1966-05-02 Regular Meeting~f ,L, i~ Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1966 Continued _ _ - _- - - - - -- i J~rors - continued Taylor, Salome 715 Red Cross St. West, James T. RFD 3, City I Turlington, Roy Thomas RFD 2, Box 382 Wilson, James B. 11!} Parkwood Dr. Wade, Alirst 5. RFD 2, Box 337 c. 4linkle, Lucy L. 2802 Ches6nut St. Wadt, Sadit 0. S. RFD 2, Box 332 .~ ADJOUANMENT - There be3ng no furLher business to come before the Board, they voted unzni- mously to ad,journ tha meeting, upon motion of Mr. Bragk, seconded by Mr. Bovden. , . / \ . . - .~ - -, - - . ~ _ .~ ~ .ti . ~ ... . • ~. /I ~i ( ~~~•~~ ~~~~ II W. G.6Houck, Executive Se¢retary • BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW I April 18,1966 11:30 A. M. At 11:30 A. M. on Aprii 18, 1966 the Chairmzn convcned the Board of Equalizatiol. and Review with all members present except Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. who was out of town. ~ The Tax Supervisor presented 1!} requests for reassessmcnt and recommended that the Board refer them to the County ProperRy Assessors and the Tax Supervisor for investiga tion and recommendations to bc made to the Board of Equnlization and Review at their next meeting, scheduled for May 2nd, 1966. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden the Board unanimously approwed the recommendation of the Tnx Supervisor above. Rectss - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Bbard unan!- mously recessed until the3r next rcgulzr mceting scheduled for Ma3~ 2nd, 1966 at 11:30 A. M, unless called sooner by the Cha;rm~n. /! /!1 // ~ . /../ / ' ' ~'~'-A~ I'. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor r~ . Wilmington, N. C. Nny 2nd, lqb6 ASSEMBLY - ~ Thc regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover Gounty Board of Commissioner> met on t'ht above'date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room with the following mtmbers ~~ in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooptr, Jr., Coaunissioners Peter H. Br~ak, Lnurence O. Bowden, znd J. M. Hall, Jr., County Attorney L. Bra~ford Tillery and County. Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Vaughan was absent from the meeting since hc was out of the country. ' ~~ INVOGATION - ~ • I The Chairman czlled the mteting.to order. For some unexplained rezson, the Chaplain schedule~t for today failed to comc to the meeting. Hc was Reverend A. J. Biake, Pastor of St. Luke's A.M.E.Z. Church, The Chairman cailed on the Fa~ecutive Secretary for the invocotion. - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ' _Befor,e.npproving the minutes, the Board requested chznging the word."fezsibilit~~" to "visibility" in the paragr~ph headed "GARBAGE DUMP ~- SNOKE" zfter which Mr. Ha21 moved ~:. Lhst they be approved as corrected above. It wzs scconded by Mr. Brzak and unanimously passtd. OLSEN AIRCRAFT CAMP7~IVY - p The Chairman observcd that many people have been talking about the.contrnct between thc County and the Olsen Aircraft Company. Mr. Hall addressed the Chairman and ''~ stated that he vould like to makt a statement for Lhe records ani ma@e the following remarks: ! "I noted in one of our news mcdia that you stzted you .did not anticipate any discussion of the Olson Aircraft deal at our meeting this morning -- I think the news item vas captioned something like "County Chairman Sets the Record Strsight". or words to that effect. , In that item, I believe you wcre quoted as saying that the County~s interests wtre fully covered sind that we (the County) do not stand to lost anything in this somewhat odiferous case of doubling dealing. , r continued- . ~~~ Minntes of the Meeting ~~y_2nd-_~ 1966 • Continued ` ___ IOLSEN AIRCRAFT COMPANY - (continued) New for the record, I wznt it stat~d clcarly that (1) I think we should dis- cuss it zs fully zs needs be. (2) I think it smells of a fast shuffle for a con- ` cern which we never heard of~to get a hold on a piece of property, maybt for specu- lation -- maybe not -- but z piece of property which previous hoards of County Com- missioners had refused time and apzin to sell for commercial ourposes -- but have ~ I . insisted, rightfully, should be reserved for industry. (3) I thiak that we should make every effort to regain possession of that piece of property for the good of Ne~ Hanover County. ~ (4) I think we should assure ourselves that the Olsen Aircraft Compzny's Agent or so czlled agent here had the anthority to sell out zll that Compa~y's assets without a board of directors meeting or a stockholders meeting ~nd if this szie wzs ~one as illegally as i~owas surrapticiously, that we should instruct our attorney to , proceed with all haste~attempt to nullify the sale of the piece of property in question. • , . Gentlemen, I believe we should do more th4n Just sit by idly and szy "Well, the County won~t lose a~y money." i say it will losE more Lhan the little $11,000 involved. Besides that, there is a right and wrong wzy of doing business, and I say-- this is wrong for Mew Hanover Countiy and its people. I do not want to have a part i~ sanctioning an underhanded deal,sueh as this. ,. - ~ • • Gentleme~; for nll of these reasons, I move that this Board, in interest of the future industrial developmcnt and on behalf.of the people of.this County, direct our attorney to make zll possible effort to regain possession of this property." IIt wns seconded by Mr. Braak who statcd that he was in full agreement with.Mr. Hall~a Istatement. The County Attorney remarked thzt the County still owns the land and that the lonly thing that was sold was the right to exercise the option to buy. He is of the opin- ion that the County will abide by the receivership proceedings. He does not know exactly how to proceed until after the temporary receivership is settied but will then proceed to the full cxtent of the law to protect New Hanover County, The Chairman reminded the Board Ithat at thi timc this contract was made, the motion carried without a