1966-08-01 Regular Meeting~~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 21, 1966 7:00 P. M. RECONVFNTION The following members of the Board resumed budget disct.ssions on the above date: Dr. Jos. ~7. Hooper, Chairman, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hail, Jr., M. H. Vaughan and County Auditor T. D. Love, Mr. Bowden was. still ovt of the city on ~~ military duty. I Heaith Department - Drainaqe In discussing the Drainage Department, no further changes were made at this I Lime, however, the Board suggested that the Executive Secretary ask Mr. Cranford, the ~ Sanitation Director, if raises were given in this department last year independent of approval by the Board of Commissioners and if the dragline operator, Mr. Meshaw, who is paid on an hourly basis, receives pay whether he works or not. It was pointed ovt I that Mr. Meshaw does not receive a standard dragline operator~s wage. i Community Hospital - Dietarv The Chairman explained to the Board that the regular dietician had resigned• and that since it is contemplated that Community Hospital will merge with New Hanover Memorial Hospital within the near future, it is not felt expedient to reemploy a regula~ dietician. The Community Hospital Administrator has advised that the two assistants are willing to take on the responsibility provided he is able to make a minor salary ad,justment in their pay. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, authorized the Chairman to work out a satisfactory arrangement as outlined above. CITY TRASH DUMP Before closing the meeting, Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that the City continued to operate their trash dump which creates a hazard to flying aircraft and to health because of air polution. He offered a motion that the Executive Secretary write to the City Council and to the Health Department pointing out that the City has failed to heed the request of the County and ask them to enforce proper practices at garbage dump. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously approved. RECESS - The Chairman then requested the County Auditor to take the Budget Estimates as they have been approved up to this point and work them out on the basis of using $189,000,000 as a base and bring back his recommendation. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board then recessed until Monday afternoon, July 25th, 1966 at 5:00 P. M. at which time they would hear the report from Mr. Love and pass the Budgei Resolution. I ~~~~ ~,E See BUDGET RESOLUTION meeting July 25th,1966 on Pages 651 and 652. Wilmington, N. C. August 1, 1966 8:00 E;.M. ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissionurs was heid on the above date at 8:00 A. M, in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court~ House with the following members present: Vice Chairman, M. H. Vavghan, Commissioners I Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr; County Attorney L. Bradford ~ Tillery and County Auditor T. D. Love. Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman of the Board, was out of the city and could not attend the meeting. INVOCATION - I The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, ' who presided, and asked Reverend Edward G. Connette, Jr., Pastor of St. Andrews Covenantl Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. I MINUTES APPROVAL - i Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the Budget deliberations for July 8th and 12th, 1966 and the regular semimonthly meeting for July 18th, including the afternoon Budget Discussion, were unan;mously approved. I ROAD PETITION A petition was received from property owners on Greenview Drive, Yvonne Road and Dianne Drive, requesting that they be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. The Executive Secretary called attention to the fact in January a similar request was made signed only by the developer, however, this new one includes the pro- perty owners also. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unani- mously approved it to be sent to the State Highway Commission for consideration. RESIGNATIOM - MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL A letter was received from Mr. T. O. Page, who has been serving as a member of the Mental Heaith Advisory Council at the appointment of the Board of Commissioners,~~ tendered his letter thanking the Board for the honor for having served on this Board ' but because of expansion of several school programs, he feit that his energies must be directed toward their success. He expressed his wish for the success of the Mental ~ Health Advisory Councii as it continues to meet the needs of the citizens of New Hanover, County. The Executive Secretary reported that since the word"resignation" was not~~usedll in the letter, it was not clear as to whether or not it ~++as:~his intention to resign, ~ therefore, he had explained the situation to the administrative assistant to Dr. W. H. ~ Wagoner, who verified the fact through Mr. Page's office that it was his intention to ' c~ continued- ~~~ ~~ ~~~ Minutes of Meeting August 1, 1966 .,.Continued _ RE$IGNATION - MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL (continved) ~ resign and not be reappointed to serve on this Council. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Bowden moved that the resignation be accepted with regrets provided it is validated by verification and that a letter expressing appreciation of the Board for his service be sent to Mr. Page. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. NON-LISTiNG PENALTY WAIVED The Tax Supervisor presented a request from Mrs. H. Adams in regard to a non- listing penalty on property in the name of Delaney Sterling, Jr. et al, which is a part of Lots I{ and 5 in Block 158. In-her letter, she stated that she came to the Tax Office to list this property<~n ;Januasy~~bui was told by the Tax Lister that no abstract could be located for the property and, therefore, it was not listed. Later, the abstract was dis- covered mis-filed and the penalties for non-listing were assessed as follows: County ~965 taxes and City taxes $63.99 $78.61 6.l10 Penalty 7 86 Penalty $70.39 ' ~~6.47. The Tax Supervisor recommended that the penalties be waived as he considered this as an inadvertent error on the part of the Tax Listing,Department. Mr. Bowden then offered a motion that it be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. TAX ADJUSTMENT - The Tax Supervisor reported that a controversy has arisen between Dr. Horace K. Thompson and the Tax Collector with reference to 1965 tax valuations. This property is located on Middle Sound in Harnett Township and in 1964, a contract was let for building a house to the Moore Fonvielle Realty Co. The architectural firm of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer •...:. were in charge of the construction. The County Property Assessor, Raymond E. Blake, Jr. inspected the house on December 17th, 196!} for the purpose of assessing its valuation for 196$ taxes. At that time, he considered the house 909 complete and, there- fore placed a 90~ of the total valuation of the house on the book for taxes. The owner now claims that it was not 90~ complete and that he is being overcharged for 1965 taxes and asks that an ad,justment be made as his records indicate that he had paid only $25,000 on the construction as of December 31, 1964. The Tax Supervisor conferred with Mr. Blake about his inspection of the house in 196!} and he still contends that in his opinion, it was 90~ complete, including the materials on the lot at the time. He is willing to concede as much as a 5~ mis,Judgement and willing to go along with 85$ completion. The Moore Fonvielle Company stated that their records indicate that the house was 80~ compiete at the end of 1961}. Mr. McKim was out of the City and couid not give us his estimate of the Completion at the end of the year 1964. Under the circumstances, the Tax Supervisor recommended that a partial valuation of 80% be assessed on the property for the 1965 tax year, and that ad,justments be made for the interest and non-listing penalty. The total valuation of the completed house amounted to $33,200. After discussing this problem, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the honse be valued at 80~ complete as of January 1, 1965 and taxes be assessed on that basis and that the non-listing penaities and interest be waived. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ,., I 1 STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION - Messrs. Ashley M. Murphy, Commissioner, and Mr. Pavl J. Dupre, Division Engineer, and Mr. Floyd J. Bass, Assistant Engineer for the Third Division of the State Highway Commission, reported about some of the progress Which is being made and is ,contemplated for New Hanover County and its environs. Mr. Murphy stated that the con- Lract is to be let tomorrow for the main piers of the medium level bridge span and it is hoped that it will be completed and ready to cross within 2~ years. He also stated that plans are in the making for widening U. 5. #7L} to the Columbus County line where it ,joins N. C. 211. ~lhen•asked about the proposed east-west sfx or eight lane limited access road to the Piedmont, which would allow free traffic from the Port of Wilmington into the rest of the State, he spoke very