1966-07-05 Regular Meetingc~~4~ ~I Budaet Discussion Meetina June 30th, 1966 Continued BOARD OF ELECTIONS - (continued) have spent in the same calendar day working for the Board of Elections and on the permanent looseleaf voter registration system. Mr. Pridgen stated that the normal service is entirely ,separate from the duty rendered on the permanent looseleaf voter registration system which is billed in addition to the Election Board duties. Mr. Vaughan then ask~d Mr. Pridgen if he had resigned as Chairman of the Board of Electic Mr. Pridgen replied that he did resign, providing it was acceptabie to the State Board of Elect,tons, but that they had at no time r~cognized any other Chairman of the local board, and that his resignation was not accepted. At this point, Mr. Goldberg asked to be excused as he had a case scheduled in the Court. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Nr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden agreed to ad,journ to meet again in regular session on ~'jde,sd~ G( HAue1c, unanimovsly ~~ ~ / ~~ cutive ecretary Wilmington, N. C. July 5, 1966 8:00 A.M.~~, ASSEWiBLY - The New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners, Lavrence 0. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hali, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the mceting Episcopal Seminary student from Alexandria, for guidance. to order and asked Mr. Keith J. Reeves, an Virgina to open the meeting with a prayer APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - After making a few grammatical corrections in the minutes of the meeting of June 20th, they were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall. ROAD PETITION A petition from a group of property owners asking that Woodhaven Drivt be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that two previous petitions had been submitted to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. He read the reasons outlined for not accepting them in 1962 and 1961} and cited the conditions which,must be met before they can be accepted into a subdivision. After some discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the rcquest be resubmitted to the State Highway for their further consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. IdON-1.ISTING PENALTY - The Tax Supervisor presented a letter from Mr. W. A. Walker of 711 Country Club Road explaining that he has been a resident of Florida for the past 4 years and Moore Fonvielle Realty Company has bcen his agent for listing taxes and collecting the rent. He listed the propcrty where he lives on January 6, 1965 but thought that his ~I agent was lising the property he owned 3n Carolina Place described as Lot 6 in Block 22, i He has rcquested a waiver of the penalty imposed for non-listing Lhis property in 1965. After a discussion of the Board, it was its consensus that the fault is with the agent 'I and they did not fecl that they had ,justification for waiving this non-listing penalty. TAX REFUND - ~ Thc Tax Supervisor reporttd that Mrs. Vera Garncr has requested a refund of '~ taxes which she has paid under the following circumstances. In 1946, she and her husbandy David Garner, both of whom zre illiterate deeded !} acres of land out of their original , 56 acre tract to his mother, Mrs. Vernon Kerr, as a life estate. During this time, Mrs. Fannic Kerr received Assistance Grants from the Public Welfarc Department in the amount of $4,565. They later sold what they thought was 52.acres to J. P. Newton, Jr. ' After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kerr, thinking that the 4 acres originally deeded as a lifetime estate revertcd to them, they paid the taxes for 1963, 1964 and 1965•• Since that time, it has been discovered that Lht attorneys who drew the decd for the sale of the land to J. P. Newton included the entire 56 acres that they original2y owned. I Both of them denied making their marks or being aware of the sale at the time. Through a compromise settlement, the questionable conveyance has been settled and they are askin9l that the taxes which they paid on thc 1~ acres bc returned to them. The Tax Supervisor recommended that 2 years only bc returned. The County Attorney ruled that the General ,I Statutes prohibited the return of m~re than 2 years taxes regardless of the cause. Upon I motion of Mr. Vaughan, second~d by Dr. Hooper, the Board unanimously agreed to return the 1964 taxes amounting to $5.80 and the 1965 taxes amounting to $7.48. TAX REFUND - I The Tax Supervisor presented a request from Mrs. John H. Tasker of 1015 Caroliha Street, Greensboro, North Carolina for the return of taxes in the amount of $27.82 paid I in error. On December 11, 1964, she sold a parcel known as Bird Island to the Town of Wrightsville Beach. The deed was not recordcd until January 1965 and, therefore, the ' property was listed for taxes which were prepaid on April 7, 1966 under tax receipt #26271. Thc Tax Supervisor recommends the return of the taxes for 1965 under G.S. 105- 33o ~4}• Upon motion of Mr. Hall seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board approved the recom- i mendation of the Tax 5upervisor by a maJority vote. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". ACTUARIAL STUDY - Employees Retirement - The Executive Secretary presented a M 11 from George ; B. Buck, Consulting Actuary,in the amount of $500.00 for professional servic,es in the ~ ~~~, Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1966 Continued- ~~~ ~~ACTUARIAL STUDY - (continu~d) New Hanover County Retircment&valuation to detcrmine the cost of its participa- tion of the State Local Governmental Employees Retirement System. After a brief discus- sion, it was decided by common consent,to include it in the 1966-67 fiscal year's budget. ,The County Auditor was instructed to put it in. ISHORELINE PROTECTION - A discussion of the Seashore and Shoreline Protection provisions of the Gen~ral Stat~utes; was postponed until the next regular meet3ng to be held on July 18th. The County Attorney was instructed to be prepared to report on the details on this permissive legis- lation. MOBILE HOf~7E ORDINANCE - i :,r.,: The Chairman of the County Planning and Zoning Committee requested a discussion of the standards set up by the present Mobile Home Ordinance and suggested that it be revised and formally adopted by the County. Dr. Hooper is of the opin.ion that it should be the same inside the County as it is inside the City. After a britf discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered_a motion that the Commissioners convey to the Planning and Zoning Board the idea that higher standards should be set for the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. Drainaqe - Mr. W. H. Lumsden, the Maintenance Supervisor was present and the Commissioners discussed the establishment of a Mobile Home Park for 100 trailors at the lintersection of the Masonboro Loop Road and Hewlette Creek on what is known locally as ~Dead Man's Curve. He is aware of the problems that will be created by children boarding school busses and traffic turning into~ nd coming out of the Mobile Home Park but does not know of any way to stop it. Mr. F.H. Cranford was also present and reported that drainage of Hewlett's Cr¢ek at this s e;intersection was bcing resumed by the dragline since the property owner who originall'ly~stopped the drainage work has agreed to sign the right of way contract. Mr. Lumsdcn also~reported that the residents of Pine Vailey who recently made a complaint about adequate drainage have agreed to purchase the pipe and that his department is now in the process of installing as well as increasing th e carrying capacity of their cuiverts of Robert E. Lee Drive. He secmed to feel that this has answered the complaint satisfactorily. GROUND WATER RESOURCES - Mr. George L. Bain, geologist for the geological survey, reported that he would be unable to make a progress report on the geology and ground water resources of New Hanover County until after the 15th of July at which time it would be completed. The Board thanked him and suggested that he make the report at the regular meeting on July 18th. ;~ ;~' ,.,. U.S.117 IMPROVENIENTS - Mr. Vaughan suggested to the Board that it go on record approving four-laning ~of U. S. 117 from its intersection with N. C. 133 at Paul's Place into Wilmington. He pointed out that this road at present is a heavily traveled road and that with the pro- Iposed industrial development, it would become very dangerous within the next 5 years. Mr. IBraak reported that he used to be able to come from Castle Hayne to Wilmington in 15 to 20 minutes but now iL takes more nearly 25. Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that this lis not the time to make such a request of the State Highway Department because of the limited funds as well as the present commitments to four-lane U.S. 74 from Wilmington to Asheville and parts of U. S. 17 from Wilmington to the South Carolina line. He is fear- ~Iful that it will detract from the emphasis on completing tht two roads which have now been committed. Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the State Highway Commission be asked to four-lane U. S. 117 as described above. 