1966-06-20 Regular Meeting~~~ ~'fATE::-_OF=NORxk1. CA&OL1NA : _. , COUNTY OF NEW HANC3VER . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT SPECIAL CIVIL SESSION JUNE 13, 1966 ORDER To the Sheriff of Hew Hanaver County: The Court finds as a fact that there is now a defect of ,jurors in this Special Civii Term, and that additional jurors are needed to carry on the business of the Court; It is therefore ordered and dccreed that you summon twelvc (12) tales ,jurors out- side the Courthouse to be drawn from the Jury box, to appear in the Courtroom of thc Customs Building at 9:30 A. M., on the 1l}th day of June, 1966. /S~ Edward B. Clark Judge Presiding Jurors for Special Civil Session - June 14, 1966 Allard, J. E. RFD 2, B 139 ~1 Basinger, W. L. Box 686 Carol~each Borkenhagen, Mrs. Susan LE1.{18 Park ve. Bowcn, C. H. 8 S. 17th St. Cobb, Agnes 518 N. lOth 5t. Costello:; Tassie 211 Princiss St. Hart, Paul R. 246 Rose Avc. Holmes, Margaret C. 1011} 5. 6th St. Houston, Sam L. 233 Wall~ce Ave. Isaac, Sarah Eady 518 Brunswick St. Jenrette, Carl T. 34b Willow Woods Dr. Johnson, Ezell Juliette 1009 Fanning St. King, Mary R. RFD 1, Box 321 A Kovacs, Frank 5306 Grecnleaf Dr. Lewis, Elizabeth C. 3734 Fairlawn Dr. Livingston, F. E. Mack, Mclvin L. N~son, Osczr Jackson Mclntyre, V. C. Moore, George Jr. Moore, Brucc Ncuwirth, Marx Prevatte, Charles L. Parlier, Annie Roberts, Jamcs C. Rollinson, Elma Rowc, Emory A. Shaw, J. W. Speaker, Glenn M. Teachey, Paul C. Jr. 2!}2 Princess St. 4636 Long Leaf Hiils 350 Toulon Dr. 15o3SNun75t.5t. 1001} N . 6th St . $20 N. 3rd St. 15 Lennon Dr. 1017 S. lOth St. 502 Bonham Ave. 1222 Qveen St. 237 Spruce Dr. 919 Dock St. 219 Oakleaf Dr. RFD 2, B 222 A Wilmington, N. C. June 20, 1966 ~ ASSEMBLY - i ~ The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular semimonthly meeting on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members present: -r. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners ~ Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. I PNOCAT I ON - The meeting was called to order and the invocation was given by Reverend J Ray Butler, Pastor of the Ebene2er Baptist Church. ~ MINUTES APPROVAL - ~ I Before approving the minutes, Mr. Vaughan moved that the sentence, "The Piedmontl' I~ officials were not agreeable to this proposal." 1n the paragraph BLEUTHENTHAL FIELD be ~ stricken from the record. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. After a brief discussion, the Board, by a ma,jority of opinion,agreed to leave it in as written and upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of i County Commissioners and the ad,journed meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review ' were unanimously approved. ~ GASOLENE, FUEL AND LUBRICA"fING OILS - Complying with the advertiseme~t for bids published in the Star News on May 9, 1q66 to supply th~ County's needs for gasolene, fuel and lubricating oils, the fol- '~ lowing companies submitted bids: ~ 'i II Gasolene Fuel Oil Lubricatinq Oil Cities Service Oil Co. 13.83 10.80 51d Pure oii co. 15.45 io.8o 57~ Sinclair Refining Co. 13.90 11.50 53d ~ Texaco, Inc. 15.20 --- 52d , The b3ds were tixrned over to the County Attorney for tabulation which revealed the Cities Service Company T~tas the low bidder. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to the low bidder, the Cities Service Oil Company, . ~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting June 20, 1966 continued ~ DRAINAGE COMPLAINT - R group of Pine Valley residents headed by Mr. James E. Low of 1626 Robert ' E. Lee Drive appeared before.the Board complaining about the lack of drainage in their ncighborhood. They exhibited pictures taken during the recent unusually heavy rain ~ which showed the watcr backed up in their yards and in one instance the owners had to move out of their home until the water receded. The reports in some instances indicated that the culverts put under the roads at the time the area was developed were too smail ' to carry the extremely heavy flood caused by the unusually heavy rainfall reported to be 7" within 13 hours. All members of the Board were very sympathetic toward the problem and suggcsted that it was a county-wide one which would have to be solvcd on a broad basis. They wili submit the problem to the Joint Plznning and 2oning Commission and also review the present Subdivision Ordinance to see if its provisions can be strenthened to eliminate subdivision draSnage problems. The delegation thanked the Board for their interest and pledged the wholehearted support to any efforts which might be made to alle- vintc the drainage problem. ~ EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM - ~ Complying with authority granted at a previous meeting, Mr. Meares Harriss, , acting as Agent of Record for devcloping a County Employees Retirement Plan,presented the following questionnaire to be used by any eligible organization to participate in pension plans. II i What interest guarantees are appliczblc to deposits accumulated in the active life fund? Haw long guarantecdl 2- What pnrchase rzte guarantees are zssociated with the deposit administration con- tractl Hom:long guarante~dl Please illustrate the purchase rate to provide $1.00 per I month life annuity for a malc employee, age 65, at thc following ages in the years in- dicated. (If purchasc raies are guar~nteed for 5-ycar intervnis, simply complete , columns under 1966 and 1971.) A~c 1966 1971 60 65 69 3, tbhat actuarial assumptions are used to determine the purchase rates quoted in 2 above2 (Mortnlity, interest loading, etc.) 4. In crediting interest to group pension:accounts, does your company use the "aggregate portfolio" or a"new Money" methodl Please explain. 