encouragingly but stated that building roads is a,matter of finding funds with vhich to build them. ldhen they were asked about the access roads into the Timme Corporation and to the AirporL, Mr. DuPree stated that the Timme Road had been completed and is satisfactory so far as he is aware. The County Attorttey reported that the Airport access road is awaiting a sketch from the Surveyor, H. M. Loughlin and that agreements in general have been approved by the Attorney for Mr. Hutaff, xho owns a strip through which the road must pass but that it can not be firmed up until the sketch is received. The Presiding Officer thanked the Highway Commissioner and the Engineers for their cooperation and encouraging reports. . Before leaving, Mr. Vaughan remarked to Mr. DuPree that if he had not as yet received a request to review the County Subdivision Ordinance and make suggestions as to how it could be improved to prevent, in the future, such experiences as the Rose Avenue extension and the Tanglewood r¢quest, he would receive one shortly. AIRPORT - FIXED BASE OPERATION At this time, the New Hariover Airport Advisory Committee, headed by Mr. Henry E. Longley, Chairman, accompanied by Messrs. John Colucci, Sr. and Jr., and John T. Talbert, were recdgnized by the Presiding Officer. Mr. Uaughan explained that the purpose of having this group appear befor¢ the Board Was to consider an additional fixed base opera- tion at Bleuthenthal Field. Mr. H. E. Longley distributed a letter to each of tht Com- sioners outlining a report and recommendations from his Committec after having met several times to deliberaie over the possibili.ties. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENIlATIONS "The New Hanover Airport Advisory Committee met July 19, 1966, to review a re- quest from Mr. John Colucci, Jr. to establish a fixed based operation at the New Hanover County Airport. Mr. Colucci introduced data showing that his proposed operation would meet the "Minimum S.tandards for Fixed Base Operators at New Hanover County Airport" as adopted by the County Commissioners December 31, 1965• continued- I ~ ~~,~ _ MinvS..es~S~h¢~!4eei3.na-Au.ans_t-1_,~.6~_ ~.on.tinner+ _ __ _ AIRPORT FIXED SASE OPERATION - (Continued) i In his request, Mr. Colucci stated that he would like to have a ground lease on property located ,just north of the airport terminal building and wovld also ' like to lease the vacant office space in the terminal building formerly occupied , by National Airlines. Mr. Colncci also introduced a letter from Mr. H. K. Saunders, vice president of Piedmont Airlines, stating that this proposal would be agreeabie I with Piedmont Airlines, but reserving the right for Piedmont to review final plans , before construction is begun. The New Hanover County Airport Commission feels that an operation of this caliber would be an outstaading asset to our airport and should be a tremendous aid in the further development and growth of Wilmington and New Hanover County. We, therefore, recommend to the County Commissioners that they approve Mr. Colucci~~ request to open a fixed base operation in accordance with the preliminary plans shown in Scheme B as prepared by John Talbert and Associates. ~4Ve recommend that he~ be given a long term lease on the plot of ground ,jvst north of the terminai buildin. and that the space in the terminal building be leased to him with a q0 day termina-I tion clause by either party. We would like to make additional recommendations to the County Commissioners regarding this request. 1. We recommend that the site be prepared by the County. This is to include the proper covering of the open drainage ditches that are now on the plot of ground:~ The County should erect a fence ad~jacent to the concrete apron running north from the present terminal building approximately 240~ to the area that will be used to taxi the aircraft to and from this operation. The purpose of this is to insure that no a-ircraft taxiing to and from will interfere with comm~rcial aircraft parkin at the terminai and also allow expansion of cormnercial parking at the terminal. • The County should remove the CAP hanger from this site. We recommend parking loca-I, tion of the FAA and Weather Bureau be removed from its present location and that no~, vehicle parking be permitted in this area ad,jacent to the concrete ramp. The Count~i should provide a new parking area for these government vehicles. 