1966-04-04 Regular Meetinga~- ~~\ ~~ ~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting Niarch 21, 1966 Continued " WATERLINES REIMBURSEN~ENT - ( continued) j Lo the Wertheimer Bag Company. He offered a motion that the Commissioners iinvite Mr. E. 5. Capps, Jr., who was Mayor the City of Wilmington at the time, to appear Ilbefore the Board at the next meeting and expr.ess his remembrance of the agreements made lat that time. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and adopted by a ma,jority vote. Mr. Hall requested that he be recorded as abstain3~ng. SPECIAL JURY - ', The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve in Superior Court on Monday, March 21, 1966: ButtePfield, Harold J. Dixon, John Garland ~,.Epps~, Johnnfie Everett, Lawrence 5. Jr. Graham, Nellie IHolloway, James L. 'Jackson, Edward E. ,Jones, Pearle ~Knight, Raymond.L. Landen, Bobby M. ,Macris, James S. ~McKinnon, C. M. ~Oliphant, Thomas Shackleford, Lisle Taylor, Johhnie A. 206 Oak Crest Dr. 309 Toulon Drive , 721 Chestnut St. 202 Wrightsv. Ave. 808 Walnut St. 73~} 7'imber Lane 35~ ~'een Meadows Dr. 2925 Park Ave. 3017 Adams St. 11}04 Sherwoos Dr. 1309 Chestnut St. 2220 Mimosa Place 21}20 Jackson St. 220 N. 2~th St. 2222 Gibson Ave. TAX SUPERVISOR REPORT - The Tax Supervisor reported that he could se¢ some problems confronting the Tax Listing Department this year which are not recurring and will require a policy to he set by the Board of Commissioners. Before we accept the revaluation records now being made by the Sovthern Appraisal Company, it will be necessary to have new assessment books and new block books. This problem can be solved either by employing extra help to do the work or allow the present help to work on Saturdays, or overtime. He recommends the use of our present empioyees as Ltiey are familiar with the work that needs to be done and cen accomplish the work with less chance of error. The Board requested that he make an estimate of the amount of money that should be required to do this ,job and report back at the next meeting. REPORTS - ~ The folloiving reports were reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Home Economics Extension Agent's Report for February, 1966. 2- Wilmington Public Library Report for February, 1966. 3- Letter from Department of Conservation and Devedopment regarding the I pianning program in New Hanover County and noting the approval of the Federal grant to provide assistance. 4- Public Notices: Corps of Engineers ' (a) Island Development Corporation applies for permit to dredge two , finger canals and fill in marshland adjoining Banks Channel at ~ Figure Eight Island. (b) State Highway Commission requests permission to install two sub- marine power cabies under the Cape Fear River at Castle St. (c) Public Hearing to be held Monday, Apri1~18th at 7:30 P. M, in the Fort Fisher Museum on Beach Erosion at this historic site. (d) Latest navigation development to provide for an improved channel 12~ ~eep, 140' wide at the bottom for the Cape Fear River above Wilmington, (e) Request for permit to dredge a small boat channel at Page's Creek. ;ADJOURNMENT - ' Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden,.the Board u animously voted to ad~journ the meeting. / G. , •xecut v'~ ecretary ', Wilmington, N. C. April 4, 1966 I 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the Connty Covrt House with the following members in attendace: Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Vice Chairman, Commiss- ioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. ~radford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, was absent fr_om the meeting as he was out of tor,m and Mr. Vaughan presided over the meeting. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Before approving the minutes, it was suggested that in the paragraph headed "RIVER IMPROVEMENTS", after the wording U. S. Corps of Engineers, insert "from W. 5. R. Beane of the Almont Shipping Co.", and in the paragraph headed "PERSONNEL STLJDY COMMITTEE MEETING"~ Change to "SURPLUS FOOD DISTRIBUTION~ and insert the paragraph relative to the Personnel Study Committee Meeting. Mr. Braak then moved that the minutes be approved as corrected above. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. ~ ~ ~`~~~ - _Nlin~ut`e"s:_:of -tfie,._Me;e`_t:in~Apr~~1}.~=1~.6~--~~~i-nu~--.-.-.