HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-04-18 Regular Meetingr`i ~~ "f~"
Minutes of the Meeting April 1~, 1966
:lurors:.for the Week'bepinninq Niav 30,
_- ~- -
1966 - Cfvil Speciai Federal Courtroom ~~
Batson, Thomas R. RFD 1, B 99 AB Jordan, Harlee RFD 1, Box 264
Bowden, L. C. 5120.Ca~¢ac~
aRd Keels, Aibert•A. ~01} C. C. Road
Bradley, John R. .
813 Dock St. Kelly, David RFD 3, Box 581
Campbell, C. C. 316 Parkway Dr. King,.Goldie J. 21}02 Princess St.
Canady, Eugene 4934 Pine St. King, W. M. 3!}06 Wilshire Blvd.
Carambat, N.•E. 21f} Brightwood Rd. Hnox, J. L. 522 Market St.
Costin, E. E. 1503 5. 5th St. Lane, George W. (}16 Wooster St.-
Council, H. L. 2023 Pender Ave. Loughlin, H. M. 701} Essex Dr.
Daniels, Sandy;; 1019 S lOth St. McBride; Mattie 605 N, lOth 5t.
Davis, Frances Alma RFD 3, Box 23 McCoy, J. F. 2014 Princess Rtl.Dr.
Dickey, J. B. 1113 N. 3rd St. McGhee, W. H. 409 MacRae St.
Earwood, H. B. Sr. RFD 2, B 159 A McKoy, L. S. • 1016 S. 12th St.
Elfrink, Alberta 6026 Wrightsv. Ave. McWatty, James E. 22!}7 Mimoso Piace
George, Judson RFD 2, Box 1~20 Merrill, Leslie M. RFD 1, Box 199
Harvey, Lloyd L. 35 Pickett Dr. O~Sullivan, Harper N~D 23 14 Washington St.
Hayes, Hubert 520 S. 2nd St. Price, Evelyn H. 120 S. qth St.
Henderson, Leila W. 1724 Orange St. Powell, Julia D. 110 S. 4th St.
Henry, W. H. 103 S. llth 5t. Reaves, T. 'W. !}200 Greenfield St.
Henry, Wilbert 1019 S. bth St. Reavis, Hugh L. Jr. 235 Brightwood Rd.
Herrin, D. J. 211 N. 15th St. Rochelle, Edward F. 461 Greenwood Rd.
Heyer, Spencer Dunbar 1307 S. 7th St. Sipe, M. M, 229 Rose Ave.
Hickman, Elmer L. 2522VanBut'snS`f. Stanley, Nathan Russ ell 501~l~ Pine St.
Hickman, L. Eugene 257 N. 26th St. Stein, Mrs.'G. 221 N._23rd St.
Hickman, Mrs. U. A. 2409 Jefferson St. Sullivan, Rudolph S. 119 5. 52nd St.
Hicks, Charles W. 38t}7 Malvern Rd. Talbot,'J. B. 112 Colonial Vi,~lage
Hill, Lula 910 Chestnut St. Thomas; H. Emerson, Jr. P .O. Box 782
H3nes, Paul C. 123 N. Channei Dr. Vaught, Florence 703 N. 5tki St.
Hodges, Theiam 220 S. lith St. White, Flowe Craig Box 818
Holland, Raymond H. Jr. 121!} A2alea Dr. Wil2iams, N~ria E. 1921 Woolcott Ave.
Johnson, Elizabeth Alle n 1116 Dock St.
Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously
voted to adjourn the meeting. ',
. G. Houck, Execu
Wilmington, N. C.
April 18, 1966
8:00 A. M.
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County.Board of Commiss-
ioners was held on the above date in the Commissioner's Room of the County Court House
wib~ the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commiss-
ioners, Messrs. Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak. and M. H. Vaughan, Jr.; County
Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner J. M.
Hall, Jr. was absent from the meeting due to illness.
