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Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1966 continued ~
~C;ounty Prison Department (continued)
of this subject, Dr. Hooper moved that Mr. Mintz, with the help of Mr. Braak,
make an inventory of the equipment and machines at the farm and a rough estimate of
Itheir valve which they recommend be sold. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and unani-
linously approved.
Advertisin~ 8 Industrial Develooment - Mr. Hugh W. Branch had requested to be
heard at this time but was unable to appear before the Board, however, after due consid-
eration, the Board unanimously agreed to appropriate the entire $50,000 as permitted by
Ithe General Statutes ~r this purpose. The allocations to the various needs will be made
at the time the n~ed arises. ~
Tax Listinq and Assessinq - The Tax Supervisor pointed out in presenting the
Budget for the Tax Listing and Assessing Department, that it is practically impossible
to accurately estimate the need that will arise for Stationery 8 Supplies on account of
this being a revaluation,year and many non-recurring items will come up to be chatged to
this fund. The Board agreed to increase the Audltor~s recommendation of $4,000 to the
Tax Supervisor~s recommendatinns of $6,000. The Tax Supervisor reminded the Board that
they had appointed a Committee to study modernizing the tax records and that t1ii~~ Com-
mittee had recommended an electronic accounting machine to be installed in time to pro-
cess the records for the year 1q67. The National Cash Register Company suggested that
it requires from 6-7 months for deliver and recommended that if it is the intent of
the Board to go into this system for ~year that funds be included. •The recommendation
of the Committee was $15,000. The Nat onal Cash Register Company also pointed out that
an increase of $1,000 in price would bc effective on and after July lst but quoted on
June 30th a price of $12,150 for a 40 total machine. This quotation is valid for 30 days
Percentage rule - Mr. Vaughan, at this point, requcsted the Executive Secre-
tary to include a discussion of the percentage rule for assessing personal taxes at the
first meeting in Avgust.
Electrical Bill - Elections - Mr. Hall reminded the Board that they had heid
jup payment of a bill from Norman Stcwart who eas employed by the Board of Elections to
dnstall the lights in thc voting booths. He is of the opinion that the bills should be
paid and if there is any question it should be referred to the Chairman of the Board of
Elections and that Mr. Stewart is entitled to receive pay for his work and offered
a motion that the bill in the amount of $252.00 be paid. It was seconded by Mr. Braak.
Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that Mr. Pridgen be
asked why a helper could not be used instead of a~journcyman electrician at $3.50 per
nour. There was no second to the substitute motion. The original motion was passed by a
ma~jority vote as Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting.
The Chairman instructcd the Executive Secretary to arrange thc following
Schedule for Friday, July 8th: "
' •;"s `~=?
~=^ 8~:00 A. M. Volunteer Fire Department Representative
8:30 A. M. Clerk of Superior Covrt, Miss War~'
9:00 A. M. Joint Session with the City Council
##e also reminded the Board that a meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, July 12th at 7:00 P.M.
u~# PETIT JURY - Inadvertently omitted. See Page 65C
RECONVENTION - July 8, 1966 8:00 A. M.
Subsequent to the notice given the Board at
Dr. Hooper, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Braak, and Mr. Hall and Mr
a meeting of the County Commissioners for the purpose
Estimates and .to mect with the City Council.
its recessed meeting on July 5th,
. Tillery and Mr. Love, reconvened
of continuing a study of tht Sudget
Volunteer Fire Department - M.r. ~. L. Crawley, Jr., Chief of the New Hanover
ounty Fire Inspection Committee and Mr. David Stanley, its Secretary-Treasurer, came be-
ore the Board and presented their requests for additional funds to carry on the work of
he Rural Volunteer Fire Departments in the County. They asked for a total of $40,000 as
ompared to the previous Budgct of $22,000. The Chairman thanked the representatives for
aking their presentation but explained that they were trying to hold the line as near as
ossible this year and many necessary items had cropped up which would make it impractical
o increase the budgets this year. He expressed the appreciation of the Board for the
ine contribution the Volunteer Departments make to the ~itizens of the Covnty.
~ Superior Court - Miss Lois J. tidard, Clerk of Superior Court, prescnted its --.~
iBudget which was approved unanimously as recommended by the Auditor with the exception of.;
iStationery and Supplies which was increased from $300 to $400.
A Clerk of ~Superior Court - ~
Extra Help - Miss Ward explained that she had been using Cecilia Seaton
as extra help in her office in trying to catch up records which are behind and keep abreast
iof the current activities. .She was authorized to use her only vntil the end of the pre-
~sent fiscal year, June 30th. She stated that she still needed her but was unable to con-
tinue her s~rvice because no appropriation had been made to pay her. By unanimous common
consent, the Board authorized the Auditor to include $1500.00 in the Budget for paying hcr
Ifor 5 months.