dissenting vote. ;When the ballot was taken on the motion above, Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted "YES" innd~the Chairman did not vote, stating that he thinks the County is bound by the contract, however, he deciared the motion carried. ROOFING PROP05AL Mr. John T. Watson, represcnting the American Pliable Metals Corporation, stated that he understood that the roof on the Court House was leaking when it rained. Hi said that his company manufpctured a roof coating mzteriai which carried a ten year bond to stop leaking roofs. He supportcd his ciaims by letters he had reccived from Boards of County Commissioners and Bozrds of Education and others and offered to take the Board or any of its members to see.the w~rk~that had been done for other counties and allow Lhem to talk to the interested pa~ties. The Chairman thanked him for his presentntion and asaured him that ttee Board would be hzppy to have him present his proposal and estimate of the eost for their consideration. ANNUAL CONVENTION - STATE ASSOCIATION OF REGISTERS OF DEEDS Mr. E. Paul Blanchard, RegisLer of Decds, informed the Board that the annual 'meeting of the State Association of R~gisters of Deeds, is scheduled to be helat zt the Blockade Runmer, June 12-15, 1966. He szid he was aware that the Annuai Convention of thc County Commissioners was sheduled for thc same time but he hoped thzt at l~ast one of Commissfoners could be present to welcomc the guests of the Registers of Deeds Convention. ~He requested the Chairman to write a letter of wei¢ome to the president about three weeks ahead of the scheduled meeting and urged any Commissioners who did not plan to attend . their own convention to be present at the Registers of Dceds Mceting. MODERNI2ED RECORD SYSTEM Sam'40. Johnson, Chzirman of the committee appointe~ by the Board to investigate and recommend ways and means of improving the tax tisting and tax coilecting procedures, reported thzt the committee would like for the 8o~rd to seriousiy consider the purchase of an electronic computing machine which woul~ eliminate three operations from the tax listing system now used and prepare pre-printed receipts for the Tax Collector~s Department. County Auditor Love remarked that the present system is simple and accurate but that the modern machine system would speed up delivery of the tax books but to instalt the system and purchase the machine would rvn into lots more money. The Board asked Mr. Johnson if he had an estimate of the cost and he replicd he did not have an itemized estimate but that from his conversation with othcrs he would ,judge it would amount to somewhere in the neigta- berhood of $20,000. The Bozrd then requested that he endeavor to secure an estimnte nnd report back at a later date. ~I PUBLIC WORKS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1965 The Chairman reminded the Board that a decision on the request of the Torrn .of ICarolina Beach to alesign~te New Hanover County to participate in th~ programs of Title I of the Public Works and Economic Act of 1965 was delayed until they h~d received a recom- 'Imendztlon from the Chamber of Gommerce. In z letter dated April 26th, the Chamber of Com- merce recommended that New Hanover County be designated to participate in financi¢1 assis- tance providcd in Title I of this Act in order that the Toxn oP Carolina Beach might be made,,eligible to receive a grant to help cxtend their water and scwerage lines to a poten- 'tialL'.`araa. Mr. Srazk then offered a motion Lhat Lhe Board of Commissioners request that New Hanovcr County be designated to participate in thc progrnms under Title I of the P~blic Works and Economic Act znd made eligiblc to receive grants for industrial pro,jects under the Act. It was scconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. The Executive Secretary ,w~s suthorizei to write the.Coordinator and advise him#oindustri$lroval. TAX PROPERTY SALE • Cemp2ying wtth the instructions of the Board at thc last meeting, the ?ax Snpervisor and Property Assessors inspected the ~ointly owned tax foreclosed parcel of land located in B1 360, Part of Lot 2, vhich is 33' x 150', and loCate~ 91' aouth from Smith Street, fronting on tast 7th Strtet, based on valuations determined at the time of the last program by the Gole, Layer, Trvmb~lt Company, they conclude th~t a fair mar- ket vzluation on this property at present is $450. This is the property in which Lucy Vaught is interested. So fs+r as could be determined by Iooking over tE-e property, there I . ~~.~ Minutes of the Meeting ~7ay-~nd--, 1966 (Continued) - -~- - --_ -- - - -- TAX PI~GrnecfY SALE - (continued~ - -uouli be no need for grading cost~. The Executive Secretary reminde~ the Board that they hzd approved the sale of this property for $500 at their meeting on February 21st, provided the City Councit concurred. In a letter Aated March 1, the City Council ~pproved the sale of tAe lot at z prict of $525. Mr. Bomden then offered a motion that the Board npprove the sale of the lot for its Pair mzrket_valua- tion of $!}$0 prov'iQYng it was approved by the City Council.. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. . LATE LISTING PENALTY , At the last mecting, the Tax Supervisor conld not recommend waiving late listing penaitics on Long Lezf Acres, Incorporated. Sincc that timc, the owner has listed his personal property and convinced the Tax Supervisor that ht made an effort to list this real ~state within the tax listi period and, therefore, now recommends that the late liatimg penalty hc waived. Thi~~onsistent with previou~ policies of the ! Bozri. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, secon ei by Mr. Hall, the recommendatiom of the I Tax Supervisor was npproved by a thrce to one oote. Mr. Bowden requested that he abstaii from voiing. , , REASSESSMENT REQUEST - A letLer was received from the S. E. Cooper Company, requesting ~ reduction in the 1965 assessment for taxes of the old Boyle ice Company Plant. The Tax Super- visor recommended thnt this mztter be referre~l to the Board of Equalization and Reviex which is schedute~ to reconvene at 11:30 today. It was unanimously approved by com- mon consent. INDUSTRIAL PLANT SITE - Mr. Henry M. Uon Oesen, a local Consulting Engineer, presented the folloiving proposal for considerztion of the Board: . °1. 