5. What "new money" intcrest rate has been credited to deposit administration accounts in each of the following years to funds deposited in thesc years. If the "aggregate portfolio" method was actually uscd in any of these ycars, please show the "ne~,r ~ioney" rate had that method been used. ' Year ' 1960 # 8 1961 #. 1962 1963 1964 I 1965 ~~F New Money,•~ Basis 6. What is your annual contract or administrative chargc formula7 Assuming an annual employcr deposit of $45,000 , what is the annual contract or administrative charge2 7. Wh~t othcr chacges,.exclusive of annual administrativc or contract char es outiincd above and the cost of annuity purchases, will be levied against the fund? ~Assume no premium tax will be applicable to this contract.) 8. What are your contractual provisions with respect to withdrawal and transfer of funds in the event ~oS z change to another insurance company, bank or trust company for future fundingY Wtll you permit a lump sum trarisfer af funds? I The foilowing assumptions as to turn over are to bc used in figuring the cost: ~ Annual Withdrawal Annual Withdrawal Ac~t Per 100 Employees H~e Per 100 Employees 20-24 is. 40-l~1~ ~ 5. 25-24 8. 50 I3o-34 5. 54 2.50 35-39 5• 55 and over 0 The basic plan includes the following specifications: ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Ali employees are eligibi¢ for participation in the plan upon completion of one year of service but not attained age 56, except that employees presently employed shall be eligible if, at the time they completed one year of service, Lhey had not reached attained age 60. NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE Empioyecs undcr age 55 when they enter the plan retire on the first day of the month coincident with or next following attainment of age 65. continued- ~ ~~~` Minutes of the Meeting_ June 20, 1966 Continued ---- EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM - (continued) Employees age 55 and over when they enter the plan rctire on the lOth anniversary of their entry into the plan or upon attainment of age 67, whichever is earlier. AMOUNT OF RETIREMENT ANNUITY The ~mount of retirement annuity provided for an employee covered by Social Securityj will be equal to 50% of his annual earnings, computed on the final 5 year average, reduced by his primary Insurance Amount under the Social Security Act frozen as of ~:he eff¢ctive date, and upon completion of a minimum of 20 years of crtdited service,~ Where an employee has less than 20 years of service he shall still be eligible for retirement annuity if he has a minimum of 10 years of credited service provided, however, that the amount of retirement annuity shall be reduced by 1/20th for each year of credited service less than 20 years down to the'minimum of 10 years. I The amount of retirement annuity provided for an employee not covered by Social Security will be equal to 50% of his annual earnings, computed on the final 5 year average, upon completion of a minimum of 20 years of credited service. Where an employee has less than 20 years of service he shall still be eligible for a retire- ment annuity if he has a minimum of 10 years of service, provided, however, that the amount of retirement annuity shall be reduced by i/20th for each year of credited V service less than 20 years down to the minimum of 10 years. DEATH AND TERMINATION BENEFIT In the event of death prior to retirement, the employee~s contribution will be re- turned to his beneficiary with 3% interest, compounded annually. In the event of death after retirement, any excess of the death benefit which would have been payable if death had occurred immediately before retirement, over the total amount of annuity payments received by the employee, will be returned to his beneficiary. In the event of termination before retirement, the employee's totai contributions will be returned to him with 3% interest compounded annually. EMP,LOYEE ~OI~TRiBU~'IOtV Each employee covered by Social Security will contribute into the plan 1% of the first $6,600 of his annual earnings plus 2% of such earnings in excess of $6,600. Each employee not covered by Social Security wili contribute into the plan 3% of the first $6,600 of his annual earnings,plus 2% of such earnings in excess of $6,600. In the general discussion which followed the presentation, Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Dan H. Penton, a member of the Board of Trustees of the local County Employees Retirement System, if it were not true that their Board had reported the present