-:. __ ,~ _ ~ - -r WATERLINES REIMBURSEMENT - Mr. E. S. Capps, Jr., who was serving as Mayor of the City of Wilmington when the gentlemen's agreement between the City Council and the Board of Commissioners was consumated, appeared before the Board of Commissioners today, at',their request to verbally corroborate the understandirig that the City was obligated to repay the $19,822.31 which was spent by the County on the extension of the City waterlines to,the Wertheimer Bag Company, if it was taken inside the City limits within a period of 5 years. Mr. Capps recalled that, acting in his capacity as Mayor, with the approval of the Covncil, such an agreement was entered into but that he could not recaii the time element, whether it was 2 years, 3 years or 5 years. He also could not explain why no record of these agreements were recorded in the minutes of the City because he would not have taken such action without the sanction and approval of the Council. He reiterated that there is no question about the agreement but he is not sure on the time element, howevery he is convinced that unless it was agreed to as claimed and recorded by the County Com- missioners, they would not have gone alono with it. The Presiding Officer thanked him for comino and stated that so far as he is concerned, this will end the discussion of the matter as he does not intend to mention it again. Mr. Bowden observed that is an unfortunate situation but he feels that it points to a lesson that all future agreements must be in ti•~riting in a legal form. • WELFARE APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - Complying with the requesL of the Couut,y~•Aud;iL•or T. D. Love and Publ ic Welfare the following transfers: Board of Commissioners at the last meeting, Director, Miss Lela Moore Hall, recommended From • Intangible Tax $640.00 1965 Ad Valorem Tax 110.00 to Aid to the Blind $750.00 ~ ~35ao.oo ADC 3500.00 " APTD 7,000.00 oaa i75o.o0 " r~aa ~ i,75o.00 Hospitaliiation MC-1 7,~00.00 " Hosp.- Out Patient 7,500.00 Hospita13,2ation MC-1 1,150.00 " Auto Allowance 1,150.00 Spec. Juvenile Homes 4,800.00 ) State 8 Fed. Tax 4,300.00 ) ". Board Home Care 15,600.00 Intangible Tax 1,699.00 ) over d above anticipated 1965 Taxes 4,801.00 ) Social Security 550.00 " Telephone. 550.00 The County Auditor reminded the Board that this is approximately $52,000 additional appropriations made to the Welfare Budget. --After some discussion of these items, Mr. Braak moved that the above recommendatinns be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. (Breakdown of the $52,000 on Page 602 under "REPORTS") RQAD PETITION A request was received from the property,owners on Mason~s Drive asking that it be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Hall moved that it be approved along with a special letter to the State Highway Commission stating that it is used by many people and badly needs improving. It was seconded by Mr. $owd and unanimously passed. COURTROOMS - Complying with the request of the Board at the last meeting, Messrs. Oxenfeld and Newkirk, the Architects employed to renovate the Court House for Courtroom space, ~ came in to make a progress report. .Before hearing from them, the Presiding Officer requested a report from the County Auditor with reference to the amnunt of money that could be raised through a bond issue without a vote of the people. He reported that $I}85,000 in bonds was amortized in the past fiscal year which means that tt~ County could legally seli $383,000 worth. He suggested, however, that the Board might issue bond anticipation~which must be retired within a 5 year period to cover the cost of II the improvements. Mr. Oxenfeld, speaking for his firm, reported that after investigatior~, they find that no changes are recommended in the Recorder~s Court Room. To level the floor in the .Svperior Covrt Room balcony and reinforce it to safe strength would be very costly and not a very desirable solution. He has inspected the renovated court- room made by the Durham County Commissioners in which they made a horizontal partition, which,likewise,could be done in the New Hanover Superior Courtroom but it, too, would prove to be a costly pro,ject. He estimated that it would cost $1']5,000. Ptr~-crttrer The other alternative is to use the 3 rooms on the riorth side of the second floor of I the old Court House Building, now occupied by the New Hanover Memorial Hospitai Offices.l He thinks, after consultation ~uith the ,judges and attorneys, that these rooms would be suitable for a Domestic Relations Court and believes they could be renovated at a minimur cost. Hesuggested that the Board appoint a Courtroom Advisory Committee for further study and recommendations. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved that the architect;s be thanked and paid for their diligent services in connection with this problem and askeqi them to stand by for future consultation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously~ carried. ~ ~~~ Minutes of April L~~ 1966 ~continued) - ~PERMANBNT LOOSELEAF REGISTRATION - Mr. Bowden informed the Boar@ that he had invited Messrs. Jack L. Yarboro and Mayo tiolmes, Jr. to report on_the materials which they had ordered and the amount of ~their cost in preparation for installing a permanent looseleaf voter registration system in New Hanover County. Mr. Holmes;; speaking for the Board, explained their orders, item by item, the total cost of which was $1~,341.74. In the discussion which followed, I Mr. Yarboro stated that so far as he knew this inclvded all of the expenses which they had obligated the Board to pay except Mr. Holmes is entit2ed to pay for 25 days work. ~ The legal time for public notice to make a change has past and, therefore,no further action ~can be taken on this pro,ject before the May primaries. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the Auditor be instructed to make no additional payments for personal ser- vices, except to pay bills made before today until and unless they are approved by the Board of Commissioners. It was seconded by Nr. Vaughan and unanimously adopted. LEAGUE OF WONIEN VOTERS - The Officers of the League of Women Voters, headed by its President, Mrs. Esso Ci~eminons, appeared before the Board, in support of a uniform state-wide permanent looseleaf voter registration system. She stated that the League is a non-partisan organization and takes action in support of, or in opposition to, selected governmental issues but does not support or oppose polftical parties or their candidates. Its purpose is to promote poli- tical responsibilities through informed and active participation of citi2ens in government. They decry the apathy, unconcern and indifference of the voting public and feei that the ,permanent registration system would be one means of insuring each voter who.is qvalified a meaningful challenge. They offer their services in assisting the Board of Elections in making the changeover and assured the Board that their offer is not.,just an impulse of women looking for something to do but are offering their assistance in the interest of the community and they are competent and skilled and capable of helping the County to install the system. The Chairman thanked them for their interest and wiilingness to present their views. "AZALEA FESTIVAL CREDENTIALS - Mr. Lloyd W. Moore, President of the Azalea Festival Committee, presented each member of the Board of Commissioners~with their credentials and invited them to take an lactive part in welcoming the guests during the Festival ceremonies. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW OATH - - The Tax Supervisor had arranged with Miss Lois J. Ward, Clerk of Superior Court, to administer the Oath required by G. S. 105-327 (c) preparatory to entering upon their duties as a Board of Equalization and Review, beginning April 18th. At this point_in the meeting, they were sworn in and each of them present signed the Oath as evidence as having taken it. CSC - BOND While Miss Ward was present, she informed the Board that she was having the bonds changed over but did not as yet how much they would ~ost. After a brief discvssion, Mr. Bowden moVed that the bonds~be paid for after approval by the County Attorney, the cost to come out of the General Fund and that this motion include the appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. COUNTY PLANNER - Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr, introduced Mr. Leslie N. Boney, Jr, saying that they had discussed the establishment of a~joint County-City Planning operation and he thought Mr. IlBoney could make some suggestions that wouid contribute to it. Mr. Boney stated that competent Planners are scarce and now is the time to start putting out feelers to see if one is available if the Board intends to implement it by July 1, 1966. The City of Wilmington has employed a Planner Lo replace Mr. Hudson who recent2y resigned and he feels that the County shouid likewise be looking for one ahose past experience has been broad. ~He proposed two definite recommendations, (1) that the Board of Commissioners adopt the principle of having a Joint Board so the County could have some perogative in hiring a competent Planner; (2) after;.the Board is established by a,joint effort, to get a staff organized. He believes that people of that calibre are available if approached on the basis of a,joint operatibn. After a lengthy.;discussion of this sub~ject, Mr. Hall offered a motion that each member of the Board of Commissioners commit themselves as being favor- able to includearn~haif the cost of a,Joint operation of a Planning Board. This will en- able the Commissioners to participate in the interviews in collaboration with the City officials in selecting a Planner with broad experience in County and City Planning, the details to be worked out ,jointly. IL was seconded by Mr. Bowden. Before any discus- ;sion, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the Board will go along with 50~ of a Joint Planning Board. There was no second to this substitute m~tion and the Chairman declared it dead. After discussing the matter, the vote was unanimously in favor of the original motion. CITY TRASH BURNING A note was received from the New Hanover County Airport Manager enclosing let- ters which he had received from the Federal Aviation Agency, the State Board of Heaith and the New Hanover Flying Association calling attention to the hazards tn flying aircraft created by smoke arising from burning trash at the City Garbage Dump. It was also pointed out that the refuse at the dump attracted seagulls which helped to create another hazardous condition. It was recommended that a relocation of the Trash Dump was the solution to the problem. Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that a letter be written to the City Council addressed to its Mayor, advising them to cease and desist from burning trash as it is causing a hazard to the safe flying of aircraft and respectfully request that they colla- borate with the Health Department in eliminating this problem. It was seconded by Mr. Hall. During the discussion, it was decided, by common consent, that a copy of Lhe let- ter shoud be sent to each member of the Council. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote. ,!:'J&4~ - Mi.r~,,.t.e.s-nf_t_he=Maat in~ t3pril~J. _~-19.6b-Cnnt.inned..~ _ ..- _ __ . FIREWORKS DISPLAY - A letter was received from the City Manager asking approval for a fireworks display at Legion Stadium, April 1!}, 1q66 at 8:00 P. M, in con3uncLion with the Azalea Festivai. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimousiy gave their approv~l to permit the display in compliance with G. S. 14-(~13 provided it is ` approved by the County Attorney. ~ PAVING SCHOOL ROADS- A conGract agreement between the Eounty and City for the paving of streets around the schools on a 50-50 basis, over a period of three years was presented for ~ consideration. I . THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this the 25th day of March, 1966, by and between the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, hereinafter called the "County" and the CITY OF WILMINGTON, hereinafter called the "City", both municipai corporations of the State of North Carolina: W I T N E 5 S E T H: WHEREAS, the governing bodies of both the County and the City realize the necessity of paving certain streets around the public schools in New Hanover, IT IS, THEREFORE, AGREED between the County and the City that the streets hereinafter listed shall be paved over a three~year period at a cost of 50 per cent to the City and 50 per cent to the County, the streets being: Five blocks around ~illiston High Schooi Fii~e blocks around Howe School One block long at Alderman School Three blocks at D. C. Virgo School 'It,ro blocks widening one side at D. C. Virgo School' The City is~to assume all necessary determine the priority of this paving. the parties hereunto that when contracts school streets the contracts will be let that they wiil share expense on the basi for the County. engineering work and the County is to It is understood and agreed between are let for the paving of the above named in the name of the County and the City and s of 50 per cent for the City and 50 per cent IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County of New Hanover has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, attested by its , Clerk, with its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, ~nd the City of 'blilmington has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its Mayor, ettested by its I Clerk, with its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, all on',.the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST /S/ W. G. Houck County Clerk ATTEST /5/ E. C. Brandon~ Jr. Deputy City Clerk \ By /S/ M. H.Vauqhan , CI1Y OF WILMINGTON By /S/ O. O. Ailsbrook It was approved by the County Attorney and upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Uice Chairman was authorized to sign it on behalf of the County. COMP:IAINT - JWENILES The Executive Secretary, as requested at the last m¢eting, reported that he had written Judge J. Hardie Ferguson with reference to the complaint from the Hanover Hardware Company abovt the judgement of the Juveniie_~Court, in connection with damages to his property. Judge Ferguson has written Mr. A. H. Goodnight and set up a conference with him to discuss the matter of restitntion on Friday, April 8th at 2:30 P.M. The Board requested that this matter be placed on the Aoenda at the next meeting for'further discussion. ' WELFARE LIEN - The Executive Secretary reported that he had a firm offer from Sanford Carter to purchase a lien held by the Welfare Department on property in the name of William Fennell. The County Attorney advised that it would be necessary to sell the property at public auction, subject to the approval of the ;Public Welfare Board. He is of the opinion that a lien can not be assigned. Mr. Bowden then offered a motion that the County Attorney be avthorized to proceed to clear up this property on which there is a lien. It was seconded by Mr. H~11 and unanimously approved. LATE LISTING PENALTY A letter was received from Mr. Lewis P. Hinton, advising that Ben Haigh & ~ Associates of Raleigh, N. C. had failed to list their property at Wrightsvil2e Beach during January and that a late listing penalty of $55.81 was assigned against the property~. continved- ~~~~ 1~linutes_o~the~fe.et3n~ ~~.r_i.L1i__i96f+-Con_ti3~~~~~' -- - iLATE LISTING PENALTY - (continued) He indicated that if the County wouid waive the penalty, the Town of ,Wrightsville Beach would likewise waive its penalty. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded ~by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously denied approval to waive the penalty. ITAX PENALTY AND INTEREST - A letter was received from Mrs. Lossie F. and Mary Ittner requesting that the IcosL of $1.00 and penalty and interest amounting to $9.83 be waived on their property at '1605 Fordham Road for th~ ason that they had not received a notice. The property was purchased in March, 1964/~~ understanding that they were liable for the tax, however, they had not received a hotice and request that the penalties be abated. In a discussion of this sub,ject, it developed that this was a mi.svnderstanding between the seller and buyer and therefore, the County was not involved. Mr. Bowden then moved that the request jbe denied. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. IPERSONAL PROPERTY VALUATION - A letter was received from Mrs. Alex T. Brown, Jr. asking that the 1964 personal taxes whiCh were listed by her husband at $1,000 be changed to $100.00. She operates a beauty shop in which the equipment was purchased 20 years ago as used equipment. Her husband ~was ill at the time he listed the property and died soon thereafter. The Tax Lister J. A. West has inspected the property.and reports Lhat in his opinion $100.00 valuation is more Inearly equitable. Under the circumstances, the Tax Supervisor• recommended that the Board approve the change in the valuation. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the ~Board unanimously approved this recommendation. ICAPE FEAR SWORD PRESENTATION A letter was received from the New Hanover High School R.O.T.C. Professor of Military Science inviting the Board of Commissioners to the Annual Presentation of the Cape Fear Sword and a flag raising ceremony at the High School on April 15, 1966 at 8:1}5 A.M. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the invitation ~ras graciously accepted and the Board indicated their intention of attending. The Executive Secretary was ,authorized to advise them to this effect. CASKETS - OAK GROVE CEMETERY ' The Executive Secretary reported that all of the funds appropriated for grave removal at Oak Grove Cemetery are exhausted and estimated that an additiona2 $100.00 would purchase enough lumber to finish out the needs for the current fiscal year and suggested that they be transferred from Repairs and Nmintenance - Oak Grove Cemetery to Capital Outlay-Grave Removal, Oak Grove Cemetery. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved this recommendation. TAX SUPERVISOR~S REPORT - ' Complying wtth the request of the Commissioners at the last meeting for an estimate of the funds that will be needed for the remainder of this current fiscal year ito allow the employees to work on Saturdays to complete new assessment books and new block ~books in the Tax Listing Department, the Tax Supervisor reported that the best estimate he could make would be approximately $720.00 and that he will have about $600.00 left in 'the Salary Account unspent. After some discussion of this problem, Mr. Hall moved that the Board approve the employees doing the work on Saturdays on a straight time salary basis. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. PIEDM~NT AVIATION, TNC. Following action of the Board at the las.t:ineeting, a letter was received from ~IMr. F. A. Downing, Director of Bureau of Rates, Industry and Commerce, proposing to pre- pare the motion and assemble the evidence in support of the request of Piedmont Aviation, Inc. for initiating singie plane service to New York before t'he Civil Aeronautics Board. In the discvssion of this sub,ject, it was the understanding of the Board of Commissioners that Piedmont Aviation wouid advise them when any further support was needed. By common consent, the Commissioners then authori2ed the Vice Chairman to call'them and ascertain if they needed this service at this time. ' CAPE FEAR RIVER DEEPENING - ' The Board of Commissioners were reminded that of the 'ldilmington Harhor on the Cape Fear River would ta noon aboard the dredge, Maryland, off Sunny Point. The ;considered of great importance to the waterborne traffic members expressed their satisfaction and intention to go event. • a ceremony marking the deepening ~e place at 3:00 P. M. this after- initiation of this pro,ject is development and each of the Board and participate ~in this significant jPERSONNEL STUDY COPM'lITTEE - ' By common consent, the Board agreed to meet on Wednesday night April 6th, at 7:00 P. M. with the Committee appointed to study the Personnel Ru~es and Regulations. LIAISON - BOARH 0F ELECTION~S Mr. Bowden reported that he had been in touch with members of the Board of Elections and is convinced that if the Board would appoinL one of its members to act as a Iliaison officer between the two boards, he felt that they could accomplish their objectives 'much more effectively. No definite action was taken on this suggestion. ',HORSE SHOW - HUGH MacRAE PARK Mr. Braak reported that he had learned at the Horse Show last~+¢ek that the Cape iFear Horseman~s Association is interested in building a needed sheiter in which to house restrooms and from which to operate a snack bar. The Executive Secretary reported Lhat the Park Supervisor, J. 5. Roberts, had made a similar report and recommendation. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authoriied~the Executive Secretary to write the Parks and Recreation Committee advising them that the Board of Com- missioners would like to support the Horseman's Association and su~gested that they meet with them and make whatever recommendations they felt were right and proper. SALT MARSH DRAINAGE - • Mr. Vaughan raised the question about'the effect that Salt Marsh Drainage would have on the program of the State Fisheries Commission. He suggested that the Health De- partment be instructed not to start any salt marsh drainage work without consultation with that body. This wa:s a~gr:eed' o~ by the Board. I , ~l , ~" .s~a Min~te_s o~ the Meetin.a_Aor~ l L, 1966 Continued __ - ~NNUAL ~~T~F~VTION - - - -- - - - ~ , The Execu tive Secretary repor ted that he had received a notice from the I State Office advisin g that the Annual Co nvention of the State Association of County Commissioners would be held at the Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina, June ' 12- June 15. In or der to be assured of choice rooms, they recommended that reservationl be made immediately. By common consent , the Board authori2ed the Execvtive Secretary to make reservations for Dr. Hooper, Mr, Hall, Mr. Tillery and the Tax Supervisor. REPORTS - The Board revie wed the following re ports and ordered them filed for future referenc?: 1- Building In spect.or~s Report for March, 1966 2- The Heaith Department reports t he arrivai of the Draoline. 3- The ~oui~ty Auditor~s Report per taining to paragraph "WELFARE APPROPRIATIONS AND' TRANSFERS" _ (See Page 598) New Appropr iations-Emergency to Surplus Commodities $300.00 ~~ ~~ „ {~ ~~ ~~ 79.99 " " -Reserve " Salaries 18,786.00 Transfer - O.A.A. " A.P.T.D. 3,500.00 ~ " - A.D.C. " " 3,500.00 I ,° - O.A.A. " M.A.A. 1,750.00 " - Hosp. " Hosp. 7,500.00 Transfer bu L increases to be carried forward - Hosp. " Auto Allow. 1,150.00 ~ " " " - Juvenile " Boarding Home Care 4;800.00 I New Rppropr iations - Revenue " " " " 4,300.00 ' n n u n u n n I 1,699.00 ! ~~ „ ~~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~~ 4 8o i . o0 Transfer - Social Security " Telephone , 500.00 , PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior Court for t he weeks beginning: May 30, Civil Special term, Federal Courtroom; May 2nd, Civil term; May 9th, Civil ter m; May 23~d, Civil term; I and May 30th, Civil- Regular term. ' Jurors for the week beginning May 2nd, 1 966 - Civil term i Bethune, W. F. Box 177,Carolina Be ach HursL, A. D. RFD 2, Box 51 Bonner, Nancy R. 216 5. llth St. •Ikner. Katie B. !}30q Lake St. Bowden, Cecil E. 3208 Chalmers Dr. Jackson, Earl A. RFD 3, Box 562 Brown, Edna P. 309 Wrightsv, Ave. Jackson, Emma 108 N. lOth St. Brown, M. F. P. ~ Bqx 65~ h a i Jarrett, R. K. ~ 1~303 Park Ave. i D id D B ro na eac 5108 Ma t St k Kelly, Graham C. 539 Bonham Ave. rown av ng, . r e . King, Herbert N. 3026 Louisiana Ave. Bryan, E. C. Bo 562 A ~Carolina Beach ~{ye;~~'Kennetli;I:. RFD 2, Box 111 A i Bryan, Wesley T. RFD 2,B 182 Lacewell, Alvin C. J. RFD 3, Box 180 I Carroll, Y7illie H. 26 Cape Fear Blvd. Landen, Evia Mae 3730 Carolina Beach R< . Carroll, Patricia Boyd 123 Wayne Dr. Laycock, Eugene RFD 3, Box 503 A Causey, J. D. 203? Shirley Road Leonard, Harry Richard 2205 Washington St., Cherry, R. H. 1511 Castle St. Lofton, Edgar 511 Walnut St. Corbett, W. J. 201 S. 13th St. Marlcatos, L. 236 N. 23rd St. I Fick, Ferdinand D. 4 Lagoon Dr. McCorsely, Esther R. I 2223 Plaza Dr. i Fowler, Leo H. RFD 2, B 35~ A McDaniel Paul 5. Oleander Court Apts. Frederick, Norman E. 31b Rose Ave. MacDonald, Evelyn 509 Orange St. Free, Nathan D. 106 Wintergreen Rd. Moore, Harlee 910 Meares St. Green, ;Tohnnie N~ac RFD 3, B 374 Phelps, Mrs. Harry L. 601 Mercer Ave. i Gray, Norman E. 301 Breckenrid e ~ Piver, Mrs. Florence A. 307 Meares St. Hale, Everett Jr. 127 Ridgeway Dr r' Reynolds, Coley W. 5011 Wrightsv. Ave. ~ Halsey, James 1213 N. 8th St. Riggs, W. C. P. 0. Box 1316 Harrell, A. H. RFD 1, B 104 C Rivers; J. P. 2!}19 Chestnut St. ~ Harrison Maria 1009 S. llth St. Robbins, Frank A. P. O. Box 98 I , Hargrave., G. D. 15 S. llth St. Robbins, Susie S. Carolina Beach, N. C,~ 2021 !~doolcott Ave Hawe's, Carrie 1l~08 Ann St. Sheiroq, Leonard Steve . 118 Long Leaf Acres I~~r. Heath, Uria J. ' 21~27 Jackson St. 5mith, Marion E. 222 Oakhurst Rd. Henson, John L. RFD 2, Box 337 Spivey, David 213 Wallanda Dr. Hickman, J. B. 415 S. Front St. Taylor, J. W. Jr. 2415 Harrison St. Hickman, Raleigh,B.J r. 1}12 5. 19th St. Weeks, Bradley 512 Devon Court Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 9. 1966 - Civil term Carroll, Wm.P RFD 3, Box 163 McGowan, Delmar A. RFD 3, Box 37 Corbett, Elizabeth Walker 111 Wiliiamson Dr. McLawhorn, Rachel H. RFD 3, Box 278 Dunn, Lloyd D. 1925 College Road Merritt, Eugene W. 721 Essex Dr, Hoily, Grace RFD i, Box 348 A Meshaw, Camille Ciemmons 3 709 Fairlawn Dr. Holt, Victor C. RFD 2, B 397 A Meshaw, Rosa Lee 1$10 Castle St. Horton, G. K. 619 Forest Hills Metts, Edwin A. Jr. 1307 S.~D.ive Oak Pkwy, Howard, Mitchell 1016 N. 5th St. Miller, Gladys G. 181!