1961-05-01 Regular Meeting??? a'? Minutes of the Meeting April 17, 1961 Continued WELFARE LIEN - (continued) to his eight children who are willing to give Mary Jackson a deed for their one-half interest in the property. They request cancellation of the lien insofar as this partlcular property is concerned because of the failure of the Sheriff's office to ascer- tain that Isaiah David Jackson was a resident of the County when the summons was issued. ??:,,,?,,,??? After a brief discussion in which the County Attorney recommended the release of this tax C lien, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County Attorney be authorized to draw the proper document for cancellation and have the lien cancelled. It was stconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. FAT STOCK SHOW AND SALE - Mr. P. M. Camak, General Nanager of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce inform- ed the Board that the Annual Fat Stock Show and Sale was scheduled for the 19th and 20th of April and invited each of the Commissioners to participate in the event as well as attend the banquet to be held Wednesday evening at the Armory on South Front Street. The Chairman urged any of the Board who could to attend this important show and sale. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board u nimously a;journed. ? ,'Executive'Secretary Wilmington, N. C. May 1, 1961 CALL Tb ORDER The regular semimonthly meeting of the Yiew Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held today at 9:00 A. M. with the following members in attendance: Chairman - J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, Er:nest R. Mayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOCATION - The meeting was opened with a prayer by Reverend H. A. Elebash, Pastor of St. Johnfs Episcopal Church. <<?- APPROVAL OF TI-IE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeti'ng were unanimously approved as written. NATIONAL HOME DENtONSTRATION WEEK Miss Verna Belle Lowery, the County Homt Economics Agent, accompanied by the ? president of the County Council and the presidents of each of the Home Demonstration Clubs in the County presented a Proclamation for approval by the Board urging New Hanover County , to join the State and IVation in the observance of National Home Demonstration Week during the period April 30th-May 6th, 1961. Miss Lowery introduced each of those present who were welcomed by Chairman Hall. After explaining that the scope of the activities of Home Demonstration Clubs has been broadened to encourage and assist people to build better lives through increased knowledge and a more productive application of our abundant human and natural resources, Mr. Metts offered a motion that this proclamation be approved in its basic ob,jective and that Lhe Chairman be authorized to sign the document. It was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. INSURANCE SURVEY Mr. Hardy Wessell, representing the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents presented an Insurance Analysis for New Hanover County prepar¢d as authorized by action of the Board on January 16, 1961. The Chairman accepted the report and thanked Mr. Wes- sell for his diligence in its preparation. He considered the details too voluminous for d3scussion at this meeting and appointed MessTS. Metts, Mayhan and'Tillery as a Committee to study the report and make recommendations back to the Board at their convenienc¢. RESOLUTIONS - HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE ?_L? , Dr. Frank R. Reynolds read and presented a letter from the New Hanover County Medical Society expressing their conviction that this community is in urgent need of new hospital facilities, pledging their cooperation in any way and urging the Commissioners to no longer delay taking the first»step to obtain such hospital facilities by holding an election for the issuance of bonds. Mr. Michael C. Brown, president of the Chamber of Commerce, presented their position regarding the question of modern hospital facilities and the expediency of get- ting the matter properly beforc the voters. After reiterating their stand with refer- ence to favorable action on new hospital facilities, they wanted to he on record request- ing that "the hospital question be placed before the voters of New Hanover County this summe0in keeping with the recommendations of the Citizens Committee of 70 recently appointed and heard by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Herbert P. McRim, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Mr. Harry M. Solomon, Chairman of the Citizens Committee of 70'made a presentation of additional facts covering information gathered through telephone and newspaper polls favoring an early vote on the hospital 3ssue this summer. They stated that they represented a group of 200 persons, white and negro, who are interested in better hospital facilities for all the people of the County. He had in hand a petition signed by more than 5,000 voters recommending that a hospital be erected for the benefit of the citi2ens of this County. They recommended, for immediate action by the Board of Commissioners, the following: ment (1) The immediate appoint/ of a board oP trustees for the proposed hospital. (2) The reconsideration of the action taken on April 6, 1961 (3) The call for an election on July 25, 1961 on th¢ question of the issuance of of bonds for the construction of hospital facilities for all the citizens of New Hanover County. /_ continued- cc? n a.