1961-03-06 Regular Meeting/V Wilmington N. C. March 6, 1961 GALL TO ORDER - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held today at 9:00 A. M. in the County Courthouse. PRESENT were: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Netts, Jr.; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The meeting was opened with a prayer by Dr. W. D. Morris, Pastor of Temple Baptist Church. APPROVAL OF TtiE MINISTES - The minutes of the meeting of February 20th were unanimously approved upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, provided the "aside" under the paragraph North Carolina Travel Council was deleted. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Messrs. Hooper Johnson, Sr. and W. P. Troutman, representing the fraternal Loyal Order of Moose, informed the Board that they had purchased the Famous Club on February 17, 1961 to be used as an eleemosynary institution and requested abatement of the 1961 taxes. After conferring with the County Attorney, who ruled that it could not be legally done, they declined the request but informed them that the property c6uld properly be considered for tax exemption in 1962. _ CANCELLATION WELFARE LIEN Mr. Hooper Johnson, Sr. reported tothe Board that he had a sale for 10' x 130' of property described as part of Harris & Evans acreage on which the Welfare Department has a lien resulting from grants made to Matiida A. Klein. The Welfare Department has agreed to release their lien on this smail strip which will not affect the valuation of the remain- ing property. After discussing the matter, Mr. Metts off¢red a motion that the request be referred to the County Attorney with authority to act if he found the proposition was legal. IL was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. AIRPORT INSURANCE - Pursuant to discussion on January 3rd, Mr. Metts reported that he had receiVed the following list of premiums for various limits of liability for the Airport Insurance. Bodiiv In.iury $1oo/5o0,000. $ 920.00 100/1,000,000, 1,o36.00 - Property Damage $1,000,000. $ 836.00 r?.15 1. Ts?- '-?- J I ? He recommends that the limits of liability be increased to Bodi'ly In,jury to $ 100/1,000,000 and Property Damage to $1,000,000 and offered a motion to that effect and that sufficient funds be appropriated from the Emergency Fund to cover the increased premium cost of $250.00. It was seconded by Mr. Braak but before the question was called, Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that this increase in insurance not become effective before July lst, at which time it could be given consideretion in the new Budget. There was no second to this substitute motion arid the Chairman declared it dead. After some discussion the vote was called on the original motion and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but as the other Commissioners voted "YES", the Chairman ruled the original motion prevailed. BOILER INSURANCE - ?" County Auditor Love presentzd invoices from H. G. Latimer & Son in the amount of ?`?O $38.1F1a. for adding the Airport generators and $161.10 for an inclosed endorsement to existing ? i policies but since there was no endorsement attached, the Executive Secretary was instructed a?vh'`''x to ascertain the reason and report back at the next regular meeting. . ROAD PETITION - . ? z A petition was received from a group of citizens agreeing to furnish a right-of-= way for the improvement of Tin Top Road and requesting that it be added to the State maintain-? ? ed Secondary Road System. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Execu- tive Secretary was ordered to send it to the State Highway Commission for their consideration and approval. COMi ITY HOSPITAL - , Mr. A1 E. Gibeon, Chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee of Community Hospital, explained to the Board that an emergency had arisen in the breakdown of their dressing sterilizer and x-ray developing tank and they were forced to replace them immediate- ly at a cost of $4,680.00. The Board of Directors have authorized him to seek replacement funds for they had absorbed the money that was set aside for repairs. They have secured bids for the repairs which they consider essential at the present time to preserve the buildings. County Auditor Love, after examining the records, reported that if the Board would approve the transfer of $1821.95 from Community Hospital Plant-Repairs to Buildings to Community Hosp- ital-Capital Outlay, both jobs could be met without an additional appropriation at this time. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the matter be referred to Mr. Metts for his investigation and recom- mendation to be made at the next meeting. There was no second to this motion and the Chair- man ruled it dead. After some further discussion, Mr. Braak moved that the Board approve the transfer of $1821.95 from Maintenance of Plant to Capital Outlay. This motion was second- ed by Mr. Mayhan and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however the others voted "YES" and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. DRAINAGE - ? Reverend W. V. Randolph presented the Board of Directors for the Advent Christian Church Conference Grounds, which they propose to construct on the property now owned near Ogden at Middle Sound. They explained that in 1959 they had petitioned the Board of Commiss- ioners for draining the project with a dragline. When,the Drainage Supervisor went with the engineer to lay out the direction of the canal, they discovered that two of the property own- ers had not signed the petition and refused to let them go through. Although the petition had been approved and recommended by the County Drainage Committee, it was returned to Reverend continued- If"5 2 ---- . .._ .... .... ,? .... , . , Minutes of the Meeting March 6th, 1961 DRAINAGE - (continued) Randolph with instructions to secure the approval of property owners. Before he could complete this petition, the use of the draglinc was discontinued. They are planning to use this camp grounds during the coming summer and requested the Commissioners to give their probiem every consideration. The Chairman explained to them that some plans were now in the making for reactivating the dragline under the supervision of the Consolidated Board of Health, and that from the description of the sitvation, he was convinced that it could be justified .on the basis of the eliminafion of mosquito breeding places. He assured them that every consideration would be given to granting their request as soon as the details were worked out with the State Board of Health. He instructed the Executive Secretary to amend the petition to read that it be directed to the Consolidated Board of Health instead of to the Board of ?ounty Commissioners, and to ascertain from the Drainage Committee if they would be willing to continue to function as a Committee under the Board of Health in- stead of the County Commissioners. AVIATION ADVISORY CAPM'IITTEE - A lett¢r was received from the manager of the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority / calling attention to the recent recommendation for the establishment of a Division of Avia- ?? tion within the State Department of Conservation and Development. Although no tax on aviation c+v?'?;? '--gasoline or aviation properties has yet been proposed, they warned that past experienee in- dicated that any new agency tended to grow and bloom into a beaureacracy which rtquired addi- tinnal taxes to nourish it. They requested that the matter be reported to our Representa- tive with a recommendation that he watch any legislation along this line very carefully and to move rapidly in opposition to it if it should develop. By common consent, the Board unan- mously agreed that they were opposed to the establishment of a State Aeronautics Authority or any unecessary governmental bureaus. BEER LICENSE PERMITS - Upon motion of the following appiication gation and consideration: Festus Henry Herring Bruno J. Marino, Jr. Mabel Spann Mr. s foi T/A T/A T/A Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved B¢er Permits and referred them to the Sheriff for his investi- F. H. Herring Texaco Service Station Castle Hayne Rd. Pine Valley Country Club Wilmington, N.C J. M. Delicatessen 1005 N. 4th St., City ? BEACH EROSION CONTROL - The Chairman advised the Board that a letter had been received from the U.S. Corps of Engineers advising that their study concludes that the most practicable plan of improve- ment for the 25,800 feet of shore from the northern limits of Carolina Beach to the southern limits of Kure Beach is the construction of: a dune with a base generally at or near the building line, with a crown width of 25 feet, and constructed to an elevation of 15 feet above mean low water; a beach berm, to be constructed integrally with the dune, to have a top width of 50 feet and a top elevation of 12 feet above mean low water; the berm to be