1966-08-10 Regular Meeting~~~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1966 Continued _` STATE POATS MAGAZINE - The Executive Secretary presented a bill from the State Ports Authority in the iamount of $50.00 covering an advertisement in~the State Ports Maga2ine which is ~ssued quarterly. It has been the policy of the Board in the past to snpport this activity by allocating $200 out of the Advertising and.Industrial Development Appropriation to cover its cost. Upon motion of Nr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously lapproved the allocation for this purpose and the payment of the July invoice. ~REGISTER OF DEEDS - EXTRA HELP - The County Auditor reported that the Register of Deeds is on vacation this week land asked him to advise the Board that one of his employees had resigned and that it would be necessary for hfm to empioy a replacement. He requested the Board to set the starting - isalary for a replacement and authorize the Secretary of t.he Civil Service Board to set up a meeting of that Board by publicly advertising for applicants after tht Register of Deeds ~has furnished him with a~ob description. After some discussion, the Board unanimously ,agreed that the starting salary of a Clerk-Typist should be $2968.00 and authorized the ladvertising by the Civil Service Commission. IREPORTS - to ad3ourn. The foilowing reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- County Building Inspector~s Report for July, 1966. 2- Wiimingtan Public Library Report for July, 1966. 3- Letter from Duplin County Commissioner J. B. "Stroud advising that they hope Lo hold the Annual Convention of the State Association of County Com- missioners at Wrightsville Beach in 1968. 4- Notice from the U. 5. Corps of Engineers advising that the Horton Iro n and Metal Co., Inc. has made application for a permit to construct a bnikhead in the Northeast Cape Fear River, 28o0 feet north of Hiiton Railroad Bridge. 5- Letter of appreciation from Jessie Biggs, retired school teacher, for the increase from New Hanover County in her supplemental pension. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board voted unanimously JOINT NiEETING - ~I August 10,. 1966 9:00 A.'M. ~ASSEMBLY - A,~oint meeting was arranged between the New Hanover County Commissioners and ~,the Wilmington City Council for the purpose of receiving and awarding bids for the proposed ~improvements and paving the streets around the schools. The meeting was held in the ICouncil Chambers with the following present: Commissioners, Vice Chairman M. H. Vaughan, it. O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr. with the County Attorney, L. Bradford Tillery and the County Avditor T. D. Love, Jr. The City Council was represented by Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, who presided, and Councilmen L. M. Cromartie, C. M. Harrington, and John C. Symmes, along with City Manager E. C. Brandon, J~. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. INVOCATION ~- ` . . . Mayor Allsbrook requested Covncilman John C. Symmes to act as Chaplain and give jthe invocation. BIDS i The Mayor called on Mr. Robert F. Coleman, Jr. and J. Ward Andrews, the City Engineer to present the bids for the school paving as a result of advertising according to the provisions of the Generai Statutes. Bids were received from: L. R. Armstrong 8 Son $70,187.00 Completion days 120 , Hefelfinger, Inc. 73,~49.00 ' Completion days 120 Lincolri Construction Co. ' b3,342•5~ Completion days 100 Reagan Construction Co. 73,516.00 Completion days 100 Talman Construction Co. ~(6,362,sp Completion days 0 ~Mr. Coleman advised the officials that in figuring his estimate of the cost, he had left ;out intersections and drainaoe which are fovnd to be necessary on some of the paving sites. 'The total cost of these two additional items amount to $19,000+ and he suggested that each ~of the bodies appropriate an additional $10,000 if they intend to share the cost on an ,¢qual basis as the original appropriation set up amovnted to $!~1},OOO~.and the low bid amounts to $63,3l~~.60. Councilman Symmes then offered a motion that the City appropriate $10,000 but not to exceed the cost of construction providing the County appropriates an equal amount. It was seconded by Councilman Harrington and unanimously carried. I ~~~ Minutes of the Joint Meeting August 10, 1966 continued _. _ . - ,, .._. __. .._ - - - - ~ ~ WAIVER OF NOTICE - - - - - The Vice Chairman advised the Board that the Commissioners were not session as they had not complied with G. S. 153-8 requiring a two days~ notice, Commissioner Hall moved that the notice be waived and that the Board enter into session. It was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan and unanimously adopted. 