2. We recommend that it be a part of the lease agreement with the fixed base I! operator that the United States Weather Bureau be provided with unrestricted accessl to the present site of their radar dome. Mr. Sam Duke of the Weather Burean has reviewed the plans and stated that he sees no ob,jection to them. 3. We recommend that the fixed base operator should align the southern edge u of the small T-hangar building with the southern edge of the FAA building. We recommend that it be a part of the lease agreement with the fixed base operator that the FAA be provided with unrestricted access to the present site of their avxiliary power building. Mr. U. L. Tucker of FAA has reviewed these plans and 5tated that he sees no ob~jection to them. , !}. We recommend that final plans be approved by the County Building Inspector and that the fixed base operator be required to paint the buiidings and maintain the buildings and grounds in a neat manner so that this operation wiil reflect credit upon our airport. 5. We recommend triat final plans be submitted to Piedmont Airlines for their review. " 6. We would also like to recommend that the County expand the parking facili-I ties for the present terminal buiiding. The Airport Committee feeis that onr county is in need of the services to be offereo by this fixed base operation and recommends that the County Commissioners take I prompt action on this request in order to expedite it becoming a reality for our airport." Mr. Colucci Sr. proposed to erect T-hangars ~just north of the present Airport Terminal I Building and use a part of the terminal building as administrative offices which would II assure a fuil-time management operation. Mr. Ta2bert explained that the County should prepare the grounds suitable for erecting the necessary buildings which would include placing culverts in all of the open ditches which courses through the side draining other~i sections of the Airport, and buiiding a fence between fixed base operations and the Piedmont Airlines~ runways to prevent possible in,juries and provide a parking space. I Mr. Coiluci stated that it is their intent to furnish free space for the C.A.P. repre- sentatives up to three years since their present building would have to be removed to accomodate new construction. The Presiding Officer commended Mr. Colucci for his for- ward looking plans for the Covnty Airport and feeis that it will make money for them as well as the Airport. After discussing the various phases, Mr. Hali offered a motion that the Board of Commissioners approve, in principle, the additional fixed base operatic',~. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. I CIRCUS. - AMERICAN LEGION Commander T. M. Jeffords and Mr. N. H. Modinos, American Legion, advised the Board that they had been in touch with Miller Brothers Circus to stage a performance on i September 19th for the benefit of their Charity Fund. This is an annual event and has ' been done in the.past. The County Attorney, when advised that the insurance coverage was $100,000 to $300,000 expressed his opinion and recommendation that the Board should require up to $500,000 as he considers the hazards increase at or near an 8~rport where aircraft might fail into the tent in,Juring and killing many people. Messrs. Jeffords and Modinos expressed wiilingness to try and get the additional coverage but feel like the cost might be prohibitive. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Board approve the showing of the Circus on the Airport property on September 19th for benefit of the II American Legfon Welfare Fund, sabject to the approval of the County Attorney as to in- surance. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. ~ ~~`~ _ ~$33~$$-0#_~.}}D_~A.n *~3~~9-Ql],~_11$~.~=s~l 7_bb-~e~. S~b{.-n11.P..f~ _ ` _ -n ~" - ~_- T ' _ __ _ ._ - _. e .- ___ APPRECIATION - AIRPORT MANAGER The Acting Chairman called attention to a letter of appreciation from Lt. I Colonel Charles A. Collins, Cmndr. USAF, commending A~rport Manager John A. Westbrook for his competence.and cooperation over the past two years in activation of Detachment I, I~th Fig~ter Interceptor Squadron. In his opinion, the runways built over 20 years ago ~iave been maintained in an outstanding manner and the assistance, informatlon and advice, ~ much of which was given during off duty hours, made a significant contribution to the to the early attainment of operationai status. • ,: , .