1961-02-20 Regular Meeting, . c Y? Minutes of the Meeting reb'ri1'aiy20, 1961 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq March 20, 1961 - Civ31 cases J. H. Capps ? A. L. Rooks C. I. Tatum Sam H. Hill John F. Galog L. H. Hickman John H. Covil W. Hugh Calhoun L. L. Newell E. P. Mattox G. T. Hardwick Jordan A. Sloan Irving B. Woodard Marion Verzaal M. F. Townsend H. E. Rogers G. H. Roberts Luther T. Buchanan Thomas E. West James W. Montieth Kenneth M. Starrett Charlie Bridman tdilson T. Harrelson Joseph Horton Cherry Mark K. Weaver 3632 South Front St. J. C. Brigrpa-n 223 S. 17th St. B. G. Rivenbark 219 Dixie Ave. Robert Gravett 1715.Ann St. L. Leon Chadwick RFD 1, Box 113 Sidney L. Batson 410 North 5th St. R. W. Cantwell RFD 1, Box 155 Lonnie McKever 103 Central Blvd. J. O, Flowers 20 gK?aaer??te Beach son Hendrick Swar}, 18 W. Lake Shore Dr, Roy D. Johnson P. O. Box 752 A. L. Henderson 105 5pofford R. A. Phillips 4204 Niarket St. Gilbert Savage RFD 1, Box 427 A Wm. D. OTSteen 221 Forest Road W. D. Blizzard 4903 Oleander Dr. Steeve Sneeden Jr. 234 Pages Ave. Charles Crosby 5215 Wrightsville Ave. Eugene Laycock P. 0. Box 61 htsv. BeachE. C. Bullard ? ?? 4215 Nlarke . Charies B. Tempie 102 A. Williamson Dr. William D. Clewis 309 North 4th St, Bert W. Blake 7 Jackson Drive Luther J. Lanier Box 315, Carolina Beach Norman E. Tyson 103 Sumter Drive 2809 Washington St. 1413 S. 3rd St. 557 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD # 2, Box 393 2716 Oleander Dr. RFD 1, Box 284, Castle 1604 Orange St. %General Delivery P. o. Box 838 224 Dav i e Dr 3 ve RFD #3, Box 206 108 Northern Blvd. RFD 1, Box 158, Castle 2905 Jefferson St. RFD 3, Box 403 4925 Oleander Drive 1410 Nun St. RFD 1, Box 231 A 88 Pinecrest Pkwy. RFD 1, Box 130 A. 2". Davie Drive 2532 South Front St. 2615 Lake Shore Dr. 310 S. Wallace Ave. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting,,adjourned. IN CALL TO ORDER - . The Board of New Hanover monthly session at the County Court meeting: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., R. Mayhan, and John Uan B. Metts, tor T. D. Love. Hayne Hayne /. . ,..., .? W. G./Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. Febraary 20, 1961 County Commissioners met today at 9:00 in regular semi- House. The followiny members were present for the Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest r. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery and County Audi- INUOCATION - The invocation for the meeting was given by Reverend E.. E. Kirt.on:, ..Pastos:of. St. Mark's -Episcopa4 Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the all Commissioners, were upon approved as written. meeting held onFebrua.ry bth, copies of which had been sent to motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously / ROAD PETITION - Nrs. Ray V. Williams presented a petition requesting the State Highway Commission to open up and construct a road in Harnett Township between Pine Valley Estates on Shipyard Boulevard connecting Pine Valley Drive with Oleander Drive at the Hanover Shopping Center or the new Azalea Plaza Shopping Center now under construction. Mr. Hugh MacRaeII, who owns the property over which the road would pass, submitted a.right- of-way agreement and a map for use by the State Highway Commission in locating the roadbed. After a discussion with Mr. MacRae who was present, it developed that this plan was a part of the Oleander Company?s master plan for all of the property in that area and is a compon- ent part of improvements for thoroughfare plans '??.?,y;;p?•;?=.,;,a,,;.,,,, ?!„e??_: ?.,of the State Highway Commission. Nr. Braak then offered a motion that this request be sent to the State Highway Commission. It was seconded by Mr. BroadYiurst and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? DRAINAGE REQUEST ` Mr. Hugh MacRae II explained that the property owners and the Oleander Company had just completed resurfacing Hawthorne Road and the State Highway Commission had accepted it for maintenance into the Secondary Road System. He reminded the Board of an agreement on_a policy for subdivision drainage ditches to be maintained by the County after they"were properly developed by competent engineers. This policy was established at the meeting on April 13th, 1959 in which the Board of County Commissioners agreed to accept such drainage ditches or canals for maintenance provided the original engineering was properly done but that they would not correct canals and ditches improperly engineered until after they had been graded to proper levels to