1'here was no second. ~STATE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - In a discussion with the Public Welfare Board, some concern was expressed about certain policies of the State Personnel Department. From the information supplied by thc ;Board, there seemed to be a lack of liaison between the department and local boards, One example is the past method of sending recommended salary scales for locai employees with- out any consultation or conference with the local officials. Another area that seems to warrant a study is ,job descriptions: At the present time, it is possible to employ a Director of Public Welfare with no previous cxperience. Although four years of college training is required,no concentrated study is needed in the field of Public Welfare in uorder to be employed as a professional Public~Welfare worker. In addition, there seems to be a tendancy on the part of the State Personnel Department to dominate and regulate thc salary schedules. After a thorough discussion of this sub,ject, Mr. Vaughan moved that 'the Chairman be asked to prepare a letter to the Governor, after consultation with knowledge- able people, expressing to him that this Board has some forebodings about the State Person- nel System. It was seconded hy Nr. Braak and unanimously approved. It was suggested that a copy of this letter be sent to t'he 5tate Association of County Commissioners. MEDICARE - COMMUNITY HOSPITAL The Chairman read a letter from the Director of the Public Welfare Department expressing concern that Community Hospital has not been approved to receive State and Federal funds in the P~edicare Program. It pointed out that an average of 8-lo patients per day receiving Public Assistance are patients at Community Hospital for whom the Weifare Department is paying $22:00 per day, all of which is State and Federal funds except 10%. If Community Hospital is not approved for Medicare, it means that the entire cost must be borne by the County, both for in-patient and er~1~,~,, " `~~ out-patient care. Mr. Bowden, who is a member of the Public Welfare Board, agreed to write a letter concerning this ~matter in an effort to clear it up. (Subsequent to the above information, a copy of a~ letter from the Chief of the Public Health Service of the Department of Heaith, Education land Welfare to the Administrator of Community Hospital was receiv¢d informing him that the Community Hospital has now been approved and is eligible to participate in Federally Nassisted Programs) ~ ~~ / ~~ I [ «} BUDGET DISCUSSION - ~ Communitv Hosnital - Mr. Edward L. Ward, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr, E. M. Butler, Administrator of Community Hospital, presented their proposed Budget Estimates w.ith the following remarks: "We have tried to operate Community Hospital at a minimum cost to the taxpayers and we believe our record will bare out this conclusion. We have pared this budgct proposal to the bone although it does in- ~ clude estimates for 12 months~ operation because it has not been definitely determined when it wiil be phased into the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Because of the uncer- tainty of which employees will be needed in the New Hanover Memorial Hospital operation, some are leaving and we are now operating with a minimum staff. There is one particu- lar phase of the operation which our Board requests you to give serious consideration. Our nurses are being paid less than the nurses at James Malker Memorial Hospital and I are leaving our staff. It will take $923•33 total funds per year to bring all nurses i up to the same pay level as James Walker Memorial Hospitai nurses. The attrition of employees since our Budget Estimate was made amounts Lo $930.00 per year. Our total Budget Request amounts to $374,203 for the 12 months period contemplated." The County Auditor had recommended a total of $271,508 because he thought the operation would be for only threc-fourths of the year. After a thorough discussion, it was finally de- cided to leave the Budget at $271,508 as recommended by the Auditor. Dr. Hooper ad- vised the Community Hospital officers that it is the policy of the Commissioners to leave salaries until the last in setting the Budget but after polling the Board, it was unanimously agreed that the salaries of the nurses at Community Hospital should be stt I the same as the minimum for nurses at James 1~-alker Memorial Hospital which would increasd their recommended salary by $5.00 to bring them up to the minimum. Agriculture 8 Economics - Mr. D. D. Baggett, Extension Chairman,was present at the Budget Estimate was covered item by item. There was no differ~nce of opinion in any of the regular items but Mr. Baggett pointed out that his department has been suffering becausc of the heat and recommended that air conditioning bt included in the Budget. The last estimate he had for air conditioning the department amounted to $3500. 