~ - ~ INDIGENT RENT - HOUSING AUTHORITY, Messrs. N. P. Barefoot and H. A. Marks, representing the Fub1Ic Welfare Board, Ireported that the ~lilmington Housing Authotity had proposed to increase the rents of families reteiNing welfare grants and that the increase charged to recipients of we2fare ~checks was more than the increase to their regular tenants and that the total increased cost to the County would be $2,179. After a discussion of this problem, it was decided to invite the Executive Director of the Housing Authority, Mr. B. H. A7arshall, Jr., to Ilattend the meeting on August 15th. !HOSPITAL SUPPLEMENT - ~ Messrs. $arefoot and Marks called attention to a letter written by the Director ,of Public Ylelfare outlining that the State would participate in hospitali2ation costs up to $28.18 per day at James Walker Memorial Hospital and up to $26.42 per day at Community IHospitai and at present the approved per diem cost is $22.00. It is recommended that ~ approvai be given to increase the payment to James Walker Memorial Hospital by-$6,i18.'and at Comfiunity Hospital by-$4:G.2~whi!ch~w~i~l•Dring:she ho,sp'ital payments:mo.r..0;near.ly.in~i•i:ne;. wl~:h'~the~re!imburs2B:I'e=costs. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the Board approve pay- ment of $28.18 to James ~nlalker Hospitai and $26.42 to Community Hospital for all recipients I of Welfare grants. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimous2y adopted. I EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM - ~ WhiI~ Messrs. Barefoot and Marks were present, they referred to the proposed County Employees Retirement System and recommended that the Board of Commissioners give every consideration to the State Local Governmental Employees Retfrement System. They also presented a graph proporting to show the trends in other departments are upward as compared to the Welfare clerical help salary schedule. The Presiding Officer expressed I the appreciaLfon of the Board of Commissioners for giving of their time so unselfishly to the public welfare problems. A9r. Barefoot reported that Mr. H. A. Marks replaced Mr. F. P. Fensel on the Board. Mr. Hall suggested that the Chairman wrfte a letter of thanks to Mr. Fensel for hts service on the Welfare Board. ~~ CITY TRASH DEUMP - Dr. C. B. Davis, the Director of the Consolidated Health Department, and Mr, ~ W. H. Cranford, Sanitation Director, appeared before the Board of Commissioners at thetr invitation to discuss the problems connected with the operation of the City Trash Dump on North 23rd St. Dr. Davis recounted the history of this problem, beginning back in 1912. Mr. Vaughan observed that the Board of Commissioners had called the City Council's attentiott to the hazards of flying aircraft caused by heavy smoke and the unheaithy con- dition in the way the dump has been handied. He also goinLed out the danger to aircraft by ~ the seagulls which congregate around the open trash dump, and the air polution cavscd by burning. After some discussion, it was mutually decided that it has resolved itself tnto ' a legal matter. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board of Health furnish the Board of Commissioners with some concrete recommendations for clearing ~ up this prob2em and bring the plans back at the next meeting of the Board of Commissioners scheduled for August 15th and to stndy and present some long range plans withSn 90 days , to develop a County-wide garbage disposal system. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- ' mously carried. ,' At this point in the meeting, Mr. Hall was excused because of a presSing engagement. COMPENSATION RATING AND INSPECTION BUREAU - A letter was received from Lenno~e G. Cooper requesting the Board of Commissioners Ito advise them if.they controlled the operations of the Cape Fear Technical Institute. Thts linformation is necessary in order to complete the insurance ratings of New Hanover County land Cape Fear Technical Institute. The County Attorney advised that the Board should answer it as follows: II "The .Ca~e Fear Technical Institute Ss controlied by a Board of Trustees. The Board is a ; corporare body and is in no way under the ~jurisdiction of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County." I Mr. Vaugtian then moved that the letter be answered in that fashion over the signature of . the Chairman, It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - CONSOLIDATED TAX OFFICE A contract to audit accounts of the Consolidated Tax Office for the period of July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 was presented by W. Earle Beale, C.P.A. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seCOnded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously authorized the Vice Chairman to execute , the contract on behalf of the Board of Commissioners. - r ~ PERCENTAGE RULE - ~ After briefly considering a request for discussion of the percentage rule for assess3ng personal property taxes, the Board by unanimous common agreement, appointed Mr. j Bowden, as a committee of one, to study the matter and bring back a recommendation. I~ BEER PERMIT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimousiy approved ~ the fol.lowing application for a Beer Permit for consideration and investigation by the ~ Sheriff: I Hanry Nicholas o,~iriy a T/A Dixiei:Restaurant 117 Princess St. Louis Tsantes ~~,~.