drain the property satisfactorily. The Hawthorne Road sect- ion has been in question for some time and it was agreed that all future developments re- quiring County drainage must provide sketches 'showing the outlets, with grades and levels established by a competent surveyor. Mr. MacRae submitted a letter from Henry Von Oesen and Associates stating that the underground pipe lines and culverts from Hawthorne Road empty into County ditches. The pipes are of sufficient si2e to properly serve the road drainage system. He states, however, that the ends of the pipes which empty into County Continued- A 649\ Minutes of the Meeting February 20, 1961 Continued DRAINAGE REQUEST - (Continued) ditches are half filled with mud, sand and silt because they have not been clean- ed out or maintained on a regular basis. This condition applies to both the north and south prongs of Jumping Run Branch which empty into Clay Bottom Branch which leads to Green- field Lake. Sy common consent, the Board authorized and directed the Executive Secretary to issue a vrork order to the County Ditching Supervisor for investigation and correction of any County ditches that are obstructing proper drainage in that area. AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTA'I'ION - Pursvant to the action taken at the meeting on February O5th with reference to a request by Mr. Louis W. Latham for office space at the New Hanover County Airport to service credit cards of the Avis Rent-A-Car Corporation, the County Attorney reported the following: He has studied the contract agreement made and entered into by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 8th day of September with the Hertz Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorpora- ted, stipulating the reasons set forth. If the services are not satisfactory, either party may terminate the agreement by giving the other party 30 days written notice of cancellation. So far, as he understands the situation,there have been no reports of unsatisfactory service, therefore no justification for breaking the agreement is apparent. The Chairman explained that at the time the contract was enteredinto,the Hertz Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorporated contemplated an expenditure of $35;000 to $40,000 dollars investment in equipment to return a proper service, and so far as he kntw no i_nstance of unsatisfactory services had been report-," ? ed. Mr. Latham remarked that until recently no night service had been rendered at all but that $0% of the flights were at night. He has confirmed this by Airline employees. After discussing the prots and con's of this question, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the matter be referred to Lhe Airport Committee for\a definite rccommendation at the next regular meet- ing. It was s¢conded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy adopted. AZALEA OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT - The Chairman informed the Board tic Association for the same assistance as of $450.00 prize money, 2- Provide County up afterwards 3- To furnish deputies for duct. The Board unanimously approved this ..Ec.c?-' that he had been requested by the Wiimington Athle-` was given last year to the pro,ject. 1- A donation forces to erect and remove the bleachers and clean guarding against trespassers and disorderly con- request by common consent. FLIGHT CLEARANCE EASEMENTS - The Federal Aviation Agency requested the renewing of Flight Clearance Easements for the New Hanover County Airport. It was necessary to employ experienced council for ad- vice in the acquisition cost of the easements. An invoice was received from R. C. Cantwell '?. Realty Company in the amount of $300.00 for their professional services. After considering the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a moti.on that $300.00 be approprfated from the'General Emergency Fund to the Airport-Fiiaht Clearance Easements and thaL this invoice be paid out of the Airport Funds and that when the reimbursement of one-half of this cost is received from the Federal Aviation Agency, it is to be reappropriatcd to reimburse the Airport Fund. I't was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approvcd. NC TRAVEL COUNCIL - The Executive Secretary explained to the Board that they had authori2ed him to approve an expenditure of $300.00 toward a display from New Hanover County to the 1961 Ohio Valley All Sport Vacatlon and Travel Show to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio on March 4th-12th, 1961. At this point, the (.'ounty