1961-03-27 Board of E&Rr 658 I / G'v?- /? Minutes of the Meeting March 20, 1961 Continued ? BEACH EROSION CONTROL - (continued) to participate in the non-Federal funds required in Plan C for the Shoreline Protection Pro,ject as outlin¢d by the U. S. Corps of Engineers. It was seconded by Mr. iMetts and unanimously approved. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: 1- Farm Agent's Extension Report for February 1961 2- New Hanover County Airpor.t Reports of Disbursements and Income for February 1961 3- U.S.O. Club Report for February 1961. (}- Wilmingtori Public and Colored Library Reports for February 1961. ADJOURNMENT - As there was no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting ad,journed and then called them to order as a Board of Equalization and Review. // :cutive BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ?.??,,,?a?i ?/ The Board of Equalization and Review began its meetings on Monday, March 20, 1961 at 11:00 A. M., with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr. and L. E. Broadhurst. T. D. Love acted as Secretary to the Board. Members of the Board of Equalization and Review wer¢ sworn in by Mr. Fostcr Ed- wards, Clerk of Superior Court. The Board instructed Mr. Love to have a number of protestants to appear before the Board if they cared to do so on Monday, March 27 beginning at 9:00 A. M. in order that their protest might be heard. The meeting was adjourned until Monday 27th, at 9:00 A. M. T. D. Love, Secretary BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ? lAarch 27, 1961 The Board of Equalization and Review held their adjourned meeting on March 27, 1961 at 9:00 A.M. with the following members present: J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman Ernest R. Mayhan John Van B. Metts Peter H. Braak Leon E. Broadhurst Mr. Love acted as Secretary to the Board, read to the Board,Laws, and their duties outlining the conditions under which the valuation of property can be changed. The following protests were revi¢wed and the followiag decisions were made: Ernest David Horne Manson H. Hilburn Paul Ambrosiana Kina Stradford Nell H. Trask Henry M. Bremer John R. McLean Eunice A. Peck R. R. Stone R. R. Stone 517 so. 4tn sti., 612 So. 3rd St., 119 So. sth st. 712 So. Sth St. 8 Hydrangea P1. 8 Church St. 110 No. 12th St. 819 Princess St. 625 So. 2nd St. 505 Campbell St. Lee Omie Cumber Ransom Johnson William Rosemann Helen Vereen Anthony Saffo Thelma Formyduval' Jas. Milton Morris R. R. Stone R. R. Stone R. R. Stone 202 Nun Street 19 Kenwood Ave. 12 so. 5th st. 202 Central Blvd. 412 No. 3rd St. 402 No. lsth St. 904 Princess St. 506 So. 2nd St. 121 So. 6th St., 507 Campbell St. These properties were found to be equitably assessed as compared with similar properties in the County, and as the Law did not permit any changes to be made, the protests were declined. R. R. Stone, 602 South Front Street - This piece of property was examined?the Board cut the plus 15% due to being a multi-family dwelling to 10% as the property was found to be inequitably assessed as compared wfth similar property in the County. R. R. Stone, 401 South 6th Street - The plus 40% factor on same was ordered reduced to 2$% as this property was found inequitably assessed as compared to similar property. R. R. Stone, 709 South 8th Street - This was commercial property and an additional 15% depreciation was ordered due to thc fact that it was vaeant and had a consideraIDle amount of storm damage. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 616 Chestnut Street - An additional 10% depreciation was ordered to be credited to this item due to vandalism and general condition of the property. Thelma C. Formyduval, Block 24 Summer Hill - South Front Street - The land value on this pro- perty was to be reduced by $625.00 due to the Highway having taken a certain amount of the depth of this property. , n r / l , ?C gl Ninutes of thc Board of Equalization & Review March 2¢, 1961 Continued Ralph V. Shipton, 310 Wriohtsville Avenue - The plus factor of 15% on this property was to be reduced to 5% as it was found that the property was inequitably assessed compared with property in'the vicinity. . Dr. J. D. Freeman - Rear Lot Forest Hills - The assessment on this property was reduced from $2,600 to $600. The assessment was found to be out of line with similar property and , this deduction was made to make an equitable assessment. The Cooperative Savings & Loan Association - Old Noose Lodge Building - Block 192. This pro- perty has been vacant for quite awhile and a 15% depreciation was allowed duc to vacancy and 5% additional functional depreciation was allowed. A number of additional pieces of property were reviewed and decisions were to be reached at the next meeting. _ There being no'further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 P.M., until April 4th at 11:00, and the 5ecretary was instructed to have additional protestants to appear before the Board at that time. /S/ T. D. Love, Secretary Wilmington, N. C. April 4, 1961 CALL TO ORDER The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held today at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, k. E. Broadhurst, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., CounLy Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The meeting was opened with a prayer by Reverend R. K. Johnson, Pastor of West- minster Presbyterian Church. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of Narch 20th, 1961 were approved unanimously as written. HOSPITAL FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT - Chairman Ha21 reported to the Board that he had received many telephone calls favoring the report of the Hospitai Finance Committee recommending a bond issne immediately. He read letters from five different organizations urging a referendum on this issue. He had one telegram from the Mental Health Association strongly recommending early action on the recommendation. After discussing the various aspects of the problem, Mr. Metts moved that the Board approve an election on the hospital issue at the ¢arliest possible date which he understands to be July 11, 1961. There was no second to this motion and therefore it was declared dead. Mr. Broadhurst moved that no special election be callcd for this purpose unless an emergency arises but that it be voted on 9t the next regular election if the Com- mittee requested it. This motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan. The weight of the discussion among the Commissioners seemed to revolve around the cost of the election which was various- ly estimated at between $8,000 and $12,000. Mr. McKim, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, then asked if the citisens of the County contributed funds to pay for the election would the Commissioners be willing to call for the referendum. Mr. Metts then offered a substitute motion that if private citi2ens donated sufficient money for the cost of the election prior to June 10, 1961 the question be put before the people on July llth but if they failed then the matter be presented to the people at the first election of any type held. The Chairman vacated his chair and seconded this subst,itute motion. After considerable discussion, the ballot was calltd on the substitute motion and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak, Broadhurst and Nayhan voted "NO't and Messrs. Hall and Metts voted "YES". The Chairman then put the question on the original motion and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak, Broad- hurst and Mayhan voted "YES" and Messrs. Hail and Metts voted "NO". The Chairman ruled the original motion prevailed. Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, a private citizen, rcmarked that he did not think now is the right time to call for-an election on this matter. Reverend R. K. Johnson expressed the opinion that the Conanissioners should set a"go forward" policy, as New Hanover County had the reputation of being backward looking. DEPOSITORY - ? Tht Chairman read a letter from the First Natfonal Bank requesting that it be ? certified as a depository for County funds. The County Attorney drew the following Resolu- tion which was introduced by Mr. Braak who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Wilmington, North Carolina has requested that it be designated as an official depository for public moneys and WHEREAS, under the North Carolina General Statutcs, Chaptcr 153, Section 135, this must be accomplished by a recordcd resolution; NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT'`RESOLVED that the First National Bank, Wilmington, North Carolina be, and thc same fs designated as an official depository for public moneys of New Hanover County and that a copy hereof be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds. This the la.th day of Aprii, 1961. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. L -A