1'he Kellvood Company is pisnning an exp~nsion of their facilities in the vicinity oP Wilmingtort, North Carolina. ~heir present plants located on 13th Street between Mzrstellar ani Kiider contiin GArver Nhnufacturing Compzny ani France Neckwear Company. An ultimzte expansion program of around 200,000 sqnare fcet of plant space is being pro- grammed. Present construction in the amount of 50,000 sqnsre feet is suthoriecd end constrnction fs scheduled to begfn within the next sixty days. Th3S 50,000 squzre foot plant ia estims-ted to provide employment for 250 to 300 persons. , 2. A~uitable plznt site ad,jacent to good transportation routes (truck only) is being i sought. One of the sites in consideration is one of two tracts reflected on the attacheil sketch which tracts are on Connty property just north of 5mith Creek on 23rd Street Extension. The two tr~cts are approximately the same size in Innd area nnd extend from 23rd Street back to a drnw as shown on the sketch. 3. The Kellwood Company would like to consider purchasing approximztely half of either tract; tbe front one-half of either tract ahichever may be decided upon with an option to pnrchase thc remaining land within five yenrs for further expansion than that shown, parking, opcn storage and so forth. i LE. It is my underst:nding that this-company would~be willing to include in any agree- ments the guzrantee that the land is::uded for.the pvrpose which they intend in the con- j strnctiin of an indusiriai piznt (clothing mznufacuring) and that in the event the plant,; nrt not constructed in nccordance with an agreement that the land would revert back to the County or refusnl of purchase at the origina2 price would be gu~ranteed to the Count~~. 5. We have been zsked to provide for you some summary of information~,w.hereby onr opinioli of the value of the land and the physical characteristics of the lan~ might be made knowi to yon. No ~iscussion of the pricing involved in a previous lease to Olsen Aircraft isl included nor do we feel this has anything to do with thc present arrangements. The lani upon vhich Olson is located is much better land than that in the two tracts considcr~d. , There is zn o2d borrow pit and hndly eroded area which occupies much of the center porti>n of Tract ,~1 and a portion of Tract #2. Neither tract is level enough to a¢comodate a building withont consilerablt grading requirements which, of course, is direct initial cost to make the land usesble. All of the front portion of both tracts is below the roadway considerably. It would be our opinion in appraising the site for constrvction of thc pl~nt of the type which is proposed that it is only fair due to the lowness of portions of it, the requirements for extensive grading and compaction, and the tack of top sofl in portions of it which provides problems and crosion znd surfnce control. While the land has excellent access to a State roadway its proximity to the Airport is of no ndvantzge as there is no air freight involved in this iniustry. The proximity to two runways is of question and while tht sites are not r+ithin the approaches of either runway, still its factors nre of some considerztion. Without consideratfon of the factor of enconragement to cooperate in tt~e location of this im~ustry in New Hanover County it would be our opinion Lhat the fAir market of this land would be in the neighbo - hood of $35.00 per front foot. ' 6. I will, with your permission, appear at your meeting on Monday, May 2nd to answer any question which you may hzve concerning this request and in an effort to obtain from you some preliminary commitment zs to the availability, conditions and cost of either of the two tr.cts shown." , The Chairman advised him that he was definitely receptive to thc idea of tht expansion of an established industry. After z brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved tt~e Ch~irmnn be zuthori2ed to appoint a Committee including the County Attorney to make z study of the proposition and to investigzte the property and nake rccommendations to the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Hall for the purpose of discnssion. When tht ballot was taken, the Board unanimously adopted the motion And the Chairman nppointed Mr. Braa.k, Mr. Tillery, and himself as the Committec. ~ ~ . \ ~~~` Minutes of the Meeting :Mav-2nd~~ t966 Continued CONIPLAINT - SPEEDING ~ '" ~ A letter ans rcceived frem C. E. Benoy, a property or+ner on Bradiey Crcek, .~ at its confluence with thc'intracoastal Waterway, appealing to the Board for some rcgu- lation for speeding boats entering Bradley Creek. He reports that this matter hs-s been taken up with the Coast Guard and the State Wildlife Commission. They suggested that I he present it to the Commfssioners for tiheir action to stop the speeding and in the in- ' teresi of protection of property. He ascerted that the BradLey Creek Nhrina had been vcry -cooperative but that few of the boatment give consideration 3t all to his problem. After consultation with the General St~tutes, the County Attorney snggested that it be referred back to thc Coast Guard and that the Board of Commissioncrs had no direct ~urisdiction. (After the metting, the Chairman requested the Executivc Sccrctary to send the corras- pondence to Mr. Benoy, which is self-explnnatory, to the Coast G~xi rd nnd the Wild Life Commisslon and ask them to take whatever action is within their province of the law to givc ~ Lhis mzn some relief on this probltm if possible.) REVALUATION REPORT - Mr. W. J. Nelson, 5upcrvisor of the Southern Appraisal Company, mzking the octennial revzluation for the County, maele a progress report stating that his estimate of the completed work amounted to !