1961-01-16 Special Meetingp? \ ,?? ??? . (d Wilmington, N. C. January 16,1961 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners assembled today in regular session for their semimonthly meeting at 9:00 A. M. in the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr.,L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, and Ernest R. Mayhan, County Auditor T. D. Love, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. Commiss- ioner J. Uan B. Metts, Jr. was unable to be present for the meeting since he is currently serving a two weeks assignment of duty with the Coast Guard Reserve. ANNOUNCEMENTS - The Chairman informed the Board that they were invited to attend a dinner meet- ing of Alcoholics Anonymous at 7:00 P. M. on January 21st at their headquarters on Princess 4.r/ Street. He commended this organization for the interest it is taking in building better citizenship for the County and urged any of the Commissioners who could attend to notify Eugene Edwards. The Institute of Government, through Dr. Albert Coates, informed him that the school scheduled for County Commissioners had been postponed until a later date which / would probably be in March. He urged any who could go to this worthwhile school to have the Executive Secretary to make reservations for it. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Board authorize the expenses for any member attending. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. ROAD PETITIOIQS - Petiti'ons were presented for the acceptance and maintenance of the State High- way Commission for Stonewall Jackson Drive, Rose Avenue, Campus View Circle and Ridgewood Heights Drive. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Mayhan, the Board unanimous- ly approved the petitions and instructed the Executive Secretary to forward them to the State Highway Commission in the regular manner. FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALC - i? +" ? Q1%1Q614*t? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had an offer by Mrs. J. T. Blue to purchase a tax foreclosed jointly owned lot, # 5 in Block 349, which had been appraised by the Tax Assessors at $300.00. The City Council approved it at their regular? on January llth. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was unani- ? mously approved for sale at the appraised value. *meeting , COUNTY HOME RESIDENT ESTATE - A letter was received from Attorney Robert E. Calder, Executor of the Estate / of William P. Bass, deceased, stating that there would be an approximate residue in p,pfw- cash of $1500.00 after funeral expenses. The Executive 5ecretary informed tlhe Board that he had investigated this matter and found that Mr. Bass was admitted for care at the County Home on January 16, 1958, and had continuous.residence there until his death on December 15 „ 1960, a period of 23 months. The approximate cost amounts to $40.00 per ? month which makes a total of $920.00 the County is entitled to from this estate, however, eoa-plAT it was discovered that the DepartmenL of Public Welfare had made grants to Mr. Bass pre- vious to acceptance in the County Home:and they have a legal claim, the amount of %?hich / has not as yet been determined. After discussing the matter, Mr. Braak offered a motion /`5-tg, that it be referred to the Executive Secretary and the County Attorney for negotiation with the executor of the estate and the Department of Public Welfare.in recovering the total amount of each claim or until the amount of the estate is exhausted. It was second- ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. BEER PERNITS - The following Beer Permits were reviewed and ordered referred to the Sheriff c for his consideration, upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimous- ly approved: James C. Schupp T/A Dillons Grocery 303 Southern Blvd., City Roy L. Hawkins T/A Powell's Grocery RFD 3, Wrightsville Beach, N.C. AUDIT APPROPRIATION - The Executive Secretary presented invoices from J. B. McCabe and Company for auditing the Consolidated Tax Office and William C. Barfield, CPA, for the auditing the County records for the year ending June 30, 1960. The budgeted appropriation for these items lacked $485.40 being sufficiEnt to pay the bills. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Break;,..the.Board unanimously authorized and appropriated $485•40 from the General Emergency Fund to Auditing and approved payment of the invoices. EVANGELISTIC, fAMPAIGN - The Executive 5ecretary informed the Board that Reverend C. L. Turpin, President of the Wilmington Ministerial Association had called and requested the Commissioners to con- cur with them in issuing an invitation to Evangelist Dr. Billy Graham to conduct one of his Crusades in Wilmington at the earliest date his schedule would permit. Sherwood Uersteeg, a local newscaster, added that in addition to a written invitation, the local Ministerial Association was planning to send a delegation to extend a personal invitation. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to extend an invitation concurring with the one extended by the Ministerial Assoc- iation. ? COUNTY FARM BGRROW PIT - Commissioner Braak informed the Board that he had noticed the State hauling soil from the County Farm. He is aware of the permission which was granted them last year for the top soil in exchange for some clay to be used on the ball diamond being con- ??.1„? ? C, structed by the County at Hugh MacRae Park but he felt that an investigation whould be ' made to see if any damage to County property was resulting. By common consent of the Board, they agreed to go out in a body and inspect the premises and determine if any action shovld be taken to stop it in event damage to County property was noted. a -.?,. , - . br. ¢A, Minutes of the Meeting January 16, 1961 Contined --- COUNTY APPOINTMENTS - The Chairman made the follovring Committee appointments for the calendar year 1961: (Merchants Association Advertising Committee (Chamber of Commerce (SENCBA -. :cAlso to serve as ?irector, SENCBA Airport Committee Azalea Festival Committee Committee of 100 Community Hospital - Director Farm, Home and Prison Department Committee Highway Committee Rural Fire Inspection Committee :: Also represent2tive on Firemants Relief Fund Public 'Welfare Committee Wilmington Port & Ulaterway Development Commission Mr. Nayhan ?T (9y 4 9? ? e Messrs. Hall & Broadhurst Mr. Metts Mr. Hall Mr. MetLs Nr. Braak Mr. Broadhurst Mr. Metts Mr. Braak Mr. Hall ADVERTISING - The Chairman reminded the Board that he felt inclined to favor placing some advertising in the Spring Uacation Supplement of the New York Times but that since the Advertising Fund was limited to $10,000 and has already been allocated, he thought it should be increased in order to take care of such opportunities. The State Department of Conservation 8 Development is sponsoring this advertising for the State and last year New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington were the only major North Carolina polit- ic21 subdivisions which did not participate. He is of the opinion that proper legislation should be sponsored which will permit a higher appropriation, approximately $15,000 for . this purpose. PETITION FOR RELIEF - The Public Welfare Department presented a petition for care to the County Home for Lula Jane P9ohn because she is unable to care for herself. Upon motiontR? Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously agreed to admit her under usual po,licy. INSURANCE SURVEY - ? Chairman Hall explained that on September 19th, 1960 they had granted exclusive -- authority to the Baldwin-DesChamps Agency for making a complete survey of insurance needs of the County and negotiating for establishing valuations and rates. He feels that they have had sufficient opportunity to complete their examination and tgnerefore_.asked the.Board to authorize the cencellation of the authority as of February lst and allow the Foster- Hill Insurance Agency an opportunity make a similar survey to determine if the County is adequately insured and present a recommendation under the Public and Institutional Property Plan. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the exclusive authbrity authorized to the Baldwin-DesChamps Insurance Agency be withdrawn and that the Chairman of the Board be given the power to authorize the Foster-Hill Insur2nce Agency to make a similar survey of the insurance needs of the County. It was seconded by Mr. Sraak, and unanimously adopted. PLUMBING FEES - ; ?- The Chairman informed the Board bhat a problem had arisen with reference to ? charging the Njyrtle Grove Fire Department with plumbing inspection by the Consolidated Board of Health. While he recognized it was a matter for the Consolidated Board of Health to determine, he felt that in the absence of a ruliny from that body and due to the fact that it would not meet again until the first Wednesday in February that the Commissioners might request that no charge be made until the Consolidated Board of Health could pass on the question, therefore, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this request be granted. It was seconded, by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. • REPORTS - The foilowing reports and letters were reviewed by_the Board and ordered filed for information: 1- Farm Agent's report for December 1960 2- New Hanover County Airport Income and Disbursement Report - December 1960 3- USO Balance Sheet for fiscal year ending December 1960 L}- Wilmington Colored Librar?y Report for Decemher 1960 5- Wilmington Public Library Report " ". 6- Letter of appreciation and thanks from 5ocial Service Index 7- Letter of transmittal from State Highway Commission sending Booklets con- cerning the Secondary Roads Program and calling attention to last two paragraphs in the booklet. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. ? , ? ?rr+? G. H uck, Executiye ?ecretary ? . 44 Special Called Meetinq Commissioners Room 11:00 A. M. January 16,1961 k / u,ve w' I / RECONVENTION - Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst and E. R. Mayhan. The Chairman explained that the Sheriff called and advised that it was necessary to draw a jury for the Criminal term of Court for the week beginning February 27th and that he was in the process of selecting a Grand Jury and, therefore, did not get down to the regular meeting before it had adjourned. It necessitated this special meeting. WAIVER OF NOTICE. - I Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the Board unanimously waived Notice of Meeting as required by General Statute 153-8. AIRPORT - GROUND TRANSPORTATION Mr. Louis W. Latham asked for permission to present a plea for the Avis U-Drive- It system which he represents. At present, we have a contract with the Hertz U-Drive-It system but Nir. Latham explained that many air passengers carried Avis U-Drive-It credit cards and it was inconvenient for the custottiers who had made reservations for the use of Avis cars to call downtown and wait until they could be sent out to the Airport and in addition the only way the clrivers could know for whorri they had been sent was to question each passenger upon arrival to see which one had their credit card. If they were allowed to have an office space in the Airport terminal, the customers seeking their service would gravitate to their office. He expressed a willingness to pay the same amount that is paid by the other company for office space and contract at the same rate percentage- wise on volume. The Chairman assured him that his request would be given proper considera- tion and Nu. Mayhan offered a motion that a decision be deferred on the matter until a full Board was present at the regular meeting on February 6th. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to place it on the Agenda for discussion at that time. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Criminal cases in Superior Court. I Jurors for the week beqinninq FebruarV 27, 1961- Criminal John V. Foreman Everett C. Akers George B. Murray Gerald Ormsby Robert McHenry Franklin S. Taylor Everett A. Perry Louis G. Heath George F. Congleton J. N. Wilkerson C. H. Vowell Jr. C12rence Skipper Jr. R. S. McKeithan Robert G. Rankin John M. Cagle J. J. Peterson B. F. Ozment Jr. H. L. Sanders,Jr. Joseph H. Weyers Reginald C. Lewis George I. Crandal,l W. H..Jones J. J. Thomas Robert L. Melvin LeRoy Norman 1903 Chestnut St. C. Y. Davis 253 Castle Hayne Rd. E. M. Allen Sr. P.O. Box 1395 Ralph M. Cl.ark 2413 A. Jefferson St. H:H. Hudson 5b07 Tulip Drive Wm. L. Nisbet 2109 IIarnett Ave. Luther V. Elliott RFD 2, Box 163 Curtis B. Johnson 457 Castle Hayne Rd. R. C. Gray . RFD 2, Box 211 A Charles W. Riesz 15 N. 25th St. Paul W. YJright 107 Morningside Dr. Joseph B. Johnson 17 Lane Drive Carl O. Morgan 2540 Harrison St. Joseph C. Lamb 312 Dock St. Owen F. Smith 49 Lee Drive Jesse J. Knowles 4304 Wrightsville Av. B. T. Hatch 132 Pinecrest Pkwy. Gordan K. Tilden RFD 1, Box 417 Stedman Carroll Davis 21 :lackson Dr. Luther W. Edens 11 N. Lake Village C. N. Pridgen Jr. 110 Meares St. George A. Lumsden 126 ldard St. Isaac Barfield Jr. 116 S. 52nd St. John L. Palmer RFD 1,C r ? t12 0 CLawrence F. George , Hayne, Q as , RFD 3, Box 633 Wm. H. Wright Box 333, Carolina Beach 4201 Peachtree St. 2911 Adams St. 120 Castle Hayne,N.C. 127 Stradleigh Rd. 208 N. 22nd St. 2904 Narket St. 223 S. sth st. 4405 Wrightsville Ave. 1300 B. Churchill Dr.. 424 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 1, Box 96 11 Lee Drive 325 Williamson Dr. 2946 Cambridge Dr. 120 Colonial Dr. RFD 1, Box 307 A 105 Sunset Ave. 409 S. 19tn St. 106 S. Audvbon 5414 Oleander Dr. RFD 3;•Box 407 RFD 3, Box 354 224 5. 3rd St. 1121 S. 9th St. ADJOURNN[ENT - Having no further business to be brought before the Board, the Cha;-rman then declared the special meeting adjourned. // /YV W. U'?."touck, Executive?ecretary Wilmington, N. C. February 6,/1961 CALL TO ORDER - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners semimonthly session at the County Court House. The foll meeting: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. R. Nayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. County Attorney L. T. D. Love. i met today at 9:00 A. M. in regular Dwing members were present for the Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest Bradford Tillery and County Auditor INUOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Reverend Randolph W. Graham, P.astor of Woodburn Presbyterian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the meeting held on January 16th, copies of which had been sent to all Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved as wr.itten. 6?