3n offici 1 whereupoN an offic ~al ~ ~ APPROPRIATION - Commissioner Hall then offered a motion that $10,000 be allocated out of the General Emergency Fund as the County~s share. It was seconded by Commissioner Bowdei, and unattimously passed. CONTRACT AWARD - The Attorneys then approved the awarding of the contract and upon motion of Councilman Harrington, seconded by Commissioner Bowden, the ~joint boards unanimously awarded the contract to the Lincoln Construction Company which was the low bidder in the amount of $63,3~•5~• TRASH DUMP - Commissioner Vaughan reminded Lhe Boards that the problems around the Trash Dump:g~estiil pending, that complaints had been received from the F.A.A. about the smoke hazard to aviation and the Health Department complained about the health hazard and he felt that since no action had been taken, he thought some legal action to enforce the cessation of burning should be taken. City Manager Brandon made the remark that "When you cease burning, the rodent population multiplies but you do not have smoke and when you burn, you get rid of'the rats but have some smoke." ADJOURNMENT - The official bodies, having accomplished all the business for which the meeti~ was called, upon motion of Commissioners Hall, seconded by Councilmen Harrington, unani- mously ad,journed the meeting.;_ W. zcutive'S Wilmington, N. C. ASSEMBLY August 15, 1966 The New Hanover Connty Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, was away on vacation. INVOCATION - The Presiding Officer, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend H. Crocker, Pastor ofthe Community Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on August 1, 1966 were unanimously approved as written. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the Budget Reviews for June 22nd, 24th, 27th, 28th and 30th were unanimously approved as written. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the Budget Resolntion passed on July 25th, 1966 was unanimonsly approved as written. Ig ~ RENTALS - WELFARE CLIENTS - HOUSING AUTHORITY Upon the invitation of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. B. H. Marshall, Jr, '~ Executive Director of the Wilmington Housing Authority, explained their methods of de- termining rentals, both to recipients of welfare grants and regular tenants who are in i the low income bracket. Mr. Marshall stated that the designation "public housing" is i a misnomer in that it is not actually housing for the public. He stated that the ' Housing Authority sets up minimum admission limits and maximum staying limits on their ' rents. By establishing ` minimum and maximum rentals for their tenants, it is necessary ' to set up a medium ground on which to operate. Their board sets an average rent each year in order to operate on a solvent basis. It is the purpose of the low rent Housing Authority to serve the many boards and agencies dealing with the welfare of low income ~ groups. Experience indicates that a family improves itself on an average within 3~ years to the point that it can be self supporting and move into regular private housing. ; Mr. Vaughan pointed out that in his opinion it is public housing inasmuch as it has the benefits of low cost financing, tax advantage bonds and is administered under a public law." ~¢:.ir~elfare_Dir-ec~:oc•;:~fiis's.'Le~la~Moore Ha11y...~was~inviLed~to'.par.tici.pate in this discussion and stated that her department is concerned about the inequities caused by some famil3es receiving welfare grants being charged higher rental than a regular tenant. Mr. Marshall explained that it is true that if individual cases are taken, that some small families mfght be paying higher rents than regular tenants but when the large families are taken into consideration, they pay less rent so that on the average the I welfare recipients pay less than the regular tenants. The minimum established for this fiscal year is $25.36 per month and the maximum is $36.54 per month. Mr. Marshall pointeld out that the increase was caused by the ,jump from $42,000 per year water and sewerage bill to a$78,000 water and sewerage bill. After thoroughly discussing all the questions posed by those present, F7r. Vaughan offered a motion that the matter of rental for welfarNe recipients be left to the discretion of the Public Welfare Board. It was seconded by . by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. ~ A i