1966-08-15 Regular Meeting~~~ Minutes of the Joint Meeting August 10, 1966 continued _. _ . - ,, .._. __. .._ - - - - ~ ~ WAIVER OF NOTICE - - - - - The Vice Chairman advised the Board that the Commissioners were not session as they had not complied with G. S. 153-8 requiring a two days~ notice, Commissioner Hall moved that the notice be waived and that the Board enter into session. It was seconded by Commissioner Vaughan and unanimously adopted. 3n offici 1 whereupoN an offic ~al ~ ~ APPROPRIATION - Commissioner Hall then offered a motion that $10,000 be allocated out of the General Emergency Fund as the County~s share. It was seconded by Commissioner Bowdei, and unattimously passed. CONTRACT AWARD - The Attorneys then approved the awarding of the contract and upon motion of Councilman Harrington, seconded by Commissioner Bowden, the ~joint boards unanimously awarded the contract to the Lincoln Construction Company which was the low bidder in the amount of $63,3~•5~• TRASH DUMP - Commissioner Vaughan reminded Lhe Boards that the problems around the Trash Dump:g~estiil pending, that complaints had been received from the F.A.A. about the smoke hazard to aviation and the Health Department complained about the health hazard and he felt that since no action had been taken, he thought some legal action to enforce the cessation of burning should be taken. City Manager Brandon made the remark that "When you cease burning, the rodent population multiplies but you do not have smoke and when you burn, you get rid of'the rats but have some smoke." ADJOURNMENT - The official bodies, having accomplished all the business for which the meeti~ was called, upon motion of Commissioners Hall, seconded by Councilmen Harrington, unani- mously ad,journed the meeting.;_ W. zcutive'S Wilmington, N. C. ASSEMBLY August 15, 1966 The New Hanover Connty Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Vice Chairman, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Laurence O. Bowden and J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Chairman, was away on vacation. INVOCATION - The Presiding Officer, Mr. M. H. Vaughan, called the meeting to order and asked Reverend H. Crocker, Pastor ofthe Community Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the minutes of the regular semimonthly meeting held on August 1, 1966 were unanimously approved as written. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the Budget Reviews for June 22nd, 24th, 27th, 28th and 30th were unanimously approved as written. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the Budget Resolntion passed on July 25th, 1966 was unanimonsly approved as written. Ig ~ RENTALS - WELFARE CLIENTS - HOUSING AUTHORITY Upon the invitation of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. B. H. Marshall, Jr, '~ Executive Director of the Wilmington Housing Authority, explained their methods of de- termining rentals, both to recipients of welfare grants and regular tenants who are in i the low income bracket. Mr. Marshall stated that the designation "public housing" is i a misnomer in that it is not actually housing for the public. He stated that the ' Housing Authority sets up minimum admission limits and maximum staying limits on their ' rents. By establishing ` minimum and maximum rentals for their tenants, it is necessary ' to set up a medium ground on which to operate. Their board sets an average rent each year in order to operate on a solvent basis. It is the purpose of the low rent Housing Authority to serve the many boards and agencies dealing with the welfare of low income ~ groups. Experience indicates that a family improves itself on an average within 3~ years to the point that it can be self supporting and move into regular private housing. ; Mr. Vaughan pointed out that in his opinion it is public housing inasmuch as it has the benefits of low cost financing, tax advantage bonds and is administered under a public law." ~¢:.ir~elfare_Dir-ec~:oc•;:~fiis's.'Le~la~Moore Ha11y...