1961-01-03 Regular Meeting???9 Wilmington, N. C. January 3, 1961 ASSEMBLY - ' . T he', regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners was held on this date at 9:00 P. M. in the Commissioners Office with the fol- lowing members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. araak, L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and, as Reverend Frank Elliott, Pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church could not be present in time for the meeting due to con- flicting engagements, asked the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer of invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - , Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the_minutes of the meet- ing of December 19, 1960 were approved unanimously as written. EXTENSION SERVICE REP012T - The annual narrative report of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Ser- vice was made by Mrs. Rebecca L. Hail, Negro Home Economics Rgent aad Miss Verna Belle Lowery, County Home Economics Agent and D. D. Baggett, the Farm Agent. Each reported a very successful year during 1960 and pointed up the goals for 1961. Written reporLs were turned in for filing and recording. i ? APPROPRTATION TRANSFER - Mr. Baggett explained that the Community Development Association formulated a policy for the season of 1960 that no cash awards would be given to winners of any of the various improvement categories in which they participated but.that inadvertenLly the Negro Home Economics Agent was not notified of this decision until after she had commit- ted herself to the communities in her jurisdiction which were entering the improvement contest. Since she had committed herself without foreknowledge and had made a particular effort to raise the money through donations, he would like to.recommend that $50.00 be -i?z-<-?T^- transferred from the Capital Outlay Budget in this department to the Community Develop- ment Awards in order to supplement the funds raised by donations. After a brief discus- sion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that $50.00 be transferred from the Capital Outlay in Negro Home Economics Budget to supplement the $100.00 whcih had been raised by donations for the purpose of making these cash awards which had been promised. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. . ? CITATIONS Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting the Executive 5ecretary informed the Chairman that he had prepared Certificates of Awards for the retiring members of the Board and had arranged for triem to be present. Chairman Hall personally expressed his gratitude for the unselfish service of Messrs. J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams to the Board of Count'??. Commissioners and Mr. John Bright Hill as County Attorney and pre- sented each of them with suitable citations. They were very appreciative of this recog- nition and pledged a continuing interest in County affairs and offered their services whenever they might be needed. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary reporLed that City Nranager J. R. Benson had requested him to secure an appraisal for the City Attorney on jointly owned tax foreclosed lots !} and 5 in Block 566. After examination hy the Property Assessors to whom the problem was assigned, they reported a valuation of $1,000 each for the lots. After considering the matter for a few moments the Board unanimously agreed by common consent to hold up approval for this sale until they had an opportunity to investigate and secure more in- formation about it. The Executive Secretary recalled that at the last meeting they had approved the sale of a jointly owned tax foreclosed piece of of property, parts of lots 2 and 3 in B1ock 228 at a valuation of $360.00 for F. C. Sadgwar who. is one-third owner. Sadgwar reported that he had been paying taxes on the entire lot at an accessed value of $150.00 which represents one-half the value on the tax books of $300.00 and that he was now in the process of securing a refund for the overcharge for two-thirds of'the valuation and that he was willing to purchase the two-thirds owned by the City and County provided they approve the sale at the valuation shown on the tax books of $300.00. After a brief discussion, Nm. Broadhurst offered a motion that no reduction be made in the valuation made by the Property Assessors. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. ADVERTISING ALLOCATION - The Chairman informed the Board that while attending a meeting with members ., of the State Port Authority back ia November he had been approached by the Industrial Site Committee for an advertisement in the-Public Relations magazine issued by them monthly. The cost of such an ad is $50':00 for 4 page and he recommended that the Board appr.ove this expenditure out of the Industrial Development appropriation in the Budget. Upon mot.ion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this actioa. ` ADVERTISING - NEW YORK TIMES --?-? ? f? b:jr,- -- ?-G?tc•r-r..? / The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Hugh M. Morton, Chairman of the Advertising Committee of the State Department of Conservation and Devel- opment suggesting that New Hanover County participate in the Spring Vacation Supplement issued annually by the New York Times. In the discussion which followed, it developed that Wiimington and New Hanover County were the only major tourist City and County not advertising in previous years vacation supplements. It seemed to be the consensus of the Board's opinion that such advertising would prove beneficial, however the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce receive an appropriatinn for advertising the County and City and the Executive Secretary was authorized to present this matter to them for consideration as no Budgeted item was available for this purpose during the current fiscal year. The Executive Secretary was instructed to present this item for consideration during the next Budget discussion. I FrF40 Minutes of the Meeting January 3, 1961 (continued) APPROPRIATION - SHERIFF, WALKIE-TALKIE A letter was received from the Sheriff explaining his great need for a walkie- ? talkie radio to be used by his department in wor]{ing in isolated areas on emergency cases. He explained that Civil and Defense Mobili2ation would share one-half the cost of the unit which amounts to $350.00. After discussing the merits of this request, Mr. Mayhan ? moved that $350.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Sheriffts Department- Capital Outlay Fund with the understanding that one-half of the appropria- tion would be refunded. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. TRASH DUMP YiATERIALS - Mr. Ctarence Harvell of Castle Hayne appeared before the Board and requested that he be allowed to scaveng.efor metals from the trash brought to the County Dump. After discussing the matter in which it developed that the purpose of the recommendations made / by the Committee appointed to set and regulate the trash disposal operation to make it as near self 'supporting as possible. Mr. Braak pointed out that since the County furnished a man to stay at the dump he thought the metals should be separated from the trash and sold by the County and the revenue from the sale go toward the cost of its operation and moved that Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark be instructed to have the attendant at the dump salvage all metals and any revenue therefrom accrue to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. ,.. . ., ELEVATOR RECOMMENDATION - A report was received from the Service Department of the Otis Elevator Company recommending that a counterweight guard be installed in the pit of the Court House elevator j shaft and suggested that for quieter operation the oil immerced brake magnets should be replaced with a D. C. recLifier type and that all elevator "entrances should be renewed. The consensus of the Board was that since the County had a service contract on this eleva- tor, any service work recommended shouid be done under the contract agreement. HUGH NiAC RAE PARK - ? Nr. Broadhurst reported that over the weekend someone had destroyed some'of ?JJu'r the toilet fixtures at Hugh MacRae Park. The Sheriff's Department is investigating the vandalism in an effort to discover the perpetrators of this destruction to public prop- erty. He offered a motion that the Commissioners go on record that any culprits guilty of this damage be remanded to the court for sentence and that no intervention be made for, leniency by the Board of Commissioners. This motion was seconded by Mr. Nfayhait -Aftcl' ? unanimously approved by the entire Board. BEER PERMI.TS -.