retirement system fvnds were in trouble in the past few years. He answered that they had. Some question arose as to whether or not the plans or specifications submitted above could be bid on by any funding organization. Mr. Harriss assured the Board that any and all funding companies are eligible to bid. After all the questions by the Board were answered, Mr. Vavghan remarked that at the last meeting, the Board had approved the plan to guarantee employees 50% of their average salary over the last 5 years including Social 'Security and moved that the proposal submitted by Mr. Harriss be approved and that the advertisement for biA: be authorized with no obligation to the County and with the understanding that the County might accept or re,ject any or all bids submitted. There was no second to the motion, and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. Chester F. Jones, speaking for 14 other insurance agents eligible to participatel in retirement plans and Messrs. M. C. Brown and Charles P. ~7renn, representing the North Carolina National Bank and Mr. Bruce A. Bryant, representing the First National Bank, werE' also present and stated that they were interested in participating in the pension plans. The bank representatives stated that they did not have access to actuarial service but felt sure they could submit a plan that would cost the County less under a trusteeship but the County would have to furnish them with the actuarial assumptions. Mr. Meares Harriss,who was still present, observed that he would be glad to furnish the actuarial assumptions. Mr. Jones and the delegation representing the insurance companies strongly protested the designation of one agent as "Agent of Record" inasmuch as the County is a I public institution and supported by public funds. After answering the many questions I proposed by the Board, a recess was called, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. I Bowden. When the Board reconvened., Mr. Uaughan offered a motion that any action on the pension plan be deferred until the next regular meeting and that the Chairman be authorized to discuss the.-rmatter with Mr. Harriss for further clarification. The Board unanimously agreed, by common consent. JWMH - WELFARE PATIENTS Messrs. Robert R. Martin, D. H. Penton, R. H. Holland, and M. C. Brown came before the Board representing thc Board of Trustees of James ~lalker Memorial Hospital. I They informed the Board of Commissioncrs that the modified per diem reimbursable cost I rate of the State Board of Public Welfare is $20.18 for in-patient care and $4.98 per visit for out-patient service. At present, New Hanover County is paying on $22.00 per diem , for in-patient care and $3.00 per visit for out-pat3ents. In 1965, up to June 20th, the, hospital experienced a loss of $59,518.96 and since that time has lost $16,725.62 as i a result of these underpayments. They requested authorization for additional payments necessary to enable the hospital to more nearly break even in rendering care to the wel- fare paticnts of New Hanover County.. After a pro and con discussion of the sub,ject, Mr. Vaughan moved,that the Board of Commissioners express their appreciation for the time and effort put out by the Board of Trustees of James Walker Memorial }{ospital and resvme discussion and make the decision on this matter at Budget time. It was seconded by I Mr•. Braak and unanimously carried. j i , ~~~ _ M ut.cs_~f rha_Meettn-°- Iune20_•~_66 Cn~t~n~s~ --..- - u!OPTIMIST CONCESSION - HUGH MacRAE PARK ' Complying with the request of the Board at their meeting ori May 16, 1966 Messrs. Charles B. Bridges and E. A. Wilson presentcd sketches of the proposed conces- I~sion washroom building which they plan to erect at Hugh N~cRae Park for the use of the L3ttle Leagues. The rough estimated cost of this building is $5,700. The Optimist Club will endeavor to raise half of thcse funds and request the County to match them as it will be an all purpose building. After a discussion of the matter, Mr. Vaughan moved that it be referrcd to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission for their study ,and recommendatlons and that $2500.00 be ailocated to help pay for the building. It ~was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. Thc Executive Secretary was in-' structed to write Mr. T. L. Mefer, Jr. and inform him of'this action and ask him to get in touch with Mr. Bridges for conference on the pro,~tct. ~JOINT J:NSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE n Messrs. Franklin H. Elmore, Hardy Wcssell and Alan T. Strange, representing the Wilmington Insurance Agents, presented a~uggested plan for organizing a,joint insurance advisory committee to serve the County and C~ity on insurancc coverage. A copy of the proposal was presented to each member of tht Board for consideration. This plan is;fash- ioned after the one followcd in Richmond, Virginia and Mecklenburg County in North Caro- ~lina znd is designed to more cfficlently and economically provide necessary insurance coverage for public institutions. After a discussion of the sub~~cct, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board