Tk}e Board was then recesscd to reconvene on Friday, July 8th to resume Budget
Budgct Discussion Meeting July 8, 1966 Continued
~ Clerk of Sunerior Court -
I Air Conditioninq - Miss Ward pointed out to the Board that the vault
~ in her office for the storage of past records was in the basement and that since cold i
air is hcavier than warm air, the cffect of her air conditioners is offset by the warm ,
air rising from the basement vault and the cold air going downstairs. By common consent;
the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to investigate the recommendations for
alleviating it. (Subsequent examination of the conditions existing in the Clerk of
~, Superior Court's Office, it is found that the existing conditions are virtually as re-
ported by the Clerk of 5uperior Court. In..considering the suggestion made by Mr. Braak ~
I for building an enclosure over the stairwell, the Clerk of Court preferred to keep the ,
pres¢nt arrangements rather than have the stairwell enclosed. The other consideration
was given to whether or not an air conditioner in the basement would improve the con-
ditions in the office. Cons~ltation with aa air conditioner engineer indicated that it
riould not solve the problem,therefore it is recommended that it be left as iS at present~.)
:rt~?sa:a;~t:s;fi:- 1
At this point, Mayor Allsbrook, Councilmen J. H. Batuyios, C. H. Harrington ;
and John C. Symmes, City Manger E. C. Brandon, Jr. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow,Esqui~'~e,
arrived for the ,joint meeting. Dr. Hooper, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners,
welcomed them and presided.
Each item in the Civil Defense Budget was reviewed and approved as recommended
by the Auditor with the exception that the Director~s salary was set at $3600 instead ofl
$4860 and the Schools Attendance item cut from $520 to $300. Councilman Batuyfos I
offered the motion for its approval which was seconded by Commissioner Braak.
Commissioner Vaughan came in at this point to join the group.
Since the City already maintains offices and has a hired Planner, the City
has agreed to coordinate the County activities until permissive legislation is enacted
allowing the merging of the two activities so it was the consensus thaL the County
would bear one-half the expenses of the office amounting to $22,300 plus $3,500 for a
Mapping Program already contracted for by the County, making a total County Budget of
Mr. Louis J. Poisson, Jr. and Miss Hatherine Howell, Librarian, came before
the Board to present the Budget Estimate of the 1Wilmington Public Library. ~'~T--Fo7sson '
aG6e~-as-sgol~es~na~ arrc} go-i-irte~-oat-that-f~r-thz-Fast-tlt¢-tf~Fary. Mr. Poisson acted as ~,
spokesman and pointed out that in the past the Library had not received its fair share '
of salary increase due to the fact that in the years the City agreed to increase salarie:,
the County did not do so and in alternate years, the County agreed to give increases but
the City did not and the Library was left without increases. He urged both bodies to
oive serious consideration to this phase of their Budget. He further explained that ,
he had received copies of both the Budget Est3:mate of the City Manager and the one recom-
mended by the County Auditor as compared to the Budget Estimate Requests by the Library
and found that there are so many inconsistencies and variations in the three, therefore,
he recommended that the Joint Bodies appoint a Committee to go over the figures with him~
and come up with one recommendation. Messrs. Brandon and Love were appointed to confer
with Nr. Poisson on one Budget that could be recommended to both bodies. They agreed !
and recommend that the County's share be $28,~47 which was accepted by the Board of
The Tax Collector's Budget Estimate was reviewed item by item and the followirlg
changes made:
Auto Allowance increased from $600 to $8!}0. Mrs. 5traughn~was made Assistant .
Tax Collector and her salary changed from $1998 to $2550 and the Salary of the Tax ~
Attorney Schiiler, from $186o to $2100. Mr. Sam W. Johnson explained to the Board his
Department was in a similar situation to the Library in that alternate years, the City II
or County agreed to increases but since only one-half the salary was paid by both they II
only received one-half increase as compared to other County employees. At this point,. ~
a discussion arose in whdch the Chairman pointed out that the County is in the process
of adopting a personnel regulation system similar to the one already adopted by the City.j
Commissioner Vaughan explained to the Council that the Board of Commissioners is in the
process of adopting the County Manager System of ~~ ~,~G rgovernment and offered a motion
that before next year~s Budget time, the County/and ~fte City Manager should confer and
compare the personnel plans and make a study with recommendations for reconciling the
two plans so that they work together for the employees in joint operations. It was
seconded by Councilman Batuyios and unanimously adopted in order to adopt the Tax Col-
lector~s Budoet. Covncilman Batuyios moved that the recommendations of the City Manage j
increasing Mr. Schiller~s salary to $2100 be approved. It was seconded by Commisioner
Hall and approved and unanimously passed. I
U.S.O. -
Both the Boards mutually and unani
$2500 each for the U.S.O, operation.