main- tained by periodic nourishment as required; and a feeder beach consisting of 175,000 cubic yards of material to be placed riorth of Carolina Beach and that the present initlal cost for I the local interest part on Plan C is estimated to be $278,700 and annual costs thereafter ? for beach nourishment and maintenance is estimated at $33,180; both of these estimates are subject to adjustment based on conditions at the time of construction. The Chairman stress- ed the importance of this pro,ject to the County as being a case of allowing the flooding from ocean surges to eventually wipe out the northern end of Carolina Beach or take some stcps to slow down the xave impact-damages to shore front property and in his opinion th?s plan will add in stabilizinc the beaches. He recormnended to the Board that each of t?ig? the communication from the Corps of Engineers so that they would be familiar with it for discuss- / ion at the next regular meeting on March 20th. , ? HOSPITAL COSTS - Pursuant to the appointment of a committee to study the request`vf James Walker ? Membrial Hospital for increasing their per diem costs for indigent patients from their pre- sent rate to $23.40 beginning February 1, 1961, Mr. Mayhan reported that the committee had investigated hospital costs for surrounding areas in southeastern North Carolina and found the average was $21.44 per diem. They met with the officials of James Walker Memorial Hospital and had agreed to pay $19.00 per diem for New Hanover County indigent patients with the understanding that it could be adjusted after July 1, 1961. After discussing the matter, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the Board approve the recommendation of the Com- mittee and grant payment of $19.00 per diem per patient, sub,Ject to review on July lst, 1961. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. / GRAND JURY REPORT - The Chairman read to the Board the Grand Jury Report for the February term of Criminal Court to Malcolm C. Paul, Judge Presiding. As the inspection of the County Home had resulted in s¢veral recommendations, he urged each to make his own study of.the matter, not as a committee, but in order to make up his own mind and recommendation at the next regu- lar meeting. He instructed the Executive Secretary to arrange a mceting between the Grand Jury and the Commission¢rs at their first regular meeting in April or as soon thereafter as. convenient in order to resolve the listed items. ? AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION The Airport Committee reported that it had made a further study of the contract _ cntered into by the County with the Hertz-Drive-Ur-Self System, Incorporated and the County Attorney advised that there is no question but that the County has a right to enter into a contract and that since this contract was entered into in good faith and no 3ustifiable breach has been reported he feels that it should be left as is. The Chairman explained that the length of the contract was ,justified on the basis of the spending of a considerable sum of money-- $35,000 to $40,000 for new equipment. After considering the many angles, Mr. Metts moved that the report of the Airport Committee be accepted and the contract be kept in force as is since there is no record of any unsatisfactory service. It was seconded by by Mr. Braak and unattimously carried. The Chairman instructed th¢.Secretary to so notify Mr. Louis W. Latham, representative of the Avis Rent-A-Car Corporation of their decision. ? WELFARE MEETING - SURPLUS FOOD • Mr. Braak, a member of the Public Welfare Board announced that the annual meeting of the North Carolina Association of Public Welfare OfficiAls would be held in Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh on March 9th, 1961 at which time the distribution of food to needy families continued- ` ??+(y?? eA a? Minutes of the.Meeting March 6, 1961 Continued WELFARE MEETING - SURPLUS FOOD would be explained in detail. The Chairman urged any member who could possibly do so to attend the meeting called by the Commissioner of.Agriculture on March 8, 1961 in order to become acquainted with the program available to counties. By common consent, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. L. Y. Balientine, State Commiss?