1966-09-06 Regular Meeting~~ ~j Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 6, 1966 8:00 A. M. ASSEMBLY - - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the County Court House with the following members in attendance: Chairman, Dr. Jos¢ph W. Hooper, Com- missioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vavghan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and Connty Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. Commissioner Laurence 0. Bowden was not present for Lhe meeting due to pressing business. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Howard J. Ford, Pastor of the Winter Park Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - B2fore approving the minutes of the last meeting, Mr. Vaughan requested that the following be added to the paragraph headed, "RENTALS - WELFARE CLIENTS - HOUSING AUTHORITY". "In his opening remarks, Mr. NYdrshall stated that the designation "public housing" is a misnomer in that it is not actually housing for the public. Mr. Vaughan pointed out that in his opinion it is public housing inasmuch as it has the benefits of low cost financing, tax advantage bonds and is administered under a public law." In the paragraph headed, "P,ENSIONS PLANS", the following sentence should be added, "Mr. Bowden ~ requested that any action on this matter be postponed until the next meeting." Mr. Braak I then offered a motion that the minutes be approved as corrected above. It was seconded u by Mr. Vaughan and unanimously carried. ; DRAINAGE COMPLAINT - Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maxwell of 129 Victoria Drive appeared before the Board and I complained about some erosion of their property because of a drainage ditch which runs II through it. They claim that the waLer is coming from the highway in such quantities that it is washing out the soil under the vegetation and allowing it to widen the ditch after every rain because of this undermining process. Mr. Braak stated that he had made a ~ cursory investigation of this matter last week but because of the overgrown vegetation, j he was vnable to offer a definite recommendation for solving the problem. Mr. Vaughan pointed out that this is a county-wide problem and suggested that the Executive Secretary and Mr. Mintz, the Drainage Supervisor, make an inspection of this problem,and make recom- I, mendations. (The Executive Secretary and Mr. Mintz inspected the problem and found that ' it is a ditch between a lot owned by the Maxwells and their daughter. It is true that it ' is being eroded gradually but is noL a probiem for the taxpayers of New Hanover County. I The only apparent solution is to install drainage pipe in the ditch which the Maxwells estimate will cost $390.00. They were told that if they would buy the pipe, the County i prison forces would install it at their convenience but that we covld not say exactly when because of the uncertainty of the number of prisoners and the demands of the County ,,for their services.) This is our recommendation to the Board. CONGRATULATIONS - The Chairman announced to the Board that Mr. Joseph T.. Jordan, a reporter for the Star News newspaper had gotten married since the last meeting and he felt some recog- I nition should be given him. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, the Board offered their con- gratulations and best wishes. COMPLAINT - JAILOR JOE E. JOHNSON • The Chairman recalled that on July 18th, a complaint was considered with reference to the Military unit with quarters in the basement of the Court House. He reported that he had written to the Provost Marshail and read a letter from Ma~jor M. N. Jenkins; the Base Provost Marshal of the U. 5. Marine Corps at Camp LeJeune. In the letter, he assvred the Board that instructions had been given to the local unit to stop using vulgar, or other distasteful language, in the Military Police Station. Ne also has taken disciplinary measures with reference to the incident relating to the taking of the baby crib or play pen. He assured the Commissioners that the relationship between the Base and New }ianover County had always been an amiable one and he regretted that the above incidents had occurt~ed. He promised that any further breaches of conduct will be dealt summarily. By common consent, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to send copies of this letter to Sheriff Marion W. Millis and Jailor Joe E. Johnson. The following is the letter from the Provost Marshall: "Your letter of July 18, 1966, postmarked on luly 22st, addressed to Lieutenant Colonel Sullivan was received on July 22nd and given to me for action because Colonei Suliivan was detached on the 21st and is on orders to Viet Nam. This morning I telephoned the office of the Board of Commissioners and spoke with Mr. William G. Houck, the Executive Secretary. He informed me that you could be reached at your office, but knowing how busy doctors are these days, I asked Mr. Houck if he was aware of the aforementioned letter. He stated that he was and would be glad to discuss the matter with me. We had a lengthy conversation during which I asured Mr. Houck that the military police wouid be, and have already been, instructed to cease using vulgar or other dista~teful language in the Military Police Station. Please con- vey my_:apology to Mrs. Johnson for the embarrassment caused her. Further;•;we discussed the vehicle parking tags, some of which have not been returned by,milita`r.y polic~emen~.who have been transferred overseas or to other duty stations. We a'g,z~e.i~d~~tA9t it •i's, unlikely that any of the tags have fallen into the hands of anyone who would improperly use the County~veh':LCle parking lot. It is my understanding that none of the military policemen: pres~ntly stationed in Wilmington havt vehicle parking tags and if any are issucd in the future, failure to return them upon transfer will be reported to this office for proper action. continued- : I 1~'~ ~ L _ . Minutes_of the_Meet.ing_ Sept. 6_1966__ Continued - ~ COMPLAINT c JAILOR JOE E. JOHNSON -(continued) We also discussed the incident involving Corporal Haynes and the baby crib or playpen. Corporal Haynes has been reprimanded for his immature action and had not his wife been hospitalized at the time, he would have been immediately transferred. He is to be dicharged from the Marine Corps on August 1, 1966. The relationship between this Bast and the New Hanover County and the City of 1~ilmington has indeed been amiable for a long number of years and it is regrettcd that the above cited incidents occurred. Please be assured that the conducL of Lhe military policement stationed in your County has been discussed with them and any further breaches will be dealt with summarily. If the conversation with N,r. Houck and this letter does not negate the need for a visit in your office, please have Mr. Houck inform me when you are avaSlable for an appointment." MAP PRESENTATION The Chairman presented a 1781 map of the Cape Fear River showing the countie=.