The minister scheduled as Chaplain misunderstood the time of the meeting
and arrived after the Board Chairman had called on the Executive Secretary to give the
Before approving the minutes, Mr. Vaughan requested that the foliowing ,
sentence be added to the paragraph'headed "SALT MARSH DRAINAGE" in the minutes of the I
last meeting, "This was agreed~on'by the Bo~rd." and in the paragraph headed "WELFARE '
APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS",~ Mr. Vaughan requested that the County'Auditor itemize
the funds making up the $52;000 which he stated had been~added to the present Budget: ;
New~Appropriations - Emergency to Surplus Commodities $300.00
,r n rt • if ri • n 79.99
" " - Reserve " Salaries ' 18,786.00
Transfer - O.A.A. ' ' " A.P.T.D. ' 3,500.00
" -A.D.C. " " 3,500.00
'~ - O.A.A. ~' M. A. A. 1,750.00
" - Hosp. " Hosp. 7,500.00
Transfer but increases to be carried
forward - Hosp. " " Auto Allow. 2,150.00
" " - Juvenile . " Boarding Home Care 4,800.00 ~~
New Appropriations - Revenue . " " " "
' 4.300.00
~~ ~~ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~,
~~ . 1, 699 . 00 ,i
~~ ~~ _ ~~ ~~ „ ~~ ~~ 4
8o i . o0
Transfer - Social::Security " Telephone ,
550.00 I
~ $52,715.99
After these corrections, the minutes were vnanimously approved as amended upon motion of
Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden.
i II
' A letter was received from the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System
I setting out Lhe resv2ts of the calculations made by an Actuary to determine the normal ~
~ ~~
, .h ~q-
~'~ ~f M.Y'
_-_- ~tft.PS~f _tl'lE~2E_L_~,'_ . _-~:1?1'~_L~~~.E?~~-r~f1$~~33i34,.-[~. . .- -. .- --_ .
contribution rates as a percentage of payroil based on the present number and
lannual payroll of County employees. Each of the Commissioners had been furnished with
basic informatfon regarding the Local Governmental Empioyees Retirement System inciuding
a summary of investment portfolio as of December 31, 1965 along with the following annual
Icontributions required. " "
i General % r:• F3remen &: : General . Firemen &
' . Employees Policeman EmploYees Policemen
Normal . $4.75 • $5.o5
Accrued Liability . 3.18 . 3.18
Total . 7.93 • 8•23
. 527,674 : $4,270.00
18.527_ : 2,689.00
. 46,201 . 6,959.00 .
After a brief discussion, the Chairman suggested that it might be well to appoint a Com-
mittee to make a study of this proposal along with Mr. Meares Harriss who has been nam~d
`~Agent of Record". By unanimous consent, the Board agreed to this suggestion with the
provision that the Chairman consult drith each Commissioner before making the appointments.
} Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that no decision had been made with reference
to providing additional Courtroorrs which are so badly needed. He offered a motion that
the Chairman appoint a Committee to make a study of the needs along with the County
Attorney, and make recommendations to the Board for meeting those needs. It was seconded
by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed.
Mr. Vavghan observed that it is his understanding that it was~the intention
of the Board of Commissioners not to pay any further bills submitted by the Board of
Elections unless they were itemized. He requested that all future bills ofi.Lrie,.Bdard
of E3ections be itemized and presented before the Soard of Commissioners for approval~
before payment. He proposed that the County Attorney be authorized to prepare a motion
~before the Superior Court Judge as a legal recourse.to assure the Board of Commissioners
that the permanent looseleaf voter registration syste,m is installed ~is fall. He moved
Ithat the County Attorney initiatc some positive action to see thzt this is done. It was
seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion. After a brief discussion, the
question wza called on the motion. Mr. Vaughan voLed for the motion, Messrs. Bowden
anfl Braak voted against the motion. The Chairman did not vote but declared the motion
failed. The Chairman then suggestcd thzt the Board of Commissioners request the Board
of Elections to make monthly progress reports on the permanent looseleaf registration
I system, beginning 30 days ~fter the May primary. By common cmnsent, thc Board asked
that this sub,ject be put on the Agenda for additional discussion at the first meeting in
I,3une. :The Ceunty Attorney suggested that it should be in the form of a motion.~ Mr.
IBrzak then moved that the Board of Commissi~ners ask the Board of Elections for progress
ireports after June 30th on monthiy basis. It wzs seconded by Mr. Bowden, and unanimously
carried. •,, .
I . ,
Ceunty Auditor Love presented an itemited invoice from the Chairman of the
Boa"rd"of`.EleCt,ion's.. in=the zmourit-of =$~~;78.•~oGE~ing'eitpe'nses lr~=at~6ndirig~a three day
Seminar held by the State Board of E,lections for instructions of_the L~ezl Election
Board Chairman. After some discussi~n, Mr. Bowden:,moved that the bill be approved
since it was itemized and paid. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. When thc ball~t was
taken, Mr. Vaughan vr~ted "NO" but as the other members of thc Board voted "YES", the
Chairman declared the motion carried.
