1961-02-06 Regular Meeting. 44 Special Called Meetinq Commissioners Room 11:00 A. M. January 16,1961 k / u,ve w' I / RECONVENTION - Present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst and E. R. Mayhan. The Chairman explained that the Sheriff called and advised that it was necessary to draw a jury for the Criminal term of Court for the week beginning February 27th and that he was in the process of selecting a Grand Jury and, therefore, did not get down to the regular meeting before it had adjourned. It necessitated this special meeting. WAIVER OF NOTICE. - I Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Nayhan, the Board unanimously waived Notice of Meeting as required by General Statute 153-8. AIRPORT - GROUND TRANSPORTATION Mr. Louis W. Latham asked for permission to present a plea for the Avis U-Drive- It system which he represents. At present, we have a contract with the Hertz U-Drive-It system but Nir. Latham explained that many air passengers carried Avis U-Drive-It credit cards and it was inconvenient for the custottiers who had made reservations for the use of Avis cars to call downtown and wait until they could be sent out to the Airport and in addition the only way the clrivers could know for whorri they had been sent was to question each passenger upon arrival to see which one had their credit card. If they were allowed to have an office space in the Airport terminal, the customers seeking their service would gravitate to their office. He expressed a willingness to pay the same amount that is paid by the other company for office space and contract at the same rate percentage- wise on volume. The Chairman assured him that his request would be given proper considera- tion and Nu. Mayhan offered a motion that a decision be deferred on the matter until a full Board was present at the regular meeting on February 6th. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to place it on the Agenda for discussion at that time. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Criminal cases in Superior Court. I Jurors for the week beqinninq FebruarV 27, 1961- Criminal John V. Foreman Everett C. Akers George B. Murray Gerald Ormsby Robert McHenry Franklin S. Taylor Everett A. Perry Louis G. Heath George F. Congleton J. N. Wilkerson C. H. Vowell Jr. C12rence Skipper Jr. R. S. McKeithan Robert G. Rankin John M. Cagle J. J. Peterson B. F. Ozment Jr. H. L. Sanders,Jr. Joseph H. Weyers Reginald C. Lewis George I. Crandal,l W. H..Jones J. J. Thomas Robert L. Melvin LeRoy Norman 1903 Chestnut St. C. Y. Davis 253 Castle Hayne Rd. E. M. Allen Sr. P.O. Box 1395 Ralph M. Cl.ark 2413 A. Jefferson St. H:H. Hudson 5b07 Tulip Drive Wm. L. Nisbet 2109 IIarnett Ave. Luther V. Elliott RFD 2, Box 163 Curtis B. Johnson 457 Castle Hayne Rd. R. C. Gray . RFD 2, Box 211 A Charles W. Riesz 15 N. 25th St. Paul W. YJright 107 Morningside Dr. Joseph B. Johnson 17 Lane Drive Carl O. Morgan 2540 Harrison St. Joseph C. Lamb 312 Dock St. Owen F. Smith 49 Lee Drive Jesse J. Knowles 4304 Wrightsville Av. B. T. Hatch 132 Pinecrest Pkwy. Gordan K. Tilden RFD 1, Box 417 Stedman Carroll Davis 21 :lackson Dr. Luther W. Edens 11 N. Lake Village C. N. Pridgen Jr. 110 Meares St. George A. Lumsden 126 ldard St. Isaac Barfield Jr. 116 S. 52nd St. John L. Palmer RFD 1,C r ? t12 0 CLawrence F. George , Hayne, Q as , RFD 3, Box 633 Wm. H. Wright Box 333, Carolina Beach 4201 Peachtree St. 2911 Adams St. 120 Castle Hayne,N.C. 127 Stradleigh Rd. 208 N. 22nd St. 2904 Narket St. 223 S. sth st. 4405 Wrightsville Ave. 1300 B. Churchill Dr.. 424 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 1, Box 96 11 Lee Drive 325 Williamson Dr. 2946 Cambridge Dr. 120 Colonial Dr. RFD 1, Box 307 A 105 Sunset Ave. 409 S. 19tn St. 106 S. Audvbon 5414 Oleander Dr. RFD 3;•Box 407 RFD 3, Box 354 224 5. 3rd St. 1121 S. 9th St. ADJOURNN[ENT - Having no further business to be brought before the Board, the Cha;-rman then declared the special meeting adjourned. // /YV W. U'?."touck, Executive?ecretary Wilmington, N. C. February 6,/1961 CALL TO ORDER - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners semimonthly session at the County Court House. The foll meeting: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. R. Nayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. County Attorney L. T. D. Love. i met today at 9:00 A. M. in regular Dwing members were present for the Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest Bradford Tillery and County Auditor INUOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Reverend Randolph W. Graham, P.astor of Woodburn Presbyterian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the meeting held on January 16th, copies of which had been sent to all Commissioners, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously approved as wr.itten. 