County Auditor T. D. Love reported
late~overdrawn the two following accounts and
appropriations so that he could pay the bills
nously agreed to the recommendation of
to the Board that some~~bills coming in
suggested that the Board make additional
out of the 1965-66 Budget.
Public Welfare - Boarding Home Care $1500 from the 1966 Taxes
Superior Court-Jury Fees $1}500 from Not-Listed Penalties.
Upon motion of Commissioner Hall, seconded by Commissioner Vaughan, the Board unanimously~
approyed the above recommendation.
~~~ ~ ~
Minutes of the Meeting July 8, 1966 CoJLt3.nitsd -
The Budget Estimate presented by the Consolidate
item by item by the Board of Commission¢rs before the Joint
pays five-sixths of its cost, the City Council, upon motion
seconded by Mayor Allsbrook, unanimously agreed to abide by
Board of Commissioners. This motion includes the Drainage
Programs operated by tht Board of Health.
i Board of Health was covered
Session and since the County
of Commissioner Vaughan,
the final decisions of the
and Insect 8 Rodent Control
In discussing the joint operation of the Museum, the City Council took the posi-
tion that since they furnish th~ space and all the utilities, the County should carry the
administrative and operationai Budget as originally agreed upon.
~ Mayor Ailsbrook reported to the ,joint meeting that the department carried by
I the City as a Bureau of Rates and 3ndustry he thinks is a very worthwhile activity and
hoped the County would pick up tht tab and carry it on as he considers this a County-wide
~ function. After a brief discussion, it was unanimously concluded by the County Commis-
' sioners that this is not fundamentally a County function;and,therefore, they could not
see their way clear to include it in this year~s Budget.
One of the Councilmen reported that some time ago a parcel of property in the
name of Flores, on which the Welfare Department had a lien, was sold to a man by the name
of Williams for $600 three years aftcr the death of the recipient which he understands
the law nullifies the lien. The property aras described as Block 55, Lot 63, and $1300
had been offered for the lot but refused prcvious to the time it was sold to Mr. Williams.
The County Attorney reported that it was the policy of the Public Welfare Board to adver-
tise all property on which they had liens as required by law. No further action was taken
on this matter.
There being no further ~oint business, the Boards unanimously agrced to ad,journ.
~ta.~: :;-tt~#
Dr. Hooper and Nr. Hall had to leave at this point but Messrs. Bowden, Braak
and Vaughan agreed to continue tht meeting as a Board of Commissioners and upon motion
of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board waived the Notice as required by G.S.
153-8 with thc statcment that they had the verbal asscnt of both Dr. Hooper and Mr. Hall.
Messrs. Edward B. Rice, District Chief of the N. C. District of the U. S.
Geological Survey, and Mr. George L. Bain, the Geologist who has ;juSt compl.eted a survey
of the ground-water resources of New Hanover County, presented a report of their findings.
Mr. Rice first reported that because of the tremendous industrial potential along tht
'navigable reaches in the Cape Fear and Northeast Cape Fear Rivers, it is his hope that
the value of the ground water investigation might be greatly enhanced if a supplementar~rogram
might be developed for the appraisal of surface waters and their interrelation with
ground water resources. Copies of the proposed pro,ject had been furnished each member
of the Board of Commissioners and the Chairman reported that after studying the recommenda-
tions, it was not felt advisable for the County to go into the pro,ject at this time. Mr.
Rice then presented Mr. George L. Bain who made a r¢port of the impact he thin}cs the work
he has done in providing information for future Planners and industrialists will have in
determining in what they might expect below grovnd by examining the maps which he has pre-
Br. Hooper joined the meeting at this time.
Mr. Bain reported that a four year study is inadequate to determine water manage-
ment problems underground but that he has found the quality and quanity fairly stable,
however, the surface water is variable. He suggested that it wou2d take a long period of
study to determine a predictable program for surface water control. He is of the opinion
that even if it means stretching the Budget and setting aside enough funds to carry on the
!water study program, it will pay off and cost less in the future i~f the project is continued
~at this time. A monitoring program is recommended ~lower Northeast Cape Fear River prepared
during this present study. Nr. Bain informed the Board that he had finished his field work
lon the project in New Hanover County and all of his reports have gone to Raleigh to be
lassembled and processed into a brochure which will be sent to the County for its use. He
~suggested that the Commissioners give serious consideration to the proposed projects and
~advise Mr. Rice of their decision. The Acting Chairman thanked Messrs. Bain and Rice for
their interest and reports and expressed their good wishes for the success for Mr. Bain~s
~new field of operation. ~through the use of "Pian B" as outlined in the pro,ject porposal for
Dr. Hooper assumed the Chair at this time and individual items of the Budget were discussed
~but no significant changes to be recorded in these minutes.