5ome members of the Board of Commissioners thought that air conditioning couid be installed satisfactorily for much less than that by using window units. After a brief d3scussion. Dr. Hooper moved that $800.00 be put in the Agriculture 8 Economics~ Budget for window air conditioning units. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Bowden offered a substitute motion that $1500.00 be included in the Budget to air condition the A.8 ~: Office with the undcrstanding that Mr. Baggett would get estimates of the cost of installing the window units, including the electrical wiring, as well as an estimatcd cost of the operation in order to make a comparison. ' It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Soard take a stand on the A. & E. Department working inside the City and advise them that the sociological work in low rtnt housing is within the province of Agriculture as several other departments are doing the same thing. There was no second to his motion. Minutes of the Meetinq_ Julv 5. 1966 Continued Electrical Inspector - Mr. Carl ~. Hodges, representing the local Electrical Contractors' Association, appeared before thc Board in the interest of the Electrical II Inspector~s Offic~. The Chairman advised him that the Board had agreed to set this department up along with the Building Inspector but that the details had not been worked , out. I Register of Deeds - Mr. E. Paul Blanchard, Register of Deeds, presented his Budget Estimate w.ith the remark that the total amount is $3,000 less~than lest year. The department is:~now operating at no cost to the County. New Hanover Memorial Hospital - All Commissioners approving the Budget submitted by the Auditor for New Hanover the consideration of the Budget, the question arose about pro Vaughan moved that New Hanover Memorial Hospital be requested the Board of Commissfoners with a copy of their minutes. It Bowden and unanimously passed. RECESS - were in agreement in Memorial Hospital.During ~ress reports and Mr. to supply each member of was seconded by Mr. At this point, the Chairman declared a recess and suggested that upon recon- vention, the Board d[scuss Advertisement and Industriai Development, the Building In- spector, County Prison Department, Tax Listing Department and the U. S. 0. RECONVENTION - 2:30 P. M. The Buildinq Inspector presented his Budget Estimate whic h was accepted as recommended by the Auditor with the exception of Stationery d Supplies, which was increased from $400 to $600 as the Electrical Inspector~s Supplies will come ovt of the same Budget item when the offices are merged. A tentative figure of $7,200 was in- cluded for the Electrical Inspector, along with $1,000 for automobile aliowance. This, too, was added to the Building Inspector~s Budget Estimate by common consent. County Prison Denartm~nt - Mr. Lutha D. Mintz presented the County Prison Department Budget Estimate. By agreement, some of the items were decreased and somc were increased with the understanding should additional funds be needed dur,ing the year, he could come back and explain the special need. He pointed out th2t two employees should be recommended for special consideration salary-wise. They were Nfessrs. Burriss and Grey. It was pointed out, however, that both of these employees receive room and board as part of their compensation, valued at $1,000 per annum. At this point, the qeestion was raised as to what would happen to the County Prison Department when the State Court System is instituted. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that th~ County Attorney make an effort to determine what will happen to the County Prison System when the State takes over the Courts. It a~s seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. Mr. Braak, who is the Commissioner responsible for operating the County Prison reminded the Board that they had voted to close down all farming operations which left the machinery and farming tools. He suggested that those machines and equipment not r~eeded for the a~etnal operation of the Prison Department be sold. After a brief discus- continued- \ ~~~~. Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1966 continued ~ ~C;ounty Prison Department (continued) of this subject, Dr. Hooper moved that Mr. Mintz, with the help of Mr. Braak, make an inventory of the equipment and machines at the farm and a rough estimate of Itheir valve which they recommend be sold. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unani- linously approved. Advertisin~ 8 Industrial Develooment - Mr. Hugh W. Branch had requested to be heard at this time but was unable to appear before the Board, however, after due consid- eration, the Board unanimously agreed to appropriate the entire $50,000 as permitted by Ithe General Statutes ~r this purpose. The allocations to the various needs will be made at the time the n~ed arises. ~ Tax Listinq and Assessinq - The Tax Supervisor pointed out in presenting the Budget for the Tax Listing and Assessing Department, that it is practically impossible to accurately estimate the need that will arise for Stationery 8 Supplies on account of this being a revaluation,year and many non-recurring items will come up to be chatged to this fund. The Board agreed to increase the Audltor~s recommendation of $4,000 to the Tax Supervisor~s recommendatinns of $6,000. The Tax Supervisor reminded the Board that they had appointed a Committee to study modernizing the tax records and that t1ii~~ Com- mittee had recommended an electronic accounting machine to be installed in time to pro- cess the records for the year 1q67. The National Cash Register Company suggested that it requires from 6-7 months for deliver and recommended that if it is the intent of the Board to go into this system for ~year that funds be included. •The recommendation of the Committee was $15,000. The Nat onal Cash Register Company also pointed out that an increase of $1,000 in price would bc effective on and after July lst but quoted on June 30th a price of $12,150 for a 40 total machine. This quotation is valid for 30 days only, Percentage rule - Mr. Vaughan, at this point, requcsted the Executive Secre- tary to include a discussion of the percentage rule for assessing personal taxes at the first meeting in Avgust. Electrical Bill - Elections - Mr. Hall reminded the Board that they had heid jup payment of a bill from Norman Stcwart who eas employed by the Board of Elections to dnstall the lights in thc voting booths. He is of the opinion that the bills should be paid and if there is any question it should be referred to the Chairman of the Board of Elections and that Mr. Stewart is entitled to receive pay for his work and offered a motion that the bill in the amount of $252.00 be paid. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that Mr. Pridgen be asked why a helper could not be used instead of a~journcyman electrician at $3.50 per nour. There was no second to the substitute motion. The original motion was passed by a ma~jority vote as Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. SUDGET DISCUSSION SCHEDULE - The Chairman instructcd the Executive Secretary to arrange thc following Schedule for Friday, July 8th: " ' •;"s `~=? ~=^ 8~:00 A. M. Volunteer Fire Department Representative 8:30 A. M. Clerk of Superior Covrt, Miss War~' 9:00 A. M. Joint Session with the City Council ##e also reminded the Board that a meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, July 12th at 7:00 P.M. RECESS - Discussions. u~# PETIT JURY - Inadvertently omitted. See Page 65C JOINT SESSI~N P~ETING RECONVENTION - July 8, 1966 8:00 A. M. Subsequent to the notice given the Board at Dr. Hooper, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Braak, and Mr. Hall and Mr a meeting of the County Commissioners for the purpose Estimates and .to mect with the City Council. its recessed meeting on July 5th, . Tillery and Mr. Love, reconvened of continuing a study of tht Sudget Volunteer Fire Department - M.r. ~. L. Crawley, Jr., Chief of the New Hanover ounty Fire Inspection Committee and Mr. David Stanley, its Secretary-Treasurer, came be- ore the Board and presented their requests for additional funds to carry on the work of he Rural Volunteer Fire Departments in the County. They asked for a total of $40,000 as ompared to the previous Budgct of $22,000. The Chairman thanked the representatives for aking their presentation but explained that they were trying to hold the line as near as ossible this year and many necessary items had cropped up which would make it impractical o increase the budgets this year. He expressed the appreciation of the Board for the ine contribution the Volunteer Departments make to the ~itizens of the Covnty. ~ Superior Court - Miss Lois J. tidard, Clerk of Superior Court, prescnted its --.~ iBudget which was approved unanimously as recommended by the Auditor with the exception of.; iStationery and Supplies which was increased from $300 to $400. • A Clerk of ~Superior Court - ~ Extra Help - Miss Ward explained that she had been using Cecilia Seaton as extra help in her office in trying to catch up records which are behind and keep abreast iof the current activities. .She was authorized to use her only vntil the end of the pre- ~sent fiscal year, June 30th. She stated that she still needed her but was unable to con- tinue her s~rvice because no appropriation had been made to pay her. By unanimous common consent, the Board authorized the Auditor to include $1500.00 in the Budget for paying hcr Ifor 5 months. Tk}e Board was then recesscd to reconvene on Friday, July 8th to resume Budget I