}0~ of .the entire County. He admitted that it was not go- ing as fast as he had hoped but he felt that they would be abie to complett the Job in the alloted time. The Chairman thanked him for his progress report and asked that he make ariother one at the firsL meeting in June. , EXTRA HELP - CSC Miss Lois J. Ward, Clerk of Superior Court, r¢ported that there are two special terms of Superior Court, scheduled to run concurrently and that thtse double terms require additional help. Shc will need one extra stenographer.and an extra Deputy Clerk of Superior Court. She reportad that she hzd conferred with former Deputy Clerk John 1. Fit2patrfck, ~who is willing to act as Clerk in these double terms for $20.00 per day. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved this proposal with the salary to be paid ovt of the Sa.lary Account of the Clerk of Superior Court Budget. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the Board grant this request for a temporzry ~stenographer, to bt paid on the basis of $250.00 per month for these extra terms of Conrt. !It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - . The County Auditor rtported to the Board that it is nlways necessary to make some transfers toward thc end of the fiscal year to balance ont some nccounts which are overspent and, thereforc recommended the following appropriations and transfers: i FYtom Unanticipated Revenue Airport Reps: to Field CSC - Capital Outlay Unanticipnted Revenue-Earned Interest Commissioners - Travel Coroner-Autopsy Prison Fecd Acct. ~ n n n Court House Fuel Register Deeds-Zerox Register Deeds-2erox n ' n n r ~ Superior Court-Contingency Tax Listing - 'Staty. 8 Supplies Current Tax Interest State•Elections Unanticipated Earned Inter¢st to Airport Labor from Prison $2,000.00 " " - Liability Ins. 59•88 " CSC - Stationery & Sup. 195•65 ° n ~ ' 304.35 " Commissioners - Staty. d Suppli es 100.00 " Cornner-Radio P7aintenance 50.00. " Prison - Clothing l}00.00 " " - Tools d Supplies 100.00 " Court House Ice ~ 50.00 " Register of Deeds - Telephon~ 50.00 ° '~ " ". t- Trave 1 100. 00 tt ~~ n n -Capital Outl ay 26.!}7 " Superior Court - Special Court Reporter 500.00 " Tax Listing - Advertising 17.93 " Prepaid Tax Discount 616.78 " Elections 9,946•9~ " Jail Groceries 1,200.00 Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimousiy approved the recom- menda zbove. YACATIaN PAjO - ` , Mr. Bowden reminded the~Board that at the last meeting payment of three-fourths of the annuai vacation pay for the Cierk resigned. He.now understands that the vacation perfod was earned year 1965 and not the fiscal year 1965-1966, therefor~, he thinks was earned. After a brief discussion, the Board decided to leave left at the last meeting. . , they had approved the of Snperior Conrt, who during the calendar that the full vacation the m~tter as it was IPERSONNEL STUDY - COST A letter was received from J. L~man Melvin, Jr. the Consultant,employed for making the personnel study for the Connty. He stated that at the time t~ke-~.ime the Icontract was made it was with the understanding that the number of employtes in the Study Iwould be betrreen 150 and 175, therefore,+he quoted a unit cost per employee of $8.50. jAfter omiting the pcrsonnel at Community Hospital, it rcduced the number o.f employtes to 102 and therefore, the unit cost based on this number is $10.00 per person. This reduces Ithe total cost but increases the unit cost. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak movcd Ithat the Board approve this charge for the reasons outlined and ordered the bill paid. IIt was seconded by Mr. Hzll and unanimousiy approvcd. ~ ~~~~- _ Minutes of the Meetinq___ Mav 2, 1966 Continued ' PIEDMONT AIRLINES LANDING FEES - ~ A letter uras. received from John A. Westbrook, Manager of Bleuthenthal Field, rccommending that thc new agreement between Piedmont Airiines and New Hanover County Airport bt on a 5 year contract basis with a renegotiation ctause of 3 years as regards to landing fees which zre rccommended as fol2ows: 8 d per 1,000 Ibs. for first 4,000,000 lbs. 7~d per 1,000 ibs. for seaond 4,000,000 lbs. 7d per 1,000 lhs, for ail over 8,000,000 lbs. After a brief discnssion of this sub,ject, Mr. Hall oBLred a motion that the recommenda- tion above be approved and that the Chairman be and is hereby authorized to sign such a contract on behalf of New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden nnd unani- mously adoptcd. • SENCBA DIRECTOR A letter was received from the Executive Director of SENCBA, advising that since their last me¢ting their Board of Directors had unanimously voted to rein~titute the originai constitution and bylaws under ~hich the County Commissioner§ are tntitled I to two representatives to serve on the Board of Directors. They rtquest the appoint- I ment of an additional member to serve in this capacity. By common consent,'the Board ' anthorized the Chairman to make the appointment on behalf of the Board.. At this time, , the qu~estion w~s raised about the clipping service rrhich the Board authorizec3 at the, ' time they:made ~ppropriation to ihis organization. The Executive.Secretary was suthoriztd to request tht Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association to.report at their next meeting on thTs phase of their activity. ~i COMDEMNED HOUSES - WELFARE LIENS A letter was received from the Public Welfare Board advising that the follow- ing houses had been condemned and zre approved at no cost to the County: J. O. Brock 505 South I}th St. Block 90, NW Pt. 2 Ella Howard (deeeased) 809 South lOth St. By common consent, the Board ~uthorizcd the Executive Secretary to forward this com- munication to the City Council with the advice thzt the Board of Commissioners have no ob3ection to this procedure. BEER PERMITS - The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, unanimously approved for and investigation by tht 5heriff: Richard Barton Kepley T/A Plaza Grill Kure Beach, N. C. Mrs. Lillie Mae NfcDonald T/A Safe YJay Superette 820 Dawson St. ~ Board and consideration; OUTSTANDING COMMISSIONER - The Chairman read a lettcr from the County Manager of Northampton Connty appealing to the Board to recommend one of their members, Mr. John E. Boone, as the "Outstanding Commissioner" of tht year. After some discussion, it wzs decided to acknowledge the letter and thank him for bringing this matter to our attention. AUDIT REPORT - ', County Auditor Love presented the Board with an independent audit of the County Retirement System made by William C. Barfield, C.P.A., for the fiscal ye~r end- ing June 30, 1965. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - PROGRESS REPORT I~ Mr. S~eymonr L..Alper, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the New Hznover ~ Memorial Hospital, reported that the physical structure is 72% completc at this.time. This is 2% behind the`schedule but is considered a fine performance by the builders. They are now in the ~process of working on personnel. It is hoped that the staff now using the offices in the Court House might vacate them within a very short time. These figur¢s are given as of March 31, 1966. They anticipate some problems might arise in staffing the hospital but are working hard to use the trained people who will be ! transferred from the now existing hospital staffs. The Chairman of the Board of Com- ' missioners advised him that the County had ~just complcted a personnel study made by ' a Consultant in Raleigh by the name of J. Lyman Melvi~, Jr. and hoped the Hospital Board'~ would keep this in mind in making their own policies. ~i FIRE SCHQOL Mr. Hall stated that he had been contacted by the organizers of the Voluntcerl, Fire Department Schools to be held at the Airport which vns approved by the Board some- time ago. They have inspected the pump on the wcll on the site and find that the estimated cost for repairing it aill run vary high and that they are not sure that par- ' ticular size pump fits the capacity of the well. Before spending any money on the tquipment, thty would like to havc the County have the well cleaned out ns it has not been used for more than 15 years and the water has an odor. After some discussion, ~ it was decid~d adiitional information is necessary before making.a decision on the matter. Mr. Hall stated that he would get the additional information and bring it back to the Bozrd:.at a later date. He presented a drawing of ihe present water system nt the Airport which shows that it is connected to the proposed well and would very well , serve as an Quxiliary supply for the Airport as an emergency. The practice zrea set aside for Lrzining firemen to fight oil fires aill proee very beneficial to the efficienc'y of the volunteer fire departments. T1ie well is 93' deep and the estimated capacity is I 300 GPM. The present supply at the Airport would last only 8 to 10 minutes in an emergency fire and could be snppifed from the line now tappe~ off to the well at this practice area. I . ~ \ ~ • , __ ~~~, Minutes of the Meeting N~y 2, 1966 Continued __ ~- BIJDGEI' DEPARTF~NTAL BRFAK~WN - ~ - - - - _ The Chairman called the Board~s attention to a request made by Mr. USzughan !, that some considerntibn ~be~given to a graphic picture breakdown oP the Budget for the past $ years. T2ae Auditor stated that it Wou2d require considerable time and cffort to get up such a graph but that it could be done. It was finally declded that the totals of the departments for the pnst 5 years could be used for comparative purposes during the Budget study and might pinpoint some of the areas whcre more accurate estimates could b~ made if a definite trend was shown. PETIT JURY - ~ , Thc following good and.lawful persons r+ere drnwn to serve as Jurors Por the weeks beginning J~ne 6, 1966 - Civil Special; June bth - Criminnl term; June 13th - Civil term, June 13th, Civil Special; June 20th Civii and June 20th - Civil Special. .. ~Jurors for the week beqinninq Jnne 6, 1966 - Civil Speciai I Bannerman, P. E. p'Carolina1Bench Meeks, Nellie 168 Brentwood Dr. Morrison, B. R. Jr. 2949 Park Avt. ' Barnes, Nf~rvin W. 310 Pemberton Dr. Nixon, Cora Lee 1920 Chestnut St. Brown, E. A. ~+*nllace Bldg. Olness, Severt N. 1908 Perry Ave. Chadwick, Isadore ll}37 5. Kerr Ave, p~erby, Carl 212 5unset Ave. Cooper, Mrs. O. F. 1701 Chestnut St. parker, D. R. 1916 dnn St. li Cromartie, Catherine P. 107 S. llth St. p~illips, Dan Jr. 5133 Clear Run Dr. I Courtney, BobDie B. 1125 Lir~~ca~ln Rd. p;ttman, James G. 2501 Shirley Rd. I Catler, John T. ~!}14 Pine H111s Dr. post, Sarah W. 2 Lindy Lane Dobo, Robert R. P. O. Box 432 Provost, Miss Julia K. 12!} Hinton Ave. Wrightsv. Beach ~inn, Hinson 207 Northern Blvd. ' Everett, Chartcs 218.5. 13th St. Rich, B. M. 616 N. 23rd 5t. I Fennell, Homer W. 106 5. 13th St. RoDerts, R. M. 4936 Oleander Dr. ~, Hales, Clarence E. 5703 Wrightsv. Ave. Rogers, Allen 1401 King St. Hanks, Landon C. 2408 Jackson St. Ruchs, Charles P. O. Box lF24 Haynes, Mrs. Mnrion P. P.O. Box $04 Wri ghtsv. Beach,N.C. , Hcndren, Emmz B. Williamson 602 Nh~rket St. Salling, A.T. 310 S. 6th St. ' Hendrix, E. H. !}04 N. Blvd. , Sellers, Adrian 1699 Sherwood Fortst Henry, Ylillie James ~08 Dock St. ' ~hBW~ ~ry ~, 518 Red Cross St. Hooker, R. J. RFD 3, B 468 Smith, J. Howard RFD 3, B 197, Hooper, Sadie B. 519 Grace St. Smith, L. P. 1510 Chestnnt St. ' Howell, Eu2ena F. 4901 Pine Dr. Somersette, Phillip J. 312 P'ine Hill Dr. ! Jenki-rts, James Edward 70!} 5. 2nd St. Stillman, J. R. 207 N.' 22nd St. Joe,:£subit~ 110 EastWOOd Rd. Stroud, James C. RFD 3, B!}81 King, H. A. 221!} Carolina BeaRah Tart, James L. 1~15 Pine Hills Knox, ,Joseph Clyde Jr. 53L}9 Ridgewood xgEs.Van Nes, Hugo RFD 2, B 330. • ~ Longley, Mrs. Delean A 111 N. 15th St. Vo2lers, Jahnnie C. l~l~07 Peachtree Ave. ~ ' Lumsden, N~ttie RFD 3 Wagner, Wm. F. l~013 Peachtree St.' Martin, John 1401 Stanley Ward, Mrs. Frznces 113 KeAton Ave. Mathis, Vernon Lee 1~22 Pine Hill Dr. Wood, G. M. 3718 Winston Blvd. McIntyre, E. A. 621 S. llth St. '' Jurors for the week bes~innfna J.une 6, Criminal term Brorrning, John L. Jr. 1!