- The following applications for Beer Licenses were reviewed by the Board, and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, ordered referred to the Sheriff for consideration: Wilmington Seafood Market, Riverboat Supper Club, Henryts Drive-In, and Novelle Club. MICROFILMING RECORDS - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received a letter from the State Department of Archives and History advising that they would be ready to begin inventory- ing, repairing and microfilming New Hanover Covnty records early in 1961, the exact dAte to be supplied later. The procedure td be followed is outlined in Chapter 2 of:T.he County Records Manual, with particular attention to articies 5,7, & 8. They will require space for two operators and their equipment which includes a table 61 feet long for each opera- tor and sufficient power supply. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to make adequate arrangements for them with the understanding that there'"? would be no cost to the County except for,the power supply. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. AIRPORT INSURANCE - ' Mr. John Bright Hill, the former County Attorney, was given an opportunity to make a suggestion which he considered important for the protection of the County. He recounted the recent accidents and noted that in every case claims were made for not less than $100,000 for those lost in the accidents. The present coverage at Bluethenthal Field is $100,000 per person or $300,000 per accident. He suggested that serious considera- tion be given to revising this coverage. By common consent, the Executive Secretary was authorized to ask John A. 9iFesLbrook, the Airport Manager to check with a minimum of six adjacent,-airports and determine the extent of coverage they considered adequate for their protectlon. He was also instructed to check with the Baldwin-DesChamps Agency,Incorpora- ted, who was appointed exclusive agent for New Hanover County for the purpose of negotiat- ing with the State Fire Insurance Rating Bureau concerning all matters affe,cting Public and Institutional Property Plan Insurance and report back to the Board. PETITIONS The following petitions were received from the Public Welfare Department for Samuel Nelson Marshburn and Woodrow Wilson Young to be admitted to the County Home for care under the following conditions; Mr. Marshburn will conform to the present policy of paying 90% of his present income to the County Home for care; Mr. Young will be admit- ted with the understanding that he pay the cost of his care for the length of time he stays if and when any settlement is made in his favor by the Railroad Company, based on a minimum cost of $40.00 per month, The Executive Secretary was instructed to riotify the insurance carrier of the County's interest in any claim that might be made for the in,jury suffered by Mr. Young. Mr. Metts offered a motion that they be admitted under these conditions, It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. REGISTER OF DEEDS TRANSFER Register of Deeds R. L. Black explained that in order to adjust his Budget, it would be necessary to transfer $500.00 from his Book Repairs as follows: $400.00 to Binders- Record Books Account and $100.00 to Stationery d Supplies Account.. Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that this transfer be grante.d. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. . ?.? 9b.? 11 Minutes of the Neeting January 3, 1961 Continued DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR - -r? ? Mr. Broadhurst informed the Board that the City had employed Attorney John T. Schiller to help collect their back taxes that were steadily growing in arears. He recommended that the County enter a joint arrangement with the City in this venture. The rate of pay is to be $200.00 per month and he suggests that the County pay one-half of this amount, or $100,00 per month. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confer rrith City Manager J. R. Benson, Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson and Attorney John T. Schiller to work out the details and complete the negotiations. Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this recommendation be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Netts and unanimously adopted. (Above agreement was satisfactory to all parties, effective today.) MEDICAL CLAIM - Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting, County Attorney L. B? dfo?d ? c.'C"n ? Tillery reported that he had investigated the claim of Dr. Edwin J. Wells for compensa- tion for professional services in connection with an operation•for an indigent, Charles A. Rivenbark. He found that the patient was certified by the Department of Public Wel- fare to the hospital as an indigent and that the service was performed during the time and recommended that the case be handled on the same basis as any other Welfare case and therefore, the request for payment be declined. By common consent of the Board, the County Attorney and Executive Secretary were instructed to compose a letter to Dr. Wells advising him of this decision. REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed: ? 