The Executive Secret~ry reported t• the Bozrd that Mrs. Lucy Vaugtit had made
him an offer of $400.00 for a parcel of ,jointly owned tax foreclosed prmperty described
as Deing a part of Lot 2 in Block 360 and is 33~ x 150' located bciween North 7th St.
~and Love~s Alley. The County Property Assessor has inspected the pr~perty and reports
thzt a fair market value is $450.00. The Board of Commissi~ners, at their meeting on
'February 21, approved the szle of the property for $500.00 provided it rras agrceable to
the City Council. The City Council, at their meeting on February 28th, approved the
sale •f the pr~perty at $525,00. Mrs. Vaught was present ¢nd explained that the lot
was an old bmrrew pit wh3ch has been filled in with old debris from roefing repairs and
will have t~ b~ filled in wfth dirt before z so2id fovndati~n could be establiahed t•
hald a building ~f any kind. She again offered $L}00.00 f~r the l~t. After aemc dis-
cussie~, the Bsard, by unanimous commsn consent•, instructed the Executive Secretary to
have the Property Assessors go out and reappraise the preperty and estimate the cost of
grading and filling necessary to make it suitable f~r building.
On April llth, a Committee of the Azalea Festival requested approval.f~r using
firevorks at the arrival of the Queen en roPadneaday evening, April 13th ~t Bleuthenthal
qField.'i As the B~ard met inf~rmzlly on Tuesdny evening, April 12th, the matter was dis-
cussed and by unaAim~us agrcement, nppr~ved ths Pirewarks f~r this ~ceasi~n pr widing
they hzd the approval sf tha Cnunty Att~rney aad Yhe Airport Manzger. At todayts meet-
iiag, this actien xas ratified "nunc pre tnnc" upen a motien by Nlr. Bowden, secended by
,Mr. Braak..`.._ ~.^"_°. ~ ~_'°~? ...... :.' ~ .`. : i. .. ~
n ~^ <
~~,, Lf
The Executive Secretary reported te the Board of Commissiencrs that the
Clerk of Superi~r Court and the Register of Deads has requested approvnl to close their
offices on Azalea Festival Parnde Day, Saturday, April 16th. Unless it is declarcd
a legal holiday Sy the Commissioners, tha General Statutes reqnires them to remain epen
for one-half day. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unani-
mously agreed to declare Szturday, April 16 z icgzl holiday fer County employees. This
actien was unanimuusly ratified by the Board zt this meeting "nunc pro tunc°.
Minutes of the Metting April 18, 1966 Continued
Mr. John E. Mi~od, Sr „ the County Electrical Inspcctor, reported to the Board
of Commissioners that since the City had taken aver thc inspection work in the one mile
perimeLer area outSide the City Limits, his fees have not bcen sufficient to ,justify his
,job. He reporLed that in 196!} his fees and mileage amounted to approximately $9,000
but since that time ft had drmppad to $1}100.00 in 1965. He presenLed a schedu2e of tht
feea charged by the City Electrical Inspectors but did not recommend that they increase
the County fees at the present time. It was suggested that he bring back a comparison
of his income for the past three years and the present fees that are being charged along
with recommended changes.
Mr. •Sam 1n1. Johnson, Chairman of the Committee appointed ta study the needs i
of the Tax LYati~g and Tzx Collccting Departments and mzke recommendations for modernizin~
their mechanics of operation, explzined to the Bozrd that due to circumstnncee, over whibi
he had no centrol, the Committce had not heen ablc to complete its investigatiens and
asked the Commissieners for an extensien •f two veeks time bePore making his report.
i~pon m~tisn of Mr. Braak, secondeA by Mr. Bowden, it was unnnimously ngreed to receive
the report at their meeting on l~y 2nd. I,
a\. Messrs. Fred E. Bo~.t, Jack D. Davis, Richard B. Kep2ey and Henry L. Saundera,
C1. Mayor of Carsiina Beach, came before the Board of Cemmissioner~ seeking their endorsement~.
~° to construct an 18 hole Golf Course and Country Club north of Snow}s Inlet on the east I
bAnk of the Cape Fear River near the Coast Guard Loran Station. Mr. D~vis acted as
spokesman znd explained that their preliminnry cost amounted to $365,000 and will cover
an are~ of betrreen 125-160 acres. The plans for this proposed pro,ject have been under
study for the past two years. It is to be a package deal. Tkie initial p,lans call for I
a small clubhouse, with a swimming pool, shuffleboard ¢nd tennia courts, to be operate~ I
on a non-profit basis. After congratulnting the gruup on n fine presentation of their
proposal, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the ilea be endorsed as a forrrard step in de-
veloping the south end of the county. It was seconled by Mr. Bowden anl unanimously
adopted. '~
, '
Mr. Jnck H. Webb, Town iNanager of Carolinn Bcach and a gronp of citizens
came before the Boaral and explained that they are negotiating with a manufacturing~firm
which has tentatively agreed to locate in their area providing the Town of Carolina
will furnish water anl seweragc facilities. The Town is not financially ablc to finznce
the cost of this pro,ject at the present time. Mr. W~bb reporLed that he ha1 attended
a recent meeting in Elizabethtown, at which.time it was explained that under the Economicj
Development Act of 1965 the Federal Government is authorized to grant up to 50~ of the
cost of such a program but that the County woult have to be designated as being eligible
to receivc such funds be"~'ore the Town of Carolina Beach couli qualify to receive the I
funds. He un~lerstands that one of the qualifications necessary is substantial uncmploy-
ment and that~i~e was toli at the meeting in Elizabethtown that New Hanover County, along
with Brunswiek does quzlify providcd the County, through the Board of Commissionera,
makes a request through the State by a Resolution or motion asking that the County be
so de§ignate9. After a discussion of the mztter, Mr. Vaughan moved thnt the-Attorney-
investigate the proposal and briag ia a recommsndation at the next Board meeting. Mr.
WebD atated he di@ not think this ielay would hinder their chances of sectiring the in-
dustry although they cre anxiousto give them an :nswer as soon as possible. The motion ~
was seconded by Mr. Br~ak'and undnimously adopted.
Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, s~conded by Mr. Brzak, the following application
for a beer permit was unanimously approved for eonsideration and lnvestigation by the
the Sheriff; " "
Hoarart ~'heodore Misenheimer T/A Board Walk Canteen
Carolina Beach,M.C.
The C1-airman read a letter from Mrs. Carrie L. Mintz stating.that she had
recently visittd the new location in Flemington where the bodies from the County cemetery
are being reinterred. She was very complimentary of the place but thought that the name
should be chnnged from Oak Grove Ccmetery to Pine Grove Cemetery for the reason that
there are no oaks at the location, only pines and thnt it might be confusing to someone
that was not fami2far to the new location. After somc discussion, the Bo~rd, by com-
mon consent, agreed to take no action on the matter at this timc and instructed the
Executive Secretary to answer Lhe lettcr and advise Mrs..Mintz to this effect.
Complying with the request of the Commissioners at a previous meeting, Dr.
William A. Wagoner, sent a letter attaching the tabulation of the schools involved in
the proposed paving program, along rrith a three ycar priority schedule. , After some
discussion, Mr. Vzughan offered a motion that the proposed schedule ani recommeniations
be accepted and that the~City Council be urged to put it into effect ~t tht first pos-
sible moinent. There sras no second to this motiori and the Chairman declared it died
for lack of n sccond. 'Mr. Bourden then move! that the priority achedule recommended by
the Board of Elncation be zcctpted, inclulit~g the stipulation in the letter that if
additional funls are available, the Board.might move forward, with the seconA year~s
v'~r ~~
Minvtes of the Meeting April 18, 1966 continued _
pro~ect or riithin the discretion of the County nnd City officials~,substitu-
tions might be considered. • It was secondc~ by Mr. Braak with the provision that copies
'~ of the schedule be sent to the City Couneil. When the bnllot was taken, Mr. Vaughnn
voted "NO", however, nll other members of the Bonrd voted "YES" and the Chairman declarefl
it carried by a mn~ority vote.
I .
(a) Willistnn:
(b) Mary W. Howe:
(c) D. C. Virgo:
Ann Street -- lOth to llth
lOth Strect -- Orange to Ann
Mearea Street -- lOtki to 12th
8th Street -- Nixon to Howard
$ 33,325•32
E1win A. A1lerman:
Whole pro~ect including intersection
Mary W. Howei
D. C, Virgo:
(a) Williston:
(b) Mary W. Howes
(c) D. C. Virgo:
N~arsteller Street -- lOth to 12th
Hownrd Strect -= Sth to 9th
Ann Street -- 9th to lOth
Ann Strect --llth to 12th
Ann Street --12th to 13th
lOth Street -- Meares to Marsteller
, ,.
Widening 9th Strcet -- Nixon to Howard
including intersection
10, 7~.45
. 4,900.50
$ 27,280.95
$ 4,16~.90
l~, 921.51
$ 24.~71.oi
The Tax Snpervisor presented a Tax Notice sent to Loag Leaf Acres, Inc:,
addressel ~ Cnpe Fear ~opping Cnnter on which n non-liatir~g penaity had baen charge~.
From information ¢vailablc, this particular piece of properiy has never~been listed by
its owner and each year it has been necesaary to xaive the penalty imposed for non-listing.
Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously ienied r+aiver of
the penalty nni intersst.
The Tax Supervisor presented a request from the Crowrs Boa Corporation request-
ing waivcr of non-listing penalty claiming thAt their aud3t,on hai reqaested an extension
of time for listing because he was unzble to complete the zudit dnring tha legal listing
period. Tha Tax Supervisor explained thni he had received n letter from a firm of public
accountants datefl January 27th, 1965 in an envelope post ~rked Nlay 31st, 1965. Mr. Kraley
had been in to discuss the matter with him and statcd that thc letter receivcd at thzt
time wzs a ~luplicate of the original leiter and that ha would furnish the Tax Snpervisor
with'tangible cviiencc to support his contention but ao far has not ione so. No actiora rrns
taken on this matter pending receipt of evidence to support it.
- At this point, the Tax Supervisor reminded the Board that the Chairman, Dr.
Hooper, was absent wtaen the Oath was administered aa rcqufred by the General Statutes be-
fore entering upor~ his duty as a member of the Board of Equalization anA Review. A recess
was Ceclared and Dr. Joseph W. Hooper repzired to the Cle~cof 5uperior Govrt-s Office where
the Oath was administered by the Clerk. •, .
The Tax Supervisor informed the Board thnt the State Association af Assessing
i Officials anal the Institute of Government has arrangcd a Seminar on May 9jrd in Fayetteville
on the topic of "Effect of New Industrial Development on Real Property Values". He re-
quested pcrmission to nttend this Seminar, along with the Chief Aaseasing Officer, Raymond
E. Bl4ke, Jr. Mr. Vaughan moved that this reqnest b~ approvea p~ov111ng th~t eac~ of
the men attending make a report of the meeting. :It waa seconded by Mr. BowAen and un4ni-
II mously carritd. - .
The Exccutive Secretary reportcd that he had received an answer from his cor-
respondence with the Mecklenburg Insvrance Advisory Committee. By common consent of the
Board, he was instructed to send a copy to Mr. Allen T. Strange.
The Executive Secretary reported thzt the 53rd Annual Convention of the Nationnl
Rivers and Harbors Congress is scheduled for Jnne ~- 10, 1966 at the Mayflower Hotel in
,Washington, D. C. By common consent, the Board suthorized the Executive Secretary to make
reservations for three &ouble rooms.
~~ ~I I
{' ~ ~.
~, ,r
Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1966 Continued
, A copy oY"~the Grznd Jury Report concerning the activitics of the Mnrch
Criminal term of Superior Court m~de to His Honor, Albert W. Cowper, Jndge Presiding,
calltd attention to z need for some improvement at the Washington Catlctt School for
retarded children. It recommend~d that the Sanitation Department of the Board of
Hea2th inspect the conditions at the school and refer it to the proper authorities if '
any remedies are recommended. Upon motion of Mr. Boxden, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the
Board instructed the Executive Secretary to send a copy of it to the Consolidated
Board of Health.
The County Attorney presented tt~e fol2owing Resolut3on for approval of the
Board to be includcd in tAe mementos ta be placed in the corncrstone of tht New Hanover
Memorial Hospital now under construction. A formai Cornerstone Laying Ceremony is II
sChedulcd for 2:30 P. M. Sund~y, April 21~.th, 19b6. All Commissioners are urged to I
R E S O L U T I O N n
4(HERFAS, the Commissiontrs of New Hanover County have been advistd that the
. Trustees of Ne~a Hanovcr Memorizi Hospitai h¢ve progresscd to the polnt of plannir~g I
a Cornerstone Ceremor~y on April 21~., 1966 and
WHEAEAS, the Commissioncrs have followed with great interest thc construction
of this ncw facility and have undertaken, whenever poscible, to contrlbutc to the
success of thfs pro,Ject, brought into existcnce by a vote of the cttizens of New
Hanover County;
1. That the Commissioners of Ncw Hanover Covnty on behalf of Lhe intertsted
citizens of the County, express both their graLitutlc and best Mishes to thc Trustee¢
on this lmportant occasion. ,
2. That a copy of this resolntion be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and
that a copy of this resolution be delivered to the Trustees for deposit in the
Cornerstone. p
Done at Wilmington, North Cs-rolinn, this the 18th day of Aprit, 1966 II
Board of Commissioners of, New ;
Hanover County ~ '
/5/ Jos. W. Hooper
Ctia i rman
i ` M. H. Vguqhan
Peter H. Braak '
