1966-07-18 Regular Meeting~4~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 12, 1966 7:00 P. M. ASSEMBLY - In conformity with the notice given at the last recessed meeting, the Board reconvened for the purpose of resuming the Budget deliberations with the follow- ing members present: Chairman, Dr. Nooper, Commissioners Vaughan, Braak and Hail and County Auditor T. D. Love. Mr. Bowden was absent on military duty. Board of Election's Budqet - ' The Chairman called the meeting to order and explained that he had received~ a letter late this afternoon from Mr. O. K. Pridgen, II, Chairman of the Board of the Board of Elections, eapressing his regret that he could not be present this evening because of a previous commitment. After a brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Board proceed to set the final fiscal year 1966-1967 Election Budget tonight. IL was seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion. In the discussion, County Auditor Love reported that he had discussed the election costs with Mr. Pridgen who agreed that it should be the same as two years ago, which amounted to $16,000 and that and that the estimate of $18,000 for establishing a permanent looseleaf voter registra-~ tion system was sufficient so far as he could determine. Mr. Braak then offered a i motion that $16,000 be appropriated for the fall elections. It was seconded by Mr. I Hall and unanimously passed. Mr. Vaughan then questioned the Auditor as to how much money had been paid so far on supplies for the proposed ~i'ermanefit:registration system. He advised that ; it amounted to $2100. Mr. Vaughan then moved that funds in the amount of $15,900 be appropriated to complete the installation of the permanent registration system as this ' is the amount of the original $18,000 appropriation and is still unspent. It was .i seconded by Mr. Braak. Mr. Hall, in the discussion of the motion explained that he he would vote "Yes" with the proviso that it was sub,ject to invoiced bills to substant~2~te any additional costs incurred because of facts which might later develop to alter the ~~ original estimate. This motion was adopted unanimously. I Library - County Auditor Love reported that the Committee appointed by thel Board, composed of Louis J. Poisson, Jr., E. C. Brandon, Jr. and himself, had reconcilel the recommendations of the three bodies and recommended that the total County Budget bc $28,2!}7 as their share of the operational cost of the Wilmington Pvblic Libarary. There was no dissenting voice on this agreement. AGEN~ OF RECORD The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. resigning as Agent of Record for the County Retirement Plan. He expressed his appreciation for the privilege of working for the Board with this matter and offered any further help that he might be in establishing a County R~tirement Plan, but felt that it is to the best interest of the County empioyees. In accepting t1~is resignation with regrets, the Board avthori~ed the Chairman to contact Mr. Harriss and decide on a reasonabie fee for the professional service which he has rendered in this matter. One Commissioner suggested $250• I ADJOURNMENT - ~n The meeting was adjourned, upon motion of Mr. Braak; seconded 1~ Dr. Hooper, I until the next date for the regular semimonthly meeting on July 18t ~*J$r00 A. M. ~ , ~xecutive Sec ary I ~ Wilmington, N. C. July 18, 1966 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. N. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members present: Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, J, M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; and County Auditor T. D. Lovc, and County Attorney 1.. Bradford Tillery. Commissioner Laurcnce O. Bowden was out of the city on military duty. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the mceting to order and asked Lt. Phillip Rawls of the Salvation Army to give the invocation. ~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Before approving the minutes, the following corrections and admendments were made: In the paragraph"U. S. 117 IMPROVEMENTS", Mr. Braak requests that the time quoted by him was 25 minutes rather than l}5 minutes. Iri the paragraph under "BUDGET DISCUSSION" about tht Community Hospital, the words "total funds" should be inserted after tht figures $923•33 and in the same sentence, change the word '~them" to "all nurses". Mr. Hall then moved that they be approved as written above. It~ was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. AGENT OF RECORD The Chairman advised the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. resigning as Agent of Record for thc County Retirement Plan. He stated that the letter would be brought in later and the Board accepted the resignation, by common consent. AIr. Hail suggcsted that some compensation sould be made in ratio to the usability of the information. He has checked with some other agents who think that $250.00 would be a reasonable fee. Mr. Uaughan expresscd his opinion that a half- dozen other zgents would be glad to do the same work. The Chairman was authorized to work out a rcasonable fee with Mr. Harriss for his services. \ ~4~ Minutes of the Meeting July 18, 1966 Continued _ _ "bc~vidDARY ROADS DELETION - ' A letter was received from the District_Engineer of the State Highway Com- mission requesting that the Commissioners approve the deletion from maintenance of,;the~ following ,roads from the State Highway S~CStem: . „-.,r;:~~ ~ ~; ~.. ~ Mo. 1- SR 15l}0, 0.4 mile - four houses onc¢ here tsave bee~.moved awa'y due to . Sunny Point Buffer Zone, Road not ma3ntained~y~5tate Highway Commis- I s1on. `~ / No. 2- SR 15l~3 - leave on System from U. 5. 76 eastward 0.2 mile; del~tte.from this point'southward 0.3 mile to SR 1511. This road does not esist. No. 3- SR 151}1 - leave on System from U. 5. 