1966-10-17 Regular Meeting~~~ ~ _~ - -a . _- - - ~ Wilmington, N. C. Oct8boo17,1966 ~ ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular semimonthly session on the above date at 8:00 A. M. in the Commissioners~ Room of the County Conrt House with the foliowing members in attendance: Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman; Com- li missioners Peter H. Braak; Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. IINVOCATION - In the absence of Rever.end R. L. Gregory, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, 'was assigned to act as Chaplain, the Chairman called on the Executive Secretary for the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the•minutes, the Board requested the following additions and amendments in the paragraph headed "SKILLED NURSING HOME FACTS", immediately after the ending of the sentence "Medicare will pay according to per diem costs", insert "Mr. Boti~den made it clear that he was not concerned about this type operation being competitive with 'privately owned nursing homes." In the paragraph headed "CON'MIJNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT" Iafter the sentence ending "Advisory Committee", insert "Mr. N. P. Barefoot, Chairman of the Public Welfare Board, stated that he was opposed to the idea." In the paragraph_ headed"ELECTION BOARD BILLS", immediately after the sentence ending in "people get rooked", enter this amendment "Mr. Hall observed that he did not consider pasL Election bills were out of line and after a thorough discussion and". In the paraaraph "FUTURE ELECTION ~~BILLS PAYMENT", after the words "in lieu of itemized statement, insert "the Board of Com- Imissioners will pay to the Chairman of the Board of Elections 10% of the total cost of the election, same to serve as compensation for the Chairman and reimbursement of his office expenses. Included in the total cost for purpose of computing the 1o~ shali be the amount submitted by the Chairman as the sum considered by him to be necessary to cover his office expenses." After making the above amendments and corrections, Mr. Braak moved approval of the minutes as amended. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and ~aas unani- mously adopted. SHERIFF'S AUTOMOBILES - BIDS Complying with invitation for proposals to furnish two new avtomobiles for tt~e Sheriff's Department, speciflcations for which were advertised in the ?Jilmington Morning Star as required by the General Statutes, the following bids were received: 'Cape Fear Motor Sales Net delivered price $3,063.16 IWilletts 8 Son Motor Sales Net delivered price $3,423•~45 After the County Attorney declared each of the proposals were in compliance with the ad- ~~vertised specifications, Mr. Braak moved that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Cape Fear Motor Sales. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden, and unanimously passed. PROPERTY VALUATION ADJUSTMENT Mrs. Florence H. Brown explained to the Board that she is protesting the valustion placed on her tangible personal property by the tax lister. She still uses an ~ice box and wood stove but somehow the lister had put her household and kitchen furniture at a valuation of $500.00 on the tax abstract. The Tax Supervisor had checked into the matter and recommended that her household and kitchen furniture be reduced to not more Ithan $300.00. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by N~r. Vaughan, the Board unanimously lagreed with the recommendation, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. PREPAID TAXES - County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. reported that prepaid taxes amounted to $~37,000~ ,net after all discounts. FIRE AND EXTENDED HOSPITAL INSURANCE COVERAGE ' County Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. pointed out that he is serving as a member of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Finance Committee and in a recent meeting of that Com- mittee, the question arose as to whose responsibility it is to provide adequate casualty insurance protection. He suggested that the Board seek quotations so it might be placed at the proper time. The County Attorney reporLed that at this same meeting, the attor- neys for the hospital and himseif were unanimous in agreeing that it is the responsibility of the County to see that coverage is provided. INSURANCE ADVISORY CO~MITTEE ' The Chairman observed that this reminded him of the matter of entering into an agreement with the City to adopt a Wilminoton-New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee agreement to which the County and City would jointly appoint members to operate it. The The Executive Secretary reported that he had sent copies of a suggested form to each member of the Board of Commissioners after the City had written that they were agreeable to enter- ~Iing into such an agree~ent. Mr. Vaughan, after a brief discussion, moved that the Chair- Iman be authorized to imple~ment the joint Insurance Advisory Committee. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. By common consent, tihe Board decided that it would be wise to discuss this matter further with the City officials and suggest that it be inciuded on the Agenda at their next joint meeting. COI~7PLAINT - Mr, Harry E. Rogers of 20b Midland Drive was recoonized by the Chairman and asked if he had any business to discuss with the Board. Mr. Rogers expressed his opinion as be- ing opposed to the appointment of a County Manager as well as voiced the opinion that the Public,.,,~ `elfare Department has been allowed to get out of hand. The Chairman explained to him th~t'the County paid 12% of the Welfare Fund, the State 25% and the Federal government, Ithe remainder. This seemed to satisfy his complaint and he thanked the Board for allowing him to state his convictions. e ~ r ~~~~t~ Minutes of the ~eeting October 17, 1966 Continued AIRPORT - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS Mr. Vaughan, Chairman of the Airport Committee, presented Mr. Oxenfeld of ~ the firm of Oxenfeld and Newkirk, who presented drawings of the proposed changes to be made at the New Hanover County Airport Terminal Building. Mr. Vaughan expiained that Piedmont Aviation had agreed to increase their rentals to amortize the cost of these' additions over a period of time. The purpose of these alterations is to provide P3~ mont Aviation with badly needed quarters. Mr. Oxenfeld stated that trieir firm was re to write the specifications and advertise for bids and submitted the plans for approval of the Board of Commissioners and their authorization to proceed with the advertising ' for construction bids. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unani- mously approved the pians as submitted and authorized the firm of Oxenfeld and Newkirk i~ to write the specifications and advertise for the bids. SCHOOL- PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIT I The Chairman advised the Board that he had invited Dr. W. H. Wagoner, Super- intendent of New Hanover County Schools, relative to presenting a problem that has arisen at the ~ohn T. Hoggard School about the School gymnasium. Dr. Wagoner explained that at the time the bids were received for the construction of the schools, it was ' found that insufficient funds available to complete the construction of the school. It was necessary at that time to negotiate with the low bidder to see what could be left ' out and reduce the cost to the amount of the available funds. It was agreed that the physical education unit set out in Section A would be deleted. At a~joint meeting cQ' the Board of Education and the Board of County Commissioners, information was received which indicated that the State Board of Education indirectly suggested that the County might borrow funds from the Literary Fund to complete the construction. Dr. Wagoner said that the original bid amounted to $371,000 and suggested that the County borrow $320,000 from the Literary Fund as that is the amount legally permissable without having a vote of the people. It is within the two-thirds limit of the bonds retired by the County during the last fiscal year. It is the understanding of the Board of Commissione s that the rate of interest would not be more than 4% and the term of the note would nbt ~I exceed: ~' 10 years. He suggested that the remainder of the cost necessary to ~ complete the co7istruction be taken from the Capital Reserve Account. At this point, ~ the question arose as to whether or not any consideration had been given to the use of modular type building. Dr. Wagoner replied that this matter had been discussed with the State Board of Education but they had come to the conclvsion that it would not be prudent to change the architectural design of the building at this time and it would ' require new bids and the problem of fitting the modular type construction to blend into the present construction would be almost impossible. R,E S 0 L U T I 0 N The foilowing resolution was offered by Mr. Bowden and seconded by Mr. Braak. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County. I (1) That for pr.operly maintaining the s~hool term in District No. 1, John T. Hoggard High School, New Hanover County Administrative Unit, as required by Article IX, Section I ~, of the Constitution and the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, it is I necessary that certain improvements be made therein of the following character: ~ Completion of the John T. Hoggard High School (con5truction of a Physical Education Plant). (2) That in order to provide said improvements it is necessary that the sum of Three Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($3Z0,000.00) be obtained by borrowing the same, to be used by the New Hanover County Board of Education for said purpose. (3) That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby approve of and authorize the application for and procurement of, a loan for said purpose.from the SLate Literary Fund of the State of North Carolina, operated under G.S. 115, Article II, and said Board does hereby authorize and direct that all necessary steps be taken to procure said loan under the terms of said statutes and the rules and regulat,ion: of the State Board of Education governing the making of loans from said fund, and ~the Chairman and Clerk to this Board are hereby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf of this Board to join with the New Hanover County Board of Education in making the necessary application therefor, and to take such action under this resolution and under said statutes, rules and regulations as may be necessary for said purpose. The County Accountant is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Local Government Commission for approval of the issuance of such notes. (4) That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Covnty hereby agrees to levy, at the appropriate tax levying period in each and every year; upon all taxable property in said county, ad valorem taxes at a rate sufficient to meet the interest and principal payments on such part of the loan requested herein as may be approved by the State Board of Education, and thereby provide the funds necessary each and every year to meet and repay the interest and principal payments due on such approved loan, under the terms of the statute by authority o~ which the said loan is made, and in accordance with the rule: and regulations of the State Board of Education governing such loans." The Resolution aas duly adopted by the following vote: ~ Those voting in the affirmative were: Jos. W. Hooper ..---P. H. Braak Those voting in the negative were: M. H. Vauqhan L. E. 8owden J. M. Hall, Jr. ldhereupon the Chairman announced that said resolution was duly and properly adopted. . ~~~ , ~~~ Mi~3i~_e.s~t-the-Mee~L~~--a~~-0,b~~7~~~~,~- -r.,.,. r..,.o~ -- _ -- - " '~~ MODULAR TYPE SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION - Nr. Vaughan then offered a mot3on that the County Commissioners request the ~I Board of EducaLion to give consideraLion and sLudy to the modular type construction of school buiidings in the future , also to study all other possib2e types of school con- struction to accomplish their go~ls. It was seconded by Dr. Hooper and unanimously adopted. LOVE'~ LETTERS - Chairman Hooper remarked to County Auditor Love Lhat he had received a letter with the addressee~s name dei~LAd dated August 29, 1966 written on CounLy stationery and stamped by the posLage meter and asked Nr. Love if he thought this was proper use of County stationery and postage. Mr. Love told him that he had written about 30 letters on County stationery but would reimburse the County for the cost of the stationery and postage. He stated that the letters were written by his wife for him. Chairman Hooper then asked him to present the Board with paid receipts showing that he has reimbursed the County for these funds. Chairman Hooper commented thaL he did not think this is the ~ proper way to run a public office. INEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Vaughan observed that he was pleased to see that the New Hanover Memorial Hospital had done its best to keep out of politics and it is his hopes that politics would be excluded from the hospital in the future but that Mr. .lohn Van B. Metts had been recently reappointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the hospital, among others, and that he had recently noticed a letter signed by Messrs. Hall and N:etts which seemed to him to inject politics into the hospital's operation. He stated that at a recent ~meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, both Messrs. Hall iand Metts were opposed to the appointment of women on the Board and he considered the letter hypocrisy. Mr. Hall observed that he would always express his convictions at any time he felt like it. Chairman Hooper recalled that Mr. Vaughan was the only person present who strongly advocated the appointment of women to the Board of Trustees. He furLher stated ,thaL more than 25 persons had been considered informally bythis Board, among whom were 5 women and that politics did not enter into the selection but they had tried to select the calibre of people with qualifications which they considered couid more efficiently and effectively complete the construction of the hospitai. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman be authorized to write Mr. John Van B. Metts and ask him to resign fnom the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. There was no second to this motion and • the Chairman declared it dead. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Board go on record favoring appointing a woman on the Board of Trustees after an evaluation and study of all suggested I possibilities. Mr. Bowden seconded the motion for the purpose of discussion ar~ then ~ observed that he would not vote just because the news media advocated it buL only if he is convinced that she can serve a good purpose on the Board. When the vote was taken, i.t was unanimously favorable. i DELEGATION - , At this point, the Chairman recogni2ed Mrs. W. L. Grant, who introduced the , other women representing the various organizations sponsored and headed by women. Mrs. Grant acted as spokesman and advised the Board that it is their conviction that women should be appointed to the Board of Trustees as many of them are qualified and that some had the feeling that women have been discriminated against. Mrs. Grant thanked the Board for allowing the women to present their cause. The following letter was received from the James Walker Memorial Hospitai Auxiliary: ~, "James Walker Memorial Hospital Auxiliary wants it clearly understood that it has no part in a current and persisLent campaign to place a woman or Auxiliary member on the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital. The Auxiliary baord, at its regular monthly meeting held today, voiced its strong disapproval of ineasures being used to involve it in this matter. I The pixblicity has caused embarrassment to our members who feel that such in- volvement would be contrary to the policies of our organization. We have tried to abide by the advice of our national headquarters that"the Auxiliary should never , try to run the hospital, but should try to heip it run more smoothly." The Auxiliary is not seeking.representation on the board. Its only concern is that of service to patients in the hospital. /S/ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF JAMES WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITFlL AUXILIARY By Crockette W. Hewlett Mrs, Addison Hewiett, Jr., President" ICOFM9UNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT - Miss Lela Moore Hall reported that the Public Welfare Board has unanimously endorsed the reopening of_an office for a Community Services Consultant provided by the State Board of Puhlic Welfare and recommend that the Commissioners give consideration to furnishing a telephone. Nlr. Vaughan asked Miss Hall what had caused Mr. N. P. Barefoot to change his mind as he rememberd that he had ~oiced a negative opinion when it was pre- ~sented at the last meeting. Miss Hali replied that Mr. Barefoot had received additional 'information. After some discussion, Mr. Hall moved that the Board take advantage of the 'State's offer to furnish a man's services for the community and that $21}0.00 be allocated from the General Emergency Fund for a telephone. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- mously adopted. OCEAN HIWAY CONFERENCE - The Chairman informed the Board that a Conference of the Ocean Hiway is scheduled for October 19th and 20th at Myrtle Beach to acquaint PJorth and South Carolina residents along U. S. 11~ Hiway of the "See-Way" promotions and improvements planned along the coastal I ~~~ Minutes of the Meeting October 17, 1966 Eontinued ~~LL..t~,1v n1w,r~.Y~`O~tKr,t\l,t = 1 cnnt-~riii~~- ~arolinas. By common consent, the Board to attend. authorized any of the of the Board who could HURON CHEMICP,LS OF AMERICA, INC. - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received a letter announcing that Huron Chemicals of America, Incorporated is officially opening its sodium chlorate plant at Riegelwood at 3:00 P. M., October 21st. They are invited to attend the Dedication Ceremony. MOBILE HOME FEES AND REGISTRATION - The Chairman read a Nemorandum from Planning Director George A. Reif; announcYng that the Planning Commission unanimously voted to ask the governing boards to set a nominal fee for mobile homes throuchout the County for inspection and regis- tration. They offered the personnel from the City~s Fire Prevention and Minimum Housing Staff to assist in the registration within the one mile ,jurisdictlonai limits of the City. Mr. Hall moved that a discussion of these problems be deferred until the next ,JoinL meeting of the County and City bodies. It was unanimously agreed to. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL FtEPORT - The County Auditor made a report to the Board of the operation of Community Hospital for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966. The operating statement showed a loss of $150,436.06. The unusually high cost was brovaht abovt by the fact that the census shows a substantial drop and the management was not able to curtail expenses as fast as the income dropped. He explained that if present plans materiali2e, the operation of this hospital will be completely closed by February lst, 1967. PERCENTAGE RULE - . I Mr. Bowden expiained to the Board that the several questions which were posed at the last meeting about adoptino the percentage rule for listing household and ~~ kitchen possessions had been resolved by contacting 5 different tax supervisors using this system, all reporting that where acreage is attached to the home site they put one acre of land value to the house for the purpose of determining the assessed value. He recommended that the Board adopt the percentage rule for New Hanover County. After a thorough discussion and recognizing that some unforseen problems would arise in makingll the change, Dr. Hooper moved that 10% of the assessed value of the house alone be adopted for listino household and kitchen possession if it can be implemented this year. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously adopted. , SKILLED NURSING AND BOARDING HOME Complying with the request of the Board of Commissioners, Miss Lela Moore Hall, Public Welfare Director, about documenting available information that might prove helpfvl in makino a decision for the conversion of Community Hospital into a skilled nursing and boarding home, she submitted the following report: At the present time, New Hanover County has eight patients in hospitals who need Skilled Nursing home care, seven persons 2iving in their own homes who need Boardin~ Home care and five persons now at State Institutions, who have been discharged and are in need of Boarding Home care. At the present time, other counties have requested placements for 19 IVursing Home placements and 11 for Boarding Home care. As was pointed out at the Commissioners~ meeLing, there is a Nursing Home in Orange County that is re- questing Lhat 100 Welfare Patients be piaced in other facilities no later than October 31st, unless Welfare Departments are wiliing to pay $10.00 per day, rather than the I established rate of $175.00 per month. The rate that welfare now pays for Boarding ~ idom~ care is $135.00 per month. Because of these low rates, private operators do not to accept Welfare Patients, as they had rather fill their beds with private patients p who pay $8.00 to $12.00 per day. ~~ "The followinc information is submitted, concerning the possibility of I Comrr,unity Hospital being converted to a combinatfon home for the aged and infirmed and i leased by a private operator by New Hanover County. A combination home is one~that is licensed by the State Board of Public Welfare and the State Board of Nealth to care for skilled nursing patients and /or domiciliary patients. A physician~s statement must specify which type of care is needed for the individual prior to the time the Welfare Department can participate in the placement or in the payment for such care at these establishments. It is impossible to estimate how great the need will be for this type of facility in the next few years with the advancement in medicine and with the aging population. New Hanover County does need facilities, at the present time, for its patients and has had to depend on oLher counties to care for 35 persons as of this date. Should New Hanover County lease Community Hospitai as a combination home for Welfare persons, the following should be considered: The New Hanover County Welfare Department will have to give the service to the persons from other counties (no money involved, other than administrative funds), that the facility, in order to have Welfare ~iatfents, must be integrated; consequently, the operator should have had experience in working with negroes, that the person should be weli aware of community resources and Welfare policies, in order to save the time of the staff at the local Department of Public ~lelfare, that the person should be familiar with the policy of Medicare and the Kerr Mills, as this is a most important resource to the indigent per- sons over 65 and that they should be financially secure to support such an organization, as the operator is calied on to provide clothing and some medical gxpenses; also, to support such a large organization, since, if the operator decided that they could not continue as the leasee, the local Welfare Department would be held responsible for the care of the patients until a new leasee could be located." , ' C~~ ~. ~ Minutes of the Meetinq Oc~.obe~1_7~~96b C.nnL_inup~_ _- - ~ MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - ~ The Chairman recalled that he had asked the County Attorney to review the document proposed as a Memorandum of Understanding between the County, the City and the and the State Highway Commission in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Public Roads. I The County Attorney suggested that since the City of Wilmington had raised some questions about the contents of the document, he thought it should be a subject for discussion at la ~oint irieetino. By unanimous common consenL, the Board deferred any discussion on this svbject and authorized the Chairman to set up a joint meetino to consider it along with ~ some other matters of mutual interest. ~ HUMANE SOCIETY - A letter was received from the New Hanover Humane Society with a clipping attached from the October bth issue of the Charlotte Observor with reference to a County- Iwide dog pound operation. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously agreed that I~this is another item of mutual interest and suggested that it be included in the topics ,for discussion at the ;Joint meeting to be calied by the Chairman. IISHORELAND INVESTIGATION COMMITEE - Mr. Vaughan recalled that the Board had authorized the Chairman to appoint a Committee to investigate and evaluate the feasibility of purchasino property along the beach between Masonboro Inlet and Carolina Beach Inlet looking toward its development as a-,~ recreation area. The Chairman appointed Mr. Vavghan as Chairman of the Committee, alonc with Messrs. Bowden and Braak to investigate and evaluate the purchase of shoreland along ~ the beach. INDEPENDENT AUDIT - Mr. Uavyhan observed that Mr. W. C. Barfield, C.P.A., had not yet finished the independent audit and suggested that the Chairman write him that it has now been more than three months since he was awarded the job and ask him when a report might be expected. COMPOSITE A.B.C. BOARD Nr. Vaughan asked Mr. Hall, who is Chairman of the Compasite A.B.C. Board, when he could expect a meeting to be called. Mr. Hall explained that he had appointed a Committee to study the various plans of operation and as soon as he has received the Com- mitf~~~s report and recommendation, the meeting will be called. PROPERTY VALUATION COMPLAINT - Subsequent to the motion that was tabled at the last meeting to delay the de- cision on making a change in the property owned by Mr. R. H. Bor}cenhagen, the Board unani- mously agreed that rio further change should be made in it until the revaluation is effective in 1967. SALE - JOINTLY OkRJED TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY THe Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had a prospective buyer for a parcel of jointly owned tax foreciosed property in Block 337, Park of Lot 5, which is 30' x 75', fronting on 7th Street, It has been appraised by the Property Assessor at $375.00 as a fair market value, however, the City Council did not approve that figure but did approve its sale for $450. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr..Braak, the Board unanimously concurred with City Council and authorized its sale for the $(}50. The Executive Secretary reported that he had a prospective purchaser for a parcel of joiAtly owned tax foreclosed property in Block 241, and a part of Lot 1, which is 30~ x 66~, fronting on Miller Street. The County Property Assessors have placed a fair market valuae of $!}25.00 on this parcel of property. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Nlr. Bowden, the Board uananimously approved the sale of this property at the appraised value, subject Lo the concurring approval of the City Council. TqX FORECLOSED PROPERTY The Executive Secretary had an offer to purchase lots #17, 32, 33 and 58 in the redlvision of Lot 1} of the D. K. Futch~s Subdivision, The total acreage in the lots amounts to 4.8. The fair market value of the property has been_appraised by the County Property Assessors at 600. Mr. W. W. Sigman has offered to buy the property at this price. After some discussion in which the Board felt that the appr'aisal was too low, it was decided to delay a decision on this until the Board members could investigate it. ~~ Mr, Bowden offered $700.00 without even looking at it. The Executive Secretary was in structed to locate the property and be ready to take Board members to view it upon re- quest. (The Executive Secretary and the Property Assessor located the property and ~ cal2ed Mr. Bowden who arranged for a Nr. Dowless to go down and look at it. He will proceed from there.) I LANDFILL WASTE DISPOSAL OPERATION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mr. 4J. H. Cranford, 5anitation Director of the Health Department and the State Engineer, had reported to him that they had made an estimate of the cost of a complete landfill operation for the County to dis- pose of waste at a total of $52,000 initial cost. It would require a crawler type tractor at a cost of between $30,000 and $35,000 maintenance for the use of the present County dragline from $3.000 to $5,000 and current operating costs of approximately $12,000. After a brief discussion, it was deciAed that this should be sub,ject for consideration at the joint meeting with the City Councii. TAX PEAIALTY WAIVER The Tax Supervisor reported that Mrs. Mary P. Snakenburg, of 1$0!