Auditor reminded the Board that this sort of expenditure would be classed as Advertising and that their authori2ed Advertising Fund has been exhaust- ed and it would be illegal to appropriate additional funds. A di'scussion of this problem by th¢ Board led to the conclusion that as New Hanover County was in competition with sur- rounding counties bidding for the tourist business, an additional advertising appropriation h,,W,,C ? would be ,justified. By unanimous consent, the Board agreed to delay action on this mat- ._:.,.X? ter until our next meeting and authorized the Executive Se-cretary to arrange conference with_ Robert E. Calder, Representative to the General Assembly from New Hanover County and request him to introduce legislation that would permit the spending of addit3onal monics for Lhis pur- pose. C & D MOBILIZATION - I A statement was received from the City of Wilmington cov¢ring one-half the cost ?•? l of operation for C& D Mobflization from July 1, 1960 through January 24th, 1961 amounting to $2,162.47. After reviewing the itemized statement,the Board unanimously authorized pay- aa=nr.r.-•-?-- ment upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts. ABC RADIO Mr. Peter H. Braak related to the Board a dangerous experience which he'ihad wit- nessed on the highway by members of the ABC Board in attempting to apprehend a law violater. He is of the opinion that a two-way radio communication system should be installed in the ABC cars in order to keep them in touch with other law enforcement units which would allow them to call ahead to other cars in the area and have the alleged offenders cut off by a roadblock. After discussing the merits of this system, it was the unanimous conclusion of the Board, by common consent, that this matter should be deferred until the next meeting of the composite Board at which time it could discussed and recommendations made. REFUSE DISPOSAL - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mr. E. P. Blanchard requested him to ask the Board to consider reducing the fees for use of the trash dump from $150.00 per ? . month for the large users to $125.00 and reduce the small users' fee from $50.00 to $35.00 y4z'o per month. He is of the opinion that the one commercial hauler not using the scrvice would participate, thus increasing the income from $200.00 to $285.00 per month. This matter was referred to Mr. Braak for future recormnendation. J. P. BOND - The minutes of December 19, 1960, indicates that a Bond Modinos, however, when it was examined by the Superior Court Clerk in proper order and had to be returned to the agent for correction. sented and approved with the understanding that the principal would and not the County. was approved for Mr. N. H. f3,,,9 ? for proba:Ue, it was not A correct bond was pre- pay the premium, th¢reon, ? F'(ir'-) Minutes of the Meeting February 20, 1961 Continued HOSPITAL COSTS - The Chairman read a letter from the Director of James Walker Memorial Hospital explaining that a recent audit analysis revealed that the per cap3ta per diem cost showed a steady rise from $17.39 in 1956 to $23.49 in 1960. He feels that it is not unreasonable to bill future County patients on the basis of $23.49 per day beginning February 1, 1961. After considering the matter, the Chairman rcferred it to a committee consisting of M¢ssrs. P. H. Braak, E. R. Mayhan and County Auditor Love for the purpose of checking into the matter and negotiating with the hospital and reporting back to the Board at their next meet- ing on March 6th. ? PETITION FOR RELIEF The Department of public Welfare, through its Superintendent, presented a petit- ? ion for admittance to the County Home of Mrs. Trudy Leola Shepard for care as she has had surgery on her.right leg and is in a cast. She is unabie to turn herself or get.up and down without help, but is abie to sit up in a wheel chair for part of the day. Thc family income is $147.00 per month, OASI benefits. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, the application was approved with the understanding that Mr. Braak would discuss the financial arrangement with the Welfare Board and make a recomm¢ndation for thc amount that should be charged for her care. (Mr. Braak called and reported that the Welfare Board recom- mended $7$.00 per month on this case.) This admission is on a temporary basis. ? AIRPORT INSURANCE - •-? Pursuant to instructions on January 3rd, the Executive Secretary reported that he had received some replies from adjacent airports in North Carolina with reference to Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance earried by them, The Chairman suggested that this re- quires speciai technical knowledge and he appointed Mr. Metts and County Attorney Tillery as a committee to study the matter and bring in a recommendation for Bluethenthal Field. DRAINAGE PROBLEM pn-cwr?W?