lend a favorable endorsement toward this typc proSect and that it be re- ferred to thc County Attorney for legal recommendations at the next regular meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. ICHAMBER OF COMMERCE - ADVERTISING Mr. William R, Burns, Chairman of the Tr~vel Committee of the Chamber of Com- mercc, accompanied by its Director, H. Van Reid and Kenneth M. Currie of the Currie Ad- vertising Agency, appcared before thc Board and reported on their annunl activities re- garding their Advertising Program and presented their proposals for 1966-67. They feel that the effectiveness of their advertising and publicity for the past year has been very . meaningful in bringing.more people to New Hanover County. Some of their spccial promo- tions has been the Travel Shows which exposed New Hanover County to more than 185,000 people in the last 12 months. They report major potential markets for tourists: (1) Wcek- end visitors to t~e beaches, (2) Vzcation:ing pubiic (3) Traveling through are general tourists. They are:requesting continued support for the coming fiscal yesr. ;+ !MODERNI2ED RECORD SYSTEM - TAX DEPARTMENT ' Sam W. Johnson, Chairman of the Committee appointed to study and make recom- mendations for improving the efficiency of tax computations and collections, reported that in thc opinion of the Committee the problem is inereasing each year and that some- Ithing should be done to alleviate thc conditions during the year 1967. It was recognized thnt nothing could be done during the current year but the Committee is in favor and recom- mends the installatlon of a more modern and up to date system. They also recommend that funds be included in the current fiscal year 1966-67 to put the system into effect next spring. The cost of thc machine to do the ~ob runs zbout $12,000 and $15,000 and the printing of scroll sheets, receipts and other changes will amount to approximately $1}5q0":.: for the first year but the present cost of the system now in use would be eliminated whlch Iwould make the net cost somewhere in tha neighborhood of $2500. The Board thanked Nfr. Johnson for the diligent work of the Committee. STUDY CONA~IITTEE - Mr. Vzughan then moved that the Chairmzn be authorized to confer with the Mayor of the City of Wilmington and acquaint him of the County~s interest in establishing the use of a computer system and snggest that a Committee of business men be set up to make a study and .recommcndations. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and ur~animously carried. RECREATION ADVISORY CAMMITTEE ' Mr. F. L. Meier, Jr., Chairman of the County Recreation Advisory Committee, reported that the weekly magazine, "Life Around Wilmington" will insert a pagt in its pJuly 4th Weekend publication warning peoplt about thi dangers of unfamiliar surf and octan current zs well as give steps on water safety. This page ad#on "Water Safety Provisions" be inserted ench week during the summer vacation sezson. The cost of this service aiil be $100. After a brief discussion, Dr': Hoopcr moved that $100 be appropriated from the Advertising and Development Fund~to cover the cost of a page ad on water safety from July. !}th through Labor Day in "Life Around Wilmington": It was~scconded by Mr. Bowden nnd unanimousiy carried. ~ will be free to the County. They recommend that a page ad ~MEDICAL EXAMIMER - CORONER The Chairmzn reported that the Committee appointed for the purpo'se of~studying and naking recommendztions for a Medical Examintr System in New Hanover County zs pro- vided by the General Statutes has found that it is not practical at this time.- Theyrecom- mend, in order to strengthen thc present system, that Mr. L. S. MacMillan, the present ICoroner,be permitted to go to New York for two weeks and observe the practicts of the Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Milton Helpern, M. D. Mr. MzcMillan has signified his will- ingness to go the lzst two weeks in July provided the County will bear the expenscs. After z thorough discussion of the problem, Mr. Hall moved that thc Committee be thanked for their diligence and efficient ,~ob and that their recommendations be approved. It was seconded Iby Mr. Braak znd unanimously passed. The Executive Secretary Was instructe~d to get a rough estimzte of the cost and report to the Board at the next Budget discussion meeting. TAX COLLECTION - DAILY DEPOSITS County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported that subsequent to the'action taken by the Board some months ago requirdng the Tax Collector to make daily deposits is cavsing _ lots of extrz work and adding to the cost of auditing the records. Hc suggtsted that possibly thc Board might want to change its policy back to the system used by the Tax Col- lector before. The County Attorney, however, said that if the Board wanted to change its ~policy it wouid be necessary to have permissive legislation as ho would not recommend any deviation of the law on this deposit situation. The Board took no action to change the ',daily deposit. I ~~~ Minutes of the Metting June 20, 1966 Continued _. _ - - " A a E - ~IR CONDITIONERS Mr. D. D. Baggett, Extension Chairman of the Agriculture znd Economics Extens3on Office, reported that he hzs discovered about $3900.00 in surplus in his current budget czused by not being able to employ an assistant for the entire yezr. He suggested that it would be a good plan to allow him to use approximately $3500.00 of this surplus to install air conditioning for the Extcnsion Department Building. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, deferred any action on this I mztter until the Budget discussion for the approaching 1966-67 fiscal year. WILMINGTON ATHLETIC ASSOCiATION, INC. Complying with instructions at a previous meeting, thc Executive Secretary presented a profit and loss statement of the Wilmington Athletic Association furnished by its treasurer. After reviewing tht balance sheet and discussing the covering letter pointing out that certain funds which were shown as an income this year will not be available in future years to off set the profit which was reali2ed in this year~s tovrnament as they are non-recurring income cntries, Mr. Hall then moved that the bill for $1500 rent to the Cape Fear Country Club be approved for payment. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. Dr. Hooper voiced the opinion that in the future appropriations to the Wilmington Athletic Association should be based on a profit and loss statement and offere a motion thzt be done. It was seconded by Mr. Vnughan and unanimously passed. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify them to this effect. BOARD OF ELECTION BILLS The Chairman read a letter from the New Hanover County Board of Elections signed by O. K. Pridgen II in answcr to onc authorized by the Board inviting him to attend today~s meeting stating that he did not feel his presencc was necessary at this time and thzt zll bills were submitted in line with previous bills in connection with elections and thought they should be honored znd paid. He invited any member of the Board to his office to znswer any specific questions they have regarding thc bills. By common consent, the Board zgreed to consider each of the invoices submitted on nn indi- vidual basis. Thompson Siqri Co. - The County Auditor reported that he had been in touch with the Thompson Sign Company znd received the impression that part of this bill was for a previous service for which he had not rendered an invoice. Mr. Sowden then moved that the bill in the amount of $84.05 be paid zfter the County Auditor investi- gates and satisfies himself that it is O. K. It w~s seconded by Mr. Hall and unani- movsly approved. ' Electrical invoice - The bill amounting to $352.50 for personal services of the electrician in setting up lights for booths in the 29 precincts included some I miscellzneous materials necessary because of damagc occurring between the time thty I were stored from the last election and the time they were installed zt this one. The ~ previous bill in 1962 with which this invoice was compared was for services in connection~ with a second primary election and the run-off, therefore, tht cost was much less. After a full discussion of this invoice, Mr. Bowden offerod z motion thzt the bill be paid as ~ submitted. It was secondcd by Mr. Hall and passed by a ma~Jority vote. Mr. Vaughan requested that he abstain. The bill covering personal services for a membcr of the Board, Mr. Mayo Halmes, ittcluded 2$ days work on the permanent looseicaf registration system at 15 doliars per day and $250.00 for the Primnry Election on May 28th. An itemi2ed statement substantint- ing the 25 days work on the looseleaf registrntion system was attached to the invoice but no substantizting itemized list for the $250.00 Nas included. The Chairman presented n statement signed by Mr. Holmes claiming that he was entitled to pay for only 6 days~ work in connection with the primary. Figured at $15.00 per dny, it amounted to $90.' After some discussion of this invoice, Mr. Bowden movcd that $375.00 of the invoite covering the work on the looseleaf registration system bc paid. It was seconded by Mr. Hzll znd unanimously carried. Mr. Vzughan then offered a motion that $90.00 of the $250.00 be paid based on the statement submitted by Mr. Holmes stating that wzs the amount he hzd legally earned and that Mr. Pridgen be advised of the diffcrence and asked to clarify it. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unznimously pzssed. An invoice in the amount of $250.00 was presented for Mr. Leon E. Broadhurst I~ as Secretary to the Board of Elections was disenssed, after which the Board, by common ' consent, zuthorized tht Chairman to requcst that this bill be substantiattd by a time shett and the Chairmzn of the Board of Elcctions asked to clarify it beforc approval is given for payment. O. K. Pridgen II - The bill amounting to $2!