6? 4 , Minutes of the Meeting February 6, 1961 Continued PETITION FOR RELZEF 'Tlie Departm:ent •of; Pub,l:ic We2fa;re: presented a petition, for admittance to the County Home, for care of Cato M. Littleton. Mr. Littleton is a wheelchair patient who is unable to care for himself. He has been living with his daughter who is no longer able to ? wait on her father. Her husband, W. H. Milton, has to spend qvite a bit of time in the Veterans' Hospital. He receives a Social Security check in the amount of $33•40 but his chiidren are going to supplement that amount to reimburse the County for..its cost for keep- ing him. Some of the Commissioners were familiar with the circumstances and after a brief discussion, they agreed to ap.prove the application on the basis of $60.00 per month. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the Board unanimously adopted the request. A3RPORT GROUND TF?FlNSPORTATION - Mr. Louis W. Latham, representing the Avis Rent-A-Car Corporation, again present- ed a request for office space at the New Hanover County Airport in order to serve air pas- sengers holding Avis Credit Cards. They are willing to enter into a similar agreement as ? the Hertz U-Drive-It with the same provisions applying to the Avis customers. He feels that the interest of the traveling public can then be served more efficiently. After a brief discussion in which the Board was reminded that the Hurst U-Drive-It rendered a ser- vice during a period when the volume.of business was unprofitable, they felt that study should be given this request before any definite action was taken. Mr. Metts offered the motion that it be referred to the Airport Committee and the County Attorney for study as / to the legality and interest of the traveling public and report back to the Board at the next meeting on February 20, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. FARM AGEPII'APPROPRIATION - County Farm Agent D. D. Baggett explained that his office was not partitioned ?- off which made it very inefficient for when one member of the staff was interviewing some- one, it meant that the other members were likewise disrupted from their work. He has re- cently learned that movable partitions are available through the General Services Adminis- tration at a reasonabie cost. He estimated a maximum of $125.00 would adequately serve to divide the large office into the smaller interviewing offices. He reported that a nine cubic refrigerator which was formerly used to keep hog cholera serum is no longer needed and requested permission to sell it and allow the proceeds Loward his partition job. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. Baggettbe authorized to sell the refrigerator and have his office fixed as requested. Mr. Metts seconded the motion with the comment that all departments should anticipate their needs so that they might be considered and settled at Budget time. (Mr. Baggett reported that he had been able to sell the refrigerator for $75.00 cash.) The motion unanimously carried. CSC APPROPRIATION - Mr. Foster Edwards explained that his appropriation for handling insane persons, dope addicts and alcoholism was depleted and requested an appropriation of $500.00 to re- plenish the fund. He suggested that some consideration might be given to a change in the eA,c.r General Statutes with reference to self commitment to the County Home. Under the law, he can only send them to the County Home and not the the County Prison. After some discuss-?f ion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that $500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Insane-Inebriate. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. DRAINAGE APPROPRIATION - ? An invoice was received from the E. B. Towles Construction Company amounting to $82.50 for the use of their dragline and operator covering sz hours work at $15.00 psr hour. The Executive 5ecretary reported that this was a result of our agreement to assist in open- ing a ditch alongside Park Avenue in order to drain the new Azalea Shopping Center property / being developed in that area. The County dragline operator was not available for that par- ticular day and in the rush to have the work completed, the engineer supervising the job authorized the Towles Construction Company to use their dragline. After considering the facts, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County