1966-11-07 Regular Meeting~~~ Minutes of ineeting October 31, 1966 continued and employment of his services may be terminated at voLe of the members of the Committee. He shall mak the Committee~s annual meeting, covering the year~s which shall be sent to the City Manager, the County and the President of the local Independent Casualty Associations. IIE~ F ~ G.. ASSEMBLY Wilmington, N. C. November 7, 1966 8:0o a. N. The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above daLe at 8:00 A.M. in the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Commissioners, Laurence O. Bowden, Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and M. H. Vaughan, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Courity Auditor T. D. Love, Jr. was unable to be present. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Rev. D. P. Herbert, Pastor of the Seventh Day Advent Churcn, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before approving the minutes of the regular meeting of October 17th, the Board made the foliowing corrections or amendments in the paragraph headed "SCHOOL - PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIT", insert after "during the last fiscal year" "It is the understanding of the Board of Commissioners that the rate of interest would not be more than 4% and the tn,rm ofthe'note would not exceed .__ ~_~ 10 years." In the paragraph headed "DELEGATIOI4" include the signature and title of the James Walker Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Hall, the minutes of the meeting of October 17th were unanimously approved as amended above. any time by a majority ~ a written report, at activities, a copy of Secretary or Manager and Property Insurance (3) The Committee shall elect one of its members to serve as Chairman. The Chairman shall be responsible for the calling of all meetings and shall preside at all meetings. The Chairman so elected shall serve for one year and he may succeed himself. {(}) The Committee shall elect one of its members~ to serve as Chairman-Elect in the absence of the Chairman. (5) The Executive Secretary shall serve as Secretary to the Committee. The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, prepare the annual report on behalf of the Committee and perform such other duties usual to the position. Responsibilities (1) The Committee shall endeavor to provide adequate and proper insurance and surety coverage for the CiLy of Wilmington and New Hanover County on behalf of participating aoents and shall collect all premiums for the policies, deduct the full commissions thereon and remit the net premiums to the insurance companies through their authorized local agancies. (2) The Committee may withhoid a reasonable amount of the commissions to defray expenses of the Committee. Such expenses shall include byt not be limited to payment of services of an Executive Secretary and all expense in connection with the establishment and proper administration of the plan. (3) The Committee shall distribute to the participating agencies at least once each year the earned commissions less the amount withheld for services and adminstration. The amount of commissions to be distributed and the time of distribution shall be determined by a majority vote of the Committee. Any agent may assign his commission to his local Association of Insurance Agents by written notice to the Committee. (1}) An audit statement of the Committee's transactions shall be prepared by a C.P.A. annually and made available for inspection by any participating agency and by any governmental unit or board receiving the Committee~s services. Finances (1) Ail commissions shall be deposited in an operating account, and the net premiums shall be deposited in a separate account in a bank, selected by a majority vote of the Committee, and shall be withdrawn only by checks drawn in the name of the Committee and signed by the Executive Secretary or the Chairman or Chairman-Elect, whose signatures shail be filed with the bank, and who shall be covered by an appropriate bond. Amendments (1) These regulations may be amended or repealed after approval of the City Council and County Commissioners by a majority vote of the members of the Committee present. (2) The local Associations of Participating Independent Insurance Agents shall be advised of any proposed changes in these regulations prior to approval by City Council and County Commissioners. ~ 63~~ Minutes of Meeting November 7, 1966 -continued ~~ _ - -- - _ - - ~- SPECIAL CALLED MEETING - In the minutes of the 5pecial Cailed Meeting held at 6:30 P.M., October 24th were amended as follows: In the statement made by Mr, Braak, the sentence should be changed to read "Mr. Braak observed that this Board of Commissioners have operated over a year on a part-time basis and unable to devote enough time to the job to get the necessary facts on which to base their decisions and he feels that due to the qualificatfons of the man selected as CounLy Manager and the ~ problems which have arisen in the past show a need for the expert help that he ~~ will be able to provide." After making the above correction, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that the minutes of the Special Called Meeting be approved as . ~ amended. lt was se~conded by h7r. Vaughan and unanimously passed. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the Joint Meeting held on October 31st with the suggestion that the paragraph pertainir.g to the Dog Pound be inserted in the Legislative i file for later consideration by the General Assembly. i I AIRPORT - FIRENiEN~S TRAINING CENTER ELECTRIC BILL - I The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Mr. Leon G. Thomas, who ' is in charge of the arrangements for the Firemen~s Training Operation at the Airport, had advised him that the Cape Fear Technicai Institute is unable to I contract for the continuing power bill necessary to reactivzte the new pump I which has been inst211ed in the well at the Airport. He states that the well is connected directly to the Airport Water lines and can supply the Airport ~i with a minimum of 700 gals. per minute by opening a vaive. It is their request that the Commissioners consider the payment of the electric bill which he estimates will not exceed $30.00 per year. The Executive Secretary was of the opinion that it could be operated through the airport power meter. After a brief discussion, Nr. Vaughan moved that the Board assume the responsibility for.the power on this water pump, subject to approval of Airport Manager, and I~ give the Airport Manager administrative authority to arrange its installation. , It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. COUNTY SURPLUS PROPERTY - ' The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that when they transferred I the Surplus Commodity operation into the Food Stamp Program, there would be some office equipment and other surplus equipment such as window fans, gas I stoves, l}' x 5' pallets, wheel hand trucks, and cooler which he suggested might ' be sold if the Commissioners had no further plans for using it. He had a letter from the Hanover Distributing Co., offering $300.00 for the cooler which he did not recommend be sold for that small amount. The County Attorney advised it ~ would not be necessary to advertise that type equipment for sale at public auction but suggested that it might be advisable to do so if they deci~ed to i dispose of it. After discussing the matter thoroughly, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that all the surpius equipment be stored at the County Home and that the cooler be put under the shed and connected so that 3t would not deteriorate. It was seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously approved. ~ PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT - ~ A letter was received from the Director of Pubiic Welfare Dept, reminding the Board that at their October 3rd meeting the Food Stamp Program was adopted ~ for New Hanover Covnty but that through an inadvertent error no appropriation ~ was made to carry on the program. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners stated that he would have recommended the Budget for administering the Food Stamp Program but had overlooked presenting it for adoption at tihe October 3rd meeting and suggested that the Board approve including it in the minutes of thaL meeting. By common consent of the Board, they approved this addition to , the October 3rd minutes. I APPROPRIATION -FOOD STANP PROGRAN - A letter was received from the County Auditor called the Board~s aLtention to a budget request from the Welfare Department in the amount of $15,337•65 I and recommended that an appropriation be made to carry on the Food Stamp Program. After thoroughly discussing the matter, Nr: Bowden moved that the remainder of the funds in the Surplus Commodity Food Program be transferred over to the ~, Food Stamp Program in order to carry on the operation. The Director of Public i Welfare was present and reminded the Board that for the month of November both programs would be in operation so far as the personnel is eoncerned because it is necessary to set up and certify all the recipients who will be entitled , to receive food stamps. The Board agreed that rrhen the funds were exhausted 'I that they would appropriate additional money to carry on. The motion was seconded by Nr. Hall and unanimously adopted. PERSONNEL CHANGE - In a letter dated October 28th, Director recommends th2t Dick Layton at a salary of $!