} Dock St., had been charged a tax listing penalty for late listing. The reason she gave was because her husband had always attended to this sort of thing and she thought the savings and loan company carrying her house was responsible for listing it. The penalty.amounted to $8.98 and the Tax Supervisor recommended that it be waived in accordance with previous policies. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously agreed to waive it. ~~~ t~~~ Minutes of October 17, 1966 Continued , REPORTS TO.' BE .F I'L' ED = ~ '~',he f;o~ll:owi,ng, reports,;apd,; le!tt,e~rs~ w.ere-•re,vi,ewed.,a.nd Eui~ure; r;efere,nce :; ~:_ : ~ ~ - ~ -' ~ ~ "~y ` o.rderedl f1 le,d• for. , .., ..., 1- Home Economics Agent~s Monthly Report - Sept. 1966 2- Wilmington Public Library Report For Sept. 1966 3- U.S.O. Club Report for Sept. 1966 !}- Conso2idated Tax Office Audit Report of Tax Settlement for Year 1965 by W. Earle Beale, C.P.A. 5- Grand Jury Report for the October 1966 Term of Criminal Court. 6- Letter and Newsciipping from the president of the Humane Society. ADJOURIVMENT - Upon motion voted to adjourn. of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously W Wilmington, A!. E. October 21}, 1966 ASSEMBLY SPECIAL CALLED NEETING The following members of the speciai session at 6:30 P.M., October purpose of se2ecting a Covnty Mana~er: Peter H. Braak, Laurence 0. Bowden, J. County Auditor:~T. D. Love, Jr, Board of County Commissioners met in the 24th, in the Commissioners~ Room for the Chairman, Dr. .los. W. Hooper, Commissioners M. Ha22, Jr. attd M. H. Vaughan, and NOTICE - The Chairr~an read a notice dated October 20th which was sent to each member of the Board announcing this special meeting as required by G. 5. 153-8• DISCUSSIOId - The Chairman announced that more than 30 application of interested persons for the position of County Manager had been considered and most of them were interviewed. The applicants had been narrowed down to 7 and two members of the Board recently made a trip into the area in which the one lived who made the most favorable impression on the ma~jority of the Board members. After a brief discussion, Mr. Bowden moved that Mr. James E. Marshall be hired as the New Hanover County Manager at a salary of $10,000 per year with an automobile allow- ance of $100.00 per month and that the County pay his moving expenses. It was seconded by Mr. Vaughan and the Chairman declared the motion open for discussion. Mr. Braak observed that this Board of Commissioners have operated over a year on a part-time basis and unable to devote enough time to the job to get the necessary facts on which to base their decisions and he feels that due to the qualifications of the man selected as County Manager and Lhe problems which have arisen in the past show a need for the expert heip that he will be able to provide. He sanctions the employment of a County h9anager. Mr. Hall remarked that each man on the Board of Commissicners is 21 years old and knew what he was when he ran for the office and, in fact, spent money and time to get elected but feei we need professional help. When the ballot was taken, Nressrs. Bowden, Braak, Hooper and Vaughan voted for the motion and Mr. Hall tvoted against the motion. The Chairman then declared the motion carried by a majority vote and ordered that the news release on Mr. Marshail be made a part of these minutes: "Mr. Marshall, a native of Danville, Virginia will come to New Hanover County after five years servfce as City Manager of Clifton Forge, Virginia. Mr. Nlarshall, who is 32 years of age, is married to the former Frances Barber, of Danville, Virginia. The Marshalls have two children, Melanie Frances, age 8 and Roderick, age 11 months. They attend the Baptist Church. doing~ ~.. Marshall enlisted in the U. S. Air Force at the age of 18, and was discharyed later as a Technical Sergeant. In the Air Force, he served wiLh Civil Engineering Units. Subsequently, he attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute, studying engineering. Afterwards, he served with Consulting Engineers and Virc~inia State Highway Department until becoming City Engineer of South Boston, Virginia in 1960. In September 1961, Marshall was offered and accepted the position of City Nanager of Clifton Forge, Virginia. In this position his responsibilities have included all administrative services, budget control, purchasing, land use, planning and zoning, personnel management and operation of the City Engineer Department. Nr. Marshall is a member of the International City Manager.s Association, the Nunicipal Finance Officers Association, and the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce. He is a past officer of the Clifton Forge Lions Club, and Director of the Clifton Forge Chamber of Commerce. He is a Royal Arch Mason and a Shriner \