during the Budget consideration period and feel a moral lobligation to go.along with it., Mr. Braak agreed that he faintly remembered such a dis- cussion. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that no I~ additional professional salaries be raised on which the GeneraI Statutes imposed the respon- sibility and which would increase the salaries to 3 steps above the Merit System normal range. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper. After some further discussion of the sub,ject, Dr. , Hooper withdrew his second to the substitute motion and a ballot was taken on ttie original ~motion. Messrs. Hooper and Vaughan voted "NO" and Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted _.. I "YES". The Chairman declared the mOtian carried by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Vaughan pointed ots( '~4hat the increase just granted would make that position~s pay 3 steps above the Merit System's jhormal range. TAX AEFUND - The Tax Supervisor reported that when he advised N~rs. Jane G. Sidbury that the Board had approved the refund of two years taxes paid because of an appraisal error in Iher property as explained in the meeting on February 21st, she was dissatisfied and wanted to appear before the Board.in her own behalf. FIe introduced her to each member of the ~Board andshe expiained thatshe had not refused to give information at the time the appraisal 'was made and thought she shouid hav¢ all of the money which had been overpaid in taxes. The County Attorney pointed aut the provisions of the General Statute 105-t}05.1 which definitely forbids the retvrn of any taxes for any reason beyond 2 years time. After con- siderable discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board approve the refund of the last 2 ~years' taxes paid upon the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. The Board expressed their regret that they were unable to help her any further. PERMANENT LOOSELEAF VOTER REGISTRATION - Complying with the request of the Board of Commissioners at the Special Meeting ~iheld on February 2!}th with the New Hanover Count.y Board of Elections, the Chafrman read a letter signed by 2 members of the Board informing the Commissioners that th¢ Board of IElections has elected to proceed with the installation of a permanent looseleaf voter registration system under the Budget approved by the Commissioners amounting to $18,000. ~By common consent, th2 Board instructed the Executive Secretary to notify the State Board lof Elections and thank the local Board for its cooperation and forthright action. , ~ ~~~ .,,_. Minutes of the Meeting Mahchl7th, 1966 Continued P~OPOSED•AViI~TION FACILITY - Mr. Vaughan reported that Henson Aviation Incorporated of Hagerstown,Marylandi, who operates a smali airport in that location asked for a conference with the loca2 Airport AdViSory Committee. They met with Mr. Henson all day iast Saturday at which tine they were presented a preliminary proposal for setting up a fixed base operation at u Bleuthenthal Fieid. Mr. Hall reported that he had personally been in touch wtth Mr. Henson as la~te as last Saturday night and received the impression that this proposal wasi still in the formative stage and he feels that this announcement is premature at this time. ' I COUNTY PLANNING AND 20NING - u The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners read a letter from the Chairman of the County Planning snd Zoning Board recommending that the "701 Program" be held in abeyance pending the availability of a Planner. They recommend that priority be ~ given to remapping New Hanover County, as the present topographic maps have not been ~ ~ revised since 1946 and manyinaccuracies have shown up in an evalvation made by th¢ I geologist 1n charge of the Water Resources investigation being conducted in the County ~ under the supervislon of the Federal Geological Survey. They recommend that the pre- ! liminary air photography be done before the leaves come out this spring. They also suggested that the Board of Commissioners sign the contract for Lhe "761 Program" so that by the time the maps are finished and a Planner hircd, the pro,~ect could get under-I ~ way promptly. Dr. Hooper observed that funds for this pro,ject were appropriated under the salary of the Planner and, therefore, no additionai appropriations would be necessary in this fiscal year if the Board decides to enter into the agreement. It is only a I matter of transferring them from the Salary Account to N~pping Program Account. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that the Board approve the "~O1 Program" and enter into the contract agreement. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the Dallot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the funds necessary to carry out this pro- gram be transferred and that the program itself be approved, sub,ject to Dr. Hooper actin3 as a liaison to see that no duplication of effort is invovled. It was seconded by, . Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. The County Attorney was instructed'to draw a Resolu~• tion authorizing the executivn of the contract for planning services. ' RESOLUTION: That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners be, and he is hereby authori2ed and directed to execut~ on behalf of New Hanover Coanty, a contract with .the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development in the language of "County Contract IVo. NCP 20-1" ~sub- mitted to this Board by that agency under date of November 8, 1965. Done at Wilmington, N. C. ihis 7th day of P7arch 1966. At NEW HANOVER COUNTY BY Chairman of the Board of Commissioners The above Resolution was introduced by Commissioner M. H. Vaughan, duly seconded by Commissioner Peter H. Braak, and unanimously adopted. _ SHoreline Protection - They called attention to the•law enacted by the 1965 General Assembly making it unlawful to damage, destroy or remove sand dunes without• a permit granted by a governing body. It anzthori22s the County to employ shoreline ~ protection offd,Cers and designate a shore protection line. They urge th¢ Commissioners to give consideration to take the necessary steps to implement this leglslation as:our beaches are being developed at a rapid rate and need this type protection. County Rurai Address Svstem - They are in agreement that the system suggested by the C. P. 8 L. Company for numbering rural homes on a uniform basis is wo~~~ of further consideration. They feel that before going int,o the program they should~ e advice and assistance of a Planner. ROAD PETITION A petition was received from the property owners on Victory,Crardens Drive requestiag that it be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Vavghan moved that it be sent to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and~unanimously carried. ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ~ A letter was received from the Division Engineer of the State Highway Commissic~n advising that they are unabie to get three property owners on Piner Road (SR 1519) to sign,the right-of-way in order to stabilize it as requested. By connon consent, the Boa:,d instructed the Executive Secretary to send a copy of this leLter to the petitioners for their information. II SENCBA The Chairman read a letter from the Southeastern North Carolina Beach Asso- ciation advising that the provisions of their revised constitution which is effective th~S year specificies that the Board of Commissioners select one member es a represen- tative to serve on the Board of Directors. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously appointed Mr. M. H. Vaughan to serve in that capacfty. JAIL PLUMBING RENOVATIONS- • Jailor Joseph E. Johnson reported to the Board that he had the Sheriff~s permission to come in and report that Lhe plumbing in the Jail has been repeatedly seriously damaged by prisoners and requested an appropriation to put in a new type with cut-off valves meyond the r¢ach of the prisoners so that it can be controlled from the outside. He had an estimate of $300.00 to do the ,job. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously appropriated $300 from Unanticipated Revenue to Plumbing Rep3irs. ~ ~~ 5~~~ Min_u_t_e_s-of =the Meetin~c Marc~,_1966 Continued ~ I LH1t,ZT5TING PENAl - . The Tax Supervisor presented a letter from the attorneys of Mr. Hargrove Bellamy setting out that he is the only person pres¢nt in the County who has enough in- formation to list taxes for his variousoorporate and individual business. He was involved in a serious automobile accident which required hospitalization during the last half of the month of January and they request that these businesses and individuals not be penalized ~~, under the circumstances. The Tax Supervisor recommended the abatement of late listing ~ penalties. Upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Braak, the•Board passed the request by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Executive Secretary reported that he had sent each member of the Board a ~copy of some recommendations for estabiishing a County•Insurance Advisory Committee for the purpose of studying insurance needs oE the County and making ,joint placements of insurance to the best advantage. AfLer a brief discussian, Mr. Vaughan moved that the idea~be approved and that the Executive Secretary be instructed to confer with Mecklenburg County by letter to ascertain a statement of their poiicy and system for handling insurance ,and that a copy of their answer~be sent to each member.of the Board of Commissioners. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. Mr. Hardy k'essell, a local independent insurance agent, was present and spoke in behalf of this proposal. . CABLE T. V. FRANCHISE REVENUE Mr. Vaughan reported that he understands the general policy when Cable television is installed in the City a certain pereentage of the gross revenue is paid to the City for for the privilege. He thinks from 3- 53~ and is of the opinion that ttie County should also receive revenues from such sfmilar installations. He reported that the local Cable Television Company has installed their iines arid equipment out into the County proper wiLhout a franchise. The County Attorney will look up the legal aspects of this problem and report. ~I ADVANCE BUDGET CONSIDERATION - • Mr. Vaughan suggested that Budget ~onsiderations be started this year at lcast ~30 days eartier than ini.the past: His experience leads him to believe that a fuller con- sideration could be given to the various departments if this vere true.. He moved that this Ibe done. It was seconded•by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. , NEW HANOVER MENORIAL BOARD OF•TRUSTEES~ A7INUTES - , , ~ Chairman Hooper reporteQ that each member of the Board of Commissioners had been sent a copy of the minutes of February 18, 1966,of the meeting of the Bpard of Trustees of the New Hanover. Memorial Hospital. Mr. Bowden reported that he had not recefved his copy and asked that he be sent a copy by the Secretary. ~EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CONFERENCE - The Chairman announced that the Governor~s Conference on Emergency Preparedness lis to be held in the Bladen County Court House on March 16 1966 at 6:30 P. M. A compli- mentary dinner will be served by the City of Elizabethtown in cooperation of Bladen County. The Extension Division of the University of North Carolina of North Carotina and the Office of Civil Defense will cooperate in thls Conference. He urged each member of the Board that could go to go and instructed the Executive Secretary to send in the names of those who indicated they wfll go. Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Vaughan requested their names to be sent in. Mr. Vaughan stated that he would make a business trip to &lizabethtorm on that date and attend the conference. RETIREMENT SYSTEM - The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Harry Gershenson, Consulting Actuary, re- `~ porLing that with the information availabie to him, the estimated Cost of actuarial work necessary to determfne recommendations with respect to the County entering their employees under the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System would be betwe.en $1200 and $1500 ,including time and expenses for 2 one-day meetings with the Board. He also reported that ~it would take between 60,and 90 days to make the calculetions and report their recommenda- tions after authorfzaLion to proceed with Lhe study. , After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authori2ed on behalf of the Board to remind Mr. Yelton that 5 months have elapsed since he was down here and ask him to speed up the progress report. iIt was seconded by Mr. Bowden~and unanimously adopted. . PERSOIdNEL 5TUDY COMMITTEE . . . • The Ezecutive 5ecretary reported that, Mr. J. Lyman Melvin Jr.., the Personnel Consultant making a study of the County employees for recommendations of a Personnel Pro- gram,is ready to complete his work as soon as the Committee appointed by the Board of Commissioners to study the preliminsry draft of the proposals has completed its work. Mr. Uavghan, who is Chairman of that Committee, reported that there were some basic de- cisions which would have to be made: by the Board before his Committee could come up with ~concrete recommendations. He called an informal Committee meeting for Thursday, A'~rch lOth at 7:00 P, M. and asked all members of the Board to be present and he.lp resolve the questions that need to be answered. By common consent, all members of the Board agreed to this arrangement. _ ,~1LMINGTON PORT AND WATERWAY CONA7ISSION - . The Chairman called attention to a letter from Colonel George W..Giilette, Chairman bf the W;lmington Port and Waterway Commission, reminding the Board that in the past planners of modern land transportation media have overlooked the.importance of Ports and Watereays to the economy of North Carolina in planning Interstate Highway systems. He observes that North Carolina is the only state on either of the waterfronts of the country having a major deep water channel cargo port not connected with an intersLate highway'system. By common consent of the Board,,the Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Senator B. Everett Jordan and commend him for his recent speaking ~out on behalf of North Carolina and pledging a better break in the new program. AIR TRAVELERS - GROUND TRANSPORTATION A letter was received from the Kinston Airport Limousine Service requesting the privilege of picking up air travel personnel at.the New Hanover Coanty Airport going to Jacksonville, N. C. They propose to take a person from Bluethenthai Field to Camp LeJeune for $3.00. They are now franchised and operate between Hinston Alrport and ICamp Le~jeune. By common consent, the Baard instructed the Executive Secretary to send ~this letter to John A, Westbrook, Manager of the N¢w Hanover County Airport for his recom- mendation. ~ : i ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting March 7, 1966 Continued UNDERSPENT BUDGET ITEMS - II Mr. Vaughan moved that the Audltor be instructed to write each of the Depart-u ment Heads that the Board would look with favor on any surpluses, or left over balances,~ in any of their various budgeted items. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. i JURY DRAWING - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to s¢rve as Jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning April 4, 1966 - Criminal-term; April llth and April 18th - Civil terms; and April 25th - Civil term. Jurors for the week beqinninct April 4, 1966 Abrams, Aaron P.O, Box 1267 Bannerman, Rueall RFD 2, Box 371 Brooks, Herbert G. RFD 3~ B 5~3 Capps, John F. 811} Hiil St. Charles, Pinkney 51!}~ Bladen St. Congleton, M. H. RFD 2, Box 136 Cooper, A. E. RFD 2, Box 230 Core, Bennett I. 5208 CarolinaR~each Courie, Elias F. Jr. Bo~S 70 li B h i~ C Croom, Georce W. na caro eac , . 4621 Carolina Be~c h Cullins, Jacob P. ~ P•~C Bo~i~ia9B h N C a eac , . Davis, Mary G. 215 S. 5th St. Davis, Rebecca J. RFD 2, Box 450 Dowles, Lee W. ill Eastwood Rd. Freeman, T. B. RFD 3, s 55i Griffin, James Joseph RFD 2, Box 381 Hannah, Leonard J. 5!} Woodlawn Ave. Hardin, Susan L.• 1160 Couritrq'C1ub.Rd. Hardison, Lois H. j013 L6ui~siatia Ave. Harts, Mary W. 304 Sunnyvale Dr.: _~ . Huggins, Lena E. 1}12 Market St. Hutaff, O. C. 2719 Mimosa Place James, W. J. 216 5. 13th St. Johnson, John 509 Swann St. Jones, John R. Box i38o - Criminal term King, Bernard E. 313 McMillan Ave. Loftin, Mary J. 1121 Red Cross 5t. Loyd, F. K. RFD 2, Box 213 Mansfield, Ada C. Box 1l~2 Car olina Beach,N.C. Mason, J. F. Box 1S1 Castle Hayne ~ Matthews, Mabel 807 N. 6th St. I Mattocks, James RFD 1, Box 323 I Meier, Daniel Vincent 745 Geo. Trask Dr. ^ Miiler, Earler Mae 123 5. llth 5t. Mixon, George W. 205 Northern Blvd. Morgan, J, E. 5032 Market St. Rd. McClellan, N. H. RFD 2, Box 261 A. McEachern, Mrs. Minni e F. L}240 Caro2ina geach Rd. Odin, B. B. 3BOl} Peachtree Ave. Padrick, Fannie M. 105 Mear.es St. Parker, C. D. Sr. 3828 Carolina Beach Rd~, Parker, Jesse Coe 1506 Orange St. Parker, Julius A. 520 Wooster St. ~ Ro.ger, Norma Kinlaw 420 N. l~.sth St. Rogers,`"R. U. RFD 3, Box 175 Selden, Francis 'SV. I 180!} Carolina Ave. , Sikes, Rebecca 611 Bladen St. ~ Stewart, George 1016 Castle St. Stringfield, doseph Lee 325 Breckenridge Symmes, Frances ti. 2251 Mimosa P1. Taylor, Carrie M. RFD 3B, !}56 Taylor, George Wiibur RFD 1, B i39 Taylor, Julien R. Jr, 1806 Grace St. j Tompkins, H. J. 212 Evans St. Turn¢r, David O. 2250 Camellia Dr. Tyree, David Lee RFD 3, Box 93 Voss, John W. Jr. 150l~ S. l~th St. Watkins, C. W. 0 N. 45tn SL. ' ~ ~ Waters, Vincent S. harles O~Connor Watkins Harold T. W !}'j$9 Cedar Ave. Wood, alter E. 11 Green ForesL Rd. Woodbury, Willie J. 1011 S. 12th St. .Iurors for the weck beainnina Anril 11. 1966 Adams, Alice 221 N. 7th St. Abrams, Haro2d B. ~02~:Rober,t E Lee Dr. Bannister, James 408 N. 9th St. Bellamy, Clyde 1211 N. 7th St. Benbow, Joseph A. 91!} Miller St. • Bender, C. E. P. O. Box 1271} B.enton, Emergson E. 702 N. Kerr Ave. Biggs, Onie Mae Brady 229 N. Wallace Ave. Brittain, W. F. 114 Ridgeway Dr. Broadfoot, W. G. Jr. P. 0. Box 908 Brown, Garland L. 325 Greenvil•le Ave. Brown, George Lee RFD 1, B 260 Brown, Georgiana Reid 217 Long Leaf Acres Brown, J. Frank 230 Greenville Ave. Brown, Zennie E. 5808 Oleander Browning, D. D. 5108 Market St. Burress, Ray (}730 College Rd. Burriss, L. D. 3706 Casweil St. Burton, Robert Lee 309 N. Wallace Cailahan, Menry ilt} Bryant Ave. Camak, Pascal M. 1 RFD 1, Box 307 C Cannon, Burrough P. 12 Lennon Dr. Case, Wade H. RFD 2, Box 57 Clark, Daniel A. RFD 1, B 259 A Ciewis, Isabeile M. 2021 Barnett Ave. Clark, Joseph A. 5040 Pine St. Cliff, Lloyd 109 Cliff Rd. Crockett, Ida M. P. 0. Box 256 ~room, J~ynH Adville room Box 259, W i ~~sv. • , RFD 3, Box ~~~ - Civil term Dannenbaum, Robert Duncan, Jack Grove, Royce H. Grohman, Catherine James, Borie Jewell, F. E. Sr. Houston, R. M. Irving, Leaner Kavanough, Charlie Keith, .lohnsie King, Katie Langston, Earnest A. McHory, Norwood A9ickens, Gus Miller, Magelen Peterson, Etta Reece, T. M. Ripa, Lawrence Shingl@ton, Melvin Smith, Ophelia C. Sm3th, Mrs. Nettie Smith, Reese, Jr. Smith, R. 