421 westward 0.1 mile; from this point westward 0.52 mile delete from System as this area was taken in by Sunny Point Buffer 2one. After reviewing the roads and tracing them on a~~ap, Mr. Vaughan offered th e following-- Resolution: a ~` BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of>;New H over Connty ' concurs in the closure of State Roads 151~0, 151}1 and 1543,in~"accordance with the request of the 5tate Highway Commission as expressed in letter dated July 5th, 1966. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. _ IJOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED LOTS - ' A letter was received from the Right-of-Way Agent of the State Highway Com- mission offering to purchase the foilowing parcels of ,jointly owned tax foreclosed pro- !perty: Parcel No. 21 B2ock 58 Part of Lot ?_ ~ $~~82S:D0 Parcei No. 39 Block 58 Part of Lots 1} 8 5 1,125:00 Patc¢i No. 10~ Block l}~ Part of LoL ~ 500.00 Parcel No. 102 Block 45 Part of Lot 3 650.00 ii ~ $ 3,l00.00 'The Executive Secretary stated that the prices quoted on these lots were checked by the County Assessor and found to be in line r,rith current mar~tet values of property in that neighborhood and recommended that the Board approve their sale. After some-discussion in which it developed that this property is to be used as a part of the clover-leaf ~approaches to the proposed medium level bridge across the Cape Fear River, Mr. Hall moved that the Board approve the sale as requested. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the bailots were cast, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" but the Chairman declared.the motion passed by a ma~ority vote. .. _ JOINTLY OWNED TAX FORECLOSED I.OTS - The Executive Secretary reported that he had prospects for the purchase of the following ,Jointly owned tax foreclosed property at H~e fair market prices listed: B1. No. Lot No. Description Value 326 Pt.Lot !} 22~6" x 75~; 90~ from NW cor Swann and '. ~. MacRae St. • $200.00 326 Ptv Lot 3 30T x 75'; 135 ' from SE cor of ~th x ,~ Nixon,° fronting on 7th St. L~00.00 5~}~} P~•. ~:A.t' S~ `""''~; ` 33 ~_ . x~--150' ; 66 ~ f rom NE cor of 9th 8 r , ` H'idder, fronting on 9th St. 650.00 After explaining that the lots have been examined by the County Appraisors who placed a fair market value on them, Mr. Vaughan moved that the sale be approved and the funds set aside for the purchase of recreational parks property. After a discussion, it was de- cided that this would not be feasible and Mr. Vaughan changed his motion to approve the sale of the lots as they were presented. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. ` Mr. Vaughan then moved that funds from these sales and any future sales of similar property be set aside for the purpose of recreational parks. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman declared it dead. By common consent of the Board, the Chair- ~man was authorized to write the Recreation Advisory Committee and ask them t-o recommend space locations which the County might purchase. County Auditor Love pointed out that he had recently attended a mCeting in ~~fashington in connection with County Parks and Recreation being sponsored by the National Association and that Federal funds are avail- ;able for this purpose. He has information in booklet form provided him at.that meet- ing and was instructed to turn it over to Mr. F. L. Meier, Jr., who is Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Committee. CIVIL DEFENSE - The Chairman read a letter from the local Civil Defense Director+advising that the Federal government is piacing increased emphasis on the Fallout Shelter Program and that a guide recentiy came from the Department of Defense outlining the requirements as follows: . • a. F1113ng of all water cans presently stored in sheltered areas. b. Semi-annual inspection of all s1-elter supplies stored in shelter areas except for the radiological instruments which are required to be inspected quarteriy. c. Reeeive, issue and store all incoming shipments of supplies and equipmenL. They requested that the Civil Defense Agency be authorized to add an employee to its pr¢sent personnel on a half-time Merit System basis with the title of Civil Defense Food Supply Officer. The Merit System starting salary for this Job is $217.50 and is eligible for matching funds, He suggested that Mr. Harry F. Thomas, ~Supervisor of the Surplus continned- , ~ - . ~`/ _ ~ ~ I ~~~ Minutes of the Metting Ju 18, 1966 Continued CIVIL DEFENSE - (continued) Commodity warehouse could fit into this position at a part-time salary of $2160.00 annnally. By receiving matching funds, the ~oint City and County share would I amount to $1305 for the year. They suggested that this Nould be one way of lncreasing Mr. Thomas~ salary at no expense Lo the County. After some discussion, in which the I question arose as to whether or not the Trgining Officer might serve also as Director, ' it was decided that this was not feasible. After some.further discussion, Mr. Hall ~I moved that action on this question be deferred indefinitely. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and passed by a ma~ority vote. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" as he considers it must be made sometime and thinks it should be d~ecided now. Mr. ~raak was requested to in- vestigate to see if Mr. Thomas~s present ~ob is a half-time ~ob and report back to the Board. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AD - - Miss Lois J. Ward, Clerk of 5uperior Court, informed the Board that Mrs. Noe has resigned as Clerk Typist in the Recorder~s Court Office and requested the Board of Commissioners to set a starting salary for employing a replacement and authorize the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission to.advertise to fill the vacancy. After a brief discussion,. the Board unanimously autho~3zed the beginning salary of $2988. SUBDIVISION ORDI~ANGE_.