1966-05-16 Regular Meeting~~~~~ _ Board of._Eauali_2ation.d~ Reyiew May 2, 1966 continued ~ Chznges ns follows are recommended: 15. Jzmes G. Henderson, Sr. •Lots. 8 E 9, Section C., College Park, Randall Dr. a, minus 5% in thc plus factor. ~ ~ 16. G. H. Peterson, Lot 125 x 85, B1 22, 5ummer Hill, Wilmington, N. C. Drop corner incluence in the sm ount of $8j0.60. 17. Atlantic Rcfining Co.,. Pt. Lots 1 S 2 B1 34, Cor. Dawson b 5th St. Recommend functional depreciation of additional 109 for removing gas pumps. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously agreed with the recommeni~tions ani instructed the Tax Supervisor to notify those who mnde applications for ra~ssessment to thzt effect. ' UNFINISHED WORK - ~ The Tax Snpervisor reported three parcels of propcrty in Carolina Beach which had not yet been exzmined by the Assessors and himself, and two pieces of commercial property in Nilmington, North Carolina,to be investigated. RECESS - The Chairman then dec2ared the Board recessed to reconvene on Monday, May 16th at 11:30 A. M. W. G. Houck, Tax Supervisor Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1966 8:00 A. M. i~ ASSEMBLY - I The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board oP Commissione~~, was held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jos. ~P. Hooper, Commissioners, Laurence O. ! Bowden, Peter H. Braak, and J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner M. H. Uaughan ~aas out of the country and could not be present for the meeting. County Auditor T. D. Love and Connty Attorney L. Bradford attended the meeting: , INVOCATION - The Chairman calied the meeting to order and asked Reverend James C. P. Brown, pastor of the Sunset Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MIMUTES - i7pon motion of Mr. Braak, secottded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the meeting of May 2nd, copies of which had been sent to each member of the Board, were unanimously approved as written. CAUNTY PROPERTY LEASE - Messrs. Charles ~@. Brown and Charles T. Pappendick, President and Secretary of I the trlest Coast Lumber Company, a~peared before the Board in the interest of renegotiating the rental lease in response to the letter suthorised by thc Board to notify them that on and after June 30, 1966, their rent would increase from $110 per month to $200 per month. They expressed their agreement with raising the rent to $150 per month but felt that $200 was excessive and while thcy would be ferced to accept it untit other arrangements could be made, if the Cotronissioners do not see fit to reduce it, they do not feel that their present volume of business would justify that amount of rent, however, they do need the storage space. Mr. Braak observed that the original lease agreement stipulzted that the lessee was to keep the buiiding !n good repnir, however, in his opinion, it needs a new roof coating and one of the weight bearing posts needs to be replaced and he thinks that some agreement shou2d be made as to who would pay for this maintenance and repairs. . Mr. Broum stated that as far as Lheir business is concerned, the condition of the buildin I is satisfactory. After a discussion of the r~tter, the Chairman suggested that the ' Building Inspector be instructed to go out and make an inspection of thc.buiiding and bring back his estimate of repairs necessary to put the building in good condition. ! THE NEW HANOVER FIRE TRAINING SCHOOL Mr. Leon G. Thomas, the Coordinator representative for the Nea Hanover Fire I Training School and Mr. 'Wiiliam M. Dillon, representing the Volunteer Fire Departments I~ in the Coc~nty, reported that there is a letter in process for each member of thc Board i advising them af the progress which has been mude in clesring and laying out the area I which the Board has agreed for them to use as a site for training in oil fire fighting. The only problem noMr is reactivating the old well. They propese to instali two 10,000 tanks. The present capacity of the well is not exactly known. Since it is on County property and will remain so they are asking the County to reinatiLnte the well. After ~~ a discussion of tha matter, Mt~. Bca9k.~moved that-$90D.be'apprap'riated.