}04 Robingood Rd. Byers, Wilma B. 124 Summer Haven Carney, Rosie J. 113 Wright St. Capps, Margaret R. 101 N. Hinton Ave. Covington, James Burney 3023 Lovisanna St. Davis, Gilbert T. 2i3 nixte a~e. ~~xon, Mary Lee RFD 2, s 38 A E~sards, J. A. ~915 Carolina Be~r~h Ellis, Vannic T. 322 Pint Valley r. Evans, Italy E. 908 Murphe $ Aliey Evans, Thomas L. P. O. Box ~}62 Hodges, Z.V. 109 S. 1$th St.• Horton, John A. Jr. 602 Barclay Hil~s Hufham, William E. RFD 2,B 8 r' Isley, Robert W. Jr. 155 Wintergreen Rd.' King, Billy lnrayne 112 Morningside Dr. Kinsey, Ned 802 Swann 5t. Kirby, Kenneth A. Jr. RFD 2, B 361 AC Koen, Martin 5122 Oleander Dr. Joc, Mary B. 1009 5.'6th St. Johnson, E. L. Jr. 2026 Klein R~. Johnston, James M. 2728 Washington Sf. Johnson, Hilda N. P. O. Box 3111 Judge, Mary C. RFD 1, Box 1~26 Lee, Elwood M. Jr. 2713 Washington Lewis, Charles F. P. O. Box 81 Carolina Beach,N.C Lewis, George F. !{1}05 Peachtree St. Lofton, James Shaw 521 Airlie Rd. Maniss, Sadic G. McKnight, Clara D. McKoy, Abraham McLeod, M. J. McNeil•, William A. McRae, Rufus Meyland, J. W. Jr. Milan, 7Nilliam D. Mills, Amelia H. Murphy, Wzde A. Myers, Oglatha V. Myers, Walter Myrick, Howard R. Nelson, Rolla C. Mewell, Gaston Onoff, Mar~orie M. Pierce, Ada S. Pridgen, Lucy Ntae Rabon, Thomas B. Robbins, W. M. Rodgers, Agnes Sanders, Wa2ter Harvey 5asser, James Elton Shuford, Samuei H. Sommersett, George Swart, Robert~ S. ~ Veriaal, Henry VonGlahn, Katherine Wood, C. E. Wright, L. L. Jurors for the week beainninq June 13th, 1966 - Civil Capps, Madeline Pine Cherry, Ben,~amin W. Danford, John W. Dukes, Henry Evans, Haplee B. Jr. Hardin, Grady F. Harrelson, G. Haskett, Kathryn Ann Hayes, Dewberry Hughes, Lucian K. Hunter, H, W. 2130 Klein Rd. 809 Windsor Dr. 210 N1acMillan St. RFD 1, Box 153 711. S. 13th St. RFD 1, B 134 909 5. Kerr Ave. 1319 Hawthorne Rd 1317. N. 7th St. RFD 2, B 167 1103 5. Front St. Isenhour, Ya Yoi Jackson, A. J. Jackson, Wylie C. Kohler,. Mary S. Jones, John D. Lancaster, R. L. Lee, Wayne Mitchell Lee, W. D. N~ddux, Catherine Marshburn, M. M. Mavrolas, John RFD 3, B 1}81} 516 Anderson St. 714 Gracc st. i238 Fairway Dr. 718 N. lOth St. i3o9 s. 7cn st. 2525 Harrison St. 214 Rutledge Dr. L}10 Evans St. 304 MacRae st. !}13 Bladen St.. 917 Dock St. 3614 Wrightsv. Ave. 14 J.E.B. Stcwart Dr. 816 Dock St. 1131 Country Club Rd. 1613 castle St. RFD 1, Box ~326 A 26 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 3, Box 259 l~822 College Dr. 108 N. 6th St. 307 Central Blvd. 412 Evans St. ~15 Pine Grove Dr. 127 Pilgrim Circle l~1~.06 Wrightsv. Ave. ~ Box L~29 ~ Foster Hi21 Realty Co. 225 N. 23rd 5t. Box 206 Carolina Beach,M.C. 110 Narth Audubon 612 N. 8th 5~ 715 Country Club Rd. l~013 Peachtree St. 7242 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 1, Box 260 C 2426 Princess St. Rd. RFD 1, Box 262 B, 3028 Adams St. 206 N. 22nd St. ~. I ~ ~~,~ Minutes of the meeting Jurors - continued Mercer, Jack B. Metters, Dewitt Moore, Isaac E. Nturphy, Alfred Murray, Alvin G. Murreil, Emma A. Murrill, Charles Edward Myers, Carrie J. Myers, Daisy H. Myers, Frederick K. Myers, J. C. Nadal, Edw. M. Nall, Alberta B. Nance, Mrs. Alvara Nixon, Berline E. Owen,• Mffss Dorothy Philson, Mary L. Pickard, H. M. May 2, 1966 (Continued) 211 Brightwood Rd. 5~L37 Market St. 3i5 s, i5tn st. 436 Evans St. 17 Lake Forest Pkwy. 4007z Wr3ghtsv, Ave. 23o N. 23rd St. 917 Dock St. 2810 !pYillow St. 2110 Rhodes Ave. % Weaver Realty Co. 231} Forest Hills Dr. 2003 Perry Ave. l} Northern Blvd. 9i4 s. i2tn st. 1619 Nun St. 437 Evans St. 7 N. 1.7th St. Pickard, J, Gilbert 1+302 Wilshire Blvd. Pickett, George 21 Morningside Dr. Pickett, Wiliiam Henry C}023 Hermitage Rd. ~j Pickrell, Lucianna Poisson 315 S. Front St.; Picot, Mrs. Rose Allen 303 S. sth St. ?ierce, R. F. 614 5. sth St. Pierce, Robert 1220 S. 7th St. I Piner, James C. 3806 Cherry Ave. , Ray, Charles Ernest 5431 Park Ave. ' Robertson, Juliette A. 431 Forest Hills Dr., Rodgers, Murray E. 4822 Co2lege Dr. ! Smith, Joseph Lansi ng Box t114 ~ Wrightsv. Beach. Snipes, H. R. RFD 3, B 564 Swain, George T. 1902 Market St. Walters, R. N. ~ 3705 Wiishire Blvd. , Walston, Dalton G. 511 Park Terrace Ward, L.. E. 1923 Nun St. Williams, James S. ' ~905 Peachtree SL. Witherspoon, Jasper 05 N. 6th St. Juro.rs for the week beqinninq - June 13. 1966 Civil 5pecial Bowman, Robah;,~. z424 Belvedere Dr. Lofton, Rebecca J. 601 Airlie Rd. Bridge, Albert W. 814 S. Lumina Ave. Long, W. C. 1510 S. K¢rr Ave. Wrights~. Beach May, ThomasE 1338 Churchill Dr. Daviels, Herman B, 77!} Geo Trask Dr. McFarlane, Lil~lian Lois 1709 Carolina Ave. Canady, E. E. 4934 Pine St. P7cKeithan, C. C. 614 T'homas Ave. Covil, Wm. C. 10 Montgomery Ave. Murphy, J. I. 915 S. 4th St. Cox, Howard L. 2020 Klein Rd. Newell, Linwood J'r. 313 Greenvilie Ave. Dai.l, Juanita H. Box 6l}8 A Pierce, Roy C. ' 1~0'~: S. 4th St. Eilwanger, David C. Carolina Beach 3429 Chalmers Dr. piner, Ralph E. 1910 4Jooldcott Ave. Everett, Augustus C. 5~18 Wrightsv. Ave. platt, P. B. 608 Colonial Dr. Everett, Helen Wulff 104 Prospect Ave. pope, Tyson G. 2301 Chestnut St. Farrow, Mrs. Pauline 2827 S. Front St. poweil, Ralph 212 N. Wallace Ave. Farrow, Rachel V. 3021 Jefferson 5t. proctor, Grady M. RFD 1, Box 196 Flowers, John F. Kure Beach, N. C. Rivenbark, Edward 24'23 Monroe St. Graham, Paul 'W. 4890 Carolina B ch Roberts, R. L. 204 Causeway Dr. Gur anus C. D. 9 , ~ 111 Green Fores Dr Sanders, J. C. RFD 3, Box 557 Hall, H. A. . 217 Montgomery Ave, Scott, Morris H. Smith, George P. 0. Box 525 412 Swann St. Hines, John E. 6325 Oleander Dr. Spence, U. L. :)r. 2418 Olenader Dr. Holland, Joseph W. 5027 Barefoot Dr, Steadman Ethel F. 813 Miller 5t. Holland, R. H. Box 21}6 , Su2livan, Lindsey R. 201 Allens Lane Holmes, Mary B. button RFD 2, Box 206 Sutton, I. J. Box 1199 Horrell, N. R. 1202 N. Kerr Ave. Vasiliou, Ellen S. 4322 Market St. Ipock, E. Roger Johnson James W Jr 10 JEB Stuart Dr. 540o Sovth Colie Waltety Edith R. 2115 Brandon Rd. . . , ~¢ d Ward, E. B1. 