1- Welfare Recipients Statistical changes. , 2- Letter of appreciation from Mr. Don Britt for the existing spirit of o"„rJ,,T ? cooperation between the Piedmont Airlines ahd the people of this area. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in y,,.,,a r Superior Court in the trial of civil cases for the weeks beginning February 13th and February 21st. Jurors for the week beqinning February 13,1461 - Civil H. R. C-1ark R. U. Bell William H. Moore E. C. DeBose L. R. Powell Lee Carter J. H. Mintz B. B. Odin R. T. Horne R. A. Price Oscar Fipps W. E. Hagood F. H. Woodcock Estul Jackson R. H. Saunders W. L. Shealy James F. Moore L. S. McMillan Dorothy H. Peterson ' Henry Feenstra George R. Tyler Earl Honneycutt Georoe D. Rabon, Jr Kenneth A. Palmer Henry Hankins Kelly 1804-Ann St. . 4929 P3me St. 3018 Maides Ave. 208 Davie Drive 311 Castle St. RFD 1, City 205 Kidder St. 4602 Cedar Ave. 2101 Creasy Ave. !} H. Lake Forest 104 Spofford Mills 820 Chestnut St. 6010 Park.Ave. 122 Spofford 222 Brookwood 81 Lee Drive 217 SoutYi 2nd St. 11-J Lake Village 509 Latimer Dr. RFD 1, Box 72 132 Sumter Drive 317 Williamson Dr. 1314 Liveoak Ave. (}117 Lake St. 5006 Pine St. E. H. Slanton W. V. Hatcher Ed P. Craven Edgar B. ]{eith R. T. Horton J. E. Noore W. E. Jordan J. G. Middleton Lee 14. Dowles Jack M. Mason Elbert L. Payne J. W. Savage Charles D. Lewis W. N. Smithson Jr. Samuel G. Williams Nurray L. Pate Franlc Ha2elton J. B. Wallace Almon Jordan Robert G. Powers Theodore C. Rivenbark Edward Jenkins David F. Barnhill Ellsworth A. Sweeney William Richard Brown Jurors for the week beqinninq February 21, 1961 - Civil J. W. Hood 2914 Park Ave. J. W. Fickling . L. E. Allen 1813 Princess St. R.'H. Bowden George W. Smith 4308 Peachtree St. R. J. Dudley M. T. Flanagan 311 S. 3rd St. W. F. Sidbury W. C. Cook 112 Keaton Ave. Lacy Moore James L. Wells Jr. RFD 2, Box 71 A Jacob B. Abrams L. F. Duvall 124 Forest Hills Dr. Bert",W. Slake A. F. Dowling 3103 Market St. C. L. Justice Hubert Barnes 128 Rutledge Dr. Donald R. $ennett John F. Thompson 2102 Pender Ave. E. G. Schnibben S. S. Barnhill R s BHa D. J. Boswell Cas t,e yne C. M. Jenkins 409 South 6th St. Jack Malpass C. H. Daughtry 22 Morningside Dr. Robert Carlton R. E. Batson 609 S. 5th St. Charles J. Bekaert G. S. Donnell 2730 Park Ave. Oscar M. Brown H. T. Newland Jr. 4208 Wrightsville Av. Durwood Thompson E. R. Pickard 209 Market St. Robert T. Swindell L. W. Benton 516 S. 2nd St. William H. Mason Jr. Charles L. Sneeden 724 Country Club Rd. James C..Stinson Douglas A. Daughtry 715 S. 4th St. Charles E. Mitchell Charles E. Mitchell 9 F. Lake Village William P. Fogleman William J. Hollis Jr. RFD 2, Box 383 A William E. Hewett Roger D. Woods Sr. 624 Castle Hayne Rd. Clarence E. Danner Louis A. Teague, Jr. 615 S. Front St. William F. Hender.son ldilliam F. Henderson 208 Brookwood Ave. William F. Fennell Eugene Clifton Hicks III 1 907 Princess St. Arthur Thomas Whitt ADJOURNMENT - Upon m otion of Mr. Broadhurs t, seconded ly voted adjournment. - YJX?/._ RFD 3, Box 585 RFD 2, Box 141 RFD 1, Box 116, Castle RFD 1, Box 233 Hayne, N.C. 4009 Cherry Ave. 17 Barnard Drive 205 Ann St. 101 Brookwood Ave. 3719 S. Front St. 107 North 3rd St. . 610 Colwell Ave. RFD 1, Box 90 Castle Hayne 711 Central Blvd. 2006 Market St, 418 Orange Si. Winston Salem, N. C. 42 West Drive 6331 Oleander Drive 117 Graham St. 211 Vance St., RFD 2, Box 404 Aa 4112 Market St. RFD 1, Box 235 Castle Hayne, N.C. 4 Hamilton Dr. V, 5831 Oleander Dr. ..,? . 2322 Belvedere Dr. 25 Kenwood Ave. 4 P. Lake Village 2909 Monroe St. 300 Maryland Ave. 127 North Front SL. 2532 South Front St. 417 Castle Hayne Road 19 Wrightsville Ave. 608 North 23rd St. . RFD 2, Box 180 RFD 1, Box 4 24 T. Lake Vi i lage 2704 Churchill Dr. 106 Pecan Ave. 70 West Drive 506 Park Terrace 105 Bordeaux Ave. 60 Woodlawn 9 F. Lake Village 162 Pine St. 529 E. Shipyard Blvd. RFD 2, Box 338 208 Brookwood Ave. 222 Forest Hills Dr. 282?Je?'ferson St. k.?the Boavfd unanimous- ,/Executive'Secr?tary , '