- The Chairman called attention to a letter from Smith Buil~~rs & Realty Co. with reference to the ~tate Highway Gommission adding some streets in the Tanglewood Subdivision to the State Maintained Secondary Road System and a reply from the 5tate Highway Commission explaining why this couid not be done,without additional work which was outlined by the engineer to Mr. Smith at the time and on the spot investigation was made. By common consent, the Board authorized the Chairman to call Mr. Smith~s attention to the present Subdivision Ordinance as well as write the State Highway Commission and ask them to review the Ordinance and make any suggested recommendations which they think would heip to prevent future questions about accepting subdivision roads. (Subsequent to the above action, Mr. Harold E. Cooper brought a letter to the £xecutfve Secr~tary dated June lOth from the 5ecretary of Carolina Lands, Inc., the owners and developers of Tanglewood, avthorizing Mr. Smith of 5mith Builders 8 Realty Company to correct some of the drainage problems by putting one or two laborers in the ditches for several days with whatever hand tools ar~ necessary to soive the drainage problem.) COMPLAINT - JAILOR JOE E. JOHSON The Chairman read a letter from Jailor Joe E. Johnson complaining about the Military Police unit with quarters in the basement of the Court House. He again call~d attention to the taking of the baby bed a couple of weeks ago and stated that the foul and vulgar langnage used by the Marines was obnoxious and embarrassing to his wife as she had to use the elevator at their office door and could not help overhearing thelr conversation as she waited on the elevator. By common consent, the Board authorized the Chairman to contact Col. C. H. Sullivan, Provost Marshall, at Camp LeJeune in an effort to resolve the matter, ELECTION BILLS Broadhurst- Second Primarv The Chairman stated that he xould like for the Board to consider the invoice for Mr. L. E. Broadhurst in the amount of $10$.00 representing 7 days service in con- nection with the S~cond Primary. After ahbrief discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the bills for Mr. Leon E. Broadhurst in the amount of $105.00 and Mr. E. Mayo Hoimes in the amount of $30.00 be paid. There was no second to this motion and Dr. Hooper offered i a motion that Messrs. Broadhurst and Holmes be asked to verify their time to explain the difference between the two - one worked 7 days and another 2 days. It was seconded I by Mr. Vaughan and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Hooper and Vaughan voted °YES" and Mr. Hall voted "NO", and the Chairman declared the motion passed. adhusst - Mav pFimar~ - The Chairman then presented the bill outstanding in the amount of $250.00 for L. E. Broadhurst in connection with the First Primary. The Chairman pointed out that he would be glad to support payment of the bills if it was item#zed. He reminded tihe Board that at a previous meeting he was authorized to contact. Mr. Braodhurst and itemize the bills. This he has done but up to this time has not ' heard anythi~g further from him. Mr. Vaughan then moved that action on this bill be deferred until an itemized bill is submitted as it does not meet the requirement of the ~ la~ and is, therefore illegal. It Was seconded by Dr. Hooper who pointed out that he had refused in the past to pay bills because they.were not itemized. Wh¢n the ballot was taken, it was unanimously passed. O. K. PridgenJ II - Unpaid bilis for the personal services of O. K. Pridgen,I~ in the amount of $Z~00 for the First Primary and $420 for the Second Primary were reviewek and discussed. The Chairman pointed out that the bill for $l~20 was itemized at 28 days total work and that so far as he could determine only 22 days.had elapsed between th~ ' last bill and this one. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board authorize paymen£ of $1500.00 for the personal services of the Chairman of the Boarj of Elections for the First and Second Primaries, in addition to $750 which has already been paid, making a total of $2250.00. There was no second to this motion and the Chairmsn ruled it dead. Dr. Hooper then offered a motion that Mr. Pridgen be paid $1545 for his II persona2 services during the First and Second Primaries which is the sum compvted from the statements he has snbmi.tted and based on previous statements made before the Board that he would not charge for Saturdays and Sundays work and on his lnterpretation of a day's work, It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and in the discussion which followed, Dr. I Hooper and Messrs. Vaughan and Tillery seemed to remember the statements about the Saturdays and Sundays. Mr. Hall reiterated his previous statement that he considered ' the Board~of Elections compe~ent persons and they had always run good,compatent, clean electi'onsc The motion was passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Hall voted for the motion but stated that it is with tfisF:proviso that if further ~ustification for additional payments is submitted, he would want to pay them. . \ ~~ ~'~.`~~ Minutes of the Meeting_.__July 18, 1966 Continued EI:ECTION BILLS - (continued s Office Expense - The Chairman then presented invoices submitted for office expenses by the Board of Elections beginning with November 1965 through May Primary amounting to $1190.00 and for the Second Primary in the amount of ~225. After a brief discussion, Dr. Hooper moved that a75.00 included for secretarial heip, along with ~I}0 per month for office rent, be deleted and the long distance telephone billtn be paid i when itemized, making a net total of $920.00 less the $250.00 already paid, leaving $670.00 still to be paid. Mr. Vaughan seconded this motion. R9r. Hall stated he would support the motion if it was agreed to,add $30.00 for use of the car. This was accepted by both Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan which~:makes the motion include a total of $700 to be paid as office expense for the two elections. It was unanimously adopted. BEER PERMIT - • • The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, unanimously approved for consideration and investigation by the Sheriff:. • ~ ~ Jack Jesse Taylor T/A The Rathskeller 1301 Princess.,St. • Wiimington,•N. C. JAIL INSPECTION REPORT - • The Chairman presented a report made by the State Board of Public Welfare Inspectt~ns of Correctional Institution, recommending the Sheriff, the Jailor and his staff for the good car~ and treatment of persons instrusted to them for confinement. Mr. Vaughan moved that a letter be written to the Sheriff with a copy to the Jailor commending them for their excellent report. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. FEEDER CATTLE Mr. Braak reported to the Board that the County owned considerable•pasGt~re which was being allowed to grow up since they have disposed of a12 the cattle. He sug- gested that some consideration be given.to the purchsse of feeder cattle which can be bought on the open market for 14d per ib. and.put them on this pasture. It is his opin- ion that without cost to the,County the profits would be worth the trouble. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Agriculture Extension Chairman b¢ requested to give overall assistance to Mr. Braak in the purchase of the feeder cattle and that money to pay for~them be allo- cated out c1f the County Prison Grocery Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the ba11oL was cast, Mr. Braak abstained from voting,~but the Chairman declared it carried by a ma,jority.sote. TAX REFUPID - ' ~ The Tax Superviso.r reported that Mr. Fred Retchin of 1109 Hawthorne Road has been paying taxes on his property described as Lot 702, Section B. of South Oleander on an~excess valuation of y1,000 since 1958 due to an error in calculat•ion. It was discovered when he sold the ;prpperty recently. The Tax Supervisor recomm~nded that the Board authorize the return af the past two years taxes on the over-assessment but that according to his understanding of the law, taxes can not be returned beyond 2 years for whatever reason they were paid. After a rnling by the County Attorney, Mr. Vaugtian moved that taxes paid on the excess valuation of $1,000 for the past two years be re- Punded to A9r. Retchin, It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. EAST-WEST HIGHWAY DEVELOPMENT Mr. Braak reported that he had attended a meeting in~Raleigh with the State Highway Commission, along with a group of interested citizens from across the State in behalf of an interstate type limited access road from the Pbrt of Wilmington to the Piedmont section of North Carolina. The presentation was made by a citizen of Sa2isbury who presented it very we12. They recommended that it be a 6 or 8 lane new road to ~oin U. S. 220 near Rockfngham and have bran¢hes reaching into Charlotte, Greensboro, Hi.gh- point and 'Winston Salem ,joining the interstate roads now leadfng intv Rafeigh and Durham. Their recommendation included a toll road if funds were not available without all the present highway revenues. The Board zxpressed their thanks to Mr. Braak for his dili- gence in attending this meeting. , . ~ BOAT SPEEDING COMPLAINT - ' , , . The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a letter from the U. S. Coast Guard in cegard to the complaint made by Mr. Benoy about speeding motor boats Idamaging his property at the entrance of Bradley~s Creek Marina. They advised that the ICoast Guard had no authorlty to establish speed limits on navigable aaters as that is in I'the field of authority of the U. S. Corps of Engineers. He suggested that the State and its political subdivisions may also enact speed regulations under the laws of North ICarolina. By common consent, the Board referred this matter to the Connty Attorney for further study and recommendations. The County Attorney suggested that a Public Hearing be held on the matter. A7r. Usughan then offered a motion that the Coanty advertise for a Public Hearing on this matter stating that the Board has been asked to establish rtgu- lations if they are found feasible. It was seconded by Mr.•Braak and unanimously passed. RECE55 - ~ At thia.point, the Chairman declared the B resvme discussion of the fiscal yesr's Budget. W I a- ~- .; The following good and lawful persons were drawn to se.rue as Jurors in Superi Covrt for the weeks beginning August 8th and August 15, 1966 - Ctiminal terms; August 22nd and August 29th - Civil terms: PETIT JURY - ~ Omitted from Minutes of July 5, 1966 Jurors for the week beqinnina Aupust 8,1966- Criminal Jurors- Auqust 1,5,1966-Criminal Balk, Jack 33 Bradshaw, Mary C. 90 BroWning, David D. 51 Browning, Mrs. Minnie Bryan, Margaret F. Carr, W. E. Carter, Roy Ray Costin, Beverly C. Cox, Mrs. Sarah Z. Danford, M. R. Davis, Louis J. Ellis, John H. Gregory, Lvberta M. John H. Hall Harrell, Jack R. Harrell, Richard E. Harper_, Elwood J. Hollemon, Willie E. Hyman, R. 5. , Israel, Charlie Jackson, Blanche G. Johnson, James Charles Johnson, W. D. Kahn, Max Kellog, Margaret Kuprion, Norbert H. Lanier, Luther J. Leigh, Vernon I. McDonald, Arthur D. McMillan, David F. Miles, John Moore, Arthur Moseley, Eli,jah Norris, R. Sudie Northrop, Milton A.Jr. Page, W. H. Palmer, Josepla A. Jr. Parsiey, Dona2d M. Jr. Peterson, W. E. Page, Talmadge O. Parnei2, M. M. Pearce, Columbus Potter, Ralph M. Ramsey, M. Hurt Jr. Roderick, John W. Jr. Saleeby, Taman M. 3 Johnston Dr. 3 S. sth St. 08 Market St. F. 51o8 Market St. 319 Chestnut St. 105 Hawthorne Dr. 2114 Klein Rd. 1~L}03 Wrightsv. Av. 1729 Carolina Ave. 5523 Wrightsv. Av. 31~01 Chalmers Dr. 718 Timber Lane 1115 Charlotte St. P. O. Box 1677 206 Brightwood Rd. 5406 Ridgewood Hgts. I{26 Greenwood Rd. 710 Colwell Ave. 205 Pinecrest Pkwy. 511 Price Alley 71L} Campbell St. Jr. 5909 Park Ave. 110 Myrtle Av¢. 146 Wintergreen Rd. l~ob s. i4tn sc. 230 Wallaee Ave. 2615~Lake Shore Dr. 271Lt .Monroe St. 1108 5. 6th St. 237 Peiffer Ave. 1308 Corbett St. 516 Harnett St. 613 Wooster St. RFD 1, Box 165 RFD 3~ B 532 4946 Pine St. 5212 Wrightsv. Av. RFD 3, Box 470 201 Kenwood Ave. 2229 Oleander Dr. 102 Stokley Rd. RFD 1, Box 32!} 201 Willanda Dr. 119 Stradleigh Rd. 216 Mercer Ave. P. O. Box 20 Wri ghtsv. Beach,N.C Schwartz, Wm. 621 N. t}th St. Shaw, Edith D. 1105 Meares St. Shepaf~d, ~Vaiter M. RFD 3, B 507 5holar, A:-: ' 4803 Cedar Ave. Simmons, A. J. 201 N. llth St. Snow, Carl S. P. O. Box 1 ~9 Kure Beac , N.C. Sonderman, C. E. 50 Woodlawn Ave. Southerland, Emory H. 2527 Guflford Ave. Southetland, J. E. 19 Keaton Ave. Spencer, S. M. 3812 Market 5t. Tartt, Percy Sr. 215 Bagley Ave. Thomas, Olivia 407 Brunswick St. Todd, Edwin D. 201} Cypress Cir. Ward, Cecil Dr. 717 Colwell Ave. Warren, Richard 807 Harnett St. Weedeon, Alphonso H. 1l}08 S. 6th St. White, Mrs. Bernice B. 1712 Carulina Ave. Wiiliams, UeWitt Box 101 Wrightsv. Beach Williams, Lloyd F. 5039 Oleander Dr. Williams, l~rgaret 308 N. 9th St. Wilson, Glenn F. 4923 Oleander Dr. 2urcher, Early 2222 N~ple St. Bekaert, Charles J. Beli, Larry R. Blackiedge, Wiiliam Block, Fred¢rick L. Caulder, Wm. F. Dickey, Earl Franks, Cornell Freeman, Walter H. Gault, Wyatt L. Hansley, Rachel Harris, John Thomas Flarper, Lillie Belle Johnson, Eloise S. .lones, John Lewis Keever, Odell W. King, Harris N. Hoester, Carl H. Lamica, George E. Lammie, Mary F. Leitch, Mrs. Carolyn Mack, Woodrow Martin, Robert R. Meyland, Edward M. McNeil, Bettie M. Moore, Clyde W. Morris, H. M. Moser, Walter K. Murphy, John J. Nixon, Cora Lee Orrell, Francis.A. Paolini, Arnold Parsley, Eli2abeth W. Piner, Davis Pow¢11, Katie B. Price, Hatherine Randall, Duncan P. Randall, lda Bell Raney, James W. Rhodes, Billy G. Roberts, Dorothy A. Roberts, E. E. Robinson, Richard Rouse, Estelle T. Sass, Henry W. Schulz, Henry Shaw, Paul J. Slaon, Alex Jr. Slocum, Annie H. Smith, Ann C. Smith, Vance L. Jr. Sovtherland, Samuel Speiden, Mrs. Ida B. Stanley, Louis W. Strandquest, Ernest Stewart, C. W. Strange, Mary T. Straughan, Louis E. Surrmer, T. M. Vernon, Willie Warren, Mrs. R. F. 27 Churchill Il}7 Coionial Cir. RFD 2, Box • !~l~0 715 Forest Hilis Dr. 2131 Klein Rd. i 507 Wright St. ' 712 Campbell St. ' RFD 2,B 33 B . 11}O5 Sycamor e St . RFD 1 1010 5. I}th St. !}906 Wrightsv. Ave. ~ 131'j Grace St. 306 5. 16th 5t. 5211 Colonial Dr. 4i8 Pine Hills Dr. ~ 2015 Pender Ave. 1545 Parmele Rd. 1}05 N, lOth St. 137 Colonial Cir. ~ ~Thomas Hussy, City 4606 Mockingbird Lane RFD 3,Box 2 i.5o5 Church St. ;2']06 Chestnut St. 3719 Winston Blvd. io2o s. 5tn ~st. 1408 wooster st. ' 1920 Chestnut St. 1204 5. Kerr Ave. 323 S. Front St. I RFD 3 Box 68 ~ Masonboro Sound ~ !}316 Lake Ave. 3902 Carolina Beach•, Road 1012 5. 6th St. 4106 Edgewood Rd. 518 Wright St. 1510 Sherwood Forest 207 Oakleaf Dr. Box 196 Wri ghtsv. Beach,N.C.. RFD 3, Box 299 l~09 S. 15th St. 11 Live Oak Ave. 4949 wTi9htsV. Ave. 212 Kenwood Ave. 4606 L$tn,g Leaf Hills 308 MacRae St. 1711 Orange St. 609 Grace St. ~ 2405 Shirley Rd. D. RFD 2, Box 205 1808 Grace St. RFD 3, Box 459 T. 318 Frances N~rion 5112 Carolina Beach 14 N. 7Lh St. 2902 Chestnut St. 2206 Carlton Ave. 1007 Wright St. 511 Chestnut St. Continued- ~ Dr I. R9. ~ ~~.~.. yJurors for the week beqinnin9 Auqust 22,1966 ~Civil ,Boney, James A. Bordeaux, L. W. I Brooks,; Na.Lhaniel Canady, HilSon R. Carter, J. A. Clemmons, Robert F. Corbett, Clara Croom, Jessie A. ~iDixon, John W. Jr. Easterlina, Mrs. P. L Everett, Sallie Grimsley, J. N. Grimstead, William Eu 'Hall, Freeman I~Hall, Laura King Hamel, Robert L. Hart, John L. Helms, Dalmas C. Hines, John R. 'Hodes, J. W. IHumphrey, D. Boyd IJackson, Miss Blanche Kermon, R. M. Jr. Labriola, Michael LeGwin, .Iohn J. ~Lester, Roscoe E. n Lilly, Thomas B. Marshall, L. C. I Nhason, Julia ~ I RFD 1, Box 124 A. Gen. D ivery,• Caro~ na Beach 509 Bladen St. RFD 1, Box 188 31o Marstellar St. 121~ Market St. 1315 McRae's Alley P. o. Eox lll} Carolina Beach N.C 2701 E. Lake Sh~~e . 210 Nun St. RFD 3, Box 31~ . 15 Borden Ave.. gene 1108.Cypress,Dr., 601 Henry St., , 215 Evans St. , , 217 Spruce Dr. , 114 Stradleigh Rd. 12 Northeood Dr. 6325 Oleander.Dr.. , 4947 Wrightsy. Av. aox 3~4 w~~~~~sv.,, R. 1922 Church St. 2937 Pine St. •••• ~ 5323~oleander Dr: 505 park Terrace 226•Huntington•Rd. P.~O. Box 900• • • • 1903 Nun St. - • RFD 2, Box 201 ~ • Mathews,'L. P. Sr. Meshaw, Howard P. Miller, C. W. Mintz, Tylon O. Mintz, C. W. Mintz, John Henry Mitchell, R. W. Moore, W. J. Mos ley, ~h9i 11 iam N. Murrell, Z. E. Nesmith, Lifrie Nurnberger, ?l~illiam Jr. Padavich, Lois Pearce, Lacy D. Rehder, Henry B. Ross, A. T: Sawyer, Thomas Schwartz; Nathan Scott, R.'M: ' Sidbury,'Lillie Mae Summecs, Wiliiam Franklin Veasey, Alvin J. Traister, F. L. Watters, Jaines' L. Jr. White, James A:" Williams, Daniel Herndon Walke, L. E. Watts, Charles M. VJest, J: T. " . . 2020 Metts Ave. 5621 Athens Lane 109 Sebrell Ave. 212 Wood Dale Dr. 109 Sebrell Ave. 205 Kidder St. 25~~ van Buren 2720 Oleander Dr. 1401 Church St. 413 N. 2na St. 1009 N. 5th St. 2325 Shirley Rd. RFD 2, B 516 114 J.E.B. Stuart Dr. 2243 Oleander Dr. RFD 1, a i54 216 Dixie Ave. 195 Colonial Dr. RFD 1, Box 136 RFD 1, 'Box 186 217 Pine Valley Dr. P. 0. Box 600 RFD 3, Box 13 RFD 1, B 306 223 Page Ave. 362 Tulon Dr. Box 728 1938 Church St. RFD 1 Box 91 Cast~e Hayne,N.C Jurors for the week beoinninq Auqust 29, 1966 - Civil arrier, Bachman Earl 5329 ~uiumn Dr: eard, L eslie I. 132.Co~Lonial Cir. Bellamy, Ann T. S. 203 N. lsth St. •- Best, Ge orge E. 15 Merrimac Dr. iBisson, Roger R. 148 Stonewa~l Jackson Burnett, Oscar ~65 S. Lumina'Ave. I Wri ghtsv. Beach E31rns, George A. 5012 Oleander Dr.' ,~Caison,. H. H. 26 Live Oak Ave. Carter, Ralph Edward Jr. 2401 Shirley Rd. Capps, Bessie O. 256 Greenville Ave. ;Davis, Geraldine Blazer 211} Robert E.D~ee 'Dunlea, Richard A. Jr. ~~Edwards, Furney D. 