}00.00 covering the personzl service of the Chairmzn of the Board of Elections, O. K. Pridgen II, includcd work from November 8, 1965 through Junc 3, 1966 and the details shoxed 150 days, 7 nights and 3 Sundzys~ work making a total of 160 days zt $15.00 per day. After discussing this invoice, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Bozrd defer payment of any bill for ptrsonal ser- vices until after thc Second Primary znd that the Chairmzn be requestcd to ci'arify thc bili. Th~re was no second to this motion, however, by common agreement of the Board, no further action was tzken. O. K. Pridgen II - Office Exvense - The invoice submitted for office rent including secretarial services, ttlephone, hezt, lights and total expenses for the 7 months period between November 1965 and May 1966 amovnted to $1190.00. This bill aas considered to be the same category as the personal services invoice above and, therefore, payment was deiayed until the Chzirman made further clarification. ~~~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting June 20, 1966 Continued -, ROAD PETITIONS _ --- - - - A petition was received from the residents living on.Apache, Mohawk and ~ Seminole Drive in Tanglewood requesting that they be added to the Statc Maintained ~Secondary Road System and a request from the residtnts living on Seaview Road SR 1526 asking for improvement by paving. Upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Braak, Ithe Board unanimously approved the request and instructed the Executive Secretary to Isend them to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. IPIEDMONT AIRLINES - LEASE I The County Attorney presented a lcase agreement executed by Piedmont Aviation, Incorporated, covering an operational contract with Piedmont Airlines. This cotttract is drawn on the basis of the agrcement entered into by the Airport Advisory Council and approved by thc Board at an informal meeting. It includes the stipulation that if addi- tional rental office space is used by Piedmont Airlines, the terms can be renegotiated. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved the lease agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign it on behalf of the County. The Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper left the meeting at this point for an emergent engagement. Mr. Vaughan, the Vice Chairman, presided for the remainder of the meeting. BUDGET DISCUSSION SCHEDULE - The Executive Secretary was instructed to arrange for Budget Discussions on the following schedule: 7:00 P. M. 3~'ednesday, June 22, 1966 Pages 1-11} Inclusive, except Elections ij:00 P. M. Friday , June 21}, 1966 Gilliam K. Horton - Mr. Vaughan request. Continue g;pp A. M. June 27, 1966 Board of Education in the morning. Budget Discussions 2:00 P. M. " " ° Board of Public Welfare in the afternoon. 7:00 P. M. Tuesday, June 28, 1966 Mental Health Advisory Council Consolidated Board of Health I~8:00 A. M. Tuesday, July 5th,1966 Budget Discussion all during the day following Regular Meeting. (The Executive Secretary called attention to the fact that since the first Monday in July was Independence Day, therefore, a legal holiday, the regular Board meeting would be held on Tuesday morning, July 5, at 8:00 A. M.) ~INTERIM BUDGET RESOLUTION - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the following Interim Budget _ Resolution was unanimously adopted: I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COPM9ISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1966 to date of adoption of the 1966-67 Budget Resolut3on, appropriations are here- by made for the purpose of paying salaries~, the principal and interest on indebted- ' ness and the usual ordinary expense oF the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditurc as provided for in the 1965-66 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Rcsolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1966-67 Budgct Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations mad¢ in the 1966-67 Budget Appro- priations. !INDUSTRIAL POTENTIAL - NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER Mr. Hall reported that consulted with Mr. Hugh W. Branch, Executive Director of t~e Committec of 100 with referencc to the plans submitted by the Water Resources and Gcological Survey Departments about thcir proposal and plans for developing and assess- ing the industrial potential up the Northeast Cape Fear River.. His investigation re- veals that there is no urgency at present for these plans as submitted and that he felt that the County could expect but little public support. TAX PENALTIES AND INTEREST - The Tax Supervisor reported the following complaints regarding penaltias and Iintcrest placed on property which was in the process of being conveyed from one owner to ~the othcr during the tax listing time. 1'he charges were originally in thc name of the Iowner on January lst, but not picked up by the Tax Collector until later, some of them as much as 5 years without notification. , Present owner Mrs. Herbert Canady Mrs. Alma B. Futch Mr:.A. G. Harrell Former Owner Jerry Goodwin Frances P. Jernigan C. Fred Cameron Year 1961 1962 1962 1961 1962 Amount $5-90 17.91 12.07 ii.64 6.09 Mr. Earl W. Hobbs E. A. Brinkley Mrs. Berline N. McNair Lillian Davis ~IMrs. Carolyn Rosinman was caused by change of address and she did not receive the notice although she had prepaid the taxes. The change in