}57.00 per month and Program. Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, approved this recommended change. ROAD PETITION - the Public Welfare Board, through its be promoted to Public Welfare Worker II be placed in charge of the Food Stamp seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously A request was received from the citizens living on Oakcliff, Pinecliff and Shamrock Drives for addiny them to the State ~9afntained Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Nr. Bowden, the Board unanimously authorized them to be sent to the State Highway Commission for tlieir~consideration. I ~~~ ~ Minutes of Neeting November 7, 1966 - continued. COUNTY TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary reported that he had located Lot 17,32,33 and 58 of the D. K. Futch's redivision of Lot 4. He will gladly take any member of the Board down to look at them for their own appraisal as he concurs with the County Property:• Appraisors in the valuation which they have placed on this property because of the location and the way it has been subdivided. After a brief re-discussion, Mr. Bowden offered a motion that no action be taken at this time. It was seconded by Nr. Vaughan and unanimously approved. WAIVER OF PENALTY - The Tax Supervisor reported that Marion C. Russ, of 1108 Wooster 5treet requested that the penalties of $t}.16 placed on his property for non-listing be waived. He brought in a certificate from Dr. Dav3d P. Thomas stating that he uras ill during the month of January and unable to get out and list his taxes. He was ignorant of the fact that he could have had someone else list for him. In view of the overall circumstances, the Tax Supervisor recorranends that the small tax penalty be wa3ved. Mr. Bowden made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimovsly adopted. MENTAL HEALTH - A letter was received from the Co-chairman of the Mental Health Advisory Council apologizing to the Commissioners for failing to request approval for changing the name of the New Hanover Mental Health Center to the Southeastern Mental Health Center. Mr. Bowden, who is the Commissioners~ representative to the Mental Health Advisory Councii, explained to the Board that it was partly his fault as he was aware of the recommended change and through an oversight had failed to advise the Board of Commissioners. He suggested that since the Mental Health Center is now designated as an area Center, serving both Columbus and Pender Counties, as well as New Hanover County, he recommends that the Board approve this change. Mr. Vaughan questioned whether or not the contributing counties were paying their fair share of the cost. Mr. Bowden explained that the professional hours alloted to these counties are based on a pro-rata ratio of the amount contributed by each County. By common consent:; the Board unanimously approved the change in name with the understanding that the Commissioners be furnished a copy of the bookkeeping showing the breakdown of the time related to the funds received from other Counties. ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF ASSESSING QFFICERS - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the annual Conference of the State Association of Assessing Officers is scheduled for November 16, 1~, and 18, at the Institute of Government and suogested that the Tax Supervisor be permitted to attend. After a brief discussion; in which it was the consensus of the Board that all three of the male employees of the Tax Assessing Department could profit from attending and, therefore, suggested that all of them go at the County~s expense.. Upon motion of Mr. Ha;l, seconded by ~r. Braak_; this was unanimously passed. COUNTY M05AIC5 - A memo was received from the Planning Office announcina that the Piedmont Aerial Surveys can furnish a 38" x 62" County mosaic with Chartex backing for $82.00 or with a Masonite backing for $9L}.00. These prices are less shipping charges. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of a Masonite backed County mosaic and $9!}.00 which is to be charged to the Commissioners~ Stationery and Supplies. HUGH MacRAE PARK - TREES - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Winter P_ark Optimist Club had inforrced him that it would be necessary to cut down three trees from the site in Hugh MacRae Park which has been chosen as the proper one for locating their concession and field house stand. He pointed out the requirements stipulated in the Deed of Con- veyance by the donor. After some discussion, Mr. Bovaden offered a motion that the Board approve the taking down of these trees after proper permission has been granted by representatives of the MacRae family and inspection by the State Forester and the approval of the County Recreation Advisory Committee. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously passed. HUGH MacRAE PARK - SHELTERS - Mr. Bowden, reported that he had inspected the roof on the she.lter housing the washrobms at the Park and found that it should be repoofed. He moved that Mr. J. S. Roberts, the County Naintenance Supervisor, be authorized to re-roof the building which now has a flat roof by replacing the present roof with gabled trusses usino avail- ' able materials which he has salvaged from demolishing other buildings. It was seconded by ~r. Hall. During the discussion, but before a vote r~as taken on the motion. Mr. Vauc~han raised the question of whether or not the roofing material should be of gal- vanized tin or like the original structure, be covered with a composition roof. There was considerable discussion entered into about the reiative costs of the two. Finally; Mr. Vaughan offered a substitute motion that the composition roof be installed provided the additional cost did not exceed $100.00. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unani- mously adopted. REPORTS - By common consent, the Board ordered the Grand Jury Report and Building Inspec- tor's Report filed. EASTERN REGIONAL ALCOHOLIC CONFEREA1CE - The Chairman announced that he had received an announcing the Eastern Regional Alcoholic Conference Greenville, N. C. on December 7th and 8th, 1966. By any member who could to attend this Conference. The to acknowledge the invitation and the annouttcement. invitation from Governer Moore to be held in the Moose Lodge in common consent, the Board aoreed for Executive Secretary was instructed L , ~~~ Minutes of Meeting November 7, 1966 - continued BILLS - Oxenfeld and ~ewkirk- The Board reviewed an invoice from the architects, Oxenfeld and Newkirk, eroployed to draw plans for alterations and additions to the ~eia Hanover County Airport Terminal Building. The total estimated cost of the construction project is $44,000. They request a partial payment of $3;000 in payment for the pre- paration for the preliminary drawings and the construction drawings and speci- cations. The standard fee is 10% of the construction costs, subject to any modification upon receipt of the cdntractor~s proposals, amounts to ~4,400. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved payment of the amount requested. BILLS - A statement was received from theSENCL•and Development Association for $100.00 and a statement from the State Ports Authority for $50.00. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. BoUtden, the Board unanimously approved payment as funds have already been budgeted. COUNTY I~WNAGER TRAVEL BILLS - The Chairman presented bilis and statements from the various persons interviewed for the position of County Manaoer covering their travel expenses in coming to ~~ilminpton for their interviews. Among the bills were two which the Board thought needed additional information and they were deferred for payment until the next meeting to have them itemized but npon motion of Mr. Vaughan, seconded by Mr. Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the payment of all other of the travel expense bills and directed the Auditor to pay them but the other two wiil be reconsidered at the next meeting. ~ PHOTOGRAPHIC BILL - P•tr. Vaughan presented a bill from Brownings in the amount of $5.67 covering the cost of making photographs of the County Manager for the purpose of public releases, Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the Board unani- mously approved the payment of this bill and directed the Auditor to pay it. LOVEtS LETTERS - Pursuant to trie discussion held on October 17th regarding approximately 30 letters wr:tten by the County Auditor on County stationery and run throvgh the County postage machine, the Auditor presented the Board with receipt ~1~75 dated November 3rd, 1966 in the amount of $1.96 covering the cost of the stationery and postage to the County. IVDEPEi~DENT AUDIT - Mr. Wm. C. Barfield, the Independent C.P.A. employed to make a~ audit of ~ the accounts of the County Auditor, presented each member of the Board with a copy of the completed audit for the fiscal year beginning July i, 1965 and ending June 30, 1966. In presenting the audit, he remarked that there i's~n error amounting to $32.79 unidentifiable coilections on prepaid taxes and suggested that it be taken into income in .the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967 inasmuch as the keeping of records on this small sum until it might be identi- fied would cost more than Lhe principai amount. He also stated that there were a few instances where the County Auditor had advanced salaries to empioyees before they were earned. By common consent, the Board agreed to receive the i Audit for study until the next meeting at which time it would be formally accepted and ordered filed for the records. , AUDITOR -APPOINTIVE OR ELECTIVE - Mr. Vaughan observed that the Board had made attempts to have the Repre- ~ sentatives to the General Assembly change the Special Act applying to New Hanover County relative to election oi the Auditor as he believes he should be appointed. Mr. Vaughan offered a motion that the Board reaffirm its stand approving this action and authorize the Chairman to appoint a Committee of not ' more than 10 members to study this matter and make a recommendation for sub- ~ mitting it to the Representatives of the next Legislature. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden. In the discussion, Nr. Hall observed that he did not see any need for this action aL this time and when the ballot was taken voted "No", however all other members of the Board voted "Yes" and the Chairman deciared -~'~ ~ it carried by a majority vote.) POLITICAL OPINIOPJS - '~' "Mr. Vaughan stated that he wished to bring to the attention of the members that a political party had during the past week issued public relations , statements which were untrue and grossly misrepresented actions of this Commission: First, it had been stated that the Republicans had raised taxes 27d in 1965. Actually, the rate rise was 17r~ and was necessary because Hospital and TechAfcB•fi Institute bonds alone required an adaed charge of 21d. The motion to adopt this was made by a Democrat and passed by the Board unanimously. Mr. Vaughan asked if any member took exception to this statement. There was no exception. Secondly, it had been stated that the Reassessment was a"sneaky Republican trick." Actually, Reassessment is required every 8 years by N. C. State lak~ passed by Democrats. The motion to reassess was seconded by a Democrat and passed unanimously. There was exception to this statement. Thirdly, it had been stated that the proposed 10% personal property assessment was a Republican effort when actually it was on a motion seconded by,a Democrat; was passed unanimously and in i.ts finai form was particularly tailored to fit the thinking of Democrat Hall. There was no exception to this third statement." ~ I , ~~~~~ .. Meeting of November 7, 1966 - continued. Mr. Vaughan moved that the precedina matter be included in the record. Such was agreed tounanimously by all Board members, ~y'coininon;conSent;. with the provision that they might be amended or changed at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be Bowden moved that the meeting be adjourned unanimously adopted. W ORDER FOR SPECIAL VENIRE SUPERICR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA S~`A1c OF NORTH CA~2oLIA!a COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER vs t~lILLIA~ SCOTTIE INGHRAM. TO THE BOARD OF CO~I~SIONERS OF NEI~J HANOUER COUNTY. GREETINGS: Whereas it has been found necessary, to the end that a fair and impartial ~ trial of the defendant, who stands charged ~1ith the crime of rape, be had, that a special venire of persons be summonsed to act as jurors or so many of them ~ as deemed necessary so to do in the tr.iai oi said action; and it further appearing to the Court that said persona should be drawn from the jury box oi New Hanover County in the manner prescribed by law for the drawing of said jurors: NO~rl, THEREFORE, you are commanded to brina into open Court,.. the jury boxes of IVew Hanover County, and to cause to be dra~•Jn therefrom, from box No. 1--100 scrolls or names by a child under ten years of age, the names drawn therefrom to constitute the special venire for the trial of the above entitled case, and a list of said names to be furnished by the Clerk of said Board to the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, North Carolina. This 7th day of November, 1966. /s/ Georqe IJ. Fountain JUDGE PRESIDING I - I ' ~ # I ~ I _ I,,~y, Jurors - 5pecial Venire November 8, 1966. Adams, Harvey G. 52U Bedford Forest Guffey, M. H. Box 318, Y~~rightsville Beach Batson, Lester RFD 1, Box 137 Hail, Luberts 906 S. ~th Blackburn, Raymond Lee,1503 Oleander Hardy, Clinton Rex , 1010 Cypress Dr. Bro~an, Lee Artis 808 McRae St. Hatch, Marjorie H. 407 Pine Hills Dr. Brinson, Daniel B., RFD 2,Box 361 Ha~akins, Roy L. Box 99, Wrightsv. Beach Bro~an, James 802 Bladen7 Hayes, Dewberry 1317 N. 7th Bryant, Bruce A. ll}32 Knollwood Rd Hewlett, R.P. 4922 Park Ave. Buffkin, G. H. l+315 Lake St. Hinson, Herbert M. 23p6 Dexter Campbell, Anne 507 5. 1~3th Hinson, Roy C. 216 N. 22nd Canady, William !}12 Henry Holder, N. J. 2517 Washington St Campbell, Elwood C. 125 Morgan St. Huhbard, Lawrence S. Jr. 417 Mercer Ave. Clark, Ine2 Stokes 511 Bladen St. Jenkins, J.W. Sr. Box 83, Carolina Beach,NC Core, William ra. 5208 Caro.Bch Rd. Jones, Booker T. 820 Dock St. Crayton, Walter J. Bx.267 Caro BchNC Jones, Galico l~.05 Moseley St.. ~ Curtiss, Hobert H, I}870 Caro.Bch. Rd Keller, Elvie E. Box 652A, Caro. Beach, N.C. Divine, N.~rJ. 111 S. 7th King, Edward H. 29 ~orningside Dr. Dy}ce, W. P., !}q36 Wrightsv. Ave Hing, w. u7. ioo9 A'[arket St. Dykers, Maria H. RFD1,Box 11}3 Kinnon, Elizabeth 2809 UJashington St. Edwards, Esther Mae,2732 Van Buren La Croix, A.C. Box 277, Caro. Beach, N. C. Everett, Mrs. Wade J. 2421 Jackson Langley, Leamond T .RFD 1,B.279B Farrow, C.T. P.O.Box 1172 Latham, Louis W. 530 Colonial Dr. Farrow, Wiiliam J. Cross Seed Leonard, Lillie WorLh Drive Foialer, R.C. 903 N. Kerr Ave. Lewis, Emerson D. 128 Wayne Dr. Fredericks, John W. 622 Pine Valley Little, Rex D. 324 Hoolcer Rd. Gardner, H. E. t}06 Newkirl~ Ave. Logan, William 505l~l+frightsv. Ave. Melvin, Bertha T. 2413 Oleander Rourk, W. S. Jr. 233 Pac~e Ave. NicCoy, C.S. 412 Rutle~ge Dr. Rouse, Alton E. 312 Frances Marion Dr. MciJei•11, Kathleen C. (}001 Westover Rullman, William M . RFD 3, Box 170 McNorton, N~rs.. Pear1,3626 Caro Bch RD Seliars, Garnett P . RFD 2, B 430 Millis, Eunice RFD 1, Box 291 Shavr, Clarence M, 1511} Ann St. Nurphy, George 11}10 Church St. Shearon, George W. RFD 1, Box 119 Naylor, Maurice G. 102 Mercer Ave Shipman, M.C. 209 N. llth St. Parker, Harold L. 137 Pine Cone Rd. Smeds, Jessie M. 139 Wi~tergreen Rd. Parker, Hazel Rt.2, B 350 Smith, Jerald W. 63sZ Castle Hayne Rd. Perry, Margaret B. 1219 S. 3rd Southerland, David F. RFD 2, Box 156 Petty, Mrs. Geo. PO Box 252,Car.BchRD Staton, H.B. RFD 2, Box 29 Piner; Frank RFD 2,B.385 Strickland,C.T. Bx 618A, Caro. Bch. N. C. Powell, Carl F. 423 S. Front Sutton. Mrs. Carol ina B. 1902 Church Pridgen, James H. 120 Dare St. Swart, Thos. H. Box 203, Castle Hayne, N. C Puckett, C.M. 357 Lumberton Ave. Teachey, Edwin T. 152 Breittwood Dr. Purifoy, J.E. B. 26, Kure Bch. Quesinberry, Ralph Rt 2 B 33 Thigpen, John G. Th 13 Live Oak Ave. . , . Rackley, Harry J.Rt 2, B, 182 omas, Mary Dell Tucker Earl S 3i4 s. 4tn sc. R Rankin, James N. Rt. 1 B 27B R , . Vallianos, Fred N, t. 1, B, q2 1612 S. College Rd ascoe, R.R. 722 Princeton Dr. RegisLer Walter R 3018 Ca B h R Voet, Lambert T.Jr . , 111 Par}aaood Dr. , . r. c d. Riggs, James T. 5426 Andover Rd. Wade, Olivia ltJashington, John RFD 2, Box 262 511 HarnetL Rivenbark, H.C.Sr. 635 Castle Hayne R ' .Waters, L.H.Jr Rt. B.94, Castle Hayne N C obert , Be s 1115 S 2 d ose, ~frs. ~e~~Ia C. 6 S. ~2th , . Williams N~arion 50~ Sw Whitty, Gharles; 70 S. ~~ St. ~~ z ~y y.. ~A s ~;'. `k~, ~ .r~ ~ ~- ~ ~~ r ~ i S L ~ 'i l 1 i. ~ ~ `~, ~. M ~ 0 ~ ~ 1 Minutes of ineeting November 7, 1966 - continued. ORDER FOR SECOND SPECIAL VENIRE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE OF NORTH CAROLIIA COUIVTY OF NE'v! HANOVER vs WILLIAN SCOTTIE INGHRAN TO CLERK OF THE BOARD OF CONll~IISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, GREETINGS: Whereas it has been found necessary, to the end that a fair and impartial trial of the defendant, who stands charged with the crime