~ adjacent and the Towns of Brunswick and k~ilmington which had been reproduced by a commec- cial artist and designer, J. Allen Taylor, Jr., by rendering and coloring the various ~ areas at a cost of $75.00 for professional services and $13.39 for framing. It is his intentions to present it to the Resources Development Commission for Brunswick County. ' He suggested that this was fitting and asked the Board if they were wiiling to appro- i priate funds to cover the cost. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authorized payment of this bill of $88.39 from an allocation in I the Advertising and Industr3al Development Fund. I OPTION EXTENSION - KELLWOOD COMPANY The Executive Secretary reported that Mr. Vaughan had called hfm on August 31st and advised that he had conferred with Commissioners Bowden and Hall who were agreeable to granting a 3 weeks extension on the option of the Kellwood Company, dated June 6, 1966, to purchase a parcei of County property on North 23rd Street, containing 6.7 acres, more or less. The Executive Secretary had written the letter to the attorney for the Kellwood Company, John C. Wesseli, Jr., with the understandins that it wouid be ratified at today~s meeting, "nunc pro tunc". Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board, by ma,jority vote, granted an extension for 3 weeks as requested. Mr. Vaughan requested to be recorded as abstaining. BEER PERMIT - ' The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved for consideration and in- vestigation by the Sheriff. Peter Andrianos T/A Mary's Restaurant, Inc. 249 N. Front St. Wilmington, N. C. COST - PENALTY WAIVER The Tax Supervisor presented a statement from the Consolidated Tax Office showing a cost of $1.00 plus interest of $1.16 on a piece of property described as B2ock 8, Lot 26 in Sunset Park in the name of Jeanette McGirt for the year 1963. She owned the property on January lst but sold it during that current year to Norwood i McKoy. He is willing to pay the back tax without question but does not feel that he should be penalized for the interest and cost since he was unaware of the outstanding I taxes. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board unanimously II approved remitting $2.16 cost and interest to the County and $2.58 cost and interest to the City of Wiimington. . PROSPECTIVE SALE - COUNTY }PROPERTY Complying with the request of the Board at the meeting of August lsth, the i £xecutive Secretary obtained a rearrangement of the appraisal of a 2.7 acre tract of County owned property by Mr. W. M, Hewlett•,. Realtor-Appraisor. The total appraisal of a parcel 300~ x 400' amounted to $6900 which is considered the current market valne! After a pro and con diseussion, Dr. Hooper moved that the Board approve selling a lot 30o' x 300~ for $5,175 and a lot 300~ x 400~ at the appraised valve of $6900. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan requested that he be I recorded as abstaining from voting but the Chairman declared the motion passed by a ~ ma,jority vote and instructed the Executive Secretary to notify Mr. Ed Weaver who is I agent for the prospective buyer. ADDITIONAL HELP - REGISTER OF DEEDS Register of Deeds, E. Paul Blanchard, appeared befose the Board and reported~ that he needed an additional Clerk-Typist for his office. He explained that one of I his experienced employees was going to the hospital for an operation and that another ~ experienced employee had resigned leaving him with an additional work-load. He documentled a comparison of the current work-load with that of last year to ~ustify the additional help. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the additional help be granted the Regfster of Deeds on a temporary basis until January 1, 1967, at which time he is to advise the Board as to his needs. The starting salary is to be $2988.00 annually and appropriated from the General Emergency Fund. It was seconded by Mr. , Braak and when the ba2lot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" but the Chairman declared ~, the motion passed by a ma,jority vote. SPEED LIM1T - BRADLEY CREEK Complying with the Public Notice published August 5, 1966 in the Wilmington ~ Morning Star, the Board heid a Public Hearing at 9:00 Tuesday, September 6th, regardingl the reoulation of speed by vessels using Bradley~s Creek channel between the Hiyhway , Bridge and the Inland G" "~...,.~~Waterway. Mr. C. E. Benoy made a presentation explaini.r~~g the problems attending boat wakes which are damaging his property. Mr. Karl W. McGhee,', a loca2 attorney, and Garland F. Palmer, representing the Bradley Creek Marina, pointec' ~ ~ . ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1966 continued ,_ - -_ -- - - -- , ",SPEED LIMIT - BRADLEY CREEK (continued) ~ ~I ' out that in their opinion, there is no need for such reguYations, since, by law, each boat owner is responsible for the damage caused by his boat wake. In Lfieir-bpin= ion, the problem is grossly exaggerated and it would be an abuse of police power to estab- II 'lish a 5 mile per hour.speed limit. It has always been true that land along a waterfront wiil erode to some extent, After a thorough discussion of the problem, the Board, by com- ~mon consent, agreed that there is no need for boat speed regulation at this time. Mr. Benoy thanked the Board for allowing him to present his problem. IROAD PETITION - I The property owners living on College Drive between Clear Run and Oriole Drives ~ presented a petition for adding that section of College Drive to the State Maintained ~ Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board approved the petition and ordered it sent to the 5tate Highway Commission for consideration. IACTUARY - EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM ~ The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John H. Hardin, Chairman of the Board of ~Trustees of the New Hanover County Retirement System, recommending that the Board of Com- missioners take the following action: 1- Have an actuary study the existing retirement system and furnish the results of that study and make recommendations. 