-? Civil Engineer Howard M. Loughlin reported to the Board that he was an engineer for a new subdivision known as Tanglewood down in Masonboro Township. It has been necessary for them to dig canals and ditches to drain the property which will materially increase the taxable valuations in the County and their ditches empty into Jumping Run Branch which car- ries it into Whiskey Creek, both of which canals are County maintained. They need cleaning out badly as they have been filled in with sand and debris which backs the water up into the new subdivision development. He says it will require dragline equipment as it can not be done by hand. By unanimous. common consent of the Board, they agreed to take it under advise- ment and consider it at the next Budget discussion. COUNTY BUILDING - RENTAL OR SALE A letter was received from the C. E. White Lumber Company, Incorporated express- ing an interest in a County owned building next to the West Coast Lumber Company on the ? F, CasLle Hayne Road which has been occupied by the State Highway Commission. The Chairman said that he had be¢n contacted by another prospective occupant who expressed a willingness to either rent or purchase and offered a hundred dollars per month. After considering the matter, the Executive 52cretary was instructed to have it appraised by the County Property Assessors in order to establish a valuation on which to base the rental or sale price. (The Property Assessors, after searching the records, are unable to establish a deed on record providing the meets and bounds of this property and recommended to the Chairman that a new survey be made to establish the property lines.) FOOD DISTRIBUTION - A letter was received from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture attach- ing a plan for the distribution of USDA Donated Commodities to Meedy People in family units. The program is being offered to each county, however, there are certain requirements such 0 as facilities and personnel which the County must supply. After considering this matter briefly, the Board, by common consent, referred the matter to Mr. Braak for discussion with the Welfare Department and he is to report his recommendations at a future date. SCHOOL FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- / Notice was received from the Institute of Government announcing a school for County Commissioners and County Accountants to be held March 29-31 to discuss problems which are facing counties at the present time. The Chairman urged any of the Board to go and authorized the Executive Secretary to make reservatinns. US 17 - Mr. Metts reported that he had attended a session of the US 17 Highway Develop- ment Improvement Association in New Bern, North Carolina on February 7th, 1961. The Assoc- iation plans for the improvement of US 17 and construction of a dual lane along its present / route to be completed before the opening of the Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel project. A letter from the ChairmanMr. R. C. O'Bryan, inyites the Commissioners to participate 4WO in the presentation of this master plan to the State Highway Commission. They urgently request al2 members representing each segment along the entire route to submit their respective plan of improvement in writing to the Secretary at the earliest possible date so that stress can be made on the local sections of the road. AIRPORT APPROPRIATION - Mr. T. D. Love, the County Auditor, report¢d that the Airport-Repairs to Building Fund had been overdrawn because Hurricane Donna damage to buildings had to be paid for. He said that $190.00 of the damage was covered by insurance and recommended that $190.00 be appropriated from the Unanticipated Funds of the insurance company and $1500.00 from the Emergency Fund to Airport-Repairs to Buildings. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this re- commendation be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered fil¢d for referenc¢: - 1- New Hanover County Airport Report of Disbursements and Income for the month of January 1961. 2- U50 Club Report for month of January 1961. ?n?'??V7 3- Wilmington Colored Library Report for January 1961 AD.IOURNNSENT - 1 . adjournment. UPon motion of h7r. Broadhurst, seconded bY Vr. Mayhan, the Boar una mouslvoted