•'?n ?T)? Minutes of the Meeting May 1, 1961 Continued - RESOLUTIONS - HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE In the discussion which followed, Mr. Metts expressed his opinion that quite a bit of consideration should be given the request of more than 5,000 citizens to allow the people themselves to decide the question of a new hospital and that 1t shouid not be decided by five men on the Board. The Chairman thanked all of the representatives for making their views known and expressed his opinion that renewed consideration should be given by the Board to insure allowing the people to vote on the question but not necessar- ily how they would vote. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that an interim Board of Trustees be appointed within a week and that it be inter-racial, to get as much information as possible on a site, operation, planning, and other problems in connectioii eaith the building of the hospital and that this Board of Trustees report back by June 19, 1961 for consideration and action and that another vote be taken on the quesLion of having a bond election by July 25th, 1961 for the purpose of issuing bonds for a new hospital. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, that this question be taken under advisement. When the question aaas calied on the motion, there were no dissenting votes, therefore the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. Dr. D'ottaid B. Koonce expressed his opinion that it was every citizenfs duty )to voice his feelings and opinions with reference to pubiic issues and that the wording in one of the petitions was one of persuasion rather than of force.. - CAB-PIEDMONT LtNES r Pursuant to authority issued at the meeting on Aprii 4th, beeause of his pre- ? vious experiences as Chief of the Enforcement Division of CAB, Attorn¢y Oliver Carter was chosen to prepare and file the brief before the CAB. Mr. Carter reported that he had com- pleted preparing a brief to the Civil Aeronautics Board in the matter of locaT service bf Pi'edm6nt'Air'1#'ric6 'in oppoSitti'ori tC•ezc.eptions to _the Esaminer!,s 'iriitiiai decision. He is prepared to appear before the CAB in Washington on behalf of New Hanover County seeking the continuation of their direct service to Bluethenthal Field and extend it to Florence, S. C. and Atlanta, Ga. from Washington, D. C. CAB-National Airlines - After the above report, Mr. Carter informed the Board that he had ,just received an application of the Nationai Airlines, Incorporated for an order authorizingtemporary suspension of service at Wilmington. In additon to the above, he had received a copy of a motion for a contemporaneous decision in this matter with the Piedmont Local Seruice Area Investigation and suggested that this would interrupt direct one-piane, one-stop, long haul service between Wilmington, Norfolk and Alewport News, as we21 as Savannah, Georgia. He suggcsted that some action should be taken in an attesnpt to forestall the interruption of this servicc. After a brief decision, Mr. Broadhurst offer- ed a motion that this matter be turned over to tht Airport Committee to employ an attorney to present this cause and negotiate his fee not to exceed $500.00. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ? Apnropriation - Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak that G-n-?- $500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Attorney Fees in order to take care of this expense. It was unanimously approved by the Board. WELFARE BUDGET - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, submitted her Budget Estimates for Assistance for 1961-62 fiscal year. She stated that these estimates must be submitted to the State Board of Allotments and Appeal in accordance with the Generai Stat- utes. She'was pleased to find that in some of the categories, the recipients had decreased, resulting in a proportionate declin¢ in subsistence requirements. Mr. Braak offered a mo- tion that the estimates be approved and signed. It was seeonded by Nr. Mayhan and unani- mously adopted. RECESS - Chairman Hall declared a recess at 10:30 in order for the Commissioners to attcnd the funeral of Mr. Walter Duval Bass, a County employee. RECONVIIVTION - The Board reconvened their meeting in full session at 11:30 A. M. ? ROAD PETITIONS Petitions for the addition of Blossom Street Extension and the oid Ferry Road r?y» to the State maintained Secondary Road System and a request for hard surfacing a short north westerly section of road #1341 were considered and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr., Metts, unanimously approved for transmittal to the State Highway Commiss- ion for their attention. FORECLOSED PROPERTY - `'. I/ The following ,jointly owned tax foreclosed pieces of property have been apprais- ed as shown below by the County Property Assessors: Description Appraised Value Block #31?9 Lot, Pts 4 30' x 75' 90' frm NW corner 7th d Taylor $270.00 'I ' Pts 3& 4 30' x 75, 1201 frm SlJ corner 7th & Taylor 270.00 " 268 Pt J Lot 5 33' X821 33' along 8th 8 82P on Hanover 375.00 Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, unanimous approval was given to the sale of this property at the appraised valuations, subject to the approval of the City. BEER PERMITS - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the following applfcations for Beer Permits were unanimously referred to the Sheriff for investigation and considera- tion: Mrs. Thelma Henderson Brittain T/A Yachte2 Dinet P.O. Box 163, Wrightsville Beach Bobby Lloyd Cathey &) T/A Middle of the Island Carolina Beach, N. C. lili 11 iam E. Fox ) Ivon F. James T/A Middle of the Island Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Harry E. Moffitt T/A Jessie James Bar 8 Grill Carolina Beach, N. C. Mrs. Pauline J. Ragin T/A Ragints 5nack Bar 5eabre¢ze, Wilmington, N. C. (re,jected) L_ Minntes of the Meetirig Ylay 1, 1961 Continued STRFE1'NAME - A letter was received from W. J. R. Strickland requesting an offieial name for the extension of North 23rd St. from the City limits to its intersection with US 117 so that the Post Office can assign numbers to any construction. Mr. Broadhurst offered a mot3on that it be named North 23rd Street from tht City limits to the intersection of US 117. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. ?-- RECORDS, MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION ¢1? A letter was received from the State Department of Archives and History request- ing an expression about SB 210 and HB 501 clarifying tYe authority of the State Department of Archives and History in conducting a Records, Management and Preservation Program. It will establish "standards, procedures and techniques and recommend improvements in the present practise of the use.of°space, equipment and security of public records which are essential to the operation of government and the rfyhts and interests of its citizens." Nothing in the Bill may be interpreted to require any County official to carry out such recommendations as it is on a permissive basis only. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the proposed legislation be approved provided it would not eost New Hanover County any mon¢y. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and nnanimously adopted. BACK TAX COMPLA3NT - Attorney Woodus Kellum representing and accompanied by Mr. J. N. Bryant, inform- ed the Board that he was appearing on a begging expedition. He reported that the County, through its tax office, was properly bringing suit against Mr. Bryant for back taxes. The question involves values of some of his properties amounting to approximately $53,000 in 1957 and prior, and $3J4,000 since 1958. He is ready and wiliing to pay all back taxes based on the present valuation which would save him about $1$12.90. The Chairman explain- ed that the Board would be happy to make any legal ad,justment within its power although the question.of valuations should have been submitted before the Board of Equalization and Review. He then requested an opimion from the County Attorney who read GS Chapter 105-43 in which it is expressly forbidden for any governing body to release, discharge, remit, or commute any portion of the taxes assessed for any reason whatever. Mr. Hellum then ex- plained that this body was the only open Board for any and all taxpayers to seek redress. Mr. Bryant said he hesitated to go over the heads of the Commissioners to the Courts for re2lef in this claim.• Once again, th¢ Chairman explained that each of the Commissioners wouid gladiy do anything legally to help him but did not feel that he even would ask them to commit an illegal act. No further action was taken on this matter. DUES - APPROPRIATION ' - The Executive Secretary explained that last year the Board had approved member- ship in the National Rivers and Harbors Congress. The dues amount to $100:00 per year. In 1960, the dues were paid in August but since they operate on a calendar year basis,' it is again time to pay dues for 1961. As both the Cape Fear River and the North East Cape Fear River pro,jects both are scheduled for review at the next meeting of this body on May 24th, Mr. Braak offered a motion that membership be approved and that an appropria- tion of $100.00 be made from the Genera2 Emeraency Fund to Dues and 5ubscriptions. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously adopted. . •• LEGISTRATIUE PROPOSALS A letter was received from Representative Robert E. Calder calling attention to a recent discussion concern3ng the following Bills for introduction at the General Assem- b 1 y: .- . (1) Authorizing the Board of County Commissioners to set the premiums charged by bail bondsmen up to ten percent of the face amount of the bond;. (2) Add fifty cents to the court costs in all civil and criminal cases.to be used as a fnnd for courtroom upkeep and renovatinn. (3) Change the language in the Statute relating to voluntary commitments from "county home" to county farm" and if you wish a provision in the-Act that those able to pay shall pay $75.00 or som¢ other sum. After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts offered a motion that the County Attorney be authorized and instructed to draw a Resolution for introduction by Mr. Caider, copies of which are to ? be included in the minutes to cover the above legislation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak t, and unanimously adopted. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME - A letter was received from Representative Robert E. Calder requesting an express- ion from the Board about its feelings on HB 528 which has been introduced and will establish day ight saving time in the whole State of North Carolina from 2:00 A. M. on the last Sun- day?ntil 2:00 A. M. on the last Sunday of October of each year. Upon motibn of Mr. Metts, secdnd¢d by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved such legislation so long as it is on a State-wide basis. * qWamsk*ffa?awwwAwA*4" of each April FARM PRISON TELEPHONE Mr. Braak suggested that consideration be given to the installation of a trunk line telephone to the office and guard house of the farm prison. At present, the phone is connected on a party line with three extensions which makes it extremely difficult and inconvenient for business with the Sheriff's office and the Courts with reference to the prisoners. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to have another phone installed. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. SALINE WATER CONVERSION SITE Rti,aoN ?"'rr?• ? C'f3e- The Chairman reminded the Board that he was continuing his negotiation with the Shore Acres Company for option on an additionai 65 acres ad,jacent to the present site of the proposed Saline Water Conversion Pilot Plant as requested by the State Department of Water Resources for the purpose of possible expansion of that facility in the near future. AUDITOR'S QUARTERLY REPORT - -7 L?,/ County Auditor T. D. Lovc submitted his quarterly report which revealed that ?? 83% of the total estimated revenues ha d been received and stated that the expenditures were well in line with the appropriations excepL for a few transfers and ad,justments which he presented for-lapprovai. The Board,by common consent, agreed to dispense with any action ? / continued- - -A e ? Minutes of the Meeting May 1, 1961 Continued AUDITOR'S QUARTERLY REPORT - (continued) today but requested him to present it again at the next meeting?consideration. Tax collections amount to 90% of the levy. COPM7UNITY HOSPITAL - Mr. Love reported as a member of thc Board of Directors and the Finance Com- mittee of Community Hospital and stated that it had taken in more money than anticipated as a result of more patients which of course meant an inePease in expenses, especially in the drug account. He estimates that they will need an appropriation of approximately ? $10,000 which should be made out of earned funds in tax money as it is ineome rcceived from paying patients. After discussing the sub,ject briefly, Mr. Metts offered a motion that an appropriation of $10,000 be made from their Anticipated Revenues from the opera- tion of the hospital to cover their needs as outlined by Mr. Love. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT - The Chairman informed the Board that he had received a notice from the office of thc Governor announcing the Southeastcrn North Carolina Industrial Development Confer- ? ence to be held in Clinton May 3rd and issuing a special invitation for them to attend this, important event. He expressed his opinion that it would be of real value of all those who are working toward economic development of thls section of our State. He urged any and all of the Commissioners to attend. RESOLUTION - Secretary of State Thad Eure, sent Resolution #32 from the General Asscmbly of 1961, expressing appreciaLion for the hospitality shown to its members during the Azalea Festival. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was authorized and in- structed to have this document framed. US HIGHWAY # 17 DEUELOPMENT - A letter was received from the Chairman of the United States Highway 17 Develop- ?r"rld ment and Improvement Association inclosing a mastcr plan of improvements requircd on US # 17 to be presenLtd before the State Highway Commissian £n Raleigh. He requested as much sup- port from this area by as large delegations as possible as this is considered of major im- portance to serve the tourist economy in Southeastern North Carolina. / WILMINGTON COLLEGE BUDGET - A letter was received from the Chairman of the Finance Committec of the Board of Trustees of Wilmington College inclosing their proposed Budget for 1961-62 and request- ed early considerations at Budget time. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the letter and file for review and con- sideration during the discussions. NOTICES - The Junior Chamber of Commerce extended an invitatlon to their annual Banquet to be held at 6:30 P. M. in the Marina Restaurant on Friday, May sth. ? The Music Consultant of the New Hanover County Schools invited the $oard to attend a children's concert of the North Carolina Symphony to be held in Brogden Hall at 10:00 A. M. May 8th. BONDS AND COUPONS - V°°?• The following New Hattover County bonds and coupons paid and reconciled for the year 1959-60 wer¢ presented to the Board for burning: Bonds paid $226,000.00 Coupons paid 140,840.00 $366,840.00 Mr. Metts moved that the Commissioners retire to the furnace room of the Court House and witness the burning of these bonds and coupons. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and thereupon all members of the Board, accompanied by the Executive Secrctary, witnessed the burning„ after which the Board ad,journed their meeting for the day. W. G. Houck, -xv-dutive Secretary ASSF.MBLY Wilmington, N. C. May 15, 1961 - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held today at 9000 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with the follow- ing members in attendance: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, Ernest R. Mayhan and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorniy,L:' Bradford Tillery. ' INVOCATION - The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman John Van B. Metts, Jr. who pre- sided over the session until the arrival of Mr. Hall, who had been temporarily detained. The invocation was given by Dr, B. Frank Hall, pastor of Pearsall Memorial Church. APPROUAL OF THE MINUTES - ' Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved. WELFARE - Clerical Heln - Mrs. Helen B. Sne¢den, 5uperintendent of Public Welfare, inform- td_ the Board that because of the additional duties required for sereening indigents to de- 1 ' / continued- `