~f.far~:Ait`port~Easemen R3ght5 Fund to r.eaoti.vate=:the~weli,w3tfi the'~understanding ~tliat` tif1e::Capi~ Fea'r Techn3eal' Instiiute wid~-supplyCthe`ptimp'~at-no;cost:to-~the Couniy: _ OPTIMIST CONCESSION - HUGH NacRAE PARK Messrs. Charles B. Bridges znd Edward A. Wilson, rtpreserif.fing the Winter • Park Optimist Club, came before the Bo~rei and requested approval and assistance in build- ~ ing a concession stanai fi-ear the baseball diamonds in Hugh MacRae Park, They propose n ' cinderblock building 30~ x 18~ to house a eoncession and washrooms to include hot and ~I cold water. The present temporary buildings will be demolishtd nnd the new builiing ~ will be in keeping with good park facility practices. After a thorovgh discussion of V the svb,ject,Mr. Hall offered a motion that the request bc granted provided it is not in- compatibie with the wishes of the Hugh.MacRae heirs. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and ' continued'= \ ~ ~i ~~~~ Minutes of the Meeting Nhy 16, 1966 Continued - - -- - - ~OPTIMIST CONCESSION - HUGH A9acRAE PARK _ unanimously carried. The Board instructed the Optimist represent2tives to investigate the cost of the building which they propose and present it to them at their meeting on June 20th at which time they will consider the request for fur~ds. CI1Y PLANNER - At this point, the Chairzmn recognized the new City Planner, Mr. George A. Reif. ~~He was introducecl to each member of the Board ~nd expressed his pleasure at being in New Hanover County and allowed to assist in planning for the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Reif and stated that they are looking forward to a ,profitable and plcasant relationship. ' ' TAX PENALTY ABATEMENTS -" The Tax Supervisor presented trvo requests for abatement of penalties against properties as shown below: Mrs. Mary J. Herring of 2109 Pine Street purchased parts of Lot 1 and 2 in Biock ~360 in Wilmington township from T. D. Hami.lton. The negotiAtions for the sale was in pro- ccss during the tax listing period. Mr. Hamilton failed to list the property for 1961 and the taxcs were charged in his name. A7rs. Herring had no notice of these unpaid taxes ~luntil it was discovered in the Tax Co2lector~s Office on May sth. Past records indicate that Mrs. Herring hzs always paid her taxes promptly and NouId have paii these long zgo ~~if she had known abont it, thercfore, she is requesting an zbatement of the penalties icharged against it. ~ Mr. J. C. Bame of Carolina Beach requests the abatement of pcnalties on Lot 36 and Part of Lot 35 in Kure Beach which is charged against the property in the name of Waddell H. Pate for 1961. Tht sale was being negotiated during the tax listing ptriod ttnd charged to Mr. Pate, who owr-ed the pr.operty on January lst. Mr. Bame hzs a2ways made it a habit of paying his taxcs promptly and if hQ~ known zbout these would have paid them long ago. It was only discovered by the Tzx Collection Department on Nfay sth and a notica sent. The Tax Suptrvisor rccommends that under the circumst~nces, the pena2ties oP Lhese two pieces of property be abated as provided by G.S. 105-331 ~d). Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the recommendations of the iTax Supervisor to abate the penalties on these two properties, snb,ject to the approvai of ~Ithc County Attorney. « ~APPROPRIATIONS - CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT The County Auditor presented an invofce from Dorothy Dix Hospital in the amount of $533•02 representing txpenses incurred in the transfer of Edward Lee Gray (Mitchelt) of New Hanover County from Raleigh to Wichita Falls State Hospital, Texas. He recommcnds thzt $600.00 be appropriated and transferred from Unanticipated Enrned Interest to Clerk of Superior Court for Conveyance of the Insane and Inebriate. The County Attorney observcd that this bill was legal in accordance with G.S. 122-63, t7pon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously made the appropriation and approved the pzyment of this bill as recommended by the County Auditor. RECESS - 9:30 A. M. At th3s point in the meeting, the Board recessed in order to repair to the New Hanover School Au~iitorium to participate in Local Student Government Day. IRECONVENTION - ,,, ' The Chairman reconvened thc Board in the Auditorium of the New Hanover High ISchool where 750 pupils and teachers of sub,jects related to the governmental processes assembled and listened to the Board until 10:30 A. M. The Ctiairman introduced each mem- ber of the Board of Commissioners