tax rate left a~balance of $2.17 addi- tional for which was charged a penalty of $1.15. IMr. Edw3n B. Smith Gene F. Smith 1963 1.78 I~Upon motion by Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved remitting 'the penalties and interest shown above. ~~ ~~~ ~ '. _ .. Mi.nut:e s~of.; t~ht;~.Me e:t i n g Junt 20, 1966 continued TENNEY ENGINEERING, INC. - ~ A letter was recefived from the Tenney Engineering, Incorporated,stating that they were involved in negotiations for the sale of their facility during the Tax Listing period. They understood that the Wilmington office had requested an extension of time for listing but they are unable to find a written record of it. The non-listing penalty amounts to $669.49 and they ask that the penalty be waived in view of the fact that in the past they had aiways requested an extension if necessary or listed within the re- quired time. By common consent of the 8oard, they unanimously agreed that there is no ~justification for waiving the penalty. OGDEN FIRE DISTRICT Complying with the request of the Board at their mteting on June 6th, the Mew Hanover County Fire Inspection Commitee sent written approval of their request -fcmr extending their boundarles. By common consent of the Board, they approved the change in boundaries as requested. PROPERTY LEASE - WEST COAST LUMB$R COMPANY Mr. Charles T. P~ppendick of the West Coast Lumber Company appearcd before the Board in the interest of a least on property owned by th~ County and occapied by their firm. Thc Executive Secretzry reported that he had instructed the Building Inspector to examine the building and make an estimatt of the cost for placing it in good condition. The total estimated cost is $3750.00. This raised the question as to whether or not the County would repzir the building and keep it in good shzpe for its tenznts ~t thc $200.00 per month rentzl or if they would reduce the rental and allow the tenant to maintain the building rcpzirs. After some discussion of the problem, no definite determfnation was mzde on this question but ~r. Bowden offered a motion thzt the rent be $200.00 pcr month beginning Juiy lst, 1966 but there was no second to his motion and no further action was taken on the matter except that the Chairman advised him that the rcnt would be $200.00. BEER PERMIT - Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Brzak, the following application for a Beer Permit was unanimously approved for consideration and investigation by the , Sheriff. ROMAN GABRIEL DAY Mrs. D. A. McFadden T/A The Ponca Seabreeze, N. C. The Chairman advised the Board one of New Hanover County~s prominent young men associated with the National Football Lezgue in California was scheduled to arrive in Wilmington this afternnon and be accorded a public welcome and receive public honors during the half at z game schedyled at Legion Memorial 5tadium for tonight. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hail, the Board unanimously voted to endorse the ceremonfe;s and asked the Chairman to express Lhe appreciation of the Board for the achievements he had made resulting in good wiil for New Hznover County. ~ RECESS - The Acting Chairman and the Board unanimously agreed to recess for lunch at this time and rtconvene at 3:00 P. M, to finish thc business of the Bozrd. 3~OQ P.M. RECONVENTION The Vice Chalrma.n called the Board back to order and all members were present except the Chairman. PUBLIC WELFARE FANS - Mr. Bowden reported that the Wclfare Board has agreed for the zir conditioners to be left on during the night in the Pub1iC Weifare Department offices but that they were turned off during the weekends. The ExeCUtive S~cretzry remarked that it was his instructions to leave the fans on during the work week nights but that they were to be turned off during the weckends. A recent firt in a nearby office caused by ~n air con- ditioner being left on during the weekend without someone to check it occasionally seemed to support the idez of not leaving them on during the entire ~eekend unattended. By unanimous common consent, the Board agreed on this policy for the future. EMPLOYEE PROMOTION - Mr. Bowden reported that an Active Supervisor in Group III of the Public Wclfare Depzrtment, Augusta Cooper, has retired and the Public Welfare Board recommends ~ that she be repiaced by promoting Lucille P3ner who is a PWW II to her position and changing her salary from the PWW II to her position znd changing htr salzry from the PWW II classification of $5,484 to the Acting Supervisor classification rangt of $6,636 and express thc appreciation of this Board to Mrs. Cooper for her long and efficient servict to the County. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unani- mously approved this change. COMPLAINT - NATIONAL GUARD TRAIATING Mr. Bowden reported that a dangerous condition hns developed relative to the par¢chutc ~jumping at Lhe Airport by the N~tinnal Guard under tht permit issved by the County last December. To cite an instance, one of thc ,}umpers recently had his parachut~ lines foul up and he aras drifted off course and zlmost l~nded atop of an-elcctric power line carrying e€€-eoarae-end n~mast ;anded atop-~f-an-eiectrfc-power-iine-enrr~ing 23,090 volts. On another occasion, thc Lontrol Tower was called on to mzneuver landing aircraft out of the path of a falling parachutist. This has caused criticism from the Power , Company and the officials involved in the Airport safety hazards. Mr. Vaughan moved I that Mr. Bowden be appointcd to confer with the Commanding Officer and acquaint him with the feeling of the Board that these ,~umps do create a safety haaard and report back after his confercnce. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy carried. ADDITIONAL COURTROOMS The County Attorney reporttd that no definitc action had yct been taken by the Committee appointed to study and make recommendations about providing additional courtrooms but that he would have the Committee convene at an early date and report thcirl conclusions to thc Board. ~' \ '[.,~ a~ ~ . Minutes of the Mteting June 20. 1966__Continued °ROOF REPAIRS - y ' The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. J. T. Watson had submitted an esti- ',mate of $424.28 for furnishing materials and labor to repair the roof which has been leak- I 'ing on the old section of the Court House. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the proposal and authorized that the work be done. I REPORTS - ! The following reports were reuiewed and ordered filed for future reference: i 1- Home Economics Agent for May ~ 2- Grand Jury Report for June. 3- Report of the U.S.O. Club for May. 4- Wilmington Pub13~ Library for May. !RECE55 - There being no further business to comt before the Board, Mr. Bowden moved that the meeting recess. It was scconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously recessed to reconvene at 7:00 P. M. of June 22, 1966 for the purpose of considering the 1966-1967 Budget. I~ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary BUDGET DISCUSSION June 22, 1966 ~:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 20th, 1966, the followfng mem- ~ bers of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the annual Budget: Dr. Joseph "6d. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, and M. H. Vaughan; County Auditor T, D. Love, Jr.;Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. and County ttorney L. Bradford Tillery were unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCATION - The Chairman reconvtned the meeting and asked the Executive Secretary to give the invocation. Before beginning the actual discussions, the Chairman announced that he would like all the Budget Discussions to be official meetings of the Board and that tonight he intended to recess the Board not later than 10:00 P. M. BUDGET DISCUSSIONS - Coroner - Mr. L. S. McMillan stated that 3n 1965 there was a total of 157 cases hich he had to attend and that the first 5 months of this year he has had 114. He pre- sented the Budget Estimate for the Coroner which was approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following exceptions. The Coroner's salary was increased from $3960.00 annually to $!},080.00. The Chairman reported that Mr. McMillan had agreed to take his vacation in ew York observing the work of the Medical Examiner in an effort to strengthen the present Coroner~s assistance in this County. He recommends that the County pay the Coroner~s expenses for the two weeks in New York which he estimates will amount to at least $500. y unanimous common consent, the Board agreed to includc $500 in the Budget for this pur- ose. Museum - The Board of Trustees of the Museum, by its Chairman, Mr. T. O. Page, who acted as spokesmen, along vrith its Director, Robbi L. Nurberger, presented the Budget stimate for the bJilmington-New Hanover Museum. They reported the usc of a free employee nder the Cooptrative Training and Office Practice Program. The item of Janitor~s Supplies as rcduced from $200 to $150. All other items were approved as submitted to the County uditor, • Airvort - The fdllowing changes were unanimously agreed to in the Airport Budget: II Easement Lights from $1,000 to $7,000. ~ Electrical Supplies from $750 to $1,000. Lights 8 Power from $3,500 to $1~,000. ~ Repairs to Building from $3,000 to $2,500. Capital Outlay from $1,1}60 to $4,500. , Miss Davis- salary~from $3160 to $3388. Green-Control Tower from ~1397.35 to $1760. ( This salary is paid by thc Control Tower). J. A. ~i.estbrook, Manager of the Airport, was present and explained the items not entirely clear to the Board. Sheriff - Sheriff Marion W. M1111s presented the Budget for his Department which was approved as recommended by the Auditor with the following exceptions: Dues 8 Subscriptions from $18.50 to $20.00. Uniforms from $3,00 to $3,300 ~The Chairman informed him that no action was being taken on Salaries at this time but asked him if he had any comments to make on any salary adjustments. He particularly pointed out IIMr. Evans from $1~,1}50 to $!},950 and Mr. McCartney from $4,169 to $4,200.' Clerk of Superior Court - Miss Lois J. Ward presented the estimated Budget for this Depart- ment and the following changes were unanimously agreed on: continued- I