'W. G. Houck
Executive Secretary
L. O. Bowden
J. M. Hail, Jr.
The Cour~ty Auditor prescnted a rcquest from tht former Clerk of Superiot
Court asking that he be sent his vacation pay which Ae has not taken during Lhe
last year. Aftar some discussion in which it aas brought out that he had served '
9 months or 3/4 of the currcnt fiscal year ~nd,thereford,.vas entitled to scparation,'
pay zmounting to 3/4 of his semimonthly salary. Upon motion cf'Mr. Bowden, stconded
by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved tht payment of the semimonthly snlary
gs separation for Mr. H. Foster Edwards, resigned.
The Chairman czllad attention to a letter from the Chief of the Southern
Region of the Airport District Office pointing out that the City Garbage puts out enor- ~
mous quzntities of amoke which restrict pilot visibility and the Dump likewise attrACts ~
sezgulls ahic}~ adds to the hazards of flyimg afrcraft. By common consent, the Bourd
instructed the Executive Sesrctary to send a copy of thia correspondence to the City _
Council for their consideration.
Mr. Vaughpn suggested that ~ letter be sent to the League of Women voters
thankirsg them for their interest 3n the permanent 2ooscleaf voter regiatration system ~
and their offers to assist in implemcnting the program.
Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board tkat thty had met informaily with thc Board of
Education at which time the funds nccdcd to maintain a high standard of e&ucation in
New Hanover Coanty Schools was discusst~t. He offered a motion that a atatement be ~
inserted 9n these minutes that at that time Lhe Board of Edueation was assured by the
Board of Commissioners that needed funds would be made available. It wns seconded by
Mr. Bowden ~nd when the votes wert taken, Mr. Braak voted "NO" stating that he did not i
see wny necessity for such a statcment in the minutes. All th.e other members of thc ~
Board present voted "YES" and the Chairman'declarcd_it carried"by a ma,~ority vote.
Minutes oP ths_Me_et~n~~r=i~ 18_,_. LQ.bb_.. _c.ontinue.e~' -_- --- -
The qucsti-on zrose concerning leasing the NcM Hanover Memorial Hospital to a
Board of Managers oP a Board of Trustecs for operating the Hospitml. It wAS felt that
s similar situation had faced the Commfssioners of Wake County and the Boarfl instructed
Ithe•Executive SecreLary to write a letter to thc Board of Commissioners of Wake Countyr
and ask them for details of thcir lease arrangements with the Wake Covnty Hospitai.
The County Auditor reported to the Board that the Drug Account set up for the
Mental He~lth Center needs $1800.00 to c~rry it through the remainder of this fiscal year.
This is a-reimbursable itcm. He recommends that funds be appropriated from Unanticfpated
Revenuc in the Drug and Fee Account to thc Drug Fund Account of thc Mental Health Centcr.
Upon motion of Mr. Brauk, seconded by Mr. Bovden, the Board unanimously approved this
recommcndation nnd appropriation.
The Chairman observed that while no discussion of the pians for the organization
of the Planning and Zoning Bonrd was put on the Agends, it is his nnderstanding that the
ilJoint Study Committee agreed to make~further investigztion znd work out the detafls. Mr.
Vaughan is of the opinion that thfs action should bc accelerated.
Thc foliowing rcports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference:
+ 1- Public Plotice from thc U. 5. Corps of Englneers relatlve to application for o
permit to construet an extension to their existing pier in Banks Channel at Hzrbor Island,
Wrightsville Be~ch, N. C. ,
The following good;znd lawful persons wcrc drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior
Court for the weeks beginning Mzy 16, t966 - Special Crimin~l term and May 23rd~
l f~ m:
Jurors for the week
~ bcQinnina Mzv 16. 1966 - n , n n r
Arnold, John F. ~ Frank Robbins McGce, Jerry 520 Wright St.
Carolinz Beach,N.C. Mich~elis, Mrs. Marg~ret 2015 S. Front St.
Blake, H. C. 2808 P7arket St. Mitchcll, Mildrem M. 2~24 Van Buren
I Botian, Lemuel 613 Bcunswick St. Munroe, Eula•J. !}19 N. l~lst St.
Bror~rn, M.C. Box t25 WrighLsv. Nixon, William 612 Clay St. .
Butters, J. T. 4924 Oleander$~Sr~h Parker, Clarence W. 309 Central B1vl.