and explained to the audierice that the meeting had been in process for an hour and z half at which time they opened with an invocation, approved ~the minutes and transacted business on the Agenda up to this point. I PPROPRIATION b TRANSFER - SCHOOL GAPITAL OUTIAY The County Auditor presented n Resolution from the Board of Elucation request- ~ng the use of $7,826.46 to begin thc first stage of construction for. the new John T. Hoggard High Schoo2 being located at the ~unction of East Shipysrd B~lird, and South College oad. The Auditor, in nnswer to a question by Mr. Hall advised that the Board hai set aside $50,000 for this .purpose and that there is approximattly $16,000 left in the Fund at present. Upon mot'lon<~of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak; thc Board unanimously iapproved the request. ALCOHOLIC AND MENTAL HEALTH CARE I• Mr. Hall reported that he has been advised by the,Local A.B.C. Board that they will provide up to $6,500 for the purpose of operating the old Juvtnile Home as a facility Ifor the care of al~oho2ics and the ment,a31y~i11. In the discussfon, it was hrought out that people suffering from thcse maladics are not criminal and should not be pIaced in the County Jail which is the on~ly available facility for taking care of them at present. In I~the pro and con dfscussion which followed, the County Attorney questioned the legality of spending funds.in this manner and had atiscussed it with Dr. Fi~scher of Lhe Mentnl Heaith Center and asked that the legal reference be cited granting this authority. By common 'consent of the Board, the County Attorney was instructcd to search the law and report b~ck ~to th~ Board his findings with reference to this matter. ~WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER MUSEUM TRUSTEE The Chairman read a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the jWilmington-New Hanover Museum, advising that Mrs. Ida B. Kellvm's term as a mcmber of that Board expired on June 30, 1966. They consider her a most czpable Boarfl member as she Ihas a great dezl of knowledge of the historieal values and significance of this area and Vrecommend that the Board rtappoint her to a term of 4 years. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously grantcd this recommendation. iJOINTLY OWNED PROPERTY SALE - ' The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had a prospective pur- ; chaser for a parcel of ~ointly owned tax forec2osed property described as Part of Lots 3 , and !} in Block 1}98 which is 30~ x 93', fronting on North 14th Street. He has had it appraised by the Connty Property Assessors who place a fair market value of $300 on the Iproperty. In 19b0:, it was approved for sale by thc City Council but the Executive ~ ~. ~ ~~-~~.~ = Minutes of the Meet_in~ ~_16,_1966 _.._____._coni3nue_d JOINTLY OWNED PROPERTY SALE - ~ F - Secretary recommends that it be resubmitted to them for a current evalnation and approval. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, second.ed by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously ~ approved the sale, sub,jcct to the concurring approval of the City Covncil. SCHEDULE "B" TAX WAIVER - C.A.P. The Chairman read a letter from the Commander of the Cape Fear Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, advising the Board that they are sponsoring an annual carnival in order to raise funds for this eleemosynary service patrol. They request that fhe Schedule "B" taxes, or County license, be waived. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously granted this request. BEER PERMIT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hali, the following application ~or a Beer Permit was reviewed and unanimously approved for the consideration and investiga- , tion of tht Sheriff: APPROPRIATION - BUILDING INSPECTOR'S ASSOCIATION The Executive Secretary advised the Board that the lith Annual Convention of the State Association of Building Inspectors will be held in Crdstonia, North Carolina, June 19-22, 1966. Mr. Charlie R. Register, Bnilding Inspector for New Hanover County, requests approval for attending this meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Ha21, the Board unanimously granted his request and appropriated $100.00 from Unan- ticipated Earned Interest to Buflding Inspector-Travel. '' Thaddeus Sylvester Jackson T/A The Sea Bag • Airiie Road • Wilmington, N. C. DISCUSSION ~ ~ At this point, the Assistant Principal of New Hanover High School, Mr. Wm. E. Bergeron, called the Board~s attention to the end of the class period and suggested Lhat they have a few minutes for questions and answers. After all of the questions had been explained, the Chairman declared the meeting recessed and thanked Mr. Bergeron for arranging the program for the meeting. Mr. Bergeron observed that in his opinion, the pupi.ls received much good information from these meetings and thanked the Board for their participation in the local Student Government Day activities. The Board then proceeded back to the Court House to finish their meeting. RECONVENTION - At 10:45 A. M. the Chairman reconvened the Board in the Commissioners~ Room in the Court House. WILMINGTON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, INC. The Executive Secretary presented a letter with an invoice attached covering the expenses incurred by the Wilmington Athletic Association, Incorporated during the Azalea Golf Tournament. The•total bills amount to $3,054•6~. Out of this amount, a total of $1,500 was rental, which the Association requested be paid from the appropria- tion in the Budget for this purpose. After some discussion, the Board instructed the Executive Setretary to request the Wilmington Ath~etic Association, Incorporated, to furnish a balance sheet covering this year~s tournament for discussion at their r~ext meeting on June 6th. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR~S SUGGESTIONS The New Hanover Division of the State Association of Electrical Contractors, headed by the President, Alan B. Blake, Jr. and their Secretary-Treasurer, Carl W. Hodges;~, reported that they had recently been informed that the present Electrical Inspector}s fees were insufficient to provide an adequate income since the City of Wilmington has assumed responsibility for the one mile perimeter area outside the City limits. They ~ were insistent that the County have a continuing electrical inspection program for the protection of its residents and offered the following recommendations for the considera- II tion of the Board: 1. The Office of Electrical Examiners. He should be physically fit and able to crawl under houses and throvgh attics. 2. The position of the County Electrical Inspector be placed in the County Organiza- tion on equal level and cooperating with the County Building Inspector and in the 'same chain of command. 3, The sa2ary be established commensurate with his ability but noL less than the rate currently received by Journeymen Electricians, which is now $6,760.00 per annum. l}. Regular hour:s be established and secretarial help provided. This could be accom- plished by assigning the Inspector an office ad,jacent to the Building Inspector. 5. Permits for all Electrical work be issued before any work begins. 6. A fee and collection system be established, as is now used by the City of Wilming- ton ( a copy of which is attached ), with one exception - that being a$1.00 transpor- tation charge for each permit issued. The Chairman thanked them for their presentation and suggested that they review the present electrical charges and bring in a recommendation after consulting with the Electrical Inspector. ARPROPRIATION - IAN- APPRAISAL ~ Th~ Chairman presented an invoice from W. M. Hewlette, Realtor;in the amount of $175.00 for professional services in connection with appraising the fair market value of two tracts of County property near the Airport. It is now being considered as an industriai plant site by the Kellwood Company for the expansion of their present facil- ities. Upon Motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved paymentof the bill and appropriated $175.00 out of the Airport Easement Fund for this purpose. r. ~ Minutes of the Meeting~ 16. 1966 Continued INDUSTRIAL PLANT SITE - ' Consnlting Engineer Henry M. Von Oesen, appeared before the Board and advised them that his clients were pressing him for an answer to his proposition he made Lhem at the last meeting. He specifically wanted to get the appraisals of the fair market value of the properties shown on the map which he presented marked Tract I and Tract II. The Chairman advised him that Tract I is appraised at $1800 per acre for a total of $28,800 as it contains 16 acres+, Tract II is appraised at $1500 per acre for a total valuation of $25,280 as it contains 15 acres +, The Chairman made it clear that the iBoard would not consider the sale of highway frontage unless it included the entire depth. IMr. Von Oesen suggested that his client would probab2y wanL to buy all the way through 60~ of Tract I at the present time with an option to buy the other !