authori2e payment of the operator for his labor but not for the equipment. The Executive Secretary is to determine the amount of the labor and appropriate enough funds from the General Emergency Fund to Drainaae and Erosion to pay for it. Subsequent investigation disclosed the labor amounted to $11.00 which is the amount to be appropriated. The motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and unani- ' mously approved. DEPUTY CORONER REPORT - t?n.a? - An invoice was received from Mr. Starr MacMillan for services in making an in- vestigation of four homicides at $15.00 each. County Auditor T. D. Love reports that the appropriation for payina a Deputy Coroner has been exhausted. After considering the pro- blem, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the statement be approved by the Coroner before payment and that the Coroner be requested to supply an explanation for the unusualnumber of times it has been necessary to use an assistant. It was the understanding at Budget time that if the appropriated funds were used, any future cost would be deducted from the Coroners' Salary Account. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ADVERTISING - NORTH CAROLINA SUPPLEMENT The Chairman reminded the Board that he had requested the Executive Secretary to call each memberfor approval to enter a joint agreement with the City, Chamber of Com- merce and the Committee of 100 on inserting an advertisement in the North Carolina Spring Vacation .Supplement of the New York Times at a cost not to exceed $200.00 to the County. He requests that Lhe Board now ratify this agreement "nunc pro tunc'". Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County enter into such an agreement on a pno rata basis and that the funds be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to pay the County's share. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary reported that on December 19, 1960 approval was given for the sale of a jointly owned lot in which F. C. Sadgwar owned a third interest in the amount of $360.00 which was the valuation placed on it by the Property Assessors. The prospective buyer refused to purchase on that basis and requested a reappraisal by the Assessors. Messrs. McGirt and Blake made another investigation and have revised the val- uation to $300.00. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unani- mously approved the sale at the reduced figure of $300.00, subject to the approval of the City Council. -A r 646 Minutes of the Meeting February 6, 1961 Continued FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - The Executive Secretary reported that he had a request for approval for sale of a jointly owned tax foreclosed lot # 3 in Block 300 which has been inspected and appraised by the County Property Assessors at $1,000. The lot is 66' by 150' fronting on Dickinson Street. They advise that if we sell 33t by 150' we can divide the appraisal of $1,000 in half and sell it for $500. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved this sale, subject to approval of the City Council. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY - / The Executive Secretary reported that some of the employees were inquiring ? about February 22nd as a legal holiday. He has examined the records and finds that it has been customary in past years to allow this holiday.for County employees. Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that it be approved for this year. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. CONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL COMN!ITTEE - The Chairman informed the Board tfiat he had received a letter from Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Chairman of the New Hanover 8ounty Centennial Committee requesting the Board members to attend a meeting of the enlarged committee on Thursday night, February 9th in ? the Conference Room of the new Carolina Savings and Loan Association building at 7:45 P.N. The purpose of this meeting is to formulate plans for participation in the Centennial CeTLebration to be commemorated in the next four years. The State Department of Archives and History have designated Fort Fisher as the most important North Carolina site and have plans for the restoration and the development of a Museum to house the artifacts and relics. He urged all the members to attend this important meeting if possible. WILMINGTON COLLEGE - County Auditor T. D. Love announced that he had $3,750.00 interest accrued to ? Wilmington College Funds which should be appropriated as agreed. Mr. Metts offered a ?)r,S„vwQ. motion that $3,750.00 be appropriated from the Interest Account Fund to Wilmington Col- / lege Building Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. SCHOOLS - INSURANCE ' Mr. Love reported that he had received $5,425•46 from the insurance companies as a result of School building damage of Hurricane Donna. This money should be allocated ? to Schools-Repairs and Maintenanee. Mr. Metts offered a motion that $5,425.46 be appro- priated to Schools-Repairs 8 Maintenance Account to reimburse them for the money they had already spent. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. AUDITOR SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT County Auditor T. D. Love submitted his semi-annual report for the fiscal year 1960-61 showing that 61% of the estimated revenue has been received for a total of $2,663,188.74. Expenditures for the first six months amounts to 1}4% of the appropria- tions which indicates that spending by the various departments is well in line with the Budget. LISTING - *-P"" / County Auditor Love reports that business concerns have noticeably cut down that intangibles show a downward trend. MOSQUITO COTdTROL PROGRP.M tax listing is good for this year but that on their inventories. He likewise reports The Chairman reported that he had received information from the State Board of Health governing State Aid to Mosquito Controlled Districts or other local governmental units. He is of the opinion that if the County dragline is controlled by the Consolidated Board of Health and used in Mosquito Controlled Undertakings, the maximum State Aid avai]- able is $15,000.00. The local Consolidated Board of Health is now receiving $6,000.00 from this fund. If the dragline is used for drainage of mosquito breedi_ng areas, the State will ailow a rental rate of $10.00 per hour provided it is operated on-approved F9os- quito Controlled Projects. He expressed the opinion it might be advisabie for the County to enterw??l8 an arrangement with the Consolidated Board of Health for use ofthe drag- line whic accom.plish two purposes. First, it will drain many of the mosquito breeding areas which has always been a prime purpose for its use even though the agricultural angle was stressed in order to justify the use of the Soil Conservation Engineer in making sur- veys and supply cutsheets. Second, it will eliminate the appropriation by the County for the Drainage and Erosion and collect in lieu thereof approximately $9,000.00 in additional State Revenue if used. He requested the Board to express themselves before he conferred with t,he Consolidated Board of Health on the matter. The Board expressed a fauorable opin- ion of this proposition but no final action was taken. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - The Chairman announced that he had been notified by Dr. Albert Coates that the ?school for County Commissioners was scheduled for March 29, 30 and 31. He suggested that ()oy?n?vW4101"'?any member of the Board who could attend this school would be well paid for their time if they would consider it between now and the next meeting. The Executive 'Secr.etary was instructed to put it on the Agenda for the next meeting. / GRAND JURY REPORT - ? The report submitted by the Grand Jury to Judge Malcolm C. Paul, presiding at the January 16th Criminal Court was reviewed. The only suggestion was a need for a sink, sterilizer, and storage cabinet for the hospital section of the County Home. The matter was referred to Commissioner Braak, who is the County Home Committee. He reported that they had more trouble with the boilers during this last cold spell and consideration was• being given about recommending conversion to automatic oil firing for maybe gas or elec- tric unit heaters. PUBLIC ROAD HEARING - Notice was received from the State Highway Commission that a Public Hearing V(,CfLy"' would be held at the Division Office between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 P. M. on Tuesday, February 14, 1961 inviting the Commissioners to present any road matters they might have in mind for consideration. , 64`c1 Minutes of the Meeting February 6, 1961 Continued REPORTS - tion. The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- 1- Invitation from New Hanover County Jailor, Joe E. Johnson, inviting the Com- missioners to dinner following their meeting.on February 20th. The dinner will be served in the private dining room of the Jailor's quarters at 1:00 P. M. This is being arranoed for the benefit of the members of the Board who have not seen the Jail nor met Mrs. Johnson. 2- U. S. Army Enginners Amended Notice of Report on Beach Erosion Control and Hurrican Protection Measures. . . .