1416~ Castle St. James, Mary ~ RFD 3, Box 176 ' Ward, Herbert 312 Willard St. Johnson, Joseph H. 2825 Willow -t. Weaver, Edward • 204 Princess St. Johnson, Miraetta B. 1007 Chestnut St. Williams, Horace Lee 381o Park Ave. Latham, Catherine T. 530 Colonial Dr. Wood, Earl L. 1qo8 Woolcott Ave. Lewis, George Washington 513 Harnett , , Lewis,~James E. 115 Bryan Ave. . Jurors for the week bepinninq - June 20, 1966 - Civil Abrams, Har~y Eleas !}11 Peachtree Ave. McLenn, John R. 202 Wrenwood Circle I Brehmer, Jacob Henry RFD 2, B 222 Nnssenburg, Henry Earl 1010 Fanning St. Cameron, Ja~es M. 5119 Carolina B~~ch Mathew, H. H. . 1709 Chestnut St. ! Carter, Virgina F. 122 Pine Edne Dr. Milli-gan, P. G. 506 Dawson St, ' Coppedge, Jzmes E. 2734 Van Buren St.` Moore, James B. 208•Rrancds_Marion Es. Covil, J. W. RFD 1, B 165 D. Newell, Emily M. 2P3 Whites Ave. ', Cowan, Herbert 1021 S. 7th St. Parker, J. C. Jr. 2310 Chestnut St. Cox, Oneita H. 3015 Louisiana St. Park, Mrs. Scottie L. 512~ Oleander Dr. DeVane, Wm. T. Jr. P. O. Box 1561 Permenter, Sarah A. 47i5 Long Leaf Hi~ls' Dorman, Harl J. RFD 2,B 215AA Reavis, Comer L. 210 Spruce Dr. r' Drish, John M. 239 Whites Ave. Richards, J. P. RFD 1, B 415 AA Efird, Claude L. .lr. 1.116 Hawthorne Riggs, John B. 3010 Princess P1 Dr. Flood, Robert E. P. O. Box 1254 Robertson, L. C. Jr. 2515 Gnilford Ave. I Hazelton, Frank 530~ Greenleaf Dr. Russ, Jo~n M. Box 18, Kure Beach, V.C Holiiday, Mrs. Fanilie ii45 Liveoak Pkwy. Scott, Odessa J. I 616 MacRae St. Holland, Warren J.• 1922 AnnSt. Sessions, John W. Sr. 2317 Wrightsv. Ave. Johnson, Watson. 1111 N. 8th St. Shepard, Thomzs L. Sr. RFD 1, Box 268 A H. D. Kelly 231 Wallace Ave. Smith, INartha ~ 609 Orange St. Koonce, G. ndr. RFD 3, B. 409 Smith, Thomas E. Jr. 213 Fran es Marion Lanier, M. L. 1!}02 Sherwood Dr. Sisson Alice Borden P. O. Drs~wer 3066 Lawhorn, Allen Thomas 112 A1. Kerr , Stellings, Berniece B. P. O. Box i465 Lee, David C. 512 S. bth St. Vaught, Lucy 11~14 N. 7tn 5t. Leonard, EliJah 3406 Worth Dr. Von Oesen, Henry M. lsl} Renovah Circle Liniger, Mary 110 S. !}lst St. Ward Edward L. 2908 Hnrvard Dr. McDonald, James Charlie FD 1 B 296 astle Hayne N.C, , Wilson, 't~illiam M. P. O. Box 6L4(;. McFayden, L. T. Morningside Dr. Willaims, James B. 1009 S. lOth ~t. McKenzie, N. A. 1711 Chestnut St. Wiiliams, Jerry R. !}605 Long Leaf Hills Dr. McGhee, Rena H. 409 McRae St. Williamson, Rudie M. 5131 Carolinz Beach d. . Willis Harris.E. ~ 212 N. 23rd St. ~ Wood, . A. Jr. 118 Summer Haven Dr. Jurors for the week beqi nninq - June 20, 1966 Civil Baker, E. M. RFD 2 B 263 Dempsey, John W. RFD 3, B 157 Czpps, Oscar 101 N. Hinton Ave. Dempsey, Malilla Padgette 60$ N. Channel Dr. Christian, D. t. 106 Northern Blvd. Denning, James J. RFD 3,.B 506 Daniels, Hubert M. 15 J.E.B. Ste~art Dr. Dickens, Robert C. 106 Sunny Vnle Dr. , ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting May 2, 1966 (continued) ~ MJurors - June 20, 19b6 - Civil Special (continued), ~ ~ Edens, ~ilmar D. 502 Park Terrace McLemore, ~ohn G. 103 Francis Mzrion,Dr. Edwards, S. M. 105 Lee Ave. Morsc, C. R. 1932 Church St. Eldrldgc, Orville E. 3210 CarolinaR$ezch Neal, Jesse D. 3903 Carolina Beach Ri. Farrow, Clyde Lee RzyRFD 3, B 196 Pierce, Mrs. Laura C. 711 S. 4th St. IiFo2kman, Robert Alber t 215 Robert E Lee Pressley, B. L. Box 55, Kute Beach,N.C. Harrell, Henry 1921 Pettder Av~r' ~ Ragin, Wallaee E. 90~ N. Iqth St. Hayes, Henry H. 554 E. Shipyard Register, Oscar'E. 2035 EastWOOd Rd. Henry, Wesley J. Sr. 221 N. 22nd St. Rivenbark, E. A. RFD 1, Box 62 Herrin, ~illiam'T. P. O. Box 308 Roberts, Lee Roy , 208 Sunset Avt. ch,N.C l S 1n Rogerson, Percy E. 218 Hvntington Rd. IHill, Ethel S. ta S~ ~th S1 Sandcrs, H. L. Jr. RFD 1, Box 41~ Hill, William T. 221 N. 26th St. Sidbury, Lillie I. 807 S. sth St. Holden, G. P. 101~ S. 4th St. Skipper, Wm. H. ~90~ Pine St. Holmes, 9liliiam D. 613 Jennings Dr. Smith, Lnln ~. 225 S. 12th St. Hulon, Haroli G. 121 ~~~~~~+anl~r. Smith, Mamie 1501 Rnilroad St. Hutchinson, George..T. 125 Stonerrall Stallworth, James F. 1l~J+1 Knoliwood Dr. tt M in H JaCkson Dr 8 RFD B ` Sweeney, Gertrude Price 1920 Nun St. , ann g yz 9 3, ox To~d, Donnie P. !~1}2~ Moekingbird King, C. J. 2402 Princess St.Rd. Toomer, 5arah 1205 S. 9th St. King, Mrs. Jesse L. 309 Willard St. Waish, Wtlliam E. 17 I vey Circle Kohler, Mrs, C. H. 715 Country Club Rd. Ward, Hcnry Vance 3922 Wtnston Blvd. Jackson, Earl Able 205 Eastwood Rd. Watkins, Thvrston ivan J4.103 Robert E. tee Dr. Lassfter, L. I. 1910 Mun St. Williams, James 5. Jr. 2529 Harrison St. MacDonald, Thomas H. 81$ Market St. Willonghby, B. B. 3411 winston Blv~. Mclnnis, Calvin R. 2950 Cambridge Dr. ~imbish, Luvenia W. 715 Hanover St. MeInnis, J. H. 217 N. 2~th St. Windham, Eu ene g 414 Swann St. ~McLamb, A. F. 1619 Grace St. IIREPORTS - The follow I ing report was reviewed and ordered filed for futur e referenee: 1- Wilmin gton Public Library ADJOURNMENT - There Dein g no further bnsiness to come before the Board, the meeting was ~~ad,journed upon motion of h7r. Bra~k, seconde~ by Dr. Hooper. ~ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary II • Minutcs of the Meeting ' BORAD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ~ - May 2, 1966 11:30 A.M RECONVENTION - ' Complying nrith the recessed meeting on April 18, 1966, the ~h~irman reconvened the Board of Equalization and Review at 11:30 A. M. today xith the fol3owing members prescnt: Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Chairmzn and Messrs. L. O. Bowden, P. H. Brzak, and J. M. Hall, Jr..Mr. M. H. Vaughan was out of thc country: County Attorney L. Braiford Tillery waa also resent. ~ EPORT - ' I The Tax Supervisor reported that the Property Assesaors,~Raymond E. Blake, Jr. land J. G. McDaniel went n+ith him and eaamined ihe following propcrties on which they recom- mend no changc ~uring this fiscal year: 1. Hyton W. Babson, Lot 716, South Oleandcr, Wilmington, N. C. '2. Mrs. Mollie H. Boney, Pt. Lot~1~, B1 78, 611 Quecn St.,'Wilmington, N. C. 3. Jerry Butler, Pc. Lot !