6ovi1, Harvcy Thomas 404 Central Bivd. parkcr, J. Niley 2270 Mimosa P:lace
Croom, Robert R. RFD 2, B 13~ AA Peele.r, J. R.. 2716 Jtfferson St.
~ Davis, Lewis W. RFD 3, Box 23 Powell, James Nelaon 119-121 Morgan St.
Foreman, M. A. 519 Gract St. Oldhzm, Odell Box 136 Carolina Be~ch
Foust; LnRue B. 308 Parkway Dr. Ozment, B.F. Sr.
' lG.201 Wrightsv. Ave.
Green, Thomas 1~27 Mosely St. Rann, Nanni
e Patten 2212 Cheatnut St.
Hall, J. E. Jr. 2020 S. College Rd, Robinson, Cecil Box 57, Wrightsv. Bcach
Hankins, Robert Russtll 513 N. lOtn St.~ Smith, Raymond Lte L}308 Peachtree St.
Hartis, Henry G. 3835 ttztifax Rd. Spivey, Raymond P. 1308 Lincoln Rd:
Henson, Jos,e~h D. 218 Page Ave. $tewart,, Etta Gay 2508 ,lefferson St.
Herring, L, F. 706 N. Kerr Ave. Stone, G. F, 3t~1 Hooker Rd.
Herring, Lila E. 1002 Chcstnut St. Sutnmerlin, Frzncis Joanne 5~29 Wrightsv. Ave.
!Hines, Jamcs I. ~i329 Ole~nder Dr. Talman, Frznk Jr. 601 Central Blvd.
jJackson, Andrtw III 38~8 Gillette Dr. Taylor, Daniel J.,, 2305 N~aplc St.
iJohnson, Ida B. 2708 Hnrrison .St. ~aylor, Andrew S. RFD 2, B 229
Johnson, Robcrt L. 103 S. lOth St. Tt-omas, Wnlter 3522 Worth Dr.
~Heith, L. H. 211 Midland Dr. Tredwe11,.5arah Jane Stl S. 12th St.
King, Herbert 2318 Moss St. ~s~ery,.Lon E.' t906 Carolina Ave.
King, W. F. 70~ 5. Front St. Wade, J.E.'L. 207 Princess St.
King, kt. K. 517 Chestnut St. ~allace,.Addie 306 Meares St. ,.
Kyle, H. M. RFD 1, Box l}29 Warxick, George Y. 712 Cour~try Club Blve.
HLewia, A. Joyner 1323 Oxford Dr. WeDber,_Thomas Rudolph 1200 Rankin St,
I Martin, Annie % Foster Hill Wentz, Betty W. 409 Larchmont Dr.
Marsh, Lettie M.
I 118 S. lsth St.
Maseey, Noel J. 2716 V~n Buren St. • .
~ • , ;
Jurors for thc veek btainninq Mzv 23. 1966 - Special Criminal
Bannermon, Mrs. Annie S. Box 11$
Carolina Bench,N.C.
Brown, J. B. 109 5. 52nd St.
~,Byrd, Leslie RFD 2, Box 364
'Canzdy, C. L. RFD 3
Canzdy, Lacy 1208 Wright St.
Creasy, Mrs. Mac B. Box 4, Wri phts .
Dixon, Atha 2113 R¢nkin
Dixon; Ida M. 710 Ann St.
,Dunn, George B. 115 Grcen For~~t
IFiclds, George H. 212 S. 13th St.
Freeman, Alfvnza
~ RFD 2, B 333
Freemnn, John A. 1008 S. 21th SL.
Fryar, Herbert H, i23 Hinton Ave.
Givens, Ja~es RFD 1, B 347
Griff-in, James R. RFD 2, B 143
Haviaras, Jamas J. 318 Buckner Dr.
Hebbe, James M. 212 Oak Leaf Dr.
'Herring, Paul L. 2721~ Harrison St.
Herritage, Thom~s M. 1310 Hawthorne Rd.
Hobbs, Isabelle N. 15 N, lsih St.
HolllQay, Willizm M. 616 S. 6th SL.
Hnghes, Chester Arthur l~210 Eigtwood Rd.
IJames, Silas RFD 3, Box 323
La}~EIAti~ Donald R. 1319 Oxford Rd.
Leona'rd, Lillie A. Worth Dr.
Losscn, Miss Emma 919 5. 3rd St.
Mallett, Annie 1216 S. 7th St.
~ F~rine, Wm. A. ~ 3~01 Wilshire Blvd.
NkClain, Ernest 204'Gores Row
Mc2eake, Rosa M. 906 S. llth St. ~
Milczakowski, Peter 1}012 GreenwAy Dr.
