1966-06-13 Juror Meeting~~~ ~'fATE::-_OF=NORxk1. CA&OL1NA : _. , COUNTY OF NEW HANC3VER . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SPECIAL CIVIL SESSION JUNE 13, 1966 ORDER To the Sheriff of Hew Hanaver County: The Court finds as a fact that there is now a defect of ,jurors in this Special Civii Term, and that additional jurors are needed to carry on the business of the Court; It is therefore ordered and dccreed that you summon twelvc (12) tales ,jurors out- side the Courthouse to be drawn from the Jury box, to appear in the Courtroom of thc Customs Building at 9:30 A. M., on the 1l}th day of June, 1966. /S~ Edward B. Clark Judge Presiding Jurors for Special Civil Session - June 14, 1966 Allard, J. E. RFD 2, B 139 ~1 Basinger, W. L. Box 686 Carol~each Borkenhagen, Mrs. Susan LE1.{18 Park ve. Bowcn, C. H. 8 S. 17th St. Cobb, Agnes 518 N. lOth 5t. Costello:; Tassie 211 Princiss St. Hart, Paul R. 246 Rose Avc. Holmes, Margaret C. 1011} 5. 6th St. Houston, Sam L. 233 Wall~ce Ave. Isaac, Sarah Eady 518 Brunswick St. Jenrette, Carl T. 34b Willow Woods Dr. Johnson, Ezell Juliette 1009 Fanning St. King, Mary R. RFD 1, Box 321 A Kovacs, Frank 5306 Grecnleaf Dr. Lewis, Elizabeth C. 3734 Fairlawn Dr. Livingston, F. E. Mack, Mclvin L. N~son, Osczr Jackson Mclntyre, V. C. Moore, George Jr. Moore, Brucc Ncuwirth, Marx Prevatte, Charles L. Parlier, Annie Roberts, Jamcs C. Rollinson, Elma Rowc, Emory A. Shaw, J. W. Speaker, Glenn M. Teachey, Paul C. Jr. 2!}2 Princess St. 4636 Long Leaf Hiils 350 Toulon Dr. 15o3SNun75t.5t. 1001} N . 6th St . $20 N. 3rd St. 15 Lennon Dr. 1017 S. lOth St. 502 Bonham Ave. 1222 Qveen St. 237 Spruce Dr. 919 Dock St. 219 Oakleaf Dr. RFD 2, B 222 A Wilmington, N. C. June 20, 1966 ~ ASSEMBLY - i ~ The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular semimonthly meeting on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members present: -r. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners ~ Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. I PNOCAT I ON - The meeting was called to order and the invocation was given by Reverend J Ray Butler, Pastor of the Ebene2er Baptist Church. ~ MINUTES APPROVAL - ~ I Before approving the minutes, Mr. Vaughan moved that the sentence, "The Piedmontl' I~ officials were not agreeable to this proposal." 1n the paragraph BLEUTHENTHAL FIELD be ~ stricken from the record. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. After a brief discussion, the Board, by a ma,jority of opinion,agreed to leave it in as written and upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of i County Commissioners and the ad,journed meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review ' were unanimously approved. ~ GASOLENE, FUEL AND LUBRICA"fING OILS - Complying with the advertiseme~t for bids published in the Star News on May 9, 1q66 to supply th~ County's needs for gasolene, fuel and lubricating oils, the fol- '~ lowing companies submitted bids: ~ 'i II Gasolene Fuel Oil Lubricatinq Oil Cities Service Oil Co. 13.83 10.80 51d Pure oii co. 15.45 io.8o 57~ Sinclair Refining Co. 13.90 11.50 53d ~ Texaco, Inc. 15.20 --- 52d , The b3ds were tixrned over to the County Attorney for tabulation which revealed the Cities Service Company T~tas the low bidder. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to the low bidder, the Cities Service Oil Company, . ~