2- To have an actuary make a study of th~ employees who would come under the present system or make recommendations with reference to a new system. It is felt that with such a study the system can be analyzed and coverage for all employees can be determined in an intelligent Ilmanner. Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that ~t the last meeting he had reported correspon- 'dence with several actuaries and recommended the firm of H. Gray Hutchinson & Associates, Incorporated, Actuaries and Consultants of Raleigh, North Carolina, be employed to make the study and recommendations. After some discussion of this subject, Mr. Hall moved that Bthe Chairman be authorized to discuss this matter with Mr. J. A. McMahon and if satis- ified with his recommendation of this firm, that a conference b¢ set up with the Commis- 'Isioners and the firm of H. Gray Hutchinson 8 Associates to consider the actuarial study iand recommendation, and that payment for this service be appropriated out of the County Re- tirement Fund. AGENT OF RECORD - PAYMENT In accordance with instructions of the Board on July 12th, giving the Chairman authority to discuss teasonable compensation for professional services rendered by Mr. Meares Harriss, as Agent of Record, in connection with developing a County Employees' Retirement System, after a brief discussion, Mr. Braak moved that $~00.00 be paid to Mr. Meares Harriss, Jr. for his services as a fee out of the County Aid- Retirement Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper requested that he abstain from voting but declared the motion passed by a majority vote. !RESCUE SQUAD - COMMENDATION ~ Mr. Vaughan reported that according to news releases in the paper, the Ogden Rescue Squad is rendering a fine service to the citizens of New Hanover County inasmuch as they are assisting the authorities in droRnings, wrecks, and other emergency rescue work, He as~ed the Board to authorize a lette"r of commendation and approbation for their efficient iand courageous service and offered a motion that this be done. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and the Chairman was instructed to write them. 'HOSPITALS DISPOSITION - ADVISORY BQARD REPORT i The Chairman reminded the Board that much progress has been made recently itt New Hanover County toward custodial care of the aged as Medicenter of America and the Cornelia Nixon Davis Nursing Home will provide for those who are.financially abie, but there is a need for indigent custodial care in this County. He introduced Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Committee appointed to make recommendations with reference to the dis- position of the Community and James Walker Memorial Hospital Buildings when they are meraed into the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. "Since making our preliminary report to you on July 15th, your hospital advisAry committee has developed several significant facts, which enables vs at this time, to give to you our specified recommendation concerning the future use of the Commun4ty Hospital Building together with the utilities and laundry building. Based on our developments, subsequently enumerated here-in, we hereby recom- mend that the Community Hospital Building be converted into a combined skilled nursing home and boarding home, primarily to serve the indigents and welfare recipients of New Hanover County. Further, we recommend that this facility be leased including all present furnishings with kitchen and dining equipment to a private operator under terms and conditions determined by you. In this connection, we wish to inform you that we have received tentative proposals from two (2) persons who are interested in leasing this facility as a combined skilled nursing home and boarding home. We have further been assured by one (i) official of the State Board of Health, (Mr. Higgins) that there are other persons available who would be interested in leasing this facility for this purpose. In our consideration of the Community Hospital Building as a skilled nursing facility, several questions arose: 1. Could it be licensed for this purpose7 2. What changes were needed to meet required building codes, and approximate costs of same7 3. Could some of the present vacant areas in the building be licensed and utilized for this purpose prior to the closing of the fac ility as a hospital, under a temporary license pending completion of required changes to meet , building codes? ~ 4• What state agency would b e responsible for licensing the facilityl I continued- I ~,~~ Minu.Les of.__the_Meetina Se~tember~ 1966 Continued- HOSPITALS DISPOSITION - ADVISORY BOARD REPORT In order to get answers to the above questions, your chairman together with .. Mr. Henry Miller and Miss Pearl Hayes, one of the intereste.clparties to operate the skilled nurSing home; made a trip to Raleigh, August 3rd. We first visited Mr. Mullens, in the engineering section of the insurance divisi'on, to clear up questions regarding some of the required changes iisted by him previously, as being necessary for licensing pvrposes. These answers were necessary for Miller to more accurately I~ estimate the cost of making these alterations to the building. j Next, we had a conference with Mr. Avant, consuitant with the Medical Care Commis- ~ sion. Mr. Avant was not sure which state agency, the Medical Care Commission or State Department of Public Health, would be responSibile for licensing the proposed facility. He informed us that if Medical Care Commission were responsible, no temporary license would be required from his office for partial operations as skillec~ nursing home prior to closing as a hospital. ~ Fol~owing our conference with Mr. Avant, we had a conference with Mr. Higgins in the Department of Public Health. Mr. Higgins was not sure which agency would be responsible for licensing, but advised that the two (2) department heads would have a conference later to determine what agency would have licensing responsibility, and so inform us by letter. We received this letter dated August 5, 1966, stating I th8t the State Board of Health was responsib2e for licensing. Mr. Higgins agPeed to visit Wilmington, August lOth to further inspect the present building and advise us, at the time, regardino licensing. He came to Wilmington as agreed and together with your chairman thoroughly inspected the Community Hospita?i Complex. Fie advised that he would later offer suggested changes to improve the serviceability of the buiiding. In the meantime, he informed us that temporary license couid be secured for operating a portion of the building separately as a skilled nursing facility pending closing the building as a hospital, and pending completion of the necessary changes and alterations to meet code standards, etc. ~ Mr. Higgins further stated that the temporary license could be secured promptly after receiving assurance from the Board of Commissioners, that all these physical requirements would be accomplished, and undertaken as soon as practical and com- pleted within a reasonabie length of time. In addition Lo this assurance, the department would require the necessary architectural drawings for their approval, prior to starting the renovation. Of further interest to you in making your decision regarding this undertaking is thel immediate financial benefit that can be affected for New Hanover County. The Welfar Department informs us that at present they have three (3) welfare recipients in hospitais for lack of available skilled nursino facilities that willi,ac¢ept them. These three (3) now cost New Hanover County (in County funds) $8.18 daily each or $2l}5•(}0 per month. If these people ~aere transfered to our skilled nursing facility as we are proposing, the cost to New Hanover would be only $22.80 monthly or a saving of $222.60 each per month and total savings monthly for the three(3), now in hospital, of $667.80. The welfare records show that one (~ person was previously, kept in the.hospital for 18 months, under the above circumstances. Finally, we suggest that you take immediate steps to secure appropriate architectural services, and that you consider taking action on the future use o~, Community Hospital~ as combined skilled nursing and boarding home as soon as possible, to affect the ~ maximum saving to the tax payers." /S/ H. A. Marks, Chairman Hospital Advisory Commission Briefly, the Committee recommends the Community Hospital Building be converted into a combined skilled nursing and boarding home, primarily to serve the indiaents and re- cipients of wel•fare grants. They recommend that the facility be leased after the County~ has placed the building in condition to be licensed by the officials of the state ' charged with the responsibility. They estimate that the repair work necessary wiil cost:ketween $90;_000 and $100,000. They are of the opinion that'the operation could be started in a limited way on a temporary basis as the State officials have agreed to issue a temporary license with the understanding that the necessary work to meet their mi'nimum standards will be completed by the County within a reasonable time. Miss Lela Noore Hall, Director of the Public Welfare Department, reported that she could place 100 persons within the facility as soon as it is ready at a miximum $175.00 per month. The Advisory Board also recommended that consideration should be given to requiring the lessee to pay at least 12 months rent in advance in order to establish some equity and - an interest in making the operation successful. It is also recommended that an architect be employed to draw plans acceptable to the State Licensing authorities. Dr. Hooper vocally expressed the appreciation of the Board to this Advisory Committee for their untiring efforts. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the recommendations of the Com- mittee to employ an architect immediately be approved. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously passed. PUBLIC WELFARE LIEN - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of the Pvblic Welfare Department, reported ~ that it has a lien on property formerly owned by Edith Bryan which amounts to $2,596. The property is located at 6th & Queen Street. ~They have an offer of $300.00 to I settle and cancel the lien. The County Attorney recommended that it be accepted. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously agreed to his recom- I mendation. SALARY - WELFARE EMPLOYEE The Welfare Director reported that an employee by the name of Ann White ~ started to work on Lhe 5th day of August, 1966. The :4uditor, in figuring her salary from the 5th to the 15th, paid her on a per diem basis which is in accordance with the State Merit System policy but from the 15th to the 31st of the month, the salary was figured on an annual basis and she contends that it shoud be figured on a per diem basis for the month, that is, instead of being paid for a half month, or 15 days, she should continued - ~ ~~~ Minutes of the eeSjns~ ~eotember 6. 1966 Gont~n_u_ed d,SALARY - WELFARE DMPLOYEE (continued) have been paid for 16 days and, therefore, is entitled to $8.50 additional salary for the month. After a thorough discnssion, Mr. Hall moved that Ann White's salary be adjusted in accordance with the State Merit System policy. It was seconded by Mr. IVaughan. Dr. Hooper requested that he be recorded as abstaining from voting. The motion was adopted by majority vote. WELFARE - REGULATIONS The Welfare Director reported the resignation of two employees on account of a Isalary increase as well as guaranteed regular increments and retirement participation. ELECTION BOARD BILLS The Chairman read two letters addressed to him from Jackson 8 Bell Company stating that they had delivered 60 Shift-Dex Loose Leaf Binders and 1800 Index Sheets to the County upon the instructions of Mr. 0. H. Pridgen II• The total price amounted to ~2,453•~6 and the work was completed on May 28th, 1966. They also reported that regis- tration forms ordered by the Board of Elections in the spring of 1966 were printed accord- dn.g..to order but they had not as yet received further~instructions from Mr. Pridgen for punching holes in the forms in order to finalize their completion and finish the ~ob. They feel that unless they are given sufficient instructions to complete the work they Iwill have to deliver the work unfinished but they feel that it is impractical to deliver the forms without punched holes as they will be of little; if any, use. They requested pppsuggestions from the Board for this printing work. By unanimous consent, the Board Pauthorized the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to write the Chairman of the Board lof Elections and ask if there was any reason that the invoices for this work should not be approved for payment and presented to the Auditor.. IPERMANENT LOOSE LEAF VOTER REGISTRATION SYSTEM - Mr. Vaughan reminded the Board that this matter had been under consideration for some time and in his opinion it should be installed as soon as possible. He asked the County Attorney if any legal action could be takeri to.speed up and assure the oeople of the County that it would be put into use in time for the General Election this fall. The County Attorney reported that the legal remedy would be to seek a writ of mandamus. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the County Attorney be instructed to proceed with legal action ~against the Board of Elections to determine by court order the responsibility of the Board of Elections for installing a permanent loose leaf voter registration system and requiring them to carry out this responsibility which has been pending since December 1965. It Iwas seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously passed. FEDERAL CONTRACT FOR~JAIL SERVICE - The Executive Secretary presented a contract from the United States of America for service in a non-federal institution for the safe keeping, care and subsistence of prisoners held under any United States Statute. The Sheriff had reported that if the Commissioners are willing to sign this contract, it will mean that the Jail can no longer remain segregated so far as race, color, religion or national origin, or any discrimina- tion in any matter relating to his confinement. He also reporLed that at present, we are receiving $2.00 per day subsistence for federal prisoners and suggested that the fee be increased from $2.00 to $2.25 per day. After a pro and con discvssion of the sub~ect, Mr. Vaughan moved that it be signed, sub,ject to further discussion with the Sheriff by the IChairman of the Board and that a cencellation clause be inserted so that it can be can- celled at the will of the Board or the same provision for cancellation as the Federal government has. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanfmously approved, p1:"CI,MBING_INSPECTORS ,. =, : . : _. ~,. Mr. Hall reported that since the Board of Commissioners had seen fit to place the Building and Electrical Inspectors in the same general classification, he felt like the Plumbing Inspector should likewise be reclassified in keeping, He has made some in- estigation and finds the present plumbing journeyman's wages amounts to $7,2q4.00 and that the present Plumbing Inspectors are 'receiving salaries considerably below that range. He is reliably informed that one of the Piumbing Inspectors has been offered work with a 1salary in that neighborhood and suggests that the Plumbing Inspectors~ pay be ad,justed ~ccordingly as there is likely to be a general increase because of the industriai activity ~oing on in the County. This sub,ject was discussed freely among the Board members and y common consent, the Chairman was authorized to discuss the matter with the Board of ~leaith at their meeting tomorrow and bring hack a recommendation for action by the Commis- 'sioners. EES - ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS - COUNTY PROPERTY The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Electrical Inspector, ohn E. Wood, had suggested that the Board of Commissioners establish a policy with reference o the City charging for school inspection fees when the County Electrical Inspector is esponsible for their safety under G. S. 115-150.2. He is also of the opinion that all ounty owned buildings should be under the supervision of the County Building Inspector nd the County Electrical lnspector regardless of whether or not they are inside the City. he ~ounty Attorney is of the opinion that legally, the City can issue the permits, charge he fees and make the inspections during the construction period of any buildings in its orporate limits. After some discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Executive Secretary e instructed to write the City Manager about this problem and see if an amicable agreement ouid be reached. It was seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously carried. ISUPERIOR COURT OFFICE - AIR CONDITIONER The Executive Secretary reported that he had received a complaint from the Superior Court Clerk about their air conditioning subsequent to the inspection and report made to the Board on July 8th. At that time, the old carrier air conditioner was being repaired and the Electrical ~ngineer was of the opinion that it would be as good as it ~ever was but for some reason it has not proved so and is very inefficient in spite of his best efforts. After a brief discussion in which it was pointed out that the summer is almost gone and that by spring of 1967, air conditioning units would be avai2able from the James b9alker Memorial Hospital. Mr: Vaughan moved that the Executive Secretary attempt to get one as soon as possible from James Walker Memorial Hospital for the Clerk of Court~s office. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimovsly passed. ~ ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1966 Continued DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - The Chairman reported to the Board that h¢ had recently received an inquiry from the Governor requesting some indication of how the state agencies might help in the total development programs planned for the growth and improvement of New Hanover County. He reported that he had taken the liberty of writing the Governor advising him that the greatest need is for an arterial highway into the industrial Pitdmont. He felt like the most sensible proposal was the one recently made concerning a 1}-8 lane inGerstate highway through relatively unsettled areas to tie into the Piedmont crescent. The Board was in agreement with his thinking in this matter. TAX STUDY - The Chairman reported that he had received a copy of the report of the State Tax Study Commission but had not had time to review it thoroughly. After a brief dis- cussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Chairman write the Governor, with a copy to the State Association of County Commissioners, stating that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners approve and will support a state-wide sales tax but not the local option plan. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted '!NO'~ with the remark that he did not want to kill the local option tax ,jvst to get a state-wide tax. Chairman Hooper asked that he abstain from voting but declared the motion carried by a majority vote. STATE PERSONNEL DEPARTN~NT - The Chairman recalled that the Moore with reference to a workable liaison State Personnel Department controiling the ceived a reply, copies of which were sent offering to discuss the matter further at Board had authorized him to write Governor between the County Commissioners and the Merit System Council policies. He has re- to each member of the Board of Commissioners, the convenience of the Board. CIVIL DEFENSE - The Chairman reported a letter from the local office of Civil Defense, advising him that there has recently been a review of the State law pertaining to Civil Defense and related activities. It called special attention to Section 166.8 "Local Organization for Civil Defense" and requested that this section be incorporated in the minutes of the meeting after formal adoptfon b~ the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved that copies of this section be made and sent to each member of the Board of Com- missioners so that they would be familiar with its provisions and adopted at the next regular meeting of the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Greensboro-Guilford County Civil Defense Agency annovnced that they are hosting the annual Conference of the North Carolina Civil Defense Association on Septem- ber llth, 12th and 13th at the O'Henry Hotel in Greensboro. They extended a cordial invitation for the Board to attend. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously authorized any member who could to attend this conference. STATE PORTS - BUSINESS The Chairman reported to the Board that he had received a letter from James W. Davis, Executive Director of the State Ports Authority, calling attention to an articie recently published by Dunn and Bradstreet, with reference to port competition and showing that the ports at Morehead City and Wilmington are the two f.astest growing ports in dollar value of cargo on the Atiantic Seaboard and Gulf. This was given for information. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION - INSTITUTE OF GOVERNN~NT The Executive Secretary called attention to the third annual course in County Administration to be given this winter and spring by the Institute of Government. There will be no tuition to be paid and the registration fee for materials has already been paid, therefore, the only cost will be for transportation, room and board during the sessions. The Executive Secretary expressed his desire to attend this session. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board authorized the Executive Secretary to attend this course of instruction and the cost to be charged to Commissioners-Travel Acconnt. When the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" but the Chairman deciared the motion adopted by ma,~ority vote. PIEDMONT AVIATION - CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD The Chairman presented a letter from the Honarable B. Everett Jordan, U. S. Senator, with an order attached adopted by the Civil Aeronautics Board, with reference to the application of Piedmont Av~iation, Inc. to amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and schedule flights into New York. No action was necessary. GREEN SPAN PROGRAM - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had received a telephon call from the local A. S. C. Office announcing a"Green Span Program" in which he under- stands that the Federal government will provide funds for the purchase of recreational areas in the County provided it consists in land that would normally be in production. The manager of the A.S.C. Office said that he would be glad to explain the provisions of the plan to the Board if they would like to know more about it. By unanimous common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to arrange for him to present it at the next regular semimonthly meeting. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - The Chairman presented a letter from the State Highway CommisSion Thoroughfar. Planning Engineer, in reference to the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1962 in which the Bureau of Public Roads requests that the Highway Commission and all local governmental agencies involved in transportation planning of urban areas greater than 50,000 popula- tion execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County and the North Carolina State Highway Commission in cooperation with the ~ U. 5. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, which was attached. By common consent, the Board referred this matter to the County Attorney for his study and com- ments to be made at the next regular meeting. II TESTINiONIAL DINNER - The Executive Secretary reported that Commissioner Lavrence O. Bowden had asked him to get a commitment from the Board of Commissioners as to who would be able i._ .__ .. - ~ ~~~ ~ ~r Minutes of the Meeting 6ept. 6, 1966 continued _ ~~TESTIMONIAL DINNER - continued ~ to attend the Collins' testimonial dinner to be held on October lOth at the IElks Club. He was anxious to get at least one table which amounts to 8 people at $5.00 each. After some discussion, in which the Board agreed that it was a proper activity for the County to participate in, and upon motion of Dr. Hooper, seconded by Mr. Braak, jThe Executive Secretary was instructed to send acheck for one table, to be charged to Ilthe Commissioners-Entertainment Fund. SCHOOL SITES - Mr. Vaughan called the Board~s attention to the recent purchases of school sites by the Board of Education and particularly as it had to do with a location where proper drainage and playgrounds could be established, He offered a motfon that the Board go on record in notifying the Board of Education that they should give consideration to pur- ichasing sites on higher ground so that the drainage problems would not be so great. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ' SURPLUS COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION - It has come to the attention of the Board that a new program has been worked out between the Public Welfare Department and the Department of Agriculture in which New ~Hanover County will be a pilot experiment. lt will cut the clerical requirements in the office of the Surplus Food Distribution in half as the card system that has been necessary in the past as a record for each recipient will no longer be required. After a ~brief discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved that the Executive Secretary be instructed to notify the Cierk in the Surplus Commodity Distribution Warehouse that her services will be re- quired for half-time on and after October lst and the salary will be reduced accordingly. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanfmously carried. 'PETIT JURY The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as Jurors in Superior I~Court for the weeks beginning October 3 and October lOth - Criminal terms; October 17th iand October 24th - Civil terms; and October 31st - Criminal term. Jurors for the week beqinninq October 3, 1966 - Criminal term Altobellis, Joseph T. IIBowden, Laurence O. ~Brown, Mamie R. Brunson, Mamie D. Burnett, Roy A. Clark, John 5. Sr. Cleeve, Elsie M. Davis, J. K. Faircloth, T. Chevis Flinta, Phillip P. pGrissom, Linwood L. IHarrington, Jacob R. iHar.ris, Ronald W. ~Herring, G. F. Hunley, Thomas W. Ketchum, Alton W. !Lee, Annie B. H. - MacCallum, Donald C. ~~McCall, R. D. McNeil, William A. Jr. Monds, John Nelson, William H. Peterson, Mrs.Christine Reeves, Eric C. Jr. Russ, M. B. Scarborough, Sarah Sidbury, Avance Southerland, Murphy H.Jr Strickland, Carey W. Waddell, Alonza Weiss, Alex IWilliams, Luther Box 13~8, city 4930 Pine St. 1321 Ann St. L{.09 Brunswick St. P.o. Box 582 Carolina Beach 508 s. i7cn st. 1910 Church St. 2201 Chestnut St. Carolina Beach,N.C RFD 3, Box 146 2207 Oleander Dr. 213 Queen St. 571o Oleander Dr. P~~~aBolir~a3Beach l}118 Halifax Road 2l}17 Jefferson St. 112 E N. C. Ave. 243 Huntington Rd. Box 3458, ctty RFD 2, Box 229 2013 Barnett Ave. Box 98, Carolina Beach 4860, Carolina each 5414 oleander ~~r: 2701 Ches~nut St. 5~9 Harnett St. 1}t}8 Evans St. ,City RFD 2, Box 20$ CC RFD 2, Box 84 807 s. i5th st. 26 Robert E. Lee Dr. 310 Martin St. Baggett, Lillian L. Brown, A. B. Brown, T.C. Bryan, Jesse Clark, Harry R. Clark, Willie R. Congleton, Marvin N Debnam, Haywood P. Ferris, Nelson L. George, J.W. Hargrave, 5 Leanora Harris, Edna McN. Harvey, Ruth J. Hobbs, J. H. Johnson, George R. Knight, L. Hal Lee, Thomas A. Matthews, Paul l~l. McDuffie, Julia Mighton, Joseph Moore, Lacy Owens, Robert E. Poteat, L. W. Risley, Marcaret H. Savaoe, Edna C. Sc:ntt; .1V:';M. :: r:; Srtii-th, ,;Rober.t T. Spericer.;-WiLliam ^'• Tvrrier; =.Breziei'i:.W:` WaYt'on,' •Jimmy~~~ Wi.lkes, Andrew Williams, Thomas Jurors for the week beqinninq October lOth - Criminal term IBarnes, Milton J. Brown, Harlee Brown, Winston E: Buie, Roy V. ICalloway, Roy A. Clark, James ~Cl.ayton, B. R. !Davis, Beulah L. Elks, E. M. Sr. Fische.r, M. L. Clover, Alma Hargrove, Louis ~larris, A. D. enderson, Viola ollings, McKinney B. een, C. J. Lanier, E. A. I RFD 3, Box 94 2328Z Carolina Beach 408 Soutn 16tn St. P. 0. Box 218 Carolina Beach 313 Pemberton Dr. 621 South 8th St. 241~ Westminster Way P. O. Box 160 Carolina Beach 5026 Heide Dr. Carolina Beach,N.C. 709 Molmlock Ave. 121"6 S. 2nd St. 832 Forest Hills Dr. 1111 North 9th St. RFD 2, Box 357 A 1718 Orange St. 7 Wilmington Ave. Brinkley, Edwin T. Jr Rd.Brown, Pauline M. Bryan, J. M. Burriss, O. C. Clarida, Rochelle Clark, Norwood G. Davis, Ralph H. Farmer, Elizabeth L. Fokakis, T. N. Hardee, Daniel B. Harrelson, Elbert W. Harris, Ethel C. Highsmith, R. Joe James, J, W. King, Thomas M. Lee, Mrs. E. L. Manning, Alex W. McGowan, Maude B~aro~2na Beach 130~ Grace St. 2113 Princess St. 2206 Brandon Rd. 2~19 Park Ave. 203 Adelaide Dr. RFD 2,B 136 212 Brightwood Rd. P.o,aox 317 210 5. 16th st. 811 Princess St. 1120 Wright St. P.O. Box 135 Carolina t3each 2615 Wrightsvilkve. 521 Sunset Ave. 117 Pine Valley Dr. RFD 3, Box 103 RFD 2, Box 223 A. 822 Harnett St. RFD 2, Box 241 313 Johnson Dr. 105 East Tenn&see ~ P.O. Box.227 ve. Caroglina Beach P~Carolina6~each 117 Holbrooke;Ave. 21:f1 :Br.andon "12oad P::o. Box.:;876. _ , io8 5. i3tn~st. ~ _. 4730 Mark'et`St. Road RFD ~ 3,• Boz."~8 - . RFD 2, Box O1 720 North 1 th St. RFD 3, Box 322 3o9 Francis Marion Dr. 2714 Washington St. RFD 2, B 197 A 1020 South 12th St. 2522 Adamss St. p. o. sox i54 Carolina Beach 617 Market St. 1923 Pender Ave. 3012 Monroe St. 2531 Harrison St. 3i8 N. 16th St. 715 South 12th St. P. o. sox 303 1~016 Wilshire Blvd. 2115 Princess St. P. O. Box 567 A. Carolina Beach RFD 3, Box 37 cvntinued- ,'~B~ ~ i Minutes._of Sept. 6. 1966 Continued_ JURORS - (continued) Week of October 10, 1966 Lowder, Marshall L. McCoy; James F:~ : McQuillan, Christine A. Miller, C. ~7. Morris, Robert Parsons, Berkley W. Prifogle, Hattie Rochelie, J. L. Sawyer, W. T. Sr, Sheffield, W. L. Jr. Sneeden, S. V. Stanley, F. E. Vann, Henry L. Warlick, D. R. Williams, J. E. K~oX ~Rach,N.C. ! 2014 rincess P1.Dr. RFD 2, Box 262 112 Bagley Ave. 207 5. lOth St. RFD 1, Box 469 A P.Q~ sox 688 arolina Beach 306 N. Herr Ave. 2504 Wrightsv. Ave. 135 E. Renovah Cir. 1710 Carolina Ave. 121 Keaton Ave. 2117 Brandon Rd. 1901 Castle St. RFD 3,B 215 City Mercer, Alex P. Moore, James C. Newton; Robert S. Phillips, Clarence H. Reynolds, Patricia H. Saunders, George L. Schaar, Herbert M. Smith, Lenora, Spinks, Gene A. Thomas, Mattlie E. Wagenseller, Kirk W. Ylest, Thomas E, Wiiliams, Leroy 25~9 van Buren St.' 430 Rob. E. Lee Dr;. 4018 Halifax Rd. Gen.Del. Kure Beac~h 127 Greenville Av¢'. 516 Wright St. 2I}07 Princess P1. Dr. 708 Brunswick St. RFD 2,B 218 AA 2532 Harrison St. 1108 Azalea Dr. 702 Pine Valley D~. 3ii s. i3tn st. i Jurors for the week beginninq October .1"j, 1966 - Criminal Allison, Otho L. Bradley, Robert G. Brown, Robert A. Bryan, James G. Capps, Larry R. Clark, O. T. Covington, Leonard B. Day, Fred N. Jr. Fergus, Estelle S Fisher, M. L. Hargrave, G. D. Harrington, Mrs. F.L. Harris, Lee G. Jr. Hines, Mrs. Hatie B. Johnson, George M. Kinsey, Ollie Lee, Elwood M. Jr. Matthews, M. H. Sr, McDonald, Levi McRae, Walter h1oore, Gerald N. Jr. Obee, Arthur 'kf. Pollock, R. S. Riggs, A. B. Savage, Alva L. Schley, James P. Smith, Jos. G. Spenser, Mae S. 'Treadwell, R. E. Walton, Herman Whitt, Arthur T. Williams, Norwood, 809 Wooster St. 1015 North 8th St. 2223 Wrightsv. Ave. 210 Pages Ave. RFD 3, Box 17 219 North 30th St. 2526 Jefferson 5t. P.o. Box 665 A. Carolina Beach P.o. aox 241 Carolina Beach P. o. sox 175 Carolina Beach 15 South lith St. 1907 Nun St. (}05 Newkirk Av. RFD 2, Box 2l+4 1}LF. Robert E. ~ee r. 1020 Swann St. 2522 Jefferson St. RFD 2, s 424 RFD 2, Box 37!} RFD 2, Box 21}5 326 Buckner Dr. io5 s. iotn st. 308 N. }{err Ave. 311 N. 45th St. 2722 Jefferson St. 108 Colonial Cir. 706 South Kerr Ave. 4118 Park Ave. l}711 Oleander Dr. RFD 3, Box 36 A !}05 Greenwood Rd. RFD 3, Box 191 Bowden, Eiwood P.O. Box 365 i Carolina Beach Brown, .1. R. 506 S. 5th St. Brunson, Buck 113 S, lOth St. Burnette, Madge 107 N. llth St. Clark, John 5. 426 Decatur Dr. Cleamons, J. W. 1119 5. 