• 3- Notice of the invitation to attend the 15th Annual SENCBA Banquet to be held at the Cape Fear County Club, February 17th 6:30 P. M. 4- Pubiic Welfare Quarterly Report for October, November, December 19:60. ?- 5- County Farm Agent's Extension Report for January 1961. 6- Wilmington Puhlic Library Report for January 1961. , r-- ? PETIT JURY - / The following good and'lawful citi2ens were selected to serve as Jurors In Super- jA,?41 ior Court in the trial of Criminal cases for the week beginning March 6th, In ttie trial of 4' Civil cases for the wee}s beginning March 13th and Narch 20th, 1961: Jurors for the week beqinninq March 6, 1961 - Crim'inal dasds A. F. Capps 256 Greenville St. G. G. Murray RFD 3, Box 458 City J. E. Crews 312 Queen St. Adam Sondy RFD 1, Castle Hayne W. M. Hicks 124 Spofford R. J. Roberts 922 South 2nd St. W. K. Baker 2848 F. Adams St. Wm. S. Slater 21 N. Lake Village W. R. Glenn 4105 Franklin Clifton B. 1416 5. 4th St. J. A. Futch RFD 2, Box 220 Gordon H. Ellis 105 Stradleigh Road Curry S. Shaw 108 Gordon Road A. B. Grimsley 2515 Jefferson St. B. F. Melton, Jr. 212 Greenfield Julian D. Kelly 124Z Forest Hills Dr. R. F. Ambrose 4402 1Jrightsville Ave. Wm. C. Parker 127 Mercer Ave. Leo G. Vereen 61 West Drive Jack Perkins 801 Central Blvd. K. C. Clark 2213 Chestnut J. Earl Sneeden 2048 Metts Ave. C. B. Kornegay 522 Dock St. Hubert Grizzle RFD 1, Box 273, Castle Hayne C. B. Roberts •5107 Wrightsville Ave. Ernest L. Clark 57 Woodlawn Daniel H. Penton, Jr.Box 426, City Edward E. Biggs 19 Woodlawn Ave. Charle s Ruark Sr. RFD #2, Box 9 __•James N. Sidbury 13 K Lake Village J. S. Caison RFD #1, Box 299 Otis C. Powell 210 Calhoun Drive R. T. Presson 2011 Wooicott Ave. M. T. Ridaught P. O. Box 138, Carolina Beach E. L. Baggett P. 0. Box 198 Carolina James W. Buie 51 Pinecrest Pkwy. H. W. Williams 514 Park TerraceBeach Howard Johnson 2913 C Adams St. George W. Melton, Jr.RFD 2, Box 161 Leslie E. Shipman 2110 Cedar St. Charle s W. Garrett 106 Newton Lane Albert E. Baker Wrightsville Beach N. C. Willia m Patrick 109 Colonial Circle Johnson Wm. Turner 2702 Chestnut St. Carl D . Bender Jr. RFD 2, Box 404 B. William E. Luck 1325 Live 0ak Pkwy. Wm. J. Brooks 4713 Long Leaf Hills Drive Nortimer S. Neblett 1223.:Countiry Club Rd. M.R: Davenport . 2531 Washington St. Thurston I. Watkins Jr. 403 S. 18th St. Jurors for the week beqinnina March 13, 1961 - Civil cases A. L. Tatum 13 Y Lake Village C. W. Sneed P.O. Box $64 Carolina h W. H. Shew !}208 Oleander ?gac A. F. Capps Jr. 256 Greenville Ave. Jewell Jackson 519 S. Front St. Glasgow Hicks Jr. P.O. Box 1195 Narion Adams 10 N. Lake Village F. L. Gore 4513 Oleander Dr. S. J. Davis 2820 Adams 5t. W. T. Miars 2516 Monroe St. Benjamin R. King 2919 Harvard Drive L. M. DuRant 180$ Ann Street Claude Finberg 5050 'Wrightsville Earl Brock RFD 2, Box 80 J. E. Olsen P. O. Box 993 W. W. Walker 5059 Wrightsvflle Ave. Howard J. Reid 33 T errace Walk W. J. Newell Jr. 125 Bagley Ave. J. H. Straughn 5057 Wrightsville Ave. Charles R. Glisson 2922 Princess Place Dr Richard N. Thompson 517 Orange St. Dawson T. Atkineon 3901 Cherry Ave. William E. Smith 22 D avie Drive Donald Schuyler 2751 Hydrangea Place Carl Frederick Scha nk Ku re Beach, N.C. J. B. English 200 Maryland Ave. Lloyd C. Flennellin 1505 E. Plaza Dr. C. M. Puckett 357 Lumberton St. Albert A. Keels 704 Country Club Road Edward P. Mohr RFD # 3, Box 601 Charlie Ward 13 N. Lake V31:3age Frank W. Harrell 112 Graham St. Henry W. Lewis 816 S. Front St. Herbert M. Hinson 2 Hudson Drive John F. Walker 2803 Market St. Alfred Francis 2017 Creasy Ave. Aibert Axler 909 N. 4th St. H. W. Pinner 2209 Klein Rd. William Clark P.O. Box 53, Castle Hayne Maurice Guyton 1414 Virginia Ave. John B. Parker 1502 S. 3rd St. Lloyd F. Williams 5039 Oleander Dr. Phillip Moore 122 Godwin Lane Oliver R. Davis Jr. General Delivery John E. Hansley RF? 2, Box 237 Robert: M. Moore 214 N. 44th St. Claude W. Miller 234 Giles Ave.. Wi113am Spellman RFD 1, Box 57 Belvery Shepard RFD 1, Box 271 Charles Rober James 318 S. lbth St. .lurors- Continued 'A , . c Y? Minutes of the Meeting reb'ri1'aiy20, 1961 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq March 20, 1961 - Civ31 cases J. H. Capps ? A. L. Rooks C. I. Tatum Sam H. Hill John F. Galog L. H. Hickman John H. Covil W. Hugh Calhoun L. L. Newell E. P. Mattox G. T. Hardwick Jordan A. Sloan Irving B. Woodard Marion Verzaal M. F. Townsend H. E. Rogers G. H. Roberts Luther T. Buchanan Thomas E. West James W. Montieth Kenneth M. Starrett Charlie Bridman tdilson T. Harrelson Joseph Horton Cherry Mark K. Weaver 3632 South Front St. J. C. Brigrpa-n 223 S. 17th St. B. G. Rivenbark 219 Dixie Ave. Robert Gravett 1715.Ann St. L. Leon Chadwick RFD 1, Box 113 Sidney L. Batson 410 North 5th St. R. W. Cantwell RFD 1, Box 155 Lonnie McKever 103 Central Blvd. J. O, Flowers 20 gK?aaer??te Beach son Hendrick Swar}, 18 W. Lake Shore Dr, Roy D. Johnson P. O. Box 752 A. L. Henderson 105 5pofford R. A. Phillips 4204 Niarket St. Gilbert Savage RFD 1, Box 427 A Wm. D. OTSteen 221 Forest Road W. D. Blizzard 4903 Oleander Dr. Steeve Sneeden Jr. 234 Pages Ave. Charles Crosby 5215 Wrightsville Ave. Eugene Laycock P. 0. Box 61 htsv. BeachE. C. Bullard ? ?? 