~ Minutes of the Meetinp_ Auqust 1, 1966 Continued i PR05PECTIVE SALE - COUNTY PROPERTY Mr. Ed Weaver, a local realtor, accompanied by Mr. H. A. Marks, presented I ~I to the Board a proposition for the purchase of a lot 300~ by 300' with an option on I an additional 100' or they will take 300' by !}00' provid~d the price is acceptabie. The ' II location of this property is known as part of the old County Home land and located on g Timme Road at its intersection with Roschen Road. Mr. Marks proposes to erect a commer- cial building on the site for the purpose of leasing it to a firm representing the Inter-. I national Harvester Company. Mr. Braak suggested that the County authorize an appraisal i on the entire tract of land owned by the Covnty on the`west side of the A.C.L. railroad ~ tracks, as well as the particular site to determine the fair market value and offered a . motion that this be done and that $1Q0 be appropriated ovt of the Advertising and In- dustrial Development Fund to pay for the appraisal. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. (in a brief afterward discussion, it was decided that Mr. W. M. V Hewlett, a local realtor be authorized to make the appraisal, keeping iri mind the best ~ utilization of the property.) " `' I TRANSFERS - NEW HANOVER fiOUNTY SCHOOLS - The County Auditor presented the Board with a letter from Dr. W. H. Wagoner, Superintendent of the New Hanover County School system, dated June 30, 1966 requesting the following transfers and appropriations and asking approval of the Board of Commis- I sioners to make them in the fiscal year 1965-66. The letter was given to the Chairman and overlooked until this date. After a brief discussion, Mr, Braak moved that the transfers and appropriations be approved as of lune 3fl, 1966 and be included in the i 1965-66 fiscal budget. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. REGULAR BUDGET TRANSFER FROM AMOUNT ~ 613 Clerical $ 183.99 614-1 Office Supplies 1•5i 559 53 l 614-2 Administrative Expense . 288 ~2 i 615-2 Board of Education Expense • 1 015•25 617 Atitendance Officers , 38 ~ 57 627-3 Commencement Expenses , 10 ' 01}3 b 631 Wages of Janitors . , 567 55 1 631~ Jan~tor Supplies . : 56 29 b3~ 641 Telephones Repairs to Building 8 Grounds . 9,389.75 I 6l}2 Repairs 8 Replacements-Furniture 8 Inst. Appr. 1,402.18 bo 45g 3 6!}!~ Salariest:- Maintenance Personnel . , 500.00 656 Tort Cla3ms 150•50 10 666-1 Wages of Drivers I , 1 197.70 661-l~ a Repair Parts , I $ 35,871.35 TRANSFER TO 668.18 i b32 Fuel q,208.81} 633 Water, Light 8 Power 6!}3 Heating, Lighting d Plumbing 12~035•$1 652 Insurance 1~4•77 ~ 655 Retirement b Social Security 7,163•92 ~i 661-2 Cras, oil b Grease 6,669.83 $ 35~~7i.35 II ; 4 The additional appropriations: I I Lunchroom Program Driver Education Program 2,904.68 27,033•53 SEASHORE CONA7ISSION MEET•ING - The Acting Chairman read a letter from the State Seashore Commission Director, Mr. Roy Ih9iider, Jr., announcing a special meeting at the City Hall in Morehead City ` on Friday, August 26th. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the increasingly ~t difficult and expensive problem aow pressing coastland counties to provide beach erosion and hurricane protection. In discussing this problem, it developed that Mr. Vaughan was ttie on]y member of the Board without a previous commitment for that date and he• agreed to attend this meeting. He requested that the Commissioners~ Office '-: notify him of this meeting on August 19th so that he might prepare to attend. ELECTTON BILLS - SECOND PRIMARY The Executive 5ecretary remindedr:the Board that they had requested an explana- tion for the difference between the bills presented by E. Mayo Holmes and Leon E. Broad- hurst for their services in eonnection with the Second Primary. A letter addressed to Chairman Hooper, dated July 26th, was read from the Secretary of the Board of Elections, explaining that his services in connection with the Second Prfmary was greater than Mr. Holmes due to the fact no Republicans were running for office in the Second Primary. This explanation did not meet the approval of the Board and they did not authorize pay- ment until a more itemized explanation was furnished because it is the responsibility of the fu11 Board to administer all elections regardless of whether there are one or more Partys involved. The Executive Secretary-was authorized to notify the Board of Elections : AID TO THE