~was~inviLed~to'.par.tici.pate in this discussion and stated that her department is concerned about the inequities caused by some famil3es receiving welfare grants being charged higher rental than a regular tenant. Mr. Marshall explained that it is true that if individual cases are taken, that some small families mfght be paying higher rents than regular tenants but when the large families are taken into consideration, they pay less rent so that on the average the I welfare recipients pay less than the regular tenants. The minimum established for this fiscal year is $25.36 per month and the maximum is $36.54 per month. Mr. Marshall pointeld out that the increase was caused by the ,jump from $42,000 per year water and sewerage bill to a$78,000 water and sewerage bill. After thoroughly discussing all the questions posed by those present, F7r. Vaughan offered a motion that the matter of rental for welfarNe recipients be left to the discretion of the Public Welfare Board. It was seconded by . by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. ~ A i Minutes of the Meeting August 15, 1966 Continued - _ _ __ ADVERTISING ALLOCATION - CHAMBER OF COPM'~RCE _ Mr. H. Van Reid, Director of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by the Advertising Committee, headed by Mr. William F. Burns, presented a proposed Advertising Budget for the fiscal year 1966-67. The total request amounted to $33,000 broken down as follows: , Brochures 8 Booklets $5,000 Magazine Advertising (},000 I Outdoor Signboards 5,000 Travel Shows 4,000 Newspaper Advertising R Special Promotions 15,000 After explaining in detail the plans for the next year and answering all of the questions Iposed by the Commissioners, Mr. Vaughan explained that the Advertisino and Development Budget contained $35,000 of,which the County Auditor pointed out that $7,200 had already been allocated. Mr. Hall moved that $23,000 be allocated to be spent at the discretion of the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the allocation be the same as last year, $20,000. Mr. Bowden seconded this substitute motion for the purpose of discussion. After a thorough discussion, the ballot was taken on the sub- stitute motion. Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted against the substitute motion and Mr. Vaughan voted for it but declared it failed by majority vote. A ballot was then taken on the~original motion and Messrs. Bowden, Braak and Hall voted for the motion and Mr. Vaughan voted against the motion but declared it passed by a ma,jority vote. IINSURANCE ADVISORY COUNCIL ' Messrs. Franklin H. Elmore and Allen T. Strange requested a reopening of the discussion about the County and the City of Wiimington setting up a~joint Insurance ~Advisory Council. The County Attorney pointed out that according to his recollection,. ;he had advised the Board at a previous meeting that he could see no legal objection to to them entering into such an agreement if they wished. The opinion was expressed after the close of the meeting and, therefore, it did not get into the minutes, but he stili ~sees no ob,jection to combining an insurance advisory council with the City. Mr. Elmore explained that it is his understanding that the City Attorney does not recommend such an agreement to the City Council and that from an insurarice standpoint they could see no particular reason or advantage in combining the two boards. After thoroughly discussing the problem, Mr. Vavghan moved that a letter be written to the members of the City Council Ilindividually stating that the Board of Commissioners are in favor of consolidating the Insurance Advisory Council and point out that it is working very satisfactorily in Meck- lenburg.County. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and vnanimously carried. The Presiding Officer instructed the Executive Secretary to put this sub,ject on the Agenda for further consideration at the meeting on September 6th. ~ ~ ~~~~ , IELECTRICAL INSPECTION POLICY - Messrs, Alan Blake and Carl Hodges, representing the Wilmington Electrical Contractors~ Association, congratulated the Board on merging the Electrical Inspector's Office with that of the Build3ng Inspector. They explained that the policy of the City for the collection of inspection fees is to allow the contractors credit for 15 days, that is; 'they call the Electrical Inspector and ask. him to issue a permit so that they can begin work. The Electrical Inspector bills them at the end of each month for the fees due on the permits issued for the month before. If the e.lect.rical contractor does not pay his fees by Ithe 15th of the month after being billed, he is.automatically cut off from receiving any other permits for electrical work until the bill is settled. After a thorough discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the County adopt the same policy for collecting electricai inspection fees as the City of ~Nlilmington and that the fees be the same'as those charged by the City of lFAilmington plus $1.00 and that any contractor failing to pay,the.electrical inspection ~fees for which he has been billed by the 15th of the month following be cut off and no fur- ther permits issued until the fees are paid in full and that any out of town contractors doing business in New Hanover County pay cash for their electrical inspection fees unless 'proper credit arrangements have been made. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. COUNTY PLANNING AND 20NING BOARD - A letter was read by the Chairman from the Planning Director of the coordinated Iplanning boards for the'Wilmington-New Hanover County area suggesting that terms of office Ifor the County members of the consolidated boards be established and recommended the fol- lowing: Suggested Expiration of Term Mr. I. John Tinga Nov. 11, 1969 Mr. Frank I. Ballard Nov. I1, 1969 Mr. French I. Davis Nov. 11, 1968 Mr. Morris S. EmmarL Nov. 11, 1968 Mr. J. B. Hines Nov. 11, 1968 ~IAfter considering this suggestion, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the recommendations above be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously passed. ISALE,- TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY The Executive Secretary reported that.he had a buyer for the following described ~Ipiece of jointly owned tax foreclosed property: Block No. Lot No. Description Valuation I"326 Pt.w & 3 30' x 75+, 135' from NW corner 7th 8 Nixon, $1}50,00 Ir fronting on 7th St. continued- . ~ \ ~~ ~ ?~~A~ Minutes of the Meeting August 15, 1966 continued- ~ SALE - TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY (continued) ~ - It has been inspected and appraised by the Appraisors at a fair market value ~ or-~45o.00 which is in excess of the present appraisal of property in that neighborhood. It is :adjacent to the lot which was sold at the last meeting for $!}00. Upon motion of I Mr-. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the sale at the appraisec~ ~ I price of $450.00 subject to the concurring approval of the City Council. ~ RECREATIONAL AREA ~ I Mr. Hall suggested that it might be well to look over the jointly otaned tax foreclosed property in three or four areas in the City and see if some parcels, or a combination of ad~jacent parcels, would be large enough to establish a neighborhood play- ground for recreation. The Tax Supervisor was instructed to look into this possibility and report to the Board. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OFFICE The Executive 5ecretary reported that Mr. Edward B. Rice, District Chief of the U. S. Geological Survey, has requested the continued use of the office on the third floor of the Court House recently vacated by Mr. George L. Bain. They will locate~~, a man here who will continue to monitor water observation wells established by Mr. Bain. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall moved that his request be granted on a 90 day basis, that is, that either party be allowed to give a 90 day notice to the other. It was I~ seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously passed. j OFFICE EXPENSE ALLOWANCE - Judge H. Winfield Smith reported to the Board that it is the responsibility of the County to furnish him an office. He prefers an office in the Court House but so far none suitable have been available and the Commissioners in the past have appro- priated $50.00 per month to cover the rent of an office for him. He has been notified that on October lst, his rent would be increased to $60.00 per month and that his tele- phone, stationery and suppiies, likewise, had increased in cost over the years until he II is now paying some of his official expenses out of his pocket. He requests the Commis- sioners to increase his rental appropriation from $600.00 per year to $q00.00 annually. The Board thanked him for presenting his probiem and promised him that they would take the request under consideration and advise him later. PROSPECTIVE SALE - COUNTY PROPERTY Complying with instructions at the last Board meeting, the Executive Secretaryll presented the report of the appraisal made on the tract of land owned by the County near the County Home made by Mr. W. M. Hewlett, realtor. He appraised the entire tract at ' $2500.00 per acre and explained fn a summary his reasons therefor. The particviar tractN in question, a 300' x 300' portion of the property, amounts to $5,1~5.00 and the portion at the rear, 100' x 300' is appraised at $1725.00 for a total of $6,900.00 for a tract 300' x 400'. The wording of the appraisal report was not entirely clear to the Board and they requested the Executive Secretary to ask Mr. Hewlette to reword his opinion. The Executive Secretary also reported that he had requested the County Property Appraisor to furnish an appraisal estimate which is as follows: A lot 300' x 300' was appraised ~ at $4,500. A lot 300' x 400~ was appraised at $6,000. He presented a letter from the; Weaver Realty & Construction Company making a tentative offer of $5,500 for a lot 300' x !}00' and stated that if the lease is consumated on a buiiding, it will be erected at th~ approximate cost of $25,000. By common consent, the Board agreed to give further con- sideration to this proposal as soon as the re-written estimate of the appraisor has been ~ received. BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the foilowing applications for Beer Permits for investigation and consideration by the Sheriff: Roy Edward Shepard Abel, Jackson Evans T/A Roy~s Place 1210 Dawson Street T/A Lee~s Bar 115 South Front St. CITY TRASH DUMP - The Vice Chairman read a letter from the City Manager requesting the CounLy Board of Commissioners to release the City from the negotiated provision to surnish ' free garbage disposal to County residents. The County Attorney reported that he had been~ at the meeting of the committee appointed to study the complaints from various agencies about the hazards at the present dump on North 23rd St. and all the possibilities were considered, including the seeking of a restraining order. He recommends that th¢y wait on a report of the comm3ttee working on the problem before asking for a,joint meet- ing. It is possible that the committee may come up with recommendations for a solution. In his opinion, the County is really faced with a larger problem in that as soon as the II City constructs its disposal plant on the site, the County would have to provide for Dhe eventual closing of the City Trash Dump on North 23rd Street which would automaticall'~ release the City from any further responsibility for handling trash for the County resi- , dents. It will then be up to the County to provide its own solution to this problem. Mr. Vaughan then moved that for the.purpose of discussion the Board of Commissioners advise the Board of Health that if the ,joint committee does not come up with an acceptabl solution that it take legal action to correct it. This motion died for lack of a secondl By unanimous common consent, the Board agreed not to release the City from the provision I in the negotiated agreement to furnish County residents free trash disposal but to ask ' them to continue to honor the provisions. The Executive Secretary was instructed to writi the City Council to this effect. TAX PENALTY WAIVER - ' The Tax Supervisor presented a letter from Attorney Addison Hewlett, Jr. ~ advising that he represents Meliie Hill Barlow of Florence, South Carolina during .lanuary, when taxes in North Carolina were being listed, she was in a mental hospital undergoing , treatment and, therefore, "non compos mentis" and did not list her taxes. He is asking the Board, under the circumstances to waive the penalty of $8.10 for the County and $9.95 for the City. 1'he taxes were prepaid and receipt # 9521 issued and, therefore, II will require a refund. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously agreed to refund the penalties. ; 'I ~ , A \ 1 ' ~ ~~ ~~~~ ' ~ ~ I~~ ~~p~ Minutes of the Meeting August 15, 1966 _„ Continus~l ROAD PETITION A petition was received from the property owners in Garden Place requesting that Crarden Place Drive and Wedgewood Road be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved forwarding the petition to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. APPRECIATION OF THANKS - " It was brought to the attention of the Board that the dangerous crossing of Wallace Avenue and Oleander Drive, which was the suhsect of some criticism from citizens some months ~go, has been very satisfactorily improved by the State Highway Commission by widening Oleander Drive so that it will accomodate extra turning lanes which is proving Imuch more satisfactory. By common conseht, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to write a letter and express their appreciation to the State Highway Commission. STAFFING OF THE WELFARE DEPARTMENT Mr. Vaughan called attention to a Memorandvm which he had sent to all members of the Public Welfare Board and each of the County Commissioners attaching a.tabulatfon of an analysis of the basic data regarding the staffing of the Welfare Department. He sug- ~~g¢sted that the Board approve making this study available to the Director of~the Public Welfare Department, Miss Lela Moore Hall. By comunon consent, the Board authorized Mr. IBowden to furnish a copy of this Memorandum to Miss Ha•11. ~SEASHORE COMNISSION MEETING - At the last meeting, Mr. Vaughan had agreed to attend a meeting of. the State ISeashore Commission to be heid in Morehead C1ty on August 26th in regard to beach erosion and hurrican protection pro3ects. It has now developed that it does not suit him to go to this meeting and he requested any other members of the Board who might be able to attend to be authorized to go. Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. volunteered that he would attend this meeting ~and represent the County. By common consent, the Board unanimously authorized his attend- ance. PENSION PLANS - Mr. Vaughan reported to the Board that he had been•in touch with several actvaria2 ~firms by correspondence in regard to investigating and making recommendations for specifi- -------- cations for a County Employees~ Retirement System. He stated that the firm ------- which he recommended would do the job for approximately $1200.00 and since the ------- Board h2d promised insurance agencies and banks to furnish them with a set of c'pecificatians on which they could make bids, he thought this was the proper way to go about ~it. Mr. Hall stated that after studying various plans which had come to his attention, ~he strongly leans toward the State Locai Governmental Employees Retirement System and sug- gested that specifications for that system be submitted to the insurance companies and banks and ailow them to make bids on those specifications. After considerable discussion, ~Mr. Uaughan moved that $1200.40 be allocated out of the money set aside for Retirement and that an actuarial firm be employed to make a study and recommendations for a pension plan for the County employees. Mr. Hall stated that.he would second the motion if the State specifications and plans are submitted to insurance companies and banks so that all the bidders will be making their calculations on the same basis. Mr. Bowden requested that any action on this matter be postponed until the next meeting. SAIARY ADJUSTMENT - Coanty Auditor T. D. Love reported that when he had finished the details of the Budget, he fonnd that the salary being paid Mrs. Ha2e1 Wallace was less than that of the prevlous year and he did not think that it was the intent of the Commissioners to reduce any salaries and recormnended that it be placed at the same level as lest year. Upon motion lof Mr. Hali, seconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimously restored Mrs. Wailace~s salary ICAPITAL OUTLAY - COMMISSIONERS~ CABINET Mr. Bowden suggested that the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to get a~ ~drawer filing cabinet for the use of the Commissioners to store their multitudinous correspondence and accumulated papers, Mr. Vaughan suggested that consideration be given to Yiuilding cabinets and shelves on each side of the dias. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved that the 5 drawer filing cabinet be purchased. It was_seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. ~GRAND JURY REPORT - The Grand Jury report for the August Criminal term was read by the Acting Chair- man. It ~ruggested that the Grand Jury Room be equipped with an air conditioner. In Ithe discussion of this subject, the Board thought that consideration should be given to moving some of the air conditioners from .lames Walker Memorial Hospital or the Community Hospital, inasmuch as both of them will be vacated sometime in the near future arid the present summer is almosL gone. At this point, Mr. Bowden reported that he had authorized Mr. Baggett to 'proceed within the budgeted funds to instali air conditioners in the Agricultural Offices and he has already spent in the neighborhood of $1}50.00 for electrical wiring. He suggested ,that since there is a possibility of securing air conditioners from the two hospitals, we ,might defer any further action if he has not already committed himself or purchased any ~other air conditioners. The Executive Secretary was instructed to check with these two in- Istitutions to see ~ust what the present conditions are about getting some air conditioners. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- Repott from the Home Economics Extension Agent for the month of July,1966 2- Wilmington;Public Library Report for July, 1966° 3- The County Avditor reported that the amount of $3l~8,228.59 has been received by the County from the State Intangibles Tax Distribution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966. He stated this was about~$80,000 less than last year. ~ ~~~~ Minutas of the Meetina Auqust 15, 1966 Continued PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superlor Court for the weeks beginning: September 12th, i966 - ci~t1 term and September 19th, 1966- Civil term. Jurors for the meek':beqinninq Sept. 12th - Civil term Abel, Joe 1321 Chestnut St. Andrews, Sidney B. 503 Northern Blvd. Bates, Clarence Richard 507 North Channel Batson, W. R. RFD 3, Box 339 Burke, Ro bert A. 1l}9 Hinton Ave. Burkett, Jacoba C. 5302 Market St. Carroll, J. T. Jr. Lenno n Dr. Chadwick, George H. 1309 S. Live Oak Champion, O. H. 81!} S. 5th St. Chestnut, Ottis H. 1514 Castle St. Coker, F. C. 212 S. 47th St. Coleman, Louis Jr. 3 Pi necrest Pkwy. Cullins, Nathan RFD 2, Curtis, D onald RFD 1, B!}13 AC Duff, J. H. 101 Central Blvd. Eason, W. L. 550 Bonham Ave. Edwards, Furney D. 1512 Market St. Fowler, A 1~ n RFD 2, B 357 A Gillette, Newton 116 A. Hinton Ave, Giliette, Ralph RFD 1, B 195 AB Grissett, Hubert L. 152 Colonial Circle Harrell, F. R. RFD 2, B 218 Harts, Fa nnie J. 909 5. Front St. Hatcher, Effie P7. 303 N. 21st St. Hinson, J iles W, 517 E. Shipyard Blvd. Hobbs, Ea rl ~r7. 4305 Greenfield St. Hobbs, J. H. 2615 Wrightsv. Ave. Jackson, Eddie 42!{ N. McCrae Ave. Johnson, Ennis F. 720 5. Front St. Johnson, Ernest 306 Castle St. Jurors for the week beginning Sept. 19th Barefoot, Robert Thomas 19 Woodlawn Ave. Johnson, James Dolphus Joyner, Clyde E. Jr. Dr. Lewis, C. W. McCartney, Earl F. McRae, Willie Mickens, Carrie Hankins Milde, Harold Moore, Don~1d~:C. Mintz, Mrs. Lucy B. Nichols, Rommie H. Otts, Jennings Pigott, M. C. Pittman, W. M. Porter, Addison Kermit Powell. Leaford Alton Powell;. Richard H. Rooks, Curtiss Jr. Sheppard, Carrie Mae Sidbury, Ella Skipper, Bertha W. Simmons, Leondis N. Smith, L. P. Spicer, Kit Stanley, Lawrence Paul Taylor, James Edward Taylor, Maggie Waddell, Alice Wiggins, Mrs. Lillie Mae Williams, George E. Williams, Josh - Civil term Kelly, Henry Rudolph Key, Russell R. Lorick, N. W. Lowder, M. L. Maultsby, Harold 5. Mavrolas, John McBennett, Inez H. McCleary, Lucy McGugan, Layton M. McRae, Fred Moore, Hall B. Murray, Doshier Edward Nance, Charles E. Nelson, Paul O~Heef, P. F. Overcash, Jason C. Pender, Evander P. Permenter, Sarah A. Brown, Wiley L. 31 Robt. E. Lee Dr. Cameron, D. D. Box 990 Carney, Ivy A. 9 North 25th St. Casteen, Mrs. F. Z. 7 H. Lake Village Dew, Foster 306 Central Blvd. Durham, Maurice M. 1021 Hawthorne Rd. Dukes, Albert RFD 3, Box 51 Dyson, Estelle G. 313 N. 21st St. Faircloth, Howard I. 705 Spofford Circle Faison, Walter 1210 Dock St. Farrow, Beulah Pepper RFD 3, Box 132 Frink, Everett P. 0. HDx 333 Gideon, 5tephen A. 5735 Park Ave. Gurganous, Elbert P. 4925 Rainbow Cir. Guy, K. R. 49~}S Wrightsv. Ave. Guyton, W. W. 124 Wayne Dr. Hayward, Delores 618 N. McCrae Ave. Herring, Iretta H. 518 S. 3rd St, Herring, Nathan C. 2938 Cambridge Dr. Hines, E. W. 9 Lame Ave. Horton, R. T. l}009 Cherry Ave. Noward, James 1901 Ann St. .larrott, R. Eli2abeth 105 Wrightsv. Ave. Jewett, Robert Drane 1156 Country Club Rd. Johnson, F. N. 5749 Oleander Dr. Johnson, Arthur 1310 King St. Johnston, Frank S. 322 Pine Grove Dr. King, Jay B. 2521 Jackson St. Hing, Myrtle Ethei 5009 Wrightsv. Ave. Pollock, Laura Rackley, Leland Oscar Roberts, Adrian A. Schutt, Carl B. Seay, J. L. Smith, R. J. Southerland, Mrs. Vivia Stewart, Winfred E. Trask, Alex M. Walton, Thomas M. '.Washington, Preston Woodall, P. D. Jr. 605 Central Blvd.'~ 5335 Andover Rd. RFD z, 312 N. C. Ave. 903 5. 13th St. 710 Nun St. 125 Stradleigh 806 Church St. i~.o7 s. 4tn st. 2224 Plaza Dr. ~i4 s. 5tn st. 4101 Halifax Rd. 1901 Lingo Ave. 6235 Wrightsv. Av . 2120 Klein Rd. 2123 Hlein Rd. ll}07 King St. 1917 Princess St. RFD 1, Box 351 210 N. llth St. 5!}02 Autumn Dr. 1510 Chestnut St. RFD 1, B 261} i 19 Elisha Ave. 6211} Wrights. Ave.~ RFD 1, Box 153 I 714 Marste~~ar st; 1017 S. Front St. i 905 5. Kerr Ave. 6567 Wrightsv. Avi. . ' 126 Dare St. 5029 Pine St. 1}618 Long Lea~ Hills Kure Beach,N. r' i 907 s. llth st. ! 206 N. 22nd St. 811 S. Kerr Ave. I 1218 5. 7th St. I 765 Geo. Trask Dr, 12 3oth St. 5321 Oleander Dr.u Jr. 110 S. ibth St. 1!}11} Sherwood Dr. i 910 Meadows Ave. 2015 Perry Ave. Carolina Beach,N.C~ 54L}8 Overbrook Rd. 4715 LoH~illsafDr. RFD i, sox 333 5908;~Wrightsv. Ave. 6353 Oleander Dr. ' 315 Wrights. Ave. ~I 2l}1}5 Wrightsv. Ave'I 21'7 Keaton Ave. n RFD 2, B 11+5 ~ 201 Parkway Blvd. I RFD 1 ~ 5002 Pine St. 204 Wooster St. soX 3006 " ADJOURNMENT - I There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Howden moved that the meeting be ad,journed. It was seconded by Mr. Hall andlunanimously passec~~ 7 ~ - ,., ~Executive Secre \ ~~