- ioner of Agriculture and inform him that at the present time the Board was undecided whether or iiot they would participate in the program. APPROPRIATION - SALINE WATER CONVERSION PROJECT The Chairman informed the Board that pursuant to their authorization on October 17th, 1960 he had instructed the County Auditor to issue a check to the State of North Caro- lina for $9,00.00 to cover the balance on the purchase of the land on which to construct the Saline Water Conversion Pilot Plant. He explained that the Industrial Development Fund had been depleted and it would be necessary to reimburse it and the Auditor presenLed the follow-Tf"`~ ' ing recommendation for the appropriation to the Industrial Development Fund: From Unanticivated Revenue State Beer-Wfne Sale Tax Foreclosure Property Interest on InvesLment State Veteran Service Office Refund Property Damage Justice of Peace Costs Gambling Funds Miscellaneous Refunds G¢neral Emergency $ 937.16 i,ioi.95 i,i87.5o 250.00 133.io 74.00 62.00 22.92 3,768.63 3z7.33 4,095.96 Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the above appropriation be made Mr. Metts and unanimously approved by the Board. It i,ras seconded by PETIT JURY - I The following good and lawful citizens were selected to scrve as Jurors in Superior Court for the week beginning April 10, 1961 Criminal term; and for the weeks April 17th and 24th in the trial of Civil cases: Jurors for week beainninq Anril 10,1961- Criminal J. E. Hearn, Jr. 107 S. Sth St. G. V. Parker 1103 N. Lumina Ave, B. E. Riggs 151 Colonial Circle W. K. :.King 517 Chestnut St. W. H. Whitc 607 S. 17th St. G. B. Futch RFD 1, Box 224 John Ruedi Pine Valle Co u? ?? Y H. P. Cooper 2850 . E. Adams W. C. Baker 418 S. 2nd St'. A. J. McGee 417 N. 5th St. Ni lo Wedge 410 N. C. Avenue L. W. Green 204 Borden Ave. C. W. Miller 109 Sebrebb Ave. W. R. Healey 26 T. Lake Village N. S. Patelos 829 N. l}th St. J. E. Benton 3806 Princess St. E. B. Porter 302 Marstellar A. F. Fincannon RFD 3, Box 184 G. T. qverette 2228 Mimosa Place C. C. Grissom 2234 Metts Ave. F. E. LivingSton 240 Princess St. D. Lo ewenstein 701 N. !}th St. H. O' Sullivan 220 N. C. Ave. Steph en A. Gideon $735 Park::Ave. Hyatt E. Braswell 14 C . Lake Uillage J. E. Crowell James G. Bryan O. H. Bishop W. H. Farmer Sr. D. D. Coleman E. E. Benton J. W. Weldon H. T. Rothrock Gerald F. Dittmer Elwood W. Moore P. F. Forrest J. D. Colvin, Jr. R. C. Andrews James Ponder Robert Iknet .loseph 0. Mintz Thomas L. Wi11is Jr Perry D. Poweil, Jr. . Norman E. Parks William Heyer Harrell Franks W. M. 5impson C. W. Shackleford Elmer E. Autrey L¢amond T. Langley Jurors for week beainninq ADril 17, 1961 - Civil Joe Abel M. H. Pegram H. C. 5tolter A. V. Saffo R. E. Brown W. E. Outlaw D. M. Holmes C. T. Rackley George L. Faulk G. L. Lomax D. W. Stewart W. P. Sammons L. C. Williams W. B. Smith Julius L. Tate Roy Tartt Donald Hockman Richard D. Maeon John R. Johnson Jr. Harry B. Register 1321 Chestnut St. 1303 S. 3rd St. RFD 1, City 310 Red Cross St. RFD 3, Box 414 334 Castle Hayne Rd. 1892 Ann St. P.O. Box 336 Wr3ghtsv Beach 17 Nesbitt Courts 17 Morningside Dr, RFD 2, Box 265 5328 Oleander Dr. 117 Meares St. Box 335 Carolina Beach 510 Sunset Ave. 101 Greenville Avc. 256 N. 26th St. 801 Murchison Bldg. '.Box 217 Wriohtsv.Beach 105 Heaton Ave. John Boswell Uander B. Long Leo Teachey J. C. Williams A. 0. Herring William P. Heath David Milier W. E. Burnett Frank J. Jones Roy Mizelle James W. Jam¢s John S. Cameron Edward Williams George A. Noore Jr. Daisy I. Dixon C. W.. Lassiter Jr. Robert L. f ergus John D. Doscher Leon Stephens Robert G. Davis Jr. 1 D Lake Uillage 3618 Wrightsville Ave. 203 Fioral Pkwy. 1710 Church St. 73 Spofford 14 Morningside Drive 31 Wayne Drive Wilmington, N. C. 102 Calhoun Dr.. 3 Queen St. 4503 oleander Dr. 221 Rutledge Dr. 1921 Chestnut, sox 523 4311 Lake St. 2920 Monroe St. 14 C. Lake Village 105 South 9th St. Kure Seach, N.C. 410 N. 13th St. RFD 3, Box 415 1920 Creasy Ave. 1620 Ann St. 3017 Monroe St. RFD 1, Box 280 14 W. Lake Shore Dr. 1312 Dock St,. Y. M. C. A. 4006 Park Ave. 510 Church St. 2935 E. Adams St. RFD 1, Box 175 909 s. sth St. 1115 Yaupon Drive RFD 1, Box 286 4602 Cedar Ave. RFD 1, Box 89 102 N. Blvd. 4105 Greenfield St. 1}917 Park Ave. 6 E. Oleandcr Apts. 404 s. 5tn st. 1708 Princess St. 2921 Monroe St. 247 Lake Forest Pkwy. continued- -A r ? ., 5 ?: ? P,,4? / 7:j' / 'Sin- Fv ./ Q's?"'c. / Minutes of the Meeting March 6, 1961 Continued JURORS - (Continued) Morris C. Weeks 603 Mercer Ave. Thomas L. Moore 4103 Oleander Dr. Clarenc e J. Stokley 6315 Oleander Dr. Stancil A. Woolard Jr. Box 576, Carolina Beach Ernest H. Smotherman Box 711 Carolina Beach Trevanion