ADVERTISING - Chamber of Commeree
A discussion arose about the allotment from the Advertising and Development
appropriation about the help of the Chamber of Commerce in guiding their Advertising Pro-
gram for next year. It was unanimously agreed that they would go along on the same basis.
By unanimous consent, the Board recessed to meet aga at 7:00 P. . July 12th
to continue a discussion of the Budget Estimates. The Ex c i ret y as instructed
qto invite the Chairman of the Board of Elections to disc~' e Elec Bo~rd.
; EfCecut ive
July 12, 1966 7:00 P. M.
In conformity with the notice given at the last recessed meeting, the
Board reconvened for the purpose of resuming the Budget deliberations with the follow-
ing members present: Chairman, Dr. Nooper, Commissioners Vaughan, Braak and Hail
and County Auditor T. D. Love. Mr. Bowden was absent on military duty.
Board of Election's Budqet - '
The Chairman called the meeting to order and explained that he had received~
a letter late this afternoon from Mr. O. K. Pridgen, II, Chairman of the Board of
the Board of Elections, eapressing his regret that he could not be present this evening
because of a previous commitment. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that
the Board proceed to set the final fiscal year 1966-1967 Election Budget tonight. IL
was seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion. In the discussion, County
Auditor Love reported that he had discussed the election costs with Mr. Pridgen who
agreed that it should be the same as two years ago, which amounted to $16,000 and that
and that the estimate of $18,000 for establishing a permanent looseleaf voter registra-~
tion system was sufficient so far as he could determine. Mr. Braak then offered a i
motion that $16,000 be appropriated for the fall elections. It was seconded by Mr. I
Hall and unanimously passed.
Mr. Vaughan then questioned the Auditor as to how much money had been paid
so far on supplies for the proposed ~i'ermanefit:registration system. He advised that ;
it amounted to $2100. Mr. Vaughan then moved that funds in the amount of $15,900 be
appropriated to complete the installation of the permanent registration system as this '
is the amount of the original $18,000 appropriation and is still unspent. It was .i
seconded by Mr. Braak. Mr. Hall, in the discussion of the motion explained that he
he would vote "Yes" with the proviso that it was sub,ject to invoiced bills to substant~2~te
any additional costs incurred because of facts which might later develop to alter the ~~
original estimate. This motion was adopted unanimously. I
Library - County Auditor Love reported that the Committee appointed by thel
Board, composed of Louis J. Poisson, Jr., E. C. Brandon, Jr. and himself, had reconcilel
the recommendations of the three bodies and recommended that the total County Budget
bc $28,2!}7 as their share of the operational cost of the Wilmington Pvblic Libarary.
There was no dissenting voice on this agreement.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. resigning as Agent of
Record for the County Retirement Plan. He expressed his appreciation for the privilege
of working for the Board with this matter and offered any further help that he might
be in establishing a County R~tirement Plan, but felt that it is to the best interest
of the County empioyees. In accepting t1~is resignation with regrets, the Board avthori~ed
the Chairman to contact Mr. Harriss and decide on a reasonabie fee for the professional
service which he has rendered in this matter. One Commissioner suggested $250• I
The meeting was adjourned, upon motion of Mr. Braak; seconded 1~ Dr. Hooper, I
until the next date for the regular semimonthly meeting on July 18t ~*J$r00 A. M.
, ~xecutive Sec ary I
Wilmington, N. C. July 18, 1966
8:00 A. M.
The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com-
missioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. N. in the Commissioners~ Room of the
County Court House with the following members present: Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman,
Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, J, M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; and County Auditor T.
D. Lovc, and County Attorney 1.. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Laurcnce O. Bowden was
out of the city on military duty.
The Chairman called the mceting to order and asked Lt. Phillip Rawls of the
Salvation Army to give the invocation. ~
Before approving the minutes, the following corrections and admendments
were made: In the paragraph"U. S. 117 IMPROVEMENTS", Mr. Braak requests that the
time quoted by him was 25 minutes rather than l}5 minutes. Iri the paragraph under
"BUDGET DISCUSSION" about tht Community Hospital, the words "total funds" should be
inserted after tht figures $923•33 and in the same sentence, change the word '~them" to
"all nurses". Mr. Hall then moved that they be approved as written above. It~ was
seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed.
The Chairman advised the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Meares
Harriss, Jr. resigning as Agent of Record for thc County Retirement Plan. He stated
that the letter would be brought in later and the Board accepted the resignation,
by common consent. AIr. Hail suggcsted that some compensation sould be made in ratio to
the usability of the information. He has checked with some other agents who think
that $250.00 would be a reasonable fee. Mr. Uaughan expresscd his opinion that a half-
dozen other zgents would be glad to do the same work. The Chairman was authorized to
work out a rcasonable fee with Mr. Harriss for his services.