'Y-. Jr. Stuckey, L. W. Walton, .1. Frank Walton, Thomas M. Webb, Sallie Weeks, Morris C. Wfiite, Miles 5. Wiliiams Mrs. Mary Wright, klberi H. _ ° ~,.. . 2(}06 Harrison St. 701 Pine Valley Dr. l}602 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 2, Box 199 • $20 Bladen St. 108 Francis Marion Dr. Kure Beach, N. C, 2 Smith Terrace 1116 S. Herr Ave. bio s. i3tn st. 117 Henry St. RFD 2, Box 362 2521 Jefferson.St~. 61b S. 13th st. % 1-H Taylor Homes ~ 1216 5. 8th St. Kure Beach, N. C. 1547 S. College Rd. 26 Station Rd. 1928 Hudson Ave. 311 Meares St. 1014 N. 8th St. 15 N. 2nd St. 7 Morningside Dr. RFD 3, Box 295 4807 Wrightsv. Ave. 1l42'] S. Herr Ave. 603 Mercer Ave. 225 N. 25th St. MurcaY 2516 Adams St. 132 Telephone Rd. , ~~ ~~~, ---- ---t~ti~t~~i-L1:~ Naf et=in-a ~~~larzn~,--1~i-b~i=Co~t3nue_ ~ __ - - - • --. s - ~ - - -- __ . Jurors for the ~reek:beqi nninq Aprii 18, 196 6 - Civil `Adams, Alexander 1306 N. 6th St. McDaniel, Annie D. 619 S. 17th 5t. ~~Benedict, George E. Jr. Box 199 Wrigh ~~~. McIntyre, Theodore 607 Meares St. Berry, Alexander g 608 N. lOth St. McKoy, Robert W. • 311 S. 1!}th St. Brock, J. O. 505 S. 4th St. Miller, Lula E. 17 S. Greenville Ave. pCavanaugh, Joseph J. 215 N. 17th St. r Millinor, Maur3Ce L. !}20 S. ~.th St. Cheatham, Mrs. A. B. Sr. i331 5. Hawthorne ~oore, Edna F. • 617 Red Cross St. ICheek, A. L. Jr. 2709 Willow St. Ozment, Earl 802 E. Green Dr. ICo leman, Eloise~ ~ 125 Greenville Av. Phillips, Mabel M, l~301 Oleander Dr. , Dowling, Albert F. 3101 Market St. Powell, W. H. 209 N. 16th St. Eilis, Mra. L. O. 201 Wrightsv. Av. Reddick, Herbert K. RFD 1, Box 333~~ Evans, Thomas H. 2316 Chestnut St. Sellers, Elmer h7artin RFD 3, Box 358 IFarmer, Spy W. 2935 Park Ave. Shields, A. G. !}O5 Brunswick St. Farrow, Effie RFD 3, Box 196 A Smith, Elwood RFD 2, Box 505 pFaulk, C. E. ~ ~602 Wrightsv. Ave Spencer, Eliza 112 N. llth St. I Fr¢eman, James G. RFD 2,8 2!}b _ Shackelford, R. C. 2!}1 N. 2$th 5t. Harris, Herbert 716 S. 15th St. Shaw, James H. 1202~ Castle St. Harriss, Sophie RFD ?., B 329 Sim son, Geor P 9e P. , 131 Castle St. Herring, A. G. 2109 Pine St. Tilley, William F. 2~21.Monroe St: ~ ~ Ingraham, Purl Carolina Beach,N.C Tilley, Jack 223 Spruce Dr. Jacobs, Alex RFD 2, Box 229 Tillman, Mary RFD 3, Box 521} Jarrell, Florence S. 315 Meares St. , Torham, John 1!}6.Stokley Dr. Joyner, J. C. 5 Hudson Dr. Trask, Raeford G. RFD 1, City King, Adrain Sidbury 3823 Market St. Van Nes, Hugo 1803 Queen St. King; Lenwood M, 11 Keaton Ave. Venters, Lemis A. 238 Huntington Legwin, Emmie Belle ~ 2715 Park Ave. Vink, Jacques Joseph P:,O.:~Box 188 ~ LeGwin, James D. 161} Coloniai Dr. Williams, Florine J. 912 N. 7th St. Leewenberg, Margaret P. O. Box 882 Watson, James. T. RFD 1 Box 263 C {l H N C ~Lipsey, Clarence E. 3626 Wi'nston Blvd. Wilson, Lawrence Allan as e ayne . . 425 Robert E. ~ee Dr. McCrimmon, Barbara ~14 Church St. Woodbury, L. E. Jr. 21 ForeSt Hi12s Dr. ~ NfcCrimman, McIver G. 1105 Ann St. Wilson, Charies ~34~Johnson Dr. Jurors for the week beainninq Anril 25th,-~1 966 - Criminal •• Batson, Eloise Mrs. '106 Central Blvd. Moore, Carl H. 112 Winter Green Rd. ;Batson, N,rs. Bessie 10 Lennon Dr. N~ngum, J. A. Box 161 Carolina Beach j 'Beneett, Dallie E. 38oi O1'eander Dr. Marshburn, Earl F. 18 Morningside Dr. IBryant, Alfred RFD 2, Box 233 Maunery, Li113an B. 21 Barnard Dr. ICottle, 2.V. ~~a~~}~n9 Beach Merritt, Mrs. C. L. 115 S. 15th St'. iCrews, Theophilus Holmes RFD 2, B lZ7 B Mintz, Mary L. 609 S. 16th St. ~Cribb, Sherw~n D. RFD 2, B 90 Mix, Lamoyne P. Sr. 2217 Shiriey Rd. ICullins, Nathan RFD 2, Box 215 AB Montgomery, Evelyn Bacey 163 Colonial Dr. Deal, Joseph W. 21!} Pine Grove Dr. Mosley, Oscar 216 Henry St. Edwards, P. B. 512 5. t}th St. 0'Brien, Eugene 158 Colonial Circle Deal, Joseph W. 21!} Pine Grove Dr. Patelos, Mrs. Fatina 829 N. 4th St. Farmer, ~. T. 3938 Winston Bivd. Peterson, George R. 1207 Pr3ncess Si. I IGlese, Walter H. 421 Greenwood Rd. Pittman, James G. ~~ 329 Johnson Dr. Hall, Edith Talbert RFD 3, B 427 Overbee, Jesse B. 113 Morningside Dr. i Hall, Floyd E. RFD 3, Box l}31 • Price, Catherine Ripley 1012 S. 6th St. Hankins, Annie 1202 5. 8Uh St. Ramseur, Laura H. 135 Whitman Ave. Hare, C. D. 4200 Wrightsv. Ave, Ritter, David . 7•10 Bladen St. Hilburn~, Evelyn L. t}115 Wilshire Blvd. Rogers, 3dilliam Augustus !}903 Pine St. ~ Hinton, William W. Box 1408 Ross, George W. 2318 N,etts Ave. Horne, Margaret W. 260 N. 26th St. Russ, Thelma 101 Greenville Ave. Huxford, Elizabeth B. 312 Chestnut St. Sandy, J, L. 2309 Adams St. IJones, George F. l~718 Long Leaf Hi1lsScavella, Betty Foy 615 Queen St. ,Jones, Israel I} A. Taylor Homes Schiffer, Edward Wm. :Tr. 51~16 Park Ave. Jones, Johnnie RFD 3, Box 549 Schnell, William E. 5014 Pine St. Jones, J. T. l}519 Market St. Schupp, Edna D. 303 s. Blvd. ;Jones, l~rgaret 6567 Wrightsv. Ave. Scott, Dewey R. 130 Ridgeway Dr. ~Klutz, Noel D. P. o B x 62 Sesl, CeciY ~ Roses 5& 10 Caro ina.Beach,N.C ~e.itter, Margaret W. 513 Castle Hayne Rd. King, N. E. 232 N. 25th St. Shain, Herbert D. 295l~ Cambridge LeGwin, L. C. Jr. 231i Belvedere Dr. Shaw, Janie L. 913 S. 12th St. Lewis, A1berL Clifton 313 Adelaide Dr. Sherron, J. W. 5113 Wrightsv. Ave. NkCoy, Martha Cox 311 S. 16th St. Shew, A. N. 1103 Azalea Dr. McKee, Clarence 433 Oak St. Shew, J. E. ' . 5131 Oleander Dr. McKeller, J. E. 610 Anderson St. Sills, Lynwood H. 225 Spruce Dr. McIntyre, Robert 416 Wilson Alley Simmons, Charles B. 209 Willanda Dr. McMillan, Annie M. 60$ Airlie Rd. Turner, William L. 4703 Long Leaf Hills Dr. Mixon, D. B. P. O. Box 796 Webb A2ex Jr. Carollna Beach,N.C ~ South 8th Street REPORTS - The following reports.and letters were received and r¢viewed by the Board and ordered filed for future reference: ~ 1- Letter from the Chairman of ~he State Highway Commission in~appreciatfon for the hospitality extended them at the new Southport-Fort Fisher Ferry dedication. 2' Letter from Calvin B. Bryant, Trust Officer for the First-Citi2ens Bank 8 Trust Co. of Wiimington relative to receiving.proposais for the County Employees Retire- ment Plan. . 3- 4- Grand Jury ReporL for February Criminal Term of Court. Audit Report on the Cape Fear Technical Institute, y~ar ending June 30, 1965, prepared by State Auditing DepArtment. ~ ADJOURNMENT - Upon ad,~ourn. motion of Mr. Braak, second~ Board unanimously voted to I utive Secretary I ~ ~~~ _ _Sne_c_i_al_.lur_v~r_a~ino_for-March_7.. L46f~___.___ _ SPECIAL JURY DRAWING Jurors for the week beqinninq March 7, 1966 - Criminal term Austin, William P. Ballard, Annie Rhoe Bannerman, Lottie C. Barber, Mary Barnes, Martha Bearden, Wesley James Bennett, D. E. Bethea, Selena Blanton, lohn D. Bozeman, Willard Brisson, Lucy Kinlaw Bryan, John Rupert Cammack, Ralph I. CantwelT, Mrs. Helen S. Carroll, U. R. Carter, James R. Caulder, Joseph Clyde Clardy, John W. Copeland, F. W. Cotton, Ethel Council, Homer L. Davis, Marion A.• Faison, Lincoln Fales, Charles F. Farriss, Ethel (vtay Fender, John W. Fender, Linnie Fincannon, A. F. Herring, E. G. Hoyle, Theresa H. Huggins, Valarie James, Willie Johnson, Melvin Johnson, Samuel Carrol Jordan, Frederick 610 Pine Valley 51~ Castte St. 713.Orange St. 1106 McRae St. 208 S. llth St. 17 Pinecrest 3801 Oleander 1215 Wooster St. 1913 Pender Ave: 9io s. 5th st. Box 318, Wrig$Qacfi !}02 Pine Valley Dr. 726 Geo. Trask Dr. 2716 Oleander Dr. •252 Peiffer Ave. 5211 Wrightsv. Ave. 2507 Circie St. 2709 Washington St. 607 Central Blvd. 612 Wooster St. 2023 Pender Ave. 133 Ridgeway Dr. 608 S. 14th St. P. 0. Box 98 3W~2iA~nnss{•Beach 128 Colonial vil. 6012 Park Ave. 5001 Wrightsv. Ave. 1517 Market St. 17 5. 