4215 Nlarke . Charies B. Tempie 102 A. Williamson Dr. William D. Clewis 309 North 4th St, Bert W. Blake 7 Jackson Drive Luther J. Lanier Box 315, Carolina Beach Norman E. Tyson 103 Sumter Drive 2809 Washington St. 1413 S. 3rd St. 557 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD # 2, Box 393 2716 Oleander Dr. RFD 1, Box 284, Castle 1604 Orange St. %General Delivery P. o. Box 838 224 Dav i e Dr 3 ve RFD #3, Box 206 108 Northern Blvd. RFD 1, Box 158, Castle 2905 Jefferson St. RFD 3, Box 403 4925 Oleander Drive 1410 Nun St. RFD 1, Box 231 A 88 Pinecrest Pkwy. RFD 1, Box 130 A. 2". Davie Drive 2532 South Front St. 2615 Lake Shore Dr. 310 S. Wallace Ave. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting,,adjourned. IN CALL TO ORDER - . The Board of New Hanover monthly session at the County Court meeting: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., R. Mayhan, and John Uan B. Metts, tor T. D. Love. Hayne Hayne /. . ,..., .? W. G./Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Febraary 20, 1961 County Commissioners met today at 9:00 in regular semi- House. The followiny members were present for the Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest r. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Audi- INUOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Reverend E.. E. Kirt.on:, ..Pastos:of. St. Mark's -Episcopa4 Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the all Commissioners, were upon approved as written. meeting held onFebrua.ry bth, copies of which had been sent to motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously / ROAD PETITION - Nrs. Ray V. Williams presented a petition requesting the State Highway Commission to open up and construct a road in Harnett Township between Pine Valley Estates on Shipyard Boulevard connecting Pine Valley Drive with Oleander Drive at the Hanover Shopping Center or the new Azalea Plaza Shopping Center now under construction. Mr. Hugh MacRaeII, who owns the property over which the road would pass, submitted a.right- of-way agreement and a map for use by the State Highway Commission in locating the roadbed. After a discussion with Mr. MacRae who was present, it developed that this plan was a part of the Oleander Company?s master plan for all of the property in that area and is a compon- ent part of improvements for thoroughfare plans '??.?,y;;p?•;?=.,;,a,,;.,,,, ?!„e??_: ?.,of the State Highway Commission. Nr. Braak then offered a motion that this request be sent to the State Highway Commission. It was seconded by Mr. BroadYiurst and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? DRAINAGE REQUEST ` Mr. Hugh MacRae II explained that the property owners and the Oleander Company had just completed resurfacing Hawthorne Road and the State Highway Commission had accepted it for maintenance into the Secondary Road System. He reminded the Board of an agreement on_a policy for subdivision drainage ditches to be maintained by the County after they"were properly developed by competent engineers. This policy was established at the meeting on April 13th, 1959 in which the Board of County Commissioners agreed to accept such drainage ditches or canals for maintenance provided the original engineering was properly done but that they would not correct canals and ditches improperly engineered until after they had been graded to proper levels to drain the property satisfactorily. The Hawthorne Road sect- ion has been in question for some time and it was agreed that all future developments re- quiring County drainage must provide sketches 'showing the outlets, with grades and levels established by a competent surveyor. Mr. MacRae submitted a letter from Henry Von Oesen and Associates stating that the underground pipe lines and culverts from Hawthorne Road empty into County ditches. The pipes are of sufficient si2e to properly serve the road drainage system. He states, however, that the ends of the pipes which empty into County Continued- A