8th St. Davis, Jack P O. Box ~92 C h arolina eac Faircloth, E. V. Carolina Be~ch Futch, George B. ~ 63i8 Wrights~i~le v . Griffith, Benny D. 22 Northwood Dr. Harper, Alfred M. 2~11 Adams St. Harris, Edgar B. 2309 Princess P1. Dr. Herlevich, Victor W. 802 Forest Hills Ir. Howell, Richard M. 1La.3 S~onewall ~, ackson Dr. Kennedy, Mary E. 1005 North $th St. Lee, Andr.ew J. l 51l~ Chestnut St. ~ Ludwig, 4L G. P. O. gox 371 ; Carolina Beach,N.C~ Merritt, W. D. 2016 Barnett Ave. ''i McNeil, Lossie RFD 2, Box 440 Mintz, Harvey A. 5726 Park Ave. Munn, J. A. 3825 Princess St. I Perdew, William E. 1707 Chestnut St. I, Reaves, Nettie 5307 Oleander Dr. Roderick, Mrs. Augusta L. 1120 S. 3rd St.l Sawyer, Thelma C. 2303 Princess P1.Ir. Shumpert, Mrs. H. N. 16 N. 23rd S t. Southerland, Elsie M. RFD 2, Box 205 Stewart, Robert L. RFD 2, Box 205 % A.D. Stewart Venters, Jean B. 151~ Sterling Roac Waters, 0. ~d. 211.2 Barnett Ave. I Williams, Linwood E. 315 Clover Road Ju•rocs~f0r,the week beqinn.inq October 2lLth, 1966 - Civil Blum, Billie I. Brown, Reighton R. Browning, Bertie W Bryant, Lillian L. Canady, Percy L. Clark, Clyde W. Clark, Ollie R. Cowan, Hattie Lou Dawson, Norma T. Farrow, Bessie M. Fisher, Herbert T. Hardison, James T. Harrelson, G. L. Harris, Hubert L. Hill, Perry N. Jones, D. E. King, William A. Lee, E. M. Marley, Joseph F. McKoy, Dennis Sr. Merchant, O. K. Moore, James E. 2418 Monroe St. 32 Morningside Dr. 241}2 Wrightsv. Ave. 809 5. loth St. 2101} Metts Ave. 3835 Sylvan Dr. 1615 Grace St. l019 5. ~th St. 308 S. 17tn st. RFD 3, Box 123 1123 Princess St. 2005 Metts Ave. l}08 Wrights. Ave. 106 5. 1!}th St. 231 Forest Hil~~ P. O. Box 621 Carolina Beach 211 West Tenne~~ee 2713 Washington ~t. RFD 2, Box 217 712 Orange St. Box 2!}0 Carolina Beach 809 Pine Valley Dr. Brittain, B. F Browne, J. N. Bryan, Alice Burnett, Hannie L. Chatley, Robert I. Clark, John J. Jr. Claybrook, Robert Davis, D. T. Evans, Ellis Fry, Therman J. Gregory, Paul E. Harley, Ben Harris, Addell S. Henry, H. P. Holmes, Eunice I. Kennedy, Ben,jam P. Ledbetter, Walter Lowery, Cla,ude L. McCuiston, M. R. McQuillan, Dorothy F. 266 Hamlet St. Carolina Beach 402 Northern Slvd.. 214 Wrightsv..Ave.~ RFD 2, Box 2l}2 P. o. sox 63 Carolina Beach P.O.Box 2L~l~. Carolina Beach ' 825 S. Kerr Ave.. ' 302 5. 2nd St. RFD 3, Box 206 P. O. Box 12 Kure Beach I 135 Ridgeway Dr. RFD 1 , Box l}21 716 s. i5th st. 514 River Road RFL 2 2013 Creasy Ave. !}412 Mockingbird i ne 1}OS Anderson St. P. 0. Box 299 Carolina Beach P. o. Box "328 Carolina geach RFD 2, Box 3z!} I ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ ""~~~' p~ „o + h, nao,$~~__ S ev t emb.e r_6_._19~b= ( C.ontiau.P ~ ~_ ` ~ Jurors - 4Jeek beqinninq October 24th (continued) Nixon, George Phillips, L. A. Rhodes, Walter R. Saunders, John J. Schley, F. W. Smith, John Spencer, Joseph M. Threatt, A. R. Walton, C. T. Wheeler, Mrs. W. L Williams, Mary RFD 1,Box 335 220 Parkway Blvd. 15 Pickett Dr. 622 5. 3rd St. P. O. Sox 66, Carolina Beach 716 Dawson St. (}118 Parl Ave. P. o. 6ox 93~ 5io s. 5tn st. RFD 2 Box 168 720 N. lOth St. Mills, Jodie Mosley, Richard L. Pearsall, M. W. Ray, Mary L. T. Rockmere, Dorothy V. Sawyer, Edmund L. Shew, Richard A. Sommersett, George G. Stanley, Hubert C. Vann, Maude Warshauer, Miriam M. Williams, Lawrence Box 369 A. City ,71$ 5. llth St. P. o. Box 1203 P. o. sox 479 1608 Dock 5t. 3021} Jefferson St. 213 Princess St. 715 Pine Grove Dr. 2311 Market St. 41~ Mosley St. 2953 Hydrangea P1. 724 s. i3tn st. Jurors for the week beqinninp October 31st,1966 - Criminal term Atkinson, William Bowden, R. H. Brown, Matthew Brunson, Moses Burriss, George F Clark, Homer L. Clay, Lloyd A. Craig, J.Henry Drew, Ralph D.Jr. Ferris, Ruth Gillespfe, William K Hargrove, John Harris, ariiite J. Henderson, Juanita S Hodges, Ira J. Johnson, Wiiliam Landers, Joe Long, Clayton L. McCorkle, Mrs. C. M. McPhatter, Wilbur Modinos, Nicholas H Moran, J. T. Parker, Hardy R. Powell, Dave Robinson, James Savage, H. R. Settlemeyer, W. A. Snipes, R. H. Stanland, Alvah H Tysinger, Emily K Ward, A. H. Wilkins, Thomas Wood, Leroy N. 331 Robert E. Lee Dr. 25 Kenwood Ave. 704 N. lOth St. 409 Brunswick St. 3809 Park Ave. 3815 Sylan Dr. 3619 Wilshire Blvd. 911 Orange St. RFD 1, Box 282 A P. o. Box 317 Carolina Beach . 902 S. 3rd St. i~24 s. btn sr:. 306 S. 6th St. . 208 Brookwood Ave. 10~ Parkway Blvd. 50fi Wright.:5t. 5031 Carolina Be~c~h RFD 1, Box 99 AC P. O. Box 97 Carolina Beach 3006 Louisana Ave. !}312 Market St. P. 0. Box 76 Kure Beach, N.C P. o. Box 12t} Wrightsv. Beach RFD 1, Box 224 AA 1320 North 7th St. 2202 Klein Road P.. o. Box 186 Wrightsv. Beach RFD 3, Box 56l} (}601 Wrightsv..Ave. 2l.E.8 Rose Ave. 807 Market St. 2!}J+9 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 1 Box 88 Cas~.le Haynes Bennett, Japtha T. Brown, Carri.e Brown, William Jr. Bryan, J. H. Clardy, Herbert F. Clark, M. T. Sr. Clemmons, Mrs, Ellen Davis, Mary G. Fales, H. E. Fokakas, Nicholas, Hands, Betty G. Harris, Elizabeth C. Harvin, DuVal Herring, Willie Jackson, Ashley N. Hing, L. H. Lee, Arthur Mahl, Harry L. Jt. McFarland, Abba M. Miller, G. C. Monroe, H. C. Neuer, Emma K. Petit, Dalton Retherford, Doyle C. Sandlin, Dan L. Scavella, Betty F. Sloan, Charles H. Spencer, Albert T. Tartt, Lewis M. Waddell, Charies R. West, J. B. Williams, Joseph A. Sr. RFD 3, Box !~!}0 1413 Church St. 404 North 21st St. RFD 2, Box 182 2$16 5. Front St. 2311 Shirley Road 1515 Castle St. 2i5 s. stn st. 1'707 Carolina Ave. 19e3 pender Ave. 319 Anderson St. 9 Woodlawn Ave. 1302 King St. 21L} McCumber Lane 2210 Ch~stnut St. 3812 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 2, Box 189 112 Robert E. Lee Dr. 2205 Market St. 205 Pine Valley Dr. 4932 Wrightsv. Ave. 2205 Klein Ftoad 5802 Tulip Dr. P. o. sox 975 3711} Wrightsv. Ave. 615 Queen St. 220 S. 13tn St. 2711} Adams St. 211 Peif~r Ave, 140!} wooster St. 1020 Hawes St. 334 pine Valley Dr. I AIIJOURNMENT - II The Chairman declared the Board ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in House with the following members present: Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. iL. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D Wilmington, N. C September 19,Ig66 8:00 A. M. ;.Commissioners met in regular semimonthly the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooger, Commissioners Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney . Love, Jr. INVOCATION - The Chaplain assigned by the Ministerial Associ~tion for the invocation this morning failed to show up. The Chairman called on the Executive Secretary for a prayer lof guidance. ~APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes of September 6th, the following changes were agreed to by the Board. In the opening paragraph, change the reason for Mr. Bowden~s absence from "vacation" to "pressing business". In the paragraph "CONQ'LAINT - JOE E JOHNSOi3", include a copy of the letter from the Provost Marshall in the minutes. In the paragraph II~~~P PRESENTATION", change the word "recondition" to "reproduce" in the third line. In the paragraph "OPTION EXTENSION - KELLWOOD CO.", add the words "by a majority vote" and continued- : ~~ n