'iEllison, William Evenson, Mrs. Becky W. Fennell, Fitzhugh Sr. Gobble,~Everette K. II Goodson, A. N. !Hahn, Robert A. iHardwick, Douglas E. ~Henry, Adrian Jr. ~Hervey, David P. ~Hoffman, James Wesley Johnson, Mrs. Mary E. King, Arthur Lane, H. E. Lewis, Annie W. ~ ~~t Box 1889 P. o. Eox 183 1}10 5. 11~th St. $16 5. 3rd St. 237 N. 25th St. Merrimac Dr. P. O. Box 201 200 Forest Rd. 309 Brenda Dr. 1110 Rankin St. 2238 Camelia Dr. l~320 Market St. 209 N. l}th St. 809 S. 6th St. 311 Pine Grove Dr. 1016 S. 3rd St. Made;j, Robert Chester Mahler; Marie A. Miller, Elizabeth Mintz, W. R. ~ McKeithan, C. H. McIntyre, Charlie Jr. Newkirk, Willie Northrop, Sophia Orr, N~rion V. Orr, R. J. Pappas, Billie Peterson, A. D. Plowden, Hugh A. Post, Mrs. Sarah J. Powell, Julia N. Ramsey, A. B. Raub, D. W. Rogers, E. L. Scherr, Samuel Sidbury, John Somersett, Kathlean Somersett, Norwood Spencer, Chades L. Strange, Ailen T. Straughan, Mrs. Belle B. Waldorf, Russell M. West, Arthur L. Williams, Linster E. BUDGET RESOLUTION MEETING July 25, 1966 5:00 P. M IRECONVENTION 509 Mercer Ave. 2617 Chestnut St. 4i6 s. 7tn st. 2115 Burnett Blvd. 152l~ Parmele Dr. RFD 1, Box 329 810 Wooster St. 1}16 S. Fr.ont St. 20 Montgomery Ave. 606 N. Kerr Ave. 618 Barclay Hills Dr. 208 N. Wallace Ave. !}926 Park Ave. 112 N. 7th St. 1313 Glenn St. 3510 Carolina Bea~$. 26 Lennon Dr. RFD 3, t}19 Dock 5t. RFD 1, Box 343 20.N. 2~th St. 316 Bronx Ave. 205 N. Wallace Av. 1305 5. Churchi2l % Foster Hill Realty 4808 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 1 Box 232 Cast~e Hayne, N.C. 1520 orange St. Complying with the notice given each member at the recessed meeting held on July 28, 1966, the Board reconvened for the purpose of passing the Budget Resolvtion. The folloving members were present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. 'N1. Hooper, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradf~rd Tillery. AUDITOR'S REPORT - The Snditor report~d that he had racapitulated the Budget figures to includg the Ichanges made by the Commissioners. He reported that $162,OOO.had been added to th¢ Budget !since his recommendations. He restated his opinion that the County would collect on more 'than the $180,000,000 tax valuations on which he had originally figured his Bndget and suggested the Commissioners could use $185,000,000 as a base without seriously d~pleting the surplus necessary to maintain a stable tax rate. Mr. Vaughan proposed that the total amount of the Estimated Budget be reduced by $18,000 by taking $15,000 from the Advertising and Industrial Development Fund and reducing the School Capital Reserve Fund from $23,000 to ~20,000 and moved that this be done. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimonsly approvad. _ continued- See second Bud et Meeting of July 18th and~Budget Meeting of July 21, 1966 omitted on Pages 652, ~53 8 651+• I ~~5~ Budget Resolution Meeting Jnly 25, 1966 Coniinued ~ BLuuci RESOLUTION - ; AfLer making these ad3ustments, the County Anditor reported that the total BadgeL would amout to $10,586,1~0.32. He stated that if the Commissioners would set ' the tax base at $189,000,000 the present rate of $1.62 per one hundred dollar valuation ~~I would raise sufficient revenue to meet the Budget. Mr. Vaughan then offered the followinc Resolution: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1966 and ending June 30, 1967, the following appropriations are mad~ to the various I funds Khich we deem sufficient for carrying out the neeessary operations of the New Hanover County Government. ' ' 1966-67 BUDGET 8 TAX RATE GENERAL FlJND $1 01 ~ ............................... AGRICULTURE & ECONOMIC FUND~ , .~9,109= #2- 2l 8 2 ............................. AII3 TO BLIND FilND },07 . 0 .................................. ~ 19,816.12 AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREM .. 81 128 0 ............................ 7 , . 0 AID TO PERMANENTLY 8 TOTALLY DISABLED .................... : 466 860 00 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE .................................... , . l 200 00 99 HOSPITALIZATION FIJND } . , l 28 8 .................................... } .00 ,57 INDIGENT .. 15 ~ ........... ...................... 70.00 7, COMMUNITY }i05PITAL ............................... 271 508 00 WELFARE ADMINISTRATION FiJND ............................. , . 3q2 1}05 00 REVALUATION FUND .... , . 0 000 0 ................................. ~ , . 0 HEALTH FUND 18 81 ..................................... 9,209. ~ MENTAL HEALTH FUND " .............. 66 00 87 ....................... DEBT SERVICE F1JND . ,3 08 6 2 6 ................................. , 3 5 . 9 CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTION - BLDG. FUND ............. 1~.00,000.00 CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTION - REGULAR ............. 27 971 00 RIAL HOSPITAL ....... + ............... .. , . 100 3 000 00 .. . . .. . SCrioaL 'BOOK FliND , , . 20 000 00 ................................. , . BUILDING Fl1ND 00 500 7 .............................. CURHENT EXPENSE FiJND . , 1 023 782 77 ............................ SUPPLEMENTARY FlJND , . , 586 000 00 ........................... CAPITAL OlJ1'LAY FIJND , . ............................. 239,OOQ.00 CAPITAL RESERVE F1JND ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 000.00 PENSION FLTND ................. ..... , 00 95 99 L1 ..... DRIVER EDUCATION FllND , . , . '75 00 00 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, LlJNCHR00M FUND ................................ ~ , 0. 75,000.00 $io,5~b,i4o.32 .17~9 .0089 .0091 03 9 .02 4 :022 .081~ .0682 . .0033 .0767 .0111 •3965 .0111 . 0079 I .i9o5 .1155 .0106 .o4i4 $1.62 ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that s tax levy of $1.62 per hundred be levied against all I~ taxable property in the County as of January 1, 1966 to support the activities of the County government for the fiscal year 1966-6~, using a base valuation of $189,000,000. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that two dollars($2.00) be levied on each taxable poll or male person between the ages of 21 and 50, and the taxes levied and collected under •~ this section shall be for the benefit of the public school fund and the poor of the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in amounts appropriated for each item unl¢as changes are approved by the New Hanover County of Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unaimously approved. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Uaughan, the to ad~ourn the meeting. ~ „ ~ W. /G.~ c . Bxecnt BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 18, 1966 2.:0o P. M. unanimovs3y votedll ~ ~ Secretary RECONVENTION - The Board was reconvened and called to order by the Chairman with Dr. Hooper, Messrs. Braak, Hall and Vaughan, Commissioners, and the County Auditor T. D. Love. .Ir. Mr. Bowden was still away on military duty. Sheriff~s Department Sheriff Marion W. Miilis reported that the recent increases voted by the City ~, Council for members of the Police Department has created a problem in his department. Under the personnel regulations adopted by the City Council, a policeman will earn up to ', $laJ~7.00 per month after 3 years~ service ahile members of the Sher-iff~s Department will II be earning only $l~12.50 per month after three years or an average of $40.00 difference. He stated that all studies indicated that it cost approximately $10,000 to train a police• man or a Deputy Sheriff so that they can be sent out on missions and use their own iniiia? tive and ,judgement. The Chairman explafned that no definite decision would be made todayl but that the Board would do whatever it can. . I continued. \ ~~ N _ ~~~~ 8udget Discussion Meeting Julv 18. 2966 Continusd__.,, :-. - -.___ ~ _ _ s -- -- I Auditor - In discussing the Budget Estimate, County Anditor T. D. Love pointed out that ~ his total Budget Estimate was $2500 less this year than last year. The Chairman reminded , him the reason for this was the retirement of a high priced man during the year. All items ' were approved as recommended except the following: • m . ~ I Telephone from $505.00 to $500.00 I Travel from $l~00.00 to $300.00 I Capital Outlay from $350.00 to $200.00 ' (Adding Machine) Salaries: ' Edens from $4200.00 to $!}392.0~ ~ i narby from $3360.00 to 3556.00 .~ Melton' from $3360.00 to 3220.00 • ~ I Rhodes from $3000.00 to 3220.00 County Aid - Bridqe Liclhts The County Auditor informed the Board that the cost of the bridge lights had increased and suggested that the amount of $550.00 be increased by $100.00 and make it $650.00. In the discussion, it was decided that the Executive Secretary should confer with officiais of the Carolina Power & Light Company, the City of Wilmington, and the State Highway Commission regarding changing the present lights to automatic lights which are controlled by an electric eye and determine if the cost might be decreased and yet serve the same purpose. County Aid - PubliC Audit In discussing this item, the County Auditor suggested that thc cost of an Independent Auditor would likely increase this year and suggested that if the Commission¢rs ~ would agree Lo allow him to use the totals of Mr. Brock, the Auditor for the School Board, he felt that it would cut down the number of hours it was necessary for the County's In- dependent Auditor to review the School Budget figures. After a b'rief discussion, Mr. I,Vaughan moved that Mr. Love confer with Mr. W.-C. Barfield, C.P.A., and see how much saving wouid be affected if the above suggestion ,is foilowed. No further action was taken on this matter. - ELECTI~NS COST - The Chairman reminded the Board of the discussiorB which have resalted about paying the bills of the Election Board and suggested that in order to clarify any future controversy about how bills should be itemi2ed, he proposed the following compution: , "The day for the purpose of payment to the Election Board members and precinct workers, Isha21 be 8 hovrs. The following exceptions will be paid. (1) Any person who works more than 8 hours and less than 16 hours in a 24 hour period shall be paid for two full days. A person who works more than 16 hours in a 24 hour period shall be paid for 3 days. (2) Any called meeting of all precinct wnr~ters shall constitute a day for those who attend. (3) Any called meeting of the Board of Elections shall constitute a day for those who attend. The members of the Board of Elections who work individuaily on election board business in time segments of less than 8 hours in any 24 hour period shall keep an accur- ate accounting of time spent, and may charge for a full day for each accumulation of three ~ hours of such work. As an alternative to payment of compensation to the Chairman of the Election Board, i;if this keeping of records is too burdensome, the Board of County Commissioners is willing 'Lo compensate the Chairman of the Election Board at a rate of 10% of the total cost of ~the election." He then offered a motion that the Chairman of the Election Board be advised that the bills of that Board will be paid.on the above'basis for the fiscal year 1966-67. It was 'Iseconded by Mr. Braak. ;Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that in the alternative paragrapri, 10% be changed to ']~~. Dr. Hooper seconded the 'substitute motion for the sake of discussion. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "Yes" but Messrs. I~ooper,~Hall and Braak voted "NO" and the Chairman deciared the substitute motion'failed. Mr. Vaughan then offered a substitute motion that the alterna- tive paragraph be eliminated altogether. There was no second to this substitute motion ~~and the question was called on the original motion and wt~en the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Hooper and Hall voted for the motion and Mr. uaughan voted against the motion. The Chairman declared it passed by a ma3ority vote. The Executive Secretary was authorized Ito write a letter to the Board of Elections infocming them of this action with copies to ,each member. 