Millard, Luthcr R. 5538'02eander Dr.
Milla, Wa2ter D. 1920 Ann St.
Monroc, William A. ~ 9 King St.
Morria, James Milton RFD 3, B 305 F.
Moore, H. M. City .
Newkirk, Robert C. 11}0 Rogera Ave.
Palmeter, James '40. 302 N. !}Ist St.
Pantzges, Steve 520 Nun St.
Peterson, Robert H. RFD 3, Box 83
Pompey, Johnnie Jr. 1010 Wooster St.
Quelch, Gerda B. P. 0. Box 961
Robinson; Samuel 404 s. 14th St.
Sasser, Porter H. 2912 Monroe St.
Shephcrd, E. M. P. 0. Box 521
Shepard, Charles 721 N. sth St.
Shepard, D. t RFD 1, Box 268 A
Stein, Esttaer 6 Heaton Ave.
Short, Emmz 1020 N. 7th St.
Stovall, Harry W. 1216 Fairwzy
Tnylor, Miss Gladys B. 407 S. Front St.
~f ,L, i~
Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1966 Continued
_ _ - _- - - - - -- i
J~rors - continued
Taylor, Salome 715 Red Cross St. West, James T. RFD 3, City I
Turlington, Roy Thomas RFD 2, Box 382 Wilson, James B. 11!} Parkwood Dr.
Wade, Alirst 5. RFD 2, Box 337 c. 4linkle, Lucy L. 2802 Ches6nut St.
Wadt, Sadit 0. S. RFD 2, Box 332
There be3ng no furLher business to come before the Board, they voted unzni-
mously to ad,journ tha meeting, upon motion of Mr. Bragk, seconded by Mr. Bovden. ,
. / \
. . - .~ - -, - - .
~ _ .~ ~ .ti . ~ ... . • ~. /I ~i
( ~~~•~~ ~~~~ II
W. G.6Houck, Executive Se¢retary •
April 18,1966 11:30 A. M.
At 11:30 A. M. on Aprii 18, 1966 the Chairmzn convcned the Board of Equalizatiol.
and Review with all members present except Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. who was out of town. ~
The Tax Supervisor presented 1!} requests for reassessmcnt and recommended that
the Board refer them to the County ProperRy Assessors and the Tax Supervisor for investiga
tion and recommendations to bc made to the Board of Equnlization and Review at their next
meeting, scheduled for May 2nd, 1966. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden
the Board unanimously approwed the recommendation of the Tnx Supervisor above.
Rectss - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Bbard unan!-
mously recessed until the3r next rcgulzr mceting scheduled for Ma3~ 2nd, 1966 at 11:30
A. M, unless called sooner by the Cha;rm~n.
/! /!1 // ~ . /../ /
' ' ~'~'-A~ I'.
W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor r~
Wilmington, N. C. Nny 2nd, lqb6
~ Thc regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover Gounty Board of Commissioner>
met on t'ht above'date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room with the following mtmbers ~~
in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooptr, Jr., Coaunissioners Peter H. Br~ak,
Lnurence O. Bowden, znd J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bra~ford Tillery and County.
Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Vaughan was absent from the meeting since
hc was out of the country. ' ~~
The Chairman czlled the mteting.to order. For some unexplained rezson, the
Chaplain schedule~t for today failed to comc to the meeting. Hc was Reverend A. J. Biake,
Pastor of St. Luke's A.M.E.Z. Church, The Chairman cailed on the Fa~ecutive Secretary
for the invocotion. -
_Befor,e.npproving the minutes, the Board requested chznging the word."fezsibilit~~"
to "visibility" in the paragr~ph headed "GARBAGE DUMP ~- SNOKE" zfter which Mr. Ha21 moved ~:.
Lhst they be approved as corrected above. It wzs scconded by Mr. Brzak and unanimously
The Chairman observcd that many people have been talking about the.contrnct
between thc County and the Olsen Aircraft Company. Mr. Hall addressed the Chairman and ''~
stated that he vould like to makt a statement for Lhe records ani ma@e the following
remarks: !
"I noted in one of our news mcdia that you stzted you .did not anticipate any
discussion of the Olson Aircraft deal at our meeting this morning -- I think the
news item vas captioned something like "County Chairman Sets the Record Strsight".
or words to that effect. ,
In that item, I believe you wcre quoted as saying that the County~s interests
wtre fully covered sind that we (the County) do not stand to lost anything in this
somewhat odiferous case of doubling dealing. ,