K. Meares Jr. 410 Narstellar St. Marvin P. Wilson Jr. 1251 Forest Hills Dr. L1oydJames Watson ' 3 Ct. H: Lake Village Jack W. Futrell 245 Whites Ave. William C. English Box 711, Carolina Beach Jurors for the week beqinninq Auril 2L, 1961- Civil G. W. Ott 411$ Market St. Robert M. Moore 214 N. 4th St. James T. West RFD 3, City W. J. Holland 1922 Ann St. E. J. Wood, Jr. 1815 Market St. O. J. Pierce RFD 1, Box 223 W. T. Hopkins 510 Princess St. H. F. Sherman 435 Castle Hayne Rd. L. A. Raney Raney Chevrolet Co. Wm. R. Franklin 510 Central Blvd. John I{elly, Jr. RFD 1, Box 58 O. Carl Jones 115 Pine Cone Rd. L. C. Allen, Jr. 2404 Princess St. Rd. Carl E. Taylor 2428 Mottroe St. P. C. Batten 2171 Henwood Ave. Hillman Gann 2?2fi Harrison St. S. B. Gibson Box 788 Robert G. Smith R D 2, Box 299 B. H. Smith, Jr. P.O. Box 1448 Jean A. Krueger 2015 Woolcott Ave. R. A. Keaton 1408 Church St. Robert Garrett 1021 S. 3rd St. Rudolph Gertz 11 Pinecrest Terrace David Baldr¢c 409 Wright St. M:`.C. Boyette RFD 2, Box 202 Edwin B. Josey 413 Orange St. Thomas F. Scruggs 4018 Wilshire Drive Paul E. Rowell 3908 Wrightsville Ave. John W. Fender 4201 Greenfield St. Wm. W. Glisson 240 N. 25th St. William D. Wright 206 Z Dock St. Arnold NeuwiFth 520 N. 3rd St. Oscar G. Rhodes 309 S. 2nd St. James S. Dowless 3721 S. Front St. M. T. Murray RFD 1, Box 462 Harold J. Jackson 172 Colonial Circle Albert T. Spencer 2714 Adams St. Robert B. Warwick 712 Country Club Road Bobby G. Daughtry 22 Morningside Dr. Raeford G. Trask RFD #1 City J. H. Clendenin 115 S. 17th St. Dcwitt T. Scott 116 Longleaf Dr. Odell O. O'Qu3nn 3101 Adams St. J. S. Williamson Sr. 4003 Oleander Drive Fred Willetts Jr. 707 Windsor Dr. Samuel M. Debouse 115 Wynnewood Earl James Tyree 1629 E. Plaza Drive Stephen Washington 910 N. 5th St. Robtrt"•M: Phi.ll.ips. ,$.P.Nor.ttti Lake..Village Thomas T. Bumgardner Sr. 2846 S. Front St. REPORTS AND LETTERS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: 1- Invitation to attend the Roland-Grise Junior High School Science Fair on the nighS of March 9th and lOth, 1961 to be held in their School Crymnasium. 2- Letter-from Samuel Hannaford & Sons, a national architectural firm who concentrate on hospitai planning and designing. 3- Letter from the U. S. Highway 17 Development and Improvement Assocfation. ? 4- New Hanover County Statement of Tax Collections from Sam W. Johnson, Tax Collector 5- Welfare recipients statistical changes. 6- Home Economics Agents Narrative Reports for February 1961. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to be brought up before the Board, Mr. Metts moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. J ?7?J;r? 1? . Houcft, Executive Seereta?jr Wilmington, N. C. March 20, 1961 ASSENIDLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. N. with the fol2owing members in attcndance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, Leon E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan, and John Uan B. Metts; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. L. Bame, Pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, to give a prayer of invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - In considering the minutes of March 6th, the County Attorney suggested that the wording in the paragraph headed "Loyal Order of the h'Ioose" in the last sentence be changed from "would be legally exempt" to "could properly be considered for exemption" and in the paragraph under "Airport Ground Transportation" the wording "County Attorney".be replaced by "Airport Committee" and insert atter the Hertz-Drive-Ur-Self System, IncorporSted "the , County Attorney advised that". After these amendments, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that they be approved as corrected. It was seconded by Mr. Mctts and unanimously adopted. FOXTOWN STREETS - p / A7r. H. Edmund Rogers informed the Board that he had acted as agent for much of the property sold in the Foxtown subdivision and the residents had asked him to represent them in seeking some improvements on their streets. The Chairman explained to him that the Board had.approved and recommended the additions in 1959 and that it was his understanding that they had been accepted by the State Highway Commission for maintenance in the 1960-61 Budget. fThe State Highway Cominission advises that the pro,ject is being held up because they are unable to secure right-of-way agreements from property owners who live out of town. ? continued- ?