BLIND - BUDGET The Public Welfare Department presented the Budgei for Aid to the Blind which is necessary to be signed and approved by the Board of Commissioners before it is mailed to the State Office. Upon motion of: Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously suthorized the Vice Chairman to execute the Budget on behalf of the Board. • i • i'~ ~ ~~~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1966 Continued _` STATE POATS MAGAZINE - The Executive Secretary presented a bill from the State Ports Authority in the iamount of $50.00 covering an advertisement in~the State Ports Maga2ine which is ~ssued quarterly. It has been the policy of the Board in the past to snpport this activity by allocating $200 out of the Advertising and.Industrial Development Appropriation to cover its cost. Upon motion of Nr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously lapproved the allocation for this purpose and the payment of the July invoice. ~REGISTER OF DEEDS - EXTRA HELP - The County Auditor reported that the Register of Deeds is on vacation this week land asked him to advise the Board that one of his employees had resigned and that it would be necessary for hfm to empioy a replacement. He requested the Board to set the starting - isalary for a replacement and authorize the Secretary of t.he Civil Service Board to set up a meeting of that Board by publicly advertising for applicants after tht Register of Deeds ~has furnished him with a~ob description. After some discussion, the Board unanimously ,agreed that the starting salary of a Clerk-Typist should be $2968.00 and authorized the ladvertising by the Civil Service Commission. IREPORTS - to ad3ourn. The foilowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- County Building Inspector~s Report for July, 1966. 2- Wiimingtan Public Library Report for July, 1966. 3- Letter from Duplin County Commissioner J. B. "Stroud advising that they hope Lo hold the Annual Convention of the State Association of County Com- missioners at Wrightsville Beach in 1968. 4- Notice from the U. 5. Corps of Engineers advising that the Horton Iro n and Metal Co., Inc. has made application for a permit to construct a bnikhead in the Northeast Cape Fear River, 28o0 feet north of Hiiton Railroad Bridge. 5- Letter of appreciation from Jessie Biggs, retired school teacher, for the increase from New Hanover County in her supplemental pension. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board voted unanimously JOINT NiEETING - ~I August 10,. 1966 9:00 A.'M. ~ASSEMBLY - A,~oint meeting was arranged between the New Hanover County Commissioners and ~,the Wilmington City Council for the purpose of receiving and awarding bids for the proposed ~improvements and paving the streets around the schools. The meeting was held in the ICouncil Chambers with the following present: Commissioners, Vice Chairman M. H. Vaughan, it. O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr. with the County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery and the County Avditor T. D. Love, Jr. The City Council was represented by Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, who presided, and Councilmen L. M. Cromartie, C. M. Harrington, and John C. Symmes, along with City Manager E. C. Brandon, J~. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. INVOCATION ~- ` . . . Mayor Allsbrook requested Covncilman John C. Symmes to act as Chaplain and give jthe invocation. BIDS i The Mayor called on Mr. Robert F. Coleman, Jr. and J. Ward Andrews, the City Engineer to present the bids for the school paving as a result of advertising according to the provisions of the Generai Statutes. Bids were received from: L. R. Armstrong 8 Son $70,187.00 Completion days 120 , Hefelfinger, Inc. 73,~49.00 ' Completion days 120 Lincolri Construction Co. ' b3,342•5~ Completion days 100 Reagan Construction Co. 73,516.00 Completion days 100 Talman Construction Co. ~(6,362,sp Completion days 0 ~Mr. Coleman advised the officials that in figuring his estimate of the cost, he had left ;out intersections and drainaoe which are fovnd to be necessary on some of the paving sites. 'The total cost of these two additional items amount to $19,000+ and he suggested that each ~of the bodies appropriate an additional $10,000 if they intend to share the cost on an ,¢qual basis as the original appropriation set up amovnted to $!~1},OOO~.and the low bid amounts to $63,3l~~.60. Councilman Symmes then offered a motion that the City appropriate $10,000 but not to exceed the cost of construction providing the County appropriates an equal amount. It was seconded by Councilman Harrington and unanimously carried. I