~ a 5 in ai 1~72, 305 rr. i6s.h st. n ~. Mrs. Nfary E. Gano, Pt. Lot '7 in B1 1, Sunset Park " , 5. Mrs. Ruth S. Casteen, Pt. Lots 1 b 2, B1 l~92, 1506 Dock St. " . 6. James D. LeGwin, Lot !~lEB, B1 A Forest Hilis n 7. Mrs. Elise J. NkKoy, Pt. Lot 4, B1 127 212 S. 3rd St. " 18. N. W. Mintz, Pt. Lot 5, B1 286, lOth E Fanning Sts. " ~ 9 ~ . Mns. Vera Pi~for~ Pt. Lot 1 d 2 in B1 498, 1313 Cape Fear Blvd. . Pt. Lot 1 d'2 in B1 498, 1315 Cape Fear' , Blv~. ~ '~ n ° " pt. Lot 2 d j ° B1 I}98 1317 Cape Feat' Blvd. ~' ~ lr~. Leo P lisco, Pt. Lots 18 d 19, B1 10 Fox Division !}36 Clay 5t. 1,1. H. E. Rogers Lot ll}, B1 3, Hanover Heights, 206 Midland Dr.' 1~2. T. S. Ramseur, Lot 9, B1 7, Carolina Heights, 220 N. 17Lh St. 13. Mrs. Taman M. Saleeby, Pt. L ots 18 ~ 19, Carolina Place ~ 1;1~.. 5. E. Cooper, ~idg. Only E1 373 Boyle Ice Co. for 1965 I contirnued- : ~i I ~~~~~ _ Board of._Eauali_2ation.d~ Reyiew May 2, 1966 continued ~ Chznges ns follows are recommended: 15. Jzmes G. Henderson, Sr. •Lots. 8 E 9, Section C., College Park, Randall Dr. a, minus 5% in thc plus factor. ~ ~ 16. G. H. Peterson, Lot 125 x 85, B1 22, 5ummer Hill, Wilmington, N. C. Drop corner incluence in the sm ount of $8j0.60. 17. Atlantic Rcfining Co.,. Pt. Lots 1 S 2 B1 34, Cor. Dawson b 5th St. Recommend functional depreciation of additional 109 for removing gas pumps. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously agreed with the recommeni~tions ani instructed the Tax Supervisor to notify those who mnde applications for ra~ssessment to thzt effect. ' UNFINISHED WORK - ~ The Tax Snpervisor reported three parcels of propcrty in Carolina Beach which had not yet been exzmined by the Assessors and himself, and two pieces of commercial property in Nilmington, North Carolina,to be investigated. RECESS - The Chairman then dec2ared the Board recessed to reconvene on Monday, May 16th at 11:30 A. M. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1966 8:00 A. M. i~ ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board oP Commissione~~, was held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jos. ~P. Hooper, Commissioners, Laurence O. ! Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Uaughan ~aas out of the country and could not be present for the meeting. County Auditor T. D. Love and Connty Attorney L. Bradford attended the meeting: , INVOCATION - The Chairman calied the meeting to order and asked Reverend James C. P. Brown, pastor of the Sunset Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MIMUTES - i7pon motion of Mr. Braak, secottded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the meeting of May 2nd, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. CAUNTY PROPERTY LEASE - Messrs. Charles ~@. Brown and Charles T. Pappendick, President and Secretary of I the trlest Coast Lumber Company, a~peared before the Board in the interest of renegotiating the rental lease in response to the letter suthorised by thc Board to notify them that on and after June 30, 1966, their rent would increase from $110 per month to $200 per month. They expressed their agreement with raising the rent to $150 per month but felt that $200 was excessive and while thcy would be ferced to accept it untit other arrangements could be made, if the Cotronissioners do not see fit to reduce it, they do not feel that their present volume of business would justify that amount of rent, however, they do need the storage space. Mr. Braak observed that the original lease agreement stipulzted that the lessee was to keep the buiiding !n good repnir, however, in his opinion, it needs a new roof coating and one of the weight bearing posts needs to be replaced and he thinks that some agreement shou2d be made as to who would pay for this maintenance and repairs. . Mr. Broum stated that as far as Lheir business is concerned, the condition of the buildin I is satisfactory. After a discussion of the r~tter, the Chairman suggested that the ' Building Inspector be instructed to go out and make an inspection of thc.buiiding and bring back his estimate of repairs necessary to put the building in good condition. ! THE NEW HANOVER FIRE TRAINING SCHOOL Mr. Leon G. Thomas, the Coordinator representative for the Nea Hanover Fire I Training School and Mr. 'Wiiliam M. Dillon, representing the Volunteer Fire Departments I~ in the Coc~nty, reported that there is a letter in process for each member of thc Board i advising them af the progress which has been mude in clesring and laying out the area I which the Board has agreed for them to use as a site for training in oil fire fighting. The only problem noMr is reactivating the old well. They propese to instali two 10,000 tanks. The present capacity of the well is not exactly known. Since it is on County property and will remain so they are asking the County to reinatiLnte the well. After ~~ a discussion of tha matter, Mt~. Bca9k.~moved that-$90D.be'apprap'riated.~f.far~:Ait`port~Easemen R3ght5 Fund to r.eaoti.vate=:the~weli,w3tfi the'~understanding ~tliat` tif1e::Capi~ Fea'r Techn3eal' Instiiute wid~-supplyCthe`ptimp'~at-no;cost:to-~the Couniy: _ OPTIMIST CONCESSION - HUGH NacRAE PARK Messrs. Charles B. Bridges znd Edward A. Wilson, rtpreserif.fing the Winter • Park Optimist Club, came before the Bo~rei and requested approval and assistance in build- ~ ing a concession stanai fi-ear the baseball diamonds in Hugh MacRae Park, They propose n ' cinderblock building 30~ x 18~ to house a eoncession and washrooms to include hot and ~I cold water. The present temporary buildings will be demolishtd nnd the new builiing ~ will be in keeping with good park facility practices. After a thorovgh discussion of V the svb,ject,Mr. Hall offered a motion that the request bc granted provided it is not in- compatibie with the wishes of the Hugh.MacRae heirs. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and ' continued'= \ ~ ~i