}03~ over a 5-year period by paying 5~ per year and 2~~ for 2 years, making a total of 10~ of a 3-year per- iod with the payments to appiy on the purchase price. After a thorough discussion, Nh'. Bowden moved that it is the intention of this Board to approve the sale of the tract of ~ land beginning with the north portion, all or a part of Tract I, with an Option to pur- chase the balance at $1800 per acre, sub,ject to the approval of the County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. JOINT PtANNING COMP7ISSION - The Chairman observed that copies of the Ordinance submitted by the attorneys for setting up a Joint Planning Board for the County and City had been sent to each mem- ber of the Board. By common consent, the Board agreed that they are willing to discuss this matter with the City officials at any time in ~oint session. They instructed the Executive Secretary to notify the City Council to that effect. COUNTY-WIDE POLICE SYSTEM - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received the information the Board asked for from the lnstitute of Governm¢nt with refertnce to establishing a County- wide police system. As it was specifically requested by Mr. Vaughan, the Board agreed to defer any discussion until Mr. Vaughan returned to the States. OPTIMIST LITTLE LEAGi7E - The Executive Secretary presented a letter from the Winter Park Optimist Club announcing that their opening ceremonies for the Little League Baseball Tournament would be heid in Hugh MacRae Park at 6:00 P. M. on May 26th and invited the Commissioners to be present and participate with them on that occasSon. By common consent, the Board in- structed the Executive Secretary to send`them a copy of this notiee two days before the event to remind them of this event. PERSONNEL STUDY - ' The Executive Secretary presented a letter from J. Lyman Melvin, Jr., Personnel Consultant, who made the study for setting up the Personntl Program for New Hanover County Ithanking the Department He~ds and the employees for their cooperation and assistance. He reminded the Board that his professional service included two maintenance calls for what- ever purpose they desire and assured the Board that he would be glad to come down if given a few days notice ahead of time. NACO - COORDINATOR CONFERENCE ' The Chairman informed the Board that the National Association of Counties is sponsoring its first meeting of the Local Federal Aid Coordinators and suggested thnt it might be profitable to send a delegate to attend this Conference. It is scheduled for June $,6, and 7 in 140ashington, D. C. After z brief discussion, it was unanimously de- cided, by common consent, that County Auditor T. D. Love would.represent New Hanover Connty at this Conference. CONVENTION - The Executive Secretary reported that he had received confirmation from thc ;Grove Park Inn for t~do double rooms at the State Association of County Commissioners Annual Convention scheduled June 12-15, 1966. He also reported that he had received confirmation of reservations for 3 twin bedrooms at the Mayflover Hote1 as accomodations for New Hanover County delegates to the 53rd Annual Convention of the National Rivers b Harbors Congr¢ss to be held June 7-10, 1966. Mr. Hall presented a letttr from Colonel George E. Pickctt, Chief of thc Division of NavigaDle 7Aaterways, with the North Carolina Department of klater Resources, urging the Board to sand in reservations for tickets to the North Carolina Delegation Dinner at $10.00 per ticket and tickets for the pre-convention caucus by the North Carolina Delega- tion with tickets at $3.50 each. By common consent, the Board instructed the Ezecutive Secretary to order 5 tickets each and send a check to cover them. ' REPORTS - The following report wns reviewed b y the Board and ordered filed for future in- ~formation. I 1- Home Extension Agent's Report for April, 1966 ADJOURNP~I9T - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously voted to zd,~onrn the meeting. I I ~4. G. Houck, Executivc Secretary ~'~~ i ~~ ~~~