6th St. 819 Ca~tle St. RFD 3, Box 318 1308 s. 7tn St. 809 S. Front St. 2529 Adams St. Kornegay, Julian M. 7220 Wrightsv. Ave. Lancaster, George Oliver 1818 Perry Lee, Donaid Earl 36 Lennon Dr. I Logan, Jake 1008 Nall St. ! Marley, N~yrtle A. P. Q. Box 396 P7ailard, 'h6m, G. Jr, , 4308 Wrightsv. McCrary, Mrs. Helen RFD 2, Box 115 Milis, Mrs. Grady Johnson 1}08 Co22ege Mingo, Annie May 718 N. Sth St. Mintiz, Nicholas W. 630 Fern Dr. Murray, Julian A. RFD 3, Box 204 l Memeth, Joseph G. P. 0. Box 327 i Carolina Beach,N.C. I Phelps, V. E. 401} Wrightsv. Ave. Peck, Alice Davis 2216 Oleander Dr. ~i Peterson, Loren2o W. 2!}0 Rose Ave. Potter, Thad M. P. 0. Box 1215 Powell, Milton A. 222 Parkway Bivd. Register, Edward B. Jr: 126 Victoria Dr. Richardson, Wilton B. 17 N. 31st'St. Rowan, A. Haywood 2713 Jackson St. Sanderlin, Alton L. RFD 3, B 376 A Shepard, Trudie Mason RFD i B 228 Shipton, Ralph V. 310 Wrightsv. Ave. Smtth, Mrs. Annie C. 811 Chestnut St. Smith, Charles E. 218 N. 29th St. Stanland, Rutti Hall 4601 Wrightsv. Ave. Stone, G. F. 3l}1 Hooker Rd. Taylor, George 1121 S. 8th St. Todd, Mary 1106 N. bth St. Tillery, Miss Emma W. 1820 Woolcott Tucker, Lillian R. 2727 Columbia Ave. ~ Waddell, R. W. 1108 Hawthorne Rd. Ward, H. S. 909 Red Cross St. Warlick, James P. 120 Bagley Ave. .i Wilmington, N. C. March 21, 1966 ~ B:ooA.M'~ ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissione was held in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House on the above date at 8:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Boxden, J, M. Hall, Jr. and,M..H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Ruditor T. D. Love, Jr. . INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend William Barrett, Pastor of St. Paults Episcopal Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - . Before approvi.ng the minutes of the meeting held on N:arch 7th, the following amendments or corrections wer.e made: In the paragraph "Semiannual Finance Report", add ~~The Chairman asked the County Auditor if the County is using any prepaid tax money to pay current bills. The Auditor answered "NO" and he did not expect to use any". In the paragraph "Cape Fear Technical Institute, add in the motion Sust before it was seconded, the following, "If the money needed is not available in the Contingency Fund, the County will make funds available sub,ject to an explanation of what happened to the Contingency Fund." In the paragraph headed "Approval of the Minutes", the insertion to be made by Mr. Vaughan under "New Hanover Memorial Hospita2" should be changed to read "Elementary and Secondary Education Act" and the following is to be added, "These remarks are inserted in the minutes at the request of Mr. Vaughan, who stated that•these observa- tions contribute to a considerable extent the exchange between himself and Dr. Wagoner and are not to be considered as being the opinion of the other Commissioners. (These siatements will he inserted in the permanent records.}After the above amendments and corrections, Mr. Braak moved approval of the minutes. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. CAPITAL OUTIAY - CSC Mr. H. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court stated that his office needed a new adding machine. The oid hand operated adding machine was transferred to the Jailor for his use as requested at the meeting of February 7th. He stated that he would need $50.00 added to the present balance in his Capital Outlay Fund to pay for the new • machine. The County Purchasing Agent reported that he was familiar with the transaction and recommended approval of the purchase. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, secottded by Mr. Hall, the 8oard unanimously approved the transfer of $50.00 out of CSC - Bonds to CSC - Capital Outlay. . s , ~