} Perry Ave. Ivey, Royce Eldred RFD 2, Box 26 Mitchell, Thomas J. RFD 2, Box 33(} Johnson, C. G. 802 Princess St. Moore, Matthew 711 S. 12th.5t. Johnson, Raymond Edward R FD 1, B 280 B Moore, Thomas L. P. O. Box 95 Johnson, Robert Wilbur RF D 1, B 129 Nelson, Leona 1106 Rankin St. Johnson, Stanley R. 253 Spruce Dr. Norman, Fred 606 S. 15th St. Johnston, J. G. 115 S. 15th St. Norris, Jack Box 148,Carolina Beac Johnson,'Maurice F. 313 Englewood Dr. Oxendine, James A. 111 l Sunnyvale Jordan, Billy 5437 Ridgewooii Hgt. Potter, Arnold 21~8 Jeb Stuart Dr. Jordan, Robert J. 6301 Oleander Rivenbark, E. A. RFD 1, Box 62 , Lamb, Mary Elizabeth RFD 2, B 357 Roberts, Sivet Vereen 220 9 Princess P2. Dr. \ I ~, ~ r.~ , ~~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting April 1}, 1966 Continued Jurors for the week beginning PJ~y 9, 1966 - •Civil (continued) ~Roberts, Tylon 24i5 Monroe St. Robinson, R. J. . 1222 ~_ 5. 8th St. Robinson, William 1}030 Patrick Ave. Rochelle, Norman P. 4317 Randall Dr., Sasser, Edward Herbert 4']17 College Dr. Sanders, Audrey L. RFD 1 B 1}17 Shepard, Belvery RFD 1, B 271 Shepard, D. C. RFD i, Box 226 Shepard, Francis M. 5226 Nk~cket St. Sloan, Wi nona Gertrude '726 N. llth St. Smith, Mary Bell !}25 Evans St. Spears, Lula Mae 1019 S. lOth St. Shepard, Curtis R. RFD i, Box 226 5tarling, Wm. Paul Stasios, Evelyn K. Staton, Wallace Stefano, Hazel M. Stegall, D. B. Stein, H. ~J. Stein, Leon 5ummers, James H. Stokley, James B. Vereen, E. G. Jr. Woodbury, Lillie M. Worrell, Wm. R. . Weeks, Jack 'N7. Jurors for the week beqinninq Ntav 23, 1966 - Civil Brown, Esther 512 Church St. Robbins, Charles L. Bryant, Samuel L. !}020 Greenway Av. Robbins, Wm. Sterling Bullard, Jackie Lane 2106 Pender Ave. Rose, Nancy Smith ,Dawson, Ennis F. 146 Parkwood Dr. Sanders, G. L. , Dizor, A. H. 6336 Wrightsv. Ave.Severe, Jack '1rd. Dobo, Crabriei p~~?ig~~~v43Seach Shepard, C. E. Shinn, John M. Emmart, M.S. RFD 2, B 131 . Sidbury, James T. Evans, Rosie J. 1407 Glenn St, Jonathan Smith Jeweli, Ed Smith 238 Bon~am Ave. ,. ;Johnson, A. H. 215 Dixie Ave. Snyder, John A. ~IJohnson, William Fraz ier RFD 3,B 169 Soots, Elvin A. Jr. Jordan, Ernest RFD 1, B 260 Sovtherland, C. J. Keith, Mrs. Mary H. 210'N. lsth Stallard, James W. Hailey, Ronald E. 220 Oak Hurst Rd. Stanley, Lloyd D. Holden, Ted 113 Meares St. Stokley, Clar¢nce J. ~olioweli, ' ~~ P~ 21~01 Westminister W Suttle, F. Howard !i!. awson, ay 503 Airlie Road Sutton, Mattie T. Lewis, F. W. RFII 1, Box 129 D Taibert, John T. Long, L. J. I RFD 1, B 267 Tart, Thomas J. Martin, Lottie 481~J+ Market St. Taylor, Claudia ;Mason, Carl E. 5433 Andover Rd. Taylor, Henry Ray Mathews, H. H. 1706 ChesAnut St. Taylor, John McLeod, Dorsey 911 Murphys Alley Thomas, Harry Edwin Melton, J. C. 7036 Wrightsv. Ave.Traynham, Charles M. Merrick, '~inslow 520 Walnut St. Warlick, Frazier, Merrill, Earl B. 159 Winter Green Rdy~hiteted Howard L. Miller, H. J. 101!} Green 5t. , Willette, A. A. Moore, Marion M. 609 N. 23rd 5t. Woody, Thomas K. Pridgen, M. L. RFD 2, Box 3q6 Roane, Juphenia R. 610 Walnut St. 'Robertshaw, Jacob D. 131 Parkwood Dr. Jurors for the week beqinnina May 30, 1966 - Civil Regular term iBeasley, Leroy Bidd2e, Herbert McC. ~Br.own, ml111ie J. Buck, O. D. Bumby, G. J. Burney, J. N. , Dolan, Wm. C. 'Hall, H. A. Holt, J. M. Howard, Richard Howe 11, Nrary L. Howel'1, Milton E. Jenkins, Henry Jeweil, C. D. Johnson, Gerald G. Johnson, Rev. Johnnie Johttson, Terling R. Johnston, Willie Sue Josenhans, Duane II y Joyner, 1~. F. I Kelley, C. M. Jr. Hlut2, Loy Jr. Lackey, James Harry Marshall, Duke C. ~ Martin, Maude P. Mason, H. R. a Mathis, Carl N. J. May, Harold , McIntyre, John T. , McLean, Charles H. RFD 3, Box 30 Melton, D. D. Sr. 124 Stokley Rd. Metz, Mildred L. 1106 S. 6th St. Meyland, .1. W. Jr. !}722 Colleg¢ Dr. Miller, Claude W. 4~27 Carolina Be~c~hMitchell, Alexander J. 21q Oakcrest Dr. Mitcheil, Rossi Lee E. 230 Oak Leaf Dr. Moore, Thomas L. 215 Evans St. Osborne, Clarence Wilson 3615 Wilshire B2vd.Peoples, Geneva 1210 Dock 5t. Rivenbark, Thurman J. !}200 Lake St. Rises, Lula S. 2110 Princess P1. Dr. Bobbins, Alonza RFD 1, Box 162 Roberts, C. B. P. O. Box 901 Roberts, R. L. 3606 Worth Dr. ' Ross, Marion T. H.1105 N. 6th St. Salter, HerberL A. 580t} Oleander Dr. Smith, Arthur G. 905 N. Kerr Ave. Smith, Isiah ~m24 Heide Dr. Sheehan, J. S. RFD 3, B 502 Sidbury, Jane G. RFD 1, 8 306 x Smtth, James L. Jr. BoxC~Bolina Beach, Smith, Johnnie Smiih, Rena B. 1 Toulon Dr. S uires, Homer P. ~0 Southern Blvd. Stolter, H. C. P. O. Box 1l}4 Sutton, Charles W. 25 Island Dr. 1607 Chestnut St. Taylor, Mrs. J. M. 15 N. 23rd St. Taylor, W. A. 2537 Burnett Blvd. Taylor, W. C. 11 Southern Blvd. Wolfe, A, R. 216 Francis Marion Dr. 520 Nixon St. RFD 1., Box l}36 ia6 N. 16tn st. 602~5. Herr Ave. jlt} N. 15th SL. b03 Castle St. 4741 College Dr. 4611 Mockingbird Lane 511 Shipyard Blvd. RFD 1, B 108 169 Hallbrooke Ave. 527 E. Shipyard Blvd. 213 s. 11th st. 242 Rose Ave. % Rose Ice & Coal Co. P. o. Box 293 233 Spruce Dr. RFD 1, B 228 309 MacMillan Ave. RFD 1, Box 334th ~'~}~/yAiTlieiRd. Wrightsv. Beach,N.C. 5320 Andover Rd. 4922 Oleander Dr. 802 Blue Bird Lane RFD 3, Box 291 A 5720 Camellia Lane 138 Wintergreen Rd. 134 Stokiey Rd. 1003 Country Club Rd. 113 Greenviile Ave. 1610 Chestnut St. 5!}25 Andover Rd. RFD 1, B 356 4137 Greenway 2!}13 Oleander Dr. 100 5. 41st St. 309 Long St. Box 574, Carolina Beach 508 Princess St. 2523 Jefferson St. 4204 Lake Ave. !}137 Halifax Rd. 23l~ Giles Ave. !}221 Halifax Rd. $1!}0 Market St•. Rd. l}1G3 Oleander Dr. 207 S. l}ist St. 41!} Bladen St. RFD 3, B 396 316 N. 4th St. 820 S. 7th St. 5107 Wrightsv. Ave. , 204 Causeway Dr. RFD 2, Box 307 717 Ann St. 509 Sunset Ave. 106 Rogers Ave. 209 Oak Leaf Dr. 2417 Market 5t. RFD 3, Box l}07 319 Clover Rd. 313 Dawson St. 128 Dupree Dr. RFD 1 P'W~~ ghtsv?~~each 2909 Princess St. 109 Rogersvil2e Rd. 106 Air23e Dr. 206 Spruce Dr. I r`i ~~ "f~" Minutes of the Meeting April 1~, 1966 :lurors:.for the Week'bepinninq Niav 30, Continued _- ~- - 1966 - Cfvil Speciai Federal Courtroom ~~ Batson, Thomas R. RFD 1, B 99 AB Jordan, Harlee RFD 1, Box 264 Bowden, L. C. 5120.Ca~¢ac~ aRd Keels, Aibert•A. ~01} C. C. Road Bradley, John R. . i 813 Dock St. Kelly, David RFD 3, Box 581 Campbell, C. C. 316 Parkway Dr. King,.Goldie J. 21}02 Princess St. Canady, Eugene 4934 Pine St. King, W. M. 3!}06 Wilshire Blvd. Carambat, N.•E. 21f} Brightwood Rd. Hnox, J. L. 522 Market St. Costin, E. E. 1503 5. 5th St. Lane, George W. (}16 Wooster St.- Council, H. L. 2023 Pender Ave. Loughlin, H. M. 701} Essex Dr. Daniels, Sandy;; 1019 S lOth St. McBride; Mattie 605 N, lOth 5t. Davis, Frances Alma RFD 3, Box 23 McCoy, J. F. 2014 Princess Rtl.Dr. Dickey, J. B. 1113 N. 3rd St. McGhee, W. H. 409 MacRae St. Earwood, H. B. Sr. RFD 2, B 159 A McKoy, L. S. • 1016 S. 12th St. Elfrink, Alberta 6026 Wrightsv. Ave. McWatty, James E. 22!}7 Mimoso Piace George, Judson RFD 2, Box 1~20 Merrill, Leslie M. RFD 1, Box 199 Harvey, Lloyd L. 35 Pickett Dr. O~Sullivan, Harper N~D 23 14 Washington St. Hayes, Hubert 520 S. 2nd St. Price, Evelyn H. 120 S. qth St. Henderson, Leila W. 1724 Orange St. Powell, Julia D. 110 S. 4th St. Henry, W. H. 103 S. llth 5t. Reaves, T. 'W. !}200 Greenfield St. Henry, Wilbert 1019 S. bth St. Reavis, Hugh L. Jr. 235 Brightwood Rd. Herrin, D. J. 211 N. 15th St. Rochelle, Edward F. 461 Greenwood Rd. Heyer, Spencer Dunbar 1307 S. 7th St. Sipe, M. M, 229 Rose Ave. Hickman, Elmer L. 2522VanBut'snS`f. Stanley, Nathan Russ ell 501~l~ Pine St. Hickman, L. Eugene 257 N. 26th St. Stein, Mrs.'G. 221 N._23rd St. Hickman, Mrs. U. A. 2409 Jefferson St. Sullivan, Rudolph S. 119 5. 52nd St. Hicks, Charles W. 38t}7 Malvern Rd. Talbot,'J. B. 112 Colonial Vi,~lage Hill, Lula 910 Chestnut St. Thomas; H. Emerson, Jr. P .O. Box 782 H3nes, Paul C. 123 N. Channei Dr. Vaught, Florence 703 N. 5tki St. Hodges, Theiam 220 S. lith St. White, Flowe Craig Box 818 Holland, Raymond H. Jr. 121!} A2alea Dr. Wil2iams, N~ria E. 1921 Woolcott Ave. Johnson, Elizabeth Alle n 1116 Dock St. AD.lOURNMENT • Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. ', ~ . G. Houck, Execu Wilmington, N. C. Secretary April 18, 1966 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County.Board of Commiss- ioners was held on the above date in the Commissioner's Room of the County Court House wib~ the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commiss- ioners, Messrs. Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak. and M. H. Vaughan, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. was absent from the meeting due to illness. INUOGATION - . The minister scheduled as Chaplain misunderstood the time of the meeting and arrived after the Board Chairman had called on the Executive Secretary to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Before approving the minutes, Mr. Vaughan requested that the foliowing , sentence be added to the paragraph'headed "SALT MARSH DRAINAGE" in the minutes of the I last meeting, "This was agreed~on'by the Bo~rd." and in the paragraph headed "WELFARE ' APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS",~ Mr. Vaughan requested that the County'Auditor itemize the funds making up the $52;000 which he stated had been~added to the present Budget: ; New~Appropriations - Emergency to Surplus Commodities $300.00 ,r n rt • if ri • n 79.99 " " - Reserve " Salaries ' 18,786.00 Transfer - O.A.A. ' ' " A.P.T.D. ' 3,500.00 " -A.D.C. " " 3,500.00 '~ - O.A.A. ~' M. A. A. 1,750.00 " - Hosp. " Hosp. 7,500.00 Transfer but increases to be carried forward - Hosp. " " Auto Allow. 2,150.00 " " - Juvenile . " Boarding Home Care 4,800.00 ~~ New Appropriations - Revenue . " " " " ' 4.300.00 ~~ ~~ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~, ~~ . 1, 699 . 00 ,i ~~ ~~ _ ~~ ~~ „ ~~ ~~ 4 8o i . o0 Transfer - Social::Security " Telephone , 550.00 I ~ $52,715.99 ~ After these corrections, the minutes were vnanimously approved as amended upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden. i II ~ ~I COUNTY RETIREMENT SYSTEM - a ' A letter was received from the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System I setting out Lhe resv2ts of the calculations made by an Actuary to determine the normal ~ continued- ~ ~~