'Board of Health - Before beginning the discussion of the Board of Health Budget, Mr. Vaughan Icalled attention to the City continuing to burning trash at their garbage dnmp on North 23rd Street. The Chairman suggested that the Board of Health be notified to investigate this matter and take whatever action seemed advisable and legal. Salaries -'In'discussing the salaries of the Board of Health, Mr. Hall pointed out the length of service~of Luna B. Rusher and Bertha P. Meier and suggested that they should merit an increase because of this long satisfactory service. RECESS - At this time, the Board decided to recess and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded ~ Iby Mr. Hall, unanimously recessed its meeting until Thursday, July 21st at 7:00 P. M, to ~~ resume discussions on page 29 of the Budget on the Drainage Department of the Board of \ Health. , , ~~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 21, 1966 7:00 P. M. RECONVFNTION The following members of the Board resumed budget disct.ssions on the above date: Dr. Jos. ~7. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hail, Jr., M. H. Vaughan and County Auditor T. D. Love, Mr. Bowden was. still ovt of the city on ~~ military duty. I Heaith Department - Drainaqe In discussing the Drainage Department, no further changes were made at this I Lime, however, the Board suggested that the Executive Secretary ask Mr. Cranford, the ~ Sanitation Director, if raises were given in this department last year independent of approval by the Board of Commissioners and if the dragline operator, Mr. Meshaw, who is paid on an hourly basis, receives pay whether he works or not. It was pointed ovt I that Mr. Meshaw does not receive a standard dragline operator~s wage. i Community Hospital - Dietarv The Chairman explained to the Board that the regular dietician had resigned• and that since it is contemplated that Community Hospital will merge with New Hanover Memorial Hospital within the near future, it is not felt expedient to reemploy a regula~ dietician. The Community Hospital Administrator has advised that the two assistants are willing to take on the responsibility provided he is able to make a minor salary ad,justment in their pay. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, authorized the Chairman to work out a satisfactory arrangement as outlined above. CITY TRASH DUMP Before closing the meeting, Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that the City continued to operate their trash dump which creates a hazard to flying aircraft and to health because of air polution. He offered a motion that the Executive Secretary write to the City Council and to the Health Department pointing out that the City has failed to heed the request of the County and ask them to enforce proper practices at garbage dump. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. RECESS - The Chairman then requested the County Auditor to take the Budget Estimates as they have been approved up to this point and work them out on the basis of using $189,000,000 as a base and bring back his recommendation. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board then recessed until Monday afternoon, July 25th, 1966 at 5:00 P. M. at which time they would hear the report from Mr. Love and pass the Budgei Resolution. I ~~~~ ~,E See BUDGET RESOLUTION meeting July 25th,1966 on Pages 651 and 652. Wilmington, N. C. August 1, 1966 8:00 E;.M. ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissionurs was heid on the above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court~ House with the following members present: Vice Chairman, M. H. Vavghan, Commissioners I Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr; County Attorney L. Bradford ~ Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman of the Board, was out of the city and could not attend the meeting. INVOCATION - I The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, ' who presided, and asked Reverend Edward G. Connette, Jr., Pastor of St. Andrews Covenantl Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. I MINUTES APPROVAL - i Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the Budget deliberations for July 8th and 12th, 1966 and the regular semimonthly meeting for July 18th, including the afternoon Budget Discussion, were unan;mously approved. I ROAD PETITION A petition was received from property owners on Greenview Drive, Yvonne Road and Dianne Drive, requesting that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. The Executive Secretary called attention to the fact in January a similar request was made signed only by the developer, however, this new one includes the pro- perty owners also. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unani- mously approved it to be sent to the State Highway Commission for consideration. RESIGNATIOM - MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL A letter was received from Mr. T. O. Page, who has been serving as a member of the Mental Heaith Advisory Council at the appointment of the Board of Commissioners,~~ tendered his letter thanking the Board for the honor for having served on this Board ' but because of expansion of several school programs, he feit that his energies must be directed toward their success. He expressed his wish for the success of the Mental ~ Health Advisory Councii as it continues to meet the needs of the citizens of New Hanover, County. The Executive Secretary reported that since the word"resignation" was not~~usedll in the letter, it was not clear as to whether or not it ~++as:~his intention to resign, ~ therefore, he had explained the situation to the administrative assistant to Dr. W. H. ~ Wagoner, who verified the fact through Mr. Page's office that it was his intention to ' c~ continued- ~~~