of rape, be had; that a second special venire of 99 persons be summonsed to act as jurors or so many= of them as deemed necessary so to do in the trial of said action; and it further appearing to the Court that said 99 persons should be drawn from the jury box of New Hanover County in the manner prescribed by law for the drawing of said jurors: NOW, THEREFORE, you are commanded to bring into open Court the jury boxes of New Hanover County, and to cause to be drawn therefrom, from box no. 1, 99 scrolls or names by a child under ten years of age, the names drawn there- from to constitute the second special venire for the trial of the above-entitled case, and a list of said names be furnished by the Clerk of said Board to the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, North Carolina. This 8th day of November, 1966. /s/ Jurors - Second Special Venire November Andrews, J. C. 3615 Winston Blvd Bell; Joel P. 2818 Caro.Bch Rd Campbell, Daniel G., 2627 Burnett Blvd Carter, W. H., 1013 S. Front Chadwisk, Steila S., (}112 Greenfield Cooper, 5. E. P. O. Box 1631 Croom, Kenneth RFD 3, B 176 Davis, Vinson RFD 2, B 324 Davis, Zack RFD 3, B 517 Dobo, G.w. s.424, Wrightsv Beach ` Farr, F. W. 5326 Autumn Dr. Farrar, Mrs. Nellie G. PO !}18 Ferger, James ~.816 UJrightsv,Ave . Futch, Wilbur RFD 2, B. 236 Ganon, D.a. 4mii Greenway Ave. Graham, John W. 1}950 Wrightsv. Ave Hanson, Katherine V. P.O.Box 233 Harris, M. L. Jr.2528 Monroe St. ' , Harper, C. L. 311 Kidder ~ Harvell, James O.Jr, 2402 Market ~ Hayes, Estella 610 S. 14th St. Henry, Annie Mae (}812 Park Ave. Holmes, Pearlie c/o Moore-Fonvielle Hooper, J. A. 118 N. 9th St. Horne, John Vance RFD 1, B 129A Jackson, Clarence !}16 4Jright St.= Jones, Shirley F. 641 Market St. Judge, John RFD 1, B 1}23 Langley, C.M. !}q21 Oleander Dr. Lefler, Maurice R. 302 Barclay Hills Dr Lem, David Chow, Carolina Beach,NC. Lennon, Mrs. R.Y. 2712 Park Ave. Lewis, Frenc~, 140 Stonwall Jackson D Kerr, E.A. ,Tr. 1~5 5. sth Kniaht, Peter L,Jr. 312 5. Front St. Nack, Thelma, 6722 Wrightsv.Ave. Manuel, Harry Lee, 516 Anderson St. Nrarks, H.A. RFD 2, B. 6~ Mason, J. M. 406 S. !}6th Maxwell, Edward 1113 Campbell McCarley, J. III,(}O10 Caro Bch Rd. Mclntosh, N~artha, B.356,Caro.Bch,NC McKinney, Robt B.Jr 1}60!} Mockingbird McNeill, S.Frank P. 0. Box 327 Mishoe, Luna I. 608 Orange Moore, Clarence L. 1}9 Woodlawn Moore, Francis M. 1}112 Peachtree St. Morse, C.S. 2267 Camellia Dr. !, Nurphy, M.B. 207 Keaton Ave. Murphy, Robt C. 2412 Jackson Georqe N. Fountain JUDGE PRESIDING 9, 1966. ~Myers, B 63l~A, Caro. Beach, N.C. Newell, C.R. (}05 N. Kerr Ave Newkirk, ,Iames T. 507 S. 1!}th St Nobles, Ellis Vance 20 Morningside Dr. Northam, J. T. 308 Hidder St. Orrell, E. A. l}205 Wrightsv. Ave. Orrell, J.D.Jr,RFD 2, B 123 Orrell, Norwood 1619 Princess 5t. Page, L.M., 1721 Carolina Ave. Parker, J.B.Jr, 5214 Park Ave Pigford, Vera 1313 Cape Fear Ave. Pigford, Victoria RFD 1, B. 84 Plisco, Noah 601 N. 4th St. Powell, Mrs. Nellie R. 620 Harnett Randall,Wm. M. 4622 Mockingbird Dr. - Raney, W.A. P.O.Box 299 ~ ~ Redd. Hazel R. RFD 3, B!}9 Rich, Lilly Bell 104 Queen Richardson, James 0. 112 Frances Marion Dr. Rivenbarlc, Charles 4935 wrightsv Ave Robertshaw, Walter F. 211} 5. 58th Ross, Mariah, RFD 2, B 339 Schley, T.B. RFD 2, B. 13t}1 Schneider, William M. RFD 3, B 506 Shaw, H.B. 511 Grace 5t. Shipman, Alvie C. 205 N. 12th Sidbury, Charity P. RFD 1,B.19~} Sidbury Walter 1001 Campbell St Sikes, Helen V, B.588a, Caro. Bch,N.C. Sikes, L.W. 507 5. lath St. Smith,Cliff H. Sr. PO B 105, Caro. Bch.NC Spencer, Drue A. 2004 Kent St. , Stanley, Arthur R. 207 Hillandale Dr. Stanley, Francis E. 121 Keaton Ave. Stone, J.S. P.O.Box 396 , Storey, J.H. 1110 Dawson Sutherland, Ben F. RFD 3, Box 117 ~Sutherland, Francis E. l}20 Pine Hills Southerland, Henry J. 317 Lullwater Dr Washington, Stephen 912 N. 5th St. Weiss, Alex 26 Robert E. Lee Dr. White, Clyde W.,Jr. 5433 Ridgewood Hgts. White, Elvie L, Jr.P.O.Box 509 Widenhouse, A.C. P.O. Box 791 Williams, George H. RFD 1, B 129-C Williams, H.W. 51l} Park Terrace Williams; J.S. 112•.S. 13th St. Wilson, W. H. 423 McRae Ave ~ Wood, W.L. Jr. RFD 1, B.,..330B . ~ SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ASSEMBLY - The Board the Chairman on November 15, 1966 8:30 A.M. of Covnty Commissioners met in Special Session at the request of. the above date in the Commissioners~ Room with the following ' ~~V . members present: Chairman, Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak,