1966-09-19 Regular Meeting~~ ~ _ ""~~~' p~ „o + h, nao,$~~__ S ev t emb.e r_6_._19~b= ( C.ontiau.P ~ ~_ ` ~ Jurors - 4Jeek beqinninq October 24th (continued) Nixon, George Phillips, L. A. Rhodes, Walter R. Saunders, John J. Schley, F. W. Smith, John Spencer, Joseph M. Threatt, A. R. Walton, C. T. Wheeler, Mrs. W. L Williams, Mary RFD 1,Box 335 220 Parkway Blvd. 15 Pickett Dr. 622 5. 3rd St. P. O. Sox 66, Carolina Beach 716 Dawson St. (}118 Parl Ave. P. o. 6ox 93~ 5io s. 5tn st. RFD 2 Box 168 720 N. lOth St. Mills, Jodie Mosley, Richard L. Pearsall, M. W. Ray, Mary L. T. Rockmere, Dorothy V. Sawyer, Edmund L. Shew, Richard A. Sommersett, George G. Stanley, Hubert C. Vann, Maude Warshauer, Miriam M. Williams, Lawrence Box 369 A. City ,71$ 5. llth St. P. o. Box 1203 P. o. sox 479 1608 Dock 5t. 3021} Jefferson St. 213 Princess St. 715 Pine Grove Dr. 2311 Market St. 41~ Mosley St. 2953 Hydrangea P1. 724 s. i3tn st. Jurors for the week beqinninp October 31st,1966 - Criminal term Atkinson, William Bowden, R. H. Brown, Matthew Brunson, Moses Burriss, George F Clark, Homer L. Clay, Lloyd A. Craig, J.Henry Drew, Ralph D.Jr. Ferris, Ruth Gillespfe, William K Hargrove, John Harris, ariiite J. Henderson, Juanita S Hodges, Ira J. Johnson, Wiiliam Landers, Joe Long, Clayton L. McCorkle, Mrs. C. M. McPhatter, Wilbur Modinos, Nicholas H Moran, J. T. Parker, Hardy R. Powell, Dave Robinson, James Savage, H. R. Settlemeyer, W. A. Snipes, R. H. Stanland, Alvah H Tysinger, Emily K Ward, A. H. Wilkins, Thomas Wood, Leroy N. 331 Robert E. Lee Dr. 25 Kenwood Ave. 704 N. lOth St. 409 Brunswick St. 3809 Park Ave. 3815 Sylan Dr. 3619 Wilshire Blvd. 911 Orange St. RFD 1, Box 282 A P. o. Box 317 Carolina Beach . 902 S. 3rd St. i~24 s. btn sr:. 306 S. 6th St. . 208 Brookwood Ave. 10~ Parkway Blvd. 50fi Wright.:5t. 5031 Carolina Be~c~h RFD 1, Box 99 AC P. O. Box 97 Carolina Beach 3006 Louisana Ave. !}312 Market St. P. 0. Box 76 Kure Beach, N.C P. o. Box 12t} Wrightsv. Beach RFD 1, Box 224 AA 1320 North 7th St. 2202 Klein Road P.. o. Box 186 Wrightsv. Beach RFD 3, Box 56l} (}601 Wrightsv..Ave. 2l.E.8 Rose Ave. 807 Market St. 2!}J+9 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 1 Box 88 Cas~.le Haynes Bennett, Japtha T. Brown, Carri.e Brown, William Jr. Bryan, J. H. Clardy, Herbert F. Clark, M. T. Sr. Clemmons, Mrs, Ellen Davis, Mary G. Fales, H. E. Fokakas, Nicholas, Hands, Betty G. Harris, Elizabeth C. Harvin, DuVal Herring, Willie Jackson, Ashley N. Hing, L. H. Lee, Arthur Mahl, Harry L. Jt. McFarland, Abba M. Miller, G. C. Monroe, H. C. Neuer, Emma K. Petit, Dalton Retherford, Doyle C. Sandlin, Dan L. Scavella, Betty F. Sloan, Charles H. Spencer, Albert T. Tartt, Lewis M. Waddell, Charies R. West, J. B. Williams, Joseph A. Sr. RFD 3, Box !~!}0 1413 Church St. 404 North 21st St. RFD 2, Box 182 2$16 5. Front St. 2311 Shirley Road 1515 Castle St. 2i5 s. stn st. 1'707 Carolina Ave. 19e3 pender Ave. 319 Anderson St. 9 Woodlawn Ave. 1302 King St. 21L} McCumber Lane 2210 Ch~stnut St. 3812 Wrightsv. Ave. RFD 2, Box 189 112 Robert E. Lee Dr. 2205 Market St. 205 Pine Valley Dr. 4932 Wrightsv. Ave. 2205 Klein Ftoad 5802 Tulip Dr. P. o. sox 975 3711} Wrightsv. Ave. 615 Queen St. 220 S. 13tn St. 2711} Adams St. 211 Peif~r Ave, 140!} wooster St. 1020 Hawes St. 334 pine Valley Dr. I AIIJOURNMENT - II The Chairman declared the Board ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in House with the following members present: Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. iL. Bradford Tillery and County Auditor T. D Wilmington, N. C September 19,Ig66 8:00 A. M. ;.Commissioners met in regular semimonthly the Commissioners~ Room of the County Court Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooger, Commissioners Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney . Love, Jr. INVOCATION - The Chaplain assigned by the Ministerial Associ~tion for the invocation this morning failed to show up. The Chairman called on the Executive Secretary for a prayer lof guidance. ~APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes of September 6th, the following changes were agreed to by the Board. In the opening paragraph, change the reason for Mr. Bowden~s absence from "vacation" to "pressing business". In the paragraph "CONQ'LAINT - JOE E JOHNSOi3", include a copy of the letter from the Provost Marshall in the minutes. In the paragraph II~~~P PRESENTATION", change the word "recondition" to "reproduce" in the third line. In the paragraph "OPTION EXTENSION - KELLWOOD CO.", add the words "by a majority vote" and continued- : ~~ n ~~~ _ _Mlnutes....of the.1`leet_ino~ Sente.Lnpe~ 19a_1966 Cont_inued..__ ~ APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES -(continued) „ ~ and delete the word "unanimously", and Mr. Vaughan requested to be recorded as abstaining." In the paragraph "SPEED LIMIT - BRADLEY CREEK", change the spelling "Carl McGee" to "Karl McGhee" and dn the same sentence, after the words "local attorney, add "and Garland F. Palmer representing the Bradley Creek Marina." In the paragraph headed "ACTUARY-EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM" in the motion, the payment for actuarial service should read "out of County Aid Retirement Fund" instead of !'Advertising and ' Industrial Development Fund". In the paragraph headed "RESCUE SQUAD COMMENDATION", the words "£xecutive Secretary" should be deleted and "the Chairman" inserted. In the paragraph "SALARY -WELFARE EMPLOYEE", delete the words in the motion "both", "Messrs " and "and Braa]#". Mr. Vaughan then offered a motion that the minutes as amended and' corrected above be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. TRUSTEES APOINTMENT - NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL The Chairman reported to the Board that with their approval he had appointed the following additional Trustees to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board: Mr. Henry E. Longley - 5 jrear term Mr. Lawrence C. Rose - 3 year term N~r. ~kJilliam H. Svtton - 1} year ter.m Mr. James L. Whitted - 4 year term ! , He asked the Board to officially ratify these appointments for the record. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the appointments. COUNTY AUDITOR REPORT - NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL I County Auditor Love presented the Board with a balance sheet showing the re- ~ ceipts and disbursements of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. The total revenues amounted to $7,683,953•85. The total expendltures amounted to $6,357,294•86 leaving a balance on hand of $1,326,658•99• He called attention to an income item representing~ earned interest in the amount of $187,i83.98. He also pointed out that claims filed wit~i the State Department of Revenue for sales tax refunds amounted to $61,670.62. He is of I the opinion that earned interest and sales tax refunds accrued to the Hospital's funds will approximate $260,000.00 by the time the Hospital is expected to begin operation which he considers conservative. He took pride in the prudent handling of County funds.l COUNTY FINANCES County Auditor Love also reported that during the past fiscal year he had ' handled the ~ounty money in such a manner that it earned interest in the amount of $151,822.66 and pointed out that this would amount to almost lOd on the tax rate. After some discussion 3n which it developed that the County Auditor is not required by law to invest County funds, the Board offered its commendations on his prudent handling of I the County finances. DRAINAGE COMPLAINT Mr. R. A. Shew, a local realtor, presented photographs of conditions on 16th and 17th 3treets during the recent unusually heavy rain in which the high water washed out segments of the streets and backed up over property because the culverts were obstructed by water and sewer lines installed by the City across the intake which retarded the free flow of water to the river, He pointed out that the culverts under the roads are those installed during the depression days and before any residential developments were in the area. He estimated that the grovnd water runoff amounts to about 90% as compared to 10% before a section is developed, thus increasing the runoff water which must go through the culverts. In his opinion, an automatic floodgate should be installed as well as a minimum of two additionai 24" culverts. The Chairman of the Board pointed out that this is a county-wide problem and will have to be solved on a Covnty-wide basis to which Mr. Shew wholeheartediy agreed. The Board expressed his thanks for Mr. Shew presenting the problem so vividly. DRAINAGE RESPONSIBILITY - Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Board go on record as recognizing the drainage problem in New Hanover County is a mutual one and can only be solved ,jointly by the public officials and the developers along with the land owners and offered a motion to that effect. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously approved. DRAINAGE ENGINEER Mr. Hall remarked that he had come to the office this morning with a firm I conviction t~iat drainage in New Hanover County is a basic problem and offered a motion that the Board of County Commissioners recognizes that property drainage is essential to the development and land use of the County, and that the Planning Commission be re- quested to employ the services of a competent engineer as promptly as possible for the purpose of setting up a master drainage plan for the county. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. Before the ballot was taken, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the , Chairman be authorfzed to discuss this drainage matter with the State officials and the Planning Commission. There was no second and the Chairman declared it dead. After a continued discussion of the original motion, Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the Chairman write a letter to tne rianning tsoara/,~of Commissioners are concerned I about the drainage problems in the Covnty and allow ttfetn to exercise their own discre- ~ tion. There was no second to this substitute motion and the Chairman declared it dead. I During the discussion which followed, it was pointed out that the Board of Commissioners did not-want to put themselves in the position of telling the Planning Commission what to do and a suggestion was offered that the word "consider" be inserted in the motion. Dr. Hooper then offered a substitute motion that the original motion offered by Mr. Hall include the word "consider". It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and when the vote was taken on the substitute motion, Messrs.Bowden, braak and Hall voted for it, Mr. Vaughan requeste.d that he be recorded as abstaining from voting. The Chairman declared the substitUte motfon adopted which amended the original motion to include the word "conside,~" x ` ~ ~ ry.~~_ 'r~ `'.y~. h>~ ~l ` -\ _. . ... . ~ e'~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting September 19, 1966 Continued ~ ~FOOD STAMP PROGRAM - PUBLIC WELFARE The Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, along with its Director, reported that New Hanover County has now been approved by the Federal and State Welfare Agencies for the Food Stamp Program and they have been officiaily notified. They estimate the cost of the program to be approximately the same as the present Surplus Food Commodity Program. They have not yet conferred with the bank to see what their cost of redeeming the food stamps would be. By common consent, the Board asked the Public Welfare officials to update their figures on each of the transactions in the Program inasmuch as they were developed last spring. The Board also requested the County Auditor to check with other ,counties who have used the program and get some figures to compare with the cost of the present Surplus Food Distribution. At.present, the factors which seem to indicate that it would not be as good for the citizens of the County as the Surplus Commodity Distribution Program are: ~ 1- A rough estimate seems to indicate that the citizens receiving this help would get $200,000 less food per year. 2- There is no conclusive evidence that the people would improve their food buying habits. A 3- It wovld seem to be more expensive to operate, therefore, cost the County more. IFactors which seem to ,justify a change would be: ~ 1- More control. 2- Relieve the Commissioners of some personal responsibility for the surplus com- modities. PUBLIC WELFARE - PERSONNEL CHANGES The Welfare Director reported that Mr. Richard B. Gerrish had resigned and she wanted to promote Mrs. Annie Louise -ePland to fill the vacancy and increase her salary from $417.00 to $457.00 per month. She rriil also need to hire a new replacement for Mrs. DePland. Upon motion of Nr. Hali, seconded by Ntr. Braak, the Board unanimousiy approved Ilthis request.- ~~GREEN SPAN PROGRAM" Mr. Tony Upchurch, Manager of A.S.C. Office,explained the salient points of the "Green Span Program" in which the Federal government will make grants to official bodies for the retirement of crop land to conservation uses. This is interpretated to mean that the County might receive Federal grants not to exceed 50% of the earnings of the land figured on a 10 year basis. The Board expressed their appreciation for the explanation and assured Mr. Upchurch that if they ever decided to avail themselves of this opportunity, they would get in touch with him. DRAINAGE REPORT Complying with the request of the Board at the last meeting, Mr. W. H. Cranford, 5anitation Director of the Consolidated Board of Health, reported that he had made an in- vestigation of the area around Wallace Avenue, Woodale, Heide, and Pine Hill Drive, along with representatives of the Planning Commission, the State Highway Commission, and the ,Commissioners~ Office. He has taken water samples from private wells 3n the neighborhood Ifor bacteriological analyses and found them safe for drinkittg. The land-locked ponds located in the area have been sprayed for mosquito control. The problem has been referred i to Mr. Ashley M. Murphy who will have the drainage engineers of the State Highway Commis- sion investigate the conditions and make a report and recommendation. ~ ROAD PETITIONS - A petition was received from the property owners living on Southern Lane i.n the McCumber Station section of the County requesting that it be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr, Hall, the Board unani- mously approved the request and authorized the Executive Secretary to forward it to the IState Highway Commission for their consideration. , . A petition was received from some citizens living on the south side of the A.C.L. ~Railroad west of the overpass of NC 132 pointing out that at one time there was an old road giving them access to their property but that when the overpass was constructed, the State cut off a part of the old road. They have since been using the railroad right of way to get into and out of their property but now request the State to reopen the old road ,and add it to their maintained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded 'by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to send it to the IState Highway Commission for further consideration. CIVIL DEFENSE - LOCAL ORGANIZATION ' Complying with the requests of the .Board at the last meeting, the Executive ,Secretary had sent each member of the Board a copy of Section 166-8 Statutes dealing with local organi2ation pertaining to Civil Defense. There were some sections which were not clearly understood by the Board and they instructed the Executiue Secretary to arrange for the Civil Defense Director to meet with the Board at the next regular meeting in order ~to clear them up. HEATING FEES - The Electrical Inspector had recommended to the Executive Secretary the follow- ing fees for heating and installation permits in the County. They are identical to the ~City of Wilmington~s fees: • Install gas service or gas appliance ....... $1.00 Install oil appliance ...................... 1.00 Filling station gasoline tanks: 50 to 100 gals . ........................ 1.00 continued- ~ _ ~.uiES-of the_ Me.e~.inn S.e_otEmher_19_•-L966 C_onilnue~__ _.. _~ HEATING FEES - (continued) Filling station gasoline tanks: (continued) 100 to 200 gals . .......................... $2.00 ~ 200 to 500 gals . .......................... 3.00 500 to 5,000 gals . ........................ 5.00 , 5,000 to 10,000 gals ....................... 10.00 ~ 10;000 gals. up $1.00 ...................... Oil burner tanks Outside - 1,000 gal. and ov 55o gal. 250 gal. Inside - 2- 250 gal. tanks ~es or - Underground: er ...................... 5.00 ...................... 2.50 ........................ i.5a ........................ 2.50 1- 250 gal. tanks ........................ 1.50 Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously adopted the for New Hanover County and, in addition, the same mileage is included as approved electrical inspections. ~LUMBING INSPECTORS ~ The Chairman reported that he had discussed the status of the Plumbing Inspector at the last Board of Health Meeting and it is the feeling of the Board of Health that the office should be almost self-supporting although a revision of the fees might be in order to increase the revenues. The present salary of the Plumbing Inspector is $5,610 as compared to $5,820 for the Building Inspector and $6,700 for the Electrical Inspector. After a brief discussion of this problem, Mr. Hall offered ~ motion that a salary of the Plumbing Inspector be set at $6,700 which is the same as the Electrical Inspector. It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the ballot was taken, Dr. Hooper offered a substitute motion that the ad,justment be made at the first of the year 196~. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Bowden, Hooper and Uaughan voted for the substitute motion and Messrs. Braak and Hall voted against it. The Chairman declared the substitute motion passed.by a majority vote. APPOINTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH Mr. Bowden reminded the Board that Mr. T. 0. Page had tendered his resigna- i tion as a member of the Mental Health Advisory Council some time ago and proposed the i the name of Dr. T. P. May to replace him. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Messr,s. Braak and Hall, the Board appointed Dr. T. P. May by majority vote. Mr. Vaughan ab- stained from voting. j REPORT - HOSPITAL BUILDING ADVISORY COUNCIL Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Committee appointed to make recommendations for the disposition of the buildings of the hospitals to be merged into the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, overtured the Board to employ an architect as promptly as possible to update the plans and specifications of the Community Hospital so that they could be submitted to the licensing authorities for consideration and approval. The County Attorney pointed out that any funds used in this renovation project.mu9t_come from a non=tax sonrce and that if the buildings are leased to an independent operator, there is a possibility that the City will require the County to pay taxes and that he has discovered that when the Board of Education deeded the Community Hospital property, the deed included a reverter clause requiring that if it ever ceased being used as a ' hospital, trie property would revert back to the Board of Education. The County Attorney again reminded the Board that any money appropriated for an architect for this purpose must be non-tax money. Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to employ an architect as promptly as possible provided legal funds can be .found with which to pay him. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. The County Attorney was instructed to confer with the City Attorney and the Mayor with reference to the tax angle which he raised about this property. KELLWOOD COMPANY - LAND PURCHASE Attorney John C. Wessell, Jr., representing the Kellwood Company, recalled that the agreement in the Option to Purchase County property by the•Kellwood Company inciuded the stipulation that construction of buildings on the property would begin within 6 months after the conveyance is completed. He would like to have the Covnty change Lhat agreemant and make it 6 months later, in other words, coastruction to begin within 6 months of the date of conveyance and give the County the right to repurchase within 12 months after date of conveyance at the same price that was paid for ft. He assured the Board that it is the intent of thd client to go ahead with the construction but they would like to have a definite period included in the agreement. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board, by maSority vote, agreed to grant his request. Mr. Vaughan requested that he be recorded as abstaining from voting. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL TRANSFERS A letter was received from the Cape Fear Technical Institute requesting that I $500.00 be transferred to their Repairs to Building Account. Unforseen expenses were I brought about by the boiler inspector finding that the fire brick had deteriorated to a dangerous point and replacement cost $191.17. In addition, the air conditioning com- pressor broke down and cost $396.$5. They reqvest that $100.00 be transferred from Telephone and $l}00.00 from Fuel, Electrical, Gas and 011 be.transferred to Repairs to Building. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. ~raak, the Board unanimously I approved this request. ~ a ` ~~`~ Minutes of the Meetina September 19~_1966 Continued _ - - ~^---_ _.. __ - ---- - ° ~'MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COUNCIL - A letter was received from the Co-Chairman of the Mental Health Advisory ~Council, requesting the consideration of the Board on sever~l questions reoarding its recommendation to the operation of the Southeastern Mental Health Center. Inddiscussing this matter, many questions were raised that could not be cleared so the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to arrange to have the Co-Chairmen of the Mental Health Advisory 'Council meet with the Board of Commissioners at the next meeting to clear up any question. 'TAX REFUND - The Executive Secretary reported that in his capacity as Tax Supervisor, he had discovered that the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company had been paying taxes on $19,275,above the accessed value of their property, located at the corner of Dawson and South 16th Streets, through an error made,by the revaluation company in 1958. He conferred with the officials of the bank and advised them that no more than 2 years back taxes could be re- ~,funded of the overpayment under the law. In 1964, the County overpayment amounted to $2~9•49; the City overpayment amounted to $368.15. In 1965, the County overpayment amounted to $312.25; the City overpayment amounted to $383.5~, making a total of $i343•46 , the County share amounted to $591.74. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved the re- fund of the overpayment and appropriated $591.74 from the Emergency Fund to Tax Refund. PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUE REDUCTION REQUEST - .. __ . The Tax Supervisor reported that Mrs. C. R. Brantly of LF!}6 Bonham Avenue came to the office complaining about the listing of their personal property taxes for 1966. She wrote a letter explaining that she reali2ed the overvaluation of their personal pro- Iperty when she received a notice from the savings and loan company about her increased payments. She explained that her husband had listed a total of $1805.00 and in her opinion, the correct listing should have been for $1250.00. She requests that the valuations be reduced in the amount of $555•00 for the year 1966. After conferring with the County Attorney about the legal aspects of this request, the Tax Supervisor recommended that no change be made in the listing inasmuch as it might open a Pandora~s box and due to the fact the tax on the over listing which she claims should amount to only $20.03 total for County and City. Upon motion by Mr. Braak, seconded by P7r. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor not to change the valuation this year. PERCENTAGE RULE - PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX Mr. Bowden reported that he and the Tax Supervisor were continuing their study of the use of percentage rule as a guide to assessing household and kitchen furniture. At present, there are 33 Eounties using the percentage r_ule. Out of the 33, 26 of them use 10~ of the assessed value of the house and site;/ 4 use 15%-and-2 use 8%; 11} out of 33 assess household and kitchen furniture on rented quarters and 7 of them use 10 times the monthiy rental and the remainder varies from 6 times the monthly rental to iG0% of the annual rental. They have not as yet completed the study of the local tax listings but hope they will be ready for presentation by the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Bowden then moved that a decision on this matter be delayed until the next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. NEW.CARS - SHERIFF~S DEPARTMENT A letter was received from Sheriff Marion W. Millis requesting approvalfor the purchase of 2 new automobiles for his department. The old cars now have 90,000 miles on them and by the time hids are received from advertising they will have at least 100,000 miles on them. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Executive Secretary was authorized to advertise for bids. ELECTION BOARD BILLS - ' ' The Chairman reported that he had written the Chairman of the Election Board about the bills presented by Jackson 8 Bell Company for materials which they had delivered to the Court House upon instructions from the Board of Elections but so far he has not received a reply to his letter. After some discussion of the sub,ject, Mr. Hali moved that the Board approve the itemized bills when they are submitted and approved by the Board of Elections. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried. OVERDUE - ELEC?'ION BILLS Mr. Hall observed that in his opinion payment of the bills for personal services of the Election officials are long overdue and he would suggest that the Board authorize Mr. Tillery•to confer with Nessrs. Pridgen and Goldberg in an effort to resoive their differences and att~empt to reconcile the contention. Mr. Bowden expressed the same opinion. Mr. Vaughan observed that the Board has been through this thing before and he sees no sense in following it further. Dr. Hooper pointed out that if the differ.ences between Mr. Pridgen, for his personal services and the Commissioners are paid as presented it would appear that they were buying~off the Election Board to get them to install the permanent looseleaf voter Iregistration system as they have used that ~-e-~- -~~:~- --y '~-~- as fheir reason for not ~iproceeding with its installation and he did not think there is any connection between the elections and the installation of the voter registration. Mr. Hall then moved that Mr. Tillery be authorized to again confer with the Election officials in an effort to reconcile ~~their differences. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Vaughan voted "No" but the Chairman declared the motion carried by a majority vote. DQCUNIENTARY=STAMPS - Mr. Vaughan observed that he understood the Federai Documentary Stamps of $1.10 per thousand are, under the .present law, required only until the end of the fiscal year 1968 and suggested that the Chairman write to the Governor of North Carolina and suggest Ithat as a possible source of revenue. . ICABLE TELEVISION - Mr. Vaughan stated that he had, from time to time, written letters about the taxation of Cable television lines. He displayed a recent article from some other,section of the country on this subject and suggested that the Ctaairman write a letter to the ' Institute of Government and investigate the legality of having their lines assessed for taxes. ~ r ~~~ Minutes of the Ne~ting - September 19, 1q66 Continued AIRPORT - ACCESS ROAD i - Mr. Vaughan remarked that it had been some time since he had received a re- port abovt the addiLional access road contemplated for the Airport. The County Attorney reported that it was in the hands of a local surveyor who is drawing th e plot for him. He will follow it up and have a report by the next meeting. SKILLED NURSING AND BOARDING HOME Mr. Vaughan suggested that the Executive Secretary be instructed to ask Miss Lela Moore Ha21 for a complete written report on the prospective number of persons that she could put into the Community Hospital facility if and when it is renovated and licensed for a skilled nursing and boarding home. Miss Hall is to furnish s complete detailed analyses. HOSPITAL - REIMBURSABLE COST Mr. Vavghan recalled that the Board had recently approved the payment of reimbursable costs for indigents at both Community and James Waiker Memorial Hospital but no mention was made of Cape Fear Memorial Hospital. The Chairman advised that there is a tremendous variation in the per diem costs for many reasons but that he is of the opinion that the Welfare Department is avthorized to pay the approved reimbursable cost to Cape Fear Memorial Hospital. TAXES - RESTORED HISTORICAL BUILDINGS Mr, Vaughan called the Boardts attention to some of the historical homes '~ which are being restored in order to preserve them for the future and wondered if the , values for tax purposes should be kept at a minimum for this Yype property. Mr. Hall pointed out that traditionaily, the man who keeps up his property must pay taxes on its valuation and the man who allows his property to deteriorate, has less taxes to pay but he has less property value. Mr. Vaughan then suggested that the Executive Secretary~ write several historical towns such as New Bern, Charleston and Georgetown. ' REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- H. Gray Hutchinson has cnnfirmed a meeting at 4:00 P. M. on Wednesday, I September 21st relative to Retirement System actuarial study. 2- August Report of Home Economics and Extension Agents. 3- Report for Wilmington Public Library for August, 1966. , ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously voted to ad,journ the n r~ i ./G. ouck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. October 3, 1966 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners Laurence"O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr, and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Vice Chairman, M. H. Vaughan called the meeting to order as the Chairman was.detained by an emergency, and asked Reverend Hunley A. Elebash, Executive Secretary of ttie Episcopal Daocese of East Carolina, to give the invocation. , APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Before approving the minutes, the Board authorized the following changes: In ~I the paragraph headed "COUNTY FINANCES", change the word '~congratulations" to "commenda- tions"; In the paragraph headed "PLUN~BING INSPECTORS", in the first line of the motion made by Mr. Hall, change "the" to "a". Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr, Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the meeting of 5eptember 19th as amended above. The minutes of the Joint' Meeting held on August lOth were, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, unanimously approved as written. il TAX SETTLEMENT 19bS - The Tax Collectcr presented the Board with his settlement of the i965 taxes as follows: CORRECTIONS TO SCROLL Page 81 Wrightsv. Beach Pers. (poil tax added but not chg.) 21}1 Carolina Beach Real (error in addition) " 326 Harnett Real (error in bringing dogs fwd.) to recap ° " Wilm. B. 8 C. (error in addition) "~ Wilm. Late List recap (error in addition) Li~ted per abstract Real 8 Personal $3 12 297. 5 , ~ Late List. 97,423.~4 ~~ ~~ ~~ " ~~ Not Listed 67. t62.55 " " " ~~ Late, Late List 76.02 Added by Tax Supv. 8 Collector _ 2,~68.87' • $3, z91, 52ts . 63 brought forward - - 2.00 ' * '~3 ~ + 9.00 ! + .03 + .02 ~ ,